The day had been exhausting. If Alisea had thought herself weary after seven hours of walking, she hadn't the words to describe the aftermath of seven hours of smithing. It had gone well--at first. She had finished and sold the ten daggers necessary for the quest, only having one break during the process. Despite the growing fatigue that not even a short break could chase away, Alisea had continued confidently. Two more daggers were successes. The next pair shattered. Despite her arms barely being able to lift the hammer, Alisea had forged on and made one more dagger. She even pressed her energy--and her luck--with one more, but she lost control of the hammer and the blade had snapped.
Without the strength to so much as carry herself to the inn, Alisea had lain there running the calculations in her head. All told, she had sold off thirteen daggers. That was 351 renn. But she had paid 360 renn for the iron, and the 50 for using the Workshop. That meant 59 renn less than when she started.
Even now as she thought on it, it made her sigh. "I really cannot afford this hobby," she muttered to herself. Not on the margin, certainly. It would have to be shelved for a time she could collect her own iron--and not pay for the use of a forge. Still, she had tried. And learned. She took a measure of satisfaction in that. It was a new game--a new world in so many ways!--and one could only learn the limits through experimentation.
For example, when Alisea had entered this bath to relax, she had found it at the usual lukecool temperature. Wishing for nothing more than a hot bath, she had tried launching a fire burst into the water. When it hit the surface and disappeared with a sad sputter, Alisea had tried going up a step and struck it with a fire strike. Then another. Some of the water became a wonderful steam, that was true; but what remained was a warm, blissful bath that she had spent the last twenty minutes sitting in, letting the tension, knots, and weariness melt away.
Her other experiment for the day had been the rings--and the experiment wasn't over yet. After the failed daggers, Alisea had taken a true break: she drained the last of her waterskin and lay still until she could see the setting sun through the Workshop's door. The magess even took the time to open her menu and find an old PM from Karma asking about clothes. She had been a little sheepish for being so late in replying, but she sent back a short, If not too late, I would order a fresh set of clothes. Then she took up her last iron ore and tried to make something new: a ring. To her delight, three rings came of the attempt. That had sparked an idea, and with renewed vigor Alisea made one final trip to buy ore.
Her time in the bath was over. Night had come and everyone would be gathering--and Alisea hoped to pull Reylan aside before people arrived. Dressing quickly and making her way to Eden's dining Hall, the magess did indeed discover their soon-to-be-Guildmaster in his usual seat, tucked away in a corner. Her face split into a wide smile and she sauntered over to the seated archer. "Reylan!" she greeted enthusiastically, fighting to keep the discomfort of sore muscles from showing. "Just the man I was hoping to see!"
She let that hang there as she dropped into the seat right beside him. One hand maneuvered to open her inventory. "You said you have a good Art skill, right?" she asked, though her eyes were skimming the screen before her. In a moment, a small band of iron appeared in her other hand. Alisea presented the ring to Reylan. "Could you engrave, or even paint, this?" she inquired "The ring itself has no effect, but I thought it would be a nice tribute to make guild rings for everyone. I have nine."