Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Magi watched as his sword crashed against the stone floor of the dungeon, shattering and leaving behind only a handle. Its gone...my weapon gone. What am I gonna tell Poseidon? No it's fine I'll just buy a new weapon with my Valis and use it in his honor. he could tell Misha was saying something to him but it was a warbled mess in the background. He looked up at her and noticed she was offering him her dagger to continue on the fight into the dungeon. Magi gave a cocky chuckle almost like a villain in a show who's about to unveil a secret talent or masterful plan. Placing his hand on her shoulder he looked Misha in her eyes and confidently said "That sword was never gonna last my might. Thank you for the offer but it is Poseidons strength in the spell he entrusted onto me that shall carry me forward. he took his hand off her shoulder and faced toward the direction of the scream he heard earlier. "Let's go, someone may be in need of help. and with that he ran towards the location of the screamwithout a moments notice, awaiting to see what he would arrive to and hoping he wasnt too late.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

Renji stood still for a moment as the last of the kobolds disappeared. He won. His first two monsters, just dumped on him, are dead. Because of him. And he is alive. His lips twitched and a grin stretched across his face.

“Yes! I am awesome!” Renji shouted excitedly, doing a victory dance. He spun on his heel, popped an invisible collar, and shot finger guns at the now slain kobolds. Although he was still far off, his goal didn't feel quite as impossible now. He snatched up the crystals and the spent a few moments examining the kobold fang.

“My first monster drop…” he muttered, tucking it carefully away in the bag. He decided he wouldn't sell it but instead keep it as a trophy. He shook out his limbs and sprinted down the hallway, hunting for the next fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Via sucked in air as the Kobold's claws shred through her light armor. The bleeding began and it soaked through her clothing. Ugh, great. But at least the Kobold was defeated. Letting out a grumbled sigh, she sheathed her sword and then began rolling her shoulder to see if it was good. It amazed her how quickly they can recover - or well, how she could recover. But still, she felt weakened.

Amrec had bounded over and congratulated her. She smiled warmly at the Dwarf. "Thanks, though I feel like could have done better." Though Via seemed disappointed with the results, it quickly disappeared when the Dwarf presented the stone. Her eyes glinted as she grabbed the stone. "The first step huh?" Her smile turned into a grin. "Seeing as I am your supporter, let me just get the others."

Via bounded over to where the other monsters had perished thanks to Amrec's hand and began to collect the stones and any other items that they may have dropped and deposited them into her backpack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

Goblins were slow and it was a simple matter for Klou to sidestep the first attack, pivoting to the left and spinning in order to deliver a kick to the back of the Goblin's neck. From that position, the second monster was actually a threat, but Klou twisted her body to try and avoid the thrust, planning to grab the Goblin's wrist and pull it into her punching range.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

The goblin quickly screamed in pain as the knife slashed it's eyes in half, and May did her best to ignore the kick she delivered to the Goblin's groin. She had delivered similar blows before, but always hated doing so - but she could never deny it's effectiveness. The goblin quickly faded to nothingness, the contents rapidly degrading and seeping into the floor of the dungeon - all that was left was a single gem.

This gem was what would earn May her meal ticket - she knew that these were what she exchanged for Valis. She was tempted to reach and grab for the stone, when five more goblins running towards her reminded May of the presence of more Goblins. These ones were far shrimpier though - she could easily take individuals out, and with careful kiting, she could finish them all off. Rushing towards them, Mya repeated her previous strategy - slashing the eyes of the first two goblins, doing her best to dodge or block their clubs. Immediately after, she would run away a short distance - so far, grinding would go without a hitch.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Misha rolled her eyes and scowled as Mare refused to take her dagger, shaking her head not convinced "If you say so, but don't complain to me if you end up getting hurt!" She slide the dagger back into its leather sheathe, and moved to the front playfully shoving you aside "You get to support me from the back, O Wielder of Poseidon's Wrath." Her voice carrying a slight mocking tone. The two of you run towards the sounds you heard earlier, hoping that they were still alive.

You come upon the wider area of the corridor, called a room, where you believed the screaming to have originated. There is nothing but a few spots of blood and black ash on the ground, but no signs of a grievous injury. It was a safe bet that whoever had been attacked had taken care of the threat and moved farther up ahead, where the dungeon begins to have many intersections and paths "Looks like they're gone now." Misha says not hearing anything right now at the moment.


You head off deeper into the first floor of the dungeon where the coward adventurer came from, feeling good after defeating two kobolds on your own. Unbeknownst to you, there are two adventurers from another familia following your trail. There are multiple offshoots off the current corridor you, most of them having a special designation in the guild's handbook. You are currently on a route suggested by your guild advisor. A small amount of time passes and you reach a room that widens out, four hallways including yours connecting to it. In the middle is a small group of goblins, about six in total, huddled together. The moment you step in the room they appear to be alerted to your presence and let out a small shriek before coming for you. It is well known to you that the kobolds you just killed are harder monsters than the goblins you face now.

@Polaris North

As you collect the stones, you also pick up a drop-item: a kobold's fang. Amrec follows behind you "The first step to being an adventurer is simply surviving. Could you have done better? Of course." He said plainly "But you're young and green. Keep surviving, and soon these kobolds will be nothing to you." His voice carrying an almost wise-sage quality about it. Once all of the items were collected, Amrec motioned to continue down the path.

The corridors often changes in width and openings to other paths come and go, but for the most part the appearance of the first floor doesn't change. Amrec stops suddenly drawing both of his axes, and grunts with disdain. Once you catch up, you see what it is that has him agitated. An animated skeleton with drabs of cloth is standing still, a rusted long-sword clutched it its hand. Inside its eyes are simply green glowing orbs that give off little light. From out of view, three more join it and they begin advancing "Gruh. Skeleton warriors...they should be a few floors lower." He mutters angrily to himself, but clearly able to be heard "Kurvia, watch my back. You're not ready for these ones yet." He orders firmly and heads off to meet the four skeleton warriors.

Metal clashes against metal as he fights them, though its clear he can handle this. Behind you hear several high pitched squeals, as two goblins come forward brandishing nothing more crude stone axe.

HP: -5

You dodge the first goblin's attack with ease, the force of its swing pulling it forward and vulnerable to your strike. The monster disintegrate into black ash and shadow, the kick having shattered its neck. With the second goblin not waiting to strike, you barely manage to avoid getting a dagger in your rib-cage and instead received a small scratch instead. 'Tis but a flesh wound, as they would say. The goblin tries to scratch at your arm with its pathetic claws but you get a good grip on its wrist and yank it forward, the monster hurtling towards its impending doom.


While you went after the two goblins, the other three tried to move around and surround you. The first goblin in unable to land a hit and goes down relatively easily while the other's attack is deflected from any vital points and falls as well, both exploding into dust and shadow. You manage to get fall back before the other three can close in, though they nearly got close enough to strike. Now that you have given some distance, the three goblins are forced to chase after you. A longer range weapon would have made taking care of these goblins a piece of cake, but so far your plan was working.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

Klou's fist impacted the goblin's face firmly, it's owner a bit miffed at being cut by such a wimpy foe. A few good hits should be enough to finish it off if it's companion was anything to go by, but just to be safe Klou yanked the offending appendage up further until the goblin was just barely able to touch the floor, driving her knuckles into it's face until it crumbled like it's partner. Only once she was sure it was dead did she release her grip, black dust sifting through her fingers before fading away into nothingness. Low quality as she was sure they were, she bent down to collect whatever drops the two may have left her.

With her own business dealt with for now, Klou reoriented her focus farther inward, placing her attention back on May.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Via seemed rather pleased that something other than a magic stone was there - a Kobold Fang. She inspected it for a while before dropping it into her bag. She had seen a lot of them back in the city so she wasn't that interested. Then Amrec continued speaking, encouraging her to do better and that eventually, all that hardwork would pay off. That's right. She just had to survive. Smiling at Amrec again, but this time meant nothing else but gratitude, she spoke. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Amrec."

That was when Amrec moved ahead and she lagged behind a bit. This was mostly because Amrec had to be the vanguard or she might get in the way. She at least knew what her place was. That was when he stopped and drew his axes and she jogged towards him. "Oh." She muttered as she saw a skeleton warrior there. Amrec was right, they should have been a few floors below. Via knew that much since she looked it up and asked other adventurers before she went on for her own adventure. Amrec told her to stay back and then went into battle with the four skeletons.

She was looking up to him more and more.

Via turned around as soon as she heard the shrieks. Two goblins huh? She took a deep breath and began chanting, "Streaks of electricity surround me. Let your anger devour my enemies." She spread her hand forward and let the web of electricity spread forward to the charging goblins. As soon as the magic stopped flowing from her fingertips, she would grab hold of the hilt of her sword - waiting to see what would happen in her electrical field.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

Six goblins huh? Renji though as he rolled his neck and shoulders. Boooooooring! Renji sighed and then clasped his hands together and bowed his head. "Transcend mine mortal limitations and cast me hurtling forward, O Turbulent Wind!" A smile crossed his face as he finished his chant. With the hiss of the wind and the lightness of his step, he launched himself at the goblins.

He kicked the first goblin in the chest, intending to knock it back into a few others. He threw his elbow into the face if the closest goblin and followed it up with a jab to it's stomach before lashing out with his foot at the next one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Magi chuckled at her quip of him being Poseidons wrath. He clenched his fist allowing a slight crackle of electricity to spark around it. [Color=aqua]"Frontline or backline his wrath lays in me. Let's go Misha, don't forget the sooner we beat this floor the sooner we get snacks." He began to dash further into the dungeon, hoping to come across more foes, turning back to face Misha as he tauntingly sang "If you plan on me being backup support you're gonna wanna be in front"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago


May silently dispatched the first goblin with ease, the old dagger slicing his throat cleanly - while managing to dodge it's simple blow. The other managed to hit her forearm, but May had made that purposeful - she had blocked the goblin's attack and would at most only bruise. The second goblin, meanwhile, was swiftly dispatched with another slash to the gut. Turning tail and running, May successfully avoided the three goblins who attempted to surround her. After a brief sprint, she turned once more, and faced off the remaining trio, realizing the value of a longer ranged weapon. Then again, she wondered how long it would take her to properly use a bow, or how much a useful crossbow would set her back money-wise.

Dismissing this thought quickly, she returned to her three targets, turning and running towards the one that had chased after her first. It ran in front of the other two, and she attempted to grab it - specifically, she tried to choke hold the goblin. Given their small size and relative pathetic strength, she didn't expect too much resistance - and it would also give her a shield. Should she succeed and actually manage to restrain the goblin, she would move towards the other goblins and use the restrained as a shield, while stabbing at the goblins with her dagger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


A near flawless victory is yours. There is nothing in their remains except for the two stones, but now that the battle has ended you hear something. The twisted shrieking of goblins and the faint sounds of battle thanks to your beast-human hearing. It must be May. No monsters stand in your way as you make your way to the source of the sounds, and can see May engaged with a trio of goblins. Not only that, but she seems to have taken one as a improvised shield. For the most part, she seems to be in control of the situation.

You hear a startling sound come from behind you. From what you can tell, it sounds like someone rattling a bag of bones. It comes closer and closer, until a pair of glowing green eyes stare at you. A skeleton with pitch black pits for eyes and its jaw hanging on one hinge. On its right arm, a rusted iron spear and on its left, a tattered leather buckler. You are aware that this particular monster is simply called a 'skeleton warrior' and normally appear only on floors 5 & 6.

HP: -21
The goblin you try to grab takes to strike you with its club, however you manage to dodge and successful wrap your arm around its neck. Its club is dropped as you tighten your hold. As you move forward, it struggles to free itself clawing at your arm dealing a small amount of damage thanks to your leather armor. Your movement is severely slowed by trying to keep the goblin in your grip, but it performs its role as shield adequately well. The pathetic clubs of the goblins smash into your 'shield', and you feels a bit of the impact, but are otherwise unharmed. Your goblin shield stops tearing into your arm due to the strikes, and has decreased its resistance.

Your dagger finds the flesh of the two goblins as they attempt to smash through their friend to get to you. Brief shrieks of pain are let out before the two goblins each turn into black ash, leaving you left with the one currently locked in your arm. It is incredibly weakened and it offers no resistance as you finish it off. Just as the magic stone drops, you hear a strange sound coming from the way you just came. First it was simply just footsteps but now the sounds of bones shuffling around have overtaken it.

@Polaris North
MP: -20
Behind you more sounds of clashing sounds of metal can be heard, but through Amrec's periodic hearty laughter you can tell he is alright. You can feel a faint energy course through your arms as you chant your spell. A blanket of electricity erupts from your hand, spreading from wall to wall moving towards the goblins at a fast pace as a strong buzzing sound fills the air. Bolts of lighting attach themselves to the goblins as they enter the field and it passes through them, their muscles moving in spastic ways as they are locked in place. By the time the electrify fades, the two monsters have turned into nothing but dust and two small magic stones.

Agility: + 15 (from Turbulent Wind)
Magic Resistance: -10%

The chant finishes without any issues and you speed off into combat. Your first kick smashes into the goblin's chest, the speed of the strike preventing it from countering. The force causes it to fall back onto one of its comrades, knocking it off balance as the other falls to ash. A crude dagger scrapes some material off your leather bracer as your elbow connects with the next target's face, fracturing its skull. The following jab is enough to end its existence, the green-skinned body shattering. By now, the other three goblins have closed in around you. The nearest goblin is nailed in the upper neck by your wild kick, eliminating it right there while the other two make their strikes. One to your front-left and one to your direct left, they both move in with daggers swinging. Off to the side, the goblin who had been knocked back is once again steady on its feet and coming towards you.


Misha's smiles innocently as you mention snacks "That's right, you're gonna buy me some snacks after this!" Her eyes closing for a split-moment trying to appear cute. Once you started running off, she followed and quickly moved in front "Don't be rushing ahead then!" She replied with minor irritation. The two of you rush further into the dungeon when Misha's ears appear to twitch "You hear that?" She asked while still moving forward "Someone is fighting up ahead." Her pace quickened and you follow after her. That is when you spot a lone adventurer, of the Renard species of beast humans, moving quickly against a small group of four goblins, one appearing to have just recovered.


"I don't care about your family history Noctis, I only care if you have what it takes to be an adventurer. Go. Show me and everyone else that you deserve to be here. Your brother one of the greatest adventurers I have come to know. I expect you will succeed him."

These were the words you were left with when you left the familia's residence along with Priscilla, the Winter Maiden. You could tell by the tone in his voice that your god, Anubis, was a strong leader. A few of the familia's members were not thrilled with having a Haeshi join the familia, but most of them accepted you. Now you are standing in front of the large tower alongside the Anubis familia's top adventurer, Priscilla. Today just so happened to be her day to go into the dungeon, so she was going to accompany you on her way to the lower floors. Her skin was fair and seemed to almost glow in the sun, her hair a pure white that made one think of fresh snow. This theme was only accentuated further by the white dress she wore with silver-armor pieces over it, and the specially-forged scythe on her back. Lately she has been pushing herself in order get to level 7, which Feron had beat her to.

"When we are in the dungeon, the monsters will be yours to take care of. I am simply there to make sure you can handle yourself. Once I determine you can, I'll leave for the lower floors." Priscilla stated plainly, looking at you but not making direct eye contact. A small smile appeared on her light pink lips as if fondly remembering something "So are you nervous?" Her voice was more friendly this time around as you got close to the dungeon's entrance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

“Bringing knives to a fist fight? Bring it on losers!” Renji taunted as he snatched up the wrist of one of the goblins with a knife and yanked the creature towards him, driving his elbow into the thing’s throat and driving his knee into it's stomach. He took a quick step towards the other goblin and threw as many punches as it took to kill the creature.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Magi watched as they Renard fought against the goblins with immense speed. Driving his fists, knees, feet and elbows in a flurry of attacks to assualt the two monsters. He did not however appear to notice the third goblin who was getting up from what must of been a fall. "Watch yourself Renny!" he called out as he shot a bolt of lightning towards the goblin attempting to regain its footing. A smug chuckle could be heard coming from magi as he said "And here I thought Fox's were supposed to be cunning. Though I'll hand it to you, you sure are fast" Magi ran up towards the Renard placing himself to his left hands at the ready for combat or casting. "They say three's a party ya know? So why not tango with us for a while?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

A Skeleton Warrior? What is it doing on level one? Klou thought to herself as she backed up a few steps, trying to judge if there was enough room for her to slip past and lead it away from May. I can probably take it out, since it's alone. Normally I wouldn't try, but with May in the next room I can probably count on having backup if I need it. For now I'll play this by ear. Eying the skeleton carefully, Klou waited for it to make it's move, hoping that she would be able to dodge and dash around it when it tried to attack. She briefly thought about calling for help now, but May was still in the middle of her fight, and didn't seem to be in a particularly safe position when she had looked. Distracting her now might mean injuring the girl, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. Instead, she decided she would try and take care of this herself as far as she could.

In the back of her mind, she was still puzzling over the skeleton's presence. It can't have climbed all the way up from floor five surely, someone would have spotted it and taken it out. The creature wasn't quick on it's feet, and it would have taken hours at least to drag itself up four floors, especially without purpose. Had someone led it here? Had it somehow spawned outside of it's area? Possibilities spun around in the background as she dedicated her attention to her new foe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Via smiled as the goblins were fried by her lightning field - the sound of buzzing was music to her ears. The sound reminded her of a time long past - a time when she was still surrounded by her own kind. It was a surreal experience for her, but that may be because she didn't remember how long ago that was. She blinked - having pulled herself back to reality after realizing that the goblins were long gone and was replace with the magic stones. She swiftly picked them up and then turned back to Amrec who had been fighting with the skeleton warriors.

She was not about to go charging into that dangerous situation so she hung back unless Amrec called for her help. He seemed to be doing great anyhow. While she could help with magic seeing as they were susceptible to that, but that would cause her to hit Amrec as well and that would not be ideal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago


The shield plan worked to some degree - at the very least, she felt better than having to take on three goblins alone. The dagger easily managed to pierce the goblins flesh, and the three goblins quickly collapsed into dust into the stone floor under May's feet. Immediately, May's eyes lit up as she bent over, picking up each individual stone and placing it into the small bag on her hip. The stone that came from the dark goblin was slightly larger than the others, but all of the stones were very small - all seven of them could easily fit into the palm of her hand, with room to spare. May quickly secured the bag, making sure that there were no holes - cut purses always told her to watch out and make sure her coin purse didn't have any large holes, as that meant she was robbed. She wasn't worried about having been robbed in the dungeon, especially since she hadn't been near anybody - by now, it was just a habit that she didn't feel the need to shake.

The distance sounds of rattling bones immediately caused May to turn, raising her dagger as she did so. At a fair distance away, she could see two figures - One was the bunny girl that was a member of her familia, and the other was a skeleton creature. May immediately froze somewhat - she knew nothing about most of the monsters in the dungeon, and the only skeleton she ever saw was when she found a half decomposed body in a dumpster. It couldn't be too dangerous, considering it lacked muscle, but May's instincts told her to be careful - and while she didn't like to ask for help, she knew that it'd be easiest to party up if she offered help when the other girl needed it.

Walking over to the girl, May kept her weapon drawn, prepared to help out or leave if asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 1 day ago

Today was the day, his first time tackling the dungeon that slept below Rezion.

It's... far more intimidating up close, that's for sure.

Noctis Haeshi stood before the tower of Rezion, a mixture of excitement and apprehension swelling within the boy. Today he would need to prove himself against the monstrosities within. His golden opportunity to prove that he belonged with his Familia, not just to Anubis or Priscilla, but to himself as well. Anubis's words stuck to the forefront of his mind yet as he prepared himself to enter. The God seemed to have high expectations of Noctis, so he could not afford to let the deity down. He already had an unwanted reputation with a certain few Familia members simply because of his name, it would be disastrous if he proved their precognitions of him being useless and discarded to be true. Needless to say, the pressure was on for the young werewolf, he felt not unlike an ant as he gazed upon the obelisk. Though at the same time, he could feel a rising excitement building with every step he took, as he was standing right next to The Winter Maiden herself. She was legendary, her appearance giving off an almost angelic and otherworldly aura of majesty and expertise. Noctis felt honored to even be in her presence, nevermind venturing into the dungeon alongside her! Even if she was only intent on ensuring that he'd be able to handle himself before setting off, it felt almost wrong to have such strength and weakness entering the dungeon together.

The cool voice of the Winter Maiden brought Noctis's attention back to the situation at hand, he listened intently yet found himself unable to willingly make eye contact with her. At first she seemed almost impersonal, yet moments later she showed a much more friendly question to the young werewolf.

"I-is it that obvious? Yeah... I'm pretty nervous, but I'm also kind of excited to head in if that makes any sense." The dungeon had destroyed people much greater than him, but it had also forged others into legendary heroes. Noctis could only hope that his time in the dungeon lead him to the latter path...
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago


Wrath and fury flowed with every strike you landed, the magic of your spell allowing you to move through the goblins with ease. The goblin moved its mouth to shriek but was promptly silenced as your elbow crushed its throat, the following knee putting an end to its life. There was nothing the other goblin could do by itself. Without the support of numbers, a lone goblin was an easy target for an adventurer. Any feeble attack it made in retaliation was futile thanks to your boosted speed. In this instance, the foe was weak and you were strong and so it turned to ash, like the rest of its kin.

The goblin that had just recovered burst into the same shadows and ash, a lighting bolt shooting right though its weak hide. A male voice having warned you of its recovery. Soon after, you were approached by two adventurers. One was a spirit and the other was a werewolf, the spirit having put his hand on your shoulder.

The werewolf bounced in front of you, an energetic smile on her face "Those were some cool moves! Won't you please party up with us?" She asked with wide eyes "Think of all the monsters we can kill!" The tone of her voice was a bit too cheery.


Misha stood defensively in front of you while at the same time watching the Renard fight with surprising speed and power. The Renard managed to take care of the two goblins he face with a reckless blitz of attacks. A bolt of lighting flies from your hand and blasts the goblin in the stomach, taking care of the last monster with a flash."I would watch it, Ma-re. You did lose your sword." Misha said softly, only audible for you, while smiling brightly exposing pearly white canines. Next thing you knew, she darted in front of your new friend.

Misha moved in front of the Renard with a bounce in her step, an energetic smile on her face "Those were some cool moves! Won't you please party up with us?" She asked with wide eyes "Think of all the monsters we can kill!" The tone of her voice was a bit too cheery. It was likely she was hoping he would get her closer to those potato snacks.


The skeleton shambles closer with eerily erratic movements, like at any moment it might break off into a sprint. Its gaze seems fixated on you alone. You spend enough time thinking that you recall that members of the Balder Familia frequently capture/tame monsters for fights in the arena above, but you didn't see many of the familia's adventurers entering the dungeon today. Normally they go in large group if they are getting monsters.

You hear a different set of footsteps come from your rear, and you see that it is May. She must have taken care of her monsters already which means she might be able to help out with the skeleton warrior. It may walk particularly fast, but its attacks are a different story.


Klou seems to be in deep thought at you approach her, also noticing the skeleton getting almost near enough that it will be a real danger. A story that older adventurers often told is that skeletons were aspiring adventurers that died in the dungeon and were never recovered, though the story is completely untrue.

It is possible that Klou knows more about this monster, as she was part of the familia for longer than you were despite starting today as well.

@Polaris North

Amrec was facing only one last skeleton by the time you returned and he seemed to be alright. He caught the weapon of the last skeleton warrior in his axe, and proceeded to headbutt the skeleton's head so hard it fractured before the other axe sliced through the bony spine and it disintegrated into black ash. His breathing was a little heavy as he turned to face you, and that's when you noticed a small amount of blood dripping down a small cut on his cheek.

A large hand wiped the blood away as he walked back, bearing a faint smile as he extended a hand holding the three stones, which were larger than the ones you collected so far "I'll have to inform the guild after we finish today. One is plausible, not three." He mentioned seriously with a small grunt then relaxed "Ready to continue, lass?" He asked, voice loosening up once more.


Her smile kept as she responded, nodding "I think most adventurers have that kind of feeling in the beginning. The dungeon is dangerous, but also exciting." It was hard to believe that she was only 23 with the wisdom in her voice. If there was anyone who knew the meaning of hard work, it was Priscilla. Aspiring adventurers were drawn to her story for its inspiration. Recently, Priscilla has been training a different kind of skill at Anubis's insistence that was gaining her quite a bit of popularity. It turns out that the Winter Maiden has a voice that seemed to match her heavenly appearance "If you can, just try to relax. You are going to do fine, I just know it." Her eyes blinked closed for a second, looking at you. It seemed she was trying to make eye contact, but was just so slightly off. The dungeon was now dead ahead, and the very next moments would take you down to either riches or ruin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Via watched in wonder as Amrec handled the rest of the skeleton warriors without even seemingly breaking a sweat. Figuratively speaking of course. When he turned back to her, she was surprised to see a streak of blood on his cheek. It didn't seem anything too major, but it was worrying that her companion had trouble and she didn't even help. There was a feeling of guilt that washed over her. Then again, if she did, there was a possibility of her being a hindrance to Amrec as he fought... so there was that.

Shaking her head, she smiled at Amrec. "That was so cool Amrec!" She cheered as she bounced towards him and accepted the magic stones - depositing them into her bag. She then nodded. "The guild ought to know about it huh..." She then remembered that there actually were some other adventurers who looked like it was their first time like her, but didn't have any companions. Her heart dropped. What if they bumped into skeleton warriors as well and no one was there to help them? What if that all happened? That'd be devastating news for the familia...

She sucked in her breath as Amrec asked if she was ready to go. She nodded. "Alright, let's go." Her signature smile back on her face. Her eyebrows creased. Weren't there four skeletons? Huh, maybe Amrec just pocketed the magic stone. Shrugging to herself but keeping alert of her surroundings, she followed the dwarf.
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