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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Red Mage
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Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Iwakuni Shiroko

She was surprised to be called out so suddenly by @Yorutenchi. Shiroko was happy that she remembered something from so long ago. She even remembered her name which was surprising. Shiroko felt more like a background character at least compared to Momoiro's flashy abilities. When @Champion whipped around to look at her she was half sure he was going to glare at her. But he laughed it off and winked at her. Blushing slightly she averts her eyes.

"It was only a few times..." She says under her breath.

When the captain general busted in she felt something was off. The Captain General obviously looked a bit disheveled. Her nerves started to get the best of her as she took her graduation letter. Closing her eyes she focuses on what she can feel rather than what she can see. The captains....nearly all of them...are darting around in the Soul Society. In the distance there is a strange presence. She can't quite put her finger on it but it isn't until @Crimson Lion turns around to see her that she snaps out of her trance like state.

"What? Oh...let me ...see." She opens up the graduation letter. "OH!" She lets out a small gasp.

Iwakuni Shiroko
Prodigy 004
Division 14

FOURTEENTH COMPANY? She thought to herself. What in the world could this be? Another company? Who is going to be the captain? Also what did they mean by prodigy? And number 004? So there are at least three others and probably more than that really. Her mind was sent reeling for a moment.

"Yeah. I am in fourteenth company. What does this prodigy number mean?" She asks inquisitively.

At this moment @Renny makes his way through the crowd. Shiroko was glad to see another familiar face. She just shakes her head to his question but then a chill runs through her and that strange reiatsu she sensed before seems to be on the move. Something in her instincts tell her something is wrong and something is ...dangerous. She now is just staring off in that general direction.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Masahiro
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The ceremony was way shorter than Kariya had expected. The state of captains made him a little worried, the captains were supposed to be the strongest of their respective division, so having them be bruised, bloodied and even missing an arm meant that something important had happened. While he wanted to go and see what had happened, the captains were more fitted to deal with a situation, if there's even one than a shinigami who just graduated from the academy. The best he could do would be to join with the rest of his division and receive orders from the captain. He quickly grabbed his diploma and his brow furrowed when he saw what was written in there.
Prodigy 006
Division 14

"Division 14?" Kariya muttered under his breath, Was there a mistake in his diploma?. It could have easily been handwaved as a printing error if "Prodigy" and "005" hadn't been written in there. No matter how small the other divisions looked, none had less than five members and he while he was considered by some it would be weird to put that into a diploma. Everything pointed that it was a new squad, but the fact that there had been no mention of it gave him some doubts. Given that he was given the number five, meant that there were at least four others that had received the diploma. Hearing some of the other reactions on the crowd Kariya discarded the idea that it was just a strange mistake completely, but it only raised the question of why was it kept secret and who was the captain of this new division and what did the numbers meant.

"So anyone have any idea what this division fourteen thing suppose to be? Seems to be a few of us going there, just wondering if anyone knows a thing." @BladeSS4

It seemed that Bakuto was also assigned to division 14 "If I had to guess I would say that it's a new division, as weird as that would be if I had to guess I'd say the numbers represent our position between the division so maybe we should look for the shinigami that has the number 001 position"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Risiru paused to turn her attention to@ChampionSavaris, a character she had seen on a few occasions, but never really had much of a chance to get to know. "Hmmm?" She mumbled, coming her blue hair back as she looked down at the letter. She had an arguably wide net, in terms of contacts, but hadn't heard anything about a new squad, much less anything that threw interesting terms like prodigy around so freely. On the one hand it was exciting, if not a bit confusing, which only served to add to the excitement, but at the other side of the spectrum it was odd that there were so many people whom she knew randomly finding themselves in the same squad, without any of them coming close to resembling the same skill set. "I am." She gave a nod, still focusing on the paper. "And I'm completely unaware of exactly what's going on. Frustrating, sure, but at least it's something different." She shrugged. "Which is fine with me, aside from the third and twelfth divisions, most of the squad's don't hold much interest. At least with this there's a chance I'll be able to take part in something interesting."

With a smile she held up the map, and pointed at the X which marked the spot to either an interesting future or one of doomingly gloomy prospects. "But at least there's a map. Would've been frustrating if they wanted us to serve in a new division without any bread crumbs to help us find it, right?" With that she folded up the piece of paper, and stuffed into a pocket. "Well then." She gave a quick salute, before flash stepping away to the spot on the map.

"Hey!"@Masahiro A sadly familiar voice called out from amidst the chaos of the after ceremony pandemonium. "Did you say something about a new division and the number 001?" The now shinigami, who so recently was boring the life of every member of the graduating class appeared in front of the group. "I am sorry." He paused awkwardly in front of Kariya and the others, suddenly all too aware of the fact that despite being at the same school for a few years, he'd never spoken with any of them. "I am. I didn't mean to interrupt or ease drop on your conversation, but I couldn't help but overhear what you said. You guys are in all the fourteenth division too?" As if the prove that he wasn't making anything up, the man with the light blue hair and red eyes, held up the piece of paper with the map as if it was a letter or recommendation from the captain commander himself. "See, I've got one too."

Smiling, a bit nervously for a man who just spoke in front of captains, and graduating death gods, the shinigami took a nervous step forwards. "It's uh. Nice to meet all of you." Slowly he raised his trembling hand, and held it there for whoever wished to shake it.

Risiru reached her destination, but at first she didn't think that was what she'd done. It was definitely the spot on the map, but it wasn't anything like she thought it would be. She double checked the map, but no, that was the spot. however, instead of a building or barracks as was the case with the other division headquarters, what she found was a perfectly square, empty space. It was about a square acre, and sat next to the division 12's laboratory entrance. It was also a stone's throw from the disivion's sleeping quarters. For a moment Risiru simply stood, looking around, wondering if this was some kind of joke. Then, without anything better to do she raised her hands around her mouth and called out if she was in the right spot.

Another moment went by before she heard a hissing sound.

"Hello!" A young woman called out as the ground in front of Risiru. There was a click as the dirt covered steel door raised up, revealing a slit of white light and a dark haired young woman in a purple outfit. "Welcome to the fourteenth division headquarters." She called, probably louder than she meant to, judging by the scrunched up face she made. After a moment of looking like the world was about to bonk her on the head, she shrugged off the nervousness and continued. "So then." Smiling she pushed open the hatch and crawled out. Behind her, in the ground further the dim white light revealed a deep, mildly lit ladder that went down some ways. "We're still in the middle of construction, but for now the barracks and training area are ready for use." Nodding her head excitedly she continued. "Officially, there's no captain for this division so for now Captain Kurosutchi will be in charge. I'm his assistant Nemuri. I'll be explaining a few key points till he gets back from the captain's meeting." She paused and looked around. "Uhm. I'm sorry, but where's everyone else?" Her tiny face scrunched up in confusion. "Master Mayuri said there'd be more." She put her hand on her chin and scratched it nervously. "At least I think that's what he said. No." She shook her head. "I'm sure that's what she said"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Takuya looked to the other confused members of the new Division 14 he was talking to@Yorutenchi@Champion@Renny@Red Mage. "Well then everyone, there's no use standiung around thinking about what this division is so lets just leave and check it out ourselves." Takluya said as he left to go ahead.

After a couple minutes Takuya arrived at the entrance of the division, getting there a few moments after Risiru appeared. He gave the girl a small nod before seeing the door open, Nemuri exiting the building and giving her explanation of the situation. "So what now? are we being led to the barracks to get settled in or are we going to some sort of orientation?" Takuya asked confused, he was so confused about so many things. What exactlyu was squad 14? Did'prodigy' mean something? Why was HE selected? And what happened to the captain commander?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Champion

Champion Champ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savaris accompanied his friend and new squad mates to where the barracks were to be. Instead, they arrived to see nothing more than a flat square. However, in no time the floor opened up revealing a hidden laboratory. Savaris was amazed but not impressed. They better had a good explanation for all of this. Before they knew it a woman was popping out of the whole to greet them. Still amazed not impressed he watched the conversation between the mysterious woman and Ririsu, also mysterious to him, unfold. It was clear that he learned 2 things from that convo. This chick was a ditz and obviously worked for that weird captain. "Yo. Were here too." Savaris said to gain the strange woman's attention.

He listened as Takuya expressed his concern. This was not how the court guard squads did things however, Captain Mayuri was always known for being unorthodox. That and the captain commander being way more lenient. "Ooooh so your one of Captain Weirdos "pets". Savaris slung harshly towards the woman. He pointed at her. "Look lady, we demand some answers. First, wheres the captain?" He said in a much less harsh tone than before. "Secondly, where is captain Mayuri? We need to talk. Tell him Savaris Shihoin needs to speak to him immediately. I know you "pets" have a way of communicating to your master." He folded his arms "And lastly where can I get some grub and hit something really REALLY hard." He said the last part of the sentence with a menacing glare.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He had decided with a thorny silence that he'd follow, Takuya. Whether he went first or last, he disappeared from his spot and dashed towards the mapped location. They appeared much like solid shadows, dipping into existence suddenly.

The morning sun was beginning to strengthen its pale light. This feels odd but not in a dangerous way. It feels new and scary. As if we're standing on a cliff.

Saishu had listened intently to Nemuri. Kurosutchi's involvement would explain the gnawing he felt, the twelfth-divison's captain had always made him uncomfortable. He was content with this explanation and ready to follow her in, when Savaris had begun to "speak"; more like bark in all actuality. Normally he would have ignored him, fellow students spoke like that to one another. But to a stranger? a woman that was obviously endorsed by the Captain Commander? that was inexcusable.

He hated putting himself in the spotlight but it needed to be said.

Saishu scowled at Savaris . "Damn you're rude, Shihoin. You need to apologize now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Hokori

Location: Graduation Area

"If I had to guess I would say that it's a new division, as weird as that would be if I had to guess I'd say the numbers represent our position between the division so maybe we should look for the shinigami that has the number 001 position"

Bakuto heard someone spoke to him and someone else responded. Answering who is number one, Bakuto looked at him a bit weary. This guy was nervous for some reason, maybe it had something to do with how they were all put together suddenly but Bakuto at the moment trust the nervous person. Bakuto then says, "We should head to where we are told to go. Cant keep the rest of the team waiting, we have to find out what will we be doing for the rest of our days as soul reapers" With that said Bakuto turned dashed away running to where he is suppose to go.

Location: 14th Divsion Headquarters
@jynmi88@Yorutenchi@Red Mage@Crimson Lion@Champion@Renny

It was long until Bakuto ran to where this division fourteen was suppose to meet catching the tail end of a conversation, "Damn you're rude, Shihoin. You need to apologize now."

As soon as Bakuto heard this as he arrived he says plainly, "What did I do? And who do I need to apologize to?" Bakuto looks over everyone here. He looks a Nemuri with a puzzled look on his face. 'Do I know her? Who are the other captains and lieutenants of the other squads? I think she is one...is she a captain or lieutenant? And what squad.' These are the thoughts going through his mind missing her explanation for the squad and her name she had told those who were already there before he had arrived.

Quickly shaking the puzzled look on his face he quickly comes up and asks the first question and a very obvious one, "So what is this fourteenth division? Why are we here? If you already explained that sorry if I missed it but I just got here." He asks the questions as he was a bit of interested in finding out why was he here and what was he going to do. He then quickly looks around at everyone and says, "I am Bakuto by the way" A little bit quick introduction deciding to introduce himself quick enough so people know who he is getting that part out of the way instead of later when the others start introducing themselves.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Momoiro smiles as the festivities continue for the rest of the ceremony before the Captain General busts into the room. His cloak was tattered and it looked like he had just gotten back from some kind of combat. That didn't look good and her instincts go on high alert. Her eyes dart back and forth as if scanning the area for danger. Her heart beats a little faster than she would like as she begins to sweat not unlike how she did in her dream last night. I really hope that isn't a bad sign.

She is handed a small piece of parchment with her graduation information on it. Not that she was looking forward to the whole ceremony but at the same time she felt it was a little cheap to just be tossed the paper for graduation. Back in Japan this would have been sacrilege. Opening up the letter by tearing the seal she makes a small audible gasp.

Prodigy 005
Division 14

Tilting her head to the side slightly she is confused for just a moment. Guess they will be renaming it the ghotei 14 now. She thought as she saw the x on the map. She was able to ascertain rather quickly what that meant and rolled the parchment up and stored it into her pocket.

"Ciao then. See you lot there." She winks at them and shunpo's away to the new destination. She spots @jynmi88 just as the door opens revealing the assistant for 12th company. She catches the tail end of her explanation and extrapolates the rest. She waits patiently as the others arrive shortly after.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ah well." The redhaired, and blue eyed boy said, blinking at his hand, which was still in the air after everyone had left. "I suppose we'll be able to go through introductions some other time, then?" He swallowed hard before closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath. When that was done he disappeared and reappeared with the others.

@Crimson Lion@Yorutenchi
"Ah okay." Nemuri said, jumping at the appearance of another one of their 'Prodigy division.' "That's three members. We're getting there." She frowned, and put her hand on her chin as she anxiously tapped her sandal on the what originally looked like a dirt covered floor, but gave off a hollow, metal sound underneath. "Slowly, very, very slowly, but surely."

After a moment her spunk disappeared"Boy, I wish the Shinigami Academy spent more time on teaching everyone Hoho. It's taking forever for everyone to show up."

Upon the sound of another entrance, Nemuri looked up and tilted her head at the sight before her. Her first instinct was to bounce on the heels of her feet that another member had appeared in their group, but that excitement was quickly pushed aside by the man's obvious ego problem.

For a moment the young dark haired woman's mouth twisted into something like a grimace, but that quickly disappeared in place of a blank expression. "Shihoin?" She blinked and pulled out a piece of paper. "Shihoin? Shihoin?" Her finger moved down the page until it came to Savaris. "Ah! The Shihoin member. You're the one that's a bit slower than the rest." Smiling again, the page in the woman's hand disappeared back into her uniform. "Strings and all that I guess." She gave shrug and turned away from the white haired man as if he wasn't worth another look.

"Really." She said, appearing by the man who spoke up to protect her in a flash. "There's no need to worry." Excitement had crept back into her face and body. It was obvious she was becoming more energetic the more of the division appeared. "There's no need to worry." She patted Saishu on the shoulder. "The Shihoin will soon learn what's what, once the captain gets here." She took a step back and grinned from ear to ear.

@BladeSS4@Yorutenchi@Renny@Champion@Crimson Lion@Masahiro@Red Mage
Nemuri's face twitched and she let out a long, audible sigh of triumph. "Well, I guess that's enough for now. Master Mayuri will be here sometime shortly, and he won't be very happy if he returns and sees I still haven't at least begun the explanations." She frowned and scratched her cheek. "He does so hate having to explain the simple stuff." With a shrug the girl turned around towards the hole. "So come on." With that she jumped down into the hole.
At the bottom of the ladder the group would find themselves in a large room, with couches, a single massive table with a hologram of Mayuri's face floating over it.

"Well then!" Nemuri threw her hands over her head in a grand gesture of welcome and take a seat, before vanishing and reappearing at the front of the table. "Welcome fellow prodigies, and one Shihoin to the fourteenth Division's HQ." She looked around at the chrome walls, with four doors and the entrance which still had natural light pouring through. "It's not much yet, but we'll get working on that sometime soon." Another shrug.

"Anyways." She clapped her hands together and bounced. "I'm sure everyone here has some questions, and I'm sure there's quiet a few of them that are important, but for now let's start off with the basis. I'm sure you all are thinking to yourselves 'what the hell is the fourteenth division and what's the whole deal with the prodigy part?' I'll explain that now." A control appeared in the woman's hand which she aimed up at the floating black and white face of Mayuri. With a flourish she jammed the button with her thumb. There was a click and the image shimmered a little before focusing back into its normal self.

Nemur looked down at the remote, and frowned. "Hold on." She tried pushing the button a few more times, but nothing happened. "Ah." Shrugging, she tossed the remote over her shoulder. It made a loud clang that echoed for a few seconds before dying down. "Visual aids are for pansies anyways."

"Okay, so here's the deal. Everyone here knows who Gin Ichimaru and toshiro hitsugaya are, right? They were captains born with brilliant minds which allowed them to quickly move up the ranks of shinigami, reaching captain status in record time, and surpassing what most shinigami are normally capable of." With this Nemuri disappeared and reappeared at the center of the table, directly below her captain's massive heard.

When she began to talk, the young woman had given up on any attempts at restraint and shouted every word that came out of her mouth. "For the longest time it was a mystery as to why these prodigies were so rare, or even existed at all, but thanks to some research and experimentation that was definitely worth the sacrifices performed by Mayuri-sama we've come to understand that the prodigy status is nothing more than a rare genetic mutation that's normally a recessive gene. Through this same research, Captain Mayuri has not only been able to identify the specific genetic mutation but has found a way to forcefully create and activate it."

The young woman sighed and hopped off the table. "Unfortunately, the process by which prodigies are created isn't perfect and the process doesn't effect every soul the same way. Some weren't effected at all and many, well everything is fine in the name of science." Here Nemuri paused before reappearing at the front of the table. "Which brings us to here, the 14th division and it's responsibility." Nemuri grinned, wide and malicious. It was easy to see she was not only her father's creation but also his daughter. "You all are here to stay alive. To prove that the prodigy program is worth continuing, or " she shrugged. "It's just another dead end, and we'll have to find some other way to repair the ranks loss to us thanks to the Quincy invasion a few years ago."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Champion

Champion Champ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savaris looked Saishu up and down before rolling his eyes and folding his arms. "Apologize for what? I feel like I was being nice to the creature." Savaris would say, really not finding any problem in his speech. Savaris then turned his back to Saishu. This wasn't the time or the place to pick a fight, though, Savaris wanted to anyway. No more than ever considering his requests were just ignored. "Hmph. Well, %^*# you too." Savaris muttered under his breath. He overheard the words spoken to Saishu about the captain. Which caused Savaris to roll his eyes once more before saying "I'm shaking in my boots." sarcastically of course.

Savaris followed the annoying woman into the bowls of the hole. At the bottom, he noticed the couches and plopped down where he felt would be most comfortable. It was then that he saw the floating Mayuri head which made him shutter down to his very bones. He found captain Mayuri creepy at best. Ever since the first day he laid eyes on him, the creepy image of his face haunted his dreams. It seemed that the assistance was now making it a point to separate Savaris from the group by not recognizing him as a prodigy. This didn't seem to effect Savaris however. He knew what he was and what he wasn't. Even though he might not be considered a prodigy by the skills of everyone else in the room, he was still on a level of his own.

As the woman continued on with her explanation of the events, Savaris couldn't help but feel intrigued all of a sudden. The very thought of being able to pull out the best of someone's skills purely based off of their Genetics was in itself genius. Savaris found himself looking at Captain Mayuri in a new light. Savaris raised his hand. "Um, Nemuri-sama?" Savaris tone this time was much sweeter. "So if our job is to survive. Does that mean we will be taking on life-threatening assignments?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

* * * * *

Nemuri's extravagant explanation came to an underwhelming if not menacing end. Saishu held his chin in thought; now that he had some of the missing pieces, his life had begun to make sense. His beginnings in the Rukongai were perhaps the only real steps he had taken alone. The woman that had found him was probably doing the bidding of the Captain and Kudo as well. All of which would lead ... here?

"Proving that won't be easy," stated Saishu as he made himself a bit clearer. "We're ... cursed and gifted with this status of Prodigy. Accomplishments that normal soul reapers would view as great would be seen as mediocre for us."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Takuya sighed at Savaris's @Champion comments. "Now now Sav, as much as I love your honesty we should wait a bit to get to know what going on before we make comments that could get us in trouble." He said putting a hand on his friends shoulder. As much as he enjoyed honesty, Savaris tended to not always know when to be honest.

He then looked to Nemeri with an apoligetic nod before approaching her. "So to shorten it up, your captain has discovered a Prodigy gene? If I'm being honest it's kinda hard to believe." And it was, to be able to determine a persons potential abilities based on genetics? It's as if their fates had already been chosen. Granted it was a good choice but chosen all the same.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Red Mage
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Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Iwakuni Shiroko

Shiroko watched as many of her classmates made their way to the new barracks. Not that she herself would admit this to others readily but she was particularly bad at directions. She can sense reiatsu well so she followed where the energies of her classmates were heading. Although she managed to run into several dead ends on the way that stalled her progress. After the third time of walking around a corner that should lead her in the right direction only to find a big wall in her way she began to let her feelings surface. She puffed her cheecks and made a small x with her mouth as her normally pale complexion turns a few shades pink into red and she balls her fingers to make fists.

"This...is...just unreasonable." she murmurs to herself. Looking to the left and to the right she doesn't see anyone and so she makes the leap up onto the wall and simply subverts all of the maze like aspects of the seireitei and b-lines it for the location where almost everyone else has already arrived. "No...I'm late...." she moans.

Upon actually arriving she see's the open door that leads downwards and a few small flags start to come up but she makes due and climbs down. She catches the tail end of the explanation given by Nemeri. Apparently prodigies exist and are rare but can be genetically mass produced. For better or worse each of the individuals in this company are people who have been affected by this experiment and have developed aberrant abilities that surpass the normal every day abilities of the common NPC shinigami that make up the majority of the soul society.

"Um..." she hesitantly raises her hand. "I have a few questions. When did this 'gene' get introduced? Did it simply advance potentially latent talent within us or....?" She remembers that the basis for anything that made her special was her ability to sense reiatsu. However this sense comes from an abnormally high reiatsu absorption rate. This rate at which she sucked the life out of her surroundings caused her a great deal of grief when living in the rukongai.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Hokori

Bakuto gave Nemuri the chance to speak her piece about this new divsion. He listened to her talk about the squad twelve captain and his discovery but the moment he heard this protigy gene he laughed. He says while laughing, "So I was selected because I have this Prodigy Gene or whatever? Ha! That is funny, I was near the bottom of our class I couldn't even learn how to use Kido, but I have this prodigy gene that is what makes captains Gin Ichimaru and Toshiro Hitsugaya them able to do what they do. So I have the same whatever they had? That's funny!"

Bakuto was trying not to seem rude but his amusement of the situation was getting the better of himself. Bakuto has never thought of himself any better then anyone or thought of himself as a prodigy or a genius in anyway. He didn't think he had anything special about himself but he wasnt going to question anyone saying other wise he just found it amusing that anyone would think he was a prodigy. The other stuff Nemuri said went over Bakuto's head he didnt really mind why they were put in this division other than the inital reason. He just will accept what he is told and not ask any questions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nemuri blinked towards the Shihion.@Champion "Life-threatening?" She paused for a moment, looking up at the image of her captain and father, grinning from ear to ear. She nodded. "Yes, some would call what's in stored for this division that, most actually, but master Mayuri likes to call it weeding out the weaker subjects. Butttttt" She made a wide motion with her arms. "Yep. Die, or survive. Either way is fine as you'll all serve as valuable test subjects for the future."

"Well"@Renny Nemuri mumbled around her finger nail as she spoke. "That's not necessarily true. The prodigy gene isn't really some end all, be all type thing which'll turn a soul reaper into a one person army." She shook her head, quickly. "Not at all. All it means is that your mind has been shifted into a state which allows for a much greater amount of potential than normal souls. That's all."

At that she paused at the sound of Bakuto's uproar and turned her attention towards @BladeSS4 "It's not all just about intellect. Many prodigies in the past weren't smarter than everyone around them. Some excelled in more, focused areas."

At @Crimson Lion's comment Nemuri's head tilted to the side, and her face took one a momentarily image of confusion. "Determine?" Again, she shook her head rapidly, and with a passion. "Nobody has determined anything." Sighing, she covered her face in her hands and shook her head, slower this time. "Oh! Master Mayuri, they're all such children. Look!" She raised her arms out in front of her, held them for a moment before letting them flop to her side. "Look at it this way, the prodigy gene doesn't indicate anything. It just means a person has more potential than others. It doesn't mean they'll become anything unless they push or are pushed in that direction. Why is this so hard?"

"Oh!@Red Mage I'm glad you made it. I was beginning to get worried only the boys managed to find the division headquarters." A quick pause. "Well, if memory serves, the process by which the genes were created and activated was released over the Soul society." She put her hand behind her back and leaned forwards, causing her back to make an uncomfortably loud cracking sound. "Oh! I'd say about two years ago, just before everyone was either made to join the soul society, or found themselves suddenly thriving." She spent a moment looking up before nodding, content with her answer.

"Well then, I suppose we should get down to business." She opened her mouth to talk but paused as what sounded like an explosion echoed in through one of the entrances into the room. "Which isn't that." As if on que the lights in the room flickered, and Mayuri's face disappeared, replaced by a large, detailed map of the facility. "Hmmm." Nemuri put her hands on the table and leaned forward. "Let's see. Let's see." She smiled, and pointed at a blinking red dot in a large room. "Ah. Here's the problem." She poked the blinking light and the image of the map was replaced by a large flat screen.

On the screen there was a wide, blank space, with several small fires scattered about. Seconds passed without anything happening, but something, vaguely humanoid appeared in front of the camera. It's face was white, with large dark holes where the eyes should've been. It opened it's mouth to let out a silent roar, or almost silent, if not for the sound that came through the doorway on the room's right. After the thing finished it's scream, it opened its mouth and the feed to the room disappeared.

"Ah." Nemuri smiled, leaning back while balancing herself on the balls of her feet. "Well, that looked interesting." Nemuri gave a smile before heading towards the entrance in which the thing's roar echoed out of. "Not sure how whatever it was was able to bypass Master Mayuri's defenses, but it'll quickly regret doing so." Without waiting, the young woman put her hands behind her back and started walking down the tunnel.

"Well," she called towards the group behind her, without looking back or slowing down. "Do you guys really need an invitation?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Champion

Champion Champ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savaris sat back in his seat folding his arms. It was true, Savaris tended to overstep his bounds. Luckily he had friends to help keep him in check. Nemuri answered his question...vaguely. He still wasn't sure what this division was nor what it was meant to be. A few members also asked questions. They were all good questions. Still, none really gave purpose to what they were supposed to be doing. It was then that a loud screech entered the room disturbing the balance.

Savaris leaped to his feet. "That's?!" He yelled out in complete shock. He knew that sound very well. That was the sound of a hollow. The lights went out and a map appeared in place of Mayuri's head. He had a very good memory and took a mental picture of the map. He knew it would probably come in handy later. He studied the map as best he could. The map was replaced by a camera feed of another room displaying a fire. It was then that a figure stepped into view.

Savaris took a couple steps back as fear started to creep across his very soul. "...hollow...." He muttered. Before anything else could be said or done. Savaris took off into the maze of the barracks, running for his very life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Bakuto Hokori

Bakuto listened after a few momentum to regain his own composer. He listened to Nemuri trying to pay attention to the any key details, as there weren't very many details. The details between of the prodigy stuff was a bit dull, he still found it amusing that he is considered one. Even Nemuri's comment about not needing intellect, the only thing he could think of was Kenpachi and his fighting abilities. Bakuto couldn't even imagine himself having the same skills in fighting like that.

Then it got dark, things were getting interesting were the thoughts in Bakuto's mind. He then watched the screen. The moment the creature roared Bakuto was smiled and said with great joy in his voice, "A hollow! So we are to go after that? Don't need to tell me twice!"

Bakuto draws his zanpakuto and yells, "Wind, rises and tears the sky to sunder Kazeyoke!" As he says the name of his zanpakuto he slams the bottom of the grip of his sword into the sheath for his sword. As he does the sword changes. The sword turning into a long decorative scythe. He then rushes in spinning the scythe he is saying over and over, "Mine..mine...mine...mine...mine"

Going running into the area with one thing on his mind fighting a hollow and having fun while doing so. Not caring what he is running into or where he is. There was a hollow that he could fight and that was all the he needed to know to go running into whatever he was told to do. His concerns for the fourteenth division or what happened during graduation all faded away with the crazy look on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Momoiro stands more towards the back of the room and her eyes wander around the room taking in all of the strange bits of it. It seemed mostly empty but there were little things here and there that peaked her interest. Most of them were things she hadn't seen before. The projector that had Mayuri's face on it was also of note. She hasn't spent much time with the technology of this world yet. Most of it was spent training.

Listening intently to the explanations being given by Nemuri some things seemed off to her. When was this "gene" introduced? How could it have gotten to her in the human world? Is that why she had a so called 'impressive' reiatsu as a normal human? Before she asked any questions @Red Mage enters the room. Nemuri made some kind of snide comment about only the boys making it causing her brow twitch. She ignored it however as a round of questions from the different members begin. She too had a few questions but most were answered without her having to be the one to ask.

A few of the explanations were unexpected. The first is that she was told by a few that she already was a prodigy four years ago. This was two years before the prodigy gene was spread out. It still leaves a bit of mystery to her. She did find that she began excelling more right around two years ago. Wandering in memory back to roughly two years ago when she was practicing her shunpo. To learning the feeling of the energy around her feet that floods to the rest of her body as she seems to almost teleport to a different place. Looking down she remembers having to land in a square meter from an ever increasing distance away. A flash brilliance hit her. She drew her blade with the same rush of energy from the shunpo flooding through her feet up to her arm and landing in the square meter but this time with her sword drawn from the scabbard with a crackling energy. That had been the first time she made the connection between body speed and sword speed. Blending them together as one and making a small name for herself in the academy and rocketing her graduation date up by at least a year.

"Ah..." She lets out a small unintentional but audible sound.

The loud blasting noise shakes her back to reality. Focusing on the map now on the screen she takes note of where the red dot is. The vaguely humanoid shape sends shivers down her spine and her hair starts to stand on end. Her reiatsu starts to leak out threateningly as she hears @Champion mention hollows.

"No mam." She says with a soft grin on her face. This is in response to Nemuri's comment and she leaps forward with a shunpo and makes her way as quickly as possible to the creature. A fire inside her was lit and a soft burning blood-lust. Her first real battle with a hollow since becoming a shinigami was something she had been looking forward to really ever since a hollow killed her in her past life. She longed to see the difference between herself then and now. @BladeSS4 Also seemed amped up to fight the hollow. Guess she will have to just get there first. The grin on her face turns perhaps to a full smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Red Mage
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Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Iwakuni Shiroko

Jolting at the sound of the blast she looked around wide eyed for a moment. She didn't sense anything beforehand...which was strange to her. She wondered if this facility is able to block reiatsu sensing. That would be...sort of beneficial to her in a way. Perhaps she will get a good nights sleep. But now isn't the time to think about that! It seems we have an intruder and its so me kind of hollow. A twinge of fear makes her shiver for a moment but it was hardly noticeable.

Gripping her sword that resets behind her on her hips she notices her classmates rushing head long into the danger. She felt somewhat ashamed at her bashfulness in the face of danger. Though...there was little to no actual nervousness between anyone. Maybe this wasn't a powerful foe after all. The image of the captain general arriving all banged up put her in high alert. Gulping once she makes her way down the hallway after her former classmates and puts all her effort into sensing the reiatsu of the area. She wanted to get a better handle on its power level before taking it on.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@BladeSS4@Yorutenchi@Red Mage@Crimson Lion
Nemuri, and the rest of the newly appointed members of the 14th division headquarters follow the purple clad young woman into a large room, a massively large room. The size of the area the stepped into was less a cave, and more of underground world which should have had it's own ecosystem. The walls were grey, and along with the floor and ceiling moved off as far as the eye could see.
"Well here we are" Nemuri sighed, putting her hands in her pockets and looking around to see what the problem was, and if it was still inside the room. "Hmm." Her face scrunched up in thought. "I guess they must've gotten out. We'll just have to double back and see where the buggers had gotten off to." She turned around to head back out into the rest of the headquarters, but didn't get very far before stopping at the sound of skittering coming from somewhere up above.

Several screams rocked the dimly lit air the group found themselves in. Up above, several glowing spheres of light appeared as the hollows detached themselves from whatever it was they were holding onto, and fell upon the group of shinigami like bats, who were once asleep but had awakened to the sound of some defenseless prey that had made their way into their den.

The hollows, oddly enough, all looked exactly alike. Each stood seven feet tall, with purple bodies. Their arms and legs were long, spidery things that ended in razor sharp claws. Each mask was oval shape with large dark circles for eyes. The mouths looked like they would be in place among the bodies of any Halloween ornament, or at least would if not for the large, pink tongues which hung out of them.

The first one to hit the floor, made a bee-line straight for@BladeSS4 clawed hand, raised above its head, ready to strike.

The second one thrusts its arms forwards as it fell towards @Yorutenchi like a snarling purple arrow of death

One of the hollows seemed to have gotten behind the group somehow and swung widely at @Crimson Lion head.

Another hollow dropped to all four, and scurried forwards like a spider towards@Red Mage and upon reaching arms length, shot its razor bladed hand forwards, intent on impaling the young woman's chest.

Several more hollows seemed to have materialized out of nowhere, and struck at the remaining shinigami.

As quickly as @Champion rushed away from the chaos, he wasn't able to get far. Every couple of meters he traveled, another door slammed shut in his face. It didn't take long before every exit was blocked and the only route he could take was towards the fighting grounds with the hollows.

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