Postponing this for now. Might revisit soon but not putting OOC up anytime soon.

In late May of 2018 a flight travelling from Seattle to Singapore vanished, the tracking of the flight being manually disabled. 126 passengers were on board, 35 of which were junior and senior High School students on a Geography trip. Months later the passengers were declared dead in absentia by the US government.
However, the passengers of the flight did not all die. At least, not on that day. The plane crashed on an uncharted pacific island. Sinister events transpired leading up to the crash, and they would continue on the island in the months following.
may 28th, 2018;
07:45 AM: Flight 314 departs from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
10:19 AM: 314 begins to deviate from it's planned route.
10:30 AM: The last known location of 126 is tracked.
11:02 AM: 314 is officially marked as missing.
The main characters will likely be High School seniors and juniors, or other people aboard the flight, who have ended up stranded on a jungle island in the pacific following a deviation from their original destination of Singapore. Although the RP will be primarily character based, the overall story will involve treachery, action and drama, with a main villain. Your character can fall anywhere on the moral compass, acting as a protagonist, a neutral or an antagonist.
Anyone interested?

In late May of 2018 a flight travelling from Seattle to Singapore vanished, the tracking of the flight being manually disabled. 126 passengers were on board, 35 of which were junior and senior High School students on a Geography trip. Months later the passengers were declared dead in absentia by the US government.
However, the passengers of the flight did not all die. At least, not on that day. The plane crashed on an uncharted pacific island. Sinister events transpired leading up to the crash, and they would continue on the island in the months following.
may 28th, 2018;
07:45 AM: Flight 314 departs from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
10:19 AM: 314 begins to deviate from it's planned route.
10:30 AM: The last known location of 126 is tracked.
11:02 AM: 314 is officially marked as missing.
The main characters will likely be High School seniors and juniors, or other people aboard the flight, who have ended up stranded on a jungle island in the pacific following a deviation from their original destination of Singapore. Although the RP will be primarily character based, the overall story will involve treachery, action and drama, with a main villain. Your character can fall anywhere on the moral compass, acting as a protagonist, a neutral or an antagonist.
Anyone interested?