Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dirk Messir - Buman Corpinman

The moment Boneguy said the louder thing, Dirk did a drop to wider stance, and slipped forward to caught myself on his elbows. Was there oil? No not really no, otherwise he would be have to go through the fire and flames. I also scrabble in towards the area, and hopefully I reached the right place in time, because NOW Boneslorge says he needs me to dodge torpedos... what, didn't he realised they wanted to do things at him? WHAT, NOW HE ONLY UNDERSTANDS THE EAT SHIT AND DIE YOU UTTER GARBAGE THING YOU AREN'T EVEN A HUMAN YOU'RE N OOT H IG NGN

'HUUUUUUUUURCK, I COME OVER THE HOOOUUUSE!' Dirk will screech, flailing as he rams the chest into the wheel of many souls, and happens to grab it and spin it a lot to the left of the right, which is the right but a bit to the right left. The right hand right is always right. Dirk likes his lihts to be tidy. Since he was also there, he saw Caezure doing that the then combination of electrical hits, and Shroomsword hit with his own the almighty words, which are even longer than a newspaper could hold, and whilst he's there he will wondering if Metalarmswoman and Albino Girl were doing okay when not doing their the best thing. Were they doing the best thing? They probably didn't die, so they were okay. Oh also Slick burned everything. Why would Slick do this, he knows it makes moving more maddening mania magic Michael. Dirk would still lean as the ship goes to the tilt, anyway.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lilliana Merrycure

Still tinkering, her attention only peripherally focused on a few other things, it came as a complete surprise as a man she'd glimpsed fighting Krabbe's men closed the distance and began bombarding her with questions. When she started to actual hear his questions proper a smile crossed her features and her eyes lit up. She almost got a chance to open her mouth and reply, but Krabbe spoke and his voice cut her thoughts off quite short.

Her gaze darted over in the direction of the Rum Runner and she frowned, before steel came into her eyes and she turned to look back at the Bounty Hunter. She spoke up so he would hear her, “We could help you and we all survive, or we could retreat, knock him into the ocean or back onto your ship where he'd be your problem. So how about we help eachother. We all get to not die, you get your crewmember back, and we get to go free!” She smiled cheerily at the man even as she took out two syringes. She threw one in Feya's direction.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

Here's My Answer

Feya tried to have a tight grip on Krabbe, but the bounty hunter proved greatly agile. His sequence of actions cut through quickly. She did not expect him to jump away, but to continue fighting. Picking herself up to her feet, she cocked an eyebrow at the crab man. Fitness Feya shook her fist at the man. "Where you going!? Come back here," she bellowed.

Krabbe started to speak and tried to defuse the battle. Feya's teeth clenched together in anger. Apparently, the bounty hunter needed assistance in controlling his first mate. The fitness woman did not gather what occurred around the ship or her crew's ship. At this point, she did not know the status regarding her other crewmates. By the sound of it, Krabbe's first mate seemed to reach a berserk mode.

Feya placed her hand over her face and started to laugh. "So you decided to pick a fight with us and in doing so, have lost all control of your first mate? While asking for help from the very pirates you are fighting? This is ridiculous," Feya continued to laugh. It provided a good workout for her core; her hair bounced as spit flew out of her mouth.

"That's really lame, I'm sorry. To answer your request, well, here's my answer," Feya smiled. She walked over to the side of the ship. She grabbed onto a section of the guard rail bolted on the deck. Using the strength mostly in her right arm, she managed to rip out a decent piece. Quickly, she turned around viciously and chucked the metal beam at the bounty hunter.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 15 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! VIII

Though his shot wasn't as effective as he had hoped, the "piercing shot" had struck true. If they could keep up the pressure that thing could be taken down. Caesar had been knocked back with a nasty hit. Bonesword had taken to the air with his own ability.

The monster yelled the Captain's name and fired its' pistols at him multiple times. Boone was barely able to avoid the shots as multiple bullets slammed into the railing, another tore through the outer layer of his coat and one even shot his hat clean off his head! Unfortunately, the last shot appeared unavoidable. Cedric braced himself as it penetrated into his side. A stinging pain shot through him as he clutched the wound with one hand. The bleeding wasn't so bad yet. He looked at the hole for a moment and quietly muttered, "You're going to regret that.."

There was no helping it, the only way to take this thing down quickly would be to utilize his experimental ammunition. The untested explosive shot. There was no telling how little or how much damage the ammo could produce. For all he knew, it could end up blowing up in his face. But he had to try.

Captain Cedric loaded the large glowing ball into his blunderbuss and yelled out, "EVERYONE, GET AWAY FROM IT!" He waited until he knew everyone had ample time to move. The pain had become more intense and the bleeding worse. The Shrimp's bullets were not to be messed with. Cedric grimaced in pain, stood up, and fired at the Shrimp Brigade's lower half with the intention of limiting the use of its' limbs and to give Bonesword a free attack at its' head. It sailed through the air like a grenade towards the shrimp's body.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aboard the King Crab

Things were not going fantastic on the King Crab. John Krabbe had managed to separate himself from the insane woman long enough to try to alert them as to the intense danger they were all in at that moment, but of the two women that had boarded his ship only one seemed to be the least bit reasonable about it. Could they not see the monster that Saban had become, causing havoc on their own ship?! That's when the bounty hunter was caught unaware. A large wrench flew from on high, clocking him square in the jaw and pinning him to the wall. Glancing up, he saw the culprit, that damned pirate he had stuffed away in the brig. Damn it all, he must have gotten out of his cage in all the commotion! Just how much damage had these bastards done to his glorious ship?!

That was no matter. Krabbe was only bruised by the attack. Compared to the insane woman, the wrench to his face was like a playground bully kicking sand. He reached up with his clawed arm, took hold of the giant engineering tool, and forced it off his face and out of the wall. "Dammit you idiots, I'm telling you there's no time! He will see us all as criminals to be killed with extreme prejudi-STOP DEFILING MY SHIP!" His words fell on deaf ears, as Krabbe was forced to defend himself against another of Feya's attacks. Using the big wrench he had appropriated as a baseball bat, he knocked the railing aside and harmlessly into the ocean. Then he took careful aim for Wafer D. Kite and hurled the wrench back at the pirate. "Here! You'll need this!" The wrench flew true, right back to its owner, but not with the sort of force you'd use to attack someone. It was being given back.

"Men, lower the Shell Shield, expose the cannons! Take aim for Saban and fire immediately!" What few remaining conscious crew members had been left did their best to limp and scatter around the ship, heading for the engineering controls. By the time the first one had gotten there, the console was already being manned by Shrimp Brigade Pink.

"Mon capitaine, the controls are damaged! We cannot lower the Shell Shield!" the sixth Brigade member cried out, fruitlessly banging on the console.

Grumbling, Krabbe pulled up a den den mushi to his mouth, the one he had been using to accidentally project himself over the loudspeaker the entire battle. "Dammit! Alright pirates, I don't like you and you don't like me, but here's the deal! Saban was born and raised deep in the Grand Line. He only ended up in the South Blue by a fluke accident! His original form is utterly insane, drunk on power and with the ego of a battle-crazy deity! I was able to convince him that by keeping himself split into a team using his devil fruit powers, that he could cover more ground and dispense more justice that way, but when he splits a piece of himself all his properties are split too. Intelligence, power, even his craziness. That's how I kept him under control! But now that you've forced him to reclaim his pieces into one body, he'll blindly kill everything in sight! We take him out, and we part ways, no questio-GURK!"

Krabbe's speech was cut off as he was knee'd in the back of the head by a Shrimp Brigade Red. A whole mess of Shrimp Brigade warriors had swung over to the King Crab and instantly reformed back into Shotaro Saban's original body. The hulking behemoth laughed a deep chuckle, splitting into his Vishnu form. Laughing the entire time, he began gunning down the sailors with impunity, swung his ball and chain down toward Feya, and thrust his trident so that one prong would hit Kite and another would strike Liliana.

Aboard the Rum Runner

The beast known as Shrimp Brigade Prime, Shotaro Saban, laughed a guttural roar as he attacked and defended himself from the crew of the Rum Runner. Oilburn Slick hadn't so much as moved, continuing to spew forth flames only for them to get put out by the vacuum strong forces of Saban's chainball. He could no longer continue firing his pistols at Boone, having run out of ammunition. That was a quick and easy fix, even if it left him open to the sharpshooting captain for a moment. Two more arms split off from the existing ones. The hands went to work grabbing the ammunition from his armored belt, refilled the guns, then the arms were recalled back into the others. As this was going on, the Rum Runners quickly went to work on a strategy that should hopefully defeat this massively powerful foe.

Caesar recovered from his experience as a human baseball long enough to begin hurling electro shocks at Saban with his Omnislash technique. The devil fruit freak found this amusing. If one of his weak split-selves could defend against it, then why would the idiot mink think it would work on him at full power? The two arms wielding the trident changed focus to intercept the shocks, neutralizing them using the rubber grip just as it had been when Caesar had battled Green earlier. All he had to do was defend himself perfectly until his guns reloaded, then they would all die. That's when Bonesword came flying through the air. Saban's many eyes easily spotted the skelekid coming at him, and even picked up on the extension to the sword. As with Caesar's assault he chuckled. It was pointless! The two arms covered in spiked knuckles rose up to intercept the sword slash. Just one arm would have been enough to grab all the way around the blade and toss the little pissant, but he used both arms. The two forces met head on as two of Saban's eyes narrowed on Bonesword with sadistic glee.

Without warning the ship began to list. Saban clearly hadn't anticipated this, being taken completely by surprise. Even so, his Anansi Form kept balance on the deck of the ship. The change in leverage put Bonesword at more of an advantage, but Saban was still strongest of all! "EVERYONE, GET AWAY FROM IT!" What?


Boone's explosive shot hit between many of Saban's legs, scorching his skin painfully. He reeled back at the force, completely losing his defense. The chainball faltered and for the first time flames struck Saban's body. The trident was thrown off and so multiple electros shocked him. Bonesword's strike powered through his defenses. Coupled with the force of the explosion and the listing ship, Anansi-Vishnu Saban was tossed backward over the railing! He had been excised from the Rum Runner, finally!

"Waru waru Monkey Barrel!" The huge man began to shrink in size as he fell back. One copy split from him, holding one another by the wrist. Another split, holding that one by the wrist. Another and another and another, they kept splitting into a long human chain! The last one manifested at the top of the Rum Runner's mast, taking hold of the ship. Their descent suddenly shifted into a swinging motion, one with only one possible destination: The King Crab.

"We take him out, and we part ways, no questio-GURK!" One of the Shrimp Brigade copies struck John Krabbe in the back of the head, then all were recalled back into a single fighter once again. Saban was still very much an active threat, only now he was terrorizing Feya and Lilliana.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Spring Apple

Bonesword, after landing the blow on Saban, used the hits recoil as a way to launch himself back up into the air. At first he was smirking at his victory over the mighty Shrimp Vishnu, but his face melted to utter annoyance when he saw the monkey maneuver Saban pulled off. What the hell kind of stunt was that?! A bullshit one, that was for sure.

"KOJO KOJO SPRING APPLE!" Bonesword called out as he landed on top of the Rum Runner's mast, taking a running start before leaping into the air from a sudden burst of vines and trees underneath him.

His goal? Make it to the King Crab so he can finish what evaded him.

As Bonesword was rocketing towards the King Crab, a large green vine shot out from his waist, aiming straight for Saban's back at a rather alarming speed. It wasn't going to do much damage in the grand scheme, but it would act as something else. A grappling hook.

Spring Apple.

Spring and Grapple.

A large jump followed by a grappling hook launched from his side to pull him towards something.

Regardless of his puns, Bonesword prepared another downward slash towards Saban, approaching towards him from the side this time so he can really get the drop on him. He was sure this time that Saban wasn't going to flee him so easily. Especially if he even THOUGHT about hurting his mom.

Nobody hurts Bonesword's mom.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 15 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! IX

Cedric watched in great satisfaction as his explosive shot made its' mark on their dangerous foe. He laughed bawdily, "Bawhahahahaha! And there's more where that came from!" Saban tumbled off the Rum Runner, but used a clever trick to make his way towards the King Krab. Boone held his side to apply pressure and alleviate the bleeding from his gunshot wound.

He made a mental note of the situation, hearing the words of John Krabbe. Working together would be the best option in their situation.."EVERYONE, EXCEPT DIRK!! PREPARE TO BOARD THE KING KRAB! FOCUS ON FIGHTING THAT MONSTROUSITY!!"

Then their captain glanced at Dirk stating, "Our capable helmsman will steer us in close enough to board. Isn't that right Mr. Messir?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dirk Messir - Relegated to Boatguy

Luckily, nobody was forced to fall off except for Spidersman, who turns into Monkeysman to return to his ship and become a fool. And after that, Dirk stopped turning his ship, and turn into a real boy, on what is flat ground now so nobody else fell off. And he was doing great! Except that Lord Krabbe Douche decided that now Violent was somehow WAAAAY more of a threat than before, because CLEARLY that's how it works. Stupid nerd idiot.

You're the stupid idiot. You nearly killed the rest of the crew with your insane maneuver.

No, DEREK, that will be YOUR move that does that. I am just turning the ship, like his Divine Purpose tells him to do, so what did HE have to say about THAT?

That you're stupid and I hate you. You should've thrown yourself overboard with Saban, you trash.

Well. Shut up. Divine Purpose doesn't want that, no. Won't. Instead, Krant wanted them to fight Shrampz Brigade Oneth, but stopped because he stopped talking. Plant Horse already left, so Dirk's original plan to go and be on fire wouldn't work... or WOULD IT?

Obviously not Fool! You can't survive fire Dumbass!

Okay but Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle, Slice has oil which only burns itself. He wouldn't hurt a real good boye. It doesn't work like that. Besides, you can't. You have to do what Captain Cedric says, which is steer the bote like a well-ridden gote. FRICK, we wanted to go on the enemies! DARNO.

'Yes, Captain Cedric.' But it is a smart good point, because otherwise, how do you get to the bote? Other bote, where is in the enemies got to. And the Dirk is a stronk, but still not that as stronk as the regular other crews people. He had to fix that. That was how he did with Feya. She was nice. She also needed to get that help, because she was on the other ship... SO, TIME TO STEER THE BOAT TO THE RIGHT PLACE.

Do It, Dirk! Steer That Boat!

I'm doing it, Big Guy! Yeah, Dirk was the best Dirk in the entire ship, and the Divine Purpose confirms it! Heck!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wafer D. Kite - When Shrimp become Prawn. Who'd could have seen this coming?!

Kite's attention was pulled away from the amazing weaponry before him once more by the only thing that could entertain him more. Krabbe had indeed been caught off guard and it delighted the young shipwright. "Serves him right." He said before Krabbe used the wrench to deflect an incoming attack. Whatever was happening must have really been serious. And listening to the calm, logical decision from the girl with the amazing weapon had helped him decide. "Fine." He spoke, hesitantly, with clear disdain. They would have to work together.

Krabbe threw his wrench back. It wasn't an attack. Kite could feel it when it met the palm of his raised hand. If it had been, he would have felt a much heavier impact and there would likely have been at lease a glimmer of killing intent behind it.

Then, came Krabbe's speech. Guess he really is serious. Sorry guys. Krabbe's downfall will have to end here for now. He thought as Krabbe spoke before one of the Shrimp Brigade attacked. Kite's eyes widened at the site before the rest of the brigade returned and merged to form a hulking beast of a man near him and Lilliana. One attack from his huge frame launched at Feya, but Kite didn't have the luxury of focusing on that though. There was another attack coming at him and the amazing girl.

"Shit!" He couldn't help but react in surprise as he raised his arm, swinging one of the large wrenches upward to collide with the trident and knock it upward. That might have been enough, but Kite knew it wouldn't be. He swung his other wrench at the side of the monstrous man with tremendous force, just as the sight of Bonesword came into view, attempting a strike down from above. If Kite was right this guy wouldn't fall prey to his abdominal strong, but perhaps the newcomers attack might work. Although he couldn't be so sure, especially when it couldn't help but question whether or not the child-like being had any strength in his bony arms. Fight now. React Later. He thought, knowing it would take all his strength and more just to hold off the trident should the man press on with it as an attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lilliana Merrycure

Her syringe likely striking Feya and doing the mad heals, Lilliana turned her attention to her tinkering. She zoned in for a moment before Krabbe's exclamation due to Saban's entrance. It was all rather sudden, and in similar fashion she found herself in the path of a great trident. She ducked down raising an arm at the same time, the bio-metal forming a shield of sorts. However, she wouldn't use the shield to block, but instead to deflect. Her feet firmly planted on the ground, combined with her startling strength, and the natural velocity of the strike, and her armor would hopefully allow her to slam the 'shield' upwards, knocking it high enough that it wouldn't strike the wrench wielding fellow.

Provided she was successful, she would dash towards the many-armed monstrosity that was--presumably--the crew mate that Krabbe had brought up. Without looking she threw the syringe back at Wrench-guy. He seemed to be an ally, and he hadn't struck her as at the peak of health. The concoction in the syringe was likely to give him the energy and focus to trudge through this fight.

Moving towards Saban, she brought up her grappling hook, readying it, whilst tendrils of bio-metal continued to tinker in her bag, repurposing whatever she'd been making earlier into something that might be useful against this monstrosity. She hoped the rest of her nakama made it here quickly. It looked like they needed all the help they could get.

Though, at least Bonesword had made his way over.

She loved that boy. He was a darling.

“Well, looks like we're allies now, whether we like it or not,” she said as she angled off her dash, ceasing her approach and instead running off to one side towards the fallen mast.

This was gonna get dangerous fast.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya


Interacting with: @yoshua171

Feya's eyebrow curled, her eye twitch might have shown two emotions: confusion or anger. To be frank, she couldn't tell you how she felt. The entire situation on Krabbe's ship turned sour; the captain of the ship proposed a truce to overpower one of his mates. Of course, Feya did not like the idea. She kept her hands on her hips. Her jaw moved side to side, both rows of teeth began to grind against each other.

"Shouldn't you be responsible for your own crewmates? I feel that's a given," she taunted. Picking her ear, she pulled out a finger topped in yellow wax. Flicking it onto the ship, she demonstrated her lack of care. The issue at hand was not of her concern. She folded her arms over her chest. "I could possibly help, that is if a payment is due. Pay my crew handsomely and I shall help. Until then..."

She felt a sharp pain in her arm. The stinging interrupted her bluff, moving her hand over her arm, she noticed a syringe inside her limb. Feya pulled the needle out after a liquid became injected into her bloodstream. She tossed the object into the ocean. After a few seconds, she started to feel a healing process within herself. "Thanks, Liliana." She said indirectly.

Flipping her hair over her ear, she smiled. "Like I said, I won't lift one finger against this guy unless there is a money transaction for wasting our time. I would hurry and accept before more of your men die." She paused and cracked her knuckles a bit. "I am a pirate after all."

Before she could react, Krabbe became attacked by his own underling. The said attacker aimed his next assault at her. She scoffed as she noticed a giant wrecking ball of destruction started cutting through the air. Thankfully, the ball's direction was vertical.

She leaped back to avoid possible death. The impact did cause a force of wind to push her down to one of the deck's walls. The fitness woman collected herself immediately afterward. Thank goodness for Lilliana's special concoction. Feya probably would not have had the strength to evade an attack of that caliber.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Slick's grin slowly morphed into a look of mad rage as his canvas resisted his attempt to make it beautiful. "STOP RESISTING AND LET ME MAKE YOU INTO A MASTERPIECE!" His fire grew hotter and hotter as he poured more and more oil into his weapon, trying to break through the vacuum that dinner was making so it could be properly cooked. Was it dinner or was it art? He would decide once he got it on the stove, maybe it was both right now? His musings were interrupted by a sweet music that many would interpret as a deadly explosion, Slick preferred the term orchestra. Dinner finally stopped spinning it's arms like an idiot and began to be properly cooked, slipping off the ship and into the ocean. "DINNER NO! YOU WERE GOING TO BE SO TASTY!" And then Slick did something really dumb. He jumped off his position on the mast and leapt towards the dinner, which was splitting into multiple smaller entrees, and latched onto one with a tendril of sticky oil.

Thus he became one with the chain, swinging onto the King Crab with the rest of the Shrimp Brigade and landing on the deck with style and grace. Meaning he crashed into several crew members, using them to break his fall and simultaneously break their bones. Slick sprang up with hardly a scratch on him and began running circles around dinner, ignoring his friends who were on board with him. "Hold still and let me cook you so you can BECOME A WORK OF ART ALONG WITH THE REST OF THIS SHIP!" Three tendrils emerged from Slick's back, the ends spewing very flammable oil all over the deck of the ship where dinner was standing. While the tendrils did that, Slick was also using his regular arms to let loose with a stream of flame on dinner's torso to split its attention.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar - Not My Family!

Caesar watched as most of the rest of the crew gave immediate chase after the Behemoth, frowning as he watched the bastard give Krabbe a solid whack before returning to Prime form.

Even as everyone countered and attacked, or did nothing in Feya's case - he'd need to have a talk with her after this, Caesar could see what was going to happen.

The Kid had left himself open. That wasn't going to go well. Feya had left an opening by running her mouth and not attacking. Liliana should be alright, if she moved fast enough. The... Wrench guy?... Was fighting a power battle he couldn't hope to win. And Slick? He focused on trying to trip up the many legged form.... Again. The fire could help, but otherwise Caesar could almost discount Slick's actions in the parameters, having already seen the tactic not work well against this form.

He watched it happen with growing agitation as he saw all the flaws in the attacks, and he knew they were about to suffer for the sloppiness.

"Cedric... Get ready to fire..." the young Mink growled as the ships came close enough to each other. With a running start he jumped the gap, wincing at his injured ribs, and rolled directly into the fray. Coming from behind the Wrench guy, Caesar added his own strength against the Trident, swinging his machete with his free hand at the leg to the right of the one Wrench guy was swinging at.

"YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FRIENDS!" Caesar yelled with a surge of force against the Trident, looking to make it bash Prime in the head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The battle was only heating up to even greater intensity as the action shifted from the Rum Runner over to the King Crab. On the captain's orders, Dirk brought the pirate vessel in closer alongside the King Crab, allowing for easier movement between the two ships. Slick and Bonesword had each already found their own way to cross the waters without closing the gap, creatively applying their devil fruit powers in order to chase down Saban and attack him. The massive man was not easily caught off guard though, thanks to splitting his eyes around his head to give himself 360 degree vision. His concentration was unbelievable, able to focus on each individual opponent simultaneously. Perhaps he was even able to split his attention with that devil fruit?

The mighty trident was caught and held up by both Lilliana's B-MO enhanced arms as well as Kite's wrench. Either one of them alone would have struggled and most likely failed, but together they held strong against the assault. Once Lilliana abandoned the struggle to change up her tactics, Kite's efforts had to be doubled. He was forced to his knees. Meanwhile Bonesword had launched himself directly toward Saban's back with a vine utilized as a grappling hook. His sword was ready to strike, but he had failed to take into account his enemy's range of vision. The arms wielding spiked knuckles reached up and grabbed the vine, then yanked on it. Hard. The skelekid went flying toward Saban far faster than he had anticipated for, so his attack wasn't ready. In response he received a hammer strike straight down on his head, his body slamming hard into the upper deck of the ship, smashing the floor and flying straight through. When the swordsman recovered, he saw that he had been knocked down two decks, into the King Crab's food stores.

As this went on, Feya did little but dodge Saban's initial attack with the ball and chain, then demand payment for helping. While her attention had been occupied, Saban turned his pistols on her and let fire with both guns. She was fit, she was fast, and she was tough, but she was neither faster nor tougher than a bullet, much less a hail of bullets. All she'd have the time for was to clench shut her eyes in preparation for pain... But the pain never came. "It'll take more than some measly small arms fire to pierce my armor, Saban!" John Krabbe was standing in front of the fitness doctor, arms extended outward. He had jumped in front of her, literally taking the bullets. With a smug grin, he turned just barely enough to face her. "There's your damn payment, pirate," he scoffed.

Not to be outdone, not that he was exactly paying attention to anyone else, Slick had been hard at work gooping up the deck and unleashing a torrent of hellfire on the massive shrimp-armored foe. Saban had noticed, and so began to spin his chain ball to create a vacuum, just as he had done before. The difference in this case was that he had already swung his weapon at Feya, and needed to pull it back in before using this defensive tactic. As a result a number of his many feet had been splashed in oil, and the fire was already upon him. It was thanks to the pain of this blaze that he wasn't able to put in his full strength to crush Kite, now that the wrench-user was defending himself alone.

That's when Caesar arrived on the scene. The half-mink got into place, taking Lilliana's position with the trident by Kite's side. Mustering his (literally) inhuman strength, Caesar and Kite managed to push back the trident. Just as planned, the pommel of the weapon bludgeoned its owner square in the forehead. Their individual attacks also landed, reaching safely into the fire started by Slick and harming his legs. "GAH!" he yelped. Though two legs buckled, he remained standing tall thanks to the other six. That's when Krabbe made his move.

CRUSTACEAN-" The bounty hunter took a mighty leap into the air, high enough to meet his first mate at eye level. His pincer arm extended outward, clamping down hard on Saban's tiny neck. "PILEDRIVER!" Krabbe flipped forward, maintaining his grip. He flew right over Saban's head, upside down, then came back down to earth. Saban, trapped in the Vice's legendary grip, followed head first, crashing into the floor. Dust and wood splinters flew every which way, masking the scene to all but the most perceptive of individuals. Once the dust had settled everyone was treated to the sight of John Krabbe standing atop Shotaro Saban's chest, bloodied claw raised up in triumph.

The devil fruit user no longer had multiple limbs and eyes, having reverted into the original, even larger forms. His face had changed purple from the strangling force of the Vice, while his neck was bleeding. The crew cheered in joyous celebration of their captain, but the celebration turned out to be premature. "Gurk!" Krabbe lost all the air in his lungs as a giant hand clenched around his entire body.

Saban rose to his full stature, squeezing hard on his former captain. The bounty hunter let out cries of pain, barely whimpers thanks to how little air he had to cry out with. A loud crack echoed across the battlefield. "You idiot! You thought you were stronger than this godly physique? Bawkakakakakaka! You forgot, didn't you? You forgot that when I split myself, my strength gets split too! Those eight arms were nothing! I am divine judgment! Nobody can defeat me! All crime shall tremble and whimper before being crushed beneath my might!" Another crack echoed, coupled with another agonizing cry of pain. Saban casually dropped John Krabbe, who collided with the floor in a bloodied heap. Something wasn't right about how he looked.

"My... My armor! My claw! They're... Shattered! No, I'm... I'm nothing without my armor and my claw!" The bounty hunter struggled to stand, barely managing to keep himself on two legs after grabbing a railing to support himself.

"Now then..." Saban crouched down to grab a handful of debris, chunks of wood and iron, and crunched it all into even more pieces. "Time to face JUSTICE! WARU WARU SHOTGUN!" The shrimp warrior spun around in a circle, hurling the debris from his hand with the force of a cannonball. Like a grapeshot, tons of smaller bits of shrapnel were flung rather than one big piece, with one more frightening addition. As soon as the bits of debris left his hand, each one split apart into at least a dozen or more pieces. Hundreds if not thousands of tiny shrapnel shards had been flung with unbelievable strength in every direction, toward every member of the crew, even those on Rum Runner. The only one who remained out of reach was Bonesword, down in the lower decks.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword - Calcium Comeback

Bonesword laid in the food storage area unmoving for a few seconds. He felt his head ache incredibly hard, and that wasn't even the half of it. He didn't land in just the food storage. He landed on the fridge, in the food storage. It cracked open from the impact, and honestly, the skeleton felt like he was dying right there.

Then, he felt something wet touch his foot.


A gallon of unopened milk, fresh as it could have been, bled onto the ground as it was cracked from the impact of Bonesword into the fridge. As the skeleton's sight began to darken, he rolled over as a last movement onto the milk and began to mimic the action of drinking it. Well, lapping it up. Well, doing something that would be conceived as consuming it. His sight returned to him as the skeleton lifted the gallon off of the ground, pouring it down into his skull whilst grabbing his sword at the same time. Soon, the gallon was empty, but the calcium rushed back into Bonesword's body and fixed it, even repairing the crack. "Oh my GOD MILK IS THE BEST!"

He was back, Krabbe needed milk, but most importantly...

He had an idea.

A bold idea.

Bonesword climbed up into the deck above him and saw the key part of his idea. A cannon. He rushed over to it and began to sprout large, viney grabby hands around it as it was loaded and ignited. It had to be precise.

The vines threw the cannon upwards, breaking the wood of the upper deck, and aiming it directly at Saban. The grape shot missed the skeleton, and the cannon fired immediately after it broke through the deck.

There was a loud boom, but the shot didn't connect immediately, for sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 15 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Final Krabbe Battle! X

Captain Cedric managed to avoid the excess shrapnel that Saban released towards the Rum Runner by ducking behind the railing. The smaller bits brushed off Boone`s coat harmlessly. He stood upright once more realizing they had to act fast. Their injuries would have to be dealt with after this thing was brought down.

Cedric called towards Dirk, "Let's give him a full taste of our signature broadside Dirk, make sure to aim high!" Their Captain took out a a metallic ball and loaded his blunderbuss with it. He took aim yelling out toward the King Crab, "EXPLOSIVE SHOT!!" However, the whole thing was a rouse in order to distract Saban from the real threat. Boone fired the ball into the air similarly to the ammunition he used earlier, only non-explosive. It flew towards Saban in an arc. Perhaps Saban would become distracted by the threat of another massive explosion? Cedric was not going to use the same strategy twice on a creature with insane reflects and potentially 360 degree vision.

Afterward, he began to light the fuses on the first two cannons preparing for a broadside. If Dirk did his job, the other two would be ready at roughly the same time. "Broadsides" Boone could only smile in anticipation as the fuses burned further. They whittled down to nothing. Then he yelled out at the top of his lungs, "FIRE!!!" The cannons roared in unison with a deafening BOOM.

The shots flew over toward the King Crab in a higher arc assuming Dirk understood his Captain's orders..

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dirk Messir - Deregulated to Cannonguy

Man, some stuff happened on the other boat. The boat float goat. What a Boaty McBoatface loat. Oh shoat, looks like Ultimate Krabbe is now Ultimate Manne, because he just broke into pieces. Gotta keep doing the...

Why the hell are you on the floor, you jackass?

Divine Purposes told me to fall on down the ground with a backward knee fold, so I did it, and now there's SHHHHHHRAPPPPPNELLLLLLLLLLLL flying over me. Hah. Trump Brigade Prome promed me pain, but only got dumblastery. And then Captain Cedric commands for cannons to be fired, so it looks like he guess he have to fire the guns at the boardleft. The gun man with the big guns, but not Captain Cedric, who also has big guns-

Hurry up Retard! You're going to miss the cannon firing Asshole!

'No, YOU'RE A the butt!' Dirk yelleds, folding back up and going to the cannon and then the Run Rummer tilted away from the King Krab, but not as much as before? Calmer oceas, less tilting. Obviously. And so he finds and lights up the cannons, the two of them that matter, and makes sure they're aiming at the right part of the place where Crabric wanted him to aim them. Which was obviously at Sandwich, so that's where they are going to go. The nerd-ass is was about to get a face fist full of cannon, if he didn't notice all that cannon. And if they aimed right. They probably did, yeah. They're cool guys. Cool cannon guys. Dork wants to meet a cannon guy soon, that would be a cool thing.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lilliana Merrycure

Reaching the fallen mast, Lilliana hopped over it, spinning to see Crabbe floor Saban...and then be promptly grabbed and crushed. Even knowing they'd been enemies, she winced at each horrible crack. When he hit the ground she barely managed to suppress the incredible urge to heal him. She had to focus, Saban first, and then she could give him a syringe. Watching him grab up various detritus, she yelled out, “Take cover!”

At the same time she ducked behind the fallen mast, taking shelter. B-MO continued to help her tinker. They needed something to take down this beast, but how?

Once the hail of improvised grapeshot had run its course, she poked her head up, even as B-MO extracted what appeared to be a highly modified grappling hook. It sparked with electricity, little bolts arcing to hit anything metal nearby. It looked like a combination of her anti-cannon launcher and her grappling hook. The “hook” had nine “claws” on it, each in a grouping of three. The device was designed to shoot them separately, but it could shoot them all at once too. Glancing at the wrench-man, and the rest of her crew, Lilliana knew that there was no way she could pull this off on her own.

Thus, she pushed herself to action, dashing at top speed, B-MO forming protective armor that was somewhat thicker on whatever part of her was nearest Saban—though she gave him a decent berth so she might have time to react. Whenever she got near someone she would speak, telling them to hamper and distract Saban to the best of their ability.

She kept her weapon ready, holding the heavy implement in the hand furthest from Saban. She held it with ease, though it looked several times heavier than her frame would imply she could handle. It was a good thing that looks could be deceiving.

Taking a risk, as she noted the cannons on the Rum Runner being positioned, she launched into action.

Hoping that the others would have her back, she jumped upwards, throwing herself 20 feet into the air towards the second, smaller, mast. It was 40 feet from Saban, but that was fine, it didn't need to be close. Using one of her metallic claws she hooked into the mast and then continued upwards until she was at the top.

She turned towards Saban from the top, crouched, liquid metal flowing over her legs, increasing their power, before she kicked off. The top of the mast was blasted to pieces by the force of her movement and she was rocketed upwards and in Saban's direction. B-MO refocused around her as armor, she aimed her Grappling Cannon, and fired the first shot from above and behind Saban. It was aimed to strike, and pierce, his arm, the weight and momentum enough to have it slam downwards and dig into the deck even after hitting—if it hit.

Her arc continued in the air, passing her over Saban, and she fired the second hook. She was aiming for Saban's arm, but the wind threw off the attack somewhat, sending it past the front of his body—if he didn't dodge—and instead heading right for his upper leg, where it would hopefully do much the same as it had to the arm.

She fired the third shot at the top of the Rum Runner's mast, and then reeled that one in, activating the electrical generator in the weapon in the same moment.

Powerful volts of electricity channeled through the metal wires and to the grappling hooks—hopefully--lodged in Saban's flesh.

If it worked she'd grin widely, marveling at her own shocking genius as she landed on the side of the Rum Runner's mast, hooking a claw into the wood as the hook detached. Hopefully her nakama could take care of the rest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya


Interacting with:???

Fitness Feya braced for a handful of projectiles aimed at her direction. She opened her eyes briefly when she anticipated damage. She gritted her teeth when she saw the back of Krabbe's head. The fitness woman squinted her eyes and blew air through her nostrils. Taking a few steps back, she shook her head. "I am definitely not in debt to you. This is all your doing. Far as I know, you're cleaning up your own mess."

Feya grabbed onto one of the railings on the ship. It was miracle part of the railing was intact despite the battle taking place. She held onto the steel bar and watched everything unfold. In a matter of seconds, Krabbe became reduced to an empty shell. His beloved crab fetish shattered during his brawl with one of his crazed subordinates. Feya attempted to stay focus on everything else.

She then noticed the shrimp warrior act out a signature move. A spray of shrapnel cut through the air in an omnidirectional pattern. Feya tightened her grip on the bar, jumping over it she hoped to flee from the attack. As she pulled herself over the bar, some of the junk struck her in the back. As she descended into the waters, she grunted loudly and made a hard splash in the ocean.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wafer D. Kite - Nakama inbound. A Kite Can't Fly on its Own!

Kite felt his knees buckle when Lilliana left his side. This guy was strong. He'd thought himself powerful, but he needed more than this if he was gonna win. His eyes couldn't leave Saban, or he'd have noticed the help coming his way, the fiery landscape of the ship and the fact that it was no longer a battle of bounty hunters and pirates. This was a jumbo shrimp vs the world. Then, Caesar came to his aid. HELL YEAH DOG GUY! They pushed Saban back and managed to land two good hits on him.

That's when Krabbe made his move. It was strange hoping for the man who'd been responsible for the loss of his crew to win, but given the course of this battle nothing was off the table anymore.

"It's not over," He growled after Krabbe's attack. He'd won fights before. It was never that easy. And yet Krabbe was still captured, his armor and vice crushed. It served him right, and yet they were down man power. "Dammit... We've gotta hit him all at once," Kite said readying his wrenches. The crew of pirates didn't seem all that together, but by the way they were launching their attacks, they left him in awe. Just a little longer. He thought to himself. He was exhausted. He wasn't even sure...

"Woah!" His eyes widened in shock and love at the sight of Lilliana's weapon. "That's so cool," The shipwright said before noticing the attack incoming from Saban. Lilliana could no doubt protect herself. The whole crew could. But that weapon really was amazing. Now wasn't the time for thinking or planning. He had to act. He ran forward and jumped. His foot pressed into the shoulder of one of Krabbe's crewmen. "Get down, you idiots," he shouted at the bounty hunter's men, though he was sure they wouldn't listen. This one though was kicked down into the ground. as he pushed himself high into the air. Saban had somehow gotten even stronger. This was it. The final push and last attack everyone here could possibly see.

Kite took a deep breath and swung his arms, beginning to spin as he descended at high speed. He was aimed right at Saban. The plan was to get a good shot at his head, by slamming his wrenches into him using the momentum of his tornado like spin as he came down, combined with the full weight of his body. At the very least he hoped he could put the man off guard with a fierce blow from his wrenches, help keep him in place, or push him back into the line of fire coming towards him. Still, it was possible that he might not do anything. Saban might have just grabbed him from the air, crush him like Krabbe. Or maybe he'd catch his attention long enough for this crew to finish him off. Regardless, the young man was going down swinging.
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