Location: The Strand (The Glimmeric)
It was a short trek from where the body of Lord Galloway had been found to the Glimmeric. Thalken briskly entered the establishment, and his dark eyed gaze took it all in with a look of distaste. Truth be told, he wasn't so much bothered by the happenings of the brothel as much as he was disgusted by the dealings his father often made here. The place felt grossly defiled by the mere presence of that man, let alone by the deals he made in blood and gold. Wherever he went his father always got under his skin, like an itch that never ceased. Perhaps doing some good for a change, like investigating these strange murders, could relieve some of that burn. Thalken impatiently cleared his throat in hopes of garnering the attention of someone who worked here.
With the rest of the girls busy for the upcoming evening, right as she was about to pass by the door, one of the girls noticed the tall man skulking inside the establishment. The girl, who came by Sarah Ann's room to deliver her tea as per the madam's request, haven't been too aware to recognize him as one of the dangerous men Frances have business dealings with. Or his father at least. Seeing the sight of a good looking man she briskly fixed the curls of her hair, her blouse and unfurled her folding fan she kept on her side, and in her most presentable image she then strutted towards the mysterious man.
"Why hello there." her fan danced close to her jaw, sultrily gazed at him at her attempt to catch his attention. "You seem lost. I'm afraid you have to wait until night fall if you're looking to relax." She held her gaze, whilst curving an inviting smile.
Thalken's eyes widened the slightest bit at the woman's mannerisms. Was she trying to seduce him?! Odd, that never happens. Most people, particularly women, were afraid to approach him and for good reason. His widened gaze quickly narrowed, and a dangerous glint came to his dark eyes. Did she think he was some lord who was here for a night of pleasure? Like hell would he tarnish his reputation more than it already was, not that it really would for a man in this day in age. Regardless, he wasn't here to fraternize. He had a mission. In some ways, you could say it was a mission of redemption. His intense gaze swung to the side as another girl came over.
"Oi there you are! I've been looking all over for you! Look I need help lacing this complicated corset..." The girl's other companion paced towards her friend, barely noticing the man she was conversing with and when she did she finds herself at a loss for further words. "Hush, not now Alice!" she side glanced her friend, annoyed and went back to Thalken, a playful smile returned on her face.
"Georgie, What are you doing!?" Alice exclaimed under "hushed" tones, then moved closer to the other girl's ear "That's one of Ms Frances' business partners!" "What!?" Georgie now leveled with her speaking, blocking their cheeks with the fan she was carrying. "The scary ones who'd sneak in the brothel at early dusks." "Wait those men by the docks?" At this point the two exchange words, momentarily forgetting that the man was just standing within their speaking range. "They only speak to the madame, and you shouldn't!" "Why not?" Alice moved even more closer to her ear, "Because they're vicious, blood lusted men! Doesn't that scare you!?"
Thalken's nostrils flared at hearing the girls' none too concealed words. The words seemed to pierce into him and then dug deeper and deeper into the wound they created. His jaw clenched tightly, and the look in his eyes darkened. Why did people always assume he was as twisted as his father? He wasn't like his father. He was better than that wretched man, or so he tried to be. It wasn't easy to change one's nature, but try he did and yet no one noticed.
Georgie then turned to Thalken, tracing his figure with her eyes and impulsively curved a pleased smile. "I don't think so." Alice deperately pushed her friend aside, and now she took over the conversation with Thalken, trying to keep her ettiquete proper under all her nervousness. "I'm sorry sir. Are you looking for the Madame?"
Thalken about let out a growl, but it wasn't out of pleasure at Georgie's attentions. No, he was just pissed. Were they done bad mouthing him as if he wasn't really there, as if he wasn't even human? He took a deep, hopefully calming breath before trying to speak. He did not want the rising anger and frustration to seep out. No, that would only confirm their suspicions. "No, I do not wish to speak to your Madame. I am here to speak with the woman who found the dead body," he replied. His voice was gruff as he strained to keep it level. The effort made his body tense and his eyes intense. His demeanor and tone of voice wasn't ideal, but it was the best he could manage in the given situation.
When he spoke the girls were still, the other one was rapidly fanning herself as if the room was instantly heating up. Alice and Georgie looked at each other, they weren't sure how to tell him but the madame wouldnt like it if they have someone meet with Sarah at the moment. "Uhm, yes. About that. The madame would like it if you speak to her first, since, well Sarah..."
"She's gone mad. She just stands there by the window frozen ever since that silly dream she had." "Georgie!" "What?" Alice shook her head and went back to Thalken. "We shall ask for the madame in a moment." Both left Thalken hand in hand, Georgie giving him one last playful gaze then was dragged off by Alice.
Thalken stared at them blankly, trying his best to ignore Georgie's flirtations while listening to them banter back and forth. He arched brow at Georgie's comment. It seemed a bit insensitive, even to him. Stumbling upon a dead body just outside where you work had to be rather traumatizing for the poor girl. He doubted it would help when she learned that the lord had been killed by a Ryne in the middle of the day.
He let out a sigh of relief when the girls, particularly Georgie, finally left, and some of his tension washed away in their momentary absence. He could handle Soulless, but he couldn't handle a flirtatious woman. There really had never been the need for him to learn, as his cold demeanor more often than not scared women away. Truth be told, he was fine with that. After all, he did not wish to bring a woman into his messed up, and often dangerous, life for fear that they would meet the same fate as his mother. He did not wish to lose someone he could eventually proclaim to love.
The girls raced up the stairs, and to the madam's quarters and giving soft, erratic knocks at her door. Ruby swung open the door a mixture of irk and confusion drawn in her slightly aging face. "Ma'am a man downstairs is asking for Sarah Ann." One of them exclaimed. Frances stood up from her table, her equipment organized and readied on the surface. "Well, s'about time that constable took notice," Ruby said.
"He's no constable." Georgie corrected, Alice turned towards Frances. "He's one of the Talinks, ma'am." Frances suspected as much, no doubt he was asking in relation to Galloway. She already asked what she can of the girl but if something had came up in their investigation, it might be worth the try. In the condition that she would be allowed to take part, the girl had gone through much trauma.
Frances came down the stairs and saw Thalken standing, distinctly out of place in her brothel. It's the first time she saw him without his father getting under his skin, Beowulf cant seem to leave his boy alone. As she met with Thalken, Frances put on her business face, like she is dealing with his father " Thalken. I hear you would have some questions for Sarah. What have you found with our dearly murdered lord?" Frances was eager to know about their ongoing investigation.
Thalken was glad when Frances came down and went straight to business. He did not like to waste time with small talk. "The man was killed by a Ryne, and his murder is somehow linked to several bodies found on the docks. I am here to figure that out, and the girl may be a key to that," he explained bluntly. He saw no need to gloss over the details.
The madame held a firm gaze, unsurprised by the news. At least now they know of the possible culprit. Frances took a heavy sigh "I thought as much." her words were muttered absently. This only confirmed her initial suspicions, with the events at Almacks she'd bet at the possible connection between that and their current situation.
Finding it reasonable for this situation, the madame finally lead Thalken to Sarah's room, provided that he should watch out for his words, anything that will put her discomfort. She looked seriously at his eyes, to know if he understood the message.
Thalken met Frances' gaze with his own, and at seeing the question in her eyes, he gave a slight, almost reassuring nod of his head. He then followed her to the room the girl Sarah was occupying. They knocked on the door before entering the room calmly and collectively.
Turning her head slowly, Sally Ann glanced over her shoulder towards the door as the two stepped into the room. She eyes Thalken for a minute nervously before looking over towards Francis. "Madame?" she asked quietly as she kept herself over near the window, tightening her shawl around her shoulders a bit. She hadn't figured she would be taking a client this early in the day, especially after everything had happened but if it was what the Madame wanted, she would follow through.
"Sarah Ann" Frances spoke and walked towards the timid girl, her hands gently placing over her shoulders for comfort "This man would like to ask you some questions." she smiled momentarily in assurance, then glanced towards Thalken. Her face now showed some bit of concern when she met Sarah's stare "These are questions regarding the body you have found this morning." she didn't want to press Sarah with questions that would relieve her trauma all over again, but this new information could bring questions that only Sarah can answer. "Anything that you can give will surely help."
Sally Ann glanced from Thalken over to Francis. She really didn't want to talk about what she had seen but having just someone general there instead of a constable was preferable. She nodded slightly, a nervous twitch in her actions as she stood there. "Yes ma'am."
Thalken's usually harsh gaze softened the slightest bit when his gaze landed on Sarah Ann. He tried to be as unimposing as a man of his caliber could manage, and he approached her quietly and cautiously, as if she was a deer that could be easily frightened away. She seemed so vulnerable and fragile in her current state. If he was his father, he would relish in her vulnerability and take advantage of her, but he wasn't his father. The thought of using her weaknesses against her disgusted him. He caught the concern in Frances's eyes, and it only reminded him that he must do this carefully so as not to frighten Sarah Ann anymore than she already was. He tried to outwardly channel the softness and compassion that was there under his many layers of coldness.
"The name's Thalken. I know you are scared, but any information you can give me, even if it seems insignificant, could help prevent further tragedy. First off, can you tell me if you saw anything or anyone peculiar before you stumbled upon the body?" he asked in a level voice. He met Sarah Ann's gaze for a moment before looking slightly off to her side in hopes that would make him seem less intimidating.
Turning from her spot at the window and walked over to the bed. She sat down nervously, clutching her shawl as she did so and letting out a shivering breath. Trying to think back on what had happened. At least she could focus on what had happened before she saw the body right then. "I... was walking, back from the baker. "Erything seemed a'right," she started as she sat there staring at the floor, trying to remember clearly the people that she passed, what few there were. "Uh.. there was a man. One I ain't seen b'fore. A gent, right fine looking. Finery clothing. Didn't think much on him, fi'gure he be one of the clients from last night I just ain't seen but his face, don't remember seeing before."
Thalken turned and followed her while still keeping a comfortable amount of distance between them. He pursed his lips as he pondered what she said and sought to choose his next words carefully. "Would you be able to give a description of the man and what he was doing? Age? Height? Weight? Demeanor? Color of his skin?" he asked. He paused and met her gaze when he asked about the color of the man's skin. He had a hunch the man could be their Ryne murderer, and the color of his skin would confirm or deny that.
Sarah Ann nodded and tried to think on the mans features. "Handsome enough," she started. She went on to describe him as best she could. He was tall, over six feet, seemed to have a medium build. His hair and eyes were brown, eyes were warm, hair had a curl to it. His skin was a close to the same shade as Thalkens. Carried himself as if he was everything the lord of the manor, walked liked most of the high borns. He hadn't said anything so she couldn't comment on his accent. He was dressed well but there was nothing she could remember that would make him stand out more than any other Peer or Gentry. Yet she swore she hadn't seen him before today, so all she could guess was that either he wasn't from the area or that he just wasn't one to frequent their house.
Although the madame herself was mostly intrigued by the new information, which she wished Sarah had mentioned to her from the beginning. This brings new details on what entirely happened. Frances wasn't sure of the man she described, undeniably there are a couple of men of his description that comes and goes in the establishment, an image typical of a regular visitor. If Frances sees the man for herself maybe she could recognize him, and confirm if he indeed was a client at the Glimmeric, otherwise if he was only seen today prior to the attack on Lord Galloway, then it's worthy enough to be suspicious about.
Thalken's brows knitted together slightly in thought as he used her description to create a rough illustration of the nobleman in his mind. It was clear that he was not their Ryne perpetrator; however, that did not mean that the nobleman was completely innocent. Thalken did not believe in mere coincidences. People of noble birth did not just come to these parts of town without a reason, and if the man was not a client of the Glimmeric, than he was up to something likely more nefarious. Whether he had anything to do with the death of Lord Galloway was anyone's guess at this point in time. Regardless, it was time to move the conversation along and to delve a little deeper. The next line of questioning would likely be a more sensitive area, but it had to be done as far as Thalken was concerned. "How did you stumble upon the body? Was there anything about the scene that particularly stuck out to you, I mean, apart from the decaying corpse?" he asked.
Sarah Ann visibly shivered as she looked over towards Thalken. "Didn't stumble, he came out of no where and rolled right to me," she said in a shaky voice remembering. "Heard a loud thud, turned and the body was coming right for me like a carriage thats gots away from the driver. Froze right where I was I did, it stopped at me feet."
"You heard a loud thud, and then it rolled to you? Hmmm," he repeated absentmindedly. His dark eyes took on a pensive look as he was quickly lost in thought. It sounded as if the body had been dumped, perhaps out of a moving carriage, hence the momentum made the body roll downhill towards her. The body had been fresh, but not that fresh. With that said, Lord Galloway had likely been killed elsewhere and then strategically dumped in a specified spot much like those on the docks. Whoever did this sure had a lot of spare time on their hands. Something this well thought out could not have been simply planned over night. No, this likely took months. Were the Soulless smart enough to plan this, or was this the work of a Soulled individual, like that strange nobleman she mentioned? Thalken had gained many pieces to this puzzle thanks to his quick wit and good fortune, and yet it was proving more difficult to put those pieces together. The where and how were relatively easy to figure out. It was the why that concerned him more. It all seemed so symbolic, but symbolic for what? "Were there any carriages nearby, perhaps one that you hadn't seen before?" he asked, waiting a moment for her answers before asking his final question. "Is there any other notable or seemingly out of place details that you can provide me?"
Apparently speaking of the dead body was starting to get to Sarah Ann. After reliving the way the body came into her view and stopped at her feet had sent her spiraling right back into the panic she had first been in. It was obvious she hadn't exactly seen a lot of death in her time, even those that had, a body coming out of now where and coming right for them could shake up a person. Trembling like a leave she grasped at her shawl, her knees buckling even more than they had been and sliding to the floor as she tried not to sob. She had been holding it together as best she could but right then, it wouldn't have taken much to push her over the edge and maybe even cause her to fling herself out the window right down onto the cobblestone...
Frances knew right then that Sarah has reached her limit. The girl was getting a hold of herself all this time and now she suddenly breaks again at Thalken's mere question. If the madame only knew, it was a little harsh to let Sarah talk through her experience alone, eventhough she finds it important for Thalken hear it directly from her. Frances comforted the shivering girl, and lead her to sit on the bed. "That's enough. Frances turned to Sarah, gently patting her shoulders " You did well." she said calmly.
Thalken's eyes widened at her reaction, and he suddenly held up his open palms, like he was showing he meant no harm. He glanced over at Francis, arching a brow, before looking back at Sarah Ann. He slowly lowered his hands as he watched the poor girl. By the looks of it, she seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack. Great, I broke her, he thought with a grimace. He honestly felt bad that he had caused her such distress, as it hadn't been his intention. "That should be sufficient information," he stated uncomfortably. "Uh, you did good. Thanks." He honestly had no clue how to handle this type of situation, and he certainly did not think his brooding presence would bring the girl any sort of comfort. He looked over at Francis again, but this time he had an almost desperate look that said 'your problem now' before he made his hasty retreat.
Frances sat beside Sarah for some time until she came back together, it wasn't easy for anyone to relieve such a terrible event in their life, and truthfully there was bravery in her part for going through that again. It was not especially easy being lined with blunt questions, still Thalken's own bluntness had given them enough information on the current investigation. And hopefully enough to get them a step closer to answers. She met Thalken's gaze before he abruptly left the room, she was not about to blame him for breaking Sarah. She could see he was trying to watch his words. Two of the girls got into the room and overtook the madam, she wanted to catch up with Thalken before he can even leave the Glimmeric.
"Wait." she strode down the stairs before Thalken could retreat towards the door. Folding her arms, she looked up at Thalken, her serious expression, faint creases showed on her bare face. One could easily blame her profession, responsibilities and the stress that comes with it which, to her, makes her age faster.
She thought for a moment, and let out a sigh. "Thalken, what do you make of all this?" Frances herself has her own conjectures, the more she sees it's probability, the more it drives her to dig deeper. Yet mere curiosity alone is not her driving influence. A man died within their grounds, a massacre occurred just not far from their home. As far as she's concerned, this problem has already been dropped on her lap the moment Sarah discovered the body. Frances has the choice to stay idle, inside the safety of the house and have this problem die down with time, yet how long would it be until one of them would be the next to lie dead on the street. Internally this feared her, if it became one of her girls. Aside from risking the business, which in Frances' book is not an option needed to go through with unless the problem could be remedied.
Thalken was already halfway to the door when he heard Frances call out to him. He stopped in his tracks with an annoyed huff. Could she not tell that he was trying to make a quick escape? His eyes were dark and brooding as he tensely turned around to face her. His brows furrowed slightly at her inquiry. She wanted his honest opinion? He crossed his arms over his chest, and his eyes took on a distant look as he thought long and hard on the question. His lips thinned as his mind reflected on some of the suspicious, and quite frankly alarming, things he had seen since last night at Almack's. Soulless running rampant in London. Soulless working together to coordinate an attack. A map made of dead of bodies. He looked over Frances. Could she handle the cold hard truth? Something about her said she had seen and experienced far worse. He uncrossed his arms with a sigh. "We are at war, the Soulless versus the Soulled," he stated bluntly.
With what Sarah Ann had described, and the nature of the body found on the streets, was within a spot populated enough to be seen by people. It raised some questions on the killers true motives. And the man, with Sarah's general description who could be the possible suspect, could also be a soulless himself. "This is purely presumption on my part but, I can't help but think if he want us to see his handywork." her gaze focused elsewhere, as she tried to congregate her ideas. " If he wished to do his bidding discreetly, I believe he's enough of a fool to leave such an obvious trail in the broad of day don't you think?" her dark eyes returned to Thalken, her brows creased just a little at her final thought "And if this man Sarah had seen was indeed the perpetrator." Why would he stay there? Did he want to see the outcome of his work? Or was he looking at somebody in particular? Could he be connected to the massacre at the docks? Such questions go through her mind.
Thalken's demeanor revealed that he was mildly surprised by how perceptive Frances was. "The perpetrator, or perpetrators, most certainly wanted their work to be seen. The bodies on the docks were laid out in the shape of a map of London. The makeshift map led me here, and if the constables are smart it will lead them here as well," he explained. The fact that he spoke so openly was a good sign that he felt comfortable with his surroundings and more specifically with her. Perhaps she had his trust and loyalty.
Her expression was firm and after a short silence she returned to Thalken "I would like to ask you a favor. Don't worry, it's nothing too stressing." she said laxly. Her tone was once again serious "If you will allow me to help, I would be glad. I have... skills that would prove useful on our current problem. Skills that focuses on soulless." The first time she revealed about it, out loud as she was never really blatant about it. " And I believe I am much a part of this now ever since one of my girls were affected. I had enough of sitting idly by." Frances remained her composure as she made the offer, although it felt more like a demand than otherwise.
Thalken's jaw clenched and some of his previous tension seemed to return at her suggestion. Was it that he didn't want her help, or was it something else? "I don't do the partner thing well," he stated gruffly, a lame excuse really. He looked her over from head to toe, as if to assess her. "I make no promises, and I certainly hope you know the gravity of your suggestion." he added. I don't want anyone else's blood on my hands were his unspoken words, before he turned around and walked out of the Glimmeric as the sun was setting.
She fairly expected such a response, from a man who's a recluse even to his own pack. She raised a brow at his excuse, which seemed a bit shallow therefore, was not enough to convince the madame. "I am not just your classic brothel owner, sir Thalken. A way to figure out these murders are of much more importance. The faster we get it done, the earlier we put this terror behind us. " Frances remained stern, she wasnt sure of the reason why'd he rather let her stay out of it is because she's a woman, or that her fleecy garment, tended appearance and delicate standing would give them a sorely wrong impression. After a while the madame decided to ease her serious air, and let out a soft sigh. "Regardless, If you decided to seek aid, I will be right here." at the very least Frances had let him know that he has another option for help before she lets him go. The evening drew close, despite the earlier incident, the Glimmeric went to business as usual. The place was abuzz in preparation for the evening, yet the tension and worry from the Galloway's murder still remained in most of them, that means the brothel will be having some limits, whist they keep an eye for anything out of the ordinary. They hope nothing would go wrong tonight.