Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kalleth
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Kalleth Let me tell you / a story friend...

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jideh Basrah

Jideh walked down into the cavern he needed to enter to progress further with the trials. In his fist was clenched a scrap of paper, which Jideh was preoccupied with thinking about. Scrawled messily on the page had been a single phrase; If you can push, then you can pull. Jideh didn't know what to make of it when somebody had thrown it down onto the ground of his pit. He still couldn't understand what that meant now, as his next obstacle was fast approaching. Was it an allusion to his powers? It had to be. But then, how could whoever this person was have understood that Jideh always felt a pushing sensation in his guts when he used his power?

Jideh didn't spend too much more time pondering the implications because at that instant, his nose caught the scent of wisteria and his attention shifted. He could see light pouring through something soft and he walked forward, feeling the plants brush against his face gently. He entered into a bright and warm space bursting with life. Jideh might as well have died and gone to heaven, because he'd never seen so many flowers crammed into one space at one time. He found himself flitting from one bush to another, running his hands along one hanging vine or another velvety lichen. It took him fifteen minutes to pick out every single species dwelling along one side of the corridor.

When he reached the end of the hall, Jideh remembered that he was meant to be treating this as a challenge, and not a vacation. He gathered himself and looked into the next space, a clearing where the wall facing him as he entered was an evil looking gnarl of roots and thorned growths. Even the leaves, Jideh noted, were barbed and razor thin. The boy couldn't help but shudder. Even in his every day gardening activities, he sometimes handled a plant with sharp edges and points. He'd gotten a few bad cuts but usually it was due to his inattention. A bandage and an increased respect for the plant in question were usually the only outcomes. This time, however, Jideh's eyes locked onto the tiny crawlspace which positively bristled with edges and spikes, and felt one thing. Jideh was afraid.

His hands got sweaty, and his breathing hitched. In the deepest silence, a loud crumple crackle noise made Jideh jump. The paper. The advice. If you can push, then you can pull. The beginnings of an idea sparked in Jideh's mind. He drew on his power, his own life-force, and then he could sense all the living things around him through that connection. The sensation was as always, a powerful hunger. He was surrounded by amply starving mouths to feed with his golden vitality, which burned gently in his stomach. If you can push... That was what Jideh had always done. He'd given plants boosts, and little prodding bursts of energy, which always left him tired and hungry. It didn't take a genius to understand what exactly Jideh was doing when he used his elementalism. That connection to Flora, it allowed him to tap into plants in a deeply intimate way, and share more of himself with them than he thought possible. He added himself to the plants. That was what allowed him to mold them to his wishes, granted his vision to their form.

Then you can pull! Jideh felt a fundamental change and then he closed his eyes in a panic. It was too bright! ARGH! He couldn't see! Jideh tried to close his eyes again, and realized that they were closed, and that it was still too bright! He let go of his elemental power and the blinding light faded. Jideh opened his eyes, and everything looked normal. He remembered a book he'd once seen on his parents' bookshelf that he had taken down to look at. It had been a book of optical illusions. There had been dozens upon dozens of pictures that depicted two images at the same time, where the image that the reader saw depended on their perspective. Remembering the softly glowing light that had filled his stomach from before Jideh had changed perspectives, he looked down and drew upon his connection once more. Though he still was left squinting from how bright everything else was, Jideh could stare into the dark abyss where his stomach and own body were. Abyssal only by contrast, Jideh's body actually emitted a glow that he could perceive, though only barely.

Jideh, in this newfound perspective, gingerly reached out to the plants around him. Three things happened in the space of an instant. Firstly, Jideh's surroundings went dark. Second, Jideh felt indescribably full to bursting. Thirdly, his eyes hurt to look at himself now even more than before. So he looked up, and perceived the wall of roots and thorns gleaming gently before him, while everything else was dark. Horrified, Jideh dropped the connection to Flora. It didn't have the intended effect. He was still utterly full. Jideh felt a desperate urge to evacuate his bowels, urinate, vomit, cry, sweat, do anything to rid himself of all the stuff that was suffocating him inwardly. He managed to pay attention to the actual surroundings and was further mortified to see every last plant in the room dead and withered. Even the ground itself seemed greyer somehow. Full of panic, and fear, and whatever it was that filled him with such discomfort, which Jideh knew deep down but didn't want to acknowledge, he ran. Jideh ran straight toward the crawl space, still thick with blades and spikes.

As he barrelled through the space, the pain seemed incredibly distant. Jideh didn't cry out, gasping though he was from the emotions churning inside him. He felt very wet, and things raked at his limbs, his face, and most every inch of his body. The crawlspace seemed to widen and grow larger as he continued until finally he pushed out of the dark and grim domain into a bright semicircular cavern where others appeared to be waiting. Jideh ignored them, collapsing down into a heap on the ground, finally appearing to have mostly expelled the... energy that he had taken.

A succession of gasps from those who were in the cavern gave Jideh cause to actually look at himself, so caught up in his mind had he been. He was covered from head to toe in blood. His own blood. Jideh raised a quivering arm to his face and watched in abject disbelief as the cuts that had been made with the razor tunnel were sealed up without leaving scars, and he noted a corresponding decrease in energy that seemed to encompass him. His entire body was being healed, gradually and measurably, back to a perfect standard of health. Jideh understood the broad strokes, now that he had time to breath and consider. He was a conduit it seemed, for the life energy of plants. He could take in energy of his own, and give it back to the plants themselves, allowing him to shape them as he saw fit, within limits. He could also take energy from plants, at an alarming rate, which he could then use himself. It was a terrible tool, a curse in fact. Jideh knew all too well just how little it took to upset an ecosystem. The smallest overlooked detail could spark a chain reaction which destroyed all semblance of equilibrium for life in an environment. And here was Jideh, the metaphorical "bull" in the "china shop" of the world, with a power that could do far worse than cause a small amount of imbalance.

There was a long and shallow cut, very nasty and raggedly made by a thorned vine, which Jideh could tell would be the next to heal. Jideh stopped it from doing so, gripping the energy in his being, and withholding it from that injury. He was now very tattered and messy, but with only a bleeding arm to show for his troubles. That, and an entire garden of beauty utterly devastated by his incursion, at least. The thought embittered Jideh, and as he wrenched himself into the old perspective, he felt the energy he'd gathered slip through his fingers. It dissipated into the air, in a scent of those selfsame wisterias he had smelled at the beginning of this gauntlet. The ground around him started sprouting in tiny growths, though none got too far, because the Floric energies were too thinly dispersed, and Jideh was in no state to tend to them.

The boy mused, angrily, that even this had proven to be a "learning experience," because he now understood that the energy that he took, was his alone to make use of. Just as he could not recover the energy that he gave to the plants, so too was he incapable of returning to the plants that which he had wrested from them. Even though Jideh had long since digested the last of the food he had rushed to eat that morning, he still found something in his stomach to retch up, bent over the tiny seedlings of grass which were the only remnants of the life he had selfishly taken.


Freya's ploy worked, but only just. There were numerous heart-stopping instances where he foot could have slipped, or a vine could have held for one second less than it had, not to mention that she had never done any sort of activity of this nature before in her life. She was far from graceful, and failed to make any specific use of her powers, relying solely upon her own physical ability, and sheer recklessness to get her across the cliffside. Truly, she had only made it through unharmed by sheer dumb luck, as though the very gods she was thinking about before she performed her stunt had been watching over her.

@Crusader Lord

Diana watched as the long, searing tongues of flame washed over the melting walls of the glacier. As she did so, great clouds of steam began to fill the cavern, rising up through the opening that peeked down into the cavern from high up above. Diana's careful approach was rewarded when her intense flames melted through the last thing layers of ice in that certain section of the glacier to what lay beyond. Diana would however, have to also be quick on her feet because upon weakening the ice sufficiently, it would burst forth with a river's worth of icy water which had been held back and was slowly collecting within the glacier for who knew how many years. The torrent poured down into the crevasse with a thunderous noise, and the glacier produced many more ominous cracks and creaking noises due to the increase in heat. If Diana managed to avoid being crushed underneath the unexpected deluge, she would be able to spot the tunnel that lay much lower down in the glacier, which while slippery and until recently filled with cold water, seemed to lead up towards the chamber where the exit hole lay. Diana, through her clever strategy, had uncovered an alternative exit.

@Crusader Lord

Leanne's constructs served her well, bearing her over and around the prickly obstacles that would have given her pause before. Nothing burst forth from the curtain of darkness she set over the crawlspace, though the roots that formed the wall creaked ominously as the dark constructs dug into the bark. Climbing at an easy pace, it would take Leanne at most ten minutes to rise up into the ceiling of the cavern, where the space between the wall and the wood tightened, though not so much that she couldn't continue to make use of her method. However eventually, she would reach a kind of canopied ceiling, where a thicket of vines and leaves, all barbed and thorned, impeded further passage. At this height however, it would be clear that the tree, for it was an gigantic tree, rose into a different cavern. There were several openings and landings from which Leanne could enter the new cave, and press onward.


Through a mix of fear-fuelled energy and luck, Vera's leap took her into the bush-covered safety of the outcrop. She had just to recover her breath, and her peace of mind, before she could continue on to what lay ahead. Vera would retain a rather large bruise on her elbow and backside from her leap of faith, as reminders of her inelegant traversal of the cliffside.


There were several teachers who, when Kris nearly met with disaster, almost intervened. Nonetheless, they watched with apprehension as the Ice Princess made her brutally painful, bloody way up the side of the glacier. Kris' method was costly to her body, putting terrible amounts of pressure and torque on her wrists, not even accounting for the subzero chill. Nevertheless, the Ice Princess could scale the glacier wall effectively, and reach the exit, assuming the took the proper precautions to avoid making the glacier calve.

@Stern Algorithm

It would be clear to anybody watching that ShiZhen was a prodigy in the making. Her expert knowledge of chemistry could make up for almost any obstacle she faced in limitations regarding his elementalism. Her method to climb the glacier was almost foolproof, especially since her extra care in displacement of weight all but guaranteed that she would have no worries with calving the glacier by accident. However, there was one overwhelming problem with ShiZhen's plan. It was slow. Working as she did, even with the exertion it took to cling to an almost sheer surface while holding her own body weight wasn't enough. Her frequent pauses to allow the ice to freeze were totally counteracting the warmth her body generated through the exercise. She would need to devise a technique, some new idea, or at the very least speed up her technique or else risk the terrifying eventuality of freezing her own hands off.

The shivers would already have begun to set in as ShiZhen neared the top. The cold would affect her own motor control, and breathing, and ability to focus with clarity of mind. She would be just within arm's reach of the exit when the problems reached critical mass. Short of breath, violently shivering, and blue in the face while deathly white on her hands and feet, ShiZhen would so tantalizingly close, but without some resolution...

She would be doomed to fall.


Milo's daring strategy took him through the crawlspace readily enough, and his mastery of Aether proved sufficient already for him to do that which a certain young Flora elementalist would have battled to do not long after. Thanks to the buffer afforded him by his connection to Aether, he hadn't actually received or given any of his energies up to the plants he'd desired to move. In fact, it was entirely possible his usage of Flora called upon the natural force in an entirely different manner. Whatever the case, the uniqueness of Milo's elemental connection did not save his calves, or his pants. Full of holes, and also stained with blood, Milo would have no problems standing up in the next chamber to survey his surroundings. He might just feel an uncomfortably draft rising a little too high up his trousers.

(Description of next chamber forthcoming.)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kris Sterling-Silva

Kris arched her back wanting to relax as much as she could while hanging off the side of a massive ravine her body wanted no needed more of a break than this the ice princess pictured her ice hook coming out of the wall and her body unresponsive as she plummeted into the pit. Then a jolt ran up her spine a strange burst of energy filled her body as she started climbing the ice wall faster than before with the chill of the air giving her strength." I'm not letting this school be the end of me." She told herself as her hand met the topside of a jagged section of ice." The second I finish this damn course I'm going to eat the biggest Kobe steak with a Maine lobster on the side and laugh at how everyone else has to eat the crappy lunches here and drool at how they can't ever have what I have."

She stabbed her ice pick hand into the wall and lifted herself." Then I'm going to kick that stupid gym teacher in the crotch for getting between me and that hot head, I'm going to frost up my boots to where they are hardened and kick him when he's least expecting it." her hand met the top of the glacier." After that, I'm taking out a one hundred thousand in cash and buying something to fix my fucking eyebrows." She pulled her head to the top." Right as soon as they are perfect again, I will find that hot-head, and I'll get back at her." Kris brought her other arm up out of breath." I will drop her pants in front of everyone I'll put industrial glue on her toilet seat I'll... I'll grab one of her strange but symmetrical boobs!"

The Ice Princess' nose turned into a faucet, sending nose blood over a good portion of the glacier and making her feel light-headed, Kris threw herself up on the glacier and was careful not to end up in her own small puddle of blood." I can't think of her that way if it's making me do this, she's my enemy." Kris told herself as she forced herself to her feet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kanako Nagasaki

Kanako rested for a bit before continuing her journey. Now, she had to enter the cave right in front of her. It was the only path available. She didn't like how the cave was totally dark but she didn't have any other choice in the matter.

Calm down, Kanako, you just have to stay in one side and eventually, you would find the exit.

It was something she had learned. If you were in a maze, you should just stick to one side and then eventually, you would find your way out. This time, the side she chose was to the left wall.

The cave soon turned absolutely pitch black and Kanako had to be extra careful not to trip on a jutting rock or something as she couldn't see where she was going. It slowed down her progress considerably. Not to mention that she was wearing wet clothes that were giving chills to her skin.


Kanako tripped on something, sending her crashing down to the ground, flipping up her skirt and creating a scrape wound on both her forehead and her right knee. She could feel her new wounds stinging. Blood were leaking out of them. Ignoring the pain, she gritted her teeth and continued onward.

This sucks! I'm cold, it's dark, and I don't even know where I am right now!

She continued for a while like that, only to end up in a dead end, frustrating her even more. She had to turn back the way she came, and the wasted time and energy spent for nothing plagued her mind.

This is the worst! Why is this even a test for a wind elementalist? We can't do anything with our power here!

As she retraced her steps, she fell down a couple more times, creating new scrapes and wounds on her body. At one instance, she had to cross a path filled with stalagmites and her skirt got stuck in the process. She managed to escape but not without ripping a part of it on the back, making the shortened hem fail to cover her butt and panties. She didn't even notice however as she was too busy being distraught with her current condition.

Aah, screw it! I'm taking a rest!

She sat down cross-legged, not even caring that she was being terribly unladylike with that pose. She needed a moment to catch her breath and to restore her stamina.

And then, she noticed it. The low breeze that whispered through the passageways.

This is... the wind! It's faint but I can definitely feel it blowing! Could I... could I use it to tell me which path should I take?

She began calming her mind, taking deep breaths as she tried to feel the faint wind. She just have to sense from which direction the wind is coming from. After she attuned herself to the sensation, she rose up and continued her journey, this time relying only with the wind's guidance. She didn't even bother opening her eyes. As her sense sharpened, she could even vaguely map the obstacles and the terrain that lied in front of her. None of them posed a threat to her now.

Eventually, she managed to do it. The wind had guided her to the exit of the place.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Kalleth @Zelosse

ShiZhen Fang

ShiZhen had never been very athletic. Despite her ability to meld her understanding of physical chemistry and her elemental abilities, that weakness was showing through now. It was a miracle she had made it as far as she did, given her general lack of stamina. She had lived through each upward step she had taken to get this far, hyper-focusing on her every action. There was no going on 'autopilot' for the complex maneuver she was doing. A mix of numbing cold and naive obliviousness had allowed her to somewhat ignore what was happening to her body. The task alone had consumed her, and despite her shivering, and the dull cold that penetrated her, she felt no emotion: no annoyance, no anger, no sadness. She could have thought how difficult, unfair, or inhumane this test was, but the thought hadn't crossed her mind. Yet seeing herself near the top broke her out of her delirium. Suddenly a wave of negative emotions hit her. Panic, thoughts of failure, hope turning to despair. Could she make it? They say that in a journey of a thousand steps, the last step was the hardest. Did ShiZhen have the resolve to finish?

Haste makes waste. Such is the fate of those who lack confidence, that in their desire to prove themselves, they lose caution. ShiZhen had lifted her foot to refreeze it again against the wall of ice. She did not give it enough time to freeze completely. Putting her weight on it to lift herself up, the ice thin ice she had created shattered, causing her to lurch downwards. This caused several things to happen. The sudden drop caused her to lose her concentration on the layer of water she kept around her body to keep herself insulated from the cold, at least as much as was possible. With the water falling from her, leaving many tiny droplets evaporating from the wind, her temperature dropped tremendously. Since her hands were safely frozen to the ice wall, she was saved from falling, but the sudden movement wreaked havoc on her hands. Already cold, wet, and blistered, the sudden slip caused her hands to scrape against the insides of their tiny ice prisons, breaking raw skin in multiple places. ShiZhen screamed, but her voice was carried away by the cold winds. She looked in horror as the frozen handholds slowly filled with her warm blood and dripped down the mountainside.

ShiZhen was tired, so tired. Heat left through her wind-chilled skin and through the blood that escaped her fingers and palms. Her mind was exhausted from the heightened sense of awareness that she had had to maintain during this long, arduous climb as well as from the concentration required to freeze and refreeze water constantly. Dangling from her hands, laying against the side of the mountain, ShiZhen wanted nothing more than to sleep. Just a quick nap, to recover her stamina. Her hands didn't even hurt anymore, after all. When she woke, she would have the presence of mind to finish the climb. She just needed to close her eyes for..but...a...moment...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Diana Schwarzwald

Academy Grounds; Underground

Hottest Mixtapes Gone Wrong: Volume 13


...Speaking of rushing into things like a moron, she had to rush for a moment here to be careful. As the glacier's outer layers came off at first she was excited, pumping a bit more "gas" into her flames for a moment out of excitement. Somewhat of a mistake, as a seeming proverbial tidal wave of water rushed out of the glacier from a spot where apparently a lot of it was being contained underneath layers upon layers of frozen ice. As she saw the water first burst out, the German elementalist stopped using her flames, spinning on her heels and running as fast as her legs could take her. Adrenaline burned in her veins like molten magma, pushing her onward even as she was hit in the back by some of the water and ice and thrown hard towards her direction. This sent her flying, right towards the back wall. This was at least the opposite of being thrown into the crevasse by torrential forces, but was also not the optimal situation for her as well.


The girl felt herself hit the wall, hard, the water and a few pieces of ice settling on the ground behind her as she collapsed to her knees in front of the wall. Her body, already soaked, was even more so drenched now than it had been before, not the best thing for the cold conditions. However, her hands and arms were shaking, latching onto the wall for dear life as soon as she had felt something to grab as the adrenaline had kicked into high overdrive at suddenly being engulfed by a wave of icy water and pieces of hard ice like that all suddenly. Her first "breath" was gagging up water that had gotten into her mouth and throat and spitting it onto the ground, before ragged, air-partaking breaths followed afterwards as she recovered. Her body was sore from that crap, but between the cold and the adrenaline on top of that she wasn't feeling the full effects of the sudden blow at the moment.

However, her short fingernails were in a sense ruined, bleeding at the fingertips from just how hard they had gripped the ice as she had made contact with the wall. Likewise, as she pulled her head back from the wall, a small dribble of blood fell onto the icy ground before her. The German girl sat back on her knees, and as she did she looked at her pants, the knees area torn and knees bleeding visibly to her eyes. Further, drips of blood began to enter her vision, and with putting her hand to her face, and then forehead she finally felt a gash of sorts just below her hairline. Were she to look in a mirror, small streams of blood were falling down her face like small rivers. Albeit, not with enough volume to blind her with blood but enough to look horrendous to the naked eye.

"Shit....that...got me pretty good, eh?" the redhead said to herself, eyes and tone of voice glazed over a bit with a dazed sort of attribute.

Come to think of it, this was the sort of thing she'd been about to follow up with earlier, right? After that jet of fire might've hit that princess' face or something....actually, how was Kris doing? The German girl grimaced as she thought of the idea, feeling an Ice or water use would have been far better suited to this last part than Fire, but her mind drifting to the wealthy-acting ice user. Usually she felt she was right to face people like that, but...hell she'd let her anger get the best of her, eh? Trying to burn a person's face off entirely, with serious intent at that, was not something to bat an eye at, but was something that as she pondered it more left a hot feeling of shame creeping into her mind and body. Though as the image of Kris' face came into her mind, her own heart seemed to skip a beat.

A look of slight shock came to Diana's face as she felt that, putting a hand to her chest as she sat on her knees for a few minutes to recuperate...or at least see if she could stand after that wave hit her in this direction. And indeed, as she listened carefully with her right hand moving to her chest, a cut on the back of it bleeding as well, she felt her heart beating fast as she thought of the ice princess. Heh...well, she had meant the compliment earlier, that cute look on the other girl's face, the way her tantrums of pride even in small ways seemed to make her that much more adorable. She was skilled to, maybe had some hard work behind those skills from what she had said during their fight....a thing Diana actually admired. A hot heat came to Diana's cheeks in a way she hadn't felt in a long time, despite the bleeding her mind seemed to be unable to drift away from thinking about Kris.

Diana turned herself around to look at her handiwork with the flames, the small blood trails having already begun to hit the top of her wet shirt and such to leave her looking rather dreadful. The beating of her heart was echoing in her ears now, and a small two trails of blood fell out of her nostrils at the obvious nosebleed. Though even if she hadn't hit the wall, the thoughts of Kris would have done it anywho. Of that she was certain right now as a sort of realization came to her mind. Or rather, she already knew the answer in her bones and her mind was just getting the memo. She had...an idea of how feelings for someone were like. She'd...had them back home a few times, but had been pushed personally to keep her trap shut by her own mind. It wasn't..."normal" to some for a girl to like other girls, right? All those around her likes boys among her female siblings or friends or acquaintances, and she had felt embarrassed such about it that she had kept her trap shut. Fearful of what others would say. Fearful of what her family might react like if they knew.....it was perhaps one of the biggest fears she had kept hidden deep down, only becoming more lax here since it was safer on these grounds to be more of herself in that regard. But...but-

-the ice princess seemed to bring that fire in her like none other...was that part of why she was able to be so angry so fast? Attracted to that girl on sight and trying to hide the feelings bringing out even more anger that her frustration alone should've never resulted in all on its own? Diana's heart was pounding away in her chest and in her ears like a pair of speakers set up to a high volume in a car, but she began to stand up on her own two feet regardless. Gritting her teeth, the redhead, whose hair had fallen from its ponytail to hand down just past her shoulders by a couple inches, struggled and pushed her body to get up, to allow the dazed and sore and painful physical sensations to be let go of and flare up to keep her awake. And finally, she stood on her own two feet with a certain lightheadedness she did her best to shake off as she began to walk over to the edge of the crevasse again.

In a seeming miracle, just a little lower down on the glacier was a tunnel. An open tunnel that seemed to lead up towards the top of the glacier and the exit hole was. A wide grin came to the german's face as she saw this little hidden passage that she had uncovered with her efforts. She had to finish this, to not let the ice princess there think she'd won. Then again....maybe she needed to talk to her as well...at least apologize for the earlier attempt to burn her face off without hesitation. Which as she thought about it was worse than she had initially felt it was. Maybe she'd even grab some of Kris' nice little ass-

Mentally Diana slapped herself back to reality. She needed to focus on the task, and her mind felt like it had gained a good bit of its focus back. Well enough to do what she would be doing next. Stepping back to the wall again, Diana simmered a heat under her skin to warm her body, letting the cold freeze the blood on the outside into place to avoid further bleeding out, which was perhaps worse than she gave it credit for right now. Even so, she channeled a hotter heat into her fingers, ignoring the pain that the tips of her fingers sent alarmingly to her brain. She had to get to that tunnel, and since it was lower...she could make her way down there if she got close to the glacier.

Diana took a minute to control her breath, get a feeling for her body's shape, grimacing for a second, then nodding, before taking off at a running start and full speed towards the edge of the crevasse. As she leapt from the edge, she sent her body flinging at the glacier's exposed harder ice side with full force, and at the same time flaring heat into her fingers to make them small torches. The reason for this was, as she hit the side of the glacier, her fingers dug into the hard ice like a hot knife into butter initially.

Though some pain hit her chest from the impact and roared into her brain for a moment, her focus was on then lowering the heat of the fingers just enough as soon as she could for the next part. Just enough that Diana began to carefully slide down the side of the glacier towards the tunnel entrance, her hot fingers that had been dug into the hard ice using intense heat =slipping down through the ice at a controlled pace as Diana adjusted their heat and held on with all her might and using her feet to stabilize the slowed descent.

Within a short time, Diana would find herself descending to the entrance of the tunnel, swinging her legs and body in so she'd move forward and land in the tunnel's entrance just as her fingers passed into the empty space of the top of the tunnel. Albeit, she did fall flat on her back as a result of her maneuver, but she wasn't falling into the crevasse at all right now and that was a good thing in her mind. Slowly standing up once more, Diana look at the icy, slippery tunnel before her, the grin coming back onto her face. Time to get the hell out of here and to the top.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Thora peered into the semi-darkness of the cave system stretching out in front of her, the dim lights of the Dragon's Gold being the only thing lighting up the cave. She did not know what expected her in that cave, but, it did not matter, she had to do it anyway.
So, slung her gun in front of her protectively and entered the dark mouth.

Cautiously she stepped around the first sharp stalagmites and stalactites when she felt something. The air was brimming with something, strange, billowing. One thing was sure, it wasn't normal and it was not something she had felt before. This feeling made her hesitate.

A rumble pierced the deafening silence and the billowing feeling was disturbed, waves of humidity and hot air hit her unprotected face making her recoil in surprise. Just that instant, with an almost ear shattering sound, enhanced by the tightness of the cavern, hot water erupted from a puddle she had mistakenly judged as not too deep in a geyser of boiling water. She didn't see, but she could feel the water hitting the ceiling for a short while until the stream stopped.

That was supposed to be challenging? A geyser...? Though one which periodicity Thora did not know, so there was that, but... What kind of idiot would you have to be to get hit by that? A slight chuckle escaped her as she sat down, tuning her gun to let out drops of water in a regular interval.

She seated herself cross-legged on the rough stone floor of the cavern watching the drops of water come out of her gun, counting every one of them and feeling the water in the air. It was a peculiar feeling. In her entire life so far, she hadn't felt water this much before, not even on her one trip to the ocean, the trip, where her parents learned of her "talents".

Thora closed her eyes. She could practically taste the element, her element. But now she had to wait, figure out the specific qualities of the geyser in front of her and, since this was a test, she judged that, if there were more geysers ahead of her, they'd have the same, or at least similar enough qualities, so that she did not have to do this for every single geyser she encountered, though, if she had to do it, she'd do it just as well.
Patience was a virtue after all and Thora had a lot of it.

She let the geyser in front of her erupt twice, carving every last detail into her brain that she was able to catch, before she got up and, after the third eruption, crossed it.
She now felt ready to sense at what stage of eruption a geyser, at least in this instance, would be.
So, with careful steps, she crossed the geyser field, only having to stop once more to let a geyser calm down.

However, now she had a problem.

The close and tight cave had given in to a massive cavern, the air being significantly colder here, though, as a result, it was way less stuffy and Thora could, now, actually properly breathe well.
But, the big thing, literally, was the massive wall of ice in front of her now... And up on top of the face of the wall appeared to be the exit.

Well, shit.

She had no climbing equipment whatsoever, no rope, no pickax, no climbing boots, nothing... Nothing but her water gun and what could a water gun do to help her climb...

Her heart sunk and she slumped to the ground, one hand on the massive wall, though, now, as she touched it, it didn't feel as massive anymore as it appeared. It seemed like a trap,.but... that didn't matter that much to her anymore.

How was she supposed to do this...

Depressed, she leaned her back against the cold ice, the water seeping through her clothes and slowly into her skin.
Even though it was super cold, it felt good. It always did when she bathed and swam. She might not have been able to control the water around her, but it still gave her strength.

A lone tear rolled down her cheek resting on the glacier like that. Frustration welled up in her. Why? Why was she born with powers that excluded her from participating in society, but were so weak that she couldn't even climb an icy cliff face?

With an extremely hoarse, croaky and alien sounding scream, the first sound she had made in the Academy so far, making it clear how much her vocal chords had already deteriorated, she punched the solid wall of ice. Chunks broke free and impacted the ground all around her shattering on impact and showering her with icy debris. Then she spotted one of the chunks heading right for her.

She stretched her arm outwards to catch it and at least prevent damage to her head and closed her eyes in preparation of the pain of her arm bones breaking to bits. But it didn't happen. Instead, she felt a flow from her hand, icy, cold, fluid, running through her blood and from one arm into the other and from there, through her connection with the gun, into its chamber. She could sense it there, inside the water chamber of her gun.

What had happened? Confused, Thora opened her eyes to see just a tiny bit of ice left on the flat of her hand that slowly withered away until it vanished. With it, the flowing feeling inside her body stopped as well.

The most trying times make you grow the most, she had once heard somebody say, whoever that was, wasn't important at the moment, but it appeared that she had made the chunk of ice melt in her hand to serve as water supply for her gun, just like she is constantly using the air humidity to serve as her water supply.

That... She could use that! If she could convert the ice to ammunition...! She could, instead of climbing up, which would be dangerous anyway, as she now had seen, brittle as the wall was, but she could dig herself up there, yes!

Excitedly, she patted herself off of chunks of ice and let her skin absorb the wetness from her clothes. With a spurt, she emptied the chamber of her gun and laid a hand on the ice wall. Concentrating heavily, she managed, after a while, to draw upon the same feeling she had earlier.
In front of her, the ice slowly vanished and a small indentation in the wall formed as she sprayed the water she gained from that out her gun behind her. It was small, though, even if she was tiny herself, the tunnel she was starting to dig herself was smaller than her still, so she had to duck.

But now, she was elated. Aiming upwards, she slowly, quite slowly, ascended through the wall, spiralling upwards further and further through thick, massive ice in the core of the glacier. It took time, lots of time, but exhausted, she dug herself into the teacher's lounge from the bottom.
Arriving there, she broke down on the ground, breathing heavily and staring into nothing, unable to think, unable to move any further.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marshall Narquis

It was a talented group they had this year. None of them seemed to have significant trouble with the geysers, a few scalding burns here and there as punishment for being presumptuous, but nothing serious enough to demand withdrawal from the course. The glacier, however, would be much more demanding. It was a wall in both a literal and metaphorical sense, and it gave every student pause. In all truthfulness, it wouldn't have surprised him if a few of them threw in the towel then and there- but none did. In fact, each one of them took their time and came up with a solution.

That did not mean, however, that they were without their shortcomings. Marshall had helped insist that the other teachers leave the spoiled little princess be after her brief dive, worried that an intervention would prevent her from learning and also generate more ire toward the Academy. "Three minutes," he told them, "If she's not moving again in three minutes, I'll go get her." Mercifully, she had roused herself before then, and was now back at it- albeit with an unorthodox method that he was sure would put undo strain on her body. It would be her method, however, and that was arguably the most important factor of the test.

The same could not be said for ShiZhen. The smart little lass had put her mind to work as well as her element, and with chemistry bent to be her ally any lack of elemental force was made nearly irrelevant. However, she was struggling and beginning to falter so close to her goal. More to the point, she was permitting herself to lull into a sleep. A sleep that, if left alone for too long, could well become permanent. Testing the students with difficult problems that demanded creative solutions was the intent; giving them hypothermia was not. So, Marshall cracked his knuckles, furrowed his brow, and put his innate precision to work.

ShiZhen would shortly begin to feel a small series of water droplets land on the bridge of her nose. Marshall engineered them to conjure and fall in a consistent pattern, wanting to wake her quickly but not suddenly, and kept them about at room temperature so they wouldn't merely blend with the cold. "Come come now, Miss Fang," he said to himself beneath his breath as he focused on his droplets, "You're nearly there, let's not have you retire now..."

@Stern Algorithm
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kano Hargor

Keeping an eye on most of the trials, few he could be attentive towards for their entirety, the Headmaster noted that many struggled with the second phase. It had been meant to display a students creative problem solving and allow a chance to use their element in a way the regular day to day training wouldn't commonly allow. While some had passed and others just barely clawing their way up to the finish line, many others had failed to overcome the problems of the course. Some simply were not strong enough. That wasn't a problem Kano would consider a failing grade, but the ones he was truly disappointed in were students who hadn't bothered to participate at all.

Shrugging off that unpleasant thinking, the Headmaster was quick in returning to the initial starting point. Every student had gone to their course through their sunken cubicles and would return to them the same way. Every two courses existed back to a single cubicle.
While the students had been down below doing the courses, shapers of stone had restructured the square areas to be a much wider circle. Not by much but enough for some wiggle room. Something they would need.

With a large stone wall splitting each now circular room completely in half, the third and final phase of the exam would commence. A piece of him regretted that it needed to be this way but practical training was necessary.

"Students!" Kanos voice carried across the room to every ear, "Your trials are all but done. Only one more awaits your completion now, but for some it might be the most troublesome. As Elementalists we are faced with an unending barrage of negativity and hostility from the outside world. We are different. We are targeted. Your time in this Academy must not only teach you to wield your element with grace and understanding, but direct it with purpose. To protect yourselves and others."

Kano gave a nod and the stone walls sank into the floor as if they'd never existed at all, leaving each student looking directly at their last test.

"To protect someone you must know how to fight. Only your elements should be used in todays final exercise. When you are ready you may begin."

Those who chose not to participate again would not be treated kindly. The Academies history was full of bloodshed, the peace they enjoyed today would not be allowed to dull their ability to defend themselves. Those who were given a failing grade would be forced to take... Extra curricular self-defense courses. With Manilow.

The first phase of the course had exhausted their energy supply in a dazzling display of strength. The second phase was meant to exhaust them physically. With that in mind it was likely that few students could put up a display at their current level to seriously injure each other but the teachers were watching like hawks to make sure.


Diane / Felix
Leanne / Zeke
Vera / Ethan
Kris / Milo
Freya / Jideh
Amelia / Thora

(Did I miss you? Please PM and I'll have you paired up ASAP. Sorry!)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kanako Nagasaki

"Wait, this is..."

The wind had carried her into someplace unexpected. She had returned back to her cubicle, or at least, one that really looked similar to her own. But there was now a stone wall splitting the place in two. Looking at the steps above, this was definitely the same area that she did her first test in.

Suddenly, Kano's voice echoed all over her. And the stone wall lowered itself, revealing another student on the other end. It was some guy with a blonde hair. Even from this distance, she could tell that he had quite the large body that could tower over hers for sure.

So this is my opponent...

Kanako readied herself. She was not in her peak condition right now but she was still strong enough for a fight. She had no intention to lose. This would be the culmination of all the training she had over these past three months.

"I don't know who you are but let me just say that I have no intention on going easy on you," she said to her opponent, determination in her voice. "So come forth and give it your all as well!"

Kanako intended to take a defensive role at first. She would wait and see on what he was capable of. As a wind user, she should have the advantage in mobility so she could dodge and run away until a chance for attack revealed itself. She began channeling her power to her feet. Using the force the wind generated, she could make herself run faster than normal.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Academy Grounds - Fighting Grounds
w/ @Kalleth :D

When Freya heard what the Headmaster had said, her heart skipped a beat and not in a romantic way. It seems that this academy will metaphorically be the death of her. After what she did at the second course of the exams, she felt a little embarrassed as she didn’t use her elemental powers at all and only relied on luck and reflexes to accomplish the task. Readying herself for the upcoming battle, she vowed to make up for that and do her best now.

The stone wall before her lowered by itself, and Freya could see her assigned opponent: a tall guy with shoulder-length black hair. Freya blushed a bit as he reminded her of those anime she used to watch before.

She’s also worried by the fact that she doesn’t know her opponent’s element. Additionally, Freya’s almost sure light couldn’t have much effect to a huma-

Freya smiled mischievously as ideas started to pop up in her head.

She focused until a mist made up of thousands of tiny golden light began to pool around her feet and also covered her hands. “Awww, but you seem such a gentleman. Surely you wouldn’t hurt a lady. Why don’t you be a sweetheart and forfeit this match, pretty please?”, she said teasingly to her opponent as she waits for his next move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

ShiZhen Fang

@Saltwater Thief

The water dripping onto ShiZhen woke her up from her stupor. Blinking, she looked up to the pinnacle to see Mr. Narquis, the drama teacher. She knew of him, but not being one for the arts, she didn't take any of his classes. He was rooting for her. What was she doing? As her thoughts collected, everything hit her all at once: the pain in her hands, the ache in her muscles, the cold in her bones, the fear in her mind, and the disappointment and self-loathing in her heart. She knew she had reached her limit. She knew she would let everyone down: her peers, her teachers. She knew that no amount of coaxing or encouragement could get her to surpass her weakness.

NO! ShiZhen came here to learn about her element, to learn about herself. She came here to change, to improve, to grow beyond the normal, meek self that she had been before. "HHNNGGRRAAAAGGHH!!" ShiZhen groaned as she strained every muscle in her body to pull herself up. Her feet were stuck. Of course they were, she hadn't melted the footholds that she had created. Straining to concentrate against the encroaching fuzziness, ShiZhen imagined the water molecules, slow moving and latticed in hexagonal patterns, begin to move and vibrate, separating and melting. One foothold melted, but she couldn't lift the foot; her leg was too tired. ShiZhen tried harder to lift her free leg, putting undue pressure on her other foot. The other foothold broke loose, her previous attempt to freeze it to the wall had been shoddy. Now she dangled only by her arms, her bruised and bleeding fingers frozen to the wall. Everything hurt, and suddenly she felt warmth; hot streams flowed down her face. Tears. "I...I can't...anymore..." stutters evolved into ugly sobbing as the verbal admission of defeat somehow made it worse, made it real. "I-I'm...s-sorr-ry..." ShiZhen hiccuped to no one in particular, then began bawling in frustration at her own ineptitude and failure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Diana Schwarzwald

Academy Grounds; Underground

I Was Always Waiting To Link A Certain Song For This, Hahahaha!


As the walls fell to exposure her opponent, Diana felt ready for he occasion. After getting done it had given her some time to rest, to focus her mind and body. Regain some energy and focus herself for whatever would come next, since apparently she was one of the faster ones to get done with the course. Because hell, she didn't know what would come next, and she had to be prepared. A tournament perhaps? Duels to the knockout? Albeit, her bloodied and banged up look was probably badass in her opinion, though she didn't have a mirror to look at to know for sure. Though she'd just grinned and chuckled the idea of looking like a bloodied badass away as the walls began to move. Standing up, Diana's controlled breathing kicked in as she entered a mode of focus. Albeit, this did not stop a grin from coming to her face as she saw a certain guy standing there across from her. Actually, the same guy she'd teased earlier while in her swimsuit, though she wasn't sure how her appearance held up now with her current look. Haha.

Diana right away took a fighting stance as she kept her eyes on Felix, peripherals keeping note of her surroundings. If the Headmaster or others could do something here, maybe, then as a result she'd need to be at least ready to react rather than overly tunnel-visioned on her opponent himself. Not that she wasn't giving him due attention for the occasion, as it were. It was something that helped her focus her mental and physical energies, and keep on her toes after all that icy tunnel climbing and the blow she took earlier.

As soon as the wall was fully down, Diana made a quick burst forwards towards Felix "as if" to throw a fast punch at him, a move meant to (hopefully) either make him sit still to defend so she could follow through with her move and actually attack him, OR otherwise make him move to the side so she could make a feint to catch him where he moved to. A basic idea, but she wanted her opponent to make the first reactionary move if she could force him to do so. If she could take an advantage early, she could potentially get in some valuable blows against an opponent who...well, hadn't even done the other parts of the exam apparently. Sheesh.

Leanne Hillcrest

Ready To Brawl....Unless It All Goes Wrong Again....Or The Other Guy Passes Out Or Something


She'd....she'd finally made it through. Her shadow limbs constructs had proved useful in making her way to the end, leaving her less physically drained than before but a little bit mentally taxed by the focus she had to put on her powers to get to this point. She apparently had been one of the last to make it here, though, not leaving her much time to pull out a few of the burrs and twig parts and such that stuck to her clothes as she had made her way through still. That she hadn't been able to fully avoid at all, but even so she had made it. Standing up once more from where she had sat against the back wall of her little part of this "arena" this was being used as now, Leanne took up somewhat of a stance, bracing herself at least to be on the safe side. She was not the world's best fighter by any means, really, but...she had practiced quite a lot since getting here with her abilities. Sometimes alone in the dark outside, or where the quiet and focus were at their best in her room after the lights were turned off. Many a time during classes with Headmaster Kano and the other small bit of Darkness users here. Whatever had worked. Plus, she done at least regular exercise each day to keep up physically more than the average person. Albeit. athletes who did more were probably well ahead of her in ways.

Regardless, to her surprise the individual she had been put against was....the guy from earlier? She'd physically picked up a lazy girl who'd run into him as she herself was walking to get some fresh air, and this guy had been there and began to panic and such around people. Though she felt a sense of happiness that he had made it so far, she was also floored he had made it so far. Much less was here for this battle. Would he even fight her? Do anything? Would he freak out again? Perhaps she was underestimating him for getting this far, and anime tournament arc had taught her that she didn't need to fully back down or take this guy for nothing. At least....unless he literally proved the doubts she had about him right, in which case that'd be sad. Though with a light grimace and a nod to herself as the wall was nearly fully down, she steeled herself for the potential here at least for a fight to occur and such.

"It's great to see you again," Leanne said, though it was hard to fake or feign a sense of joy that he was here, though her defensive stance told a different story as well, albeit potentially one of over-or-underestimation depending on how this went, "You read to do this?"

It kinda felt bad to fight this guy of all people, from what little she had seen of him. But she wasn't going to be caught vulnerable if possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kris Sterling-Silva

After everything, everything, there was still more to this obstacle course for this damned school? First, she had to get by a cannon shooting steaming hot water and got blasted in the face with scalding hot water, then passed out, had a nosebleed three times, then free climbed a fucking glacier. Kris was beyond livid a vein was growing from her temple, the ice princess cracked her knuckles while staring at the pizza-faced shorty she had someone to take her anger out on now, and she wasn't going to pass up this chance if she could she'd snap his spine like a twig, make him into a pin cushion with ice spears, then pop his head off like a Pringle can lid.

As these thoughts filled her head, Kris' glare turned into an ominous grin that would fit better on some Saturday morning cartoon villain, a stream of cold air began coming out of her mouth before she started to chuckle and laugh, more of the freezing air coming out of her mouth and surrounding her slender frame in a cold orb before she blasting outwards. Kris had covered herself in a set of knightly armor each piece is defined in their own right, in both her hands stood a long halberd." Bow before the princess or would you rather be put down before her? You pizza-faced, midget wannabe elf."

Kris insulted the short boy despite not even knowing what his element could be, but with all the anger she had welled up inside of her she wanted to break him in half over her knee and turn him into a red mush on the floor, she didn't even cared if the teachers would try to jump in she'd take them on too they made up this stupid thing to begin with, then after that she would be heading home to behead that skank that married her father, she slowly moved forwards to him slowly halberd with both hands ready to cut him down but also cautious of what he could do to her." Nobody will come to help you with this battle. When The second I'm done with you, you'll be the poster boy for frostbite and a new modern art piece. Destroyed will be the title of it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As Milo stood up on the other side of the thorny vines he felt a slight breeze on his legs. He reached back to try to assess the damage the thorns had done to his pants. He could feel the pain of where the thorns had penetrated his flesh, though the bleeding had already stopped and the wounds would probably be closed before the end of the test, but the damage to his pants was much more severe: long gashes in the fabric even as far as his upper thighs. Milo blushed as he realized the holes in his trousers would expose his underpants to anyone who saw him from behind, and he was very grateful that he was currently alone.

Unfortunately, Milo's solitude was short-lived and he came into a semicircular depression in a room that looked remarkably like the one he had started in. He was once more grateful that he was alone in this depression and its depth made it difficult for anyone looking at him from behind to see what he wore under his torn pants. Then Kano announced the final phase of this testing: he would have to fight one of his fellow students. Milo frowned a bit at the idea. He was normally a peaceful type, but he did understand Kano's reasoning for having them fight since they did face a lot of discrimination out in the world, and that discrimination had been known to turn violent at times, so knowing how to fight was an important skill to have. Still, couldn't they have used test dummies or something a little less physical? It was too late for that, though, as the wall splitting the chamber in half was lowered to reveal Milo's opponent.

Milo's opponent was a slender, angry-looking girl with a vein throbbing at her temple. It didn't take a genius to realize that this girl wanted to kill him, and suddenly Milo wasn't so reluctant to engage in a physical fight against a live opponent. The girl exhaled a cold mist that enveloped her in a frozen ball. When it shattered she was wearing armor made of ice and carrying two long axes, also made of ice and she demanded Milo bow before her. So she was going to be one of those types: arrogant, overconfident, and putting down her opponent probably to make herself feel better, though Milo was a bit confused about her choice of insults. He could get midget since he was short, but pizza-faced? Okay, so he had a rather noticeable zit to the left of his nose just under his eye, and another one just above his upper lip, but that was really the worst of it; his face had remained remarkably acne-free--the problem areas for him were his chest and back, especially around the shoulders, but that wasn't important right now. He was also confused about the wannabe elf part. Was it the long hair? The fair skin and high cheekbones? It couldn't be the pointed ears since they were covered by his hair.

He shook his head a bit to dislodge these idle thoughts as the arrogant girl spoke again, this time openly threatening to murder him as she approached with her axes. He glared at her and casually launched a fireball at her right side, striking the halberd and causing the frozen construct to melt. He then danced around to the left and took up a defensive stance five feet from her and waited for her next move. He didn't want to tip his hand that he was an Aetherial just yet, and he didn't want to stay on the defensive the entire time, but he needed a strategy, and that would take time.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm

Kano could hear ShiZhen down below, could see her tears as she struggled mightily against the odds. For some the glacier was no challenge, easily overcome by familiarity or a clashing element carving it with ease, but for some it served its intended purpose of pushing students into unfamiliar territory. Some who wielded flame could not control their own strength and turned their only way up into a twisted wreck of its original form, while some the water students who struggled to manipulate ice quickly discovered its infuriating nuances. Time was always the enemy.

A whisk of the Headmasters hand had the ice slide right off the young girl, wherever her body came in contact with the glacier was returned to a watery state. Gradually the capsule of water ShiZhen was in had created a protective bubble everywhere but her face as it crawled across the the walls until it deposited the girl right into Kanos waiting arms. Without flesh and blood he could not offer living warmth for the girl. Like the hotsprings they had trained in so long ago the bubble of water around her gradually warmed over time, Kanos own temperature rising with it.

"You performed excellently, Miss Fang. You faced the challenge." His words were soft as he crouched, focusing on bringing the girls body temperature back up without sending her into shock. While most Fire and Water elementalists had a surprising tolerance to such things it was not a guaranteed skill in such young students. "Overcoming an obstacle is never as important as learning from it."

Like all students that struggled against their challenges he felt nothing but pride for the young girls achievements thus far. Her fear of water, her control, the elemental being she manifested, it was all very impressive for a first year.

After a few minutes of silence he finally spoke up again. "When you are ready, if you are ready, will you continue with the final stage?"


Kanakos opponent was indeed a larger form. Much larger. Augustus Grant was a first year and already stood over 6 feet, weighing in at just over 250. A big lad who liked to eat that was for certain. Despite his appearance there was hesitance in the way he carried himself, looking at Kanako only made him fidget. His eyes kept glancing away as his face turned the slightest bit red but still he took his place at the ready.

"I, uh, that is, when you are ready? I don't want to hurt you so I'd like to maybe focus on the defensive part."

The Headmaster had implied that offense and defense were important. Protecting yourself or others sometimes meant taking the fight head-on or avoiding the worst of it. From the look of Augustus it would be the latter. Kneeling down he sank both of his hands into the suddenly malleable stone below before fishing them back out covered in rock that slowly began to take the shape of two rectangular shields, each large enough to cover a part of his exposed body. Not all of it but enough. Despite their heavy appearance there was no visible discomfort to Augustus, likely meaning that both shields were frail. Easy broken through.

Both stone shields clicked together to create a wall with just the boys eyes peering over them.

@Crusader Lord

Imperious as always, Felix stood his ground with a look of dissatisfaction. It was a cruel joke of fate that had put him in the same ring as the girl he had taunted earlier. Even though nobody had been offended it still irked him that she was given the chance to get even so quickly. Especially when his way of defending himself wasn't allowed in this situation! His hand itched to hold a proper weapon instead of relying on his bare hands.
Training with a foil had made his boxing skills very rust.

Not that he intended to really fight back.

The first blow came quick as the girl launched herself at him, throwing a straight punch. A smarter person would have put some thought into how they would react to such a moment; dodge, counter, reposition. Having done nothing for the entirety of the challenges thus far except standing at the start, he decided to carry on that blossoming tradition.

The blow came and Felix went forward, ramming his forehead into the girls fist as she closed the gap. If he was lucky Felix hoped to get the hit before she had a chance to put her full strength behind it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kris Sterling-Silva

Once Milo revealed his element to her, she instantly knew she would need to change up her tactics a direct defense against fire would not work out well, he would over time melt her armor and even defeat her if she was careless. The princess had let go of her anger and turned serious seeing this battle as more than a simple duel but more of a fight between two rival elements to see who was the strongest, between the two she wasn't going to let him beat her and decided that a new plan was going to be needed.

Kris knew that she wouldn't need her armor anymore and would have to get rid of it and chose to make it an attack instead of a just having it break to pieces. The ice user made her armor almost explode off her body in an outward direction sending shards across the arena as a makeshift attack to Milo. Now going with more mobility, Kris would need to devise a new plan to get her victory over this fire user, she came up with an idea to take him down, she decided to go with the straightforward plan and covered her knuckles in a coat of ice charging at Milo.

Instead of her first attack being an icy punch, Kris delivered a high kick raising her leg high into the air but it didn't connect, instead of attacking the boy she made use of her miniskirt bringing her leg up high and showing off her spats under her miniskirt, she then quickly put her foot on the ground and leaned in with her next punch to throw her weight behind the attack, hopefully, it would be enough of a surprise to get a hit on the shorty.

Then for some reason, the thought of butler Dempksy flash into her mind, she remembered the words that her loyal butler told her the first time she fought someone without her element, at this moment she could consider it similar to fighting without it, Dempksy's voice echoed in her mind." Always remember the basics of close quarters combat when you cannot use your element, even though they are simple and basic fighting moves they can always be put into a complex combo to attack your enemy." She held on to every single word they told her knowing they would come in handy in the future, part of her only wish Dempksy was only here to cheer her on, he always felt like more of a father than her actual dad did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kanako Nagasaki

"Hmph. So you don't want to take the offensive. Fine! Then I'll just have to break through that shield of yours!" Kanako responded. She felt quite insulted that he said to her that he didn't want to hurt her. This was a battle, goddamnit! There would be no point to it if they didn't go all out!

Kanako got into her combat stance as well. She took a deep breath as she gathered her winds around her hands and feet. She decided that she would try a full frontal assault first.

Using the wind pressure on her feet, she launched herself towards the boy. She clutched her two fists to the sides of her body, before unleashing them right at the rock shield the boy had made. The two fists connected with the rock simultaneously, and its frailness was immediately evident, as it shattered into pieces right before the boy's eyes. Before he could react, Kanako gave a wind-enhanced high kick from her right leg right at the boy's neck.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As soon as Kris removed her armor, sending in shards of ice, Milo dove to the left, avoiding the brunt of the assault, but he did get stung and scraped by a few of the fragments as he dove, turning the move into a roll as he landed and quickly regained his feet. He watched Kris as he tried to come up with a strategy that would put him on the offensive. Unfortunately, strategy was never Milo's strong suit. He knew he couldn't beat this girl by his strength - she clearly had him beat in that department - so he would have to rely on his flexibility, agility, and the complete array of elements at his disposal. Unfortunately, that was all he had time to think about because Kris was charging at him again with another attack.

Milo was backed up against the wall while Kris charged, a coating of ice across her knuckles. Milo assumed she would try throwing a punch and readied himself to dodge the hit at the last moment, his legs tensed for a jump and his upper body ready to twist to the side. Then he saw Kris's leg swing up at him, and without having the time to gauge the distance between her leg and him and realize that the leg wasn't going to connect, he jumped to the side just before the leg came back down and her fist sailed forward, right to the spot where Milo had been only seconds before, but now was just an unforgiving wall of stone. She had been too committed to the maneuver to adjust when Milo moved out of the way.

Milo rushed to the opposite side of the arena while he waited for Kris to recover and attack again. He wouldn't have much of a reprieve, but he was going to use it to try to plan a strategy. She seemed to have mostly given up on using her element. That might be something he could use to his advantage. She also only knew that he could use fire. That could also be an advantage, but it would be a short-lived one as once he used another element she would realize that he was an Aetherial and would need to change tactics again. His small size allowed him to dodge and duck under certain attacks, which might help him get in close for a quick strike, but he would need to retreat from such an attack quickly. Luckily, he had the speed to allow that. His agility and flexibility were also helpful with that, as he had already demonstrated. Now, he just needed to figure out a way to put all of these things together.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Vera Wynn

Vera had returned to her cubicle, which had been reshaped into a large semicircle, after the second trial, flustered and aching. She dusted herself off as she listened to the headmaster's instructions regarding the final trial. His speech started off rather vague as to what they were actually required to do. That was before the flat wall of earth vanished, revealing a rather, admittedly, cute brunet on the other side, after which the headmaster then spoke about fighting. So, they got to take any frustrations built up over the previous two trials out on one another. How convenient, except that her abilities were hardly offensive by nature. She figured she would probably have to wear her opponent down with her new tricks, now thankful to that young light instructor for pushing her to discover them.

When it was announced for them to begin, Vera gave the boy a small wave and flashed him a playful smile. "Well then, it's been a pleasure to meet you. I'll see you again when you find me, darling."

Following that, she started to conjure up large reflective panels between the both of them, this time turning the makeshift arena into a literal house of mirrors. With the main purpose of the mirrors being to hide her from his sight, less concentration was spent on the sharpness of the reflected images, which were constantly shifting in and out of focus. She would tread around cautiously while shifting the mirrors about, intending not to make any sound which would give away her location. She also had an additional advantage of being able to direct the light reflecting upwards from the arena into her eyes, enabling her to track her opponent's whereabouts.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ethan Conrad

Though he had gone into the second phase with some confidence thanks to the praise he received from Manilow, Ethan quickly found the course to be a challenge he could not overcome. No matter what he tried those damn vines kept getting in his way. He cursed at himself over the fact this was the first obstacle and he couldn’t get around it. After the thorns had taken a few strips of this clothing for their collection and left him with a number of small cuts, the boy simply gave up. He hated himself for it, but in his mind he clearly wasn’t up to the task at hand. Turning back, Ethan climbed back up the stairs of the course humiliated and dejected. He could only pray that whatever phase three was, it was something he could actually succeed at.

It wasn’t long before Kano announced the third and final phase would be... Combat… Yeah he was screwed. Not only was Ethan scrawny and weak, but he hadn’t actually been in a fight before. Not to mention he still didn’t have much confidence in his abilities. Worryingly he looked to the stone wall as it vanished revealing his opponent to be a beautiful brown eyed girl. She greeted him with a smile a wave before jumping right into things by creating reflective panels of light around the arena.

By the time he was able to shake off her charm, Ethan found he had been trapped in a hall of mirrors. Everywhere he looked he saw his own reflection, only the images were coming in and out of focus. It was dizzying and disorienting to say the least, making it nearly impossible to look for the girl. Eventually, Ethan simply shut his eyes and dropped to a knee trying to regain his balance. It was only then he realized he didn’t need to see at all. The second his hand touched the ground he began to feel the vibrations in the area around him, meaning he could now feel the girl’s footsteps.

Now that he knew where she was, he had to plan his attack. Thinking back to his first test, Ethan slowly raised to his feet and lifted his arms to his chest just as he had done before. One by one the rocks around him broke free from the ground and began flying around him, only this time, he waited just three before turning in the direction of the girl and throwing his arms out forward. Instead of flying in all directions like before, the small barrage of rocks went forward shattering every mirror in front of him and heading straight at the girl.

“Looks like I found you, darling. He said with a smirk. He couldn’t tell why, but something about this was making it easier for him to speak up.

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