Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hm... Okay, time for the GM to fly in and declare stuff!

@TheUnknowable@KoL: Okay, let me quote something from the OP of the RP:

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

While it is true that magitechy pseudoscience such as the suit works on its own principles as is, that doesn't mean that they'll apply in 'this' world yet.

So... For the moment, and until I deem it a 'good time' for a tech upgrade, the answer is "no" for the odder stuff. I'm not rewriting the laws of physics and causality quite yet.
(But it's not like you can't study and eventually make a breakthrough.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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1) How does a powered exoskeleton that has rockets attatched violate the second law of thermodynamics?
"The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative."

2) There are exoskeletons and robotic tanks which exist with current tech. With another 100 years of development, it could easily become a suit of armor you could wear.

Also, from the original post:

"Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck."

So, if humans can learn to fly and shoot Ki blasts because a DBZ character now exists, shouldn't his tech work in this world for other people too?

Finally, this is inspired by Re:creators (which I'd never even heard of until I saw this RP), not a copy of it. Just because it didn't work that way in the show doesn't mean that it can't work that way in this RP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@PKMNB0YSo, how far does that go? I don't see how any of his stuff requires psuedo-science or made up laws of physics, so what of his tech can work within our universe and what can't? I'm not even using alien tech or special materials, just more advanced tech.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@TheUnknowable: Well, there comes the requisite question: What are you planning on, specifically? Obviously, the full suit is out of the question, but I wanna know what you might have planned outside of that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@PKMNB0YI mostly want to have him license the tech to other companies to raise money to maintain his suit, make fuel, and continue his inter-dimensional portal research. He could read physics papers and realize that, at the very least, it will be a bit more complicated here, but I'd like for him to be able to adapt his tech at least partially.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@TheUnknowable: I'm not going to make it completely impossible, obviously, but at the very least it's going to take more time and effort to replicate stuff. As the RP progresses obviously more stuff should be available but for the moment, um... Well, try to keep it on the lower end of things, I guess.

But yes, read papers. Build there from square... Well, not one, but yeah.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Second Law of Thermodynamics generally implies that miniaturised reactors would need absurd levels of refuelling when doing anything remotely power-intensive even with perfect efficiency, though I'm not perfectly sure why that's relevant.

"Why doesn't he paste himself because of inertia" is more in line with physics nonsense going on.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

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@PKMNB0Y Ok, i think this is the app completed with the needed info. I was able to shorten the bio better as compared to Oboro's app. Though, when it comes to her armory of things, she kinda has a lot of forms. I used the least text i could to describe each piece in her armory, but it still look rather long as a whole. Sorry about that. ^^;

Name: Aile

Gender: Female


Personality: Aile is a tomboy with more than enough “spunk” to stand her ground against enemies and take on even the most daunting of challenges. She can be a compassionate and caring person, especially after the loss of her beloved friend and boss Giro, who is lenient at times to those close enough to her. Yet through combat and fighting that has honed her skills, her resolve has too been strengthened after all she has been through, and beating the head of Slither, Inc., and even hearing Giro’s parting words he gave to her after death as a Cyber Elf. To her, destiny is not a thing given or pushed upon others, but rather people must fight to shape their own futures. A rather optimistic note, as it were, though the reality of her past and life has by this point better tempered her as well to some extent, despite her being only 15 years old at this stage of her life. She also bears a sense of justice that leads her to protect others, or to fight other similar wrongs. At time she could still be cocky, however, due to her age, though this is moderately lessened for her at this point as compared to prior to her involvement with the Biometals.

Brief History: Aile lived within the city where the headquarters of the world-famous Slither, Inc. lied and continued to produce Mechaniloid security forces to protect people from Maverick attacks in various cities across the world. Originally she was working at Giro Express Transporters for her boss, whom was a Reploid named Girouette that took Aile in after she lost her mother in a Maverick attack 10 years ago at a carnival. One day she went out to help Giro deliver and important package to a group called “The Guardians” at a certain location, only to be attacked and knocked off of a cliff and survive with the package. However, as she and the clients were attacked at the target location, the package emerged as Biometal Model X, who bonded with her and allowed her to transform in order to defeat the enemies.

From this point onwards, Aile would meet up again with Giro, only to lose him in a fight against Mavericks that allowed her to discover that Serpent, the beloved hero and head of Slither, Inc. in the eyes of the people, was actually orchestrating these attacks to not only gain business but also to gain energy from the souls of the dead to fuel a biometal called “Model W” in order to rule the world. However, to get to Serpent to stop him, Aile joined the Guardians before going gathering all the other Biometals held by his Pseudoroid servants, including even the “Model O” Biometal of unknown origins that Serpent’s minions did not already possess. She then proceeded to defeat Serpent himself, before getting a last goodbye from Giro’s cyber elf (or soul equivalent for a reploid) before returning to the guardians.

It was at this point, however, just after her joyous reunion with Prarie, the leader of the Guardians, and the other Guardians that she suddenly blacked out, waking up in “our” world of all things with no clue as to how she got here.

Universe of Origin: “Megaman ZX”


Biometals: These mechanical devices that can fit within the grasp of one’s hand, not exactly in the palm of their hand, contain the souls of legendary heroes and are capable of “Megamerging” with human or reploid users via the M.E.G.A. System in order to grant them incredible power in the form of a rather strong transformed form. Essentially it is like unto some sort of a sentient device giving someone a magical girl form with armor and abilities. However, for Aile to use the other Biometals, she has to use Model X as a base and merge with both it and the target to be able to transform and use the abilities of other Biometals. However, in the case of Model Z this fusion between it and Model X creates a unique “Model ZX” form instead.

Each Biometal form has different weapons, abilities, and capabilities based on the soul of that past legendary hero they contain. They are also sentient things due to possessing a soul, capable of floating about in the air and telepathically communicating with other living things or even mechanical things like other Biometals at their own will. They are also capable of some form of technopath-like combat on their own, though this is highly limited to only being able to mess with other Biometal users and other Biometals.

Aile carries these Biometals with her:

Models Z and X- The Biometal containing the soul of the legendary reploid “Megaman X” is Model X, it has a small energy cannon on the user’s left hand that is called the “X-Buster”, which is capable of firing energy projectiles as well as charging shots for greater power and size when it comes to the projectile.

Further, the Biometal Z contains the soul of the legendary reploid “Zero”, it’s transformed state boasts swift speed and the ability to use an energy sword called the “Z-Saber” that can be charged to release a stronger slash attack.

However, outside of using Model X alone, Biometal Model Z is never used alone by Aile, rather being combined with “Model X” to create “Model ZX”, which boasts the same Z-Saber of Model Z and a pistol with the powers of the “X-Buster” both under the new names of “ZX-Saber” and “ZX-Buster” respectively.

Model H- The Biometal containing the soul of one of the Four Guardians of the former city of Neo Arcadia, Harpuia, it is a Biometal that allows one to easily go up and fly into/through the air in general with speed using special “wings” that are capable of thrust as well as allowing Aile to hover in the air. It also boasts a pair of twin energy sabers that can be used as such, as well as a couple minor abilities.

The first minor ability is the ability to launch a small but hard-hitting sonic blast from the blades that pierces shields as well. The second minor ability is a homing electrical ball attack that is used by charging the blades and then swinging them, and this electrical ball is a homing attack that seeks her intended target. And the third minor ability is used the blades when charged and swung as well, but this time with the intent and effect of releasing a strong stationary tornado in front of her that sits there briefly before fading away. Otherwise, it has the ability to analyze enemies as well to note their structure and weaknesses, as well as take note the presence of Biometals within enemies who contain them.

Model F- The Biometal containing the soul of Fenrir of the Four Guardian of Nero Arcadia, it boasts a pair of hand-held hand cannons that fire energy projectiles. These hand cannons can have their fired energy projectiles’ path adjusted by Aile on the fly move however she needs them to, at least to a limited extent to help her do something like reach around a corner without having to poke her head out. These hand cannons can both be used at the same time to let out a high rate of fire as well.

The first minor ability of this Biometal is a charged attack that fires a larger, flame-coated energy shot that can burn things. However, this shot can only move straight forwards, unlike the regular shots whose trajectory can be edited by Aile at will. Aile can also charge up the busters and smash them into the ground, the act causing a small wave of molten lava to pop up just in front of her and travel a very short distance of 10 meters before fading away.

Model L- This Biometal containing the soul of the only female reploid among the Four Guardians of Nero Arcadia, Leviathan, and wields a dual-blades halberd with a blade on both ends of it for the user to wield. It boasts a pair of twin dorsal-fin engines (the protrusions on the helmet) and a third one on hidden on the back of the helmet that are able to propel and move the user through the water at great speeds and with great adeptness to boot.

Its first minor ability is that it allows the user to detect items they are looking for within a certain distance, in this instance 10 miles. The second and last minor ability is that, by charging the weapon and then swinging it, a long, seemingly sentient, snake-like ice dragon, which fitting has a dragon head, is summoned to attack an enemy and pursues them in air or in water until it is destroyed or melts.

Model P- This Biometal containing the soul of “Phantom” of the Four Guardians of Nero Arcadia, as a thing of note, wields a seemingly infinite amount of kunai-like knives the wielder throws. These weapons are generated in the hands of the user when they want to throw them, and these projectiles can be thrown-rapid fire faster than Model F can fire off projectiles when both of its busters are used. It can also generate and throw giant shuriken that, as a rule of thumb, return to Aile for her to catch again like unto a boomerang. Further, in this form she can hang from surfaces using energy-claws she can extend from her gauntlets in this form.

Its first minor ability is to be able to produce a temporary protective barrier of moving, spinning purple shuriken that block attacks for 15 seconds before fading, great for defense on the fly, though the barrier is only wide enough to protect the user alone. Its second minor ability is to allows users to perform a “shadow dash” that temporarily makes the user intangible so as to move right through enemies or projectiles but not fall through the ground or such. And the final minor ability of this Biometal is a “Night Scope” ability that, when used, allows the user to detect the locations of other living things nearby, and to be able to throw special kunai that can pass through walls and only hurt Aile’s target whilst this mode is active.

Model O- This “Biometal” takes the form of a Biometal-shaped stone which is like unto the Greek letter for “omega” in shape, though this stone is just as durable as its mechanical counterparts. Whilst it does not communicate or telepathically talk to its user like the other Biometals can, it does try to influence its user with its berserk, deranged personality. However, Aile was able to handle this on a regular basis once obtaining this strange and ultimately unique Biometal in her journey. It comes equipped when used with a red version of the Z-Saber that is stronger than the original, called the “O-Saber”, which can launch a charged slash attack stronger than that of Model Z or ZX, as well as possessing an “O-Buster” energy pistol that can fire stronger charged shots than Model X’s form or the buster in ZX form has.

Its unique ability is an “overdrive” mode that allows it to launch special attacks, from a flaming slash used with the sword, to a slash from the sword that fires a curved energy projectile charged with the element of electricity, to a move with the sword made in the air that fires small curved energy projectiles charged with the ice element that can potentially (not always) freeze things as well as cut them. In this mode the O-Buster fires halfway charged shots as its energy projectiles. By using this charged energy in the user’s fists, the ground can be punched below the user to either shatter earth and send boulder-like chunks flying out around the user to harm enemies, and to hit the ground and generate smaller plasma bolts that fly out from around the user to hit enemies or whatever is around them. The final ability is a punch to the ground that discharges energy to summon 11 large and wide beams of energy, 6 coming from about 500-700 meters in altitude downwards, and the last 5 others popping out of the ground around the user whilst moving upwards, to all deal damage to enemies and inevitably terrain around the user.

However, if the user is harmed, the mode is canceled and has to be re-activated, meaning that each time the user is hurt they have to turn this mode back on if they want to use it. The mode can also be turned off at will as well.


Biometal User- Aile is unique in that not only does is she primarily compatible with the Model X Biometal, the one she started with, but all the other Biometals as she saved them from their Pseudoroid hosts came to her side as well. Though she is unable to use the other biometals alone, they allowed her to use them via being combined with Model X as a base or “middleman” so to say for them to then be able to grant Aile their powers and so she could transform into their armored forms.

Motor Bike Riding- As part of her job at the Giro Express under the mentoring of her boss and foster-parent Giro, she became skilled at riding on her world’s version of a motorcycle. Similar enough in design, these skills of hers could apply somewhat enough to the general motorcycle’s of “our” world as well so she could use them.

Other: -
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

And there we have it, Meteora's dynamic entry is done.

Please, tell me if there's something hard to understand on that post. Recap-like stuff can feel convoluted at times but I guess that it was needed for a good explanation for why post-anime Meteora is in this.

Also, I tried to follow some tips from @PKMNB0Y while making the narration feel as Meteora style as possible, which may not have the best effect until I get a better grasp of her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Raineh Dazenever heard anyone say that it would require more fuel to run a smaller reactor, and don't see how entropy would apply. I'd like to see anyone present a reason why that would be so.

And he doesn't pancake himself with acceleration because he only pulls a few Gs at most, maybe 10, which a fit human can easily withstand, especially with an acceleration suit, which the suit is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@PKMNB0YOk, here's my basic plan.

1) Tyr and Tony get a hotel room to use as a base of operations.
2) Tony goes to a pawn shop and Radio Shack to get a cheap laptop and cat 5 cable to connect to the hotel's internet while Tyr goes grocery shopping (master chef and all that).
3) They find out that the NYPD is offering a $20k for information leading to the arrest of an "Andre Petrov". A quick google search shows that he manages a shipping business at the docks here in the Bronx.
4) they hatch a plan for Tyr to sneak in and plug a wireless transceiver into his computer, so Jarvis can hack in an look for evidence.
5) Tyr manages to do that, but trips a silent alarm and draws in guards. (he can't recognize our infrared or motion sensors.)
6) Tony has to suit up and help him fight his way out.
7) After they hand over the info, they learn that Petrov was part of the Russian Mafia and that they just made a new enemy.
8) They get a proper apartment and Tony starts building simple tech to sell to local companies, the first being a more efficient battery charging circuit he'll license to Panasonic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

@Raineh Dazenever heard anyone say that it would require more fuel to run a smaller reactor, and don't see how entropy would apply. I'd like to see anyone present a reason why that would be so.

And he doesn't pancake himself with acceleration because he only pulls a few Gs at most, maybe 10, which a fit human can easily withstand, especially with an acceleration suit, which the suit is.

Have you ever studied graduate level thermodynamics? If you did you wouldn't be making these questions. Actually, not, just take your phone and ask yourself why it's not running on a fusion reactor. That should be enough.

Also, where the kinetic energy from the hits that the suit takes go? Just answer your self that. Or how can he fly faster than Raptor without burning himself to a crisp because of friction.

@PKMNB0YOk, here's my basic plan.

1) Tyr and Tony get a hotel room to use as a base of operations.
2) Tony goes to a pawn shop and Radio Shack to get a cheap laptop and cat 5 cable to connect to the hotel's internet while Tyr goes grocery shopping (master chef and all that).
3) They find out that the NYPD is offering a $20k for information leading to the arrest of an "Andre Petrov". A quick google search shows that he manages a shipping business at the docks here in the Bronx.
4) they hatch a plan for Tyr to sneak in and plug a wireless transceiver into his computer, so Jarvis can hack in an look for evidence.
5) Tyr manages to do that, but trips a silent alarm and draws in guards. (he can't recognize our infrared or motion sensors.)
6) Tony has to suit up and help him fight his way out.
7) After they hand over the info, they learn that Petrov was part of the Russian Mafia and that they just made a new enemy.
8) They get a proper apartment and Tony starts building simple tech to sell to local companies, the first being a more efficient battery charging circuit he'll license to Panasonic.

Doesn't this relies on your characters puppeteering a lot of NPCs to work? Also, playing the RP basically on your own, too. I Don't know, but there seems to be something about this that doesn't feel very much like a group roleplay at all. I can't imagine what, though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KoLMy phone doesn't run on a fusion reactor because the tech doesn't exist for multiple reasons. I seriously doubt that entropy has anything to do with it.

The kinetic energy is mostly absorbed by the whole suit, some of it becoming heat. The whole "supersonic" thing is a bit ridiculous, but he could also be shedding the heat some way.

I'm only RPing by myself because, like I've said, I don't know where anyone else in the city is, and they haven't introduced themselves yet. Until someone else talks to me, I have to RP by myself.

You know, you sure are telling people how they have to play their characters a lot for a non-GM. Could you please not try to tell me how I have to play this RP?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

@KoLMy phone doesn't run on a fusion reactor because the tech doesn't exist for multiple reasons. I seriously doubt that entropy has anything to do with it.

The kinetic energy is mostly absorbed by the whole suit, some of it becoming heat. The whole "supersonic" thing is a bit ridiculous, but he could also be shedding the heat some way.

I'm only RPing by myself because, like I've said, I don't know where anyone else in the city is, and they haven't introduced themselves yet. Until someone else talks to me, I have to RP by myself.

You know, you sure are telling people how they have to play their characters a lot for a non-GM. Could you please not try to tell me how I have to play this RP?

Excuse me, then. If you don't like the discussion I'll stop.

Either way, check my latest IC post and you may find something out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Reactors take fuel and produce energy. Once the energy has been produced, it would take more energy than you get reusable energy out to convert it to its initial state (some other reactor might be able to use its waste products, however). Except in the event that it has a vastly lower consumption than a larger reactor--which would make it produce orders of magnitude less, comparatively, and generally less efficient--a smaller fuel source will run out faster than a larger one.

If it doesn't need refuelling, what you've created is a perpetual motion machine, which is impossible. :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Raineh Dazeand at what point did I say that I was magically reversing entropy on the fuel and not dumping helium? Of course it needs refueling (hence why I've mentioned refueling it multiple times), the paladium/synthetic crystal just gets used up faster than the hydrogen, so the hydrogen gets replaced when it does.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KoLI guess I'll just say that this was happening while he was waiting on his coffee, since he was only in there for a few minutes, trying to avoid the crowd. It can't really effect him leaving, though, as it's technically a flashback.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ah, so not disobeying the second law, just basic maths. Pretty normal for soft science fiction. XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

It's not a matter of refueling or not. It's a matter that, unless you can make gravity do the work for you, like inside of a star, fusion reactors tend to consume far more energy than they generate, because they need insanely powerful magnetic fields to contain the plasma and said electromagnets have to be energized and cooled using external fonts of power.

Even if the dip was as low as 1%, which it's not, it would still make it impractical. You would have to reverse entropy, which is impossible as @Raineh Daze said, to be able to make it work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

@KoLI guess I'll just say that this was happening while he was waiting on his coffee, since he was only in there for a few minutes, trying to avoid the crowd. It can't really effect him leaving, though, as it's technically a flashback.

Sure, why not?
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