Thalken sat on the edge of his bed sharpening the blade of his Dao with rhythmic strokes. As he put his restless energy to good use, his facial features began to relax. The dark intensity of his eyes was replaced by a look of focus. In the calm of the moment and in the privacy of his own room, his walls, that cold front he put on, came down. If only he could learn to take off that mask in the presence of others. Until then the man beneath the scowl remains unfathomable.
The sound of grinding metal nearly drowned out the whoosh and whistle of the wind outside. The window pane shook slightly from the gust of the wind before something faintly tapped against the glass. Thalken paused mid-stroke, his brows furrowing slightly as he looked up from what he was doing. His gaze flicked around before landing on the window. From where he sat, he could just make out a piece of paper stuck on the dew covered glass. His brows furrowed deeper as he placed his sabre and sharpener aside and then walked over to the window to investigate.
He bent down to where he was eyelevel with the thin strip of paper, and his eyes scrunched up slightly as he made out a few words. Oddly enough, the words were written in Cantonese, the language in which he had been trained in. He took a moment to mentally translate the words into English before stating them out loud, "Loose string monkey." He arched a brow. It was an old Cantonese proverb meaning someone no longer under control of their superior or guardian. He straightened up again and opened the window to pull the piece of paper off of the glass. Just about that time, he could hear a carriage pulling up.
"About damn time they got back," he grumbled, assuming it was his father and sister returning. He grabbed the strip of paper and shoved it into his coat pocket before shutting the window. He then quickly spun on his heels, grabbed his Dao off of his bed, and sheathed it as he promptly left his room. He took the stairs two at a time, his Dao rattling at his side as he went. He was more than a little anxious to find out what terms his father had given the Lady Crypt regarding the protection of the Viscount Wenwynith. He had a bad feeling that his father more than likely took advantage of her and the situation she had found herself in. He was about to march straight through the front door when his father walked in causing him to skid to a halt.
"What the hell took--" Thalken began, skipping greetings altogether. However, he paused his tirade when he realized that his twin sister Thalcona wasn't with his father. His eyes widened before narrowing dangerously. "Where is Thalcona?" he questioned through gritted teeth.
"She's taking first watch over the viscount. I assume the servants told you of our whereabouts," Beowulf replied almost nonchalantly. Something wasn't quite right with his father, and Thalken couldn't quite put his finger on it, at least not right away. His narrowed gaze followed his father like a predator watching its prey. Thalken noted that there was a brightness to his father's eyes and on the man's face there was--there was a smile?! In fact, his father seemed quite pleased. The man was usually pleased when a deal went well, but this was something else entirely. Thalken's metaphorical hackles raised, and a dark shroud seemed to fall over his features with every passing minute. "What were the terms? What were the terms of your deal?" he growled as he followed his father to the study. His gut twisted in anxious anticipation. He had a bad bad feeling about this.
Beowulf let out a irritated huff, as if Thalken had just put a damper on his good mood. The man sat down at his desk before addressing his son, who was, unknown to the both of them, moments away from explosion. "The terms of the deal were simple enough. In exchange for the protection of the Viscount Wenwynith, she must marry you," Beowulf replied, not sugarcoating a single word of it. All the while, there was not even an inkling of remorse or sympathy in his countenance. He might as well have lit Thalken aflame and watched passively as his son suffered in agony.
And in that exact moment, when those words left Beowulf's lips, is when Thalken's world exploded into a fiery inferno. Not much could elicit an explosive reaction from Thalken. Not much could make him lose his mind. But this. This was the second worst thing his father had ever brought about. Second only to his mother's brutal murder at the hands of those who were gunning for his father. You want to see a Talink explode? Well, prepare yourself.
Thalken's countenance darkened tenfold. His jaw clenched so tightly that it was surprising that he didn't break his teeth. His breath came in and out sharply, and his dark eyes glazed over. His whole body shook, as if struggling to contain the years worth of pent up hatred that seemed to be coming to the forefront with a mighty vengeance. If looks could kill, Beowulf would certainly be incinerated. "YOU DID WHAT?!!" Thalken roared, his voice echoing throughout the manor. "And she accepted the terms?! GOD DAMMIT!!!!" He let out a yell that seemed more animal than man, before he started breaking things in the room. It was all he could do not to kill his father right then and there, to end his suffering here and now. He vowed that one day his father would die for all the wrongs the man had done. Beowulf's blood was the only blood that Thalken could justify having on his hands. And yet, the only thing that seemed to keep grounded was that that blood thirst terrified him.
"Get a grip son. After you marry her and take her title and property, you can always kill her and that little brat of a brother of hers," Beowulf stated callously over his son's tirade. Thalken's head swung over to glare daggers at his father, his nostrils flaring in his rage.
"This is low even for you," he growled in between pants. He then spun on his heels and left the study in its current state of disarray.

Location: Russian Imperial Circus Tent City
Passive Skills: Fal'shbort - You are tougher, stronger, more Russian!

- "Hot Mess" by Cobra Starship
Passive Skills: Fal'shbort - You are tougher, stronger, more Russian!

- "Hot Mess" by Cobra Starship
The echoing bellow of The Great Bazhooli no less reached Alexandra's ears just as she led her Brivaldi horse Balaur out from the stables. The ever vibrant man was shouting something about salad not being food. "Salad a food? Pfft. Lettuce eat meat," she remarked, snorting at her own pun. She had a cheerful smile on her face as she turned back to her not as amused horse.
"Lighten up Balaur. Ve go fast soon. You like that, da? Da," she chided him teasingly as she tossed the reins over his head. She tightened up the girth before vaulting up into the saddle with practiced ease. Once aboard her trusty steed, she cued Balaur forward and began weaving a path through the hordes of practicing circus folk. From her higher vantage point, it was easy to pick out The Great Bazhooli milling through the crowds with his young charge Adam. She steered Balaur towards them, deviating from her orginially intended course.
"Good evening!" she greeted the two with a warm smile as she rode up to them. She brought her stout horse to a halt in front of them. She then hung herself upside down from the saddle, a classic trick of the Brivaldi trick rider that was usually done at harrowing speeds. "Hello dovn there little one," she greeted Adam, now conviently closer to eyelevel. She gave him a playful wink before pulling herself back upright in the saddle.
"I hear the Grand Duchess is all thaved out now," Alexandra stated to Vladimir, already attempting to crack a joke to liven that dark situation. "Too soon? Too soon. No, really I am glad she is feeling better." She gave him a friendly smile, unfazed by her blunder.