The beginning of the 19th century, when history as we knew it developed, an alternate history of steam and fantasy unveiled itself right underneath our feet. It all began when someone discovered a big hole somewhere across the land of Kansas, America. The federation decided that it was a good idea to assemble an exploration group and sent them into the mysterious hole with the newly developed airship prototype.

As the team navigated the airship carefully through a long windy cave, they felt a flip in gravity as the airship began to row slowly about its longitudinal axis. The whole world in front of them rotated upside down, and right after the airship stopped rowing it started ascending. They were confused, but they proceeded. Eventually, the airship found its way to an exit. With much contrary to their expectations, the team saw sunlight. The sky was as blue as the outside world and the sun was hanging right above them. Appeared in front of them was a vast land of desert. Unfamiliar gigantic creatures were spotted traversing the land. The team immediately knew that they had arrived at Agartha, the hollow earth.
As news on the discovery of the hollow earth reached earth's surface, the whole world shook. At first, people around the world were deeply skeptical and full of disbelief; but as more photographic evidences were produced, it caught their attention. Scientists and aristocrats around the world started flocking in to Kansas, hoping to spectate the hollow earth with their very own eyes. The following decade saw hundreds of airships built as young brave explorers were brought into the hollow earth. A new age of steampunkXmonsters had just begun.
The World

World Setting: Agartha (Hollow Earth)
Starting Location: Rustpoints, a collection of outposts in
Scorpion's Ville (hollow earth counterpart of Kansas state), Agartha.
Time setting: 19th century
Theme: steampunk/monster-hunting
Game Mechanics: anything that goes tick-tock, tick-tock, psssshhhhh~

Creatures: big ass monsters biologically evolved to kill
The Players
Feel free to create your own role.
Express your opinion and subscribe. I'll flesh out more details if there is enough interests thanks. :)