Kokatsu Ririsu
Ririsu's intelligence, which was already far higher than average, was pushed to genius levels upon the activation of the prodigy gene within her. This change has been a double edged sword. On the one hand, she finds it extremely easy to understand even the most complex of ideas, and put them to use. On the other hand, she's lost the ability to be idle and quickly becomes bored, and then frustrated without stimuli. Thus, it's not uncommon for her to take needless risks in order to cause something to happen, or allow something minor the chance to become something major. She also has a tendency of changing things for the hell of it. She hates to sleep, because even in her dreams she's aware there's more that she could be doing.
She's an avid fan of the science fiction and horror genres.
Kokatsu doesn't remember much of her previous life. She's certain that wherever she lived prior to finding herself in soul society, it wasn't very interesting because she has hazy flashes of pine trees. The one thing she knows for sure is the fact that she died somewhere hot and bright. She'd like to think her death was the result of some highly classified experiment gone wrong and ending with a massive explosion of the facility where the whole thing took place.
Ririsu was born to two former shinigami of the twelfth division, and grew up listening to horror stories about the captain. However, the stories did not have their intended effect ie scaring the child away from ever trying to become one of the Gotei 13. In fact, the constant tale of things ever changing and new threats that needed to be meet daily, made her want to become a member of the Gotei 13 more than anything else. So Ririsu constantly tried getting in. However, despite her high intellect, she was always turned away from joining the Academy, which she'd eventually learn was due to her parents constantly calling in favors to get her rejected.
However, all their attempts were in vain, as Mayuri's experiment force activated the prodigy gene within her, which meant there was no choice but for her to become enrolled in the academy.
Strengths/ Weaknesses:
- Genius level Intelligence
- Poor Hakudo skills

Name: Gin no kessaku (Silver Masterpiece)

Release Command: Sculpt
Shikai Ability: Upon release Gin no kessaku releases a large black plume of smoke that hovers in the air a moment before taking the form of a large, grey humanoid, which Ririsu is capable of controlling with vocal commands or hand gestures. Gin no Kassaku possesses a great deal of physical strength and resilience. The activation of Gin no kessaku's shikai leaves the physical sword unchanged with the exception of the black blade turning gunmetal grey.