Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: 8th Ward, Tea Lounge
Tag: @Fathomless @Old Amsterdam

“No, thank you. I become quite cranky without my coffee in the morning.”

Naosada went back to eyeing his reflection in his cup. The tea shop was steadily growing brighter with soft sunlight. Even still, despite the kind beauty in the store, he could feel the lurking darkness of conflict. There was a tension in the air, he thought. Had he accidentally allowed some bloodlust to slip? he doubted it. Perhaps these Doves were on high alert. Was this ward likewise on the verge of war?

He lifted his head purposely, glancing down at his fine clothes. “Oh, these?” he questioned. “These are actually old. Far too old for me remember where I obtained them from.” He looked over his shoulder at the Dove, his warm eyes falling onto the briefcase for a split-moment. “What of you? Are you a businessman who also ran out of coffee at home?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fathomless
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Tea Lounge

The face of the business card displayed a blue jay, painted an appealing blue and white, against rosy flowers and lively cattails; the other side detailed the Tea Lounge's address and phone number in a rustic font not unlike the curlicue-calligraphy Mikio used on the chalkboard stand outside. He slid the laminated card across the marmoreal countertop to Rose. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, sir. I'll get that coffee ready for you right now." Mikio took the two cups and saucer and set them in the sink behind him. He then poured some of the fresh coffee, with billows of steam mushrooming from the pot, into a disposable cardboard cup. Fitting the cup with a plastic lid and a sleeve to keep the heat from burning the man's hand, Mikio handed the steaming beverage to Rose.

As Mikio held out the coffee, his eyes gravitated to his left slightly, eyeing the back of the seated man's head. He had only seemed to be staring reflectively at his coffee--even Mikio did that--but the Dove looming above him continued to press forward questions with an almost incriminating tone. He held his breath; never the confrontational type, Mikio swallowed what words he dared try to speak. Instead his eyes darted back to the sky-eyed man standing across the counter from him, and he gave a slight smile.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rose and Decker


Rose smiled as he paid for their bills, glancing behind him at his partner.

Decker chuckled at the question posed to him. "Coffee is best from another. You get to feel a piece of themselves, a chance to grow from taking in that sweet scent and taste that comes from another. Like sharing memories, but so much more poetic," he replied easily.

With a slight bow to Mikio, the two left the Tea Lounge.

Once they were several blocks away, Rose spoke.

"You think he was a Ghoul." It was a statement.

"I think he has something to hide," Decker replied quietly. "Did you hear the original statement?"

Rose left that hang in the air for a moment. "What are we gonna do?"

"Nothing, for now. But I've got my eye on him."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Travis walked into the local park, the bright green grass was moving slightly in the wind as if it were water. The footpath that led through was very clean aside form the occasional bird dropping but that couldn't be avoided. Eventually Travis found himself a nice park bench to sit back on, he could use some fresh air to clear his head. Plus he might spot some cute joggers if he was luck, Jesus I'm a virgin... he thought realising he was honestly thinking about sexy joggers after just joining a cult, was it a cult? It didn't matter what it was it was going to put him in deep. Just what he was getting deep in was unsure at this moment but he was clearly headed for conflict. Something he would have to prepare for. Travis then looked up at the sky watching the clouds drift slowly across the sky.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago



It still surprised him that people thought they were free. But he found they weren’t living much differently. All in their little surreal cages some way or another. In some fashion or another they were all living in murky water barely hear the voices of ominous masterminds that had their fate all planned.

Freedom seemed like such a fleeting concept didn’t it? Near to existence. Everyone in this world was imprisoned somehow. Humans were imprisoned by the presence of Ghouls scared to know what death was like, how could he blame them for such a fear? It was a common fear, to be afraid of death. Ghouls were imprisoned by the Doves because they feared what the Humans feared.

They were fighting all the same fear. The fear of death. The fear of annihilation. So was he. He was escaping that too. The fear of annihilation. The fear of being controlled by someone telling him what to do with his own existence that he seemed to exert some kind of will over. If he had these thoughts and these considerations then he was not a puppet.

Yet he felt like one. A puppet on strings. Like all of this was planned. Like all of this was meant to test him. Guess he supposed this is what it felt like to believe in an existence of God. But God was real. Or at least he somewhat believed that a God existed.

His life may not be his very own life for too long. That’s the thought that scared him the most. That his very own life wasn’t going to be his very own for long. Still Humans have these funny little phrases like, take the time to smell the flowers. So he took time to feel the petals of the flowers in little potted plants outside of little shops.

All of this seemed like a meaningless existence? Didn’t it? Humans in their little pens and didn’t seem to think of themselves like herd animals. But they lived in packs. Defined their own existence with whom they shared their time and existence with. Whom they loved.

To fear slaughter as they were corralled into darkness. It wasn’t comforting morning thoughts, but they were thoughts that consumed him. Thoughts that consumed him when he walked through crowded streets. A stranger lost to the same stimulations and rhythms that drove existence. He didn’t hear the same voice or the same call to God that they did.

Meandering through the streets until he wandered off into a park. It felt like a whole different meaning of life here. It was more quiet. People paced with a different pulse of life. Grass would brush like green sea waves and the sound of the trees felt different. It didn’t feel near as restless, as chaotic, or as fearful here as it did in the crowded streets.

As people pushed and shoved elbow to elbow. Nervous of every stranger. Only worried about one thing and one thing only. Work. Selfishly pooling themselves along a string of life that is not their own. Here it felt like things were more balanced. Or it felt more balanced.

Maybe it was less noise for him. Less stimulation that made it seem that way. He bent down to pick up leaves. He liked the different shapes. A careful hand must have crafted these. A careful hand must have looked at these with a genuine eye of honesty. Not all the different Gods each Human spoke to had to be as cruel as the God he knew. Something beautiful must have made these beautiful leaves exist.

As he continued collecting different leaves that he liked to place in a scrapbook. He was too busy with their colors. Their fine veins in the sunlight. Their careful, elegant stems. Their colors of different greens, from the darkest bottom to the lightest tip, that he tripped over a pair of legs.

“Wo-aah,” he landed on the dirt hard enough, to look at dress shoes. Nice dress shoes. He could only feel a slight irritation with someone who would have their feet so wide out that someone would trip over them. Instead he simply looked up and smiled gingerly, “Oww.” he laughed nervously, “Sorry about that. I didn’t look very well.” Fucker.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Travis' mind drifted with the clouds his feet edged out a little into the footpath. He was just trying to fathom the shit he'd gotten himself into, tho to be fair it had not gotten bad yet. And just because Alice was One eye didn't mean she was bad, but it did make her bloody dangerous. He sort of wondered why she hadn't already taken action, well her plan was to get a group of people together. And being powerful doesn't make that happen, well it can but Alice's goals didn't align with that kind of abuse of power. She took a deep breath still looking straight up at the clouds, he felt he neck was probably going to hate him in an hour but the view was worth it.

His peace was interrupted as he felt something collide with his legs, it sorta hurt, it was more annoying then anything else. He lifted his head back into it's proper position to look at what caused the disturbance. It was some pretty boy, at least he thought it was a boy. When the kid spoke he got conformation of the gender. "Ah sorry kid, I had no idea how far out my legs were. Sorry about that." He could smell ghoul on this kid as he went to help him up. He looked around to see if this kid had any worried parents looking for him "You here on you own kid?" Jesus I sound like a paedophile... he then set his gaze back on the kid. "Oh the name is Travis by the way. I wouldn't want to be a stranger." I don't know if that makes me sound less creepy. Hope it does.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


As Travis, as he called himself, helped him up he listened to what he had to say. Travis smelled like a Ghoul despite looking ordinary. Kid? Fucking asshole. He wasn’t a kid. He continued to look at Travis with a smile.

“Oh no worries,” Kristian told him, “It can be both our faults.” He gave a soft laugh and dusted himself off. He should probably give him his name. He didn’t want to. Travis was relaxing too far out, and now he had to be cordial with him.

“I’m Kristian,” he said sticking out his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Travis. Enjoying the park?” He was scanning Travis. He seemed too average to be a ghoul. Wondered how tough he was. It always seemed like the weak average ones were more powerful than the ones that looked tough.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Travis shook the kids hand and cracking a smile no doubt the kid had smelt him and found out he was a ghoul as well. "Pleasure to meet you to Kristian. And yeah the park is rather nice today... What brings you here if you don't mind me asking? I'm here to burn time and.... Reconsider my life choices..." Travis knew he was probably saying too much but he couldn't help it. The less questions people asked him the better, if was open about thing stuff then they hopefully wouldn't bother to think about the stuff he told them. Travis took a seat on the bench again, this conversion was kinda welcome it occupied his thoughts for a bit so that was nice. He didn't want to think about Bird cage at the moment. He'd have to go back there at 5 anyway so he could worry about it then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Reconsider his life choices? He wondered if one of them was being less chipper this early in the morning. Still Kristian lifted up a leaf after he sat down. He cocked his head to the side, letting his white hair brush across his shoulder and he gave a wide grin.

“Collecting leaves,” he told Travis, “I like their design.” he said lifting the leaf away from Travis face and towards the sky, “Their delicate design. Makes you consider the existence of God.” He scrunches his face up and then stares at Travis.

He nervously spins the leaf around in his hand. It’s delicate star shaped spinning at the stem like nature’s ballerina in those music boxes. He could remember a faint tune he once heard when he was small, muddled by the sounds of nothing.

“Do you believe in God Travis?” Kristian asked him, “It seems like everyone has their own interpretations. I am curious. Maybe because that’s what I was thinking about when I was walking and looking at the leaves. I just said that.” He gave a meek and nervous laugh. Trying to shy away from being gazed at. Swinging his legs a little as they dangled just above the edge of the bench and over the soil.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Travis looked at the kid Collecting leaves? that's pretty weird but I guess everyone gotta find something to do. then the kid brought up god and what not. Travis personally didn't care for that sort of thing but he didn't judge people who did. Then the kid asked him if he believed in god, he really wasn't happy about that question being asked. He had enough to think about, but he thought for a moment then looked over at the obviously nervous kid, he let out a sigh then looked forward again. "Personally I don't believe in god. I mean leaves are beautiful don't get me wrong. But-." Travis stopped and looked around to see if there were any possible ease droppers after confirming there were none he looked back at Kristian now speaking in a hushed tone. "But if god does exist, then why the hell did he make us? Ghouls?... He made us hunger for the flesh of humans, but he didn't remove our capacity to feel love and sympathy towards them. If that is the kind of shit god gets off to, then we're fucked..." Travis realised he was talking about some pretty heavy shit, probably not suitable for a kid. He slapped his forehead and sighed. "No... I don't believe in god." he said simply wishing he'd not been so careless with his words.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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Bisuto Ketsu

@Old Amsterdam

'But reasonable amounts of confidence are perfectly reasonable, I feel,' Ketsu responded - and confident he was, all things considered. 'Nobody in this room is or was exactly an underachiever, and we both roughly know one another's skill in battle and investigation.' Having said that, he quieted down to let Seto discuss what they'd be doing, which involved meeting up with an Associate Special Class Investigator, Merriam Graye.

'Let us hope she does,' he replied after a moment of consideration. 'And perhaps she'd also be able to contribute to taking the ghoul down, to boot? If we're so concerned about our own ability to do so, after all. Aheh.' Another quirked grin split his face briefly, before sliding into a thoughtful frown. Random attack locations, in his mind, meant one thing: the ghoul was smart enough not to fall for the typical serial killer trap. Many human serial killers, and indeed many ghouls, were compelled to hunt in specific locations, either to try and emulate their first taste of blood or simply because they knew the location; yet this same behaviour made it easier to track their patterns, and ultimately to hunt them down in turn. Those who didn't were often far harder to figure out, so a starting point would certainly be appreciated.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


He slowly brought the leaf down and listened to Travis without really looking at him or saying anything at first. It was a typical response that anyone would give about their views of God. The inflection in Travis’ voice made him sound apprehensive about the subject.

Then again he did open the floodgates for a heavy topic. Yet he saw no need to go through all the cordial hoops and loops of conversations. How’s the weather, what are you into, it was all just bullshit to make you seem like you cared about another person. But nine times out of ten people cared about themselves. What they were going to say next, what they were going to respond with next, etc.

He watched people. Wait for their chance to speak again. The desire to speak again. The desire to sound clever, likeable. But they refused to talk about the things they really should talk about. Instead they argued about who was right and wrong. Fixing the blame, not providing solutions and fixing the actual problem.

“God is Human,” Kristian told Travis, “Designed by Humans. With Human flaws and mistakes. It’s why he designs chaos and why he designs beauty. But that’s my take on it.” Kristian smiled looking at Travis with a gentle expression.

“So, Travis, what do you like to do after the park?” Kristian swings his legs back and forth a little, “I don’t have very many friends here in Japan. I just came here more recently. Few months ago. And I like the idea that we can become friends.”

He looks away nervously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: 8th Ward, Tea Lounge
Tag: @Fathomless @Old Amsterdam

Naosada smiled cordially. “Indeed it is.” he agreed.

At first he had been dumbfounded, if not shaken by the sudden outward expression. The Dove who only moments earlier was dripping with accusation was sudden smiling and speaking so elegantly that Naosada had been moments away from taking the boy hostage.

It was good that they had seriously left, cause he didn’t really enjoy stooping to such tactics.

He stayed at the island. The tension in the air had cleared up, leaving him with a good amount of sunshine and coffee to soak up. Naosada pursed his lip and blew on the steam that raised from the cup. Then he took another deep gulp of it.

It was just as good the second time.

“Excuse me,” he called as loud as his gentle voice needed. “Are the Doves always like that?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Travis was impressed with what Kristian said nodding slightly. "That's. Profound. And I guess kinda true. Man did make god. You got a head on your shoulders kid, I'll give you that." this kid had seen some shit that's for sure, or he was a nutter. Either way his mind had drifted away from his worries and he'd not even noticed. This kid was also on alert despite his pretty boy face this kid was actually pretty mature. This kinda pissed of Travis low key, this kid gets the good looks and the brains. Travis let out a quiet sigh of relief as Kristian changed the subject. "What do I like the park? I guess it's just nice to be outside sometimes get away from the concrete jungle you know? I would ask you what you like about the park but you've already told me that." Travis smiled back at Kristian. Eh this kid is alright.

He then rubbed his chin as Kristian shy'd away after asking if they could be friends. Travis shrugged not seeing the harm in befriending him long as he was as he appeared. Tho Travis knew better then to judge a book by its cover. "I don't see why not. Consider us friends... Tho I am curious, where are your parents? Or is that a touchy subject you'd prefer to avoid?" Travis asked gently, he knew the kid had seen shit and dealt with it but that didn't mean he was free from sadness.

Travis would go to put a hand on Kristian's shoulder.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Seto chuckled slightly. The kid really was something else.

He moved towards the door, holding it open for the Junior Investigator to follow.

"We're going back to the first scene I'm hoping something might have been left behind," he said once they were in the lobby, passing through the RC Gates.

As they exited the building, Seto continued. "There's a possibility that this is a Chimera, or a Ghoul who caught hold of a Quinque. Neither are good news. I'm hoping we can find anything to give us an indication of what's going on, who's doing this, or rather what's doing this. Maybe a piece of a weapon, a hidden message... Anything really." He sighed. "Most Ghouls leave some trace of their attack, and honestly... These don't seem entirely like Ghoul attacks. Sure flesh was eaten, but not like a Ghoul does. There was also much more damage to the bodies than you'd expect, not just the massive damage a Kagune usually causes..."

They walked in silence for a few minutes. "Ah, yes. Graye is... Distinguished. She's personally killed more Ghouls than anyone else in the Ward, and she's spent a lot of time out in 11. So... Don't be surprised by her."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fathomless
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Tea Lounge

Mikio waved good-bye to the two Doves as they departed the teahouse and disappeared into the swirling current of people outside. Curiosity danced about his mind as he repeated the Dove's strange commentary to the auburn-haired man. Had he missed something? Nothing about it made sense to Mikio, and as Naosada caught his attention with a question, Mikio's puzzlement spread across his face like a veil.

"I've never seen one so..inquisitive? I guess that's the word. Not to any civilian, anyway. I've never found them the talkative type at all either, but always nice. To, uh, me, that is." Mikio offered an apologetic, meek smile. He looked down, realizing his anxious hands were vigorously wringing the damp cloth in his hand. Letting himself slip a sigh through his gritted teeth, Mikio turned around and tossed the tangled linen into the sink before quietly taking the untouched carafes of milk and sugary additives off of the counter.

"Can I ask what you do for a living, sir? I don't think I've seen you around these parts before. Always nice to see new faces." Mikio inquired, his voice carefully inflective. He then added hurriedly, "Not that it's any of my, uhm, business. I know you've had to answer enough questions for one day." He looked over his shoulder and gave the same contrite smile that almost seemed to be a grimace, with embarrassed circles of red spotting his two cheeks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Frankly, I don't know," Remi said, her face nervously close to the bloodstains, "wouldn't really know until I see the autopsy. But, I do have some guesses. Blunt trauma doesn't always mean blunt weapon. Chances are, they hit their head on the way down."

Remi backed away from the bloodstain. It was undoubtedly from a sharp instrument. But that didn't really matter - a sharp instrument could range from a kitchen knife to a quinque to a piece of broken glass. She approached the ladder in the alley. Looking up, there was the fire escape attached to one building - of course, missing the ladder.

"But there being a broken fire escape could make this case a mess. Say someone was fleeing from someone and they are in an apartment: out they go through the fire escape, they run down the steps, reach the bottom. They try to get the ladder down so they can climb down, but the thing's too old to move. They hit it as hard as it can, and it breaks off. They have to jump and break their legs to get away. Otherwise, they're trapped with the killer."

At that point, Remi shrugged. "Just a dumb guess, though. I'd need the autopsy to see what's likely to have happened," she said before pausing. "Say, did you see any convenience stores that are near this alley?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: 8th Ward, Tea Lounge
Tag: @Fathomless

Naosada pondered the Host's answer. A wondering "Oh?" was complimented by his open-mouth smile. "Perhaps I raised questions. I must look pretty suspicious."

The Ghoul considered lying to the Host but was overcome by some whim to simply leave him wondering. Naosada figured the odds of them bumping into each other again was little-enough. "I'm not all that certain myself... I've only recently gotten here."

He smiled once again before grabbing his mug of coffee and sipping more down. "You run this place all alone?" Naosada figured the lad had. It seemed that way at least from his dedicated care for the lounge, to his almost palpable professionalism. It was to the highest standard. Admirable even.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


When late morning break rolls around Yoke decides to walk down the park and rewind for a bit since their hands hurt from cutting hair and French braiding and mermaid braiding and inverse braiding and just a lot of braiding since that's their speciality. They sit down in a near bench and watches as two people talkedtrying to make out what they were saying but interfered there own feel rid bits to make.more entertaining for them personally.
They named the guy Davis because it sounded live a suitimg name and the other person was Pat because it suits them kinda but they ran out of name ideas and Pat was the first thing that came to mind. Yoko chuckles has she watches Davis seem like he's trying to.flirt hut really has no idea what their doing and Pat seemed so.niave to his flirtation but went with it out of kindness. It doesn't help they were kinda far away like 5 minute walk far away but they could still see their outlines so it made for an interesting live tv show.
Yoko starred at their trying to check for the time so they could see how much longer they got till the end of their break which was about 20 minutes. He yawns and ships ovee placing their head in their hand as they watched the two being really noisy about them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Profound? Not really anyone who had taken the time to observe would have known that fact. Anyone who had taken the time to observe this truth knew it wasn’t profound it was simply stating the obvious. There was nothing intelligent about the obvious. It was whether or you were blind to it that was the profound part of it.

He wondered in that moment what type of things Travis thought when walking that concrete jungle. He wondered if it was all the same things he considered. People who were alive protested because they were alive and don’t realize that everyone can die at any moment in time. When they do realize they are going to die, when they are dying, that when they beg for mercy.

When faced with their own mortality they call for security and cast outside another person’s life in order to save themselves from a very true fact that they hide consistently from themselves. Still Kristian nodded and just continued to smile at Travis.

When he asked about his parents Kristian genuinely looked away. It was more than a touchy subject. It was more than that. Still Kristian twirled the leaf in between his fingers. What should say? They died in an accident. They sent him away. He was disowned by them.

Except there was a part of an honor code in his heart that told him that kind of lie was wrong. So Kristian finally picked his head and looked at Travis.

“It’s more complicated than I want to get into,” Kristian told him, “But I am glad you want to be my friend.” he immediately smoothed things over with an excited glint in his eyes, “That really makes me happy. Would you like to go to the tea lounge?”
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