Physical EducationI'm not someone who likes to do things on the fly. Jumping headfirst into an unfamiliar situation, going off of an outdated or an incomplete understanding things... It's asking for trouble. This is something I've known to be eminently, unrepentantly, and mercilessly true for years.
I'm not the kind of guy that just goes with his gut and assumes he knows things, not at all. I like having a clear picture, and like finding it as firsthand as I can, so...
While the team began to plan and trade banter with our opponents, I was forced to direct my quipping towards the task at hand rather than anyone else.
"What on Earth is this ruleset?!"A circular field, passing with punches or kicks, needing to bounce once every 15 meters or it's travelling—
Disregarding the former two, that one was just basketball!
Add in tackles, bumps, and the distinctions made between them regarding to how the victim must dispossess the ball, and this was getting ridiculously complex to just be picking up at the drop of a hat!
The more I flipped through, back, and even upside down the pamphlet for a laugh, the more the alien interpretations of the already hotly-debated term of "football" began to pile up. I, honestly, would have really just loved it if we could have stuck to one of the more popular two, which I had at least a modicum of familiarity with.
I've never been a particularly athletics-oriented guy, despite my intimate understanding of physical training; the sum total of sports I had any real interest in were, out of necessity, those directly applicable to a huntsman hopeful.
A smidge of weightlifting, powerlifting, and track— You know. So I knew what I was doing when I trained.
...Man, Dad didn't even get a proper chance to get me into shooting, huh?
"...Dressing as distractingly as possible is certainly an option."
But, the bottom line I'm getting at is that I'm already not a sporty person, so picking up this intricate mass of new rules that needed their own pamphlet was a big ask...
Then again, judging by the fact that Coach Roy had seen fit to distribute literature regarding how the hell to play this, I supposed our adversaries were stuck with the same predicament.
"How many people do we have who are confident in their kicking accuracy here? My first instinct's to go for the goal posts considering those are worth six points while the behinds are... one, right?"I glanced over to the other huddle, blinking a couple times at the wild sports bra that had appeared, before refocusing and turning back in once the image had properly burned in.
"Th-Thing is... Ahem. They'll definitely stack their defense up down the midfield to limit our opportunities to score big. We need to know who can kick from far out or weird angles. I've got enough power to get the job done, like anyone else, but I haven't exactly dredged up my soccer skills at all since my second year of High School..."Not even as part of a club or team, either.
I would probably be more shocked if my shots
didn't go wide.