Current Player Characters:
Isolde, Wyvern Rider - Played by Rune_Alchemist
Marwood, Cavalier - Played by Apollosarcher
Titania, Cleric - Played by Eklispe
Kara, Manakete - Played by Crimson Raven
Retired Player Characters:
Reina, Lord - Played by Pirouette
Voss, Shaman - Played by Eisenhorn
Servus, Wyvern Rider - Played by Lmpkio
Isolde, Wyvern Rider - Played by Rune_Alchemist
Marwood, Cavalier - Played by Apollosarcher
Titania, Cleric - Played by Eklispe
Kara, Manakete - Played by Crimson Raven
Retired Player Characters:
Reina, Lord - Played by Pirouette
Voss, Shaman - Played by Eisenhorn
Servus, Wyvern Rider - Played by Lmpkio
Name: Rioga
Apparent Age: Middle-aged man.
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Warrior
Weapon Mastery: Axe: B, Bow: C
Level: 5
Background: Rioga is the Court Emperor of Grado. As a young prince he saw this nation, still reeling from the shock of the disaster from generations into the past. He was stunned at the lack of insensitive to act, to strengthen the nation, to no longer need the services of the Jehannan mercenaries. He worked tirelessly, going from being prince to eventually being crowned Emperor as he took steps to create barracks, train soldiers and hunt down the criminals that took advantage of the weakened state of his nation. He became known as the Court Emperor due to the many public trials he held for the criminals he didn’t tolerate in his nation, done in order to frighten other potential criminals and making his people feel safe. While still holding the Fire Emblem as a family heirloom, it looked like the Grado Empire would finally be heading towards an era of strength again. … Alas, this was not to be.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Tomahawk
Personality: A strong and proud man, who was known to almost never show hesitation and always knew the right answer. Actually, he just perfected the art of always seeming like he knew the best course of action. Rioga’s advisors would know he made a fair share of tactical misses, which appeared to him as embarrassing and awkward to talk about. Except for that, Rioga is known for taking many trips through his nation, offer help where he can and destructively butcher monsters where he’s given the chance. He has been a beloved Emperor for a long time, and despite a number of flaws when it comes to tactics he is still highly competent.
Ability Assessment: Strong and skilled, not all that fast but packs a punch and can take a bigger punch. While he’s known for being rather raw in combat when allowed to strike first, Rioga has been known to allow himself to take large amounts of punishments before striking back and doing even more damage. The one problem is, the harder his strikes the less accurate he’ll become, so fast enough opponents will be able to dodge him and counter.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Emperor Rioga is known to have personally built quite a few bridges. While he is the Emperor and he could order people to do so for him, Rioga has some form of sense to it that he feels it is much more personal if he does it himself. So he builds bridges for people. He’s also a fan of going fishing in the rivers or lakes spread around Grado, as well as climbing the chasms opened up by the earthquake. He’s a very physical dude, and never really bothered all that much with the formalities of being the Emperor, simply using his power the way he saw fit to make the world continue to move and help his people.
R-button Summarization: The Court Emperor of Grado. Strong and proud. Known for catching bandits and trying to strengthen Grado’s military.

Apparent Age: Middle-aged man.
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Warrior
Weapon Mastery: Axe: B, Bow: C
Level: 5
Background: Rioga is the Court Emperor of Grado. As a young prince he saw this nation, still reeling from the shock of the disaster from generations into the past. He was stunned at the lack of insensitive to act, to strengthen the nation, to no longer need the services of the Jehannan mercenaries. He worked tirelessly, going from being prince to eventually being crowned Emperor as he took steps to create barracks, train soldiers and hunt down the criminals that took advantage of the weakened state of his nation. He became known as the Court Emperor due to the many public trials he held for the criminals he didn’t tolerate in his nation, done in order to frighten other potential criminals and making his people feel safe. While still holding the Fire Emblem as a family heirloom, it looked like the Grado Empire would finally be heading towards an era of strength again. … Alas, this was not to be.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Tomahawk
Personality: A strong and proud man, who was known to almost never show hesitation and always knew the right answer. Actually, he just perfected the art of always seeming like he knew the best course of action. Rioga’s advisors would know he made a fair share of tactical misses, which appeared to him as embarrassing and awkward to talk about. Except for that, Rioga is known for taking many trips through his nation, offer help where he can and destructively butcher monsters where he’s given the chance. He has been a beloved Emperor for a long time, and despite a number of flaws when it comes to tactics he is still highly competent.
Ability Assessment: Strong and skilled, not all that fast but packs a punch and can take a bigger punch. While he’s known for being rather raw in combat when allowed to strike first, Rioga has been known to allow himself to take large amounts of punishments before striking back and doing even more damage. The one problem is, the harder his strikes the less accurate he’ll become, so fast enough opponents will be able to dodge him and counter.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Emperor Rioga is known to have personally built quite a few bridges. While he is the Emperor and he could order people to do so for him, Rioga has some form of sense to it that he feels it is much more personal if he does it himself. So he builds bridges for people. He’s also a fan of going fishing in the rivers or lakes spread around Grado, as well as climbing the chasms opened up by the earthquake. He’s a very physical dude, and never really bothered all that much with the formalities of being the Emperor, simply using his power the way he saw fit to make the world continue to move and help his people.
R-button Summarization: The Court Emperor of Grado. Strong and proud. Known for catching bandits and trying to strengthen Grado’s military.
Name: Garric

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: A man from the exposed lands of western Grado, Garric refused to live in fear and merely trust Jehanna’s mercenaries to protect him. Taking up the sword, he travelled to Jehanna itself in order to learn their arts from experienced swordsmen, and with newfound skills he soon came back and displayed his ability which had rose above all those around him. Proud of his accomplishments, he travelled all over Grado, determined to one-up the mercenaries at all costs and show them Grado wasn’t defenseless. His actions awoke the interest of Rioga, who called him to Grado Keep where he was officially recruited him into the Emperor’s service. He now spends his time as a man in charge, a prominent and dependable warrior among the Grado commanders and also oversees the training of hopefuls.
Equipment and Items: Steel Blade, Killing Edge, Antitoxin, Vulnerary, Hero Crest
Personality: Garric is a man that says that the only thing a man can truly trust is himself, and therefore a man should make sure to be the best he can. While cautious and independent, he sees reason to share his ideology and spread the skills to students as he wants Grado to become more powerful. This is also why he’s extremely tough on anyone he teaches to make sure they’re ready for anything. He expects an ambush at any time, might be a bit too cautious. At times when he’s in command he may put soldiers on guard in places where nobody could ever even consider being attacked and he might interpret the words of roughly anyone to be a lie that must be seen through and dealt with immediately. Other than that, he’s snarky, overly tense and not afraid to point fingers. But he’s one of the most trusted men in Grado.
Ability Assessment: Garric’s skill is top-notch. Due to being cautious, he has improved his defense and his skill in order to be able to handle any form of opponent, keeping his speed on Swordmaster standard to dodge blows as he can. However, his insistence of keeping alive may have somewhat injured his ability to strike a killing blow, his strength faltering a bit. But Garric compensates for this by wielding deadly blades, so underestimating the damage he can cause is a mistake an enemy won’t live to regret. That said, he probably shouldn’t challenge heavily armored enemies.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: As already mentioned, exceedingly cautious. Sleeps with a sword under his pillow, expects assassinations behind every single drapery, thinks a monster invasion is suddenly going to wipe out the town he just left thinking it was safe for now that very same night because he wasn’t there to defend it. Those close to him should learn how excessive this caution is, and stop taking it entirely seriously after a while. But one of these days, he may be right.
He also has a borderline extreme craving for apples. This combined with his caution means he always expects them all to be poisoned, because someone should have caught on to that he eats so many. He still eats them.
R-button Summarization: Skilled Swordmaster in employ of Grado. Excessively cautious about himself.

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: A man from the exposed lands of western Grado, Garric refused to live in fear and merely trust Jehanna’s mercenaries to protect him. Taking up the sword, he travelled to Jehanna itself in order to learn their arts from experienced swordsmen, and with newfound skills he soon came back and displayed his ability which had rose above all those around him. Proud of his accomplishments, he travelled all over Grado, determined to one-up the mercenaries at all costs and show them Grado wasn’t defenseless. His actions awoke the interest of Rioga, who called him to Grado Keep where he was officially recruited him into the Emperor’s service. He now spends his time as a man in charge, a prominent and dependable warrior among the Grado commanders and also oversees the training of hopefuls.
Equipment and Items: Steel Blade, Killing Edge, Antitoxin, Vulnerary, Hero Crest
Personality: Garric is a man that says that the only thing a man can truly trust is himself, and therefore a man should make sure to be the best he can. While cautious and independent, he sees reason to share his ideology and spread the skills to students as he wants Grado to become more powerful. This is also why he’s extremely tough on anyone he teaches to make sure they’re ready for anything. He expects an ambush at any time, might be a bit too cautious. At times when he’s in command he may put soldiers on guard in places where nobody could ever even consider being attacked and he might interpret the words of roughly anyone to be a lie that must be seen through and dealt with immediately. Other than that, he’s snarky, overly tense and not afraid to point fingers. But he’s one of the most trusted men in Grado.
Ability Assessment: Garric’s skill is top-notch. Due to being cautious, he has improved his defense and his skill in order to be able to handle any form of opponent, keeping his speed on Swordmaster standard to dodge blows as he can. However, his insistence of keeping alive may have somewhat injured his ability to strike a killing blow, his strength faltering a bit. But Garric compensates for this by wielding deadly blades, so underestimating the damage he can cause is a mistake an enemy won’t live to regret. That said, he probably shouldn’t challenge heavily armored enemies.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: As already mentioned, exceedingly cautious. Sleeps with a sword under his pillow, expects assassinations behind every single drapery, thinks a monster invasion is suddenly going to wipe out the town he just left thinking it was safe for now that very same night because he wasn’t there to defend it. Those close to him should learn how excessive this caution is, and stop taking it entirely seriously after a while. But one of these days, he may be right.
He also has a borderline extreme craving for apples. This combined with his caution means he always expects them all to be poisoned, because someone should have caught on to that he eats so many. He still eats them.
R-button Summarization: Skilled Swordmaster in employ of Grado. Excessively cautious about himself.
Name: Nero

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: General
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Lance: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: Nero is descendant from a long line of Generals within the Grado military and actually has an eight of Grado royal blood in his veins, his and Rioga’s great-grandfather once falling in love with the then female representative of Nero’s family. He grew up with his father near the Grado Keep and learned from day one to be the best protector that he could be. Not only protective of the Emperor and of the nation, he also oversees recruits and commands the army when Rioga is busy in other directions. His history doesn’t leave much to speak of, as he’s always been by the side of Grado military and to this day remain one of their most trusted and powerful commanders.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Knight Crest
Personality: Speaks in a clear, no-nonsense tone which nobody can fail to identify as the tone of someone who takes his job VERY seriously. As he looks over the soldiers in the service of the Court Emperor, it is as if his very eye judges their worth, and his voice is a mighty one which holds power second only to that of the Emperor himself. He displays himself as the ultimate warrior and General, confident to the last and logical to the end. He expects nothing less than this same behavior from the soldiers at his command. He has a very famous disappointed look in his eye that he directs at anyone that fails his expectations, and it is said that the ultimate guilt will overwhelm those who sees it…
Ability Assessment: Contrary to how most Generals would, Nero has actually sacrificed his heavy defense in order to gain greater speed, skill and power. This renders him a brutally balanced foe to face, faster than an average General so he can dodge, can still take quite the punch and can strike back with a painful blow in return. So the one weakness that remains is the general General weakness to magic. Nero intends to dodge those should he have to fight them, or have more swift soldiers deal with them, or make sure to defeat them in one blow. As well, even if he’s faster than the regular General, he’s still slow compared to the faster classes. Really.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He desires nothing more than to serve Grado as well as he can. There is the fact that his “disappointed” glare is said to render common men weak in their knees, that he can defeat them by just looking at them in disappointment. Other than that, he wakes up really early to do all his comforts, training, taking baths, this simply to ensure that he’s already in armour and ready when everyone else wakes up. On the flip-side of that, this means Nero actually goes to bed around eight o'clock, already fast asleep during the time the rest of the men party unless there is reason to be awake. If there is reason to be awake, though, then it’s like the need for sleep doesn’t even exist for him.
R-button Summarization: Commanding guardian of Grado and one of Rioga’s best men. Very strict and serious.

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: General
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Lance: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: Nero is descendant from a long line of Generals within the Grado military and actually has an eight of Grado royal blood in his veins, his and Rioga’s great-grandfather once falling in love with the then female representative of Nero’s family. He grew up with his father near the Grado Keep and learned from day one to be the best protector that he could be. Not only protective of the Emperor and of the nation, he also oversees recruits and commands the army when Rioga is busy in other directions. His history doesn’t leave much to speak of, as he’s always been by the side of Grado military and to this day remain one of their most trusted and powerful commanders.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Knight Crest
Personality: Speaks in a clear, no-nonsense tone which nobody can fail to identify as the tone of someone who takes his job VERY seriously. As he looks over the soldiers in the service of the Court Emperor, it is as if his very eye judges their worth, and his voice is a mighty one which holds power second only to that of the Emperor himself. He displays himself as the ultimate warrior and General, confident to the last and logical to the end. He expects nothing less than this same behavior from the soldiers at his command. He has a very famous disappointed look in his eye that he directs at anyone that fails his expectations, and it is said that the ultimate guilt will overwhelm those who sees it…
Ability Assessment: Contrary to how most Generals would, Nero has actually sacrificed his heavy defense in order to gain greater speed, skill and power. This renders him a brutally balanced foe to face, faster than an average General so he can dodge, can still take quite the punch and can strike back with a painful blow in return. So the one weakness that remains is the general General weakness to magic. Nero intends to dodge those should he have to fight them, or have more swift soldiers deal with them, or make sure to defeat them in one blow. As well, even if he’s faster than the regular General, he’s still slow compared to the faster classes. Really.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He desires nothing more than to serve Grado as well as he can. There is the fact that his “disappointed” glare is said to render common men weak in their knees, that he can defeat them by just looking at them in disappointment. Other than that, he wakes up really early to do all his comforts, training, taking baths, this simply to ensure that he’s already in armour and ready when everyone else wakes up. On the flip-side of that, this means Nero actually goes to bed around eight o'clock, already fast asleep during the time the rest of the men party unless there is reason to be awake. If there is reason to be awake, though, then it’s like the need for sleep doesn’t even exist for him.
R-button Summarization: Commanding guardian of Grado and one of Rioga’s best men. Very strict and serious.
Name: Tilda
Apparent Age: Adult woman.
Gender: Female
Nation: Grado
Class: Wyvern Lord
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: Tilda was born into the more struggling parts of Grado as a lowly farmer peasant, and was in her youth visited by the then young prince Rioga. Touched by his honesty and perhaps developing a little crush on the way older prince, Tilda worked to become a warrior of her own right. While she found she wasn’t strong enough to become a good warrior on foot, her past at a farm allowed her a natural connection with animals, and Tilda wouldn’t settle until the biggest and meanest Wyvern was at her beck and call. Growing close to it and working alongside the prince for years, although not becoming the girl of his heart, she still supports Rioga to this day. Today, she’s a teacher for young Wyvern Riders and support when they want to get their own beast, and is overall the Commander of Grado’s Wyvern Riders. A Wyvern Lord, indeed.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Iron Axe, Vulnerary
Personality: Tilda is kind-hearted, somewhat adventurous and has a magnificent presence for someone that is really rather short. She’s seemingly unable to experience fear, holding absolute confidence in her allies and that things will work out, even when it won’t. It’ll just be a valuable experience instead. She has a natural connection to most animals and can tell if they’re happy or not, and probably what they need. It should be noted that she’s terrible at evaluating if she’s in danger or not.
Ability Assessment: Tilda isn’t personally very strong, but she has an unparallelled connection to her Wyvern, giving her exceptional maneuverability. She’s fast and she’s tough, enabling her to become very hard to defeat. However, her skill falters when compared to the big names out there, and her strength is as mentioned nothing to write home about. When facing a horde of weaker enemies she’s a monster, however.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Tilda is an expert at reading animals and subconsciously determining what they need next, and as such is very good at taking care of such animals. At very strange moments, however, this ability leaks over to reading humanoids, Manaketes in particular are like open books to her. In addition, there’s her absolute inability to feel fear or recognize when a situation is dangerous that can sometimes be really bad. She might have utmost confidence in that someone will accomplish the impossible, despite the fact they obviously cannot, but this might distort the expectations of the one she’s talking to.
R-button Summarization: Commander of Grado’s Wyvern Riders. Fought alongside Rioga since young.

Apparent Age: Adult woman.
Gender: Female
Nation: Grado
Class: Wyvern Lord
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: Tilda was born into the more struggling parts of Grado as a lowly farmer peasant, and was in her youth visited by the then young prince Rioga. Touched by his honesty and perhaps developing a little crush on the way older prince, Tilda worked to become a warrior of her own right. While she found she wasn’t strong enough to become a good warrior on foot, her past at a farm allowed her a natural connection with animals, and Tilda wouldn’t settle until the biggest and meanest Wyvern was at her beck and call. Growing close to it and working alongside the prince for years, although not becoming the girl of his heart, she still supports Rioga to this day. Today, she’s a teacher for young Wyvern Riders and support when they want to get their own beast, and is overall the Commander of Grado’s Wyvern Riders. A Wyvern Lord, indeed.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Iron Axe, Vulnerary
Personality: Tilda is kind-hearted, somewhat adventurous and has a magnificent presence for someone that is really rather short. She’s seemingly unable to experience fear, holding absolute confidence in her allies and that things will work out, even when it won’t. It’ll just be a valuable experience instead. She has a natural connection to most animals and can tell if they’re happy or not, and probably what they need. It should be noted that she’s terrible at evaluating if she’s in danger or not.
Ability Assessment: Tilda isn’t personally very strong, but she has an unparallelled connection to her Wyvern, giving her exceptional maneuverability. She’s fast and she’s tough, enabling her to become very hard to defeat. However, her skill falters when compared to the big names out there, and her strength is as mentioned nothing to write home about. When facing a horde of weaker enemies she’s a monster, however.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Tilda is an expert at reading animals and subconsciously determining what they need next, and as such is very good at taking care of such animals. At very strange moments, however, this ability leaks over to reading humanoids, Manaketes in particular are like open books to her. In addition, there’s her absolute inability to feel fear or recognize when a situation is dangerous that can sometimes be really bad. She might have utmost confidence in that someone will accomplish the impossible, despite the fact they obviously cannot, but this might distort the expectations of the one she’s talking to.
R-button Summarization: Commander of Grado’s Wyvern Riders. Fought alongside Rioga since young.
Name: Ansovald
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Mage Knight
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Staff: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Ansovald was a noble living the healthy life somewhere in the west parts of Grado, who couldn’t wait until his father died a natural death. Inheriting his area, he lorded happily and then sought new challenges with trying out magic as well as swordplay. Joining the Grado military under Sir Wilhelm, he excelled in ability and quickly managed to get himself promoted to become a Grado commander. Everything seemed fine… except underground he was making dark deals with bandits to have his people be robbed so he could have them pay more for his protection and on the side he was dealing in kidnappings and marketing of illegal things, hiring bandits and thieves to steal things he wants, and wasn’t above killing those who discovered what he was doing. Point is, if you want to have a terrible childhood you can blame it on this guy. At some point, he lost his left eye. Nobody seems to know why. (you can take credit for that if you want, as part of your backstory, heh)
Rioga had gotten some worrying reports about Ansovald and was holding an investigation that would surely have resulted in Ansovald’s dealings being revealed to the public, but then Jehanna’s invasion happened. Obviously, Ansovald is showing them complete cooperation and is selling out as much as he possibly could to the incoming invaders.
Equipment and Items: Elfire, Runesword, Vulnerary
Personality: A wicked and devious creature that likes to be seen as somewhat honorable on the outside when he’s really terrible on the inside. He can bust out the charm at any point, and actually seem really honest and like he’s a good person. However, he’s incurably greedy combined with determined to see his goals through. On an extension, he sees this all as a game. How far can he get before he reaches his limit? How many valuable items can he get, how many lives can he make miserable for his own benefit before karma sets out to get him? Curious to find out, he just kept getting worse, and worse, and worse…!
Ability Assessment: In actual battle, Ansovald is not particularly magically or physically powerful. Both stats are pretty low. To compensate, Ansovald is fast and skilled, able to send blow after blow coming at the opponents, and as a Mage Knight he wields both swords and magic in a deadly and skilled combo. But, as with the more devious opponents, against Ansovald a commander must keep their wits about, for foul play may be afoot. Ansovald avoids battles he isn’t sure he can win with some trickery…!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Quite an actor. At some point in his life, he was very much into drama and people of the past claim to have seen plays when Ansovald as a young noble played his heart out with such passion. Of course, that was a fleeting passion and he’s now more interested in politics and power, but it stuck with his fans and they covet seeing him act again. It is occasionally the reason Ansovald avoids being seen in public… Yet he still has the skills, they’re ingrained in his head. Besides, he does enjoy watching the occasional play. He so loves drama. … But lately, he has found a passion for real-life drama as well, so if possible he’ll pull the strings and see the sights…
R-button Summarization: A noble and a commander of Grado. Pretends to be a kind soul, but makes dark deals beneath the surface.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Mage Knight
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Staff: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Ansovald was a noble living the healthy life somewhere in the west parts of Grado, who couldn’t wait until his father died a natural death. Inheriting his area, he lorded happily and then sought new challenges with trying out magic as well as swordplay. Joining the Grado military under Sir Wilhelm, he excelled in ability and quickly managed to get himself promoted to become a Grado commander. Everything seemed fine… except underground he was making dark deals with bandits to have his people be robbed so he could have them pay more for his protection and on the side he was dealing in kidnappings and marketing of illegal things, hiring bandits and thieves to steal things he wants, and wasn’t above killing those who discovered what he was doing. Point is, if you want to have a terrible childhood you can blame it on this guy. At some point, he lost his left eye. Nobody seems to know why. (you can take credit for that if you want, as part of your backstory, heh)
Rioga had gotten some worrying reports about Ansovald and was holding an investigation that would surely have resulted in Ansovald’s dealings being revealed to the public, but then Jehanna’s invasion happened. Obviously, Ansovald is showing them complete cooperation and is selling out as much as he possibly could to the incoming invaders.
Equipment and Items: Elfire, Runesword, Vulnerary
Personality: A wicked and devious creature that likes to be seen as somewhat honorable on the outside when he’s really terrible on the inside. He can bust out the charm at any point, and actually seem really honest and like he’s a good person. However, he’s incurably greedy combined with determined to see his goals through. On an extension, he sees this all as a game. How far can he get before he reaches his limit? How many valuable items can he get, how many lives can he make miserable for his own benefit before karma sets out to get him? Curious to find out, he just kept getting worse, and worse, and worse…!
Ability Assessment: In actual battle, Ansovald is not particularly magically or physically powerful. Both stats are pretty low. To compensate, Ansovald is fast and skilled, able to send blow after blow coming at the opponents, and as a Mage Knight he wields both swords and magic in a deadly and skilled combo. But, as with the more devious opponents, against Ansovald a commander must keep their wits about, for foul play may be afoot. Ansovald avoids battles he isn’t sure he can win with some trickery…!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Quite an actor. At some point in his life, he was very much into drama and people of the past claim to have seen plays when Ansovald as a young noble played his heart out with such passion. Of course, that was a fleeting passion and he’s now more interested in politics and power, but it stuck with his fans and they covet seeing him act again. It is occasionally the reason Ansovald avoids being seen in public… Yet he still has the skills, they’re ingrained in his head. Besides, he does enjoy watching the occasional play. He so loves drama. … But lately, he has found a passion for real-life drama as well, so if possible he’ll pull the strings and see the sights…
R-button Summarization: A noble and a commander of Grado. Pretends to be a kind soul, but makes dark deals beneath the surface.
Name: Wilhelm
Apparent Age: Getting Older
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Great Knight
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???, Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Living during the time of Rioga’s father’s time, Wilhelm rose from a peasant village and became a hero at a time Grado had no heroes. He became Grado’s sole general of the army and rose to do battle with monsters when people earlier had only relied on Jehannan mercenaries. Rioga’s father launched a campaign, seeking to advertise this man as much as possible to make the men and women of Grado brave enough to stand on their own again. Bards sung tales of him. He was Wilhelm, the Sword of Darkness! He laid waste to the monsters of the land, the tales of his feats were spun far and wide! All of Grado knew his name! … Actual Wilhelm was a worthy warrior, but perhaps not the hero they were making him out to be. Still, as a great strategist and powerful general, Wilhelm got a military going that Prince Rioga could then grow further as he took over the throne.
Now, with Jehannas invasion, Wilhelm was the one who led the Grado military to meet Sion on the field of battle. The battle did not go well, and there has been no word of Wilhelm’s condition since.
Equipment and Items: Steel Blade, Heavy Spear, Halberd, Vulnerary
Personality: Gruff and tough. Wilhelm often entered the field of battle with a grin and shouting over-the-top inspiration lines as well as shouting mockery at his enemies, which isn’t a practice that he necessarily has stopped with. Out of battle, he was always the gruff realist, telling about what he thought should be done and then went to do it. He didn’t do any of this for the fame and fortune, and he’s honestly somewhat annoyed with just how much he hears exaggerated stories of his own feats. They make him seem inhuman, according to himself. It’s a heavy burden to bear, having all those expectations on him. That was part of why he immediately led the army to meet Sion.
Ability Assessment: He’s getting older. While he was always a tank, he could always hold off hordes of monsters with his monstrous defense and strike back with massive strength, he’s been getting older. The supposed awesomeness is slowly draining from his limbs, making him really slow and his strikes are not as skilled as they once was. That all said… assuming his opponent is human, they have undoubtedly heard all the “facts” surrounding Sir Wilhelm, Sword of Darkness. If nothing else, Wilhelm still absolutely LOOKS the part, and can probably stare down lesser men with his eyes alone. No normal human can face him without some degree of nervousness… mostly. Didn’t work on Sion and Nethanel, unfortunately.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: A somewhat memetic individual, the way the stories of Wilhelm have been spun makes him seem like he can dig through the center of the planet, scare the sun into going slower, that the earthquake 300 years ago was actually him accidentally trapping himself in mortal form and that’s why there are monsters everywhere (because he was no longer in the demon realm holding them all off). All nonsense, of course. Wilhelm has a wife and numerous children, he has lived a fairly good life. … … …
R-button Summarization: An old general of Grado. Hailed as a hero, but his feats have been greatly exaggerated by storytellers.

Apparent Age: Getting Older
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Great Knight
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???, Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Living during the time of Rioga’s father’s time, Wilhelm rose from a peasant village and became a hero at a time Grado had no heroes. He became Grado’s sole general of the army and rose to do battle with monsters when people earlier had only relied on Jehannan mercenaries. Rioga’s father launched a campaign, seeking to advertise this man as much as possible to make the men and women of Grado brave enough to stand on their own again. Bards sung tales of him. He was Wilhelm, the Sword of Darkness! He laid waste to the monsters of the land, the tales of his feats were spun far and wide! All of Grado knew his name! … Actual Wilhelm was a worthy warrior, but perhaps not the hero they were making him out to be. Still, as a great strategist and powerful general, Wilhelm got a military going that Prince Rioga could then grow further as he took over the throne.
Now, with Jehannas invasion, Wilhelm was the one who led the Grado military to meet Sion on the field of battle. The battle did not go well, and there has been no word of Wilhelm’s condition since.
Equipment and Items: Steel Blade, Heavy Spear, Halberd, Vulnerary
Personality: Gruff and tough. Wilhelm often entered the field of battle with a grin and shouting over-the-top inspiration lines as well as shouting mockery at his enemies, which isn’t a practice that he necessarily has stopped with. Out of battle, he was always the gruff realist, telling about what he thought should be done and then went to do it. He didn’t do any of this for the fame and fortune, and he’s honestly somewhat annoyed with just how much he hears exaggerated stories of his own feats. They make him seem inhuman, according to himself. It’s a heavy burden to bear, having all those expectations on him. That was part of why he immediately led the army to meet Sion.
Ability Assessment: He’s getting older. While he was always a tank, he could always hold off hordes of monsters with his monstrous defense and strike back with massive strength, he’s been getting older. The supposed awesomeness is slowly draining from his limbs, making him really slow and his strikes are not as skilled as they once was. That all said… assuming his opponent is human, they have undoubtedly heard all the “facts” surrounding Sir Wilhelm, Sword of Darkness. If nothing else, Wilhelm still absolutely LOOKS the part, and can probably stare down lesser men with his eyes alone. No normal human can face him without some degree of nervousness… mostly. Didn’t work on Sion and Nethanel, unfortunately.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: A somewhat memetic individual, the way the stories of Wilhelm have been spun makes him seem like he can dig through the center of the planet, scare the sun into going slower, that the earthquake 300 years ago was actually him accidentally trapping himself in mortal form and that’s why there are monsters everywhere (because he was no longer in the demon realm holding them all off). All nonsense, of course. Wilhelm has a wife and numerous children, he has lived a fairly good life. … … …
R-button Summarization: An old general of Grado. Hailed as a hero, but his feats have been greatly exaggerated by storytellers.
Name: Aldo

Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Shaman
Weapon Mastery: Dark: E
Level: 1
Background: A young shaman that was born to a researcher in the elder magical arts. Aldo’s grandfather had been somewhat of a genius, with many discoveries being made that he simply didn’t let anyone know about. Young Aldo, though, who so excitedly stepped into the dark research on his own, impressed the old man and he allowed Aldo to delve into the his research. Unfortunately, the old man died rather soon after, but Aldo was allowed to go through all the research and make it his own. Aldo is now disproportionately powerful, exceptionally skilled with the non-destructive parts of the elder magic but inferior with the combat kind, and with near zero experience he can do really little. However… magically, he is exceptional, and now serves as a magical advisor to the royal throne of Grado and is considered someone who the world simply cannot lose by King Rioga, who knows what he is capable of.
Equipment and Items: Flux, Vulnerary, Guiding Ring.
Personality: He’s way too serious for his own good. The young boy will most likely lecture anyone who takes it too easy, always prioritize maximum safety and he isn’t afraid to encourage abandoning civilians for the good of the world. However, Aldo has, as can be guessed, a rather sensitive soul that responds positively to kindness and affection. He tries to act mostly about himself and his nation, to make brutal decisions for the good of the masses, but he has an innocent heart below that, which will be forced to act righteously should disaster strike right before his eyes. He’s braver than he thinks he is.
Ability Assessment: His dark spells are really destructive due to his phenomenal magical ability and his skill with the spells is also top notch… but everything else falters. Magical as well as physical defense falters, even by the degree expected of mages, his speed is laughable since he never worked out and he won’t be dodging attacks any time soon. However, should he be allowed to strike first or support, don’t expect enemies to easily avoid his spells and be left having taken some serious damage.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: You see that Guiding Ring in his inventory? It is his precious memento of his dead grandfather, and he will vehemently/childishly defend it and protect it from being taken from him or used, despite the advantages it might give to the recently promoted magic-user. Other than that, Aldo’s lack of skill is of mention. He never did anything but research magic, military and politics, so he can’t do anything else. Despite this, he’ll often try to give his advice on things like, cooking, cleaning, tying shoe-laces, talk to girls… Except he’s terrible at that sort of thing, but his natural advisor-mode just switch on and he gives terrible advice with a confident voice. He dreams of becoming a researcher worthy of his deceased grandfather who can aid the world.
R-button Summarization: A shaman researcher and advisor on things magic in service of Grado. Magically gifted and incurably serious.

Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Shaman
Weapon Mastery: Dark: E
Level: 1
Background: A young shaman that was born to a researcher in the elder magical arts. Aldo’s grandfather had been somewhat of a genius, with many discoveries being made that he simply didn’t let anyone know about. Young Aldo, though, who so excitedly stepped into the dark research on his own, impressed the old man and he allowed Aldo to delve into the his research. Unfortunately, the old man died rather soon after, but Aldo was allowed to go through all the research and make it his own. Aldo is now disproportionately powerful, exceptionally skilled with the non-destructive parts of the elder magic but inferior with the combat kind, and with near zero experience he can do really little. However… magically, he is exceptional, and now serves as a magical advisor to the royal throne of Grado and is considered someone who the world simply cannot lose by King Rioga, who knows what he is capable of.
Equipment and Items: Flux, Vulnerary, Guiding Ring.
Personality: He’s way too serious for his own good. The young boy will most likely lecture anyone who takes it too easy, always prioritize maximum safety and he isn’t afraid to encourage abandoning civilians for the good of the world. However, Aldo has, as can be guessed, a rather sensitive soul that responds positively to kindness and affection. He tries to act mostly about himself and his nation, to make brutal decisions for the good of the masses, but he has an innocent heart below that, which will be forced to act righteously should disaster strike right before his eyes. He’s braver than he thinks he is.
Ability Assessment: His dark spells are really destructive due to his phenomenal magical ability and his skill with the spells is also top notch… but everything else falters. Magical as well as physical defense falters, even by the degree expected of mages, his speed is laughable since he never worked out and he won’t be dodging attacks any time soon. However, should he be allowed to strike first or support, don’t expect enemies to easily avoid his spells and be left having taken some serious damage.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: You see that Guiding Ring in his inventory? It is his precious memento of his dead grandfather, and he will vehemently/childishly defend it and protect it from being taken from him or used, despite the advantages it might give to the recently promoted magic-user. Other than that, Aldo’s lack of skill is of mention. He never did anything but research magic, military and politics, so he can’t do anything else. Despite this, he’ll often try to give his advice on things like, cooking, cleaning, tying shoe-laces, talk to girls… Except he’s terrible at that sort of thing, but his natural advisor-mode just switch on and he gives terrible advice with a confident voice. He dreams of becoming a researcher worthy of his deceased grandfather who can aid the world.
R-button Summarization: A shaman researcher and advisor on things magic in service of Grado. Magically gifted and incurably serious.
Name: Romilda
Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Grado
Class: Summoner
Weapon Mastery: N/A (sealed)
Level: ???
Background: Dark-magic criminal that has been captured. Hailing from a small village in Grado, where her mother was the wisest, most magical and most cherished person in town that guided everyone on their way, Romilda started her journey trying to replicate her mother’s feats as a Cleric, but travelling to the capital to study Romilda was attracted to the allure of Dark magic. Studying now as a Shaman, she grew into a powerful and respected member of Grado’s dark-magic researchers. However, at some point her path strayed, and she sought to use dark arts to enslave humans in order to make them her assistants as she studied to make monsters of her own. For a time, she had laid claim to several villages to make them cooperate for her goals. When found out a battle occurred between Rioga and Romilda’s unwilling servants and summons, one that ended in Rioga’s victory and Romilda being held in one of Rioga’s famous public trials. The conclusion led to that Romilda’s dark arts were sealed through a rare ceremony not often performed, and is now held in the castle prison until she can be rehabilitated. Castle therapists aren’t hopeful.
Equipment and Items: ---
Personality: Romilda’s usually a quiet soul, not often sharing what she’s recently discovered. If asked, however, she’ll be more than happy to tell you. She’s sharp, intelligent and tends to view herself as relatively superior to those around her. She’s also drawn to knowledge, especially if that is knowledge she’s not supposed to know. Romilda’s also the kind that will argue that the end justifies the means, to her those unwilling participants were helping her with an experiment that ultimately would make the world a better place. That all said, when she’s angry, Romilda’s somewhat aggressive and more than willing to see those who oppose her injured or belittled. She’s not a fan of her current predicament.
Ability Assessment: Decently skilled and fast, but lacks competent defense. Her ability with the dark arts are significant, and she isn’t necessarily sacrificing any power when she was wielding those tomes. That said, she’s now under a magical seal, greatly restricting her offensive magical ability.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Despite all she’s putting up, Romilda very much wants to be talented at the common things women does in medieval societies. Cooking, housekeeping, taking care of people. This is when a significant fact emerges, Romilda is an absolute klutz when it comes to such things. Any dish she tries to cook somehow becomes terrible, and with carrying things they seem to just slip out of her hands. This infuriates her greatly, making her stubbornly try again. If she’s in the kitchen she might lit everything on fire, be careful. … And, there’s only one thing she truly fears, which just so happens to be the face of her mother. Because, she’s very sure her mother is very, very disappointed in her right now, and despite everything the last thing Romilda wanted was to disappoint her mother…
R-button Summarization: Notorious dark-magic criminal. Captured and had her magic sealed by Rioga.

Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Grado
Class: Summoner
Weapon Mastery: N/A (sealed)
Level: ???
Background: Dark-magic criminal that has been captured. Hailing from a small village in Grado, where her mother was the wisest, most magical and most cherished person in town that guided everyone on their way, Romilda started her journey trying to replicate her mother’s feats as a Cleric, but travelling to the capital to study Romilda was attracted to the allure of Dark magic. Studying now as a Shaman, she grew into a powerful and respected member of Grado’s dark-magic researchers. However, at some point her path strayed, and she sought to use dark arts to enslave humans in order to make them her assistants as she studied to make monsters of her own. For a time, she had laid claim to several villages to make them cooperate for her goals. When found out a battle occurred between Rioga and Romilda’s unwilling servants and summons, one that ended in Rioga’s victory and Romilda being held in one of Rioga’s famous public trials. The conclusion led to that Romilda’s dark arts were sealed through a rare ceremony not often performed, and is now held in the castle prison until she can be rehabilitated. Castle therapists aren’t hopeful.
Equipment and Items: ---
Personality: Romilda’s usually a quiet soul, not often sharing what she’s recently discovered. If asked, however, she’ll be more than happy to tell you. She’s sharp, intelligent and tends to view herself as relatively superior to those around her. She’s also drawn to knowledge, especially if that is knowledge she’s not supposed to know. Romilda’s also the kind that will argue that the end justifies the means, to her those unwilling participants were helping her with an experiment that ultimately would make the world a better place. That all said, when she’s angry, Romilda’s somewhat aggressive and more than willing to see those who oppose her injured or belittled. She’s not a fan of her current predicament.
Ability Assessment: Decently skilled and fast, but lacks competent defense. Her ability with the dark arts are significant, and she isn’t necessarily sacrificing any power when she was wielding those tomes. That said, she’s now under a magical seal, greatly restricting her offensive magical ability.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Despite all she’s putting up, Romilda very much wants to be talented at the common things women does in medieval societies. Cooking, housekeeping, taking care of people. This is when a significant fact emerges, Romilda is an absolute klutz when it comes to such things. Any dish she tries to cook somehow becomes terrible, and with carrying things they seem to just slip out of her hands. This infuriates her greatly, making her stubbornly try again. If she’s in the kitchen she might lit everything on fire, be careful. … And, there’s only one thing she truly fears, which just so happens to be the face of her mother. Because, she’s very sure her mother is very, very disappointed in her right now, and despite everything the last thing Romilda wanted was to disappoint her mother…
R-button Summarization: Notorious dark-magic criminal. Captured and had her magic sealed by Rioga.
Name: Baldomar
Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Archer
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born a poor boy under Ansovald’s rule, Baldomar was forced to watch his father endlessly argue with a lord who didn’t care. Launching his own investigation, Baldomar’s father ended up dying to a “bandit attack” because he came too close to unearthing Ansovald’s truth. Angered and simply assuming Ansovald to be the man his late father had said he was, Baldomar picked up the bow and decided to do something about it himself. He got a couple of friends together and they committed to rooting out the corruption. At first, they were seen as common bandits, raiding Ansovald’s transports and inspecting the wares. However, they battled common bandits and Jehannan mercenaries acting up, too. Rioga was called to take a look at the situation… but instead, he was led to check a bit more on Ansovald and those shipments being attacked. This led the suspicion of Ansovald’s guilt. Still, that never came into fruition, and as such Baldomar’s gang, even while claiming to be acting out of justice, are still being viewed as criminals. Still, rumors claim Rioga once came face to face with them and opted not to capture them…
Equipment and Items: Iron Bow, Vulnerary
Personality: Snarky, confident in what he does and a natural leader. Unlikely to become intimidated by even the toughest of opponents and way more likely to taunt them with an inappropriate joke. Doesn’t take other people leading him too well and has a natural disdain of lords or princes due to the noble that had his father killed, but have been noted to be able to work past said dislike should he need to. Interestingly enough, out of the battlefield he’s naturally clumsy and might drop things accidentally or stumble often, yet as soon as he gets serious he’s all professional and would never make such mistakes. A good man at heart, even if he’s distrusting and quick to want to take things into his own hands.
Ability Assessment: Swift, accurate and very skillful shots make up Baldomar’s portfolio. With enough focus he can hit enemies behind cover through foliage and over a considerable distance. Very accurate, his skill with the bow is without question and he’s pretty fast, too. Though, his strength is a little lacking. Those in heavy armor will be able to shrug off his arrows like they’re nothing, he’s better off targeting those who are easier to injure. That said, if there are any weak spots in that armor, Baldomar’s considerable skill will enable him to flawlessly stick an arrow in that weakness.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Having grown up dirty, he never really considers that perhaps he should clean up. He often smells considerably of nature, and this never bothers him, and taking off his shoes never really comes naturally. He cleans himself much more rarely than others, but this doesn’t bother him in the slightest. … Because of lack of exposure to them when young, he can get incredibly awkward around really pretty girls. Then he becomes truly clumsy.
R-button Summarization: A Grado youth. Leads a band of ruffians seeking to expose corrupt nobles.

Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Grado
Class: Archer
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born a poor boy under Ansovald’s rule, Baldomar was forced to watch his father endlessly argue with a lord who didn’t care. Launching his own investigation, Baldomar’s father ended up dying to a “bandit attack” because he came too close to unearthing Ansovald’s truth. Angered and simply assuming Ansovald to be the man his late father had said he was, Baldomar picked up the bow and decided to do something about it himself. He got a couple of friends together and they committed to rooting out the corruption. At first, they were seen as common bandits, raiding Ansovald’s transports and inspecting the wares. However, they battled common bandits and Jehannan mercenaries acting up, too. Rioga was called to take a look at the situation… but instead, he was led to check a bit more on Ansovald and those shipments being attacked. This led the suspicion of Ansovald’s guilt. Still, that never came into fruition, and as such Baldomar’s gang, even while claiming to be acting out of justice, are still being viewed as criminals. Still, rumors claim Rioga once came face to face with them and opted not to capture them…
Equipment and Items: Iron Bow, Vulnerary
Personality: Snarky, confident in what he does and a natural leader. Unlikely to become intimidated by even the toughest of opponents and way more likely to taunt them with an inappropriate joke. Doesn’t take other people leading him too well and has a natural disdain of lords or princes due to the noble that had his father killed, but have been noted to be able to work past said dislike should he need to. Interestingly enough, out of the battlefield he’s naturally clumsy and might drop things accidentally or stumble often, yet as soon as he gets serious he’s all professional and would never make such mistakes. A good man at heart, even if he’s distrusting and quick to want to take things into his own hands.
Ability Assessment: Swift, accurate and very skillful shots make up Baldomar’s portfolio. With enough focus he can hit enemies behind cover through foliage and over a considerable distance. Very accurate, his skill with the bow is without question and he’s pretty fast, too. Though, his strength is a little lacking. Those in heavy armor will be able to shrug off his arrows like they’re nothing, he’s better off targeting those who are easier to injure. That said, if there are any weak spots in that armor, Baldomar’s considerable skill will enable him to flawlessly stick an arrow in that weakness.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Having grown up dirty, he never really considers that perhaps he should clean up. He often smells considerably of nature, and this never bothers him, and taking off his shoes never really comes naturally. He cleans himself much more rarely than others, but this doesn’t bother him in the slightest. … Because of lack of exposure to them when young, he can get incredibly awkward around really pretty girls. Then he becomes truly clumsy.
R-button Summarization: A Grado youth. Leads a band of ruffians seeking to expose corrupt nobles.
Name: Sion, King of the Red Sands
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: The king of Jehanna. Born an unknown amount of years ago as an honest prince of Jehanna, he quickly overtook his two siblings in popularity as he spent many of his years cruising the world as a freelance mercenary who helped people out wherever there was trouble afoot. During this trip he gained many friends, but also got a sincere taste for how desperate the world was for salvation. The people had been under the threat of monsters for far too long. In one way or another, it had to be fixed. If the problem wasn’t solved, then the world would forever be trembling in fear at the monsters at their doorstep… Tales say he spent a long time researching for a way to end it forever.
The answer now claims that eliminating the Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem, will destroy the evil taint upon the land and erase the Demon King and his like from history. Evidently, King Sion chose to act upon these claims as he is now invading Grado, albeit it should be noted he never stated this as the reason behind his invasion. He has promised that any Grado soldier that puts down his or her arms will be spared, but any who does not will be cut down. As the soldiers of Grado knows they are fighting for the fate of the world when they are defending the Fire Emblem, Sion has found that the Grado forces have not put down their arms. The King of Jehanna held true to his words.
Equipment and Items: Lancereaver, Silver Sword, Wind Sword, Elixir.
Personality: Meeting him you’d think he was cool and calm, with a pleasant smile on his lips. He shows dedication to his people, kindness to their well-being, and works hard to keep everything within the many guilds working. However, face him in combat and you’ll see nothing but an imposing demon, that smile which still haven’t left his expression nothing but creepy, as he gracefully cuts through the flesh of your allies, merciless to those who oppose him…
Ability Assessment: It is impossible to make an assessment of his advantages and disadvantages. For his level, Sion actually appears kind of slow. His strikes don’t do a whole lot of damage, either. However, Sion fights with so much skill, his mind seemingly working out the flow of battle so perfectly that he’s never where the attacker thinks he’s going to be. Sion moves with such grace in combat, you’d think he was dancing, and he wields so deadly weapons so masterfully that it standing on the opposite end of his blade is lethal no matter what your level of strength is.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Sion is easily amused. He might sometimes let things take a turn which it wouldn’t had he done his best. He sometimes seems to have completely random mood-swings, from anger to happiness, which makes it difficult for his subjects to know how he thinks. Since he easily gets amused, it is surprisingly easy to string him along secret surprises and get him to keep them, because he’s amused.
R-button Summarization: Jehanna’s King of Red Sands, cause of this war. A graceful and deadly swordsman. Kind to his allies, terrifying to his enemies.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: The king of Jehanna. Born an unknown amount of years ago as an honest prince of Jehanna, he quickly overtook his two siblings in popularity as he spent many of his years cruising the world as a freelance mercenary who helped people out wherever there was trouble afoot. During this trip he gained many friends, but also got a sincere taste for how desperate the world was for salvation. The people had been under the threat of monsters for far too long. In one way or another, it had to be fixed. If the problem wasn’t solved, then the world would forever be trembling in fear at the monsters at their doorstep… Tales say he spent a long time researching for a way to end it forever.
The answer now claims that eliminating the Sacred Stone, the Fire Emblem, will destroy the evil taint upon the land and erase the Demon King and his like from history. Evidently, King Sion chose to act upon these claims as he is now invading Grado, albeit it should be noted he never stated this as the reason behind his invasion. He has promised that any Grado soldier that puts down his or her arms will be spared, but any who does not will be cut down. As the soldiers of Grado knows they are fighting for the fate of the world when they are defending the Fire Emblem, Sion has found that the Grado forces have not put down their arms. The King of Jehanna held true to his words.
Equipment and Items: Lancereaver, Silver Sword, Wind Sword, Elixir.
Personality: Meeting him you’d think he was cool and calm, with a pleasant smile on his lips. He shows dedication to his people, kindness to their well-being, and works hard to keep everything within the many guilds working. However, face him in combat and you’ll see nothing but an imposing demon, that smile which still haven’t left his expression nothing but creepy, as he gracefully cuts through the flesh of your allies, merciless to those who oppose him…
Ability Assessment: It is impossible to make an assessment of his advantages and disadvantages. For his level, Sion actually appears kind of slow. His strikes don’t do a whole lot of damage, either. However, Sion fights with so much skill, his mind seemingly working out the flow of battle so perfectly that he’s never where the attacker thinks he’s going to be. Sion moves with such grace in combat, you’d think he was dancing, and he wields so deadly weapons so masterfully that it standing on the opposite end of his blade is lethal no matter what your level of strength is.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Sion is easily amused. He might sometimes let things take a turn which it wouldn’t had he done his best. He sometimes seems to have completely random mood-swings, from anger to happiness, which makes it difficult for his subjects to know how he thinks. Since he easily gets amused, it is surprisingly easy to string him along secret surprises and get him to keep them, because he’s amused.
R-button Summarization: Jehanna’s King of Red Sands, cause of this war. A graceful and deadly swordsman. Kind to his allies, terrifying to his enemies.
Name: Nethanel
Apparent Age: Young adult.
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???
Level: ???
Background: During his travels around the world, Sion found a young Swordmaster in an abandoned ruin deep within Jehanna. An insane criminal, the man known as Nethanel had cut down many a warrior or civilian that had attempted to match him or even just converse with him. Rumours told how sometime in the past he had allegedly cut down both his parents and the majority of his village. Such a soul should be unforgivable, and the only solution should have been to kill him… but somehow, Sion was able to match the deadly swordsman, and tame him. Nethanel now walks on Sion’s side as his second-in-command, with a near loving affection constantly aimed at his lord. Nethanel now turns his bloodthirsty intentions towards the foes of his king…
Equipment and Items: Killing Edge, Runesword
Personality: A smile. It might be that this man is merely copying the smile which his savior Sion is often wearing, but Nethanel is almost always wearing a nice little smile, regardless of what he’s doing at the time. He also has absolutely nothing against slicing someone to pieces and watch as their contents… yeah. He was insane, and remains insane.
Ability Assessment: Speed. Strength. Skill. All of it is top-notch. Nethanel strikes with such murderous talent, speed and power that there are few of his opponents which have not lost at least one limb every time he draws his sword against them in the first slice. Speed-wise, Nethanel is way superior to Sion and probably every single warrior in all of Jehanna. However, he’s as frail as the white sheet he looks like. Few have ever seen Nethanel injured, but that is because any single blow he allows through will almost certainly incapacitate him. Hit him once, that is all it will take. But those who know this weakness may find hitting him that one required time it would take to kill him to be near impossible.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: If you are touched by Sion, stand close to Sion, talk to Sion or even look at Sion the wrong way, and most CERTAINLY if Sion is paying any of the wrong kind of attention your way, there will be a heavily lethal glare of jealousy from Nethanel. No reports exist of him actually acting, but there have been curious reports about people in the vicinity of Sion disappearing if they got too close. Oh, and his frailness goes to his immune system and digestive system as well. Nethanel cannot handle strong spices for life and spends an incredible amount of time sick when travelling. He tries to not show this, though.
R-button Summarization: Second-in-command of the Royal Guild. His swordsmanship is only matched by his adoration for Sion.

Apparent Age: Young adult.
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???
Level: ???
Background: During his travels around the world, Sion found a young Swordmaster in an abandoned ruin deep within Jehanna. An insane criminal, the man known as Nethanel had cut down many a warrior or civilian that had attempted to match him or even just converse with him. Rumours told how sometime in the past he had allegedly cut down both his parents and the majority of his village. Such a soul should be unforgivable, and the only solution should have been to kill him… but somehow, Sion was able to match the deadly swordsman, and tame him. Nethanel now walks on Sion’s side as his second-in-command, with a near loving affection constantly aimed at his lord. Nethanel now turns his bloodthirsty intentions towards the foes of his king…
Equipment and Items: Killing Edge, Runesword
Personality: A smile. It might be that this man is merely copying the smile which his savior Sion is often wearing, but Nethanel is almost always wearing a nice little smile, regardless of what he’s doing at the time. He also has absolutely nothing against slicing someone to pieces and watch as their contents… yeah. He was insane, and remains insane.
Ability Assessment: Speed. Strength. Skill. All of it is top-notch. Nethanel strikes with such murderous talent, speed and power that there are few of his opponents which have not lost at least one limb every time he draws his sword against them in the first slice. Speed-wise, Nethanel is way superior to Sion and probably every single warrior in all of Jehanna. However, he’s as frail as the white sheet he looks like. Few have ever seen Nethanel injured, but that is because any single blow he allows through will almost certainly incapacitate him. Hit him once, that is all it will take. But those who know this weakness may find hitting him that one required time it would take to kill him to be near impossible.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: If you are touched by Sion, stand close to Sion, talk to Sion or even look at Sion the wrong way, and most CERTAINLY if Sion is paying any of the wrong kind of attention your way, there will be a heavily lethal glare of jealousy from Nethanel. No reports exist of him actually acting, but there have been curious reports about people in the vicinity of Sion disappearing if they got too close. Oh, and his frailness goes to his immune system and digestive system as well. Nethanel cannot handle strong spices for life and spends an incredible amount of time sick when travelling. He tries to not show this, though.
R-button Summarization: Second-in-command of the Royal Guild. His swordsmanship is only matched by his adoration for Sion.
Name: Rafaela

Apparent Age: Late teenage years
Gender: Female
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Myrmidon
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???
Level: ???
Background: The young princess of Jehanna, who was born in a union between Sion and a woman that he picked up during his years travelling around the world. Naturally wishing to take up on her father’s trade, the proud princess of Jehanna had everything exactly the way she wanted it and smiled her sneaky little smile as she gained power and thrived in it. She already leads her own Guild as “training” for becoming the new High Guildmaster after her father. With these talents, she’s been making a bit of a name for herself as a devious but efficient protector. She’s been known to make her own travels across the world to introduce herself to various people in power, to let them know who she is, and has generally had favourable relationships with the other nations. With the invasion of Grado she’s been left in command of Jehanna’s capital. Nobody knows how she feels about this invasion.
Equipment and Items: Slim Sword, Armorslayer, Zanbato, Vulnerary, Hoplon Guard
Personality: A proud, reasonably clever and devious young girl that learned all her lessons on how to act from her father. She acts like a confident rich girl used to constantly being served and has the intelligence to back it up. When she looks upon a person, she immediately sizes them up and analyzes the potential use she may have of them, and how she may have fun with them. She shares her father’s trait of seeking amusement. She takes opportunities where she can get them, and she’s amazingly ambitious, probably plotting her father’s downfall by the second. Of course, she’s also intelligent enough not to do that at any time she might be at risk from doing so.
Ability Assessment: Death by a thousand cuts. Rafaela may not be particularly strong, but her skill and speed is off the charts. That makes for many, MANY small low-damage cuts that eventually cuts the opponent down to size. This also allows her to dodge enemy attacks easily, and cut even more. Should a more heavily armored opponent show up, Rafaela brings up one of her specialized slayer-weapons. Her defense is actually entirely OK, too, allowing her to take a hit or so without greater problem. This may seem like she’s superbly superior. However, Rafaela is famously plagued by horrible, HORRIBLE bad luck. She carries that Hoplon Guard because otherwise every third enemy would crit her.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Rafaela is rather famously plagued by bad luck. She’s been struck by lightning twice, accidentally fallen into abandoned ruins in Jehanna’s sands and hurt herself multiple times, cannot for life win any game that relies even the slightest on luck and she has a phobia for Killing weapons (or any that increase Critical Hit chance) due to the one snapping in half and almost taking her head with it first time she tried wielding one. When she walks past a window a pot may fall at her, a stone may be unsteady or whatever you may call it. This may give the impression that she’s clumsy, but no, she’s just unlucky. But she fights against this, and can still maintain her confident aura. Some say she’s cursed. Rafaela really, REALLY hates Dark magic users. This because a few of them stared at her and shook their heads like for a lost cause when she asked what was wrong with her.
If you take away her Hoplon Guard, she reverts into a completely different character. A shy timid shaking form in the corner who's shaking too much for common speech or actions, extraordinarily clumsy and will flee in terror at the sight of any weapon. Because they'll likely kill her accidentally, according to herself.
R-button Summarization: The opportunistic, devious and scheming princess of Jehanna. Prone to bad luck.

Apparent Age: Late teenage years
Gender: Female
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Myrmidon
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???
Level: ???
Background: The young princess of Jehanna, who was born in a union between Sion and a woman that he picked up during his years travelling around the world. Naturally wishing to take up on her father’s trade, the proud princess of Jehanna had everything exactly the way she wanted it and smiled her sneaky little smile as she gained power and thrived in it. She already leads her own Guild as “training” for becoming the new High Guildmaster after her father. With these talents, she’s been making a bit of a name for herself as a devious but efficient protector. She’s been known to make her own travels across the world to introduce herself to various people in power, to let them know who she is, and has generally had favourable relationships with the other nations. With the invasion of Grado she’s been left in command of Jehanna’s capital. Nobody knows how she feels about this invasion.
Apparently it has been considered that maybe offer the youngest prince of Renais to her as a potential husband in order to strengthen the bonds between Renais and Jehanna, something Rafaela has responded favorably to. However, in their meetings it has seemed like the poor little prince was afraid of the dominant princess. This only further enticed Rafaela to pursue him, driving the phobia home. With the invasion, nobody really knows if the offer is still relevant.
Equipment and Items: Slim Sword, Armorslayer, Zanbato, Vulnerary, Hoplon Guard
Personality: A proud, reasonably clever and devious young girl that learned all her lessons on how to act from her father. She acts like a confident rich girl used to constantly being served and has the intelligence to back it up. When she looks upon a person, she immediately sizes them up and analyzes the potential use she may have of them, and how she may have fun with them. She shares her father’s trait of seeking amusement. She takes opportunities where she can get them, and she’s amazingly ambitious, probably plotting her father’s downfall by the second. Of course, she’s also intelligent enough not to do that at any time she might be at risk from doing so.
Ability Assessment: Death by a thousand cuts. Rafaela may not be particularly strong, but her skill and speed is off the charts. That makes for many, MANY small low-damage cuts that eventually cuts the opponent down to size. This also allows her to dodge enemy attacks easily, and cut even more. Should a more heavily armored opponent show up, Rafaela brings up one of her specialized slayer-weapons. Her defense is actually entirely OK, too, allowing her to take a hit or so without greater problem. This may seem like she’s superbly superior. However, Rafaela is famously plagued by horrible, HORRIBLE bad luck. She carries that Hoplon Guard because otherwise every third enemy would crit her.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Rafaela is rather famously plagued by bad luck. She’s been struck by lightning twice, accidentally fallen into abandoned ruins in Jehanna’s sands and hurt herself multiple times, cannot for life win any game that relies even the slightest on luck and she has a phobia for Killing weapons (or any that increase Critical Hit chance) due to the one snapping in half and almost taking her head with it first time she tried wielding one. When she walks past a window a pot may fall at her, a stone may be unsteady or whatever you may call it. This may give the impression that she’s clumsy, but no, she’s just unlucky. But she fights against this, and can still maintain her confident aura. Some say she’s cursed. Rafaela really, REALLY hates Dark magic users. This because a few of them stared at her and shook their heads like for a lost cause when she asked what was wrong with her.
If you take away her Hoplon Guard, she reverts into a completely different character. A shy timid shaking form in the corner who's shaking too much for common speech or actions, extraordinarily clumsy and will flee in terror at the sight of any weapon. Because they'll likely kill her accidentally, according to herself.
R-button Summarization: The opportunistic, devious and scheming princess of Jehanna. Prone to bad luck.
Name: Rhodri
Apparent Age: Middle-aged
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Berserker
Weapon Mastery: Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born on the southern parts of the deserts of Jehanna, Rhodri was just another little child among hundreds others born to assist the mercenary nation. Happy to be of assistance, Rhodri picked up an axe to fill in the post for his recently deceased father and then he fought just like any other warrior out there, travelling a lot over the sea. The difference being, Rhodri grew strong. Strong enough to become the leader of his Guild. Strong enough to invited to the Jehannan palace. Strong enough to be heard about world-wide. Himself, Rhodri is known to be a pretty swell guy, whom can be the life of the party and the one making you feel the safest person in the world. However, despite Rhodri having been assigned to Grado for years upon years, defending the nation’s people against monsters time and time again, it only took a single order to…
Equipment and Items: Battle Axe, Brave Axe, Tomahawk
Personality: Gruff, talkative, absurdly nice to people who he considers friends and destructive as all hell when he lets loose. Loyal to a fault towards his king due to a measure of respect, and a desire to fight which has been bred into his veins. As long as his opponent isn’t a child, he sees no reason to hold back or kill, no matter how innocent the person he’s killing might be, but at heart he’s still a good man. If you can call a man that allows himself to be used as a tool for destruction as good, anyway. He’s always happy to tell war-stories, lighten the mood with a joke and go to the hells of any world in order to complete the mission he’s been hired for.
Ability Assessment: As a man fighting purely on instinct, skill was never an area which Rhodri took much pride in. It could potentially be easy for swift fighters to avoid his blows. However, Rhodri often carries absolutely oversized axes to balance this, and his unnatural strength makes him able to swing these axes at speeds like it isn’t even fair. He wears no armor, but you’ll find the amount of wounds he can take to be ridiculous. If he has a grand weakness, it would be his intelligence. Rhodri doesn’t think too hard. It could be easy to trap him in situations where he has difficulty escaping, but even should you do so, do not underestimate him. The Wheel of Jehanna is named so because of how insanely difficult he is to stop rolling…
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He secretly wants to be a bartender. They look so cool and professional sitting there cleaning those glasses and watching rowdy mercenaries. Thing is, yeah, there are WAY too many that look up to him as a leader of the guild for him to step down for such a reason just yet. But if you ask him, he can show off the results of his secret training. He can name any alcohol and handle glasses masterfully. He can also double as the most intimidating bouncer ever. He also kind of wants to open an amusement park, or some playground for children, because his youth wasn’t very fun. He cares a lot for children. Attack him with someone he considers a child, and see him fumble.
A good friend of Hero Ivor. They like to drink and share stories together.
R-button Summarization: Brutal leader of the Wheel Guild. An excellent drinking partner who’s happy aura masks his lack of compassion.

Apparent Age: Middle-aged
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Berserker
Weapon Mastery: Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born on the southern parts of the deserts of Jehanna, Rhodri was just another little child among hundreds others born to assist the mercenary nation. Happy to be of assistance, Rhodri picked up an axe to fill in the post for his recently deceased father and then he fought just like any other warrior out there, travelling a lot over the sea. The difference being, Rhodri grew strong. Strong enough to become the leader of his Guild. Strong enough to invited to the Jehannan palace. Strong enough to be heard about world-wide. Himself, Rhodri is known to be a pretty swell guy, whom can be the life of the party and the one making you feel the safest person in the world. However, despite Rhodri having been assigned to Grado for years upon years, defending the nation’s people against monsters time and time again, it only took a single order to…
Equipment and Items: Battle Axe, Brave Axe, Tomahawk
Personality: Gruff, talkative, absurdly nice to people who he considers friends and destructive as all hell when he lets loose. Loyal to a fault towards his king due to a measure of respect, and a desire to fight which has been bred into his veins. As long as his opponent isn’t a child, he sees no reason to hold back or kill, no matter how innocent the person he’s killing might be, but at heart he’s still a good man. If you can call a man that allows himself to be used as a tool for destruction as good, anyway. He’s always happy to tell war-stories, lighten the mood with a joke and go to the hells of any world in order to complete the mission he’s been hired for.
Ability Assessment: As a man fighting purely on instinct, skill was never an area which Rhodri took much pride in. It could potentially be easy for swift fighters to avoid his blows. However, Rhodri often carries absolutely oversized axes to balance this, and his unnatural strength makes him able to swing these axes at speeds like it isn’t even fair. He wears no armor, but you’ll find the amount of wounds he can take to be ridiculous. If he has a grand weakness, it would be his intelligence. Rhodri doesn’t think too hard. It could be easy to trap him in situations where he has difficulty escaping, but even should you do so, do not underestimate him. The Wheel of Jehanna is named so because of how insanely difficult he is to stop rolling…
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He secretly wants to be a bartender. They look so cool and professional sitting there cleaning those glasses and watching rowdy mercenaries. Thing is, yeah, there are WAY too many that look up to him as a leader of the guild for him to step down for such a reason just yet. But if you ask him, he can show off the results of his secret training. He can name any alcohol and handle glasses masterfully. He can also double as the most intimidating bouncer ever. He also kind of wants to open an amusement park, or some playground for children, because his youth wasn’t very fun. He cares a lot for children. Attack him with someone he considers a child, and see him fumble.
A good friend of Hero Ivor. They like to drink and share stories together.
R-button Summarization: Brutal leader of the Wheel Guild. An excellent drinking partner who’s happy aura masks his lack of compassion.
Name: Crau
Appearance: ???
Apparent Age: ???
Gender: Male, we think
Nation: Jehanna, assumingly
Class: Assassin, would make sense
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Leader of the shady guild of thieves and assassins, the Dark Eye Guild, people have no idea who he is. All communication with him happens over letters and representatives. In the Dark Eye guild, he’s a feared individual who sees his work done exceptionally, but nobody knows who he really is. If he’s even a he. Still, under his command the Dark Eye Guild grew to magnificent size, becoming one of Jehanna’s Four Guilds, and himself an exceptional servant of Sion. People shudder, thinking of his name, never knowing if he might be right behind them about to deliver the lethal blow…
Equipment and Items: ??? - Whatever they are, they kill
Personality: ??? - One suitable for killing, probably.
Ability Assessment: ??? - Sneaky and lethal, we can assume.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: ???
R-button Summarization: Mysterious leader of the Dark Eye Guild. Few people know his true face.
Appearance: ???
Apparent Age: ???
Gender: Male, we think
Nation: Jehanna, assumingly
Class: Assassin, would make sense
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Leader of the shady guild of thieves and assassins, the Dark Eye Guild, people have no idea who he is. All communication with him happens over letters and representatives. In the Dark Eye guild, he’s a feared individual who sees his work done exceptionally, but nobody knows who he really is. If he’s even a he. Still, under his command the Dark Eye Guild grew to magnificent size, becoming one of Jehanna’s Four Guilds, and himself an exceptional servant of Sion. People shudder, thinking of his name, never knowing if he might be right behind them about to deliver the lethal blow…
Equipment and Items: ??? - Whatever they are, they kill
Personality: ??? - One suitable for killing, probably.
Ability Assessment: ??? - Sneaky and lethal, we can assume.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: ???
R-button Summarization: Mysterious leader of the Dark Eye Guild. Few people know his true face.
Name: Eira
… Note, she is extremely short.
Apparent Age: Young lady
Gender: Female
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born in the capital of Jehanna under normal parents, Eira was allowed to pick whatever future she wanted for herself. She chose to join the Storm Guild, a guild focusing on the protection of Jehanna itself, and her abilities grew from that. Mistaken for being of noble birth due to her atmosphere, Eira was allowed into places and to read spells way beyond her actual authority, her own intelligence also had a large part in this. When the Guild leader died to a nasty Gwyllgi bite she used clever persuasion to secure her position as the leader of the Storm Guild. From there, she has continued to impress others with her ability for logistics, leadership and magical prowess, making sure to have her forces spread evenly across Jehanna so they can gather in case of threat.
Equipment and Items: Fimbulvetr, Bolting, Elfire, Vulnerary, Angelic Robe
Personality: A moderately snarky, calm and precise woman who looks down on absolutely everyone. She recognizes strength where she sees it and appreciates intelligence where she finds it, but there is something in her gaze that just tells that “You’re beneath me”. She never acts on this internal image, but you can just feel it in her eyes. If you’re a commoner, she looks down on you because she’s greater than you. If you’re a king, she looks down on you because, hmpf, s/he’s totally going to flaunt his/her power now, like a dumb noble. Her eyes will reflect annoyance and dislike at anyone who proves themselves superior to her in any regard. Not above cheap tricks or immoral courses of action, though she does care about the value of human life.
Ability Assessment: Mainly a very balanced magic-user, who is fast to cast spells, skillful and strong with them, and can take quite the magical pounding as well. She could be called a quick-draw at magic, with her spells surprising many an attacker who thought they had her. It is very dangerous to get close to her like that. What she pays for this, is movement speed. Eira has short legs and not much stamina at all, her physical strength laughable even among magicians. She usually has to be carried around by her second-in-command, a Wyvern Knight called Nadir, because it would take forever to get somewhere on her own feet, not to mention Eira would get tired from walking. So.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: She has a lethal fear of Mauthe Doogs and Gwyllgis. Whenever they appear on the battlefield, her flying companions knows it is their duty to hunt them down. She fears them because she saw her mentor and teacher jumped and eaten in front of her at a young age, and they haunt her nightmares ever since. She’s surprisingly lazy, making servants do most of her things at home and using magic for a whole lot of things she shouldn’t. She’s also an absurd nerd when it comes to fictional stories, getting really excited about the newest fictional releases from the great fantasy authors of the world, a secret she intends to take to the grave. She is a great fan of the works of Uamhas.
R-button Summarization: The calm, cold and scorning leader of the Storm Guild. In charge of keeping Jehanna safe. Looks down on everyone.

Apparent Age: Young lady
Gender: Female
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born in the capital of Jehanna under normal parents, Eira was allowed to pick whatever future she wanted for herself. She chose to join the Storm Guild, a guild focusing on the protection of Jehanna itself, and her abilities grew from that. Mistaken for being of noble birth due to her atmosphere, Eira was allowed into places and to read spells way beyond her actual authority, her own intelligence also had a large part in this. When the Guild leader died to a nasty Gwyllgi bite she used clever persuasion to secure her position as the leader of the Storm Guild. From there, she has continued to impress others with her ability for logistics, leadership and magical prowess, making sure to have her forces spread evenly across Jehanna so they can gather in case of threat.
Equipment and Items: Fimbulvetr, Bolting, Elfire, Vulnerary, Angelic Robe
Personality: A moderately snarky, calm and precise woman who looks down on absolutely everyone. She recognizes strength where she sees it and appreciates intelligence where she finds it, but there is something in her gaze that just tells that “You’re beneath me”. She never acts on this internal image, but you can just feel it in her eyes. If you’re a commoner, she looks down on you because she’s greater than you. If you’re a king, she looks down on you because, hmpf, s/he’s totally going to flaunt his/her power now, like a dumb noble. Her eyes will reflect annoyance and dislike at anyone who proves themselves superior to her in any regard. Not above cheap tricks or immoral courses of action, though she does care about the value of human life.
Ability Assessment: Mainly a very balanced magic-user, who is fast to cast spells, skillful and strong with them, and can take quite the magical pounding as well. She could be called a quick-draw at magic, with her spells surprising many an attacker who thought they had her. It is very dangerous to get close to her like that. What she pays for this, is movement speed. Eira has short legs and not much stamina at all, her physical strength laughable even among magicians. She usually has to be carried around by her second-in-command, a Wyvern Knight called Nadir, because it would take forever to get somewhere on her own feet, not to mention Eira would get tired from walking. So.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: She has a lethal fear of Mauthe Doogs and Gwyllgis. Whenever they appear on the battlefield, her flying companions knows it is their duty to hunt them down. She fears them because she saw her mentor and teacher jumped and eaten in front of her at a young age, and they haunt her nightmares ever since. She’s surprisingly lazy, making servants do most of her things at home and using magic for a whole lot of things she shouldn’t. She’s also an absurd nerd when it comes to fictional stories, getting really excited about the newest fictional releases from the great fantasy authors of the world, a secret she intends to take to the grave. She is a great fan of the works of Uamhas.
R-button Summarization: The calm, cold and scorning leader of the Storm Guild. In charge of keeping Jehanna safe. Looks down on everyone.
Name: Aderyn
Apparent Age: Young lady
Gender: Female
Nation: Born in Frelia, working for Jehanna
Class: Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Aderyn was born to a semi-noble family of Frelia, where she was naturally expected to join the Pegasus Knights as of her status. Not being one to fail the expectations of her family, young Aderyn joined and trained to become a Pegasus Knight successfully. Issues started, though, when Aderyn went against orders and went after monsters that were technically off Frelian soil because she wanted to destroy them before they could harm anyone. Arguing led to Aderyn leaving Frelia behind and flying to Jehanna, offering her services as a mercenary to protect the world from monsters. King Sion accepted, seeing Aderyn’s undeniable ability, and she was allowed to form her own guild. Since then the Sky Guild has been allowed to reign freely, Sion highly amused with Aderyn’s success and the support she has gained. Rumors even say that maybe he’s interested in her, something Aderyn has missed completely.
Equipment and Items: Silver Lance, Spear, Elixir, Elixir, Elixir
Personality: A worry-wart, Aderyn constantly worries about doing the right thing. Her extensive care about human lives across the world is what drove her to join the mercenary nation, simply not agreeing with the Frelian practice of hiding in their own nation and leaving the rest to fend for themselves. Probably one of the kindest souls on the planet, she wants to make everyone safe so they can accomplish their dreams, willingly giving up her own dreams to keep everyone else safe. She worries constantly about where she should be, how her troops are dispersed, if her latest order is going to get anyone killed, if her mental state is going to handle the pressure of the newest order she must give… Aderyn frequently thinks she’s going mad, but honestly, she’s pretty good at what she does and won’t break yet.
Ability Assessment: Her skills are balanced, strong enough to be respectable, skilled enough to encourage fear, fast enough to discourage challenging, defensive enough to shift away blows confidently. As an efficient warrior, she has balanced her attributes as well as she possibly could in order to be as good a warrior as she can. Which of course makes Aderyn’s weakness that, should she confront someone who has sacrificed a stat in order to gain another, she will be the one disadvantageous in that particular stat. However, one should not underestimate the power of a perfectly balanced warrior. She is also really experienced for her young age, which should discourage anyone of any considerable power from trying to match wits and combat skill with her.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Aderyn secretly desires nothing less than falling in love with a good man and growing a family together. She can be the blushing girl deeply in love that was made the young wife of this absolutely wonderful man who she can only imagine in her dreams at this moment. However, Aderyn has chosen to discard such notions and take up arms to defend the people, so that so many other young girls as possible can live her dream…! … … … Which is why she feels mild disdain for any girl who willingly picked to join the army instead of settling down and falling in love. She’ll ask them why, shake them a bit, and tell them all to leave as quickly as possible, despite this applying to herself as well. Just details.
R-button Summarization: The caring leader of the Sky Guild. Formerly Frelian. A frequent worrier.

Apparent Age: Young lady
Gender: Female
Nation: Born in Frelia, working for Jehanna
Class: Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: ???
Level: ???
Background: Aderyn was born to a semi-noble family of Frelia, where she was naturally expected to join the Pegasus Knights as of her status. Not being one to fail the expectations of her family, young Aderyn joined and trained to become a Pegasus Knight successfully. Issues started, though, when Aderyn went against orders and went after monsters that were technically off Frelian soil because she wanted to destroy them before they could harm anyone. Arguing led to Aderyn leaving Frelia behind and flying to Jehanna, offering her services as a mercenary to protect the world from monsters. King Sion accepted, seeing Aderyn’s undeniable ability, and she was allowed to form her own guild. Since then the Sky Guild has been allowed to reign freely, Sion highly amused with Aderyn’s success and the support she has gained. Rumors even say that maybe he’s interested in her, something Aderyn has missed completely.
Equipment and Items: Silver Lance, Spear, Elixir, Elixir, Elixir
Personality: A worry-wart, Aderyn constantly worries about doing the right thing. Her extensive care about human lives across the world is what drove her to join the mercenary nation, simply not agreeing with the Frelian practice of hiding in their own nation and leaving the rest to fend for themselves. Probably one of the kindest souls on the planet, she wants to make everyone safe so they can accomplish their dreams, willingly giving up her own dreams to keep everyone else safe. She worries constantly about where she should be, how her troops are dispersed, if her latest order is going to get anyone killed, if her mental state is going to handle the pressure of the newest order she must give… Aderyn frequently thinks she’s going mad, but honestly, she’s pretty good at what she does and won’t break yet.
Ability Assessment: Her skills are balanced, strong enough to be respectable, skilled enough to encourage fear, fast enough to discourage challenging, defensive enough to shift away blows confidently. As an efficient warrior, she has balanced her attributes as well as she possibly could in order to be as good a warrior as she can. Which of course makes Aderyn’s weakness that, should she confront someone who has sacrificed a stat in order to gain another, she will be the one disadvantageous in that particular stat. However, one should not underestimate the power of a perfectly balanced warrior. She is also really experienced for her young age, which should discourage anyone of any considerable power from trying to match wits and combat skill with her.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Aderyn secretly desires nothing less than falling in love with a good man and growing a family together. She can be the blushing girl deeply in love that was made the young wife of this absolutely wonderful man who she can only imagine in her dreams at this moment. However, Aderyn has chosen to discard such notions and take up arms to defend the people, so that so many other young girls as possible can live her dream…! … … … Which is why she feels mild disdain for any girl who willingly picked to join the army instead of settling down and falling in love. She’ll ask them why, shake them a bit, and tell them all to leave as quickly as possible, despite this applying to herself as well. Just details.
R-button Summarization: The caring leader of the Sky Guild. Formerly Frelian. A frequent worrier.
Name: Ivor
Apparent Age: Middle-aged
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: An old veteran of the business, Ivor is one of Jehannas most prized Guild Leaders and is placed outside the “four guilds” only just barely. Famous is the tale of how he jumped onto a Deathgoyle and rode it down into the heart of a Draco Zombie, or how he alone could tell in the wind that a party of Rausten’s pilgrims were about the suffer the biggest monster-attack in the decade and managed to fight it off with limited resources to great success. As the leader of the Dune Guild, Ivor defends men and women everywhere, and beautiful women have flocked to him in the past. He has a ridiculous amount of children that all are spread across Magvel, although he has stopped such practices now. He’s lost quite a few of these children to conflict as they tend to be reckless with their heritage, giving him reason to worry about his legacy.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Energy Ring, Master Seal, Vulnerary
Personality: Famous for being confident, destructive, reckless… one generation ago. Ivor is now a bit older, experienced, and more reasonable. People all over Jehanna hears his voice and take it to heart. He’s still jolly, and more than happy to share some bolstered stories of the past. Now, however, he’s a lot more concerned with making sure the younger generation don’t go and get themselves killed. That said, if his life is needed to make this peace, then so be it. He’s more than happy to teach these kids how it is to be a real hero yet!
Ability Assessment: With age, his dexterity is not what it used to be. However, with that alone, should you underestimate this hardened and wizened warrior? Absolutely not. Ivor has seen every fighting style known to man, and he’s not THAT old yet! He swings his sword with confidence, strength and intelligence, considerable skill few could ever match, and he wields can wield some of the most destructive weapons the world knows.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Extremely fine pallet, he knows every wine that can potentially be pressed. Also, he basically knows all of Jehanna like the back of his hand, and he recognizes landscapes by the feats he has accomplished in those places. Having been very productive when he was younger he has children a bit of everywhere, so when you bring him along somewhere he might just go “I’m just going to go visit my son/daughter” with disturbing frequency, and he keeps track of them all, too. They’re his pride and joy, after all!
A good friend of Rhordi of the Wheel Guild. They drink and share stories together.
R-button Summarization: Leader of the Dune Guild and a fabled hero to Jehannans. Confident and experienced.

Apparent Age: Middle-aged
Gender: Male
Nation: Jehanna
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Axe: ???
Level: ???
Background: An old veteran of the business, Ivor is one of Jehannas most prized Guild Leaders and is placed outside the “four guilds” only just barely. Famous is the tale of how he jumped onto a Deathgoyle and rode it down into the heart of a Draco Zombie, or how he alone could tell in the wind that a party of Rausten’s pilgrims were about the suffer the biggest monster-attack in the decade and managed to fight it off with limited resources to great success. As the leader of the Dune Guild, Ivor defends men and women everywhere, and beautiful women have flocked to him in the past. He has a ridiculous amount of children that all are spread across Magvel, although he has stopped such practices now. He’s lost quite a few of these children to conflict as they tend to be reckless with their heritage, giving him reason to worry about his legacy.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Energy Ring, Master Seal, Vulnerary
Personality: Famous for being confident, destructive, reckless… one generation ago. Ivor is now a bit older, experienced, and more reasonable. People all over Jehanna hears his voice and take it to heart. He’s still jolly, and more than happy to share some bolstered stories of the past. Now, however, he’s a lot more concerned with making sure the younger generation don’t go and get themselves killed. That said, if his life is needed to make this peace, then so be it. He’s more than happy to teach these kids how it is to be a real hero yet!
Ability Assessment: With age, his dexterity is not what it used to be. However, with that alone, should you underestimate this hardened and wizened warrior? Absolutely not. Ivor has seen every fighting style known to man, and he’s not THAT old yet! He swings his sword with confidence, strength and intelligence, considerable skill few could ever match, and he wields can wield some of the most destructive weapons the world knows.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Extremely fine pallet, he knows every wine that can potentially be pressed. Also, he basically knows all of Jehanna like the back of his hand, and he recognizes landscapes by the feats he has accomplished in those places. Having been very productive when he was younger he has children a bit of everywhere, so when you bring him along somewhere he might just go “I’m just going to go visit my son/daughter” with disturbing frequency, and he keeps track of them all, too. They’re his pride and joy, after all!
A good friend of Rhordi of the Wheel Guild. They drink and share stories together.
R-button Summarization: Leader of the Dune Guild and a fabled hero to Jehannans. Confident and experienced.
Name: Lamech
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Born in Carcino, serving Jehanna
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Leader of the Thorn Guild. Lamech was born a wealthy merchant of Carcino who had all he could ever wish to have. Except, he demanded intrigue, plots being hatched and chances to practice his deviousness. Leaving the merchant lifestyle behind he became a mercenary in Jehanna and proved his ability. More than once he took the job as a mercenary only to arrange an “accident” to befall those who’d oppose his family’s business, which he still supported. He turned out clever enough that he eventually rose to the rank of Guild Leader of his very own Thorn Guild, because he considers himself pretty as a rose. Now, with Jehanna declaring war, Lamech truly finds himself in his element and personally volunteered the Thorn Guild to be deployed in the far reaches of the world, using “diplomacy” to further their goals.
Equipment and Items: Killing Edge, Poison Sword, Antitoxin
Personality: Sneaky, creepy, devious and overall unpleasant. The fact that he’s a skilled merchant and gives deals that make sense to accept are only worse. He knows he has power, and fancies himself intelligent enough to use it wisely. Lamech prides himself on knowing when to be honorable and when to play extremely dirty, and he hasn’t failed yet. By merely existing, Lamech’s Thorn Guild has saved a lot of lives by destroying monsters, but while doing that they have also made themselves filthy rich draining the pockets of those they saved. “You’re saying your lives aren’t worth more…?”
Ability Assessment: Compared to the average Swordmaster, Lamech is rather slow. He was never able to get quite that spring in his feet other Myrmidons could. He’s not particularly strong, either, leaving him unable to harm particularly armored foes. That said, it should be remembered it wasn’t for his prowess in battle he has become successful. Lamech is clever, underhanded and highly skilled, and to compensate for his lackluster dodging skills he wears armor giving him commendable defense for his class. You bet Lamech’s going to try every trick in the book to get the upper hand in whatever situation he has gotten himself into, so he’s a scary opponent to face. You don’t know what he has cooked up.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Lamech believes looking good is key. He’s an enthusiast in sewing and knows all the techniques for making good-looking armour, accessories and hair dyes. Hair dyes especially, he feels that everyone needs a bit of change now and then. He changes up his appearance every now and then. The picture above is simply how he’ll look during his appearance, he’s looked a LOT different in the past. He’s going to genuinely recommend the same to anyone he encounters, that’s the one part of him that isn’t actually nasty. Just a pleasant hobby. He’s also somewhat of a board-game enthusiast, and often plays games with his guild during down-times they don’t have anything to do. He delights in the opportunity to play with someone new.
R-button Summarization: Leader of the Thorn Guild of Jehanna. A devious and underhanded diplomat and warrior.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Born in Carcino, serving Jehanna
Class: Swordmaster
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Leader of the Thorn Guild. Lamech was born a wealthy merchant of Carcino who had all he could ever wish to have. Except, he demanded intrigue, plots being hatched and chances to practice his deviousness. Leaving the merchant lifestyle behind he became a mercenary in Jehanna and proved his ability. More than once he took the job as a mercenary only to arrange an “accident” to befall those who’d oppose his family’s business, which he still supported. He turned out clever enough that he eventually rose to the rank of Guild Leader of his very own Thorn Guild, because he considers himself pretty as a rose. Now, with Jehanna declaring war, Lamech truly finds himself in his element and personally volunteered the Thorn Guild to be deployed in the far reaches of the world, using “diplomacy” to further their goals.
Equipment and Items: Killing Edge, Poison Sword, Antitoxin
Personality: Sneaky, creepy, devious and overall unpleasant. The fact that he’s a skilled merchant and gives deals that make sense to accept are only worse. He knows he has power, and fancies himself intelligent enough to use it wisely. Lamech prides himself on knowing when to be honorable and when to play extremely dirty, and he hasn’t failed yet. By merely existing, Lamech’s Thorn Guild has saved a lot of lives by destroying monsters, but while doing that they have also made themselves filthy rich draining the pockets of those they saved. “You’re saying your lives aren’t worth more…?”
Ability Assessment: Compared to the average Swordmaster, Lamech is rather slow. He was never able to get quite that spring in his feet other Myrmidons could. He’s not particularly strong, either, leaving him unable to harm particularly armored foes. That said, it should be remembered it wasn’t for his prowess in battle he has become successful. Lamech is clever, underhanded and highly skilled, and to compensate for his lackluster dodging skills he wears armor giving him commendable defense for his class. You bet Lamech’s going to try every trick in the book to get the upper hand in whatever situation he has gotten himself into, so he’s a scary opponent to face. You don’t know what he has cooked up.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Lamech believes looking good is key. He’s an enthusiast in sewing and knows all the techniques for making good-looking armour, accessories and hair dyes. Hair dyes especially, he feels that everyone needs a bit of change now and then. He changes up his appearance every now and then. The picture above is simply how he’ll look during his appearance, he’s looked a LOT different in the past. He’s going to genuinely recommend the same to anyone he encounters, that’s the one part of him that isn’t actually nasty. Just a pleasant hobby. He’s also somewhat of a board-game enthusiast, and often plays games with his guild during down-times they don’t have anything to do. He delights in the opportunity to play with someone new.
R-button Summarization: Leader of the Thorn Guild of Jehanna. A devious and underhanded diplomat and warrior.
Name: Ginnava
- Am aware that’s a Pegasus in the image, but Ginnava does not ride a Pegasus.
Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Renais
Class: Paladin
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Lances: ???
Level: ???
Background: Ginnava was born a proper princess of Renais beside her quite proper father. Never quite deviating from the initial formula of how a princess lives, the young girl travelled a lot by her father’s side, learning the trade and going through the standard training of Cavaliers and Paladins reasonably early in life, because she thought it simply suited her. As such a hard-working soul that tirelessly worked to grow strong for her people, her father had no issue happily handing over the throne to her so he could retire. Ginnava happily accepted and has since continued his rule of defending the people and ruling matters as they come. People HAVE noted, however, that Ginnava doesn’t appear to have any drive or intention to change anything about any part of the system, always playing things exactly by the book. But she’s pretty efficient as a protector, so she’s still liked. She has been married and had two sons in her life, but lost her husband to a sudden landslide a while ago. However, by the book, Ginnava didn’t let herself grieve because she still needed to protect Renais, even if her insides were shaken.
Equipment and Items: Brave Lance, Short Spear, Iron Lance, Elixir, Pure Water
Personality: Kind and determined. Ginnava always does her best to support her people and maintains a kind aura in order to look well to her people. While actually really, really bad at taking initiative, she’s an expert at sticking things by the book and will without fail immediately commit to the action which she knows is the best to do as she knows is best via studying. Talking to her she seems like a confident woman who can handle herself. Except, in a moment of crisis she is at her weakest. At any moment where she doesn’t know the best option, Ginnava has a habit of caving in, stress building within her as she locks herself in somewhere to try to research the right thing to do, likely missing the opportunity had she not simply been more creative.
Ability Assessment: As might be expected of the Paladin Queen, she rides a fast-moving steed and fights with a really balanced fighting style that does not sacrifice any part of her combat, her strength, skill, speed, defense and such is all equal and in battle she remains a perfectly steady and stylish combatant. While she herself is pretty good and balanced, this of course means she’ll be outmatched in any stat someone else has trained considerably in, but she’s fine with that. Compared to other promoted units, Ginnava is inexperienced, however. She’s skilled and destroyed a lot of monsters, but in other kinds of combat she is inexperienced. Oh, and she cannot attack someone who’s a human.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Her imagination is stone-dead. Try making her draw a picture? You’ll freeze her in place. Write a story? She’ll panic. All she does is by the book, following written down guidelines for combat and such. This has a variety of effects, and she might fail to understand expressions and the like. Also, she’s highly susceptive of the cute. If something is adorable, she’ll revert to the mentality of a ten-year old. Not her fault. In addition. Her own personal rules has affirmed that humans are not the enemy, monsters are. As such, there is a mental block that prevents Ginnava from harming a human.
R-button Summarization: The Paladin Queen of Renais. Kind and determined. Does everything by the book, however.

Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Renais
Class: Paladin
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Lances: ???
Level: ???
Background: Ginnava was born a proper princess of Renais beside her quite proper father. Never quite deviating from the initial formula of how a princess lives, the young girl travelled a lot by her father’s side, learning the trade and going through the standard training of Cavaliers and Paladins reasonably early in life, because she thought it simply suited her. As such a hard-working soul that tirelessly worked to grow strong for her people, her father had no issue happily handing over the throne to her so he could retire. Ginnava happily accepted and has since continued his rule of defending the people and ruling matters as they come. People HAVE noted, however, that Ginnava doesn’t appear to have any drive or intention to change anything about any part of the system, always playing things exactly by the book. But she’s pretty efficient as a protector, so she’s still liked. She has been married and had two sons in her life, but lost her husband to a sudden landslide a while ago. However, by the book, Ginnava didn’t let herself grieve because she still needed to protect Renais, even if her insides were shaken.
Equipment and Items: Brave Lance, Short Spear, Iron Lance, Elixir, Pure Water
Personality: Kind and determined. Ginnava always does her best to support her people and maintains a kind aura in order to look well to her people. While actually really, really bad at taking initiative, she’s an expert at sticking things by the book and will without fail immediately commit to the action which she knows is the best to do as she knows is best via studying. Talking to her she seems like a confident woman who can handle herself. Except, in a moment of crisis she is at her weakest. At any moment where she doesn’t know the best option, Ginnava has a habit of caving in, stress building within her as she locks herself in somewhere to try to research the right thing to do, likely missing the opportunity had she not simply been more creative.
Ability Assessment: As might be expected of the Paladin Queen, she rides a fast-moving steed and fights with a really balanced fighting style that does not sacrifice any part of her combat, her strength, skill, speed, defense and such is all equal and in battle she remains a perfectly steady and stylish combatant. While she herself is pretty good and balanced, this of course means she’ll be outmatched in any stat someone else has trained considerably in, but she’s fine with that. Compared to other promoted units, Ginnava is inexperienced, however. She’s skilled and destroyed a lot of monsters, but in other kinds of combat she is inexperienced. Oh, and she cannot attack someone who’s a human.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Her imagination is stone-dead. Try making her draw a picture? You’ll freeze her in place. Write a story? She’ll panic. All she does is by the book, following written down guidelines for combat and such. This has a variety of effects, and she might fail to understand expressions and the like. Also, she’s highly susceptive of the cute. If something is adorable, she’ll revert to the mentality of a ten-year old. Not her fault. In addition. Her own personal rules has affirmed that humans are not the enemy, monsters are. As such, there is a mental block that prevents Ginnava from harming a human.
R-button Summarization: The Paladin Queen of Renais. Kind and determined. Does everything by the book, however.
Name: Rylan

Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Great Knight
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Lances: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: (assumes Marwood’s existence) The elder brother of the sons of Ginnava, he is considered one of the less well-liked of the brothers from the public standpoint. When both the children was young, Rylan was out on a little venture with their father out by the mountain side, and something as unlikely as a mountain-slide came down, and Rylan was saved by their father’s sacrifice at that time. Suspicions about who or what might have caused that mountain-slide has always been about, but there is nothing that says it was anything else than an unfortunate accident. This was not the case, if you’re asking Rylan. Without a doubt, it was a monster or some form of devilish man who caused the mountain-slide to kill the King and Prince of Renais. There was no doubt about it.
Ever since that day, Rylan became more stoic. He never did really play very much with his brother, and while he doted on him, smiled and gave praise to his achievements Rylan always seemed like he had his mind on something else, like he felt that he had to mature to go beyond the things young squires might do. He also never really forgave his mother for the by-the-book way she accepted her husband’s death, even though it was clear as day she did so purely though instinct as her insides had been shook by the experience. Rylan now thunders across Renais and a bit beyond hunting down the larger groups of monsters where they appear.
There is something about the way he fights, and the way he talks that has made him less liked than his brother. Should one watch his commands and how he moves, it will be clear as day that he fights to destroy enemies, not to protect people. He has saved many while doing so, but there’s something about the smile he puts before everyone, the way he says “Everything is going to be alright”, “Leave everything to me”… It simply differs from the way his younger brother protects them. Rylan’s a trusted man of Renais anyway, who people can count on to show up whenever a larger enemy appears. He’s also known to light the corpses of his enemies of fire, making him preemptively known as the “Cleansing King” or the “Fire King”, even before actually inheriting the throne.
Rylan was located in Northern Renais dealing with a minor infestation at the time of Jehanna’s invasion, and has not yet returned to give his opinion on what is going on.
Equipment and Items: Rapier, Iron Blade, Short Spear, Torch, Vulnerary
Personality: Standing forth as a true Knight of Renais, Rylan keeps to all the things expected of a noble. He’s straight in his back, takes care of those who are under his command, smile a comforting smile when speaking to public or otherwise. However, it might be sensed that there’s something fake about his attitude. He acts like he’s supposed to, taking the time to see to his brother and civilians and such, but he never truly seems to ever become friends with anyone, and when he swings his sword there is rage that can be seen in there. The reason for which might be obvious, but Rylan knows of this and tries to keep it under control. There may have been a moment where he might have confessed to his brother that he feels somewhat out of it, like everything is straining, that no matter what he does there’s no end to it, that he has this building rage which he must take out somehow. Being aware of it, he does try to turn it to be the best he can for Renais, in order to keep his nation safe.
That all said, he really dotes on his younger brother.
Ability Assessment: Balanced, just like his mother. No single area shines away, but at the same time every area is one that needs to be taken into account. Strength, skill, speed, defense… All of it is in good shape, and on a mighty steed Rylan is able to thunder down on his opponents and slice them apart with no recognizable weakness. However, his brutality should be mentioned. Rylan’s strikes aims to destroy with the skill available to him, and he puts a lot of power into his swings even if he’s able to have more finesse. It could be imagined that those may be easier to dodge. That said, Rylan is able to adjust his fighting style, so it might be the case that the enemy only has one shot in that moment before he adjusts his style.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Rylan tends to mop all the corpses of the monsters he and his men has killed into piles which he then burns using his torch. The sight of a pile of smoke rising on the horizon has long now been recognized as the sign that the Crown Prince of Renais has cleansed this area of another threat. Still, there is no need to do that as monsters seem to wane away naturally after being slain, and it may be something he’s doing to satisfy his desire to destroy the beings. Some have asked him to stop, since he usually doesn’t exactly control to make sure the fire doesn’t come loose, he leaves that to his troops, but people have accepted it. The sight of that smoke, while disturbing, is often strangely calming to the people around. People have been referring to him of a name they might adopt should be become King. “The Cleansing King”, or just “Fire King” among some, they’re not entirely decided.
He seems to really like listening to music or singing. Perhaps it somehow calms him?
R-button Summarization: The Crown Prince of Renais. Displays himself as a good prince, aiming a destructive force to defend his nation.

Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Great Knight
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Lances: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: (assumes Marwood’s existence) The elder brother of the sons of Ginnava, he is considered one of the less well-liked of the brothers from the public standpoint. When both the children was young, Rylan was out on a little venture with their father out by the mountain side, and something as unlikely as a mountain-slide came down, and Rylan was saved by their father’s sacrifice at that time. Suspicions about who or what might have caused that mountain-slide has always been about, but there is nothing that says it was anything else than an unfortunate accident. This was not the case, if you’re asking Rylan. Without a doubt, it was a monster or some form of devilish man who caused the mountain-slide to kill the King and Prince of Renais. There was no doubt about it.
Ever since that day, Rylan became more stoic. He never did really play very much with his brother, and while he doted on him, smiled and gave praise to his achievements Rylan always seemed like he had his mind on something else, like he felt that he had to mature to go beyond the things young squires might do. He also never really forgave his mother for the by-the-book way she accepted her husband’s death, even though it was clear as day she did so purely though instinct as her insides had been shook by the experience. Rylan now thunders across Renais and a bit beyond hunting down the larger groups of monsters where they appear.
There is something about the way he fights, and the way he talks that has made him less liked than his brother. Should one watch his commands and how he moves, it will be clear as day that he fights to destroy enemies, not to protect people. He has saved many while doing so, but there’s something about the smile he puts before everyone, the way he says “Everything is going to be alright”, “Leave everything to me”… It simply differs from the way his younger brother protects them. Rylan’s a trusted man of Renais anyway, who people can count on to show up whenever a larger enemy appears. He’s also known to light the corpses of his enemies of fire, making him preemptively known as the “Cleansing King” or the “Fire King”, even before actually inheriting the throne.
Rylan was located in Northern Renais dealing with a minor infestation at the time of Jehanna’s invasion, and has not yet returned to give his opinion on what is going on.
Equipment and Items: Rapier, Iron Blade, Short Spear, Torch, Vulnerary
Personality: Standing forth as a true Knight of Renais, Rylan keeps to all the things expected of a noble. He’s straight in his back, takes care of those who are under his command, smile a comforting smile when speaking to public or otherwise. However, it might be sensed that there’s something fake about his attitude. He acts like he’s supposed to, taking the time to see to his brother and civilians and such, but he never truly seems to ever become friends with anyone, and when he swings his sword there is rage that can be seen in there. The reason for which might be obvious, but Rylan knows of this and tries to keep it under control. There may have been a moment where he might have confessed to his brother that he feels somewhat out of it, like everything is straining, that no matter what he does there’s no end to it, that he has this building rage which he must take out somehow. Being aware of it, he does try to turn it to be the best he can for Renais, in order to keep his nation safe.
That all said, he really dotes on his younger brother.
Ability Assessment: Balanced, just like his mother. No single area shines away, but at the same time every area is one that needs to be taken into account. Strength, skill, speed, defense… All of it is in good shape, and on a mighty steed Rylan is able to thunder down on his opponents and slice them apart with no recognizable weakness. However, his brutality should be mentioned. Rylan’s strikes aims to destroy with the skill available to him, and he puts a lot of power into his swings even if he’s able to have more finesse. It could be imagined that those may be easier to dodge. That said, Rylan is able to adjust his fighting style, so it might be the case that the enemy only has one shot in that moment before he adjusts his style.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Rylan tends to mop all the corpses of the monsters he and his men has killed into piles which he then burns using his torch. The sight of a pile of smoke rising on the horizon has long now been recognized as the sign that the Crown Prince of Renais has cleansed this area of another threat. Still, there is no need to do that as monsters seem to wane away naturally after being slain, and it may be something he’s doing to satisfy his desire to destroy the beings. Some have asked him to stop, since he usually doesn’t exactly control to make sure the fire doesn’t come loose, he leaves that to his troops, but people have accepted it. The sight of that smoke, while disturbing, is often strangely calming to the people around. People have been referring to him of a name they might adopt should be become King. “The Cleansing King”, or just “Fire King” among some, they’re not entirely decided.
He seems to really like listening to music or singing. Perhaps it somehow calms him?
R-button Summarization: The Crown Prince of Renais. Displays himself as a good prince, aiming a destructive force to defend his nation.
Name: Melinda and Leoma
Apparent Age: Young adults
Gender: Females
Nation: Renais
Class: Dark Flier and Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???, Dark: ??? / Lance: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ??? / ???
Background: Two twin sisters born within Renais to a proud noble who raised them together. Throughout their growth the two of them were always so very close, and had fun checking if people would realize they had changed places. When young they asked if they could try riding Pegasi, which is why the creatures were imported from Frelia and now both ride them. At some point, though, Melinda asked why they didn’t try to use the magical strength of a Pegasus rider for magic? Leoma argued that they should focus on the physical aspect as true knights of Renais. Was this the first argument the girls had? Hard to say, but after that their paths diverged, one going into research on dark magic and the other perfecting her knighthood. Both displayed amazing ability to command and destroy monsters, using the mobility of their Pegasi to the best of their abilities. The use of dark magic apparently somehow changed Melinda’s appearance. Years later, the two sisters met again, having been recruited by Ginnava as her greatest generals due to their respective achievements. The two sisters now generally get along, well enough to be often referred to in unison. The Black and White generals of Renais. That’s them. They’re also Renais’ sole riders of Pegasi (unless anyone creates a character that changes this.).
Equipment and Items: Flux, Nosferatu, Killer Lance, Vulnerary / Iron Lance, Bright Lance, Light Brand, Vulnerary
Personality: Both girls are stubborn, both are brave and willing to defend their nation, and both will raise their eyebrows in question at being hit on. Both girls are somewhat selfish, used to getting what they want and of they don’t get it they’ll push and work and fight to get it. Many circumstances would make them react the same way. However, Melinda lives with a smile on her face, emboldened herself with her dive into dark magic research and on her free time enjoys teasing boys and doing small pranks, especially to her sister. Leoma, on the other hand, perfected the knight’s code of honor by heard, lives a stoic life where she puts her duty above all and practices her weapon whenever she can. The two still love one another. Melinda is just a bit more open about it, openly hugging/teasing her sister who blushes and tells her to stop it while actually secretly wants to act the same…
Ability Assessment: The sisters’ development match their training. Melinda is magically powerful while Leoma is physically powerful. Both the sisters have quite the resistance and defense, higher than the assumed for their class even though Leoma’s defense is higher being an actual knight while Melinda’s resistance is higher. Both sisters have their weakness being their speed, which still is rather high with the consideration they’re Pegasus riders, but low in comparison to the rest of their kinds. That, and of course, they’re weak to arrows.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: When they were little, young Melinda and Leoma promised each other they’d marry the same man. Today Leoma has discarded this as something foolish she did as a child while Melinda is constantly reminding a her of this fact while pointing out potential mates to approach. Something both girls share is a talent for musical arts, at home there having been a lot of instruments they could learn to play and have fun with. They both really love flying and flying for fun next to one another would be the best thing ever. But Leoma is embarrassed to admit it, her sister has changed so much now. Both hold deep admiration for Ginnava, the Paladin Queen, and may be seen fighting each other over who gets to report to her and similar.
R-button Summarization:
Melinda: Black general of Renais. The magic-delving playful twin who loves teasing her sister.
Leoma: White general of Renais. The honor-bound stoic twin who puts duty above all else.

Apparent Age: Young adults
Gender: Females
Nation: Renais
Class: Dark Flier and Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???, Dark: ??? / Lance: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ??? / ???
Background: Two twin sisters born within Renais to a proud noble who raised them together. Throughout their growth the two of them were always so very close, and had fun checking if people would realize they had changed places. When young they asked if they could try riding Pegasi, which is why the creatures were imported from Frelia and now both ride them. At some point, though, Melinda asked why they didn’t try to use the magical strength of a Pegasus rider for magic? Leoma argued that they should focus on the physical aspect as true knights of Renais. Was this the first argument the girls had? Hard to say, but after that their paths diverged, one going into research on dark magic and the other perfecting her knighthood. Both displayed amazing ability to command and destroy monsters, using the mobility of their Pegasi to the best of their abilities. The use of dark magic apparently somehow changed Melinda’s appearance. Years later, the two sisters met again, having been recruited by Ginnava as her greatest generals due to their respective achievements. The two sisters now generally get along, well enough to be often referred to in unison. The Black and White generals of Renais. That’s them. They’re also Renais’ sole riders of Pegasi (unless anyone creates a character that changes this.).
Equipment and Items: Flux, Nosferatu, Killer Lance, Vulnerary / Iron Lance, Bright Lance, Light Brand, Vulnerary
Personality: Both girls are stubborn, both are brave and willing to defend their nation, and both will raise their eyebrows in question at being hit on. Both girls are somewhat selfish, used to getting what they want and of they don’t get it they’ll push and work and fight to get it. Many circumstances would make them react the same way. However, Melinda lives with a smile on her face, emboldened herself with her dive into dark magic research and on her free time enjoys teasing boys and doing small pranks, especially to her sister. Leoma, on the other hand, perfected the knight’s code of honor by heard, lives a stoic life where she puts her duty above all and practices her weapon whenever she can. The two still love one another. Melinda is just a bit more open about it, openly hugging/teasing her sister who blushes and tells her to stop it while actually secretly wants to act the same…
Ability Assessment: The sisters’ development match their training. Melinda is magically powerful while Leoma is physically powerful. Both the sisters have quite the resistance and defense, higher than the assumed for their class even though Leoma’s defense is higher being an actual knight while Melinda’s resistance is higher. Both sisters have their weakness being their speed, which still is rather high with the consideration they’re Pegasus riders, but low in comparison to the rest of their kinds. That, and of course, they’re weak to arrows.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: When they were little, young Melinda and Leoma promised each other they’d marry the same man. Today Leoma has discarded this as something foolish she did as a child while Melinda is constantly reminding a her of this fact while pointing out potential mates to approach. Something both girls share is a talent for musical arts, at home there having been a lot of instruments they could learn to play and have fun with. They both really love flying and flying for fun next to one another would be the best thing ever. But Leoma is embarrassed to admit it, her sister has changed so much now. Both hold deep admiration for Ginnava, the Paladin Queen, and may be seen fighting each other over who gets to report to her and similar.
R-button Summarization:
Melinda: Black general of Renais. The magic-delving playful twin who loves teasing her sister.
Leoma: White general of Renais. The honor-bound stoic twin who puts duty above all else.
Name: Cuthbert
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Warrior
Weapon Mastery: Axe: ???, Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: A noble of Renais destined from young age to attempt to grow in the military ranks. Due to an unforeseen problem during training Cuthbert was unable to ride as a Cavalier, so he quickly decided he’d take the route of a blue-blooded axe-fighter instead. Walking down to the wilder villages of Renais, he took their harsh training and let them laugh at him as he rolled ungracefully in the mud, but with it he steadily grew in strength. Eventually he returned to the castle of his birth after having fought to Warrior status alongside the people of Renais, where he swiftly proved how much he had grown and rose through the ranks. Eventually, he secured his position as one of Renais’ chief commanders of the army, and one who often stands in the forefront of the army when things grow fierce and the others aren’t around.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Swordreaver, Iron Bow, Vulnerary
Personality: A proud, prudent and very clean nobleman that definitely looks down on you. He didn’t suffer through all that time among commoners because he enjoyed it, he’ll be quick to tell you. That said, there is some inherent kindness in there, for Cuthbert often moves to defend the people, as he’ll tell you is his job. Despite his rejection of all dirt he’s relatively well liked among the people of Renais, who still laugh about the stories when they were ordering him to watch the pigs and other such things. Cuthbert will shudder at the memories, but nonetheless hold his head high.
Ability Assessment: Remarkable strength and toughness. His speed falls somewhat behind, but he’s a fierce warrior nonetheless that should not be underestimated.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Animals absolutely hate him. Dogs bark at him, horses jolt uncomfortably in his presence and birds have an awful tendency to [redacted] on anything he owns. He doesn’t particularly like animals either, which is why becoming a Cavalier really didn’t work. Aside from that, he has a fascination for tall places, always seeking to climb as high as possible so he can look over the surrounding area, feel the wind blowing past his face… Nothing pleases him more. Then the moment is definitely ruined by a sudden bird.
R-button Summarization: Commander of Renais. A strong warrior and an impeccable clean-freak. Animals hate him.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Warrior
Weapon Mastery: Axe: ???, Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: A noble of Renais destined from young age to attempt to grow in the military ranks. Due to an unforeseen problem during training Cuthbert was unable to ride as a Cavalier, so he quickly decided he’d take the route of a blue-blooded axe-fighter instead. Walking down to the wilder villages of Renais, he took their harsh training and let them laugh at him as he rolled ungracefully in the mud, but with it he steadily grew in strength. Eventually he returned to the castle of his birth after having fought to Warrior status alongside the people of Renais, where he swiftly proved how much he had grown and rose through the ranks. Eventually, he secured his position as one of Renais’ chief commanders of the army, and one who often stands in the forefront of the army when things grow fierce and the others aren’t around.
Equipment and Items: Steel Axe, Swordreaver, Iron Bow, Vulnerary
Personality: A proud, prudent and very clean nobleman that definitely looks down on you. He didn’t suffer through all that time among commoners because he enjoyed it, he’ll be quick to tell you. That said, there is some inherent kindness in there, for Cuthbert often moves to defend the people, as he’ll tell you is his job. Despite his rejection of all dirt he’s relatively well liked among the people of Renais, who still laugh about the stories when they were ordering him to watch the pigs and other such things. Cuthbert will shudder at the memories, but nonetheless hold his head high.
Ability Assessment: Remarkable strength and toughness. His speed falls somewhat behind, but he’s a fierce warrior nonetheless that should not be underestimated.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Animals absolutely hate him. Dogs bark at him, horses jolt uncomfortably in his presence and birds have an awful tendency to [redacted] on anything he owns. He doesn’t particularly like animals either, which is why becoming a Cavalier really didn’t work. Aside from that, he has a fascination for tall places, always seeking to climb as high as possible so he can look over the surrounding area, feel the wind blowing past his face… Nothing pleases him more. Then the moment is definitely ruined by a sudden bird.
R-button Summarization: Commander of Renais. A strong warrior and an impeccable clean-freak. Animals hate him.
Name: Ulric
Apparent Age: Old Man
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: One generation ago, Ulric was said to be the kind of hero that only appears once in a lifetime. One time in the last generation, there was in insurgence of Draco Zombies that almost overwhelmed all of Renais. Despite being a normal peasant of Renais originally, Ulric stood up and led a party that almost single-handedly destroyed the threat. That was but one of the long list of military achievements which the “Wolf’s Fang” Ulric accomplished, and he stands as one of the most famous heroes of Magvel. But that was a long time ago. Now, Ulric’s body is way past its prime and unlike magic-users old swordsmen do not actually withhold their amazing power. He lives a quiet life on the Renais countryside with his grandchildren, enjoying a rest long deserved. … Which doesn’t actually mean he doesn’t occasionally pick up his old weapons and defend the village from monsters, that sometimes happens. They still can’t beat him.
Equipment and Items: Iron Sword, Iron Axe
Personality: Old, serious but reasonable. Ulric is actually pretty temperamental and quick to irritation, but he’s also an understanding man who can reason his way to how others behave. He’s seen far more than most people he talks to, and that experience has made him a somewhat cynical old man. He enjoys the occasional joke that nobody seems to expect from him. He was a serious and stoic man in his youth, but has mellowed out just a little with age. Still, when needed, despite his age Ulric is not one to step down from his responsibilities.
Ability Assessment: With age comes wisdom. Ulric is still one of the most skilled swordsmen in Magvel, and his skill is accompanied by a magnificent strength that will do damage when his accurate attacks hit. With age, however, Ulric’s speed has diminished, as has his ability to properly take blows. He’ll have to use his great skill to avoid blows despite his lower speed. That all said… Nobody’s going to underestimate THE Ulric anytime soon, and that with good reason. This old-timer’s still got it…! … Partly!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: While he moves smoothly and with great experience and muscle-memory during battle, as soon as the battle is over he’ll be itching and feeling pain from all over from muscles he insists he never before knew. Occasionally, he shows his age by falling asleep at the strangest of times, like in the middle of a meal or in a sentence. And… he occasionally forgets people. … Occasionally. He’s got a fantastic love for animals, and animals seem to really like him. They have a dog at home, an old girl called Mara.
R-button Summarization: Retired hero of Renais. A serious and wise old man that is still very much kicking.

Apparent Age: Old Man
Gender: Male
Nation: Renais
Class: Hero
Weapon Mastery: Swords: ???, Axes: ???
Level: ???
Background: One generation ago, Ulric was said to be the kind of hero that only appears once in a lifetime. One time in the last generation, there was in insurgence of Draco Zombies that almost overwhelmed all of Renais. Despite being a normal peasant of Renais originally, Ulric stood up and led a party that almost single-handedly destroyed the threat. That was but one of the long list of military achievements which the “Wolf’s Fang” Ulric accomplished, and he stands as one of the most famous heroes of Magvel. But that was a long time ago. Now, Ulric’s body is way past its prime and unlike magic-users old swordsmen do not actually withhold their amazing power. He lives a quiet life on the Renais countryside with his grandchildren, enjoying a rest long deserved. … Which doesn’t actually mean he doesn’t occasionally pick up his old weapons and defend the village from monsters, that sometimes happens. They still can’t beat him.
Equipment and Items: Iron Sword, Iron Axe
Personality: Old, serious but reasonable. Ulric is actually pretty temperamental and quick to irritation, but he’s also an understanding man who can reason his way to how others behave. He’s seen far more than most people he talks to, and that experience has made him a somewhat cynical old man. He enjoys the occasional joke that nobody seems to expect from him. He was a serious and stoic man in his youth, but has mellowed out just a little with age. Still, when needed, despite his age Ulric is not one to step down from his responsibilities.
Ability Assessment: With age comes wisdom. Ulric is still one of the most skilled swordsmen in Magvel, and his skill is accompanied by a magnificent strength that will do damage when his accurate attacks hit. With age, however, Ulric’s speed has diminished, as has his ability to properly take blows. He’ll have to use his great skill to avoid blows despite his lower speed. That all said… Nobody’s going to underestimate THE Ulric anytime soon, and that with good reason. This old-timer’s still got it…! … Partly!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: While he moves smoothly and with great experience and muscle-memory during battle, as soon as the battle is over he’ll be itching and feeling pain from all over from muscles he insists he never before knew. Occasionally, he shows his age by falling asleep at the strangest of times, like in the middle of a meal or in a sentence. And… he occasionally forgets people. … Occasionally. He’s got a fantastic love for animals, and animals seem to really like him. They have a dog at home, an old girl called Mara.
R-button Summarization: Retired hero of Renais. A serious and wise old man that is still very much kicking.
Name: Kennard
Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Frelia
Class: Ranger
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Kennard was born a greedy little child and was a little troublemaker prince. He was always the first one to play tricks on people and took down a fair amount of monsters with handmade traps because it was fun. He caused his brother no small amount of trouble. Growing up, Kennard came to power while young under suspicious circumstances, as his father’s death happened very suddenly when he was very healthy. There are quite a few people who have suspected Kennard had something to do with this, but after this incident there has been no similar incidents and only Kennard acting as a pretty efficient king as usual. Today he displays a lazy and uncaring front towards the world, despite that he, at times, show off a very wise mind to those who bothers inquiring deeper. However, the nation is still split in two, as many would prefer his Pegasus Commander, Mariona, take the throne.
Equipment and Items: Poison Bow, Silver Bow, Poison Sword, Elixir, Goddess Icon.
Personality: He is notably lazy and not afraid to show it, frequently lazing about in his throne when people come to talk to him. Kennard is not afraid to smile when everyone else is dead serious, his carefree attitude filled with little jokes and sarcastic comments and a seemingly uncaring personality which takes full advantage of his position as king. This infuriating attitude only further annoys those around him with his unparalleled ability when he really pulls his weight. He’s charming, clever, and can totally turn you on your end if you’re not ready for it, his seemingly joking personality making people unprepared for just how merciless he can be when Kennard becomes serious. But even when he’s serious, the Sky King remains with that little carefree smile, making decisions seemingly with the intention of making people frown at him.
Ability Assessment: Intelligence is his most dominant factor. He is a master strategist who is not afraid to use dirty tricks to get his way. When in battle, it appears that his units will follow his commands well and truly, outperforming themselves. In battle himself, Kennard is skilled and defensively masterful, although his strength and speed suffers from it. However, in a fight Kennard will first and foremost make sure that he’s fighting with the advantage, and those who underestimate the way he reads his opponent’s moves will suffer greatly themselves, and there is something about the battlefield… Like, it is as if the world itself is constantly on his side. His Luck is off the charts.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Kennard is a bird-watcher and bird-tamer among other things. When on his off-hours he spends many, many hours talking and treating his ravens and other birds, and he’s even capable of making them do mundane tasks like delivering letters or landing on people’s heads (and other things). The birds never seen to question his orders, and he’s been known to use them in battle, too. He’s also a great fan of different board games where he can truly show off his tactical competence, and he has a great deal of fun challenging other kings and queens to games with him. So far, Kennard remains undefeated.
R-button Summarization: The carefree and tricky Sky King of Frelia. Masks his true competence.

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Frelia
Class: Ranger
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: Kennard was born a greedy little child and was a little troublemaker prince. He was always the first one to play tricks on people and took down a fair amount of monsters with handmade traps because it was fun. He caused his brother no small amount of trouble. Growing up, Kennard came to power while young under suspicious circumstances, as his father’s death happened very suddenly when he was very healthy. There are quite a few people who have suspected Kennard had something to do with this, but after this incident there has been no similar incidents and only Kennard acting as a pretty efficient king as usual. Today he displays a lazy and uncaring front towards the world, despite that he, at times, show off a very wise mind to those who bothers inquiring deeper. However, the nation is still split in two, as many would prefer his Pegasus Commander, Mariona, take the throne.
Equipment and Items: Poison Bow, Silver Bow, Poison Sword, Elixir, Goddess Icon.
Personality: He is notably lazy and not afraid to show it, frequently lazing about in his throne when people come to talk to him. Kennard is not afraid to smile when everyone else is dead serious, his carefree attitude filled with little jokes and sarcastic comments and a seemingly uncaring personality which takes full advantage of his position as king. This infuriating attitude only further annoys those around him with his unparalleled ability when he really pulls his weight. He’s charming, clever, and can totally turn you on your end if you’re not ready for it, his seemingly joking personality making people unprepared for just how merciless he can be when Kennard becomes serious. But even when he’s serious, the Sky King remains with that little carefree smile, making decisions seemingly with the intention of making people frown at him.
Ability Assessment: Intelligence is his most dominant factor. He is a master strategist who is not afraid to use dirty tricks to get his way. When in battle, it appears that his units will follow his commands well and truly, outperforming themselves. In battle himself, Kennard is skilled and defensively masterful, although his strength and speed suffers from it. However, in a fight Kennard will first and foremost make sure that he’s fighting with the advantage, and those who underestimate the way he reads his opponent’s moves will suffer greatly themselves, and there is something about the battlefield… Like, it is as if the world itself is constantly on his side. His Luck is off the charts.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Kennard is a bird-watcher and bird-tamer among other things. When on his off-hours he spends many, many hours talking and treating his ravens and other birds, and he’s even capable of making them do mundane tasks like delivering letters or landing on people’s heads (and other things). The birds never seen to question his orders, and he’s been known to use them in battle, too. He’s also a great fan of different board games where he can truly show off his tactical competence, and he has a great deal of fun challenging other kings and queens to games with him. So far, Kennard remains undefeated.
R-button Summarization: The carefree and tricky Sky King of Frelia. Masks his true competence.
Name: Mariona
Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: A woman from a low-class Frelian family who has worked herself to the top through sheer effort and skill. Working so hard to keep her nation safe, Mariona has grown to look down on those who do not work as hard as her but have achieved good position regardless. Today she is the Captain of the Pegasus Knights and Kennard leaves many of his duties in her hands, which she gladly accepts as she thinks she is superior to him in capability. Many in Frelia would prefer her to be taken up as the Queen of Frelia, and honestly Mariona doesn’t mind this idea at all. Kennard acts like this idea doesn’t exist or seem to make decisions that support the idea of her getting additional power while dangling the ultimate power just out of her reach. Followers of both sides are gathering beside one another without anyone moving… of course, then Jehanna declared war on Grado, and nobody in Frelia is sure they want to move anymore.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Spear, Slim Lance, Vulnerary, Speedwing
Personality: A gentle and caring lady who’s known to be strict yet kind towards any individual below her. She has a wonderful smile that she often shows as praise or in happiness for a completed mission, and a stern but clearly caring scolding look and tone which she adopts to teach a lesson. One would imagine her being the ultimate mother-figure, and this attitude is also why many wants her on the throne. Mariona has the problem of sometimes thinking a little too highly of herself and getting annoyed when people make mundane mistakes she never would, but she does her best to support and help those around her… to a certain point. The rest they need to overcome on their own, says the idealist of hard work within her.
Ability Assessment: She’s strong and fast, with an indescribable bond with her mount as they soar the battlefield with grace and beauty. Mariona has sacrificed a bit of her defense for greater speed and greater strength, her blows packing considerable punch and her speed enough to dodge most arrows and blows that can be aimed for her. In order to bring her down one would need to obtain someone with the skill to hit her despite her speed, to take advantage of that reduced defense. However, with that grace which Mariona flies from foe to foe, cutting them down, that may be a difficult task.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Internally, she wants to be a bad girl. When she was a child, she wanted to become a pirate and go around raiding to show she was the best. Growing up, she wanted to join all the fads and all the bad things and let herself loose. She wants to seduce men and overall just be bad. Act mysterious and just do whatever she wants as a free soul. Her life hasn’t allowed her to do that, she has been forced to act a good woman that defends her country and displays so good a role model that people wants her on the throne. She thoroughly despises Kennard.
R-button Summarization: Pegasus Commander of Frelia. A strong and kind woman many Frelians look up to.

Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Falcon Knight
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???, Sword: ???
Level: ???
Background: A woman from a low-class Frelian family who has worked herself to the top through sheer effort and skill. Working so hard to keep her nation safe, Mariona has grown to look down on those who do not work as hard as her but have achieved good position regardless. Today she is the Captain of the Pegasus Knights and Kennard leaves many of his duties in her hands, which she gladly accepts as she thinks she is superior to him in capability. Many in Frelia would prefer her to be taken up as the Queen of Frelia, and honestly Mariona doesn’t mind this idea at all. Kennard acts like this idea doesn’t exist or seem to make decisions that support the idea of her getting additional power while dangling the ultimate power just out of her reach. Followers of both sides are gathering beside one another without anyone moving… of course, then Jehanna declared war on Grado, and nobody in Frelia is sure they want to move anymore.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Spear, Slim Lance, Vulnerary, Speedwing
Personality: A gentle and caring lady who’s known to be strict yet kind towards any individual below her. She has a wonderful smile that she often shows as praise or in happiness for a completed mission, and a stern but clearly caring scolding look and tone which she adopts to teach a lesson. One would imagine her being the ultimate mother-figure, and this attitude is also why many wants her on the throne. Mariona has the problem of sometimes thinking a little too highly of herself and getting annoyed when people make mundane mistakes she never would, but she does her best to support and help those around her… to a certain point. The rest they need to overcome on their own, says the idealist of hard work within her.
Ability Assessment: She’s strong and fast, with an indescribable bond with her mount as they soar the battlefield with grace and beauty. Mariona has sacrificed a bit of her defense for greater speed and greater strength, her blows packing considerable punch and her speed enough to dodge most arrows and blows that can be aimed for her. In order to bring her down one would need to obtain someone with the skill to hit her despite her speed, to take advantage of that reduced defense. However, with that grace which Mariona flies from foe to foe, cutting them down, that may be a difficult task.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Internally, she wants to be a bad girl. When she was a child, she wanted to become a pirate and go around raiding to show she was the best. Growing up, she wanted to join all the fads and all the bad things and let herself loose. She wants to seduce men and overall just be bad. Act mysterious and just do whatever she wants as a free soul. Her life hasn’t allowed her to do that, she has been forced to act a good woman that defends her country and displays so good a role model that people wants her on the throne. She thoroughly despises Kennard.
R-button Summarization: Pegasus Commander of Frelia. A strong and kind woman many Frelians look up to.
Name: Natalia

Apparent Age: Teenager
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Soldier
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Natalia is the young princess of Frelia. There’s some controversy as to her origin, since she was first seen when King Kennard showed up with a baby announcing “This girl is my daughter! You shall treat her as such!” with a devious grin. To Frelia Natalia showed up out of nowhere and became the crown princess of Frelia, nobody knowing who the mother was and Kennard totally not giving any kind of answer. It should be remarked Kennard was somewhat young to have a child at the time. However, later genetic similarities have made people believe him. Natalia was accepted and has since been living with her father in the Frelian palace. As part of the most locked-up nation of Frelia, she didn’t often get to see the outside world, though did get to travel with Kennard occasionally to see the nobles of the other nations. Lately, however, she’s been holed up in the Frelian palace, for multiple reasons, the war most certainly being one of them.
Equipment and Items: ???
Personality: Natalia is the kind of girl that feels immediate apprehension towards strangers of any kinds but then, as they continue to talk to them, she starts to open up bit by bit until finally she can smile and becomes completely comfortable around said person, able to talk and laugh excitedly. She appears shy in front of large masses, can easily get embarrassed by very small things and constantly worry about how her father seems to constantly play around and gather the ill glares of the people. In fact, she’s also being glared at simply by being her father’s daughter. As the crown princess of Frelia, Natalia feels like she should be taking command, but she finds herself unable to do so unless she’s completely at ease with the people around her. She often worries that, as a princess, she should be more quirky and unique, and yet she feels like any other normal girl… … …
Ability Assessment: Almost all of Natalia’s stats are sub-par. Her strength is faltering, her magical output is low, her skill is haphazard, her speed is worrisome, her defense is negligible. In addition she’s very, very inexperienced with anything that has even remotely to do with battle. That said, when stepping into the proximity of Natalia absolutely any enemy has to keep their eyes wide-open. Because, there is a little phenomenon one might call Beginner’s Luck. Natalia is so unnaturally lucky, she may find herself randomly dodging blows she shouldn’t, her attacks striking home at unpredictable angles that causes experienced enemies to glare in shock. It is quite possible that Natalia is actually the most equally dangerous fighter for anyone in Magvel to take on. That said, she should never depend on said luck. She needs to train and become strong in her own right.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: At first glance, one may think that this girl can’t be the daughter of Kennard, she’s completely different! If only so was the case. Natalia slightly secretly LOVES pranks. They’re BEYOND OTHERWORLDLY EXCITING! … Except it is always obvious if Natalia has done something, because her face is completely beet-red and she’s unable to get eye-contact with anyone. In any case, Natalia knows why her father acts like he does and knows she’d enjoy acting the same. … But that would be bad, and she’s too shy to do so, so she can’t.
She also inherited his intelligence, and having played a lot of games with her father and friends she’s quite the genius at them. Nobody knows who’s superior at games between her and her father, but every so often Kennard invites her to a game, and the King always looks so utterly delighted after those games although nobody knows who won.
She hopes for a future where everyone is happy and at peace without any threats. That is, of course, probably quite normal. … However, it is probably not as normal to want to [DATA EXPUNGED]
R-button Summarization: The young princess of Frelia. Shy to strangers but eventually warms up.

Apparent Age: Teenager
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Soldier
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Natalia is the young princess of Frelia. There’s some controversy as to her origin, since she was first seen when King Kennard showed up with a baby announcing “This girl is my daughter! You shall treat her as such!” with a devious grin. To Frelia Natalia showed up out of nowhere and became the crown princess of Frelia, nobody knowing who the mother was and Kennard totally not giving any kind of answer. It should be remarked Kennard was somewhat young to have a child at the time. However, later genetic similarities have made people believe him. Natalia was accepted and has since been living with her father in the Frelian palace. As part of the most locked-up nation of Frelia, she didn’t often get to see the outside world, though did get to travel with Kennard occasionally to see the nobles of the other nations. Lately, however, she’s been holed up in the Frelian palace, for multiple reasons, the war most certainly being one of them.
Equipment and Items: ???
Personality: Natalia is the kind of girl that feels immediate apprehension towards strangers of any kinds but then, as they continue to talk to them, she starts to open up bit by bit until finally she can smile and becomes completely comfortable around said person, able to talk and laugh excitedly. She appears shy in front of large masses, can easily get embarrassed by very small things and constantly worry about how her father seems to constantly play around and gather the ill glares of the people. In fact, she’s also being glared at simply by being her father’s daughter. As the crown princess of Frelia, Natalia feels like she should be taking command, but she finds herself unable to do so unless she’s completely at ease with the people around her. She often worries that, as a princess, she should be more quirky and unique, and yet she feels like any other normal girl… … …
Ability Assessment: Almost all of Natalia’s stats are sub-par. Her strength is faltering, her magical output is low, her skill is haphazard, her speed is worrisome, her defense is negligible. In addition she’s very, very inexperienced with anything that has even remotely to do with battle. That said, when stepping into the proximity of Natalia absolutely any enemy has to keep their eyes wide-open. Because, there is a little phenomenon one might call Beginner’s Luck. Natalia is so unnaturally lucky, she may find herself randomly dodging blows she shouldn’t, her attacks striking home at unpredictable angles that causes experienced enemies to glare in shock. It is quite possible that Natalia is actually the most equally dangerous fighter for anyone in Magvel to take on. That said, she should never depend on said luck. She needs to train and become strong in her own right.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: At first glance, one may think that this girl can’t be the daughter of Kennard, she’s completely different! If only so was the case. Natalia slightly secretly LOVES pranks. They’re BEYOND OTHERWORLDLY EXCITING! … Except it is always obvious if Natalia has done something, because her face is completely beet-red and she’s unable to get eye-contact with anyone. In any case, Natalia knows why her father acts like he does and knows she’d enjoy acting the same. … But that would be bad, and she’s too shy to do so, so she can’t.
She also inherited his intelligence, and having played a lot of games with her father and friends she’s quite the genius at them. Nobody knows who’s superior at games between her and her father, but every so often Kennard invites her to a game, and the King always looks so utterly delighted after those games although nobody knows who won.
She hopes for a future where everyone is happy and at peace without any threats. That is, of course, probably quite normal. … However, it is probably not as normal to want to [DATA EXPUNGED]
R-button Summarization: The young princess of Frelia. Shy to strangers but eventually warms up.
Name: Liadan
Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Halberdier
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: The General in charge of the ground troops of Frelia. A soldier with no real tale to speak of. Liadan was born a peasant of Frelia who signed up to the army and rose to the ranks, showing off skill and leadership as she grew in renown. She had a mentor in the previous general of Frelia who’s now unfortunately diseased from a sickness, and Liadan rose to take his place. All under the amused eyes of King Kennard, watching this powerful lady do whatever he wants her to do without hesitation. That’s all there is to Liadan. However, people have remarked upon Liadan’s hair, which clearly has the grey pigment known to be carried by the Frelian royal family today. Rumors have sprung, theorizing that her story may be a lie. Liadan scoffs away such claims, however, for that is such a silly idea. Currently in charge of training Princess Natalia as a warrior.
Equipment and Items: Steel Lance, Vulnerary
Personality: A serious, no-nonsense woman who takes her duty seriously. Where Mariona has a kind side, one could swear Liadan is all strict. She doesn’t allow for tardiness and runs her troops hard, and even when she gives them their desired rest it’s with a warning of what will happen if they aren’t prepared when the rest is over. She’s a skilled educator and is said to deliver some of the most excruciating punishments in Magvel to those who don’t follow her commands or make themselves deserved of it. She could keep the whole army in-line on her own, and that’s why she runs the army for Kennard. Some worry, though. Even off-duty, Liadan never really looks happy.
Ability Assessment: Liadan prioritizes staying alive. Her skill, defense and speed are all above average, allowing her to serve as a shield for her companions that can also dodge enemy attacks and counter them with sincere ability. However, her strength suffers, making her unable to harm enemies with more defense. However, the firepower of the Frelian army relies heavily on their Pegasus Riders and Archers, meaning Liadan considers her job simply to stop the enemy before they reach the vulnerable parts. That all said, she’s more than able to run through some enemies on her own, and stay calm while she’s doing it.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Most avid reader. She’s very well educated and finds her one charm in reading books on her spare time. Entering her home is like entering a library. Also, when the rare opportunity comes, she likes to spend just about the whole day in a warm bath, just relaxing. Nothing is quite as freeing as getting rid of all responsibilities for the day and slink down into a nice, hot bath. Then she starts reading while she’s in the bath. It’s pretty clear looking through her library which books she has accidentally dropped into the bath at a time or other. Surprisingly good chef, and can be just as strict to a wannabe cook as to a wannabe warrior.
R-button Summarization: General of Frelian ground-forces. A strict woman known to deliver the harshest punishments.

Apparent Age: Adult woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Frelia
Class: Halberdier
Weapon Mastery: Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: The General in charge of the ground troops of Frelia. A soldier with no real tale to speak of. Liadan was born a peasant of Frelia who signed up to the army and rose to the ranks, showing off skill and leadership as she grew in renown. She had a mentor in the previous general of Frelia who’s now unfortunately diseased from a sickness, and Liadan rose to take his place. All under the amused eyes of King Kennard, watching this powerful lady do whatever he wants her to do without hesitation. That’s all there is to Liadan. However, people have remarked upon Liadan’s hair, which clearly has the grey pigment known to be carried by the Frelian royal family today. Rumors have sprung, theorizing that her story may be a lie. Liadan scoffs away such claims, however, for that is such a silly idea. Currently in charge of training Princess Natalia as a warrior.
Equipment and Items: Steel Lance, Vulnerary
Personality: A serious, no-nonsense woman who takes her duty seriously. Where Mariona has a kind side, one could swear Liadan is all strict. She doesn’t allow for tardiness and runs her troops hard, and even when she gives them their desired rest it’s with a warning of what will happen if they aren’t prepared when the rest is over. She’s a skilled educator and is said to deliver some of the most excruciating punishments in Magvel to those who don’t follow her commands or make themselves deserved of it. She could keep the whole army in-line on her own, and that’s why she runs the army for Kennard. Some worry, though. Even off-duty, Liadan never really looks happy.
Ability Assessment: Liadan prioritizes staying alive. Her skill, defense and speed are all above average, allowing her to serve as a shield for her companions that can also dodge enemy attacks and counter them with sincere ability. However, her strength suffers, making her unable to harm enemies with more defense. However, the firepower of the Frelian army relies heavily on their Pegasus Riders and Archers, meaning Liadan considers her job simply to stop the enemy before they reach the vulnerable parts. That all said, she’s more than able to run through some enemies on her own, and stay calm while she’s doing it.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Most avid reader. She’s very well educated and finds her one charm in reading books on her spare time. Entering her home is like entering a library. Also, when the rare opportunity comes, she likes to spend just about the whole day in a warm bath, just relaxing. Nothing is quite as freeing as getting rid of all responsibilities for the day and slink down into a nice, hot bath. Then she starts reading while she’s in the bath. It’s pretty clear looking through her library which books she has accidentally dropped into the bath at a time or other. Surprisingly good chef, and can be just as strict to a wannabe cook as to a wannabe warrior.
R-button Summarization: General of Frelian ground-forces. A strict woman known to deliver the harshest punishments.
Name: Fearghal
Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Frelia
Class: Sniper
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: They say Fearghal was born to a common Frelian peasant that was in heavy debt with a couple of loan-sharks. Said loan-sharks were found dead with arrows in them and the kid disappeared. The kid, who’s name wasn’t Fearghal, is the best theory as where Fearghal came from. All other sources say Fearghal showed up out of nowhere and started hitting extremely accurate shots from impossibly long distance, assassinating targets silently and efficiently, through windows and other improbable angles. He appeared to be taking out threats to Frelia, as most of those he killed were proven to be terrible people when some research was done, but among his targets seemed to be relatively innocent and kind people who nobody knows why he killed. Kennard says to keep him around, for in the end he’ll do more good than bad to Frelia. Mariona doesn’t agree. One thing for sure, though. As long as Fearghal exists, any enemy of Frelia will think twice before putting their neck out anywhere remotely close to his hunting grounds.
Equipment and Items: Longbow, Killer Bow, Orion’s Bolt.
Personality: Fearghal is not one whom they speak about in terms of his personality. He’s a deadly assassin, a Sniper from long range, cold-hearted and mostly silent, and probably won’t take too kindly to you trying to stop and talk to him.
Ability Assessment: Deadly, fast and impeccably accurate shots. To be targeted by Fearghal is to be marked for death, it is said. Assuming the target is unaware of him, he can shoot down a target from borderline impossible ranges, and his arrows are all the more deadly and capable of hitting weak points. However… he himself is vulnerable. He commonly wears no armor on large parts of his body, and he himself is not actually particularly fast. If the enemy locates him and he cannot kill them fast enough, they might just get to him.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: …
R-button Summarization: A deadly Frelian Sniper known to kill innocents and criminal threats. Cold-hearted and mysterious.

Apparent Age: Young man
Gender: Male
Nation: Frelia
Class: Sniper
Weapon Mastery: Bow: ???
Level: ???
Background: They say Fearghal was born to a common Frelian peasant that was in heavy debt with a couple of loan-sharks. Said loan-sharks were found dead with arrows in them and the kid disappeared. The kid, who’s name wasn’t Fearghal, is the best theory as where Fearghal came from. All other sources say Fearghal showed up out of nowhere and started hitting extremely accurate shots from impossibly long distance, assassinating targets silently and efficiently, through windows and other improbable angles. He appeared to be taking out threats to Frelia, as most of those he killed were proven to be terrible people when some research was done, but among his targets seemed to be relatively innocent and kind people who nobody knows why he killed. Kennard says to keep him around, for in the end he’ll do more good than bad to Frelia. Mariona doesn’t agree. One thing for sure, though. As long as Fearghal exists, any enemy of Frelia will think twice before putting their neck out anywhere remotely close to his hunting grounds.
Equipment and Items: Longbow, Killer Bow, Orion’s Bolt.
Personality: Fearghal is not one whom they speak about in terms of his personality. He’s a deadly assassin, a Sniper from long range, cold-hearted and mostly silent, and probably won’t take too kindly to you trying to stop and talk to him.
Ability Assessment: Deadly, fast and impeccably accurate shots. To be targeted by Fearghal is to be marked for death, it is said. Assuming the target is unaware of him, he can shoot down a target from borderline impossible ranges, and his arrows are all the more deadly and capable of hitting weak points. However… he himself is vulnerable. He commonly wears no armor on large parts of his body, and he himself is not actually particularly fast. If the enemy locates him and he cannot kill them fast enough, they might just get to him.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: …
R-button Summarization: A deadly Frelian Sniper known to kill innocents and criminal threats. Cold-hearted and mysterious.
Name: Edan
Apparent Age: Teenager.
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Priest
Weapon Mastery: Staff: E
Level: 1
Background: Edan is the young Celestial Emperor of the Theocracy of Rausten. As expected of any formerly prince of Rausten, he’s been surrounded by teachers and studies for most of his life and would have been expected to take a journey around the world in order to learn from it. However, his father died an untimely early death due to illness and Edan was forced to take up the mantle as the new leader of Rausten. Currently, his image in the public eye is as somewhat of a joke due to his rather pathetic public appearances and everyone looks to Uamhas, his advisor, as the true current leader of Rausten. There have been plans to make Edan take the journey that is to teach him about the world, but it has been put on hold due to Jehanna’s invasion of Grado. He’s best known for being the main part of a trio with him, Sodalan and Edelmar. Sodalan thinks of dumb things to do, Edan agrees and Edelmar does his best to keep them safe and under control while they do it while sighing loudly.
Equipment and Items: Heal, Mend, Recover, Fortify, Sleep, Warp, Physic, Restore, Latona, Vulnerary. … He doesn’t carry it all at a time, though, he’ll need to pick before actually standing up.
Personality: The young Celestial Emperor is somewhat of an air-head, unfortunately. He seemingly has absolutely no sense for what might and might not be appropriate to say at any one time, and expect any speeches he holds to be filled with stammering and personal confessions that speeches are hard to remember. The look on his face is constantly dazed, his voice is always oddly quiet and always sounds like he’s thinking about something else entirely. He trusts the words of complete strangers without a second thought with a large misplaced smile and is so gullible his nation sees him as a joke. He tries, though. He has the standard good set of morals, and he knows the responsibility on his shoulders and tries to help. He just happens to constantly be following Uamhas suggestions because they always sound so much better than anything he can think of.
Ability Assessment: Thoroughly pathetic? May change if he gets any training.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Edan is easily distracted. He always follows along his friend Sodalan on his latest dumb idea and will always nod as if understanding when his teacher Edelmar tries to teach him something but will likely fail. He has a habit of stating/asking exactly what is on his mind regardless of appropriateness, which may or may not have anything to do with girls/women close to him. He’s thoroughly used to being perfectly safe, and may randomly walk wherever he wants to in the spur of the moment. … Despite seeming so dumb, his head is actually filled with a library’s worth of information, he just doesn’t know how to use it.
R-button Summarization: The young Celestial Emperor of Rausten. Inexperienced, naïve and trusting.

Apparent Age: Teenager.
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Priest
Weapon Mastery: Staff: E
Level: 1
Background: Edan is the young Celestial Emperor of the Theocracy of Rausten. As expected of any formerly prince of Rausten, he’s been surrounded by teachers and studies for most of his life and would have been expected to take a journey around the world in order to learn from it. However, his father died an untimely early death due to illness and Edan was forced to take up the mantle as the new leader of Rausten. Currently, his image in the public eye is as somewhat of a joke due to his rather pathetic public appearances and everyone looks to Uamhas, his advisor, as the true current leader of Rausten. There have been plans to make Edan take the journey that is to teach him about the world, but it has been put on hold due to Jehanna’s invasion of Grado. He’s best known for being the main part of a trio with him, Sodalan and Edelmar. Sodalan thinks of dumb things to do, Edan agrees and Edelmar does his best to keep them safe and under control while they do it while sighing loudly.
Equipment and Items: Heal, Mend, Recover, Fortify, Sleep, Warp, Physic, Restore, Latona, Vulnerary. … He doesn’t carry it all at a time, though, he’ll need to pick before actually standing up.
Personality: The young Celestial Emperor is somewhat of an air-head, unfortunately. He seemingly has absolutely no sense for what might and might not be appropriate to say at any one time, and expect any speeches he holds to be filled with stammering and personal confessions that speeches are hard to remember. The look on his face is constantly dazed, his voice is always oddly quiet and always sounds like he’s thinking about something else entirely. He trusts the words of complete strangers without a second thought with a large misplaced smile and is so gullible his nation sees him as a joke. He tries, though. He has the standard good set of morals, and he knows the responsibility on his shoulders and tries to help. He just happens to constantly be following Uamhas suggestions because they always sound so much better than anything he can think of.
Ability Assessment: Thoroughly pathetic? May change if he gets any training.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Edan is easily distracted. He always follows along his friend Sodalan on his latest dumb idea and will always nod as if understanding when his teacher Edelmar tries to teach him something but will likely fail. He has a habit of stating/asking exactly what is on his mind regardless of appropriateness, which may or may not have anything to do with girls/women close to him. He’s thoroughly used to being perfectly safe, and may randomly walk wherever he wants to in the spur of the moment. … Despite seeming so dumb, his head is actually filled with a library’s worth of information, he just doesn’t know how to use it.
R-button Summarization: The young Celestial Emperor of Rausten. Inexperienced, naïve and trusting.
Name: Uamhas
Apparent Age: Ancient
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: A long time ago in Rausten, Uamhas was something of a little wonder. His skill at research and studying brought in the attention of many, and he pointed out some crucial defensive misses in Rausten’s defense. Since then, monsters have been virtually unable to injure anyone in the entire Theocracy. Uamhas was respected then, and went on the be the advisor of Edan’s great-grandfather. … As well as his grandfather, and his father, and now him. For now, he’s living instructing the young Celestial Emperor on how to govern a nation, himself an individual trusted enough to be allowed to lead the nation from beside the new Emperor’s side.
Equipment and Items: Shine, Purge, Mend, Barrier, Elixir
Personality: A strange old man who remains ever so calm and smiles at the actions of the younger beings in the world, Uamhas has resolved to be an unquestionable voice of reason in order to assist his nation as best he can. This does mean that he puts Rausten’s people above the people anywhere else, as well as the lives of the people above that of the military or leaders. He has a talent for speaking about things in a way that makes others understand, and he can be really, really convincing. He’s humble and polite, never seems to get angry and always allows a person to finish what they’re saying before he shares his own wisdom. It is because of acting like he does that he’s become this famous an individual in Rausten.
Ability Assessment: Experience. This old man has fought against monsters and bandits since he was a tiny little thing, and he’s been all over the world seeing things. The old man Bishop is immeasurably skilled, intelligent and experienced, to the point where even at his age it is questionable if one should really take him lightly. His attentiveness is amazing, and it will be as if he’s aware of all around him, and he’s very good with that Barrier staff for his own protection. That said, he is an old man. He’s slow and his muscles have started to wear down. His magical strength actually isn’t that impressive either, so he’s probably most efficient as support, just like he’s usually standing supporting by the side of his Emperor.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: On the side, he has a great desire to write fictional stories. He is actually, besides being a famed professor and advisor of Rausten, also a fantasy author of maybe even greater renown amongst the more nerdy groups of people of the world. His works can be compared to those of Lovecrafts of the real world, with great elder gods, monsters and insanity overtaking, but he doesn’t let his publications get into the way of his actual duties as advisor of Edan. While this is unknown for most of the world who see him as only the great wise man of Rausten, the nerds of the world know him by a different name… The legendary “Lord of Shadows”. Of course, the professors of Rausten have no idea.
R-button Summarization: The ancient royal advisor of Rausten. A very wise and patient old man.

Apparent Age: Ancient
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: A long time ago in Rausten, Uamhas was something of a little wonder. His skill at research and studying brought in the attention of many, and he pointed out some crucial defensive misses in Rausten’s defense. Since then, monsters have been virtually unable to injure anyone in the entire Theocracy. Uamhas was respected then, and went on the be the advisor of Edan’s great-grandfather. … As well as his grandfather, and his father, and now him. For now, he’s living instructing the young Celestial Emperor on how to govern a nation, himself an individual trusted enough to be allowed to lead the nation from beside the new Emperor’s side.
Equipment and Items: Shine, Purge, Mend, Barrier, Elixir
Personality: A strange old man who remains ever so calm and smiles at the actions of the younger beings in the world, Uamhas has resolved to be an unquestionable voice of reason in order to assist his nation as best he can. This does mean that he puts Rausten’s people above the people anywhere else, as well as the lives of the people above that of the military or leaders. He has a talent for speaking about things in a way that makes others understand, and he can be really, really convincing. He’s humble and polite, never seems to get angry and always allows a person to finish what they’re saying before he shares his own wisdom. It is because of acting like he does that he’s become this famous an individual in Rausten.
Ability Assessment: Experience. This old man has fought against monsters and bandits since he was a tiny little thing, and he’s been all over the world seeing things. The old man Bishop is immeasurably skilled, intelligent and experienced, to the point where even at his age it is questionable if one should really take him lightly. His attentiveness is amazing, and it will be as if he’s aware of all around him, and he’s very good with that Barrier staff for his own protection. That said, he is an old man. He’s slow and his muscles have started to wear down. His magical strength actually isn’t that impressive either, so he’s probably most efficient as support, just like he’s usually standing supporting by the side of his Emperor.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: On the side, he has a great desire to write fictional stories. He is actually, besides being a famed professor and advisor of Rausten, also a fantasy author of maybe even greater renown amongst the more nerdy groups of people of the world. His works can be compared to those of Lovecrafts of the real world, with great elder gods, monsters and insanity overtaking, but he doesn’t let his publications get into the way of his actual duties as advisor of Edan. While this is unknown for most of the world who see him as only the great wise man of Rausten, the nerds of the world know him by a different name… The legendary “Lord of Shadows”. Of course, the professors of Rausten have no idea.
R-button Summarization: The ancient royal advisor of Rausten. A very wise and patient old man.
Name: Babette
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Rausten
Class: War Cleric
Weapon Mastery: Axe: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Babette’s the brutal War Cleric who’s called the “Mother” of Rausten’s military. One of two top generals, Babette leads the clergy side with an iron fist where she’s famous for being tough as nails. She grew up like an average, unremarkable female cleric and then one day she grabbed an axe and flipped the whole military upside down with powerful commands of how it should be run until she finally got promoted. Rumors claim she was slighted by a man who had been her crush, who had dumped her and claimed she would never achieve anything in life so she wasn’t worthy of him, and in pure anger she went and become one of the most competent commanders in Rausten just to get back at him. Obviously, none have sought Babette’s comments on these claims. Along with Drusus, she now competently leads Rausten’s military without incident. Also, despite the rumors, she is in fact not engaged with Drusus in any way, shape or form.
Equipment and Items: Battle Axe, Brave Axe, Recover
Personality: A tough, determined woman with force in her heart and a voice that can be heard for miles. Every movement she does seems to display how strong she is, not a graceful movement in sight. Her hard gaze never seems to relax, like she lives her whole life in perpetual tension. Babette throws commands around like a merchant does offers, and expects every single one to be followed. With Edan being so young and Uamhas being so old, most of the Rausten military being run by her and Drusus. Babette has made it a skill of hers to manage everything on a distance, keeping all things stocked and manpower up. People in Rausten fear her rage, for they know the flat side of her axe awaits in the case of more grievous errors. She never seems to smile in normal circumstances. In fact, the only time she actually looks happy and relaxed is when she’s dissecting the bodies of monsters with her huge, disproportionate axe. Then, and only then, can she be heard laughing…
Ability Assessment: Powerful, skilled, fast, tough. This woman has it all when it comes to going into battle, tearing her opponents apart. Perhaps because she focused so hard on becoming strong, her magical capabilities have dwindled, but she still has the skill to wield any staff in Rausten’s armory. She doesn’t need to be an accomplished healer herself when she leads an army of healers. Babette can settle for just slaughtering those who’d dare try to lay a hand on her healers, instead…!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: So, putting it as politely as possible, Babette is widely considered to have the most coveted body in Rausten. People draw pictures in her likeness in various state of undress, and sell for a lot of money. Enraged by this, Babette has made it a hobby to seek out these artists and buyers and slam their heads into the wall. It’s really not something she want to need to do.
When she comes home, Babette goes down into the dungeon and vents all her energy by slamming her battle axe into dummies and walls, after which she slips into a bed in exhaustion, finally relaxing. Then, she can enjoy a good book or actually calmly take a snack or so. That’s how you end a day.
She’s been noted to appear to enjoy causing pain for the sake of causing pain.
R-button Summarization: The face of Rausten’s clergy and “Mother” of Rausten’s military. A very strict no-nonsense woman.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Rausten
Class: War Cleric
Weapon Mastery: Axe: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Babette’s the brutal War Cleric who’s called the “Mother” of Rausten’s military. One of two top generals, Babette leads the clergy side with an iron fist where she’s famous for being tough as nails. She grew up like an average, unremarkable female cleric and then one day she grabbed an axe and flipped the whole military upside down with powerful commands of how it should be run until she finally got promoted. Rumors claim she was slighted by a man who had been her crush, who had dumped her and claimed she would never achieve anything in life so she wasn’t worthy of him, and in pure anger she went and become one of the most competent commanders in Rausten just to get back at him. Obviously, none have sought Babette’s comments on these claims. Along with Drusus, she now competently leads Rausten’s military without incident. Also, despite the rumors, she is in fact not engaged with Drusus in any way, shape or form.
Equipment and Items: Battle Axe, Brave Axe, Recover
Personality: A tough, determined woman with force in her heart and a voice that can be heard for miles. Every movement she does seems to display how strong she is, not a graceful movement in sight. Her hard gaze never seems to relax, like she lives her whole life in perpetual tension. Babette throws commands around like a merchant does offers, and expects every single one to be followed. With Edan being so young and Uamhas being so old, most of the Rausten military being run by her and Drusus. Babette has made it a skill of hers to manage everything on a distance, keeping all things stocked and manpower up. People in Rausten fear her rage, for they know the flat side of her axe awaits in the case of more grievous errors. She never seems to smile in normal circumstances. In fact, the only time she actually looks happy and relaxed is when she’s dissecting the bodies of monsters with her huge, disproportionate axe. Then, and only then, can she be heard laughing…
Ability Assessment: Powerful, skilled, fast, tough. This woman has it all when it comes to going into battle, tearing her opponents apart. Perhaps because she focused so hard on becoming strong, her magical capabilities have dwindled, but she still has the skill to wield any staff in Rausten’s armory. She doesn’t need to be an accomplished healer herself when she leads an army of healers. Babette can settle for just slaughtering those who’d dare try to lay a hand on her healers, instead…!
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: So, putting it as politely as possible, Babette is widely considered to have the most coveted body in Rausten. People draw pictures in her likeness in various state of undress, and sell for a lot of money. Enraged by this, Babette has made it a hobby to seek out these artists and buyers and slam their heads into the wall. It’s really not something she want to need to do.
When she comes home, Babette goes down into the dungeon and vents all her energy by slamming her battle axe into dummies and walls, after which she slips into a bed in exhaustion, finally relaxing. Then, she can enjoy a good book or actually calmly take a snack or so. That’s how you end a day.
She’s been noted to appear to enjoy causing pain for the sake of causing pain.
R-button Summarization: The face of Rausten’s clergy and “Mother” of Rausten’s military. A very strict no-nonsense woman.
Name: Drusus
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Paladin
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born as simply another knight of Rausten, Drusus started out his life studying to protect the clergy of Rausten. He spent the first half of his current life putting way too much effort into it, becoming way too serious. But, that all changed when he went into Darkling Woods one day, people are unsure why. He relaxed more, loosened a bit on the rules and somehow became way more effective because he was easier to be around. He rose in the ranks for his competence and charm. Today, he’s the pride of his family and leads the Knights of Rausten, as the “Father” of the Rausten military. Despite the rumors, he is in fact not engaged with Babette in any way, shape or form.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Spear, Vulnerary, Antitoxin.
Personality: A calm, understanding and well-liked man of Rausten military. Drusus is described as pleasant to be around, who understands if you couldn’t do a perfect job but sees if you tried your best. After work he can be found unwinding at a bar with plenty of drink, and intercepting him at a less than sober condition you can find him rambling his impression of sagely advice at people. Where Babette is terrifying, Drusus really feels like the military’s more pleasant parent, giving advice and showing a friendly smile. But, when push comes to shove, Drusus puts on a determined face, draws his sword, and those who stand against his children best shake in their boots.
Ability Assessment: Powerful. Simply… powerful. His movements might be a little slow, but they carry sheer deadly skill and the competence of years. His magic protection is competent too, giving him an all-rounded capability only offset by a somewhat slow fighting-style.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He’s the most terrible singer in Magvel. Which is terrible, because at any time he gets drunk he loves to sing. Oh, and he gets drunk often. That’s perhaps not the best of things for one of the two main generals in Rausten, but most soldiers agree he’s a lovable guy, even when drunk. … But god forbid when he tries to sing.
When in battle, injuries seems to give him a rush rather than cause pain like it would other people.
R-button Summarization: The face of the Knights of Rausten and “Father” of Rausten’s military. A dependable and relaxed man.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Paladin
Weapon Mastery: Sword: ???, Lance: ???
Level: ???
Background: Born as simply another knight of Rausten, Drusus started out his life studying to protect the clergy of Rausten. He spent the first half of his current life putting way too much effort into it, becoming way too serious. But, that all changed when he went into Darkling Woods one day, people are unsure why. He relaxed more, loosened a bit on the rules and somehow became way more effective because he was easier to be around. He rose in the ranks for his competence and charm. Today, he’s the pride of his family and leads the Knights of Rausten, as the “Father” of the Rausten military. Despite the rumors, he is in fact not engaged with Babette in any way, shape or form.
Equipment and Items: Steel Sword, Spear, Vulnerary, Antitoxin.
Personality: A calm, understanding and well-liked man of Rausten military. Drusus is described as pleasant to be around, who understands if you couldn’t do a perfect job but sees if you tried your best. After work he can be found unwinding at a bar with plenty of drink, and intercepting him at a less than sober condition you can find him rambling his impression of sagely advice at people. Where Babette is terrifying, Drusus really feels like the military’s more pleasant parent, giving advice and showing a friendly smile. But, when push comes to shove, Drusus puts on a determined face, draws his sword, and those who stand against his children best shake in their boots.
Ability Assessment: Powerful. Simply… powerful. His movements might be a little slow, but they carry sheer deadly skill and the competence of years. His magic protection is competent too, giving him an all-rounded capability only offset by a somewhat slow fighting-style.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He’s the most terrible singer in Magvel. Which is terrible, because at any time he gets drunk he loves to sing. Oh, and he gets drunk often. That’s perhaps not the best of things for one of the two main generals in Rausten, but most soldiers agree he’s a lovable guy, even when drunk. … But god forbid when he tries to sing.
When in battle, injuries seems to give him a rush rather than cause pain like it would other people.
R-button Summarization: The face of the Knights of Rausten and “Father” of Rausten’s military. A dependable and relaxed man.
Name: Sodalan
Apparent Age: Teenager
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Monk
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???
Level: ???
Background: A childhood friend of Edan, Sodalan was born to a noble family close enough to the last emperor that their children could play together. Sodalan in specific was the leader of the group, paradoxically since Edan was the prince, and so was the one who always decided what they’d do. Now, when they’re older the group of friends have split apart Sodalan has gotten himself hired as a monk very close to Edan, on Edan’s own request. Edan still often looks to Sodalan for advice, which perhaps isn’t the wisest because Sodalan is naturally mischievous and having someone like that so close to the center of power could be risky. Like when he almost had Edan announce a national underpants day, or the time he almost had Edan use the national treasury to hire the Dark Eye Guild to steal some of Babette’s clothes… Fortunately, most of the crazier antics are stopped when Edelmar steps in, as the actually adult one of their trio. Only known by the public because of his association with Edan.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Angelic Robe, Silver Card
Personality: Naturally mischievous, Sodalan is the kind to look over his available tools and consider what kind of fun things he can do with them. Given his friendship with the clueless Celestial Emperor, this is a surprising lot. While he’s fond of being in control and doing what he wants, he’s also quite devout, often citing the powers above as giving him these powers and that it would be a shame not to use them. He is dutiful in actually accomplishing his duties and clever in battle, but when it all comes down to it he lives for those times he can abuse the system to have fun.
Ability Assessment: Clever and skilled in battle, he’s decently powerful but doesn’t have too much in the ways of personal protection. He’s built somewhat like a magical thief, with speed and skill to do the work but no protection to speak of, so he’ll have to dodge what he can. That said, none of the advantages he has are particularly amazing, they’re just above average.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He has a big sister that can come in and completely rule him, he hopes you’ll never ever learn of her. That aside, there’s a certain kind of divination that’s somewhat popular in Rausten, and Sodalan has become pretty proficient in it. He collects the cards and plays with them in a specific game that was made for the enjoyment of kids, and he’s been luring in Edan into playing it too. He’ll be more than happy to introduce you to it. Or, maybe just casual card-games. … Don’t compete with him in card-games, he cheats like a *******. He’d make a good thief.
R-button Summarization: Childhood friend of Edan. Naturally playful and mischievous.

Apparent Age: Teenager
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Monk
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???
Level: ???
Background: A childhood friend of Edan, Sodalan was born to a noble family close enough to the last emperor that their children could play together. Sodalan in specific was the leader of the group, paradoxically since Edan was the prince, and so was the one who always decided what they’d do. Now, when they’re older the group of friends have split apart Sodalan has gotten himself hired as a monk very close to Edan, on Edan’s own request. Edan still often looks to Sodalan for advice, which perhaps isn’t the wisest because Sodalan is naturally mischievous and having someone like that so close to the center of power could be risky. Like when he almost had Edan announce a national underpants day, or the time he almost had Edan use the national treasury to hire the Dark Eye Guild to steal some of Babette’s clothes… Fortunately, most of the crazier antics are stopped when Edelmar steps in, as the actually adult one of their trio. Only known by the public because of his association with Edan.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Angelic Robe, Silver Card
Personality: Naturally mischievous, Sodalan is the kind to look over his available tools and consider what kind of fun things he can do with them. Given his friendship with the clueless Celestial Emperor, this is a surprising lot. While he’s fond of being in control and doing what he wants, he’s also quite devout, often citing the powers above as giving him these powers and that it would be a shame not to use them. He is dutiful in actually accomplishing his duties and clever in battle, but when it all comes down to it he lives for those times he can abuse the system to have fun.
Ability Assessment: Clever and skilled in battle, he’s decently powerful but doesn’t have too much in the ways of personal protection. He’s built somewhat like a magical thief, with speed and skill to do the work but no protection to speak of, so he’ll have to dodge what he can. That said, none of the advantages he has are particularly amazing, they’re just above average.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: He has a big sister that can come in and completely rule him, he hopes you’ll never ever learn of her. That aside, there’s a certain kind of divination that’s somewhat popular in Rausten, and Sodalan has become pretty proficient in it. He collects the cards and plays with them in a specific game that was made for the enjoyment of kids, and he’s been luring in Edan into playing it too. He’ll be more than happy to introduce you to it. Or, maybe just casual card-games. … Don’t compete with him in card-games, he cheats like a *******. He’d make a good thief.
R-button Summarization: Childhood friend of Edan. Naturally playful and mischievous.
Name: Edelmar
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Edelmar is a veteran who once went to the clergy of Rausten. He did his pilgrimage around the world with a Jehannan guild, learned what he needed and then came home to settle down. Got himself a wife and children soon enough. He left the clergy, it wasn’t for him, instead becoming a Sage in employ of the army. He became experienced battling monsters and being a teacher for new recruits, which eventually led to him being experienced enough to become teacher to Prince Edan himself. A good friend of the last Emperor, and knew Edan since previously so it seemed like a natural fit. And so it was. Though, it so happens that the advice of Edelmar and Uamhas often clash, Edelmar talking from the perspective of a family man with morals of the men under while Uamhas speaks about the kingdom as a whole. Regardless, Edelmar has been forced to follow Edan around as Sodalan leads the newly crowned emperor around and Edelmar has been lobbed into the trio by the public eye, much to his own chagrin. Only known by the public because of his association with Edan.
Equipment and Items: Thunder, Lightning, Mend, Dracoshield
Personality: Edelmar is serious, but steadfast and quite normal emotionally. He’s calm when he needs to be, strict sometimes but also eases up with smiles and just joyful being when off-duty. He’s a bit cautious and conservative, feeling that no move should be made before it has been thoroughly thought through. He takes his tasks extremely seriously. However, being forced to be included in a trio with Edan and Sodalan has been very trying on his patience, and while it is good to know he’s being useful it’s been quite the challenge for him. His amount of sighs per day have increased tenfold since becoming Edan’s teacher.
Ability Assessment: Somewhat tough and powerful, in exchange for some speed and skill. He can still handle enemies just fine, though. He’s an experienced user of magic and more than capable of matching enemies. He’s taken steps to make himself tougher than the average to make sure he can take a hit for the others, while still having the magical power to burn apart an offender after. He’s not that fast, though, and he never could claim he was particularly skilled, favoring a more raw approach to magic.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Reads a ton of books, whenever he can get a pause. Likes reading for other people, especially his kids. He’ll very often bring up the fact he has kids, in fact, as tons of things remind him of them. People looking like older versions of his kids, etc. Always buying souvenirs for them when out travelling, finding himself jumping to comfort a baby that isn’t there when he’s dazed, and such. Oh, and if someone behaves childishly, he can totally go into dad-mode and control them appropriately. Doesn’t work on Sodalan, for some reason… Oh, and he’ll speak of his beautiful wife pretty often, too, and how much he’d like to embrace her again.
R-button Summarization: Edan’s teacher. A respected and calm Sage with faltering patience. Brings up his kids a lot.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Edelmar is a veteran who once went to the clergy of Rausten. He did his pilgrimage around the world with a Jehannan guild, learned what he needed and then came home to settle down. Got himself a wife and children soon enough. He left the clergy, it wasn’t for him, instead becoming a Sage in employ of the army. He became experienced battling monsters and being a teacher for new recruits, which eventually led to him being experienced enough to become teacher to Prince Edan himself. A good friend of the last Emperor, and knew Edan since previously so it seemed like a natural fit. And so it was. Though, it so happens that the advice of Edelmar and Uamhas often clash, Edelmar talking from the perspective of a family man with morals of the men under while Uamhas speaks about the kingdom as a whole. Regardless, Edelmar has been forced to follow Edan around as Sodalan leads the newly crowned emperor around and Edelmar has been lobbed into the trio by the public eye, much to his own chagrin. Only known by the public because of his association with Edan.
Equipment and Items: Thunder, Lightning, Mend, Dracoshield
Personality: Edelmar is serious, but steadfast and quite normal emotionally. He’s calm when he needs to be, strict sometimes but also eases up with smiles and just joyful being when off-duty. He’s a bit cautious and conservative, feeling that no move should be made before it has been thoroughly thought through. He takes his tasks extremely seriously. However, being forced to be included in a trio with Edan and Sodalan has been very trying on his patience, and while it is good to know he’s being useful it’s been quite the challenge for him. His amount of sighs per day have increased tenfold since becoming Edan’s teacher.
Ability Assessment: Somewhat tough and powerful, in exchange for some speed and skill. He can still handle enemies just fine, though. He’s an experienced user of magic and more than capable of matching enemies. He’s taken steps to make himself tougher than the average to make sure he can take a hit for the others, while still having the magical power to burn apart an offender after. He’s not that fast, though, and he never could claim he was particularly skilled, favoring a more raw approach to magic.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Reads a ton of books, whenever he can get a pause. Likes reading for other people, especially his kids. He’ll very often bring up the fact he has kids, in fact, as tons of things remind him of them. People looking like older versions of his kids, etc. Always buying souvenirs for them when out travelling, finding himself jumping to comfort a baby that isn’t there when he’s dazed, and such. Oh, and if someone behaves childishly, he can totally go into dad-mode and control them appropriately. Doesn’t work on Sodalan, for some reason… Oh, and he’ll speak of his beautiful wife pretty often, too, and how much he’d like to embrace her again.
R-button Summarization: Edan’s teacher. A respected and calm Sage with faltering patience. Brings up his kids a lot.
Name: Jovian
Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Jovian is an esteemed magical researcher from Rausten that is well known for the great lengths he’ll go to in order to discover the core of it all. He was born the child of Knights of Rausten, and was constantly exposed to his parents laments over the world’s eternal state of danger from attacks of monsters. Turning to the superior education received by the clergy of Rausten, he proved his worth as he engaged in the capture and research of monsters using his magic. He’s been leading expeditions deep into the Darkling Woods to discover from where monsters spawn, and he has deeply researched the demonic energy pouring through their veins. What solution he eventually arrived at… Destroy the Fire Emblem. His argument stems from how the monsters are drawn into this world by the demonic energy it contains, for demonic energy attracts demonic energy, as such removing it from this world should remove their reason to come here. False, claims the Shamans of Grado, the destruction of the Fire Emblem would free the Demon King’s soul. Shortly after the claim, Jehanna invades Grado, seeking to destroy the Fire Emblem. Jovian may have played a role in this.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Psychic, Warp, Silence, Freeze
Personality: A gentle, kind-mannered man who is significantly introverted and doesn’t have time for you. He holds classes, but only because the academies of Rausten demand it from him. To him, any time he isn’t focusing all of his being into a way to end the monster threat once and for all is time wasted. Still, he respects people and greets them with smiles as he was taught by his parents. He’s soft-spoken and not one to raise his voice, and certainly one to avoid all manners of festivity. The one time his eyes shine, is when he thinks he’s on the right track. He’d rather not fight, but as a Bishop of Rausten, sometimes he has to.
Ability Assessment: It is important to note Jovian is not primarily a combatant, he’s very happy being a researcher. His skill and speed are therefore relatively laughable. That said, he’s got some rather powerful spells, and his resistance to magic is of a class seldom seen. He could tank volleys of Shadowshots if so needed.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: In order to maintain his sanity, Jovian often meditates. This to the point that some of his friends jokingly call him a guru. He indeed has mastered many forms of the art. Besides that, Jovian is rather afraid of the dark. He’s very easy to scare, be it with surprise bugs or with the sudden threat of monsters. He’s quite the scaredy-cat. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, he seeks to save the world by venturing into darkness. He reads EXTREMELY fast.
R-button Summarization: Esteemed researcher from Rausten. Soft-spoken and extremely introverted.

Apparent Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Nation: Rausten
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Jovian is an esteemed magical researcher from Rausten that is well known for the great lengths he’ll go to in order to discover the core of it all. He was born the child of Knights of Rausten, and was constantly exposed to his parents laments over the world’s eternal state of danger from attacks of monsters. Turning to the superior education received by the clergy of Rausten, he proved his worth as he engaged in the capture and research of monsters using his magic. He’s been leading expeditions deep into the Darkling Woods to discover from where monsters spawn, and he has deeply researched the demonic energy pouring through their veins. What solution he eventually arrived at… Destroy the Fire Emblem. His argument stems from how the monsters are drawn into this world by the demonic energy it contains, for demonic energy attracts demonic energy, as such removing it from this world should remove their reason to come here. False, claims the Shamans of Grado, the destruction of the Fire Emblem would free the Demon King’s soul. Shortly after the claim, Jehanna invades Grado, seeking to destroy the Fire Emblem. Jovian may have played a role in this.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Psychic, Warp, Silence, Freeze
Personality: A gentle, kind-mannered man who is significantly introverted and doesn’t have time for you. He holds classes, but only because the academies of Rausten demand it from him. To him, any time he isn’t focusing all of his being into a way to end the monster threat once and for all is time wasted. Still, he respects people and greets them with smiles as he was taught by his parents. He’s soft-spoken and not one to raise his voice, and certainly one to avoid all manners of festivity. The one time his eyes shine, is when he thinks he’s on the right track. He’d rather not fight, but as a Bishop of Rausten, sometimes he has to.
Ability Assessment: It is important to note Jovian is not primarily a combatant, he’s very happy being a researcher. His skill and speed are therefore relatively laughable. That said, he’s got some rather powerful spells, and his resistance to magic is of a class seldom seen. He could tank volleys of Shadowshots if so needed.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: In order to maintain his sanity, Jovian often meditates. This to the point that some of his friends jokingly call him a guru. He indeed has mastered many forms of the art. Besides that, Jovian is rather afraid of the dark. He’s very easy to scare, be it with surprise bugs or with the sudden threat of monsters. He’s quite the scaredy-cat. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, he seeks to save the world by venturing into darkness. He reads EXTREMELY fast.
R-button Summarization: Esteemed researcher from Rausten. Soft-spoken and extremely introverted.
The following four are all members of Carcino’s council and have equal sway of the decisions of the nation as a whole. May not be the only members of the council, but they are the most notable ones.
Name: Vinci

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Carcino
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: The most respected and trusted man in all of Carcino, Vinci commands great power in the council and is seen as the person closest to being the ruler of Carcino. He has apparently lived a life full of sadness, where his parents were killed by monsters and later his wife and child was killed by bandits, however despite this he does his best for the nation. Due to sadness, he turned to the church of Rausten for guidance, and found his calling as a priest and later Bishop, soon returning to his nation to lead it to glory. He decides trade-routes, makes decisions on how to spread his forces and takes the request of both merchants and peasants into account, doing his best to build up the mercantile nation.
Equipment and Items: Divine, Mend, Talisman
Personality: Efficient and strictly to the point, he commands his position with no notable emotions. He always speaks in pure logic and often speaks with his eyes closed. The events of the past haunt him, and with those on his mind nobody has seen him smile in a long time. … If only that was the case. In battle, Vinci becomes someone else entirely. A blood-lust takes over him, he smiles a cruel little smile as he blast enemies into pieces with light magic, so much that his followers try to keep him out of battle despite how strong he is. They don’t want to see their intelligent commander like that. They might lose public faith if it got out how insane he acts in combat, thriving on the pain of others and torturing enemies before killing them.
Ability Assessment: Perhaps as a testimony to how unsuitable for a holy man his way of fighting is, Vinci’s magical strength is actually rather low. However, that might actually be a bad thing for any enemy, for it means Vinci can magically torture them for longer before they die. And he is no less dangerous because of it, wielding the spells with masterful skill and dodging blows with significant speed. If he’s hit he’ll take a lot of damage and he doesn’t do that much damage himself, but an enemy might find themselves barraged by his attacks and be unable to escape or hit him.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Vinci spends large amounts of time praying and wishing for things to be better, but otherwise he is pretty quirk-less. His emotionlessness and losses killed off any other quirks he might have had.
R-button Summarization: The efficient emotionless major councilman of Carcino. Becomes vicious in battle.

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Carcino
Class: Bishop
Weapon Mastery: Light: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: The most respected and trusted man in all of Carcino, Vinci commands great power in the council and is seen as the person closest to being the ruler of Carcino. He has apparently lived a life full of sadness, where his parents were killed by monsters and later his wife and child was killed by bandits, however despite this he does his best for the nation. Due to sadness, he turned to the church of Rausten for guidance, and found his calling as a priest and later Bishop, soon returning to his nation to lead it to glory. He decides trade-routes, makes decisions on how to spread his forces and takes the request of both merchants and peasants into account, doing his best to build up the mercantile nation.
Equipment and Items: Divine, Mend, Talisman
Personality: Efficient and strictly to the point, he commands his position with no notable emotions. He always speaks in pure logic and often speaks with his eyes closed. The events of the past haunt him, and with those on his mind nobody has seen him smile in a long time. … If only that was the case. In battle, Vinci becomes someone else entirely. A blood-lust takes over him, he smiles a cruel little smile as he blast enemies into pieces with light magic, so much that his followers try to keep him out of battle despite how strong he is. They don’t want to see their intelligent commander like that. They might lose public faith if it got out how insane he acts in combat, thriving on the pain of others and torturing enemies before killing them.
Ability Assessment: Perhaps as a testimony to how unsuitable for a holy man his way of fighting is, Vinci’s magical strength is actually rather low. However, that might actually be a bad thing for any enemy, for it means Vinci can magically torture them for longer before they die. And he is no less dangerous because of it, wielding the spells with masterful skill and dodging blows with significant speed. If he’s hit he’ll take a lot of damage and he doesn’t do that much damage himself, but an enemy might find themselves barraged by his attacks and be unable to escape or hit him.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Vinci spends large amounts of time praying and wishing for things to be better, but otherwise he is pretty quirk-less. His emotionlessness and losses killed off any other quirks he might have had.
R-button Summarization: The efficient emotionless major councilman of Carcino. Becomes vicious in battle.
Name: Bardi

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Carcino
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Bardi was born the child of a struggling merchant in Carcino, but using his own tactical genius he was able to bring his father’s business onto its feet and far, far further. Quickly taking an interest in inventions, Bardi constantly strives to develop something new for the market to enjoy. Today he owns most of the mines in Carcino, conducting business both legal and pretty illegal mainly spreading useful items, but conducts services to the poor in order to keep opinions of himself high. However, there is the fact that no matter how powerful he gets, his company can never quite catch up to Simoni’s. His army is the strongest in Carcino.
Equipment and Items: Thunder, Bolting, Sleep, Berserk, Warp
Personality: Comically serious. You see, Bardi is always taking things seriously. Except, not really. He grins like an excited child as he comes up with his latest scheme to make him rich, his sheer inventive brilliance could advance the world strangely close to modern age in not too soon of a future. When things go wrong he’ll always complain to those under his command, but every movement he makes feels like it is directly out of some comedy. His words sometimes make no sense at all, and the things he complain about are things few others would ever have a problem with. A genius at heart, a child at brain, twisted morals everywhere and no qualms at doing both the right… and the wrong thing. Really, be happy being honest have gotten him this far…
Ability Assessment: Bardi is absurdly skilled. His best stat by far is skill, it is difficult to get close to him without being hit by a spell. Which is why you should never approach Bardi without a Restore staff, because his accuracy with Sleep or Berserk is second to none. With long-range accuracy, getting close is your main concern, and he’ll probably have his army defending him, too. Though reach him, and you’ll be done already. Bardi is not fast enough to dodge blows nor sturdy enough to take hits, it is the fact he can barrage an enemy from so long range that makes him very, very dangerous. There’s usually a priest beside him that always has a spare Warp staff, though. So he can get out of danger quick, ya see.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: You’ll be surprised at how much of an animal friend he is. He has an odd order which forces each of his commanders to keep at least one pet of some kind at home, and he’s been having soldiers go through the streets to pick up lost animals and start day-cares for them, and such. He’s also has habits of leaving inventions he’s no longer interested in lying about. Also, he’s fascinated by the past, and keeps a large collection of books and antique items around. Should he see a Manakete he’ll probably go complete fanboy. Yupp.
R-button Summarization: An unseriously serious merchant leader of Carcino who deals in both the legal and illegal.

Apparent Age: Adult man
Gender: Male
Nation: Carcino
Class: Sage
Weapon Mastery: Anima: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: Bardi was born the child of a struggling merchant in Carcino, but using his own tactical genius he was able to bring his father’s business onto its feet and far, far further. Quickly taking an interest in inventions, Bardi constantly strives to develop something new for the market to enjoy. Today he owns most of the mines in Carcino, conducting business both legal and pretty illegal mainly spreading useful items, but conducts services to the poor in order to keep opinions of himself high. However, there is the fact that no matter how powerful he gets, his company can never quite catch up to Simoni’s. His army is the strongest in Carcino.
Equipment and Items: Thunder, Bolting, Sleep, Berserk, Warp
Personality: Comically serious. You see, Bardi is always taking things seriously. Except, not really. He grins like an excited child as he comes up with his latest scheme to make him rich, his sheer inventive brilliance could advance the world strangely close to modern age in not too soon of a future. When things go wrong he’ll always complain to those under his command, but every movement he makes feels like it is directly out of some comedy. His words sometimes make no sense at all, and the things he complain about are things few others would ever have a problem with. A genius at heart, a child at brain, twisted morals everywhere and no qualms at doing both the right… and the wrong thing. Really, be happy being honest have gotten him this far…
Ability Assessment: Bardi is absurdly skilled. His best stat by far is skill, it is difficult to get close to him without being hit by a spell. Which is why you should never approach Bardi without a Restore staff, because his accuracy with Sleep or Berserk is second to none. With long-range accuracy, getting close is your main concern, and he’ll probably have his army defending him, too. Though reach him, and you’ll be done already. Bardi is not fast enough to dodge blows nor sturdy enough to take hits, it is the fact he can barrage an enemy from so long range that makes him very, very dangerous. There’s usually a priest beside him that always has a spare Warp staff, though. So he can get out of danger quick, ya see.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: You’ll be surprised at how much of an animal friend he is. He has an odd order which forces each of his commanders to keep at least one pet of some kind at home, and he’s been having soldiers go through the streets to pick up lost animals and start day-cares for them, and such. He’s also has habits of leaving inventions he’s no longer interested in lying about. Also, he’s fascinated by the past, and keeps a large collection of books and antique items around. Should he see a Manakete he’ll probably go complete fanboy. Yupp.
R-button Summarization: An unseriously serious merchant leader of Carcino who deals in both the legal and illegal.
Name: Urbino

Apparent Age: … Um.
Gender: The voice sounds male, so we’ll assume male.
Nation: He operates in Carcino…
Class: Druid
Weapon Mastery: Dark: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: So, nobody knows who he is or where he came from. Urbino seemingly just showed up from nowhere and opened up shop in Carcino, selling magic and magical items that relates to the elder magic. It turns out his items were of rather high quality, and soon he was sought for by greater and greater individuals, and he had enough money to open his own business. He soon became one of the most rumored man in the world, and it came only as a slight surprise when he pulled off a dark-horse win on the next election of a place in the council. Still, he continues to freak out the Shaman researchers of Grado by selling things that should be extensively studied rather than sold to the highest bidder. Not to mention, where the heck does he get those things!? Of course, Urbino vanishes so quickly nobody is able to confront him about it.
Equipment and Items: ??? (Nobody has seen him fight, so.)
Personality: Right, so nobody knows his true personality. Talking to him, you’ll find he speaks with slow, easily understandable words as if he’s talking to an idiot, and he keeps himself short. He has a vast lack of personality traits, his voice never sounding anything else than neutral, one can wonder what emotions he’s feeling. He doesn’t take much leading part in council meetings unless he has a suggestion or a declaration, though may ask for clarification of the intentions of the others. Listening to conversations between the unreadable Urbino and the emotionless Vinci can sometimes make Bardi go absolutely crazy and shout at them to have just a tiny wiiny bit of character for those that have to listen to them talking…
Ability Assessment: Oh, nobody knows. Probably pretty magically capable, and he doesn’t look too fast… or sturdy…
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Sometimes Urbino looks up into the sky with no apparent reason. Maybe he’s daydreaming, maybe he’s thinking about something. But when he does, he seemingly just shuts off the world around him, staring. Although he never seems to be where he’s expected to be, Urbino actually has a mansion, and contrary to his appearance it is a large beautiful mansion with one of the most awe-inspiring and beautiful flower-beds in the world. Urbino sometimes appears in the middle of flea-markets and buys cheap children’s toys. What he does with those, nobody knows.
R-button Summarization: A mysterious dark-arts salesman who’s in the Carcino council. Has a habit of vanishing.

Apparent Age: … Um.
Gender: The voice sounds male, so we’ll assume male.
Nation: He operates in Carcino…
Class: Druid
Weapon Mastery: Dark: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: So, nobody knows who he is or where he came from. Urbino seemingly just showed up from nowhere and opened up shop in Carcino, selling magic and magical items that relates to the elder magic. It turns out his items were of rather high quality, and soon he was sought for by greater and greater individuals, and he had enough money to open his own business. He soon became one of the most rumored man in the world, and it came only as a slight surprise when he pulled off a dark-horse win on the next election of a place in the council. Still, he continues to freak out the Shaman researchers of Grado by selling things that should be extensively studied rather than sold to the highest bidder. Not to mention, where the heck does he get those things!? Of course, Urbino vanishes so quickly nobody is able to confront him about it.
Equipment and Items: ??? (Nobody has seen him fight, so.)
Personality: Right, so nobody knows his true personality. Talking to him, you’ll find he speaks with slow, easily understandable words as if he’s talking to an idiot, and he keeps himself short. He has a vast lack of personality traits, his voice never sounding anything else than neutral, one can wonder what emotions he’s feeling. He doesn’t take much leading part in council meetings unless he has a suggestion or a declaration, though may ask for clarification of the intentions of the others. Listening to conversations between the unreadable Urbino and the emotionless Vinci can sometimes make Bardi go absolutely crazy and shout at them to have just a tiny wiiny bit of character for those that have to listen to them talking…
Ability Assessment: Oh, nobody knows. Probably pretty magically capable, and he doesn’t look too fast… or sturdy…
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Sometimes Urbino looks up into the sky with no apparent reason. Maybe he’s daydreaming, maybe he’s thinking about something. But when he does, he seemingly just shuts off the world around him, staring. Although he never seems to be where he’s expected to be, Urbino actually has a mansion, and contrary to his appearance it is a large beautiful mansion with one of the most awe-inspiring and beautiful flower-beds in the world. Urbino sometimes appears in the middle of flea-markets and buys cheap children’s toys. What he does with those, nobody knows.
R-button Summarization: A mysterious dark-arts salesman who’s in the Carcino council. Has a habit of vanishing.
Name: Simoni

Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Carcino
Class: Valkyrie
Weapon Mastery: Staff: ???, Light: ???
Level: ???
Background: Simoni was born as the daughter of the largest merchant mogul in Carcino, and efficiently inherited the title. She spent a long time travelling along with her father as a little merchant princess as well as went to study the state of the world in Rausten, where she became rather famous among the Theocracy’s students. Simoni returned and was able to rather flawlessly take over the merchant empire her father and his fathers before him had built for her, and as a travelling merchant with a lot of people under her command she was able to become a councilman of Carcino in addition to the most successful rich merchant of the country. She’s favored by the people and a good woman to boot, but being so successful while acting so haughtily has given her the ill will of most other merchants of Carcino.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Shine, Mend, Torch, Elixir
Personality: For her position, she’s a playful and bold individual. While her class is Valkyrie, she’s no saint by any means. She rather intentionally dresses in a way that she stands out and pulls a man’s gaze, and she amuses herself with teasing men using herself. Shy young boys is the best she knows. That said, she’s a morally righteous woman who makes sure her trade of arms and food leaves as little of the world in need as possible. Feeling good about herself for helping a lot of people is making her overconfident and makes her behave like she believes herself superior to other people though, and it is noticeable when talking to her. She sometimes travels unprotected and in but common clothing because that’s more fun, causing those who protect her to writhe in worry.
Ability Assessment: Her physical defense isn’t exactly impressive, but in exchange she’s pretty skilled and quite fast on her feet. This isn’t to a particularly great level, though, for Simoni is rather balanced, all in all, with her abilities spread as a magic-user is expected to have them.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: That hat. She absolutely loves that hat, and nobody knows quite why. Also, that horn on her horse is fake, it is a result of Simoni’s desire to stand out while still looking relatively common that caused that. She loves the free and wild, though that’s a mantle to cover the fact she’s horribly claustrophobic. This to the point where even going indoors frighten her, so the majority of her time (even at night) is often spent under the open sky, which further makes her terrify all her protectors. One would think that the hat should feel her locked against the ground with that width, but nope. She’s fine with the hat. She’s secretly on the hunt for a good man, which is part of why she teases so many.
R-button Summarization: A very successful business mogul in Carcino. A playful girl who loves the outside.

Apparent Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Nation: Carcino
Class: Valkyrie
Weapon Mastery: Staff: ???, Light: ???
Level: ???
Background: Simoni was born as the daughter of the largest merchant mogul in Carcino, and efficiently inherited the title. She spent a long time travelling along with her father as a little merchant princess as well as went to study the state of the world in Rausten, where she became rather famous among the Theocracy’s students. Simoni returned and was able to rather flawlessly take over the merchant empire her father and his fathers before him had built for her, and as a travelling merchant with a lot of people under her command she was able to become a councilman of Carcino in addition to the most successful rich merchant of the country. She’s favored by the people and a good woman to boot, but being so successful while acting so haughtily has given her the ill will of most other merchants of Carcino.
Equipment and Items: Lightning, Shine, Mend, Torch, Elixir
Personality: For her position, she’s a playful and bold individual. While her class is Valkyrie, she’s no saint by any means. She rather intentionally dresses in a way that she stands out and pulls a man’s gaze, and she amuses herself with teasing men using herself. Shy young boys is the best she knows. That said, she’s a morally righteous woman who makes sure her trade of arms and food leaves as little of the world in need as possible. Feeling good about herself for helping a lot of people is making her overconfident and makes her behave like she believes herself superior to other people though, and it is noticeable when talking to her. She sometimes travels unprotected and in but common clothing because that’s more fun, causing those who protect her to writhe in worry.
Ability Assessment: Her physical defense isn’t exactly impressive, but in exchange she’s pretty skilled and quite fast on her feet. This isn’t to a particularly great level, though, for Simoni is rather balanced, all in all, with her abilities spread as a magic-user is expected to have them.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: That hat. She absolutely loves that hat, and nobody knows quite why. Also, that horn on her horse is fake, it is a result of Simoni’s desire to stand out while still looking relatively common that caused that. She loves the free and wild, though that’s a mantle to cover the fact she’s horribly claustrophobic. This to the point where even going indoors frighten her, so the majority of her time (even at night) is often spent under the open sky, which further makes her terrify all her protectors. One would think that the hat should feel her locked against the ground with that width, but nope. She’s fine with the hat. She’s secretly on the hunt for a good man, which is part of why she teases so many.
R-button Summarization: A very successful business mogul in Carcino. A playful girl who loves the outside.
”Famous enough to be known”, only if you know of Caer Pelyn, that is. Extremely few knows Caer Pelyn exists in the first place.
Name: Dana

Apparent Age: Old woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Caer Pelyn
Class: Druid
Weapon Mastery: Dark: ???, Anima: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: The same as pretty much all of the citizens of Caer Pelyn, Dana was born as the daughter of the great-grand-daughter of the last leader of the town, and therefore just about in time to become the next leader. She studied all the stories that the village takes pride in knowing, and played a lot with the Manaketes while growing up. Becoming a respectable adult and a friend of the dragon-kin, she continued watching over the village as a respected individual until she inevitably grew old. Today she has many children and grandchildren which shares her affinity for the dragon-kin. As tend to be the case with the female leaders of Caer Pelyn, Dana has lived quite the amount of time longer than the average human should, and doesn’t seem like she’s going to kick the bucket just yet. Maybe in a generation or three.
Equipment and Items: Luna, Nosferatu, Mend, Vulnerary
Personality: A very kind old woman living as the guardian / leader of Caer Pelyn. She’s good with children, letting many of them live in her house should they desire to and commands considerable respect with even the Manaketes living in the village. There is a reason she commands such respect with a touch of fear, though. Dana is a warm woman who can be pretty strict with the things that needs to be done, a village without connections to the outside world wouldn’t work otherwise. There is also the detail that you do not want to see her angry. All adults of Caer Pelyn has likely seen Dana angry at least once. Tales speak of how her eyes glow red, how spirits of old come back to cry out in pain, how the air itself radiates with immense dark magic as her anger thunders at the one who angered her. Of course, there is no sign of it after it wanes so children do not believe the tales of adults. But one day they will…
Ability Assessment: Extremely magically competent. Those who remotely dare to stray close to this powerful old woman with violent intention may find themselves having received a supremely powerful blast of dark magic directly into their face, and it is going to hurt them horribly. However, as can be expected from her age, Dana is very slow and frail. She can only take small steps at a time and dodging is out of the question, as well is taking damage. That said, those who intend to contend with her better do so quickly, or they’ll find themselves having been completely devoured by the spells wielded by this Dark Magic adept old woman.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Dana regularly takes walks through the village and surrounding mountains. Sometimes she falls asleep while still walking. She tends to do minor tasks using hands of dark magic created from the forms of the Flux spell, helping her immensely with cooking and cleaning and other everyday tasks. Dana also keeps a whole encyclopedia of jokes and plays in her head, so interestingly enough, she can be quite the comedian in order to entertain the children. Oh, yes… She excels at entertaining the children.
R-button Summarization: The elderly leader of Caer Pelyn. Has a bond with the Manaketes and has a good hand with children.

Apparent Age: Old woman
Gender: Female
Nation: Caer Pelyn
Class: Druid
Weapon Mastery: Dark: ???, Anima: ???, Staff: ???
Level: ???
Background: The same as pretty much all of the citizens of Caer Pelyn, Dana was born as the daughter of the great-grand-daughter of the last leader of the town, and therefore just about in time to become the next leader. She studied all the stories that the village takes pride in knowing, and played a lot with the Manaketes while growing up. Becoming a respectable adult and a friend of the dragon-kin, she continued watching over the village as a respected individual until she inevitably grew old. Today she has many children and grandchildren which shares her affinity for the dragon-kin. As tend to be the case with the female leaders of Caer Pelyn, Dana has lived quite the amount of time longer than the average human should, and doesn’t seem like she’s going to kick the bucket just yet. Maybe in a generation or three.
Equipment and Items: Luna, Nosferatu, Mend, Vulnerary
Personality: A very kind old woman living as the guardian / leader of Caer Pelyn. She’s good with children, letting many of them live in her house should they desire to and commands considerable respect with even the Manaketes living in the village. There is a reason she commands such respect with a touch of fear, though. Dana is a warm woman who can be pretty strict with the things that needs to be done, a village without connections to the outside world wouldn’t work otherwise. There is also the detail that you do not want to see her angry. All adults of Caer Pelyn has likely seen Dana angry at least once. Tales speak of how her eyes glow red, how spirits of old come back to cry out in pain, how the air itself radiates with immense dark magic as her anger thunders at the one who angered her. Of course, there is no sign of it after it wanes so children do not believe the tales of adults. But one day they will…
Ability Assessment: Extremely magically competent. Those who remotely dare to stray close to this powerful old woman with violent intention may find themselves having received a supremely powerful blast of dark magic directly into their face, and it is going to hurt them horribly. However, as can be expected from her age, Dana is very slow and frail. She can only take small steps at a time and dodging is out of the question, as well is taking damage. That said, those who intend to contend with her better do so quickly, or they’ll find themselves having been completely devoured by the spells wielded by this Dark Magic adept old woman.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Dana regularly takes walks through the village and surrounding mountains. Sometimes she falls asleep while still walking. She tends to do minor tasks using hands of dark magic created from the forms of the Flux spell, helping her immensely with cooking and cleaning and other everyday tasks. Dana also keeps a whole encyclopedia of jokes and plays in her head, so interestingly enough, she can be quite the comedian in order to entertain the children. Oh, yes… She excels at entertaining the children.
R-button Summarization: The elderly leader of Caer Pelyn. Has a bond with the Manaketes and has a good hand with children.
Name: Mahovvy

Apparent Age: Young twenties, but yeah, Manakete
Gender: Female
Nation: Caer Pelyn
Class: Manakete
Weapon Mastery: --
Level: ???
Background: A Manakete, Mahovvy is many times older than what a human can possibly even partly imagine becoming. Along with the rest of her kind, she has been drifting around since the time of the war over a thousand years ago, only recently was she found by a Sage of Caer Pelyn while she was lazing about on one of the Frelian islands. Amused by the suggestion of having a village where Manaketes could live, Mahovvy found herself helping the Sage to gather as many Manaketes as she could, some unwilling and others willing to give it a shot. One way or another, not entirely willingly, Mahovvy has found herself being in charge of the Manakete portion of Caer Pelyn. She’s not entirely sure how this happened since she doesn’t think this suits her personality, but oh, well! Might as well go for it!
Equipment and Items: Dragonstone, Vulnerary
Personality: While mature at her heart, Mahovvy is one of those kinds that know she CAN be adult, but mostly simply doesn’t want to. The weight of years has taught her it is much more fun to act like a child. Hence Mahovvy can be seen running around playing with the young ones of Caer Pelyn with Dana’s approval, and acts energetic and somewhat stupid because others enjoy it. This is a lie, though. At heart, this Manakete is as mature as befits her years, and holds a logical mind which allows her to quite efficiently command the respect of humans as well as other Manaketes. It does appear, however, that Mahovvy has fooled herself into believing that the childish part of her is her true self and that the serious one is someone else entirely who helps her out in a pinch.
Ability Assessment: Dragon. Does more need to be said? Though it should be mentioned, Mahovvy is pretty athletic even outside her dragon form and is pretty efficient at dodging, but she won’t fight outside it.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Mahovvy seems to have somehow gained the incorrect assumption that Manaketes outside herself behaves like monsters. Like, that under the last thousand years Manaketes ate humans and such things. She’ll make passing references to this misconception. There is nothing in this world she fears more than Dana when she’s angry. She’s actually secretly hoping to be a songstress of some kind of renown, but due to being a Manakete trying to be a singer of any kind would be kind of difficult, since in the past people feared those that were different. Four hundred years ago she actually tried with moderate success for a while, before people started hunting her when they realized she didn’t age. Hates womanizers due to an incident in the past.
R-button Summarization: A mature Manakete acting energetically childish because she wants to. In charge of Manaketes at Caer Pelyn.

Apparent Age: Young twenties, but yeah, Manakete
Gender: Female
Nation: Caer Pelyn
Class: Manakete
Weapon Mastery: --
Level: ???
Background: A Manakete, Mahovvy is many times older than what a human can possibly even partly imagine becoming. Along with the rest of her kind, she has been drifting around since the time of the war over a thousand years ago, only recently was she found by a Sage of Caer Pelyn while she was lazing about on one of the Frelian islands. Amused by the suggestion of having a village where Manaketes could live, Mahovvy found herself helping the Sage to gather as many Manaketes as she could, some unwilling and others willing to give it a shot. One way or another, not entirely willingly, Mahovvy has found herself being in charge of the Manakete portion of Caer Pelyn. She’s not entirely sure how this happened since she doesn’t think this suits her personality, but oh, well! Might as well go for it!
Equipment and Items: Dragonstone, Vulnerary
Personality: While mature at her heart, Mahovvy is one of those kinds that know she CAN be adult, but mostly simply doesn’t want to. The weight of years has taught her it is much more fun to act like a child. Hence Mahovvy can be seen running around playing with the young ones of Caer Pelyn with Dana’s approval, and acts energetic and somewhat stupid because others enjoy it. This is a lie, though. At heart, this Manakete is as mature as befits her years, and holds a logical mind which allows her to quite efficiently command the respect of humans as well as other Manaketes. It does appear, however, that Mahovvy has fooled herself into believing that the childish part of her is her true self and that the serious one is someone else entirely who helps her out in a pinch.
Ability Assessment: Dragon. Does more need to be said? Though it should be mentioned, Mahovvy is pretty athletic even outside her dragon form and is pretty efficient at dodging, but she won’t fight outside it.
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Mahovvy seems to have somehow gained the incorrect assumption that Manaketes outside herself behaves like monsters. Like, that under the last thousand years Manaketes ate humans and such things. She’ll make passing references to this misconception. There is nothing in this world she fears more than Dana when she’s angry. She’s actually secretly hoping to be a songstress of some kind of renown, but due to being a Manakete trying to be a singer of any kind would be kind of difficult, since in the past people feared those that were different. Four hundred years ago she actually tried with moderate success for a while, before people started hunting her when they realized she didn’t age. Hates womanizers due to an incident in the past.
R-button Summarization: A mature Manakete acting energetically childish because she wants to. In charge of Manaketes at Caer Pelyn.
Most people have somewhere they’re affiliated with, but there is a notable exception.
The Fool - Cover-name for one of the greatest thieves of our time. Nobody knows where he originated from, though Jehanna or Carcino is a fair assumption. He’s been appearing in noble mansions throughout Magvel, stealing valuable treasures and belongings. Doesn’t give warnings, but occasionally leaves a letter to the one that has been stolen from where he politely explains why exactly he chose them to steal from. Often it has to do with challenge, other times the reader did something bad, or sometimes The Fool was just bored. Every time, however, it is simply signed “The Fool”.
The Fool - Cover-name for one of the greatest thieves of our time. Nobody knows where he originated from, though Jehanna or Carcino is a fair assumption. He’s been appearing in noble mansions throughout Magvel, stealing valuable treasures and belongings. Doesn’t give warnings, but occasionally leaves a letter to the one that has been stolen from where he politely explains why exactly he chose them to steal from. Often it has to do with challenge, other times the reader did something bad, or sometimes The Fool was just bored. Every time, however, it is simply signed “The Fool”.