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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Davidson

Theodore Smith

The party managed to congregate around a larger table after they had placed their orders - Theo ordered a Shepard's pie (how did they make it taste so good?) and water, while placing down a room for three nights as well. He sniffed his shirt slightly, deciding to take a bath in the morning. Sliding over the Renn, Dirk quickly began to destroy his meal, hungry after a long day of getting attacked. Aster, his second companion that he had met in this world, began to address each individual member of the party, detailing how she felt about each member. It was certainly heartfelt, and by the end of it, she announced something big - she wanted them all to form a guild. Until this point, the party had been a minor thing, something they could easily break out of if they ever wanted to. But a guild was a big commitment - something not many people were willing to agree to.

Theo nodded his head the entire time, until Karma began to speak. As soon as he finished speaking, Theo immediatly rose from his seat and pointed his finger at the healer, an expression of mock anger on his face.

"That's where you're wrong! None of us were better than the other - we were all parts that summed up into a greater whole! That's called teamwork, cooperation..."

Theo's voice grew serious temporarily, only aided by his high acting skill.

"You shouldn't put yourself down. We all put in so much effort, and there is no doubt in my mind that we would have died without you. Hell, if anyone here was missing, we would have been a lot worse off from that dungeon..."

"We pulled through thanks to teamwork - no. We did well cause we believed in each other. We protected each other's blind spots, and turned our weaknesses into strengths. We did well because we're friends... At least, I see you guy that way."

Theo winked and gave a thumbs up to the party, before adding

"That's why I agree with Aster - Let's form a guild! Even if things are rough, as long as we're together, we can accomplish anything - That's my opinion!"

It was the corniest, stupidest thing that ever escaped Theo's lips - but hey, it was in character. The others might be creeped out by the fact that the guy they had met only a day ago was treating them with so much admiration and respect, but whatever. Tragedy makes people come together, so they might go along with it. Whatever the case, forming a guild was definitely smart - they'd gain access to many new features, and these guys had proven themselves as capable fighters.

Theo sat down, thankful that his Acting skill helped stop him from blushing - the act, while exactly what Dirk would do, was pretty embarrassing to a kid who was used to being in the background.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Past is the past. I walked all of my it off. Though I might still write you guys in my journal and diss yall," he shrugged his shoulders. "I think I might go visit the local pet shop. I need to find another beast to train, but before that, I need like to do a million other things. Trainer probs."

Beneath the table, both of Alisea's fists clenched the cheap fabric of her trousers until her knuckles turned white. Above the table, however, where everyone could see, she gave a warm smile. "Then there is no problem, right Karma?" Alisea stated. Not giving him time to actually answer that--she didn't trust whatever he might say next--the magess turned back to Aster. She would not let her friend's shining moment end on such a sour note.

Dirk felt the same, it seemed. With characteristic boldness he declared his support--of the team and of the guild. Alisea raised her voice in agreement. "Aster, I am with you. If you, if we, plan to form a guild, I am in support. I will even be the first to nominate Reylan as our guildmaster." Alisea turned quickly to catch the look on the archer's face. "He did a fine job leading us into the dungeon, and I believe he has demonstrated his capacity to keep a cool head."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Renn: 778 >>>> 767

As Karma stretched out his hand, Reylan shook it without hesitation mustering a warm smile. He had been anxious the entire dungeon run, but years of practice let him conceal it very well "Well I focus on keeping us alive I guess, if I wasn't cool-headed I might give the wrong order." His mind seemed to let go of other distractions when people were in danger. Still, was it right for him to be at the head of the group? Everyone that fought was amazing. Did he really deserve the right to have such responsibility over their lives?

He sat his table with his elbows on the wooden surface and his lips resting on the top of his conjoined hands thinking this, silver eyes staring out at nothingness. The weight of his teeth pressing tighter and tighter as his doubt snowballed. He blinked upon hearing a familiar, normally shy voice call out among the noise grabbing his attention tearing him from thinking any more dangerous thoughts. Suprise was measured by his wide eyes as Aster spoke out in front of everyone and simply listened when he moved around her, his idea of this shy girl seemed to be falling apart completely today.

It started off shaky but it was clear she was putting her heart into this and it showed in the feeling he was getting. He often thought that he would rather do something by his own than bother somebody but now he realized how selfish that was. His mouth was left slightly agape at Aster's personal assessment...fantastic leader? His gaze lowered to the ground simply staring at the marking in the wooden floor, that was the second time his leadership was complimented. A smile broke out against any free will of his own as he raised his head once more. He had never been a leader in anything in the real world, never confident enough to give a try. Yet this could be his chance...his only chance.

Dirk was right. They got this far because they all contributed to the same goal. Not just to survive in this world, but to thrive. He felt the same way as Dirk, everyone that fought in the dungeon he considered his friends and his allies. A flash of determination sparked in his eyes and he rose up from his chair but not before Alisea spoke first. Stunned was not an adequate enough description of Reylan's face, he was at a complete lost for words. Both his hands started to shake almost unnoticeable to most eyes, his chest felt like a two tonne weight was laying on it. Three times the others had validated his leadership to him, he couldn't grasp why this was affecting him so badly.

He took a deep breath so he wouldn't start crying like a loser right now in front of everyone and sound like a emotional fool, bottling up such feelings was something he grown accustomed to yet a sharp eye could see past this. His eyes squeezed tightly for a moment, and when they opened he had strong look in them...along with the glistening liquid of tears that never fell. With his right fist clenched at his side, it was about time this so-called leader finally spoke, forgoing the stereotype of not knowing what to say "I will accept this nomination, as long as everyone else is in agreement." The strength of his composure was being strained today, anything more and he probably couldn't hold it from bursting "We have what it takes to win but that requires all of us." He stated with firm confidence, anxiously awaiting their reply trying to prepare himself if they said no...and if they said yes.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

✧DAY 3 - Midnight - Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


"Shared rooms? For three nights?" Hans scratched his mustache a little as he looked at Alisea with a slightly raised eyebrow. "Bah, save me the details ya lovebirds. Fine fine, Hans be a kind man, he offer you a double room. 10 copper for 3 nights, no more no less. I think that's plenty good offer. He dipped feather into a bottle of ink as he began opening his log book to record Alisea's purchase. "Can't help but think ya know. Hans sighed a little as he began jotting down with his feather pen. "It's good to be young eh? If I were half my age, I'd be out there with yall... seeing the world, finding treasures and of course, jabbing pointy sticks into beasties and all." He finished jotting down and closed the book and sank back down into his seat. "Alas, Hans be an old man who likes his pies and beer now. And there be no regrets about pies and beer.

The adventurer after Alisea posed a... completely different question. Hans had never gotten such a question before and he wasn't sure how to answer. As a matter of fact he wasn't too sure what the adventurer was even talking about.
"So there are escorts in this world? That's surprising given I thought this was a family game. This raises a lot of questions no doubt. Is there an extra charge that goes with it? Can I accidentally have a little NPC Dubstepp running around if I don't wear any protection? What about an STD, man? I need to know these things..."
"What's an STD?"
"Nevermind, I'll do it when I'm ready or not. I don't know."
The adventurer left him. Hans scratched his mustache a little more. Escorts? Dubstepp NPCs? ... STD? Such foreign words. These adventurers were really something else. Speaking in words and languages Hans just didn't comprehend. That was to be expected though. Hans always knew these folks weren't from the area. Heck they didn't even start showing up until recently. He gave up contemplating about it though and regained his comfortable seat.

"Here you go~" The cheerful waitress brought over Reylan and Theo's orders and took their coins. She winked and smiled at Theo after setting down the Shepard's pie and some water. She was cute, dressed in a simple yet attractive little dress and smiled despite working late. She politely waited for Aster to finish her little speech before inquiring others. "Anyone else? Food or drinks? Can't go adventuring on empty stomachs to you know."

The barkeep was an older fellow, sporting dark curly hair and a thick mustache that covered his upper lips. He was dressed fairly smartly; neat vest with a colored shirt. Nothing fancy but did give weight to his presence. He seemed solemn and serious, almost felt dependable, despite the fact that he was just a simple barkeep. Without a word, he set down a pint for Fortuna and took her coins. 5 nickles jingled as he dropped it down into a jar behind the counter. He picked up a clean rag and began wiping down a pint glass before speaking.
"Bad day?" He quietly inquired, not taking his eyes off of the glass he is cleaning. He rubbed out a stain and picked up the next glass.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 600
Mana: 300
Renn: 6
STATs Tree:

Health: 550
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp raised his right eyebrow. He let the concept of a guild swish around his mind for a moment. The musician considered the motion, but he was not entirely sure if that's something he wanted to do. Even then, it looked like Reylan was becoming the class favorite. Dubstepp wondered if he really wanted to be under another person.

He locked his teeth together and looked at the floor. Dubstepp did not object, he did not say anything. Blinking momentarily, he got off the stool off the bar and walked out of the inn. Totoro dragged his feet along to follow its master. Dubstepp placed his pockets in his attire. Midnight turned the city into a different atmosphere altogether. The streets were not lively as they once were during the day. Only a few NPCs lurked around.

"C'mon, Totes. We are headed to the garden," he snapped his fingers. "With you, we should only need to take one trip." He referred to the mission regarding flower collecting. Dubstepp believed this might be the best possible time to do a quick errand. While walking, Dubstepp took out his notebook and pen.

He tapped the pen on his chin. He then considered what he said for a moment. The game's creator seemed to symbolize the imporantance of sleep; without slumber, the game grants certain penatlies. Before, Dubstepp received a reduction in his health bar for not having enough hours of sleep. Dubstepp sighed and decided to head back to his room. The best decision was leaving to the garden in the moring.

He climbed on his pet's shoulders and began writing. His rabbit friend continued walking to Dubstepp's personal room. "A lot has happened so I should have plenty to write about." He said with confidence. His pen tip hit the paper and thus he started to write.

"Alright, Dubstepp here,
Your contemporary Shakespeare,
Making verses and beats appear,
I become exhausted,
Standing in a virtual cage--I'm a hostage,
I'm counting up my losses,
No risks, proceed with caution
Otherwise, I'm in a coffin
Coughing often,
I'm at the bottom,
that's uncommon,
Nowhere near autumn,
But I ain't stopping,
music career lit, they'll love me in Boston

Now ain't this something,
one dungeon trip and people start judging,
one dungeon trip and people aren't coming,
I lost my Aura,
Too much horror,
Reylan taking the hardest, he wanna explorer,
Kaijin, where he been?
I never even seen him.
Though, hope they rest and stay blessed,
They must have been too pressed and stressed,
And I am impressed,
Because sometimes I can't digest,
I want to protest, but I'm possessed,
Don't want to address,
I am depressed,
By my own limitations and fear
Get out of here.

I have three people on my shit list,
first, the chick came with her wrist,
gave my ear a twist,
too much animosity,
I'm a mage too, why the hostility?
Is this a form of jealousy?
I work with music, not comedy
I might retaliate consciously
Mage prodigy, pet quality,
But you gave an apology,
And that's modesty,
so we straight.

But wait,
here comes the irate teammate,
harsh words, he tries to derate,
Two cents, he donates,
Not one to cooperate,
I didn't think things would escalate.
Where did it go?
I thought I had good Karma,
now I have bad Karma,
Healer got me in some melodrama.
Lost respect,
though last I checked,
Known you for only two days, correct?
don't let the alcohol take effect,
You're drinking but you ain't thinking.
Let's end this before there's a beginning.

Now here's our final contestant,
how unpleasant,
he set up this whole virtual assessment.
Pissing me off is his profession,
here's the confession: it's Morgoth.
So that was cute with the love letter,
no return address, now that's clever,
If you did, I will bring the terror,
Make your life a 404 Error.
You want to know if I am a failure or success?
Prepare your defense,
I'm coming at you with an intense intent,
giving you an all-expense offense,
Go ahead and say your amen.
I am the best.
You might be the God of this world, but I'm agnostic
Give me a chance, show you I'm psychotic.
Make your blood run like faucet,
I'm better than all of your bosses.
Feed you to my bunny,
ain't that funny?

Can't beat me or my friend Totoro,
Watch out or you won't see tomorrow,
give you the one-two combo,
I am best in business and best in show.
I make all the money and get all the hoes.
Need an older chick though--their asses a bit older,
Innkeeper Hans be like "Send them lasses over."

I am getting off track,
Bottomline, step back,
I will make you blue and back,
Using thwacks and smacks,
I will make a soundtrack,
Yo boy is making a comeback!

I know I win if we fight, I got the perfect pitch
In which, you get a glitch,
I'm standing fit,
You cry to your mom, what a snitch.
Don't worry cuz' I fought wolves so I know how to handle a b-."

Dubstepp stopped when he noticed Totoro arrived at the front door of the room. "Wow, I just totally blacked out. I think I have major problems, Totes. A lot of problems..." He climbed off of his shoulders and put his items back in his pocket.

Dubstepp woke up the next morning. Without any time to spare, he leaped off the bed and captured his pet's attention. Grudgingly though, he did want more sleep but the thought of a quest did peak his motivation. He headed off to the garden. He did not bother saying hi to anyone. Like a rabbit (similar to Totoro), he skidded through the pub and the city afterwards.

Interacting with:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


‘Exhaustion’ could only scratch the surface of the feeling in Alisea’s body. Midnight had come and was quickly going; and after the journey of the past two days, she needed to be in bed three hours ago.

Dubstepp was the first to stand and leave, saying neither ‘yea’ nor ‘nay’ to the proposal to begin a guild. Alisea hadn’t expected his support; he was probably gone for good, off to join a new party with a clean slate instead of dealing with the aftermath in this one. ’A spoiled child clear through, then. One unable to accept responsibility. Although,’ the girl thought with a silent chuckle, ’if I would choose not to go home, am I all that different? I am shirking my responsibilities, as well.’

Alisea glanced around the table once more. The food was gone and the meeting seemed over for the time being. Alisea was certainly done with discussion for the night; she rose to return to her room. As she turned, her eyes slid to Aster. At that moment the woman's image struck the magess profoundly--because of the late hour, or for some other reason, she could not know. Seeing the fair-skinned swordswoman standing there--her quiet, dark-haired friend who had screamed battlecries at wolves and bravely stood at the head of a group to give a speech--seeing that young woman standing here gave Alisea pause. ’Maybe… Maybe I have a responsibility here, as well.’

Or maybe she was making excuses. Turning on her heel, Alisea left that room and climbed the stairs to her own. The lock opened with a firm click, and the door swung open quietly on well-oiled hinges.

And there, at the center of the wall, stood a great and spacious bed. A bed. Singular. One. Alisea stood in the doorway and stared in confusion until Aster came up behind her.

"Um," the magess explained in a word. "I apologize, but I have no energy to try to remedy this. If you raise no objection, neither do I. Not until morning, at the least." The bed was large enough to give each girl a side--not very different from staying in a hotel on a club trip. Above all, Alisea wanted to simply go to bed without any more interruptions. Opening her menu, Alisea unequipped her armor, cloak, and sandals; then she slid into the covers and let sleep take her away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


620 → 610

Paralyze had spent a few hours awake, unable to sleep. For Paralyze, the bed is too hard to sleep on. The pillow is nowhere better as it is just too high to create a comfortable feeling. Overall, the inn was worth its price. The noise of dishes and cups echoing from below; men and women drink until they forgot who they were; the sound of laughter; and sometimes of broken glass as a brawl happened between discord of teammates are all endless. And once again, Paralyze found himself to consider about the complexity of life and society.

And this time, it seems Paralyze wondered about “the complexity of life and society" quite long. Opening his menu, Paralyze scanned his stats. He is quite strong and tanky, but not that high in speed or very abundance in mana. This may cause him to be very dependants on his auto attack as well as quite vulnerable with high speed and maneuverability opponents. And that was some brief details. With enough time and efforts, Paralyze assumed, everyone would found a suitable formation and tactics to kill clear each other faster.

Paralyze’s train of thought stopped at his look at the number of people died. 32 in 3 days making the daily casualties to be about 10,666667 everyday. Approximately 11 people died. They probably all had their horrors, their regrets, and their untold history. And Paralyze knew nothing about them, just like TrueLove. Hie emotion about this new information about this fact is similar to what he had done during his dinner, doesn't care. In Paralyze’s mind, why should he care? Are there any special gifts for doing so?

Paralyze began to close his eyes and fall asleep. Today is a hard day for Paralyze, staying awakened for at least twenty plus hours after a day of killing and marching. Tomorrow Paralyze planned to spend most of his newly acquired Renn to prepared himself. And Paralyze thought stopped there as a snore began to coming out from his mouth. The noise was loud and seems to wake up some Paralyze's neighboring room. But others misfortune is a gift of a few as Paralyze still fall in his sleep, too deep to be bothered by the noise that he had cause. And he dreamed a dream.

“There was once a family who well known in the area…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago


When Karma bought up the question he expected at least one person to support him...but it seems like he made the mistake of bringing it up at the wrong time, while everyone was so thankful to make it through their first dungeon. Karma then turned to the one person he thought would be on his side on this but she ended up taking his defense.

"Yet it was Dubstepp's summon that held the White Wolf in place; without it, we in the back would have been attacked and possibly killed. If anything, it is I who must apologize for what happened."

Karma was caught off-guard before Dirk made start making a strange speech that seems like something out his Japanese animes. Karma found himself looking dumbfounded at Dirk before he made a plan to dig himself out of the hole he was in. "T...thank you...Dirk." Karma said weirded out before laying back. "I was just asking what everyone thought about the Dubstep...that all." He lied calmly but really well. Looking back at this maybe the molehill he was making the mountain out of was smaller than he thought. Karma then turns back to Reylan. "I agree, Reylan would make a great leader. May his reign be long-lived." He chanted out hoping people will not look at him too weirdly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mopsock17
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Although Polak could probably find an inn just by looking at his map, he settled on wandering around until he came across one and thought it was time to reflect the past few days. He thought it was a good idea to think about and settle his emotions, particularly about the death of his comrade, TrueLove, which made him decide to seriously prepare himself. But that reason felt a bit selfish and stupid to Polak, that it took someone's death to remind him that his life was on the line in this place. However, he did not feel too bad about it. He felt cruel waving off someone's death like nothing, but he had only met TrueLove yesterday, after all. He continued to think about his contradicting emotions until he found an inn. Some food, drink, and a good night's rest might help him clear his mind.

Polak entered the inn and looked around, spotting a familiar face, Fortuna. He walked to a stool beside her and sat down. He raised his hand toward the innkeeper and asked politely, "Shepard's Pie, a mug of beer, and a room for tonight." After ordering, he looked at Fortuna and saw she looked down. "Something wrong? Wanna talk about it?" He felt awkward asking Fortuna that question, being that they were still strangers to each other, but it didn't hurt to try to cheer her up. Still, he thought he was prying too much and added, "ah, of course, you don't have to if it's uncomfortable for you."


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Renn: 767


The brief, personal satisfaction at everyone's support that overwhelmed him did not last long at the sight of Dub's disappearance. He had been so caught up in the moment he had failed to notice him exit the door, a pang of guilt coursed through him. The bright, seemingly unbreakable smile he possessed faded a bit that Dub seemed not to fond of the whole 'Guild' idea. But what did he know of him? What did he know about any of the people around him? That would need to change if he was to be the guild leader, he wanted to trust those here right now and Dub.

Reylan was glad to see Karma appear to drop the Dub issue, though he feared he might have to have a talk with him later friend-to-friend. The way to victory was through unity, not jumping on the opportunity to criticize someone you fought beside. He was glad to have Karma's support however, his chant making him a little embarrassed at such a dramatic comment as Reyland laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He cleared his throat "I am honored that you have chosen me to lead this guild. However, since we only have 5 people in agreement...we need Dub in on this too. Tomorrow I will draft a treaty for everyone to sign so hopefully Dub changes his mind." Reylan didn't want Dubstep to go missing like Aura had, he would have to convince him the guild is a good thing. Perhaps he could even give him the title 'Captain Dubstep' as a bargaining tool. For now, everyone looked like they needed some sleep "I guess until then, let's get some food and sleep off a hard day's work."

He spent some time eating his food as everyone else went to sleep, bath, or eat as well. As he ate, The new duties of guild master started to come into reality in his mind, the first being that they would need to recruit more players to get stronger. Once the guild was made, he would give that ability to the original members of his party. Silver eyes observed a pair of players, one seemed to be trying to console the other. Did they lose someone already? He summoned the embers of his courage from the dungeon, exhausted as he was, and walked over to them to introduce himself. His chest felt the familiar pounding of his heart as the anticipation of speaking nearly turned him around, but he was determined to do this.

Interacting with:

He took a seat next to Polak "Did you lose someone too?" He asked rather directly but with kindness, he didn't know how else to break the ice "Sorry, name's Reylan. My party just came back from a dungeon raid." His elbows leaned on the counter, his head turned towards both of them with a calm, somber look. From what he could see, they looked like a strong couple of people that he use in the guild. Initial assumptions were that Polak was a lancer and Fortuna was a rogue, but equipment didn't seem to have a locked-class in Talrae. "We lost two people before we even left the city, they vanished during the night. I didn't know both of them very well, but it still sucks y'know?" Now he was lamenting his own thoughts to these strangers, trying to find a middle-ground and releasing some of the stress he had been feeling about Aura's disappearance.

At the end of the conversation before leaving for his room and a hot bath, Reylan extended the offer to join him and the others in creating the guild. Numbers was strength, strength was power, so by adding them to their numbers they would increase their power to take on the dungeon and beat it when the time came. He didn't make them decide on the spot, giving the night to think it over and message him if they were interested.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Health: 1,500/1,500
Mana: 300/300

Aster looked at the spacious bed with trepidation, her face burning like a lantern set in a lighthouse. "Well... It certainly looks comfortable." She edged around the wide mattress nervously, keeping her eyes averted from Alisea. When the other girl stated that she was satisfied with the situation, or at least, apathetic enough to put up with it, Aster finally looked up at her friend, only to see that she was disrobing. With an unceremonious "eep!" she looked away, hand flying to her katana hilt in some sort of twisted reflex action.

"Uhmm. Well, I... I guess it's fine with me, too. I'll do my best not to kick you." She then unequipped her weapons and armor, sliding beneath the covers on her side of the bed, laying on her side on the very edge so as not to unintentionally bump Alisea. There was plenty of room for both, but Aster probably took up an eighth of the space.

Depite her relative discomfort, Aster eventually relaxed, and sleep took over, letting her forget about fighting, about surviving, about interacting with people for just a while.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

✧DAY 4 - 9:30AM - Inn, "Eden Hall"✧


Next morning. Weather, as it has been for the last few days in-game, is temperate; sunny, warm and touched by the most pleasant light breeze. Breakfast is being served in the dining area downstairs, complementary with the room. Menu isn't anything impressive... just some bread, eggs and a few small sausages. But you take what you get since it comes with the room that's already been paid for.
Dining area isn't too busy. You figure that there are most likely hundreds of other locations such as the "Eden Hall" in Genesis City so most of the Players have spread out over the course of last few days. But even with that being thought, there are still a good number of people down to catch some breakfast, both adventurers and NPCs.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Day 4, 7:52AM - Eden Hall

Daylight flooded through the window and over Alisea's closed eyes. Slowly, gently, its warm glow drew the young woman from unconsciousness, through the realm of dreams, and back to the reality that seemed a dream. Long eyelashes fluttered open to greet the day--it certainly looked to be a beautiful one. As the fog of sleep lifted, her brain began diagnostics to determine what was real and what had been only a dream. The ceiling was not that of a modern bedroom, but rather sported the wooden beams of a medieval fantasy; Talrae had not become only a dream.

Her follow-up observation required more analysis: something heavy and very warm was draped across her torso. That was an abnormality that would bear further inspection. Turning her eyes down, Alisea found the quilts askew and a very unconscious Aster laying sideways beneath them--and over the top of Alisea. Her thoughts jump-started and memories of the night prior raced into the void. Eden Hall, Aster's speech, the plans for a guild, and finally the room they had rented. Again, Alisea looked down at her sleeping partner. How she had made it there--and without waking Alisea, no less--the magess would never know. But she wasn't really heavy, and the added warmth made the covers extra-cozy. 'To rectify, or not to rectify, that is the question,' Alisea thought, smiling at her... friend.

That particular decision would have to be postponed. Her first order of business was to carefully extract herself from the bed without waking the swordswoman. Alisea gave a few experimental fidgets; when Aster didn't react, she tried sliding sideways. Still the woman slept on. Summoning all the care she could manage, Alisea slipped a hand under Aster's head and lifted gingerly, raising her just enough to prevent her chin from catching on Alisea's ribs. As soon as Alisea had squirmed her body past, she lowered Aster's head to the sheets and breathed out a sigh of relief. The magess twisted her body over to where she could swing her legs out of the sheets--and promptly found herself in freefall, realizing a moment too late she had miscalculated how near the edge of the bed was.


Alisea dared to raise her head and peek at her companion, afraid the noise had been too much.

Aster lay still as ever, sleeping soundly on.

For the second time in as many moments, Alisea breathed a sigh of relief. The morning was off to a strange start. Checking the time only reinforced that thought; Alisea had slept until nearly eight in the morning. It was no wonder there was so much light filling the room; the better part of the morning was already gone. There was far too much to do to be sleeping any longer! Second order of business: to write in her journal. She hadn't while camped on the road, and she definitely hadn't last night after the meeting. Party? Debriefing? Meeting would do, she decided, sitting at the wooden desk and drawing book, ink, and quill from her inventory.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Renn: 767 >>>> 766

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5:00 A.M.

Reyland would soon curse the person sleeping in the room next to him, it had taken a hour to finally fall asleep with the constant snoring creeping through the wooden walls. He didn't want to begin to express the issues he had with the game developers for allowing people to be able to snore, it wasn't fair. After a few frustrated turns and rolls, he finished with pulling his pillow over his head and fell back asleep like that for the next three hours.

8:00 A.M.

What should have been a lovely, long rest after an exhausting day turned into a mediocre sleep at best. Reylan let a long groan birthed from his reluctance to get up and start the day. A hand flung the cover wildly off him as he slid his feet over the edge as he stretched his arms out with a silent yawn. He hoped the other's found far better conditions to sleep in and that's when he remembered that Aster and Alisea were to share a bed...He quickly slapped the side of his head, it was way to early for that train of thought. The snoring from the next room over had made him grumpy enough that he wanted to see who the culprit was. His legs tightened up as he stood and then relaxed, he felt a little stiff.

A quick shoot through the menu and his gear and clothes were on, and out the door he went to confront his nighttime terror. After a quick moment trying to figure out which direction it came from, he walked up to Paralyze's door and knocked three times on it "You've got to be in there..." He quietly spoke to himself, sleep was very important to him and this individual had ruined what was to be a glorious slumber. A little impatient and eager to go ask Aster to spar, he knocked four times on the door once more "Hey Snorlax, you in there?" He called for the owner of this room, trying to raise his voice but not wake those who might still be sleeping. Little did he know that the person inside had raided a dungeon with Polak and Fortuna, who he had asked the night before to join their guild.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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Paralyze had been stay awake for about half an hour now and doing nothing except from looking at the 4 wooden wall surrounding him. The gritty brown color of the walls blended perfectly with the warm sunlight. The shadow of trees and bird casting on the floor, revealing crack and holes that Paralyze could see the bar below him. And laying on the bed, Paralyze remember about the cold true fact of his real life. The sound of boys playing with each other on the stone pathway beneath reached Paralyze's ears, reminding him of what he used to possess.

Paralyze shake his head and stay there on his bed, continue to staring at the wall in front of him. He did not even bother to move a finger to unequip his cloth armor as the thing continues to apply its weight on his body. And Paralyze remembered how he would spent his day doing so, staring blindly at the wall or the TV. He was helpless and dependable on others. Those that used to be his friends were now replaced with medical tools and strong doses of painkillers. During those moments, Paralyze would reminisce about his glorious and freedom days. The moment when he bathed in fame and glory. Of his glorious achievements and the constant bragging about his endless talents.

But now, Paralyze is being himself. Nothing but a man with disabilities. Even now he could imagine himself being insert with multiple doses just to keep him to stay alive. Multiple strands of wire connecting to his spinal cords, preventing his immune system from falling apart. Tubes connecting to his stomach to feed him the nutrition he needed. The VRMMORPG are still connecting to his brain, sending these cybernetic signals to his brain to give him these worlds to claim his life. He had a chance to die and chose not to in the real world. Clenching his fists, Paralyze tried to lift himself up. But it seems that himself believing in the name “Paralyze" too much had cause his mind to truly paralyzed. The blurring sight, the fastens breath, the sweaty and shaken hand, it was all too real to be fake. Slowly, Paralyze felt his sight being taken away from him, leaving him in the cold and damp darkness corner of his mind. His lungs constantly grasping for air. But there was nothing. Holding his breath, Paralyze opened his mouth and felt something hard pierced his throat. It was horrible as Paralyze could felt its hard and rigid surface. It was cold like a metal rod, bent into spear-like shapes. And there come another. And another.

Paralyze screamed, but no one could hear a word but a few scarlet bubbles that began to flow out from his throat. It was like someone trying to kill you in front of yours eyes. Paralyze hands began to grabbing everything around him. He need something to hold him back, something to save him. He clawed and teared, unleashing his madness. But there was no used. The darkness opened its mouth as it welcomed thousand and billions of souls into its domain. And Paralyze was still desperately grabbing for something. It seems obscure as he continuously grabbing nothingness, unwary about the fact that he had died. Outside, doctors bowed their head due to their “we had done our best but sadly he could not make it” reason. And in the center, there was this disfigured things. It was molded by flesh and resemble some parts of human. But worms and insects are eating that blob of flesh, and others were bowing to that scene.

Launching himself from the bed, Paralyze looked around. His throat was intact, and his eyes are not blurred at all. Surprisingly enough, Paralyze poured no sweat during that horrible nightmare. His bed sheets were completely fined with no signs of being teared or clawed. Outside, men and women began doing their work. And Paralyze, with one hands covered his face mumbling to himself as he opened his status. It seems everything is real, Paralyze said to himself before shaking his head. But what could be real, Paralyze thinks as he slowly approached the wooden door. Opening it, Paralyze saw a man holding a bow in his hand and seem to have many problems. Being a patient and “waiting for his slowly yet undeniably and unavoidable death” kind of guy, Paralyze tried to open the conversation with a warm smile and booming voice. “Hello there, how can I helped you?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Health: 1,500/1,500
Mana: 300/300

Aster remained still as a board. A flexible board. A board with a burning-red face and eyes screwed desperately shut as she took in the humorously implausible situation unfolding before her and beneath her.

Aster had always been a restless sleeper. At times she'd even gone so far as to sleepwalk, though it rarely came to that. For the most part, she was a bit like a cat, or water, in that she took up whatever space was available. She'd hoped that exhaustion and mortification would prevent this, but stress usually made it worse, and this was clearly one of those cases. Somehow, over the course of the night, she had ended up laying across Alisea like a lapdog, or an unnaturally warm blanket. What was this, a harem anime?

Deciding then and there that this could by no means go on the way it was, she made to move off of the other young woman, only for her to move herself. Oh, dear. Alisea was clearly awake as well. The only thing to do at this point was feign sleep. Aster prayed desperately that her blazing red cheeks wouldn't be noticed, or perhaps that the game wouldn't register the reaction.

Her head was lifted. She did her best not to resist the motion, as that would reveal her state of uncomfortable- well, not uncomfortable, exactly. She was actually very comfortable, just embarrassed. Yes, that was a better word for it.

Suddenly, with a soft thump, she made contact with the bed, Alisea having slid out from under her. Aster cracked an eye open a fraction, and was startled by the thump of Alisea nearly falling out of bed. Footsteps, then the faint, but distinctive sound of items being equipped. The sound of a book's spine creaking, then the scratch of quill on paper. Aster lay on the bed, listening to Alisea working at... whatever she was doing. It was a familiar feeling, listening to others while keeping to herself. Back home, listening had been about all she could do, and yet she still talked more than she should have... Well, perhaps she could remedy that here.

Eventually, Aster fell back asleep, and though it felt like another hour or so, only about ten minutes passed. By now, she felt safe sitting up, looking blearily around, and yawning out a "Morning." She did her best to maintain her composure, acting for all the world as though she had not, in fact, been sleeping on top of her friend for who-knew-how-long. She scooted to one side of the bed, letting her legs hang over as she straightened her simple, but quality clothes. "Did you, ah, sleep well, Alisea?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Fortuna absentmindedly took another gulp of her ale, her sharp eyes met with the barkeep's once more as he said two simple words. She gave him a small, sad smile. "Perhaps... But life goes on." She replied ambiguously, staring into the rippling liquid in her tankard. She noticed the presence of two of her party members from earlier, yet she wasn't about to address them with smiles as she had done when they first teamed up. She looked at Polak from the corner of her eye as he spoke to her. She felt the awkwardness in the air as her inquired about her thoughts, which she found to be a little cute.

"I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow." She said with a calm, yet friendly tone. As if she hadn't had enough people ask her virtually the same question, another man approached them, asking about the loss of their comrade. Perhaps out of pure coincidence, it would seem that he had also lost someone. Given his armaments, she assumed he was an Archer. Her expression for the most part, was quite blank, if not calm.

"A pleasure to meet you, Reylan. And yes, we lost someone.." She responded blankly, "But perhaps we can continue this conversation another time." The rogue would've stayed around for longer had it not been for the repetition of questions in the span of ten minutes. She finished her ale and got up from her stool. "Have a good evening, gentlemen." As she went to leave, Reylan extended an invitation to his guild. One that she wished to think about for some time. Perhaps until the next day would suffice.

A nice hot bath was a welcome feeling after a long couple of days, she was quite ready to surrender herself to the whims of this world if she could have a bath like this everyday. Fortuna hadn't the slightest clue as to what the rest of Reylan's guild was like. However, it was worth thinking about. Working as a group would definitely make this easier, but to create bonds with others would potentially lead to heart break in this death game. But she was never much of a solo player. Or rather she was never given the chance to be one.

It was the first night that Fortuna was able to sleep properly.. Which was surprising, given the circumstances of yesterday. Must've been the alcohol and the hot bath. She had actually spent some of that night flipping a coin out of habit, but for the most part. A fitful rest. She opened the curtains to see that the weather was the same as it had been for the past few days. She found it interesting that she could feel the sun's warmth in a virtual place, but that just goes to show how advanced everything has become.

The rogue took out a coin and flipped it. The morning light flickered as it reflected off the metal. The coin landed flat in the palm of her hand. Heads. She smirked slightly. Perhaps she was a little superstitious? Or maybe her gambling habits are getting the better of her? Perhaps both. But this was a good sign. She hoped that her luck hadn't run out just yet.

With a few flicks of her finger, she opened the console. Quickly, she sent a message to Reylan. "I'll join the guild. :)" It said simply. Hopefully the little emote made the message seem less expressionless.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Renn: 766

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The tone of the voice possessed by the snoring demon caught him off-guard, he certainly sounded like someone who had gotten a good night's rest. As for the class of the man before him, he was not entirely sure what it was but it didn't seem to be a mage or an archer like him. That was the reason why he was here! No this person had denied him a beautiful sleep with sweet drea--- that was right, his vivid dreams had been more like vivid nightmares the past three nights. Nevertheless he had come this far as to knock on his door "Hi, I was sleeping in the room next over. First, let me say I'm amazed you can snore in this game.." he spoke the second sentence quick "And second, is there anyway you can make it quieter? I got that room for two more nights man." The irritability shone in his voice this time, coming off like an attack on his person with its rude tone.

After saying that, his right hand pushed up the front of his hair upwards as he realized the way he came off. Reylan doubted that his neighbor had specifically snored just to mess up with his sleep cycle, so it was unfair to be rude to him because of that "My apologies, I just came back from a dungeon last night and now I gotta draft a guild treaty. I mean you did keep me up for a bit, but that doesn't mean I should get on your case about it." Now he was rambling, the best solution would be to go purchase some kind of eaf-muffs if they even sold those in this game. A message-looking icon appeared and he pressed it, and alongside the pm from the admin was a message from Fortuna ""I'll join the guild. :)" it read. A smile appeared on his face and he did a little fist pump for victory, the smiley face indeed bringing a more friendly atmosphere to the words, despite Paralyze still standing there. That meant he could now officially make the guild, but he wouldn't submit the treaty until he had Dub's stance on it. It wouldn't seem right to make the guild without hearing his opinion.

His attention turned back to Paralyze, his mood improving now that a new member had decided to join their little band of misfit. This made him look at Paralyze in a different light, maybe he could get him to join the guild as well. He cleared his throat a bit "I should introduce myself properly, my name is Reylan. Soon to be guild-master and archer extraordinaire." This time was a bit easier than yesterday, talking to strangers had already been a weak point of his. It felt like sometimes he was simply talking on the fly and speaking whatever came to mind "In two days my guild is gonna clear the dungeon we already fought at, I welcome you to join us." Confidence came along with his words as hope filled his eyes, it didn't matter that he knew nothing about the guy. No one in the guild were best friends, save for Aster and Alisea who just kicked things off from the start. Now that Fortuna was joining, he hoped Polak was follow suit and unknown to him Paralyze was in that same party.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Day 4, 8:06AM - Eden Hall

The scritch-scratch of the quill across paper ceased. Alisea set the instrument down gently and turned to face her friend."I slept wonderfully, thank you." 'You did as well, I presume?' Alisea refrained from saying aloud; she didn't want to embarrass Aster. "Sorry if I woke you; I wanted to write a journal entry before the day began. I finished, so I can go." The magess stood, gathering her items first into her hands and then into her inventory. "That way you can have the room to yourself for a bit," she explained as she hurried to leave. The girl had no ear for objections, and in a matter of seconds she was pulling the door shut behind her with a faint 'click.'

Turning toward the stairs, Alisea was pleasantly surprised to see Reylan in the hall. She called out a cheery, "Good morning!" as she walked toward him. Another small surprise came as the magess caught sight of the man Reylan was speaking with. He was a taller gentleman, with dark hair and a sturdy jawline. 'A tall, dark stranger,' Alisea mused. 'I wonder what fortune teller magicked him into Reylan's life.' She didn't intend to interrupt their conversation, but the magess would have to ask Reylan about it later.

"Oh, good morning. Is Aster awake?" the archer replied, seeming in high spirits.

Alisea might have simply passed that question off as small talk, or even as a good leader looking after his party; but something in the way he asked it made the girl itch. It couldn't be... but was he teasing? Suddenly walking past Reylan was no longer an option. The magess slid up to her captain with a charming smile, drawing his eyes to hers.

"Eager to see her again?" Alisea rejoined, her voice light but unmistakably suggestive.

Reylan blinked at the insinuation Alisea's words carried. "Ah, well, I just wanted to ask her to spar this morning." Despite his best efforts a bit of nervousness slipped into his words.

Alisea held her smile, but left her next comment unsaid--he had company, and embarrassing their leader in front of others wouldn't do. Turning to the tall, dark stranger, Alisea proffered a hand. "My name is Alisea. My role is the combat mage. Would you happen to be a Tinker?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 800
Mana: 1200
Renn: 636 >> 591
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Health: 550/700
Mana: 000/100
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp woke up early, he did his regular stretch and yawn before getting out of bed. He would have liked to experience some more sleep, but he needed to become stronger. The white wolf from yesterday proved to be a difficult combatant. Even then, he would not have been able to battle it without the help of his acquaintances. Dubstepp acknowledged more difficult enemies would appear later.

The musician looked around and blinked a few times. Rubbing his forehead, he expected an hour of morning preparation, but this was a video game. All he was resorted to was eating something because the Game Master said so. Not wasting any time, he exited his room and headed to the stores in the district. Dubstepp already planned what he wanted to take with him.

Dubstepp entered a little food store. He quickly grabbed a dry biscuit and a jar of honey. Thinking of his Totoro, he bought some pet feed too. The cost was a bit pricey, but hopefully, the flower quest would make up for it. The musician paid for his things and headed out of the city.

While walking, he dipped his biscuit in the jar of honey. He scarfed it down while moving so as to travel to the destination quicker. Dubstepp hated how far along the garden happened to be. Even then, the musician was glad that Totoro was trekking beside him. The company did provide comfort during the trip.

Dubstepp arrived at the garden. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead. The walk was not that bad as he did climb on Totoro's back during a portion of the trip. Dubstepp breathed and took the views of the garden. Bright flowers stretched out for miles; every acre was utilized to showcase plant life. The musician thought the views around the city were remarkable, but this was different.

"Wow. Pretty gay, huh, Totoro?" Dubstepp asked. He clapped his hands together and told Totoro to take a pet feed break. "Time to start picking flowers," He said while crouching down and picking a handful into his inventory.

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