Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

"May, stay back! Keep out of it's reach!" Klou shouted, "I'll take care of the fighting here," With May on standby, Klou could afford to get a bit reckless. She dashed forward suddenly, keeping an eye on the tip of the spear and trying to read the first attack. All she needed to do was get inside it's range, and the fight would be hers.

That spear was the big issue with that plan. If she got even a scratch, it would poison her. She only had one shot at this, so she had to make it count. The skeleton's movements were erratic, and it was hard to know whether a twitch was an attack or just another step forward, but she pushed all other thoughts out of her head. Right now the only things that mattered were her and the spear, and she would make sure that it didn't touch her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

“I knew it was there. I put it there.” Renji grumbled at the Spirit and turned to snatch up the crystals that had fallen. He threw the one due to the others at them before tucking his own away into its pouch. The adrenaline still pumping in his veins, he fidgeted as he looked from werewolf to spirit and back. He wasn’t prepared to be part of a group and he was a bit thrown off by the sudden invitation. Should he do it? Should he hang out by himself for a bit longer? His ears still rang a little from the magic. He shook his head. He just wanted to get going again.

“Yeah, lets do it. Lets see how far we can get!” Renji grinned as his ears twitched towards the nearest hall. “But you gotta keep up or I’ll leave you in the dust!” And with that Renji was off, darting down the closest opening and laughing all the way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


As he watched the quick red fox bolt forward after his remark Magi wasted no time running after him. "A competition then? See who can kill the most in the session or how do we want to do this?" he turned back to tell at Misha "C'mon we're just getting started here!"

As he ran he examined the Rennard before him, taking into account what he'd seen before when fighting. Graceful, well placed moves. None the usual rash moves that may look unfit or ugly but a simple fluidity in what he did. Then there was his hair, well placed and groomed, shining with a nice coat as ones pet would when taking care to ensure not only health but also its appearance. "You're beauty, you're grace, you kick things in the face. Let me guess, Aphrodite?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago


May prepared her dagger, just in case she was needed - the skeleton himself didn't appear too frightening - hell, if anything, it looked even weaker than the goblin. While that was most likely just the fact that it lacked muscles and May couldn't gauge it's strength well without them, she did realize the threat of the rusty spear. She had read various medical books in preparation for joining the Isis familia, and tetanus was a very real and potent danger. Luckily, May and Klou were both members of the Isis familia, and healing a simple poison would be simple.

She didn't really react to Klou fighting on her own - after all, May had only approached out of caution. Had someone done the same with her crowd of goblins earlier, she would have said the same. Still, the fact that May probably wouldn't make any cash and had to wait around was a little disconcerting. There was only so much time in a day, after all, and the goblins proved to be a very profitable form of revenue.

While May was still thinking, Klou rushed around the skeleton, clearly searching for a good point to rush into range with her brass knuckles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 1 day ago

Most adventurers feel like this when they started out? Even her?

Noctis thought to himself as he and Priscilla advanced upon the spire. As they advanced, the boy took note of other level one adventurers standing outside the dungeon. A short glance at them revealed that the same sort of apprehension and ecstatic excitement was common to them all. Yet still, Noctis could not manage to bury his doubts. The dungeon was a very real threat, and could easily annihilate him if he was careless. Did the anxiety he felt mark him as a coward? He'd not even so much as entered the tower and already he felt doubts preparing to prey on his psyche as muscles involuntarily tensed.

Do I even stand a chance?!

Shaking himself from the self destructive train of thought he'd embarked upon, the werewolf removed one of the iron daggers from its place at his side and looked it over in his hand. A razor sharp blade that would define the bounds between survival and cataclysmic failure once he crossed the threshold. Gazing upon the weapon reminded him of the preparations he'd taken care to make for today. When he went to purchase equipment he'd made certain to pick up a hooded cloak in addition to the armor and weapons he'd doubtlessly need. It took a bit of silver tongued haggling to get his hands on it, but in his eyes it was just as essential as the blade that lay in his palm. The cloak's sole purpose was to hide his identity once in the dungeon, though he doubted that anyone would waste their time attempting to recognize him, it was better that nobody saw who he was at all.

Noctis turned his focus back to Priscilla as she spoke once more, her words striking a chord and resonating with him. The legendary Winter Maiden had confidence that he'd do just fine in the dungeon? An adventurer he'd idolized had faith in trash like him? It was unbelievable, inconceivable even! Yet she had said it herself. He looked up to Priscilla, managing to finally meet her gaze as a genuine smile broke out across his face. "You know what... Yeah! You're right, I'll be just fine, I'm sure of it!" He proclaimed as his doubts faded. Within the werewolf a fire was lit, one that burned with determination. He took a deep breath as the tension was consumed by his own willpower, while he sheathed the dagger he'd been idly looking at moments ago. Noctis looked to the tower which seemed far less intimidating now, before looking back to Priscilla. "Alright then... Let's do this!" He said as he threw the hood over his head and strode towards the tower and into the dungeon. This was it, this was his trial to prove that he belonged.

And he would conquer it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago

@Polaris North

He seemed pleased that were ready to go "Good. Time idling is time wasted, eh?" A small chuckle came from him as he turned and continued down the corridor the skeletons had come from. Unlike a rookie adventurer, Amrec seemed confident in his abilities. There was no fear apparent in his eyes when he fought. In fact, there only seemed to be pure enjoyment radiating from him with every swing of his axes.

Amrec's voice spoke up once more "Those skeletons bring up a good lesson that you should learn now rather than later." He began, his voice taking on a more serious tone "The dungeon can change in a instant and make a bad situation worse." The scratch on his cheek had stopped bleeding entirely "That is why you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially during periods of rest." He stated the last bit in a way that suggested he may have learned it the hard way.

Not long after he gave this drop of wisdom, a large pack of goblins spawned from the dungeon walls in a similar fashion to the kobolds earlier. They number roughly a dozen in size but between the two of you it should be a piece of cake "Well, Kurvia...care to join me for a little dance?" Amrec merrily asked with a smile

@chukklehed & @Duoya

The attention of the skeleton became laser-focused on Klou as she approached the monster, a creaking sound echoing as it moved its body. It seemed to be waited for something until at last it made its first strike. The tip of the spear came hurtling towards Klou at a speed that did not match rate at which the skeleton had been shambling towards the two adventurers, the strike appearing to throw off the skeleton's balance as it stumbled.

Klou had the right mind in keeping her eye on the spear. Skeleton have a high physical resistance and can strike swiftly, but alone they are vulnerable to being out-maneuvered. Crushing weapons, like Klou's brass knuckles, were more effective against the skeleton's hard bone than a slashing weapon.

@Achronum @ @Trainerblue192

Misha rushed after the two hot-headed boys, managing to catch up after a small pout at being suddenly left behind. The three of you rushing down the empty hallway at a quick pace, though Renji was in the lead "I do like your hair, it looks real good!" she added on after Mare, with a bright smile. The time for chatting would have to wait a bit longer, as a large number of monsters spawned from the walls and floor. A mix of both kobolds and goblins, this is what most adventurers would refer to as a 'Monster Party', though of lower level monsters.

The three adventures were faced down with four kobolds and eight goblins, however the kobold in the the real had a different color to it. It's hide was charred black and its fur like a raging fire. This one by comparison looked particular dangerous but it was well known that 'irregular' monsters yielded a more valuable stone. Misha body shook a little but her face stayed strong. She walked forward, both of her arms holding the spear across her shoulders "You'll protect me, won't you pretty boy?" Misha looked back at Renji with a half-smirk.


A small giggle escaped Priscilla's lips at Noctis's ignited confidence "Yes, let's." That was the last thing she said before the two of you entered the dungeon. The first thing you noticed is that despite it being underground and absent from natural sunlight, it was not much cooler down here. The path's that were recommended by the guild were illuminated by glowing white orbs along the ceiling. Priscilla walked a couple feet behind you "You take the lead, Haeshi. I will be right behind you if you need me." Now was the time to show off that you made the right decision to be an adventurer.

The two of you start down a one of the long hallways of the first floor, the first moments go smoothly without any action. Before you are able to see or hear anything, Priscilla speaks up "There's monsters ahead, time to see your skill." She says calmly. Sure enough as you turn the corner around a long curved part, a kobold is standing with two goblins. At first they do not see you approach, but the kobold turns around as sniffs the air and proceeds to howl. With the two goblins alerted, they begin to move towards you. The kobold takes the lead in front of the other two monsters, meaning you will need to deal with it first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

Having managed to get inside it's reach, Klou's next priority was gaining control of the spear. If she could disarm it, she was sure she would be able to easily handle anything else it could do to her. Even if the idea of a monster from level 5 was initially frightening, it was still a monster from the upper levels and alone at that. Reaching for the spear above where the bony hands grasped it, she used her other hand to beat against the creature's forearms, trying to either force it to let go or break the limbs holding the weapon. Once she got the spear out of it's reach, dismantling the skeleton would be a much simpler matter.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Via's ever growing respect for the older member was not stopping now. He was giving her useful tips. She smiled at him and nodded. "All noted, Amrec." She may know of it before she plunged into the dungeon itself, but she appreciated the thought behind it. Besides, if he weren't here, she'd probably be dead. Three skeletons at the same time? Via wasn't even sure that her magic would activate fast enough to even damage them before they cut her down. She shuddered at the thought. She would need to thank Kagu-Tsuchi later for letting her play supporter instead of letting her fend for herself.

Just as Amrec finished sharing his tips to her, a bunch of goblins appeared in front of them. This time, however, Amrec didn't seem too keen on simply doing it all by himself again. "With pleasure~" She then turned to the goblins, giving a nod to Amrec to let him know that she was going in for the first strike. She had mana to spare after all. She began chanting as she spread her hand towards the group. "Streaks of electricity surround me. Let your anger devour my enemies." After the web of electricity spread forth, she would draw her sword and follow Amrec's lead.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Magi watched as the horde of monsters began to form around them. Scanning the area he noticed the handful of Kobolds and plethora of goblins. Taking specific notice to the Special Kobold towards the back, a smirk spread on his face taking joy at the sight. "Try not to slow us down pretty boy." He dashed forward towards the kobolds telling "I've got the Kobolds. You two handle the goblins."

Lightning crackled at his finger tips as he called forth his magic. Within moments he lobbed his first spell at on of the ordinary looking Kobolds. Quickly switching his footing he shot a secondary fire at another Kobold and then kept upwards into the air to shoot a third electric charge at the special looking Kobold.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 1 day ago

Fueled by excitement and determination, the boy took his first steps into the stony labyrinth. With his courage reforged by the Winter Maiden, Noctis's advance was nigh unstoppable. The strangely warm air of the dungeon now seemed enticing where once it exuded an aura of menace. Priscilla at his side, Noctis took the lead as he followed the incandescent white orbs embedded in the ceiling, their glow painting a path to his very own adventure. One that he'd gladly undertake to prove his worth. The journey went smoothly for a time, until suddenly his companion notified him that there were monsters nearby.

"Monsters nearby? Where!?" the boy said in a semi-hushed tone as he slightly hurried his pace. No sooner did he turn the corner and was suddenly faced with a trio of creatures. A pair of greenskins, goblins more than likely as well as a kobold who seemed to have noticed his presence. Not ten minutes in and I've already clumsily given myself away... Idiot! Though ecstatic, Noctis was no fool, he knew just how pivotal such an advantage could be in the dungeon, one that he'd just squandered in his haste.

"So much for having the element of surprise..." Noctis said to himself as he drew his daggers and rushed to engage the leading kobold. Even if they are just mooks, three one one won't end well for me! I've got to isolate them somehow... Swiftly, he switched his leading hand to a reverse grip before raking the blade across the miniature monster's chest and attempting to plunge the dagger into its neck. His next move was a strong thrust of his off-hand dagger into the gnashing beast's torso. Ideally he'd be able to quickly dispatch the first challenger and get himself into a better position to deal with the other two short greenskins that were about to assail him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

"Slow down? Please. You could barely keep up!" Renji threw himself into the fray after throwing an excited grin at Misha. He launched a finto one of the goblin's face and followed it up with a sharp jab to the stomach. He whirled around and kicked another one in the stomach and lashed out towards its face.

He loved the thrill of battle, the satisfying crunch beneath his fists and the need for constant movement. No wonder adventurers loved what they did! He shook his head and stopped thinking, riding the high of the fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago

@chukklehed & [@Douya}

Klou's hand reached the spear but prying it from the grip of the skeleton proved difficult. Her strikes broke small chips of bone off the arm that held it. The skeleton reacted quickly to these strikes, and the hand not holding the spear shot out and grabbed Klou's neck. It's touch cold to the skin as its grip tightened, staring into Klou's eyes with its lifeless glowing orbs. Its strength defied the lack of muscle it had. The monster promptly forgot all about May, wishing to wrest control of its spear from the new adventurer.

@Polaris North
MP -15

The goblins all moved towards you and Amrec and about half of them were caught in your electric wave, their bodies convulsing as the current passed through them. The six goblins dropped to the ground, paralyzed for the moment from the spell's effects. A boisterous laugh came from Amrec as he came to your side "That's how you do it, lass!" He yelled out. The other half of the goblins came charging the two of you regardless, giving small shrieks as they got into melee range. Amrec pushed forward and with his first strike swung his axe upwards, launching one goblin in the air and as it fell bringing the same axe down onto its chest. The only thing left of it was the small stone.

He moved effortless into his next foe, flinging one axe towards an incoming goblin. The blade sliced right into its skull, its body shattering into dust just as it reached him. His hand caught the handle of the thrown axe as it fell. Two goblins rushed for you, one right after the other. It wouldn't be long before the effects of the spell would wear off and the gobins currently writhing on the floor would get up again.


Behind you, even Priscilla drew her Scythe but the tip of its blade rested calmly on the ground as she stood and watched. The kobold came at you with animalistic ferocity, its claws extended and ready to tear into you. Thanks to your superior speed, you landed your first strike before the kobold could and blood poured from its new wound. As you plunged your dagger into its neck, it recklessly slashed at you cutting the cloth of your sleeve and scratching the surface skin. It was pointless as you next dagger into its chest ended its life, even as it tried to bite you with its last breath. It broke down into nothing but a dimly-glowing, iridescent gem and black dust. Your first kill in the dungeon. A single kobold was manageable, but you were warned about engaging a whole pack of kobolds. While it was rare to encounter more than three in the first level at one time, it was possible.

The two other goblins had not stopped coming at you while the kobold was dealt with. Side by side, they wielded rusted knives capable of dealing nasty damage if not careful. Luckily, they were the easiest and weakest monster in the dungeon. Their only real advantage came with numbers.

@Trainerblue192 & @Achronum

Mare: -30 MP

Mare's first lighting shot went straight through the chest of one of the kobold's, taking it out immediately while the other's reacted with vicious growls and snarls before charging after him. The second fired off but it did not quite hit the mark, instead striking the kobold's leg as it ran. The kobold face planted into the ground as its leg gave out, but did not die. It was a different story for the irregular kobold, its movements were sharper and quicker than the others. Mare's lighting shot missed just barely, the kobold seemed determined to sink its claws into the spirit.

Misha followed right behind Renji, skewering a goblin as it tried to attack from Renji's blind side. The goblin Renji jabbed in the stomach turned into nothing but the stone, its jaw and ribs breaking from the impacts. Slimy spit shot out of the next goblin's mouth as Renji kicked it, bringing it to its knees before it was finished off. The other four goblins moved right for Renji, as Misha seemed to have darted off to aid Mare. The kobold had nearly gotten to him.

The black-charred kobold came at Mare with rage in its primal eyes, ready to tear flesh apart. It leaped for the spell-caster as he landed. The monster's claws would have surely sunk into Mare's body if it hadn't been for Misha. Daringly, she jumped forward and tackled the special kobold. The two slammed against the hard, rock wall of the dungeon. The kobold tore away Misha's spear, launching it just in front of Mare's feet, and began to swipe at her chest. Misha quickly grabbed ahold of its wrists, but even as she did so it was clear she would not hold it back for long. With its hands momentarily ensared, it desperately tried to sink its teeth in Misha instead.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Klou Renfar

Klou struggled against the skeleton's bony grip, kicking against it's body wherever she could land a blow. Her free hand scrabbled at her throat, trying to get some room to breathe. Her thoughts seemed to disconnect from her predicament, as if someone else was controlling her body and someone else would have to deal with the consequences of her foolish mistakes. She tried to think of a way to escape and turn things in her favor, but the monster was stronger than her, it was tougher than her, it might even be faster than her. Her blows were only minimally effective and it now had the advantage over her tactically. This was it. She would die here and never go back home. She would never repay Isis for saving her, she would never become an alchemist. She would be killed here before accomplishing anything right in front of May.


Klou's thoughts snapped back into perspective all at once, and the hand scrabbling to dislodge the blockage around her neck instead moved to support the other at keeping the weapon at bay, and she wrapped her legs around the skeleton's bony ones, trying to keep it in place. She craned her neck around as much as she could, trying to catch a glimpse of the other girl.

"R-run..." She choked out as loudly as she could, willing May to listen. She couldn't save herself anymore, she wouldn't be able to defeat this enemy, but she could certainly slow it down before it turned it's attention on anyone else.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Kurvia had no time to listen to Amrec nor respond to his compliment. As the dwarf berserker charged forward, felling two enemies in quick succession, she followed behind him with her hand on the hilt of her sword. Once the goblin was within range, she grounded herself and quickly drew out her sword in a slashing motion. If it wouldn't go through, then hopefully it would be enough to knock it aside and disorient it. Without missing a beat, whether or not the gobling was killed, she tightened her grip on the hilt with both hands and then stabbed forward - aiming to let the blade pass through the goblin's body.

Her eyes flickered to the six goblins who were beginning to recover from the earlier shock, a bit disappointed that they didn't meet the same fate as the previous goblins she had electrocuted to death. The sooner she'd be able to kill them, the better. Goblins may not be the strongest monster of the bunch, but what they lacked in strength, they made up for in number. She wasn't as experienced as Amrec - having only really been assigned as a supporter - so she wasn't going to be juggling six enemies at the same time and come out of it unharmed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Mare quickly grabbed the spear at his feet noticing that there was no time to lose. He bolted towards the Kobold now holding Misha in a tug of power and took the opportunity to pierce the beast where he believed his heart to be, driving the spear in with both hands. Removing the spear from his body Mare quickly leg fo with one hand, turning to blast a bolt of lightning at the wound he had just attempted to create with the spear.
" Hold on Misha I've got you!"
With a final burst Mare sunk the spear into the back of the Kolbolds knee in Hope's it would make it collapse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Damn it!"

The Werewolf scowled as the feral creature's claws grazed his arm, he'd been careless and allowed the kobold to wound him, albeit superficially. Each wound he accumulated was another liability, another weakness to exploit for his enemies. Thankfully he was not on a lower floor, there a single scratch could be a death sentence! Or so he had heard. The beast's struggle was in vain however as the now angered adventurer put an end to its flailing with a well placed stab. A small softly glowing gem dropped where the beast had breathed it's last, proof of Noctis's conquest incarnate. There was no time to admire his work however, as the pair of greenskins were still alive and rushing closer to him with each moment!

He needed space, needed to isolate the monsters. Pulling back a good distance and sheathing his blades, Noctis cleared his head and reevaluated the situation. One down, but I'm still outnumbered! What do I do... The Werewolf thought to himself, and seconds later the solution revealed itself to him. With a little bit of magic he could potentially separate the ravenous creatures, and thus gain the upper hand in this engagement! Quickly he begun to speak the words of power that would turn this fight in his favor!

"By the dark work of destiny, your doom has been ensured!"

As the spell finished, Noctis drew his daggers again and lunged at the goblin he did not target with his incantation. Hopefully his spell would give him the time he needed to pull this gambit off. Reversing the grip on one blade, Noctis attempted to plant his reverse grip dagger in the goblins skull. Maintaining his grip he attempted to get behind the creature and open its throat with his other dagger.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Renji Altha

Renji focused on the four goblins moving towards him, trusting the other two to handle themselves. Throwing a confident smirk at the closest goblin, he grabbed it and tossed it at its neighbor and whirled to face the other two. Bouncing lightly on his feet, he lashed out towards one with a swift kick tot he face and punched at the other's throat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Klou's agility was very impressive, but considering the lumbering pace of the skeleton that she was facing, she wasn't really surprised that she managed to keep her distance - at least, until the skeleton jabbed it's spear forwards at a very unbecoming speed. May almost gasped as Klou dodged it. Luckily, the strike knocked the skeleton off balance, and Klou was quick to capitalize on this, rushing quickly in an effort to disarm the monster.

As Klou punched the skeleton's arms with her fists, small chunks flew off, and May was close to losing interest - after all, Klou seemed like she could handle herself well enough, and May was losing time. The cold and bony fingers of the skeleton gripping the girl's throat like a vice quickly erased this thought from May's mind, however.


May immediately ran forwards, rushing towards he skeleton. All logic in her mind told her that this was the worst possible plan - Klou was being manhandled by the thing, and the only connection that the two shared were the fact that they were in the same Familia. Still, May's body moved before she had the chance to think - she quickly raced around the skeleton, and upon grabbing her dagger, quickly slammed the pommel against the skeleton's skull several times

"D-Drop her right now!"

May didn't even know if the skeleton understood what she was saying, but if she was lucky, then he would shift his attention to her and drop Klou. And if not, May was at least confident in her Purification spell and it's ability to heal wounds.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
Avatar of Ithradine

Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 13 days ago

@chukklehed & @Duoya
Klou: -50
May: -30

(Hint: The crystal is a weak-point)

The skeleton continued to stare Klou down with with its green glowing orbs, its grip not going to loosen until no more life was felt. This monster showcased no signs of emotions, just a urge to kill. It was not supposed to be here, not supposed to be attacking low-tier adventurers...but the dungeon did not always care about rules. With Klou's resistance waning, the skeleton began to raise its spear to chest-height. The end was here.

A wailing, high-pitched scream came from the skeleton as May struck as its skull. Cracks formed in the pastel white surface until at last a chip fell off, revealing a iridescent stone within much like the kind monsters dropped. With some strength, the skeleton tossed Klou onto the ground to focus on May. A hard, wooden staff struck May in the side while also knocking her back several feet as it turned around and swung. Now its back was to Klou as it moved towards May, creeping along at its slow pace as both bony hands clasped around the staff of the spear. From Klou's position, she could see where May had been bashing on the skull and the sparkling, dull light that came from the crystal within.

@Polaris North
HP: -10

Blood spurt from the first goblin's chest as the blade raked across its chest, the body turning into ash as it crashed into the ground behind. The next goblin came in swinging but you were able to strike first, the blade of your katana piercing its weak hide and coming through the other side. Blood splattered across the ground behind it as well as a small drop from your cheek, it seemed the goblin just managed to catch the top of your cheek-bone. The wound was not deep in the slightest however.

As you finished, Amrec took care of the last two goblins that hadn't been caught in your spell. Effortless he decapitated the first and grabbed the arm of the second as it tried to swing and snapped it, then brought an axe down its chest. Briefly he looked at you with a nod as the remaining goblins seemed to recover from the effects of your spell. However, judging by their slowed movements they were not in good shape.

Amrec seemed to smirk as he looked at them and threw his axes to the ground, the blades sticking into the hard dirt. His hands raised into a fighting position and he shuffled forward. The closet goblin tried to slash upwards, which Amrec quickly dodged to the right and followed through with a hard right jab. The jaw of the goblin could be heard breaking just before he combo-ed with a swift gut punch that put it down. His moves were hardly graceful like a martial artist but his heavy hits seemed to be doing the job just fine. A trio goblins seemed to understand it was you that cast the spell, and went directly for you.

@Trainerblue192 & @Achronum
Mare: MP -10, HP -25

Misha did not reply as her struggle continued with the special kobold. It seemed ready to tear free from her hold as Mare arrived and drove the spear through its back though its thick hide prevented it from going all the way through, blood dripping onto Misha below. Wounded and sensing a greater threat from the Mage, the kobold began to pulled off of Misha. As lightning coursed through its body, it muscles locked long enough to for Mare to finish with stabbing its knees. The kobold fell backwards onto the ground, and Misha got up as fast as she could. The spear was taken from Mare's hands as Misha placed the tip above the monster's chest and plunged it deep into its flesh with a deep breath. A sizable stone was left as it was vanquished. She looked down at her blood soaked clothing with a pout after catching her breath "Now I'm gonna have to take a second bath..." She lamented, apparently not phased by how much danger she had just been in. There was not much time to recover as the fourth kobold and its wounded partner came charging for the two of you.

A crude dagger bounced off the metal as the goblin swung at Renji, before being lifted and tossed it towards another. The weight of its friend knocked both of them to the ground, but the other goblin was relatively unscathed. The same could not be said for the other two as the kick connected squarely with the temple of the goblin, eliminating it with the critical strike. A choking sound came from the next goblin as its windpipe was crushed, dropping its weapon in response. The goblins on the ground rose up as this happened and came for Renji once more.


The goblin targeted by Noctis's spell moved like it was walking instead of running like it previously was, letting the other one move far ahead of it on their path to Noctis. Priscilla had not budged from her position and even though you could not directly see it, you knew that she was studying how you fought and evaluating every move made. After all, that was why she was here.

The unimpaired goblin came at you with reckless abandon, trying almost desperately to either stab or cut you. However a single goblin is an enemy that even new adventurers can take on with near certainty. None of its pathetic attacks managed to land before your dagger sank into the greenish flesh, the limbs of the goblin going limp briefly before vanishing into black dust. The other goblin, still impaired by the spell, moved nonetheless towards Renji. It was the last target before Noctic's first official victory could be claimed and evaluate by the stunning Winter Maiden.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Via looked rather content with her quick work with the goblins, though frowned when she felt blood drop from her cheek. She didn't even feel it, unlike her injury from earlier which was worse. She spun her katana in her hand and watched as Amrec finished up with the last of the uninjured goblins.

Her gaze went to the ones who recovered from her attack earlier. Even if she aimed to kill them in one swift move, it didn't seem like that would happen. Shame really. She was ready to attack when she heard two heavy thumps on the ground. Amrec had discarded his weaponry and decided that fighting barehanded would be enough to dispatch these goblins.

Well, the goblins were sluggish in movement and Amrec's hard hits put them down all too quickly. She seemed to attract three goblins to her and they began scrambling towards her. While she would have wanted to seem more badass and let her weapon drop to the ground, she was not nearly as powerful as Amrec so no use doing that.

She moved to slash at the goblins but also making sure to keep herself open to dodging their attacks. They were slower, so she'd rather not get needlessly injured because of carelessness.
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