Graduation day was finally here. The day that would allow for the next phase of their lives was closing in on the seniors of Content, and everyone was ready for it, and Samson Ahn was no exception. Friday mornings were the easiest to wake up to as Sam was always up ten minutes before his alarm, and this Friday was no different either. He was ready for the ceremony later that afternoon, but he was more ready for what was in store the following morning. He had planned his final high school summer a year ago and all the plans that he had in the making were finally coming into bloom.
"Sam, I ironed your dress shirt! Wear it under your graduation gown!" His mom roared from the kitchen. "Borrow your father's blue bow tie too!"
"Thank you!" Sam replied back at the top of his lungs. He figured his mom had a sixth sense when it came to him because she knew he was up already without him making a sound and just about most other odd things mothers just knew about their child. He fumbled around his room, throwing on whatever clean clothes caught his sight first before heading off to the bathroom finishing his morning routine.
As half an hour passed he slipped into the kitchen swiping a breakfast plate his mom set out for him on the island, bowing and thanking her as he took a bite of his toast. "After the ceremony I’m going to hang out with Nate, probably won’t be back till like late late."
His mom's eyebrow rose up, but in a split second she smiled and nodded her head. "I suppose I can cover your father for you." She gave her son a kiss on the cheek as she walked away, shouting her goodbye. "I'll see you at the ceremony! Remember you have rehearsals at noon!"
Stuffing his mouth he returned with an inaudible, "Yes ma'am." But of course, she was already out the door, rushing to the restaurant where his father was all morning. He finished his breakfast and headed out back to his room, grabbing his dress shirt, gown, and bow tie, before heading out the door himself to the North campus one final time as a student.
When Sam arrived at school he and just about every other senior were rushing into the building as they were all cutting it close to the practice run of the ceremony. You could see the boys dragging their navy blue gowns while the girls had their white graduation caps and gowns fitted into their own style. Samson waved at his classmates and friends, saying his hellos and good mornings, before rushing into the gym which was set up into a make-shift theater hall as the bleachers filled the sides and filed chairs sat across the gym floor.
"This is it," Sam smiled. "By this time tomorrow, we'll be on the road."
The graduation ceremony ran smoothly and soon enough every senior was on their way to either grab a bite with their family, friends, or getting ready for Avery Henderson's party. The captain of the football team had spread word that his parents were leaving town for the weekend after the graduation ceremony and he was throwing one final shebang before everyone headed off to their own summers. Being one to believe in rites of passage, Sam was of course going to the party without a doubt. But he had to make sure to not get too blasted if he was expecting to drive off the next morning for his grand summer adventure to the Lovely Music Festival. The young man hoped that all of the others remembered that they were on a tight schedule and that with or without all of them he was leaving at nine a.m. sharp the following morning.
The Korean-American had made a deal with his parents after his junior year that if he had gotten good grades, good enough to be in the top thirty of his three hundred or so class graduating class, he would be given a brand new car of his choice before heading off to college. So Sam did just that and more. He was in the top fifteen of his class, scoring an above average on his ACT’s, being well-involved in school, and also working at their family business whenever he could. He never asked much from his parents and they respected him for that and for working diligently and hard all throughout his high school career. They were as proud as could be when his graduation day finally came rolling in as all of his achievements were finally being honored. When the deal was first set Sam went and picked out the car of his dreams as he knew what he was going to get to which baffled his parents completely. Sam had decided to buy a broken down and scrapped bus from the local junkyard which was owned by his classmate’s family, Hunter Monroe.
The bus itself was like you would have expected. Rusted out, beaten and battered, with the life and color drained completely out of it. Sam’s father questioned his son but he knew that the boy had worked hard enough to earn it without grief. Sam used all of his free time, outside of extracurricular and working with his parents, to fix the bus up for his grand plan. With the help of Hunter, since he himself knew next to nothing about cars and engineering, they were able to make something beautiful out of the extra large car. Painting it a vibrant forest green, adding in new seats, a small table, and even a bathroom, the final steps to his master plan were all falling in to place. Replacing all of the old with new and much more functioning things both with the interior design of the car and the internal mechanisms that all cars had took a few months, but it was well worth it in the end.
He owed a lot to Nate, Hunter, and the others as if it wasn't for them he honestly wouldn't have had the courage to do what he was going to do. People, especially his parents, saw his plan as his way of giving back to his friends, who he always looked out and wanted to make feel welcomed and more than what they actually thought of themselves, but a true reason for Sam's grand summer adventure was for selfish reasons that he hadn't told anyone yet.
Sitting in his dad's car, he revved up the engine and turned on the radio. "Hopefully Andy's isn't too full," he said, finally agreeing on a place to grab a quick bite. He knew his parents were flooded with customers as people had gotten in reservations maybe a month early for not just their restaurant, but places all over town. Thankfully Andy's was one of the cheap, quick grab and go joints that Sam and most other high school kids in their town liked to go to. Greasy and cheap foods, with music that wasn't too bad either, that place was always a hot spot.