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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'll get a post either later today or sometime up to this Wednessday, as usual.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dezueljust something I thought of, since I was considering playing as a FMA character when I was making my characters:

Would the jewel shard Menomeru has function as a Philosopher's stone? It is technically a fragment of a human soul.

Just considering how different abilities would interact.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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@PKMNB0Y Ok! Here is my steaming pile of an idea! I hope it works! XD

Name: Oboro, aka formerly “Momohime, the Princess of Narukami”

Gender: Female


Personality: Momohime, or “Oboro” as she is in this form, is firstly a kind sort of person who can be gentle as well and is not usually seen as a threat of sorts as such. Something about her person seems to be able to be able to soften and even touch the hearts of others, which combined with her cleverness can be things that could diplomatically work well for her at times. Sincere in her want for the best of those she is friends with and loves, she does not hesitate in her actions when it comes to these matters as well.

However, having journeyed and fought many people in her quest to find out who she is that fear she once had of monsters as “Momohime” is fully gone despite their similarities, replaced with a seasoned experience gained from her great amount of combat experience. Indeed, much like the Oboro Style of sword combat she was gifted by Jinkuro’s soul when their souls fused, the battle instincts and honed sense of combat the former ronin had in life are a part of her and have been built upon. Though gentle and kind still, she has learned to not hesitate when she needs to engage in battle, and has gained some enjoyment of swordplay in time since becoming “Oboro”.

Brief History:

Oboro was originally the “Princess of Narukami”, Momohime, and was a member of the Narukami Clan in her mystical and monster-filled variant of an older Japan. Momohime was getting engaged to the swordsmaster who taught the Shogunate, and who was in charge of espionage for the Shogun himself, Yagyuu Yukinojo. However, this marriage, unknown to her, was just a farce by the Shogun to allow Yukinojo's forces to get in and slaughter the Narukami Clan on the Shogun’s orders whilst Momohime remained non the wiser. But even this plan had a wrench thrown into the works when the criminal and ronin, Jinkuro, attempted to transfer his soul into Yukinojo’s body one night with a “Soul Transfer” technique as the currently-engaged couple was taking a walk. The end result was Momohime throwing herself in front of Yukinojo, a kind and selfless act that got her body possessed by Jinkuro’s soul instead.

So with her body possessed by the foul Jinkuro, and help from a kitsune named Kongiku who was loyal to Jinkuro and stole a mask with Muramasa Sengo's soul in it that could forge Muramasa Blades, the two set out to get Jinkuro a better body and as a side effect free Momohime to have her body back. The two became romantically close during the game despite their situation, with the softened Jinkuro eventually worrying about Momohime's body as it began to break down due to the constant soul-swapping between them in Momohime’s body. Though after running into a kitsune and another Oboro Style and Muramasa blade user who wanted the mask they had back, the pair won against the latter in battle but received a fatal wound on Momohime's body as a result.

Giving up on his ideas of getting to a new body now, and noting that his former master had fused his soul with another, Jinkuro decided to do the same to Momohime to save her life through a "soul fusion" of their two souls to heal Momohime's body ad keep her alive. The resulting "new Momohime" was found by an elderly couple in the countryside, who had no memories left at all but only remembered the words “Oboro” and “Jinkuro” that she would say in her sleep. The couple kept the now-named Oboro with them for nearly a year, until a great oni and his band of demons attacked the trio to try to kill and eat them. Oboro then used a simple basic sword to kill the oni and his entire band of demons in one swing of the sword using the Oboro Style Jinkuro had left her during the soul fusion. Noting that she was a danger, Oboro left out into the world to try to find out about her past. In the process she defeated renowned swordsmen, vicious criminals, and evil spirits/demons along the way. During this journey to find out about herself, however, she would inevitably reacquire three of the Muramasa blades forged by Momohime and Jinkuro before she had been "created" by their souls being fused.

Universe of Origin: “Muramasa: The Demon Blade”


Muramasa Blades- Oboro has sought to reclaim or generally take back Muramasa Blades in her journey, having acquired in the process three of the strongest Muramasa blades that had been created by Sengo Muramasa's spirit via the mask Jinkuro and Momohime were given by Kongiku. These supernatural blades are said to “be able to cut through anything”, and those who do not know their sword style are inflicted with a violent madness and compulsion to kill.

However, in this case “being able to cut through anything” simply means for this that the blades have the ability to cut into and through even the likes of advanced tech from other universes and modern cars and such things to generally be able to fight and keep up with enemies from other universes.

The blades also, if broken, repair themselves automatically if put back in any sheath in general, so long as the hilt is intact. As long as the hilt is intact, it will attach itself to a sheath and regenerate the sword in there. Each blade also has a power, a "secret art" they can use along with a passive ability the user benefits from. However, Oboro's swords don't have to consume souls to recharge their power in this case, but will still have to recharge via the Narukami Bracelet for balancing purposes.

Further, each sword has 2 uses of its "secret art" before it has to recharge again, and has to recharge fully at that before she can use a given sword's "secret art" again at all. This recharge timer is a 3-5 minute-long timer always as a rule of thumb.

Oboro herself carries these three blades, which are:

-Oboro Muramasa: The most legendary of Muramasa blades and his pinnacle of craftsmanship it is "able to cut through fate itself". It's passive ability grants a major boost to Oboro's strength and vitality when it is being wielded. Its secret art is called "Distortion" or "Pandemonium", and causes the user prepare to make a single extremely powerful slash.

Whilst charging the attack, the sword over time creates 12 brief, semi-solid "clones" of the user that fire off persisting magical disk attacks with their swords at enemies before disappearing again. These magical disk attacks are occasionally homing as well. This bit lasts is done until the attack is finished charging, which takes about 10 seconds, before the powerful slash itself is unleashed. The slash is strong enough that it sends a giant blade of wind out forward from the sword at that deals major damage to anything it hits. Usually the user jumps high up when launching the attack in order to create a larger blade of wind as a result, though this extra height is not a necessary thing to use it.

This sword is carried by her in one of two sheaths on her right side/hip.

-Dojigiri Yasutsuna: A Muramasa blade known in Oboro's world as the "Sword of Corruption", it is a blade that passively absorbs a small part of the target's life force on contact and uses that to heal its wielder. Though as an alteration for this RP, this "life force" is just absorbs some of the targets' "life energy" that will regenerate back with sleep and rest and such. The sword's secret art is known as "Thunderclap", a technique by which the user moves temporarily so fast they seem to disappear, only to appear above the enemy and stabbing strike downwards with a lightning-charged attack to deal damage and attempt to electrocute their foes. This move, unlike the Oboro Muramasa's can be used on the ground or even in the air by Oboro herself.

This sword is carried by her in one of two sheaths on her right side/hip.

-Suisei Muramasa: A Muramasa sword known by the name of the "Fading Comet", its blade is longer than that of the Oboro Muramasa and Dojigiri Yasutsuna blades she carries by a notable bit. The blade's ability enhances the wielder's ability to quick draw swords, including itself, allowing them to perform it even faster than before. The secret art of this sword is called "Comet III", or "Comet Three", in which she holds the sword up towards the sky, silently calling down a rainstorm of strong supernaturally-generated sword slashes incredibly quickly from an altitude of 500 meters down upon the area in front of her for 4 or 5 seconds continuously. Like the secret art of the Oboro Muramasa, this sword's secret art can only be used when on the ground or standing on something else.

This sword is carried in a sheath on her back, from which she at least can still draw it out for combat well.

Accessories- These items are equip-able items in the game, gained from during the game, post-game, and shopkeepers, that grant bonuses to the wielder in the process. Though a few Abilities like XP Bonus would not be able to apply in our world. Death Blade and Death Blade 2 abilities only apply to things on the level of normal and utterly mundane humans, or so to say the common people on “our world”.

List of Accessories she has on her person right now are:

-Demon God Gauntlet: A pair of demonic-like armored gauntlets she wears over her hands that go up her forearms a bit that are of supernatural make, they grant her an extreme boost to her strength that, like with any other items she has, stacks with enhancements of the same kind for her.

-Demon God Belt: A belt of the same armored and supernatural demonic-like appearance as the gauntlets above, which grants her an extreme boost to her vitality in the process.

-Dragon Necklace: A dragon-style gold necklace she wears around her neck, which grants her its supernatural power to block the user from being poisoned, retaining a burn (heals away the burn damage), or similar issues like disease and corruption and such ailments that could affect her.

-Narukami Bracelet: A jeweled bracelet originating from Momohime's home province of Narukami, it has the supernatural effect of preventing her from consuming power when using her swords' secret arts, which is good considering that if she had to go about harvesting human souls and other souls in "our" world to fuel her weapons' abilities it would be a not very good situation.


Oboro Style- A powerful and dark form of sword combat feared by many of the people who know of it, this sword style from Oboro’s version of Japan allows the user to wield Muramasa Blades with deadly efficiency beyond any other sword style in Oboro's version of Japan. It also is unique in that it allows users to not suffer from the maddening effects of wielding or holding Muramasa blades, as well as be able to unleash the “secret arts” of the Muramasa blades as well.

It is a style that allows a user to fight even even great supernatural threats in Oboro’s universe of origin, above the level of any normal human. For this RP, that just simply means that Oboro can fight on par against the other above-human or far-above-human beings who found their way into "our" world competently, and without being utterly inferior due to a lack of technology or due to her being human physically.

This style also includes the usage of Iaijutsu, or Battojutsu/Iaido, depending on which name you use, though it is with such inhuman skill that everything in a certain limited range can be attacked with a single “quick draw” attack by a user of the Oboro Style. Considering that Oboro can do this "quick draw" so fast that mortal eyes or those of the "demons" of her world cannot follow the blade's movement in this feat.

Cooking- She can cook feudal Japanese sorts of things, due to having lived with and helped an old couple for most of a year after becoming “Oboro”. She can cook them rather well, actually.

Double Jump: Oboro can, by some supernatural power, jump in thin air once without having to have something to stand on. She can use this to get to greater heights in the air for combat, or for getting up to places and however being able to double jump might help her.

Air Dash Oboro can move through the air in a movement known as an "air dash", propelling herself forwards a bit. She can use this to climb up in the air and gain height if she is already in the air. However, this skill extend to allowing her to defy gravity for a few seconds at a time to attack targets in mid-air with her swords just as well as if she was on the ground.

Other: -
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@TheUnknowable I wouldn't know how it would act with FMA stuff since I am not familiar with it apart from knowing character names such as Edward Elric (Spelling?). I only know what it does in Inuyasha :P.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@TheUnknowable: I, however, have watched and read FMA.

I want to point out that a Philosopher's Stone is made up of hundres of thousands of (complete) souls, so the answer is likely no.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@PKMNB0YGood point. The Shikon jewel is only a fraction of a soul.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Crusader Lord: I think she should be fine. Accepted.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm working on my post as of now. Expect it to be ready in a few.

I'm still benching Tohka until I can find a niche for her but Nanoha has some words for Menomaru, who still insist on asking for trouble.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@KoLIn my next post, I'll have Inuyasha smell Menomeru in the car and chase it down, so expect trouble.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@KoLIn my next post, I'll have Inuyasha smell Menomeru in the car and chase it down, so expect trouble.

Please don't; another random fight is just going to end a lot more abruptly this time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

Phew, that post was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. All in all, I guess it's a good thing.

The fact that Nanoha had never been treated to an outside view of her fighting methods, except the time when Rein Einz chucked that SLB at she and Fate (even then, Nanoha never though that being hit by it was a big deal until Fate told her to run for her live), is probably the funniest bit.

Either way, @TheUnknowable, if we could avoid more dumb fights for at least a bit, I would be thankful too. This one bit was what made me get disconnected from the idea of playing Tohka in this RP and... I don't want to have Nanoha indulge in a befriending spree as of yet. Just a bit of peace would indeed be a welcome change of pace.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KoLI was thinking of it as a big dumb standoff, with Inuyasha asking Menomeru why he brought him to the future and someone else just telling him the truth
He would then go with you, as long as someone that looked trust worthy (say a priestess) would keep Menomeru from attacking.

I could just follow them until they get where they were going, though, if the rest of you want me to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Er, they're already where they're going.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


It's not that I don't want you to do your thing. It's that we know what will happen. Menomaru, and some others, have been... complicated and the literal source of all troubles up to now. It was extremely hard to not Menomaru killed by this point, with some hefty bits of OOC behavior happening in order to achieve that.

I would appreciate a little breathing room, but I'm not in a position to tell you what to do. Just be aware that it might end up backfiring on you for multiple reasons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@Raineh DazeI thought they were still on their way there.

I'll wait until they come to pick him up, then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

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@TheUnknowable: Well, uh... No reason to pick people up if they didn't... Do anything?

Anyways, yeah. Wall of text blah. You can continue as you are for Tyr; I'm gonna fiddle with Stark in a second.

Edit: And done. Y'know, I realize we've opened up a can of worms by having Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. technically existing in the same world.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Calling previous encounters "dumb fights" is a great way to lessen most peoples overall IC posts last few pages and does not bode well for future endevours.

Re:Creators, an anime with alot of initial "dumb" fights. To think a Re:Creators inspired RP would have these "dumb" fights as you call them... impossible! How could this be?! What did you think it would have? Picnic carebears or ponies having a debate about astronomical observations?

As for the literal source of problems? Worth of note. It was Tohka who first popped up near Alberich and didn't really answer what he asked, followed by Tenshi who also popped up there. So he is the source of the "problem"? If neither of those would have shown up with weapons at the ready or actually answered him things could have turned out differently, since he was already on the defensive due to the change of enviroment.

On the second occurance. Remember it was Evangeline who shot down Menomaru's scouting moths. He had not taken any hostile action at this point. His character however demanded that he move out and beat them up after doing so. All that has been done has been done as an IC reaction to what else has happened.

Also you should never ever let OOC matters decide on your IC behavior unless specifically asked by the GM. I said back then and I say again that I am fine with IC consequences such as death. That you feel discouraged by playing Tohka due to IC fighting? Then maybe you shouldn't have picked her in a RP where there would be such things found. Having characters constantly go AFK/voyeur without any text at all, even if they are not engaging in a fight is generally not good for RP. Speaking of which, is Andersen actually still considered part of the RP or has he dropped?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I don't know the anime this is based on, but having another fight almost immediately after the previous one ended almost solely for the sake of a contrived fight--and it would be contrived, seeing as it's a city with 100,000,000 people in and pretty damn big, so circumstances aren't forcing it--is tiring because it gets in the way of getting to work out what the plot is. The previous fights served a purpose by introducing the soldiers, but another long fight right now would just be gratuitous. And unlike anime, we can't cover it with good animation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


Calling previous encounters "dumb fights" is a great way to lessen most peoples overall IC posts last few pages and does not bode well for future endevours.

Re:Creators, an anime with alot of initial "dumb" fights. To think a Re:Creators inspired RP would have these "dumb" fights as you call them... impossible! How could this be?! What did you think it would have? Picnic carebears or ponies having a debate about astronomical observations?

As for the literal source of problems? Worth of note. It was Tohka who first popped up near Alberich and didn't really answer what he asked, followed by Tenshi who also popped up there. So he is the source of the "problem"? If neither of those would have shown up with weapons at the ready or actually answered him things could have turned out differently, since he was already on the defensive due to the change of enviroment.

On the second occurance. Remember it was Evangeline who shot down Menomaru's scouting moths. He had not taken any hostile action at this point. His character however demanded that he move out and beat them up after doing so. All that has been done has been done as an IC reaction to what else has happened.

Also you should never ever let OOC matters decide on your IC behavior unless specifically asked by the GM. I said back then and I say again that I am fine with IC consequences such as death. That you feel discouraged by playing Tohka due to IC fighting? Then maybe you shouldn't have picked her in a RP where there would be such things found. Having characters constantly go AFK/voyeur without any text at all, even if they are not engaging in a fight is generally not good for RP. Speaking of which, is Andersen actually still considered part of the RP or has he dropped?

Was that really called for?

I didn't say anything offensive nor am I the only one uninterested in more fights at the moment. So... why was it that I was the only one targeted at this reply when I went out of my way to not call anyone's names?

I'll not get into an argument, anyway. You do you. I'm burned with petty squabbles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"It's that we know what will happen. Menomaru, and some others, have been... complicated and the literal source of all troubles up to now. It was extremely hard to not Menomaru killed by this point, with some hefty bits of OOC behavior happening in order to achieve that."

"So... why was it that I was the only one targeted at this reply when I went out of my way to not call anyone's names?"

Perhaps it had to do with the character I was RP, was the only one mentioned by name? Twice.

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