Madison Lewis Lovette
~ Physical Profile ~
Name: Madison Lewis Lovette
Physical Age: 24
True Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: Standing at a height of 5’6” feet, Madison is a man of fair complexion, with gentle features, dark eyes, and even darker curls that fall to his chin. Even without his...unique choice of wardrobe, he’s notably androgynous, lacking the masculine hardness of features or the telltale stubble that would be clear indications of his gender. In addition, while he has developed muscles from the WDL’s training, his form is slim, further blurring the lines.
His androgynity, however, tends to be easily overshadowed by his aforementioned outfits. Although Madison is male, and identifies himself as such, it’s difficult to catch him at a time when he isn’t decked out in a skirt and heels. With the use of a bit of makeup, it becomes very difficult to determine that he is a man without being told.
While working, Madison tends to dress very professionally- donning his labcoat over a simple pencil skirt and blouse- but when out and about, he tends to be much more expressive and colorful in his outfits.
~ Psychological Profile ~
Personality: At heart, Madison is an open, good-natured individual. Mellow towards most everyone, regardless of their own feelings towards him, he’s usually willing to have polite chit-chat when his schedule allows him to do so, or even set aside time for the sole purpose of talking with a friend or acquaintance. He takes most things in stride, and it takes quite some time for him to get riled as a result- although, even then, it’s very rare for him to explode. His rage usually manifests itself as silent anger and disapproval, contrasting greatly against his usual sunny disposition.
Despite being affiliated with the WDL for roughly sixteen years by now, Madison is still quite hesitant to harm others- although he is still willing enough to pick up a weapon if need comes to it.
Likes:- Sinatra
- Classic Swing
- Cocktails
- Fashion
- Flowers: Forget-Me-Nots and Sunflowers in particular.
- Dress shopping with Illusion.
- Discovering something new or forgotten.
- Squirrels.
Dislikes:- Wearing traditionally male clothing.
- Wearing sandals with socks.
- Cruelty.
- Sour cream.
- Over-controlling tendencies over others.
- Straight tequila or vodka.
Strengths: - Madison isn’t easily fazed, even when faced with the bizarre and unusual.
- His occupation and natural inclination towards discovery gives him a fair bit of knowledge regarding the supernatural.
- Intelligent.
- Compassionate.
Fears: - The injury or deaths of his close companions. While Madison worries little about his own death, well aware that an afterlife is very likely in a world with demons and devils, the last thing he wants is for those he loves to be hurt.
- Possession.
Hobbies:- Gambling. A habit from his wilder days, Madison takes a certain pleasure in risks and rewards. As the researcher has since mellowed out, and there are no casinos at the WDL, it’s not uncommon for him to invite various members of the organization to a friendly game of poker or blackjack.
- Madison adores dancing. Lindy Hop, quickstep- he’s picked up a few styles throughout his life, and is more than happy to use them.
- Given his line of work, as well as natural curiosity, Madison enjoys learning. While between reports, he will usually open up a new book or magazine, or browse the internet.
- Strolling. It’s also not uncommon for him to wander around the base in his free time, either, especially as it helps him think.
Secrets?:- Has the tendency to smuggle nonhumans out of the WDL after they are brought to him. Interestingly enough, he has faced little repercussions from this habit.
Outlook on life: “There is little in this world that we shouldn’t try to understand.”
For all the difficulties that come with a WDL lifestyle, Madison has remained an optimist. He believes that there is no harm in offering a bit of courtesy in most situations- which, given his easy nature, often leads him into particularly interesting situations.
Affiliation: The Warriors of the Divine Light
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
~ Combat Profile ~
Major Abilities: +
Holy Fire: Madison produces a righteous blaze from his body, often manifesting itself from his hands or fingertips. He is able to direct this fire and put it out if he wishes, although it does follow the physics of regular fire, capable of spreading and harming allies if he is not careful in his control. The flames he produces are especially painful to demonic entities.
Temperance: A facet of his Holy Fire ability, Madison is able to produce a gentle flame that, rather than burn, heals. This fire cannot spread or grow large, although by using it on the wounds of others, he is able to encourage the rapid growth of skin and muscle. This ability is restricted in that he cannot heal what the body would be unable to heal naturally- while he could patch up a cut on one’s leg and prevent bleeding out, he cannot regrow an arm or repair a spine after a sword has been run through it.
Sanctorium: Madison is able to erect a barrier made wholly of his magic, shielding him and those behind it from attacks. He is able to form shields of various sizes and shapes, although maintaining larger ones tires him out faster.
Minor Abilities:-
Spell Circle: A spell crafted for him by Arthur, this ability allows him to create a small circle of holy flames around a demon, keeping them pinned in place for as long as he can maintain the spell. If he so desired, Madison is able to launch his victim as well, throwing them in a direction of his choice.
Abyss Hop: An ability taught to him by Illusion, Madison is able to create small “cracks” in the world around him. These rifts serve as transportation for him, allowing him to enter and leave them in order to quickly move around. However, this ability is restricted, in that he can only form these portals within his line of sight.
Seirenes Hymn: Madison’s voice takes on a placating effect, easing feelings of anger or distress and calming others, although this effect isn’t necessarily foolproof.
Special Ability: Transmutation: This power allows for Madison to reach into the cellular makeup of non-sentient and minorly sentient objects and beings, reconstructing them. This ability is activated by touch, and takes a fair bit of concentration on his part to perform.
Boundary: No.
Equipment: Clothing, a Burberry-made purse, phone, wallet, keys, a makeup kit. The less mundane objects he carries on his person are a handgun (in the event that his magic were to fail him), charms, and a few bundles of dried herbs, such as blessed thistle, sage, and lavender.
Minor Skills: - Capable of using guns, although he prefers far-range rifles above anything else.
- Possesses a vast amount of knowledge regarding the supernatural.
- Knowledge of runic language, and can place some minor wards as a result.
~ Statistics ~
Willpower: B-
Faith: B+
Mana Capacity: A
Magickal Proficiency: A-
Physical Competence: C+
~ Faction Profile ~
Faction: The Warriors of Divine Light
Rank: Middle 1st Class, Staff (Researcher)
Class: Mage
Title: N/A
Loyalty Level: 8/10. Even if some of the WDL’s methods and mentality disturb Madison at times, it’s still his home. Leaving it would be leaving his family, and he doubts that he would be able to do that.
~ Miscellaneous ~
Biography/History:While the WDL has taken in many orphans throughout the years, Madison is a somewhat interesting case among them. Born the second child to the Lovettes, the boy’s early years were quite ordinary on the surface. The family wasn’t rich, but it wasn’t poor, either. They lived in the suburbs, and sometimes went out to the park when both parents had the time. The most notable thing about them was that their eldest daughter had died from a young age due to heart complications, and even that, while tragic, was not enough to set them apart.
What was, however, was the fact that the fact that the Lovettes denied any and all claims of them having a son.
They had daughters.
For whatever reason- grief, instability, or any combination of the sort- Madison had been raised as a girl by his parents. He played with dolls, grew his hair long, and wore dresses. Any and all paperwork officially listed him as “female”, and, given the fact that his was a home birth, and the Lovettes were a couple of fair reputation within their community, there was no need to question it initially. It was only after a young Madison had spilt on his dress and was sent to the nurse’s office for a change of clothing that his gender was discovered. Social Services were quickly called, and Madison was taken from his home. Due to a lack of foster homes at the time, he was placed in an orphanage, where he was placed into therapy to try and provide him with a normal life. Having grown up as a girl, Madison resisted the change, and would often steal the toys and belongings of the girls living at the orphanage for himself.
Some ways into his stay there, certain higher-ups of the WDL had happened to stop by the children’s home. For whatever reason, they did not leave alone- Madison came with them, adopted and brought along to the base. Without the treatment given to him at the orphanage, Madison quickly rebounded into old habits, hiding the clothing of female WDL members and dressing himself in them when he believed no one to be watching. One of these members happened to be Illusion, Madison’s self-proclaimed guardian, who simply bought him the clothes he desired and let him indulge in his fascination.
Madison himself remembers little from his early life, however- of if he does, he doesn’t mention it. He was raised primarily within the WDL’s walls, and, while his guardians were not cut from the most normal cloth, he had a fairly happy childhood. As he has grown, however, Madison has become increasingly aware of the darker side of the organization, and has become quite uneasy about it. Nevertheless, he has remained loyal, climbing to his current position within the organization- although he is still firmly against certain practices of the WDL, and even outright refuses to participate in a few.
This has not escaped the attention of certain people.