*poke* I have an idea for a post for Alexis, since the collab Borg posted got her back in the capital city. Do you want me to wait for your post first though?
Name: Anui Lock Mythue Age: 21 Height: 6'0 Weight: 175 Appearance: One of the relatives of the King of Nero Sleeth Cain Mythue. It was within their bloodline to have some inherit a trait to give sight to the blind Nayu of Nero. With the King being a Mythue he keeps strict rules on who is allowed this gift of sight. Anui is young but wise and honed through the Nero royals way into a silent stoic and passionate Nayu. Both in battle and within the protected halls of the castle.
"Stand in the ashes of a dead city and ask a thousand ghosts if honour matters. You will hear only silence."
Isaya Niscent
60% Oro, 40% Nayu
Sex Preference
Isaya is a little on the short side, and quite thin. Her pale skin is the clearest sign of her Nayu heritage - her hair is dark, but not black, and her vision is adequate. Her Oro heritage, though more prominent, is actually the one she shuns the most; her scales, saphire-blue like her eyes, are mostly on her chest, upper arms, and upper legs, so she never dresses in a revealing manner, and she is very glad that, unlike most of those of Oro blood, she has no wings, a trait shared by many in her family.
Isaya has a deeply ingrained mistrust for others, having only ever really trusted her adoptive father, Treo. As a result, she rarely socialises and tends to isolate herself from others, typically resorting to cynicism and sarcasm when her attempts to avoid others fail. Trusting the wrong person killed her mother, but she won't let it kill her. She hates vanity and arrogance, concepts she typically associates with her aunt, Allo Niscent, likely because of her. However, her refusal to trust others has necessitated independance, which can come across as arrogance, and therefore Isaya can seem hypocritical. She certainly doesn't come across as vain, though; if anything, Isaya hides her appearance, hating the resemblance to her aunt.
None, though perhaps some interest in joining the Dolofon, more as a means to a goal than a goal in itself.
Isaya is proficient in the use of her only weapon, a simple wooden staff. However, she has also learnt to use it in acrobatics and similar feats. Likewise, she is capable enough in what magic she knows, though that knowledge is very limited.
Illusory triplets - Isaya can summon two perfects copies of herself, which act as mentally directed by her. They are not substantial, so they can inflict no damage, but make it difficult to keep track of which is the real Isaya. They are identical to her at the time she summoned them, so if she were to be cut, for example, afterwards, they wouldn't have the cut and therefore could be told apart from her, but if the cut were to happen before the summon, they would also have the cut.
Blink - A small, low-energy teleport of up to thirty feet to any location Isaya can see. She cannot move though gaps she couldn't normally fit through, but otherwise can move unrestricted by the environment. Additionally, if illusory triplets are active at the time Isaya blinks, she may have them both move as if they had cast the spell as well, though it is determined based on what she can see, since they cannot see anything.
Night vision
Poison resistance
Blood consumption (optional, not necessary)
Bleed resistance
Tough hide and claws (no wings due to unique Niscent blood)
Strength boost
Improved speed (Niscent blood)
Earth/gravel manipulation
Ground detection
Hearing is more susceptible to damage by loud noises
(Oro weakness cancelled out by Niscent blood, would not be able to fly anyway due to lack of wings)
Surgical processes and healing take longer
Analysis - Isaya possesses an incredible ability to observe. If she has a minute or two to watch someone without being significantly disturbed, she should be able to notice almost anything that perception alone reasonably could.
Multitasking - Isaya is quite adept at focusing on multiple things at once, a side effect of extensive use of her illusory triplets. Generally, she can engage in one task physically, such as fighting or running, while focusing on something else mentally, such as performing deduction or making an alaysis.
A wooden staff, typically carried slung over one shoulder. In case it ever becomes relevant, the staff is made of ash wood, and is 38mm thick.
Isaya's mother was Eolorn Niscent, a younger sister to the queen of Gaia, Allo Niscent, while her father was a Nayu by the name of Arn Galtro. Their relationship was not a healthy one - Eolorn had been born with bipolar disorder, which she had previously kept under control and in secret. However, her sister, Allo, had always been a role model to her - which ended painfully for her as Allo's success continued and she began to treat Eolorn, alongside several others she had previously been friendly with, dismissively, even harshly. When Arn first met Eolorn, he recognised her fragile emotional state and took advantage of it. Eolorn thought she was in love with him, and it was only a few months later that she was pregnant with Isaya. However, it was not long after that that Arn finally got tired of his fun, and dissapeared one night, leaving a letter behind explaining his true feelings in the most painful way possible. This was a final, fatal push for Eolorn - she took her own life within the week.
Only one other person in Gaia ever knew of the relationship between Arn and Eolorn, an elder brother of both Eolorn and Allo, Treo Niscent. He had always been opposed it, as he had been able to see the damage it would cause her, but had quickly realised he could not talk his sister out of it. It was he that adopted Isaya, and took care of her until she grew up. Her true identity had to be kept secret to prevent a scandal (oddly enough, many suspected that she was his bastard child), so Treo used the half-truth that she was an orphan he had taken pity on and adopted as an explanation for anyone who asked.
Isaya rarely left her home as she grew up; because it was safer this way, and because she had begun to harbour a slight resentment for the Oro people in general, and for the queen in particular. Her adoptive father had been taught to fight, by his own father, and so as soon as she was old enough she insisted that she was taught as well, by him. He agreed, having already been taught once by Allo not to dismiss a person's capability too early. Isaya did quite well, possessing no natural talent but making up for this with dedication and focus. Eventually, she decided to set out into the world, to learn from real situations rather than simple practice, an aimless journey which began around four years ago. What she never told Treo, or anyone else, is what she plans to do when she thinks she's ready. She still mourns the death of the mother she never met, and so Isaya intends to kill the two she holds responsible for her death: Arn Galtro and Allo Niscent.
Excellent, it's accepted. I just wish to see how she learned her spells and what level is her bloodline powers at. Like Earth/gravel manipulation. You can add that in experience later summarizing her greatest accomplished feats, or how capable she is with it in general.
Review the Bloodline trait tree to grasp a better understanding of what your character can do with what bloodline. For a explanation see below.
Conjuration: Each conjuration spell belongs to one of five subschools. Conjurations bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you (the summoning subschool), actually transport creatures from another plane of existence to your plane (calling), heal (healing), transport creatures or objects over great distances (teleportation), or create objects or effects on the spot (creation). Creatures you conjure usually, but not always, obey your commands. A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it. The creature or object must appear within the spell’s range, but it does not have to remain within the range. Matching Bloodlines:Nayu, Sol, Oro, Lassa, Tyro, Seraph
Enchantment: Enchantment spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. All enchantments are mind-affecting spells. Two types of enchantment spells grant you influence over a subject creature. Matching Bloodlines: Seraphim, Tyro, Lassa, Oro, Nayu
Abjuration: Abjuration spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence. Matching Bloodlines: Sol, Seraph
Transmutation: The transmutation school of magic consisted of spells that changed the physical properties of some creature, thing, or condition. The school was previously known as alteration. Matching Bloodlines: Nayu, Sol, Oro, Dragon
Evocation: Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. Many of these spells produce spectacular effects, and evocation spells can deal large amounts of damage. Matching Bloodlines: Lassa, Oro, Tyro, Nayu, Sol, Dragon
Divination: Divination spells enable you to learn secrets long forgotten, to predict the future, to find hidden things, and to foil deceptive spells. Matching Bloodlines:Seraph, Sol, Nayu
Illusion: Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, not see things that are there, hear phantom noises, or remember things that never happened. Matching Bloodlines: Seraph, Sol, Nayu
You can start where you like. I can help you with where ever you want to be starting off. To help here's a recap. @Ciaran
This will help with staying up to date what happened.
Re-cap / Current Events
Last Night A terrible battle was waged near the towns and capitals of every territory save for Nero. These cultists who attacked were concentrated on the land of Vrondi. The most decisive battle happened outside of Sunfire. This is where reports from Vrondi intelligence has said a man named Nuxta, claiming to be the lord of death appeared with unknown intentions. He managed to steal control of the Guardian, the King of Vrondi's sacred armor which acted on its own to protect their land. Reports of help from massive dragons of fire, the Aion, the Taxis, Vrondi's elite soldiers, and even the Aion's leader Mirror appearing to help did not defeat Nuxta.
Even further the Basilisk Queen, a massive serpent that has shape shifted into a more elegant but still monstrously large woman. Her descendant form was said to be for Nuxta, whom upon taking the Guardian armor has grown to a formidable size. He, the Basilisk, and a mysterious masked man had departed the scorched battlefield upon the rising sun. None knows why they left and all fear another attack on the incoming night.
This night has prompted the world to act. Hidden powers all over are awaking to either defend what it here or to take what they want to further their goals.
The Royal Meeting Within the morning hours of the new day the royals of each land rise to make their way to the Vrondi castle. There they will meet and speak on the horrors of the earlier nights. Each King and Queen will be attending and arriving in style was what most of them did. Fotians by airship, Gaians by dragon, Tearians by magic and technology. A festival is also being held within the capital walls of Vrondi. This is to celebrate the unified wills of the descendants of all over the lands.
The quantity of quality is close to bursting as people frolic in the sunlight. Attempting to heal from the lives lost and forever changed last night. So far the show is being displayed both on the streets and inside the halls of the castle. Meanwhile the King and Queens have all joined a room to speak in private on what will be done about protecting their well being, hopefully, together.
Ziton the Seeker, a thief of renowned bounty is delving into the dark dungeon prison of Vrondi. Underground it lays housing the most evil of villains. But something else is down there too. Locked away forever. Ziton seeks to awaken this secret.
The Blood Banquet In contrast to the Royal Meeting there is a Blood Banquet being held. Here blood flows freely into the eager mouths of the Nayu royals None had chose to go to the bright sunny home of the Vrondi. Instead they sell their seraphim slaves, purchase the finest ones for their tastes, and meet other royals who enjoy a good time like a Nayu. Exclusive only to the rich and a masquerade mask is worn by most here. However in secret there are diabolical plots.
The Banquet is being visited by the Therosi. They seek a blood vile of the original seraphim of this world. The Aion also hide within these castle walls. They seek to crash this party and save as many seraphim possible, they too seek the vile of the seraphim blood. The final known group are the Dolofon. Allied to the King of Nero they are protectors of the blood vile and their one goal is to kill the leader of the Therosi whom is said to be attending this party in secret. Yet none knows who they are.
Aela the Candor, a thief of almost endless bounty is targeting the vile as well. The race is on and hell is merely moments away from breaking loose.
Waiting for someone else to post before I can continue how I want to. But I may have to post again soon since I don't want to keep Lila and Sophia waiting. @13org ^_^