1. DEPUTY HAWKEYE HAROLD the GUNSLINGER. created by DeadBeatWalking.
10 / 10 HP || 9 / 12 Sanity || 0 / 3 Determination || 120 / 1000 XP || 1070 Gold || Level 2 || 2 Corruption
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.
2. DAN the RANCHER. created by Duthguy.

17 / 17 [14 + 3] HP || 11 / 11 [10 + 1] Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 445 / 500 XP || 25 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.
3. FATHER C the PASTOR. created by rocketrobie2.
Father C the Preacher
13 / 13 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 430 / 500 XP || 645 Gold || Level 1 || 0 Faith
4. JAMIE HART the SALOON GIRL. created by CollectorofMyst.

8 / 8 HP || 14 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 3 Determination || 70 / 500 XP || 30 Gold || Level 1

10 / 10 HP || 9 / 12 Sanity || 0 / 3 Determination || 120 / 1000 XP || 1070 Gold || Level 2 || 2 Corruption
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.
The Quick and the Dead:
Anytime a new group of enemies appear, and you have one hand free, you may immediately make a free attack against them.
The Quick and the Dead:
Start with 6 Dead eye shot bullets. At any point you can choose to load one of these bullets into your gun.
Catchphrase: Once per Adventure, you may say your catchphrase to immediately heal 2-12 Wounds or add 1d6 Damage to one of your Hits.Taken at Level 2, 1/4 Showman Tree
Catchphrase: Once per Adventure, you may say your catchphrase to immediately heal 2-12 Wounds or add 1d6 Damage to one of your Hits.Taken at Level 2, 1/4 Showman Tree
Initiative 6 • Melee Combat 1
To Hit Melee 5+ • To Hit Ranged 3+
Defense 5+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 3 • Cunning 3 + 1 • Spirit 2
Strength 2 • Lore 2 • Luck 4
Initiative 6 • Melee Combat 1
To Hit Melee 5+ • To Hit Ranged 3+
Defense 5+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 3 • Cunning 3 + 1 • Spirit 2
Strength 2 • Lore 2 • Luck 4
0 x Darkstone
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
3/6x Dead Eye Shot Bullets:
Trusty Pipe:
Peacekeeper Pistol:
Marshal Badge:
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
1x Whiskey
3/6x Dead Eye Shot Bullets:
Each Bullet does +2 Damage.
Trusty Pipe:
You may take a puff of your pipe to Recover 1 determination any time you gain loot or successfully scavenge..
2/7 Carryweight used
1 Handed
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 2 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 100gp
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 2 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 100gp
Peacekeeper Pistol:
Gear • Gun • Pistol • Law •
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 3 Squares
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 500gp
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 3 Squares
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 500gp
Gain Keyword: Law
+1 Cunning
At the end of an Adventure, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-3, lose this bonus.
+1 Cunning
At the end of an Adventure, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-3, lose this bonus.
Marshal Badge:
Once per Adventure, give all Heroes +2 Shots with a Gun OR +2 Combat (each character may choose for themselves) during their next turn. - USED DEFEND BRIDGE ROUND 1
Once per Adventure, give all Heroes +2 Shots with a Gun OR +2 Combat (each character may choose for themselves) during their next turn. - USED DEFEND BRIDGE ROUND 1
2. DAN the RANCHER. created by Duthguy.

17 / 17 [14 + 3] HP || 11 / 11 [10 + 1] Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 445 / 500 XP || 25 Gold || Level 1
Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.
Home Remedies:
Rapid Shot:
Spend 1 Determination to Heal 1-6 wounds from yourself or an adjacent hero. Gain 5XP healed from another Hero this way.
Rapid Shot:
Requires a two handed weapon.
Anytime you kill an enemy with a two handed gun, you can immediately shoot again.
Anytime you kill an enemy with a two handed gun, you can immediately shoot again.
You are more likely to escape when you move away from an enemy.
Initiative 3 • Melee Combat 2
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 4+
Defense 4+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 2 + 1• Cunning 2 • Spirit 3
Strength 3 • Lore 4 • Luck 1
Initiative 3 • Melee Combat 2
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 4+
Defense 4+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 2 + 1• Cunning 2 • Spirit 3
Strength 3 • Lore 4 • Luck 1
0x Darkstone
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
Lucky Dice:
Hunting Rifle:
Book of the Occult:
Artefact • Book • Occult
[Attached - Hunting Rifle] Eagle Feather:
Requires an Upgrade Slot.
Black Fang Hatchet:
Scavenger's Hat:
1x Speciality Ammo:
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
1x Bandages
Lucky Dice:
Once per Adventure, cancel and redraw any card drawn (e.g. monsters, loot, scavenge, room tile, event, darkness, growing dread. this item will become more clear in future. I'll let you know if you can use your dice, so don't worry too much.)
3/8 Carryweight used
Hunting Rifle:
Two Handed
Range: 12 Squares
Shots: 1 Shot per round
Damage: +2 Damage
Upgrade Slots: 1/3 Used - Eagle Feather
Weight: 1
Worth: 350gp
Range: 12 Squares
Shots: 1 Shot per round
Damage: +2 Damage
Upgrade Slots: 1/3 Used - Eagle Feather
Weight: 1
Worth: 350gp
Book of the Occult:
Artefact • Book • Occult
+1 Lore
Once per Adventure, prevent the Darkness from moving forward.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 Used
Weight: 1
Worth: 125gp
Once per Adventure, prevent the Darkness from moving forward.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 Used
Weight: 1
Worth: 125gp
[Attached - Hunting Rifle] Eagle Feather:
Requires an Upgrade Slot.
+1 Agility
+2 Health
Worth: 250g
+2 Health
Worth: 250g
Black Fang Hatchet:
Artefact • Hand Weapon • Tribal
1 Handed
+1 Combat
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 425gp
Use 1 Darkstone to add 3 Damage to one of your Melee Combat Hits.
1 Handed
+1 Combat
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 425gp
Use 1 Darkstone to add 3 Damage to one of your Melee Combat Hits.
Scavenger's Hat:
Gear • Clothing • Hat
Anytime you successfully Scavenge, heal 1 HP.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 75gp
Anytime you successfully Scavenge, heal 1 HP.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 75gp
Gear • Clothing • Coat
+1 HP
+1 Sanity
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 200gp
+1 HP
+1 Sanity
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: 200gp
1x Speciality Ammo:
Gear • Ammo
Lasts for one Adventure. When used, replaces any current Ammo.
Your Gun Hits do extra damage against the listed Enemy Type.
1 x Void Shot: +1 Damage against Void Enemies.
Lasts for one Adventure. When used, replaces any current Ammo.
Your Gun Hits do extra damage against the listed Enemy Type.
1 x Void Shot: +1 Damage against Void Enemies.
3. FATHER C the PASTOR. created by rocketrobie2.

Father C the Preacher
13 / 13 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 1 / 2 Determination || 430 / 500 XP || 645 Gold || Level 1 || 0 Faith
Crushed Arm:
-1 Melee Combat.
Scourge of the Dead:
Blessing - Faith Healing:
Blessing - Intervention:
Judgement - Shockwave:
you may use two handed guns.
Scourge of the Dead:
+1 Damage to undead enemies.
Blessing - Faith Healing:
Starting Sermon.
Requires 5+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
For every Faith spent on the cost of Faith Healing, you may heal 1 Wound from yourself or an adjacent hero.
Faith Cost: *see above
XP Gained: 10XP
Improves at level 5.
Requires 5+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
For every Faith spent on the cost of Faith Healing, you may heal 1 Wound from yourself or an adjacent hero.
Faith Cost: *see above
XP Gained: 10XP
Improves at level 5.
Blessing - Intervention:
requires 10+ on two dice to successfully cast.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Cancels one darkness effect, or spend 1 extra faith to cancel a growing dread effect.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 50 XP
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Cancels one darkness effect, or spend 1 extra faith to cancel a growing dread effect.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 50 XP
Judgement - Shockwave:
Requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Every enemy within 2 spaces of you automatically takes one hit.
May only be used if you did not move this turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 25 XP
Improves at level 2, 4, 6 and 8.
Father C takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Every enemy within 2 spaces of you automatically takes one hit.
May only be used if you did not move this turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 25 XP
Improves at level 2, 4, 6 and 8.
• HOLY •
Initiative 2 • Melee Combat 2-1
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 5+
Defense 5+ • Willpower 3+
Agility 1 • Cunning 2 • Spirit 4 +1
Strength 3 • Lore 3 • Luck 2
Initiative 2 • Melee Combat 2-1
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 5+
Defense 5+ • Willpower 3+
Agility 1 • Cunning 2 • Spirit 4 +1
Strength 3 • Lore 3 • Luck 2
5x Darkstone
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
Concealed Flask:
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
1x Whiskey
Concealed Flask:
Better at dealing with spirits. Once per adventure, you may use the flask to fully heal your sanity.
2/7 Carryweight used
2 Handed
Range: 5
Uses the D8 To Hit and for Damage. Crits on a 6, 7 or 8.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $300
Range: 5
Uses the D8 To Hit and for Damage. Crits on a 6, 7 or 8.
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $300
Gear • Gun • Pistol
1 Handed
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 2 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $100
1 Handed
Range: 6 Squares
Shots: 2 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $100
4. JAMIE HART the SALOON GIRL. created by CollectorofMyst.

8 / 8 HP || 14 / 14 Sanity || 1 / 3 Determination || 70 / 500 XP || 30 Gold || Level 1
New Scars:
Gain +1 Max Determination.
Comforting Presence:
Acrobatic Dodge:
At the end of the your turn, you may Heal 1 HP or 1 Sanity from every other adjacent Hero. Gain 5 XP for each Damage Healed this way.
May only use Gear cards with the Keyword: Light.
Acrobatic Dodge:
You may move through other models during your combat movement. Once per turn, you may re-roll one failed Defense roll.
Initiative 5 • Melee Combat 2
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 4+
Defense 3+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 4 • Cunning 3 • Spirit 3
Strength 1 +1 • Lore 2 • Luck 3
Initiative 5 • Melee Combat 2
To Hit Melee 4+ • To Hit Ranged 4+
Defense 3+ • Willpower 4+
Agility 4 • Cunning 3 • Spirit 3
Strength 1 +1 • Lore 2 • Luck 3
Sidebag: 1/5 Slots filled
Roughskin Gloves:
Hold-out Pistol:
1x Whiskey
Roughskin Gloves:
+1 Strength. Once per Turn, you may reroll one Melee to Hit roll.
1/5 Carryweight used
Hold-out Pistol:
1 Handed
Gain: Free Attack, Once per Fight
Range: 3 Squares
Shots: 1 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $200
Gain: Free Attack, Once per Fight
Range: 3 Squares
Shots: 1 Shot per round
Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used
Weight: 1
Worth: $200
P O S S E L E V E L 2
Explore the Mine until you find the exit.
Something went terribly wrong during that last mission.
You woke up deep in the mines and are surrounded by enemies.
You must find your way out the mine before you are devoured by the darkness chasing you.
Reward: 100 XP per hero.
Failure: Heroes must discard one Gear or Artefact card of at least 200gp in value, as it is lost in the frantic dash out the mine. Any Hero that cannot discard a card like this must instead roll for Injury.
The Heroes start on a cross passage with four open doors around them.
Anytime a clue icon is found, the Heroes get closer to escaping the mine, but a Threat is guarding the way. If there is already an attack or ambush present in the room, there is an additional threat for that fight. This counts towards loot as usual.
If a Hero is standing on the Mine Entrance map tile, there is an extra Hold Back the Darkness test. If failed, a boss is guarding the exit. If successful, the coast is clear and the heroes may escape safely.
Growing Dread cards are revealed instantaeneously.
Heroes may not flee the mine once the mission is underway.
Anytime a clue icon is found, the Heroes get closer to escaping the mine, but a Threat is guarding the way. If there is already an attack or ambush present in the room, there is an additional threat for that fight. This counts towards loot as usual.
If a Hero is standing on the Mine Entrance map tile, there is an extra Hold Back the Darkness test. If failed, a boss is guarding the exit. If successful, the coast is clear and the heroes may escape safely.
Growing Dread cards are revealed instantaeneously.
Heroes may not flee the mine once the mission is underway.