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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: Alm Saito

Gender: Male

Age: 25


5'8" Slender Muscular Build, Long Black hair and brown eyes


The small village of Seki buried deep in The Ittoki Pearls, the mountains to the south east of the Empire, is the ancestral home of the of the Saito Clan and the Spirit Hunters. The mountainous terrain is perfect for training the mind as well as the body, and it is a prime location to hunt rare and powerful beasts for Spirit Hunters. This was the world Alm was born into, and it was amazing. From an early age Alm was intrigued by the spirit hunters and wanted to join their ranks. But that dream seemed far off, his mother had died during child birth and his father once a great hunter turned into a worthless drunk. Practically abandoned on the streets of Seki Alm was forced to fend for himself.

Luckily for the boy one of the Old Hunters Master Shan was willing to look after the boy and train him. Well that was what Alm believed at first. But the next twelve years pushed Alm to his limits and broke them. Determined the young boy's progress was amazing, he could easily beat other students his age given the chance. But Master Shan's training was no walk in the park even for a natural. Alm had many times where he had to fight for his life during the training, more so than any normal student would have to go through, and by the age of 18 Alm was ready to show his progress. A hunt had been arranged by the head family for their heir Mitsuhide to obtain his Spirit, their prey a Dire Frost Wolf. Alm heard of this hunt and knew the perfect way to show his power.

Alm followed the group in their hunt for a few days until he was able to find a trail to track the beast. As soon as he had her thread Alm was off. The lone hunter was easily able to maneuver and track far better than the group that now followed him allowing Alm to find the Dire Wolf's lair well before Mitsuhide. This was both a blessing and a curse as Alm would soon find out he didn't find the lair on his own accord, the wolf had lured him there. Alone Alm faced off against three frost wolves and the dire frost wolf in a bloody fight in which he almost lost. Standing the victor Alm didn't waste any time, he immediately started extracted the Spirit Stone and began ritual to absorb the Dire Frost Wolf's spirit stone.

The experience was something that could not be explained with words it was amazing, yet painful it was like being torn to shreds just to be put back together again and when he awoke from the meditative trance his life began anew. Instantly he noticed that his sense of smell and hearing had been amplified, and something was coming. Alm instantly shot up and turned, Before him stood Mitsuhide and his hunting party. Enraged that the boy had taken his kill Mitsuhide charged Alm. The fight was over quickly Alm was far to powerful for the boy and he was unable to control himself as his blade cleaved Mitsuhide in two. The remainder of the hunting party fled and to tired to chase them Alm knew what would happen.

He returned to his village a few days later expecting the worst. He was to be put to death for slaying the heir to the family "in cold blood", but luckily Master Shan was able to convince the elders that Alm was to good of a spirit hunter to waste. After agreeing to a demonstration of his abilities the elders of the clan agreed with Shan's words and instead of putting Alm to the sword they exiled him. Never to see his home again.

Alm left Seki that day and headed to the Empire. For the next five months he wandered as a Ronin helping out villagers in need while looking for a place to call home. That was when Alm meet Jing the man was strong willed, had purpose and was willing to give Alm a new life. For the next seven years Alm has followed Jing and been a member of the irregulars making a new life for himself in the Empire, although without Master Shan's Guidance his progress as a Spirit Hunter has been slow.

Fighting Style: Spirit Hunter - After fusing his own Spirit Stone with that of a creature's the hunter can surpass human limits. This also leads to more primal fighting styles as the abilities of the absorbed spirit bleed into the hunter's original Style.

Armor - Shown in picture
Supplies - enough food and water to last Alm a week in the wild
Hunting Knife


Tracking, As the term hunter implies Alm is a skilled tracker
Cooking, A hobby of Alm's he likes to cook making the times when hunting is the primary source of food it makes things more interesting

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MojaveCourier
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Volux

Gender: Male

Age: 27


Few settlements dared stay far to the north. Threats coming from both the Shadowland and from the Silent Forest itself had forced many settlements to be left in ruins as its occupants fled farther south towards the Empire or had been put 6 feet beneath the ground. Volux manged to survive in these harsh conditions, but only through the diligence of those around him and the training afforded to every youth as the community struggled to survive. As the son of the village healer Volux was expected to (and very gladly accepted) training in medicine and over time worked with his mother and siblings as a herbalist; treating the ill and injured on the behalf of the village.

As the most adept at physical combat, it soon became clear that he would be the one to go out foraging with the Militiamen hunting both game and picking medicinal herbs. Often these trips would last several days as the team set up camp in abandoned buildings that had long ago crumbled past being liveable but they were good enough for the purpose they now served. Along with what herbs to use to heal, Volux learnt what herbs and barks would kill and incapacitate, an anti-medicine if you will. Every excursion lead to his stockpile of toxins growing larger.

However, like many villages to the north, their time eventually ran out when it was attacked during the night. Most of the villagers survived, however all were seriously shaken by the ordeal and the councill decided that the time had come, their community was to move farther south. Away from the Elves and the Silent Forest and even farther from the Shadowlands. Days later the village was empty, everything that couldnt be taken with them left behind. Volux had decided he was leaving, he had been chased out of his home by terrible creatures and he was going to ensure that others were not given the same fate. Once the village had been re-established closer to the Empire he left, seeking to join the mercenary band called the 'Bloodrose Irregulars' and eventually apprenticed himself to Gwendolyn who over time taught him the magic way of healing however he reserved this as a last resort for when traditional medicine had no effect or was too slow. He cares little for the gold he earns from his jobs, but more about ending the suffering of those around him.

Fighting Style:
Despite being first and foremost a herbalist, Volux has no hesitation to jumping right into the frey of combat. He is a general all rounder combat wise, managing to handle most traditional weapon reasonably well, however he is by no means an expert in any of them. His most advanced however is the common sword which he either weilds alone or with a parrying dagger in his offhand.

A simple rapier, parrying dagger, light leather to no armour, Emerald green cloak, medicinal herbs, toxins and a small handful of Soul Gems.

•Healing, both through traditional herbal medicine and a limited (but growing) knowledge of magic.

•Identifying of plants and knowing what medicines and poisons can be derived from them.

•Production of poisons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Arden Vale
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Born into a wealthy family line, Arden inherited great wealth at a very early age. After his families sudden and mysterious disappearance. With no siblings or other known relations he was considered the last of his families name. Estates, servants farmlands and small businesses all fell to him.
Not a single painting was ever done of his parents which for a noble couple is quite unheard of. Arden holds only blurry faint memories of their appearance and trusts in the words of those that served them.
Despite the heavy responsibilities they bestowed upon him, Arden was raised well in fine luxury by his servants who spoilt him. They did their best to tutor him in the affairs of business and finance but between their bias interest and his inexperience it slowly began to crumble.

Over the years as he grew, to no fault other than misfortunate and inexperience, his finances dwindled. Shortly after much of the inheritance was lost, through deceit and trickery he was duped out of the quickly dwindling resources before he could bring complete ruin to his families estate, which all the servants were eager to readily claim. Without realisation he suddenly became legally a boarder in his own home with nothing left to his name.

Things grew dark and quickly. Greed got the better of many of the once kind servers. Hostilities flared amongst themselves as a deep selfishness festered and grew within each and every one. Turning against one another the air was full of spite and backstabbing, theft and ransacking, and eventually murder. Arden's safe world came crashing down.

It was the kindest of them, the very servants who raised and betray him, that convinced him to join the Blood Rose Irregulars. Arming him with the fodder found from his parents collection he was gifted with a weapon, some armour, an old blank magic book and a small pouch of coins, all in aid to hasten his departure. It was no longer a safe place for him to stay.
Very little was known of the history of these seemingly unused ornamental impulse buys or their true worth and value.

Arden set out in haste. He had never been out in the world on his own. When the estate had been in his name there was always a great deal of fuss and protection over his safety. He had thought it was because they cared, now he knew better. The world could be a cruel place and the coins didn't get him far enough. He was eventually mugged for his remaining possessions, left only with his tattered old, seemingly worthless empty book. It was then it spoke to him. It is unknown what awoken the tome, maybe time, Arden's helpless desperation, or perhaps the blood that trickled down his trembling hand. Irregardless, it's pages whispered to him the secrets to summon an imp. In the fall of night, a beaten and hungry beggar boy completed the summoning and took back his possessions from the corpses of the unprepared sleeping muggers.

He felt no guilt that day and continued on his journey. Keeping secret the events of that night. Soon he would be at the mercenary guild.

Fighting Style: Clumsy flailing, frantic desperation and blind hope. Inexperienced and untrained he is guided through combat purely by a degree of luck, intuition, reflexes and determination.

Equipment: Fine outfit and light armour. Sturdy ornate sword. Pet owl and an old magic tome.

The spell book appears empty to anyone other than a Vale. Even then only when they concentrate will the book reveal to them what it chooses to, which isn't always what the user was after. Hidden beneath the tough leather exterior, soul stones of unknown origin are imbedded firmly into the spine of the book.

These are not normal or simple spells that it holds but complex rituals that require dedication, resources, time and focus.

Hidden Spells
Summon imp
Create flame

Skills/Abilities: An unnatural ability to spot, read and understand hidden, old and magical writings or languages.
Able to cast dark magic from his ancient family tome.

Other Information: Unbeknown to Arden and most others, his lineage is long tainted with clandestine dealings both in hunting and worshiping dark spirits. Which side of this his parents fell on is unknown but is related to their abrupt and sudden disappearance.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Xia Sanada
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Daughter to the prolific ex empire military captain Jing Sanada, Xia has forever lived in his shadow, to other people and even him. As one of his younger children and a female, she has had trouble grabbing his attention and or affection. Most of her support has come from those close to her father instead of the man himself as he always finds himself busy with a new mission or adventure.
For the shy quiet Xia who is seldom ever heard when in the company of her father, actions speak louder than words. She forced her way into the blood rose irregulars as soon as she could fight and has sought glory and reputation ever since.

Fighting Style: Fast and fierce. Long reach weapons. Disabling attacks. Cunning. Takes advantage of any favours. Trips and disarms.

Desperate to be noticed and make a name for herself she goes into battle with everything she's got. Trained and mentored by some of the best her skills are exceptional but her insecurities cause her to always leave an exit strategy.

Equipment: A ninja's arsenal.
Blow dart
Smoke bomb
Clawed climbing gloves
Rope dart

Skills/Abilities: Besides nimble combat Xia had a child hood that went mostly unnoticed by many. What once she cursed she later turned into a skill and now has an uncanny ability to disappear in plain sight and be forgotten or passed unnoticed.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by stoneString


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Freir (No last name given)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Soft face features adorning tired turquoise eyes, accompanied by a mess of permanently unkempt blonde hair. Freir stands at 1,73m, sporting a modest slender physique. Save for his eye colour, nothing about Freir would stand out in a crowd of northerners.

A blue tattered wool cowl rests over his long-sleeved tunic along with fingerless gloves. His brown leather pants accompanied the light leather armor strapped to his chest and covered the shins of his thick boots. Like any sensible person who grew surrounded by unending landscapes of snow, he wears layers of fur underneath his garments. Strapped to his belt is a small axe and resting beside the axe are the two most curious objects that often accompany Freir. A triangular relic containing four Soul Stones, one in each vertex and another one in the center, and a one handed sword, that features a finely decorated hilt embedded with a final Soul Stone, which no one has ever seen out of it's scabbard.

Freir hails from the northern lands, where the cold is a constant presence and the borders between humans and the shadow creatures remain tense. Specifically, the land he came from had come into political instability when he was young as it's Lord and successors had been ambushed by the demonic creatures during one of their religious pilgrimages, leaving the land to be disputed among the remaining nobles. Lacking order in their upper ranks, the local armies and militias have found themselves in a constant tug-of-war with Humanity's old enemy, recovering land one day just to lose it the following week and while peasant villages live in fear of the common shadowy demons raids.

Some time after his family perished, Freir found himself stumbling into a local priest's care along with several other children clutching in his hands the only mementos left from his family, a one-handed sword and a relic containing Soul Stones. Despite being an ordained member of the clergy, Brother Byren knew that most of the children under his care would not follow the path of faith. His bleeding hearth, fearing that the kids would meet their end at either a dark creatures claws out of misfortune or at the gallows for picking the wrong noble's pocket, found it best to teach the children how to run and master the use of shadows.

However, our sky-eyed orphan would not get along with the other boys and girls, preferring to sleep, bathe and eat by himself, rarely uttering a single word outside of brother Byren's confessionary. His confessions would often be of how he was almost caught stealing from either the property of the recently appointed Lord or how he was again humiliated and beaten on the street by young nobles and guards after mouthing off one time too many. Freir, more than the others, blamed the incompetent lords and ladies that would rather squabble among themselves instead of uniting against their common enemy.

After coming of age, the priest who gave him a roof tried one last time to knock sense into his head, suggesting him leaving his homeland in order to make a fortune for himself and try to establish a home, away from the nobility he hated so much. Following his advice, Freir left the snow covered lands behind. His expertise however could briefly be resumed into thieving and fist-fighting. As for what he was to do with his life, after briefly weighing his options he decided it would be best to join a mercenary company, at least until he got enough money to buy himself into nobility and return to oppose the corrupt lords of his cold homeland.

Fighting Style:
Freir fights is a close range fighter, preferring light weaponry and armor in order to outmaneuver his opponent and finish the fight in the least amount of blows possible. For the most part he will fight either hand-to-hand or with the aid of his short-axe in a nimble yet savage manner. In order to aid him he uses various small magic tricks in order to confuse and deceive his opponent.

Light leather armor, winter clothing, a short-axe, a one-handed sword with a Soul Stone embedded into it, a Relic containing 4 Soul Stones and basic supplies

Very nimble on his feet yet discreet. The classic case of a burglar with a preference for finishing off his adversaries before his presence is noted. Initiated into swordplay but not terribly good at it. Can tap into Soul Stones in order to cast simple yet effective tricks on his victims. Especially fond of simple misdirection spells, smokescreens, voice projection and creating temporary hallucinations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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