Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Wolfram & Vera

Vera's jaw slowly sunk as William just sort of dumped a metric ton of information on them. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but it hadn't been that. When his tale finished, she figured he must be joking. Right? But everyone seemed so serious. And so she stood there in shock, for once silenced.

Until William's mother called.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" What the hell was this? Some sort of game? Throne of Heroes? It was so ridiculous! She leaned forward, so she could see past Wolf over to Andras. "Oh, quite a lot, apparently! Yes, I see you hiding under there! So, are we human today, or still trying to pass as a demon? Ha!" She threw her head back, laughing further, as she sauntered her way over to William.

Then, as her hands fell down heavily onto William's shoulders, her mirth vanished.

"ARE YOU FRIGGIN' CRAZY!?" She shouted, her grip tightening painfully. "Resurrecting the dead!? You're stupid, aren't you? No, not stupid, retarded? Something is clearly wrong with you!" Her furious, glowering eyes stared deep into his. She pushed him back, though not enough to knock him over or anything. "Ugh, fine, so say you pull this off. Who's next? Hm? What are you gonna do when people start asking questions? If they track this little miracle back to you? When the sobbing hoards come to you, begging for the same treatment, what will you tell them?"

Her expression had now switched from anger to contempt.

"I mean, how about me, William? My poor Uncle, lost to cancer! Wouldn't you help me?" And now she threw on an exaggerated face of sorrow, sniffling and eyes glistening with tears? "Or that poor woman whose balcony gave out beneath her the other day, or those two kids who got run over by a car because the stop sign had been knocked over a few hours prior, or the man who got shot by robbers? Are they just not important enough, or, perhaps, you really just haven't thought this through." And, finally, back to anger, though still mixed with that same, venomous contempt. "Face it, William, you're trying to play god. Problem is, we have enough of those, and I doubt they'll appreciate what you're trying to do."

She shook her head in disgust, "Bad things happen to 'good' people every day. So I suggest you get used to it," she suddenly jabbed him in the chest hard with her finger, "go home," another painful jab, "and stop wasting everyone's time!" and a final, punctuating jab.

"Vera..." Wolf didn't know what he could say. Honestly... he agreed with her, but he didn't think she was right. She just wasn't wrong, either. Bad things did happen to good people all the time, and how could anyone choose who deserved a second chance? It was impossible. But wasn't one miracle better than none? In an impossible situation, it was only fair that William choose the one closest to home.

"Come on, Wol-" As Vera began to turn toward Wolf, a sudden noise cut her off. FWOOSH! "GAH!" Vera stumbled back, clutching her forehead desperately with both hands. A chunk of ice clattered to the ground, having just bounced violently off of Vera's skull.

"Vera!" Wolf hurried to her side, worrying over her. What had just happened? He had been lost in thought.

But the culprit soon revealed himself...

Vernon 2.0

Hand still outstretched, Vernon stepped forward, "I have a suggestion of my own, harlot." He stared at his handiwork with a smirk on his face. "Keep your hands and your words to yourself." He knew his boyfriend all too well, and so his next act was to lift a finger to William's lips before he could utter a word. "And don't you worry, little William, I'm just defending your honor."

"Ghhg... guh..." Vera was panting and shuddering with pain. She pulled her hands away to see that they were slick with blood. She lashed out, pushing Wolf away, "What the hell!? Why'd you let him do that to me!? Do something!" Of course he was being blamed, as usual, but he wasn't going to argue with her when she was literally bleeding in front of him. He turned toward Vernon, making sure to place himself between him and Vera.

"Well that's just it, mister Wolf, there's nothing for you to do, I'm already here. Your presence was never really necessary!" Vernon chuckled. "So why don't you just get her out of here, hm?"

"Apologize..." Wolf said quietly, his voice shaking.

"What's that? Speak up now! Use your adult voice!"

"Apologize." Wolf's expression finally hardened, his voice gaining an edge.

"Hm," that seemed to satisfy Vernon. However... "Her first."

Whoosh! In a burst of dark smoke, Wolf gave his answer. Vernon was forced to lean back before a large, black Warhammer tore his jaw off. The weapon instead collided with the ground with a heavy thud.

"Haha! That's a lot of pissed in a small package!" Vernon just found the whole thing to be a hoot. "Can you even lift that?! It's fine if you can't, I mean, I didn't want your help anyway, but it's good to know we're turning away the incompetent!"

Wolf's face just twisted up in a rare display of real anger. Reddish smoke suddenly swirled around him, obscuring his form. The smoke parted as suddenly the hammer flew like it had wings, arcing up, once more forcing Vernon to lean away, this time practically bending over backwards to avoid it.

The smoke cleared to reveal Wolf now clad in spiked armor, "You're gonna regret that." he warned, voice distorted and deepened behind the helmet. Vernon could only look up at the hammer now held aloft above him, ready to crash down. And so it did, forcing himself to throw himself aside and roll to a knee. This time the hammer made the ground crumble to dust on impact. Yep, dodging had certainly been the prudent course of action there.

But he had an idea to nullify that pesky hammer.

He let out an inhuman shriek, and the chill night air suddenly turned downright frigid. As Wolf went to heft his hammer once more, it didn't budge. He tried to reposition himself to get a better grip, but his feet wouldn't move either. He looked down to see that both himself and his hammer were frozen to the ground.

"I do love a stationary target!" Vernon unleashed a veritable barrage of ice. A sudden hailstorm to pummel Wolf. Wolf could only lift one arm to cover his face and otherwise just take the entire attack. The drop in temperature he'd caused only allowed Vernon to fire even faster than normal, but after a few seconds he figured maybe Wolf had had enough.

Wolf's arm dropped limp to his side and his whole body slumped over, head hung low. His armor had grown more spikes in response, but the person inside seemed to have been worn down.

CRACK! With a sudden jerk, the hammer was torn clean from the ground.

"Eh?" Vernon raised an eyebrow in surprise. Shouldn't Wolf be weaker now?

The hammer was lifted as if it weighed no more than a feather, and then brought back down with thunderous force on the ice below. A plume of dust shot skyward, and moments later Wolf burst forth from it, the pommel of the hammer careening into Vernon's stomach.

Vernon's mouth went wide in a silent exclamation of pain, all the air having already fled his lungs. He doubled over, sinking down to one knee as Wolf hefted the hammer threateningly.

"Now... APOLOGIZE." The command came from beneath the helmet as a monstrous growl. The air around the armor was distorted by a red shimmer.

Vernon finally was able to suck in a breath of air and only let out a chuckle. He looked up at Wolf, "Ha... hahaha..." He loosed an amused sigh and met Wolf's eyes, or at least the slots in the helmet they lay behind. A smirk once more graced his face. "Her first." Wolf just immediately wound the hammer back and Vernon stared at the weapon that was poised to splatter his head across the ground. This one might tickle.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Andras watched the fight unfold in a span of seconds. To be honest, she was still reeling from Vera's onslaught of words, so when Wolf and Vernon started fighting she wasn't as fast as she wanted to be.

Andras's eye moved between the two fighting boys and the girl who was bleeding on the ground. To the fighters. Back to the girl. 'Is it worth trying to help Vera, or trying to break up this fight...' Andras mentally recalled her available spells. Maybe some spectacle was possible, but considering the power these two were throwing around, it could be a waste entirely. 'I'll save these for if it gets any worse. Which means...'

Andras braced herself slightly before taking off her hood and crouching next to Vera. "How bad is it? Should I take you to the medical staff?" Andras offered a hand to the girl in a show of goodwill.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 4 days ago

Galbrek and Vittorio

"I do not drink tea with commoners." Galbrek said in a very dismissive tone to Celestine. "None of us have the time for such a thing right now anyways." He tried to reassure them both while playing with a lock of his long hair but his expression grew more grim as Celestine spoke to him as if he didn't know who he was. But not only that, he then slammed his fist into Vittorio's body which caused the latter's astral form to turn to look at him, flickering a few times before it began to fade out and vanish. The move took Galbrek by surprise but no doubt even more so took Vittorio by surprise. Galbrek knew that things were just about to heaten up by quite the bit so he readied himself to do what he had to.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Galbrek yelled out in a clearly agitated way, at this rate his plans would be compromised. He had no love for Vittorio but he needed him to deal with that damn William and his servant who had some accursed power.

Don't screw around with people who are completely insane. Maybe they are both out of their minds? Vittorio is a damned dreamer. He calmed down slightly and watched how Celestine slammed Vittorio's chest again. "Fallen one. Indeed..." He pointed a finger at Vittorio's physical body whose eyes had by now flung open wide.

Vittorio's eyes darted to Celestine and then he began to manifest his astral form again, his face looking strained now and the astral form took on a slight resemblence. He dashed forwards quickly with his tentacle wings spreading out, reaching out towards both Galbrek and Celestine.

On seeing this Galbrek had prepared the right kind of plan for dealing with that. He pushed Adam in front of himself right into Vittorio's left side tentacles which in turn slapped Adam into the nearby wall as if he were a doll. He actually was a doll.

Galbrek thought he had avoided the result of the angry ghost but found a tentacle grabbing around his throat and slamming him into the wall. The remaining tentacles reached out to try grab hold of Celestine, preferably by his legs to drag him closer in order to pin him down with his tentacle wings holding his limbs in place. Not doing much actual harm to him though, he however was trying to get his point across.

"Don't screw with me! You don't understand! None does! I have to get there right now! There's no way I am just going to sit around and do nothing! Don't get in my way with this or I'll- Just... leave... me alone. Let me do this.." Galbrek felt how the tentacle was constricting around his throat and he created marionette strings from each of his fingers to slice of the tentacle holding him restrained. How he hated that someone was laying their dirty hands. Tentacles. On his infernal form. How dared he.

But this was Vittorio. He wasn't one who used common sense. This guy could without any hesitation destroy the entire room along with them including himself would the wrong move be made. Galbrek had freed himself, landing neatly with his feet on Adam's back. The latter whom had fallen to the floor after having hit the wall.

"Vittorio! Calm down.. we are not the enemy. This William person -is-." He attempted his hypnotic gaze on Vittorio before realizing it wouldn't work on his astral body, and his physical body had it's eyes closed instead he turned his hypnotic gaze over to Celestine. "You should come with me to make certain the plan is executed well then..."If he could not sway Vittorio, then perhaps Celestine could be swayed to let Vittorio of the leach. Not only that but possibly using Celestine as a distraction at the place which held his brand new toy.

"How about you'll take this William as a test subject for your research? Shouldn't be difficult..." Galbrek gave an infernal grin.

Meanwhile at the midnight tournament...

Bertrand, Darla and Celine were watching like they had done for quite awhile now. But now there was an opening and time had passed since their master had left. "Change of plans." Bertrand said to his fellow dolls. "We are moving in now to get her while the others are distracted. Darla keep the boy busy will you? We are going to catch and deliver the girl to the master. Maybe he will turn us into real humans if we do well?"

"Roger." She said in a monotone voice as the trio began to move forwards. "The fox girl has just been fighting, that guy helping the boy is in an argument and we'll never get a better chance. Let's go." Bertrand cheered his two companions on. Darla began to approach William and got up in his face, abit too close for comfort. "William. I don't think you should be here. You can get hurt. Don't get the master angry okay?" She tried to place her small feminine hand on William's chest.

Betrand and Celine then both jumped at Andras from behind, Celine attempting to grab her by the mouth with one of her hands whilst the other hand held unto her arm, while Bertrand tried to grab and hold on to her second arm in order to lead her out of there. If successful they would try to wander off in a hushed walking speed to avoid too much attention.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Celestine Lightbringer

Celestine was rocked back and forth by Vittorio's righteous tentacle fury, however in his face the expression that was showing was disappointment. "I thought that mayhaps a brush with death would give you the wisdom you very much need, Vitto. I suppose I erred." He struggled, as he felt that each tentacle was now seizing a limb. And he was still clad in the nurse cosplay. "Instead you turn me into a mockery of a raunchy animated film. Braavo. I'd clap but you got me in a position I cannot." The elder girlish boy sighed, half in disappointment, half in defeat. It was hard to know which one was it.

"Well, I would give you a point, except yes, I know somewhat what it feels. Ex-Saint Laurel, remember. They stuffed me in a locker." He said, in a sad reminiscent tone. Truthful to an extent. "And I know that revenge is best served cold." He paused, his eyes looking at Galbrek. Well, he has a fair point. Maybe i could cause mayhem. But it's not what Mephisto told me. He pondered. "I did want to have tea and ponder this throught, but It seems that I am outvoted in that regard. Pain in the ass. Oh well, in for a penny." The boy smiled in a tired, sad voice.

But this isn't me, at all. Is it what I'd really say? No. There is something else. Those eyes... Celestine added, as he just seemed to lose all will to fight and struggle. "Just let me get a few supplies before leave, I don't have flashy powers. Oh and secure his real body, it's kind of... an important assigment, you know?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Wolfram & Vera & Vernon 2.0

Vera was down on her knees at this point, desperately clutching at her lacerated brow. She was aware there was a battle going on in response to her injury, but quite frankly she was in too much pain to worry about it. A bit of a shame, really. It sounded like a good one.

She was snapped out of her agonized stupor by "Andras" coming to check on her.

She didn't answer the girl, instead instinctively raising a fist to knock the girl's hand away. But then she stopped, looking away. It really did hurt... maybe a little help was fine.

"I'm... fine..." she insisted, but still reached out for the hand. Nothing. "Wh-?" She fished around for Andras, but to no avail. No hand. Had she already rescinded her offer because of Vera's fist? She looked up to see two strange people kidnapping the demon, but not really, girl. Vera blinked. Had she been hit that hard? This was a hallucination right? A very vivid one if so.

Nope, pretty sure it was real. Well, she'd just have Wolf figure it out.

She spun around, "WOLF!"

Just as the hammer began to drop, Wolf froze up at Vera's voice. He turned his head to see the kidnapping in progress. He glanced back at Vernon, "Lucky..." Then, without missing a beat, he swung his hammer, but in a new direction. He let go mid-swing and it took off like a buzzing missile through the air, smashing into the ground before Andras and her assaulters. It sprayed them with dirt and debris. Most importantly, it made a sort of smoke-screen.

He took off like a shot blitzing the distance between them before the dust could settle. Once through the dust cloud, he immediately picked a target. It happened to be Bertrand. He reached out, intending to grab him by the face and slam him down like the winning touchdown at a game.

Assuming success, his next move would be to recall his hammer in a swirl of smoke and aim the top spike at his throat before turning to the other kidnapper, "Let. Go."

"I'd listen to angry boy in armor if I were you." Vernon had taken the chance to reach Celine's opposite side, arm outstretched and ready to open fire. He then winced, "That hammer hits like a freight train."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

Things went downhill fast. While he had been formulating a counter-argument to Vera's tirade, the Half-Demon's minion hopped up in front of him and told him to keep away. To this, Ascot's own answer was: "I am sorry, but I don't think you should be here either, by the same token. I am sure that you have some hidden power that can prove my undoing, but I am willing to risk it because I need to get back to safety along with Andras." He then jumped back a little, and drew his sword. "So please, we've been pretty lenient, but leave off. And don't think I haven't noticed Andras' attempted kidnapping out of the corner of my eye!"

Activating his single copy of Michael's Body Art (Strength), Ascot lashed out at Darla, a super-strong palm aimed at her stomach to knock her unconcious in one single blow; this would have worked if she was not a sapient puppet. But alas, she was, which would prevent him from turning to help Andras.


Alexander Ascot

In the apartment, Alexander would pull $4000 out of his wallet and give them to Aram, saying, "Hand these over to King; this is the downpayment. There will be a further $6000 upon the completion of the job. But remember, make sure that my brother is unharmed; one hair on his head harmed and I will crack down hard on anything you do that violates even the most obscure of laws. Do you guys get what I am saying?"

He then heard the sound of a body crashing into a pile of squishy garbage, and continue: "I am going to go check up on who fell into that dumpster over there." The officer then left, walking outside the apartment to try and find Samoth, who might be fishing himself out of the trash right about now. Sighing, Alexander would then offer a hand to Samoth, before saying, "I think you need to get cleaned up. Also, I found out from Alto's driver that the kids you were rescuing were...bad kids, as far as St. Laurel's can have bad kids"

"If so, it is plausible that they are engaged in a conspiracy against your school itself, or are being used as pawns to get at your school. So I have something else for you to do." A smile.

"If St. Laurel's own worse students are plotting against it, I want to know. I think you'd want to know either. And if they are, and it is exposed, I want their protection from actual justice taken away and they shipped off to Juvie. I'm sure that plotting against the school would lose them the Faculty's desire to cover things up, right?" Alexander's eyes glinted with reflected light as he finished with:

"Just a thought."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 24 days ago

Vanishers 4

Alto's phone bleeped as he ascended the stairs. A quick message from the driver, two more students had been handed to him.


It was difficult to guess what his objective was, but as long as he was helping them resolve the situation quickly, his help was welcome. He assumed the two students were from the fifth floor which he had just passed. A cursory inspection had found no additional students. It had however found many imps, clearly slain by King's hand, but still more had been slain by someone else. Someone he knew the hallmarks of very well.

He rounded the steps and a very familiar face was there to meet him.

"Ah, greetings, Child of Light." Clara said.

"Likewise, Clara Deimos Erdrigan." He replied.

There was no reason to greet Clara Deimos Erdrigan any way other than Amicably. Despite their reputation as cheaters and her clear position as the mastermind behind Mephsito's School for the Wickedly Inclined, there had never been any true evidence of wrongdoing. No, it would be more accurate to say it was clearly because she was the mastermind that there was no evidence.

"What exactly is your business here at this time of night?" Alto asked.

"Surely such a question should be posed from my lips," She replied curtly. "You have far less reason to be here than I."

They stood across from each other, neither one speaking.

Alto would be surprised if she didn't know what he was doing here. The evidence was fairly clear, unless King was fast enough there was no way she hadn't seen at least one of the missing students. In fact, King wouldn't be the type to interfere with her, if she had done something to them. He would be the exact type to bring them down disregarding anything else.

"8 Students are missing from our school." He finally said. "They are here, and I've been tasked with retrieving them."

He only said the basics of the situation which Clara would most likely know. None of the details, which wouldn't have helped anyway.

"Hmm, is that so?" She replied. He saw a flicker of a smile pass her lips. Any normal person would think little of it, but Alto could almost see the gears turning in her head. It wasn't as if they'd started suddenly, but there was a tiny stutter which had allowed him to gauge the flow. They had been turning for a while now, but it seems she had gotten a new idea.

"Then perhaps I shall assist you."

He froze for a second. Such a thing had been within his calculations, but not his expectations. He had been caught off guard but he couldn't show it.

"Well of course I have my own objective," She continued, "But we are in a position of mutual benefit. Helping you will eventually help me meet my own objective."

He didn't know if hiding meant anything under that gaze. Those warm words of comraderie were just as calculated as his own. However, before he could respond, King crashed through a nearby window and rolled, end over end, until he reached their position.

He landed out on one knee, arms flared out to his side, cape fluttering down behind him.

"Have you guys seen a black cat with an orange collar running around here?" He asked.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Rurik Alexeev

Rurik looked left to right, as if in disbelief. Was... Bak... pleased? He actually flinched a little when she touched him, expecting a sudden change in attitude, but no, she was genuinely happy. He was willing to run with that. He supposed maybe he'd done just enough to gain her approval and if she wasn't going to blame him for their opponent's escape that was fine by him.

"Oh, uh, yeah we ran into some students from St. Laurels. I blew up half the building and sent them back to the first floor..." His explanation ventured into hyperbole, but the end result was true enough. "Also I helped Thobias nearly drown Christine's sister, but it's OK because she deserved it." Rurik rolled his eyes.

Just that brief retelling of events seemed to remind Rurik of just how tired he was. He'd been broiled by Katherine, demolished two hotel floors, and then been ported around until he'd puked. Also whatever weird psychic bullshit Samoth had done to him.

He staggered over to Christine, "So, remember what I said about you taking the next fight?" he said to her, and in an uncharacteristic display of physical interaction just sort of draped himself over her shoulders, resting his forehead on her and letting her support some of his weight. He glanced up at Bak once he'd had a moment to collect himself, "And how has your day gone? I don't suppose we're done here yet?" his voice held a mixture of sarcasm and desperate impatience.

He wasn't sure he cared about what Bak had been up to, but it was only polite to ask... or... something.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 4 days ago

Vittorio and Galbrek

Vittorio narrowed his eyes, not as angry as some might expect but in a painful manner before his echoing voice was heard yet again.

"My brush with death has been a long one, Celestine..." The ghostly looking young man finally relaxed and retracted his tentacle like wings as he let go of Celestine, including the one which had been severed by Galbrek.

"Your intention is good, but I am not a dreamer. I am a dream chaser. If I do not go after what I feel in my heart, I may lose yet again." He looked abit disappointed and troubled. "Do forgive me. I know of your past and my intention is not to make a mocking out of you. I would not get in the way of your revenge, I would trust your judgement... why can't you trust mine?" Vittorio's wings flickered and he began to reshape the part that had been cut off, a slightly strained expression forming on his physical self, with a sweaty look on his face. Meanwhile Galbrek had wiped off his attire and used Adam's back as a neatly convinient doormat to wipe his shoes at before he stepped off at the former's hand. Adam didn't make a sound but he slowly got to his feet afterwards, looking worse for wear than before.

"The tea can wait. This matter cannot. Gather what you can, I doubt anyone will come down here to see this half-corpse anyways. He has no friends alive anymore after all." Galbrek said with a matter of fact voice, certain it would irk both Vittorio and Celestine who could possibly be regarded as somewhat connected to the former.

"Adam, get yourself in shape. You look terrible. We are going back to grab my new toy. Best don't keep me waiting you two. I hate to be disappointed." Galbrek moved out through the door and Adam offered both Vittorio and Celestine an appologetic bow with his upper body.

Vittorio remained silent for awhile after Galbrek had left the room.

"That boy's words are poison. But even so I cannot turn a blind eye to this. If I don't go I will die of regret. If you could would you turn back time to change things if you could, Celestine? In my case turning back time would not change anything at all. I never regretted what I did, and had I been given a second try I would have done the same thing. The only difference is that now I have the power I did not have back then. Now I have the means necessary to get revenge." His gaze shifted and pointed to his physical body. "I don't have much time left in any case. I don't have to be a doctor to know this. But it is fine. All I want is to have my revenge. Don't you want the same?" The ghostly figure turned to Celestine. "I will go now. Please do not stop me. Lest you seek to become like those you were subjected to back then?" He began to float towards the doorway, looking over his ghostly shoulder to Celestine.

Meanwhile Galbrek and Adam had just exited the building by the same door they entered. Outside they went to the mailboy's bike and then Galbrek stretched his arms abit.

"I really do not like this bike for transportation, it is very uncomfortable and makes me very weary. I guess it cannot be helped. Get back to it, Adam." Galbrek said as he climbed up in front on the bike where the mail packages would have been carried and directed Adam to drive back to the Midnight tournament area.

"Yes... master Galbrek." Adam said in a slightly tired way, but without any hesitation to the task he had been given.

Meanwhile at the tournament grounds...

Bertrand had been slammed into the ground at immense speed and power, sending a crackling sound through his entire body. And Wolf, the one who had so aptly grabbed him noticed how Bertrand's face began to crack, leaving thin lines all over it as he connected with the ground. The young man called Wolf, at least that was what the girl had yelled out had successfully slammed him down and was now pointing his weapon to Bertrand's throat.

Darla gave a slight pout and then quickly jumped back on seeing William attempt to take her out. She was smaller than the other dolls, but also a little quicker. She gathered her given power and her fists blazed up in purple energy and she tightened her right fist and slammed it right into William's hand. "Eyyyy!" She cried out.

A loud cracking sound was heard soon after and then a like a rain of pottery shards on the floor. Her energized punch had not been strong enough to withstand William's palm, her fist had shattered on impact and sent ripples all the way up to almost her shoulder, leaving only a little stump left.

"Ahh! My arm... I-I-...I am not broken.. I can still be of use to you..uhh...uhh.." Panic and oddly enough tears starting to form on her cheeks, her face slowly shaking from side to side in disbelief. Bertrand had been taken down even easier. As if he wasn't even a challenge, it annoyed him and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why... you..." Bertrand said in a low tone with the weapon at his throat.

At this rate we'll all die here... but If we come back to the master without success we will...
"Darla! Run!" He yelled out, trying to grab the weapon pointed at him and manifested a purple ball of energy in his other hand which he slammed into the ground before him, seeking to take down Wolf along with him.

Celine was slowly stepping backwards, trying to hold unto Andras and was ready to project her energy barrier would she have to. But she was worried it might not be enough, she tried to keep Andras in front of her to deter Vernon from attacking her while she was slowly trying to step back from the fighting area.

"We only want the girl. Let us go now and none will be hurt. You cannot risk attacking me while this girl's life is on the line." Celine tried to talk Vernon out of attacking her, perhaps to buy time for her to get further away. Bertrand was trying to buy her time, Darla was not doing too well. This was going pretty badly.

Darla had reacted ofcourse to Bertrand's scream to her and done a backflip over near Celine. Holding up her remaining arm in a desperate manner of defense. "They are too strong! The master will... he will...we are all going to become junk!" She said out loud in a voice which could only be described as utter terror.

Bertrand... damn it all. Celine thought to herself seeing the blast ahead. "We won't as long as we have the girl. Back off! You hear me?!" Celine snarled and looked around like an angry lioness.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bak Tsarevna

Bak's eyes widened as Rurik described sinking the St. Laural's kids back to the first floor and helping to beat Christine's terrifying sister. "Who is this impostor and what has he done with lazy-bones Rurik?" she asked, brimming with pride. She dimmed someone when the natural order re-asserted itself and he pawned off the next job to Christine, but if what he said was true he had actually earned it.

"Oh, I came up with very smart plan!" She replied excitedly to the question about her own day. "Me and Tovarish were walking and who do we meet but Kings vigilantes stalking halls for some reason. OH, you should have seen them coming from where you did! They were right around corner there with Vittorio. We talked with them and we said 'help us Vigilantes, take missing students to police for us' and they said 'yes, alright,' because they will be getting reward if they do and then everyone will know what bad things St. Laurals did, trying to keep this all hushed up. And then tovarish said "good work Bak this was very nice idea, and now we go up,' but before we could go up the floor fell in and Samoth jumped out of hole to attack me so I put him through this wall!" She spread he arms wide to the giant hole that led into the room, presenting it like a fisherman and his catch. Just then, though, a though occurred. "But that was last time I saw Tovarish." she said, face falling. "She was not in hallway?"

A sudden chill went down Bak's spine. They could leave. In Bak's mind the Vigilantes would do their jobs for them, and if Rurik really had beaten back the other St. Laurals students so thoroughly they probably we'rent going to be an issue. By all accounts they were winning. There was nothing keeping them there. Except they were now missing people.

"She must have gone up already. Alone." Bak said slowly, growing concern in her voice. "You have not seen Gilliam? You did not pass Vittorio in hallway? What about friendly ninja, did you all not pass him?"

The thrill of praise, followed by the thrill of battle, had completely flushed from Bak's mind what kind of place this was. Gilliam was a monster, Vittorio was a ghost, but this place was filled with demons and evil spirits. All at once the oppressive atmosphere from when she had been wandering the hallways alone earlier crept back into her mind even surrounded as she was by other people.

@Hammerman @6slyboy6@KillamriX88
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Wolfram & Vera

Wolf was dumbstruck, freezing up at the sight of Bertrand... fracturing.

"Wh-... what did I-..." He didn't even get to finish processing the sight before him before Bertrand unleashed a blast that left him staggered. "Gah... rrrr!" And for the moment, his rage was rekindled. Human's didn't "crack" like that. They might have acted alive, but they were just some sort of golem. Servants of some bastard who wanted to take Andras. More importantly, they were still fighting back. He couldn't drop his guard.

They weren't alive... right?

If Bertrand was by some miracle back on his feet, Wolf made sure to fix that in a hurry, aiming to get the boy, thing, back on the ground. He stomped down on his chest to keep him still, though not hard enough to do much further damage... yet. Another distraction tore at him. He hadn't quite gotten back all his momentum lost when he'd feared he'd murdered someone.

He wasn't focused.

The littlest one, Darla. He could practically feel her fear. Was she... crying? Her body was just as broken as her morale. The one he was fighting had told her to run, not encouraged her to fight. If they weren't human, but disposable pawns, then why...?


The head of Wolf's hammer crashed to the ground, as if he'd lost the strength to hold it aloft, the grip held loosely in one hand. The furious shimmer faded from his armor.

Vera saw this and swore under her breath. She stumbled to her feet and wobbled over to him, still clutching at her seeping wound.

"The hell is wrong with you?!" She slapped the back of his helmet. 'Ow...'

"I... Uh..." Wolf seemed lost. From furious to dazed in a matter of moments.

"You just gonna let them get away? Whatever is going on with them sounds real messed up, but you know what'd be more messed up?" She grabbed his shoulder, her hand dropping away from her injury, and forced him to look at her. "If your dumb ass were to let them take Alex because you felt bad for her kidnappers! Your sympathy can wait! Isn't she your friend or some shit?"

Yeah... that was right... Andras was a Vigilante. He was a Vigilante. He was supposed to have her back. And here they were trying to take her right in front of him. And here he was losing it and letting them.

The burning shimmer returned -- more intense than ever.


This time he drove the hammer into the ground, letting it stick fast. He grabbed Bertrand by the hair and hauled him to his feet, aiming to put him in a headlock, with one hand grabbing the side of his face, the tips of his gauntlet-clad fingers digging in.

"If you try to run, I will hunt you down..." His grip tightened, fingertips puncturing whatever material they passed off as skin. "If you hurt her, I will shatter you into pieces..." And even tighter still, letting the cracks spread and spiderweb. "And when I'm done with you, I will find your master and I will tear him apart!" He looked Celine directly in the eyes, no mercy being betrayed from behind the helmet. "Let. Go."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

William blinked as he processed the new information going through his head; the battle was moving fast, but he had learned how scared these...puppets were, scared by something that wasn't the people trying to break them right now. Looking at Vera first, then Wolfram, then the Puppets, the boy would say: "Guys! Just please let go of Andras! I know you're real people; just not human - you wouldn't be scared if you weren't. So, just let go of Andras and we can talk this out. We can offer refuge, we can offer sanctuary, we can get you out of whoever scares you more than we do. This does not have to end in your deaths."

Another call from his mother: "William!" the shout came, "A tip; you guys need to go! The longer you stay, the more likely Murphy's Law will strike! Now flee before I use the Ekindu chain on you all!"

The sound of a car thrumming would echo over the din of battle as Gilgamesha continued, "Will, you have five minutes to negotiate, then I am forcing you to go! And if you choose to resist, I'll take only you and leave your friends behind when I use Ekindu!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


'Huh? She's actually going to accept my help? Maybe I misju-'

Taken by surprise while in her own thoughts, Andras was grabbed by someone she couldn't see. Well, that wasn't entirely true, because she could see a hand, that was now covering her mouth. Another hand grabbed her arm, and was trying to lead her away from the area. Andras's voice was weak - both from the sudden shock of being grabbed and also from the residual fear of being verbally assaulted, so for a moment she feared that Vera was going to not even notice her been taken away.

Luckily, Vera noticed. Calling out to Wolf, he sprang into action. Very quickly.

Andras was mildly terrified of Wolf's sudden and violent attack. Even though she knew he was helping her, seeing him bring down such an attack that close to her was enough to make her legs weak. Which didn't help the girl (Golem? Construct? Andras wasn't entirely sure what to classify them as after seeing one shatter) who was trying to drag her off, but Andras wasn't really in a helping mood with that. Andras was trying to struggle out but she was kept in the grip. She didn't have any spells that she could cast hands-free, so she just had to rely on her friends.

And what friends they were. Even William was cutting a rather heroic figure in Andras's eyes. But one thing really stood out to Andras. Something Vera said. "Your sympathy can wait! Isn't she your friend or some shit?"

Andras couldn't help but sniffle. Her vision was becoming blurry. She had expected Wolf to do something (Maybe not immediately and swiftly pound the assailant into the ground, admittedly) but even Vera was trying to motivate Wolf to fight harder to help her. She got the name wrong, but this was a huge step. She cared enough to say something. Andras had unfairly pegged her as a rotten girl, but she had some good in her. "Y-You guys..." Andras cried, imagining the fate that may have befallen her if she didn't have them around. Andras cursed her inability to cover her face with her hands, because she was definitely crying now.

'What are you doing?! Demons don't cry because they're overwhelmed by how amazing their friends are! Say something cool!' A voice in Andras's mind called out.

Trying to steady her breathing and voice, Andras tried again. "Y-You all are t-truly worthy-" Andras's voice cracked, and she had to pause. "-of b-being warriors at my s-side..."

The words echoed within Andras's mind. Each echo sounded dumber than the last. 'Forget the kidnapping. I'm going to die from embarrassment.'
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Michael Angie

Michael gave a tired yet amused smile at Nasaraph as he lay the faux verbal smack-down on Michael. The latest events were taking a toll on him, and Michael was feeling like he really wanted to just get some rest and heal up. He perked back up slightly when Gilliam came over, wondering what he was coming over for. He had his paintbrush in hand should the need for it arise, but it seemed like it was alright, as Gilliam came to talk rather than to fight. Giving a silent nod of appreciation to Gilliam for the advice, Michael then proceeded to watch the chaos unfold in front of him.

After Alexander left to investigate the commotion outside, Michael sighed and got up from the ground, brushing off the back of his pants. "Well, I appreciate the first-aid treatment from everyone. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have my own job to do," Michael said, disengaging himself from the group and following Alexander out of the building. He raised an eyebrow at Samoth, but otherwise didn't say a word.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Aram stood from Michael's side, watching the person(beast, rather) who had just moments before attacked them without hesitation(or at least, had recklessly thrown an attack in their direction). Aram had never exactly liked Gilliam. Something about the boy weirded him out. Whether it was the odd looks he gave people, or his genteel way of approaching things when not trying to throw you around with giant tentacles, he definitely weirded out the Alchemist.

He shuddered as he turned his gaze from the shapeshifter. He was greeted with a handful of bills in front of his face, said bills being offered by the elder Ascot brother. Aram eyed him as he took the money slowly, a slight degree contempt in his gaze as he heard the threat that came from Alexander. I wouldn't be making threats like that if I was the one going to highschool students for help... he thought. "Okay"

He stored the bills in his satchel as the officer turned to leave. He himself would then turn. "Uhh...What next?"

There was a muffled impact as Samoth hit the multiple layers of garbage within a industrial dumpster that had conveniently been left right under the window he had thrown himself through. For a moment he just sat there, dazed on his whereabouts. Then he smelt the decaying trash he was currently lying in. He lifted the cover that had fell over the top of the disposal container to be greeted by Alexander Ascot.

He ignored the offered hand, instead opting to pull himself out of the disposal bin. He would brush any debris from his coat, once again standing on his own two feet as he listened to Alexander's thoughts and ultimately his proposal. He picked a banana peel from his shoulder, tossing it aside. 'Bad kids' definitely were not a new concept. However, conspiracy theories were. It sounded pretty far-fetched...but even if he had thought were true, it wasn't his choice. He walked past the officer, responding flatly, "Can't help you. Alto's in charge of matters pertaining to St. Laurel's students., and continued walking without another word.

Samoth had confidence that Alto could handle most, if not all of Laurel's problems. At least...unless Clara was actively involved. Which she now was, apparently. This was not a safe situation. He needed to help.
That's when he felt the migraine coming on. He furrowed his brow in discomfort as he made his way towards where they had initially entered the building. He pushed past the doorway, laying eyes upon the scene in the lobby.

What the fu-
"Where is Alto??", he said to no-one in particular.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Ascot

With Samoth having refused his suggestion and Aram accepting his mission, Alexander found himself with nothing to do; after all, this was not his jurisdiction. No, he was going to the Midnight Tournament; the Officer felt that something bad was happening to his brother. To confirm his suspcions, he called his mother, Gilgamesha Ascot, with Michael in hearing range. "Mom?!" Alexander said as he called through his cell phone, "I'll get to the point - is Will in danger?!"

Gilgamesha was also upfront, "Yes. Yes he is. On the plus side, his friends are doing a good job protecting him, and he's doing a good job protecting himself; I couldn't be any more proud."

Alexander face-palmed, "Mom, stop being proud and actually get Ascot out of there! Use Enkidu if you have to! Gods, I'm also going there myself!"

And with that, he entered his car, and looked at Michael once more. "Mike, you're a good person, you know that? But if you want some sleep, you can go home." A smile. "But if you want to help me save Will and have another adventure, you can come with me if you like."

Once he had received his reply from Michael, Alexander would prepare to drive to the park where the Midnight Tournament was set. He felt as though time was running out, and he had not properly rested or even treated himself since the unfortunate fight with Vittorio...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 4 days ago

Midnight tournament area

As the blast from Bertrand's fireball settled, the doll's body had been pinned down on the ground by the vigilante called Wolf. Then picked up, by the hair first and put into a headlock by the larger Wolf.

But Bertrand was unresponsive, even as his face was being cracked by Wolf's armored fingers. The doll gave no reply. For he was gone already by the time Wolf had placed his foot at him. But it was now that the energy which had been stored within him began to seep out. Purple and mistlike in appearance, lingering for a moment until it vanished alltogether. Bertrand's face began to shatter and crumble in, then the rest of his body began to crack aswell and it would slip out of Wolf's grasp and land on the floor in a pile. Looking like someone broke alot of pottery. That and the clothes he had worn.

Celine's expression was filled with fear and sadness, she couldn't see a way out of this. If they returned to their master without the girl, or if they still would linger and fight they would most assuredly not make it.

Seeing Wolf shatter her fellow doll, her brother in a sense just like that. It was too much, his sacrifice would not be in vain. As long as she could escape with the hostage. "One move and I'll break her neck! Stand back!" Celine said in a warning tone. She didn't want to really harm the girl, but she had to leave with her.

Adam. Where are you? This is bad...

"Darla! Get to outpost charlie! Now! Tell our master I've got her! Leave this to me..."

Celine readied herself to create a barrier of energy around herself and Andras if Vernon or Wolf would take another step forwards. While there were others present it was those two which she was keeping an eye on, slowly stepping backwards still trying to hold unto Andras.

"Tell them to back off right now..." Celine said in a hushed tone to Andras through gritted teeth. "I don't want to hurt you... but you leave me no choice."

Darla had nodded quickly with a somewhat displeased expression on her face, she however could feel how the energy their master had granted to her was seeping out of her broken arm. She quickly jumped and ran, as fast as she could towards the exit. She was not as strong or tall as the others, but she was quick. And this was a moment to make use of it, hopefully it would be enough. Being a doll she also could likely outlast any pursuer by stamina alone.

The panic was her strongest motivation to leave, even though it meant leaving Celine alone. Darla was someone who was used to follow orders from her fellow dolls and more so her master. They could do most of the thinking and planning and she could look at beautiful things. Until her master would find and destroy them ofcourse.

As she ran she said out loud without thinking of it. "Bertand... Celine... I'm.. I'm gonna... I will... " She narrowed her eyes in some sense of mental pain artificial tears building up.

Master Galbrek.. please save me! Darla thought to herself in a praying manner. She had made it to the main entrance and threw one last glance behind her to see if anyone was following her. She was like a deer being hunted by a pack of wolves. Or possibly one Wolf.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 4 days ago

Vittorio, Celestine and Galbrek

(Collab between myself and AtomicNut)

Furtive stares were exchanges as the young man began to collect some of his belongings. With a deft hand, he discarded the outfit he was wearing, the clothes messily scattered everywhere, down to his slips. He just sighed as he counted the things, and, pulling something out of a golf club case, weighed it in his hand. A katana. He carefully slid it out of the scabbard, before gently putting back again. "Sharp and unbent. Good." Meanwhile, he addressed both of the other men with rather taciturn silence, not even bothering to reply even once. When Galbrek left the room, he did not even answer back to his rude departure.

"I suppose." was his answer to Vittorio's quips about not being better than those who kept himself in a locker. The boy was really trying to dig hard and deep for sympathy, wasn't he? Just like Galbrek. Except that there was a wrongness in the demon's compelling attitude. That...was not what it should've happened. Had the boy tampered with his mind? Only one way to know. He grasped inside his own thoughts, and flushed out the haze out of his thoughts. Indeed, it had felt like mind control. He clenched his fist as he dressed, this time in the lovely female uniform of Mephisto's, which he had customized to include a couple of combat boots and tough leather gloves. Things could get really rough there.

"Well, that's about as ready one can get." He added, while slipping the straps of a porcelain mask beneath his head. Weapon at his hip, as well as a cornucopia of objects in a waistpack. Some first aid tools, as well as painkillers. It was then when his mind seemed to grasp for something, and slammed his fist against an open palm. "Oh! I was almost forgetting, gotta care of your body." Celestine added as he went to the bedside once more, and pulled the blankets over the battered real body of Vittorio with a caring expression.
Which he didn't drop as he injected a sedative jab in his arm, chock full of morphine. "The morphine shot so you can stop hurting yourself and be in top shape soon. Sorry to disappoint you, Vittorio. I am not as bad as the ones that did this to me. I am worse. And I've been told to secure this school's assets -whether they like it or not."

Vittorio sighed softly in his ghostly form. As he watched how Celestine gave his physical body a blanket and morphine. He almost phased out of his astral form as the needle pressed through his skin. "You are as much an asset to this place as I am... you are surely here for a reason much like myself."

He was waiting for Celestine to get ready if he was indeed going to join in the quest. "I've become a monster, I am fine with it. As long as I can kill that other monster and Alto. You may have been kept in a locker and treated unfairly indeed. Imagine being in that locker for two years straight. That's how I feel. Now I hunger to strike out on the ones who put me in it, but more so for the unforgivable act of ending those whom mattered more than my own existance to me."

The astral form of Vittorio was glowing up briefly and his tentacle like wings were twitching, some even slashing across the floor in a sense someone would expect from someone tapping their feet when waiting.

"This William person. I have no intention of killing him. A few questions is all. Do you wish to keep him? He could prove a useful asset to Clara and the others."

He spoke in a somewhat ponderous tone to Celestine, looking over his back still. "Someone who defiles the dead. I don't have any compassion for. If that is indeed the case. Bring a syringe with sedative with you. It may prove useful in restraining our target." Vittorio shrugged and began to walk out of the room on his own, unable to wait any longer.

"If things get too heated. Pull out. I gave my body to the gods already, you don't have to give them yours aswell. I'll be fine... don't worry."

"You're one stubborn self-pitying bastard." Celestine eyed the tirade of Vittorio, without lifting an eyebrow. "And trying to sympathize won't earn you any points. Oooh, look at me, the tragic hero of the tale!" Celestine added as he began to walk, his hand on his hip. "Except this is not a tale, and heroes only exist in tabloid newspapers. Let me tell you something. If she was alive, would she be happy that you're hurting yourself for it, or would she encourage you to clench your teeth and nurse your wounds? Damned masochist. Like I said, revenge is best served cold." He paused.

"As for that god apprentice, I don't really care. He will be struck by his own hubris." The effeminate man added as he kept walking, and then out of the blue, started to turn in a certain direction far from building.

The reason no other than the sports car that was neatly parked a few meters ahead, with its owner too busy trying to woo some younger college students. Perfect. Celestine said, as he withdrew a syringe, and with the precision of a dart thrower, buried it in the neck of the driver, before deftly picking up the keys from the poor bystander. "I'm taking this. Evening ladies." He said in a cheeky voice as he began to drive the car like a pro, in the direction Galbrek had indicated.

"Heroes do not exist at all... Celestine. Heroes save people from death. There was no hero then- Ah...hnn...gah..." Vittorio's form began to fade out as they walked, his hands grabbing his astral head, the morphine had taken effect and caused his concentration to waver and he fell into darkness. A deep slumber.

Well, one less worry. Now onto the other. He added as he spotted a couple of figures ...in a mailbike He couldn't resist a chortle, before he flicked the lights of the luxurious jet-black sports car, before catching up to them. "Hop in here, juniors. You're an embarassment." Celestine said to both Galbrek and Adam, stopping a few meters ahead and opening the door. "I thought you wanted to get there as soon as possible?"

Galbrek raised an arrogant eyebrow in return. "Adam. Stop my carriage." To which his unlucky doll did just that.

"Yes master."

"It is Lord Ravenovich to you." Galbrek said as he got out of the mailman bike, brushing off his attire and motioned to Adam to get off it and approached the car.

Galbrek got into the car and waved for Adam to hurry up and get in aswell, to which the latter was finding to be a good thing for a change.

"Embarassment? Not all in Rhea can present themselves in the same kind of infernal noble nature like myself. It is nothing to be embarassed about at all..."

His hand found it's way to a lock in his hair which he began to twirl with. "Now where is Vittorio? I sincerely hope you have not done anything with him. There is more than just this foolish boy there. If they slip out of his and my hands then dear Clara is going to find herself in a difficult seat. Imagine if someone would try pry Vittorio from our school? How would they go about it? Threats or promises hm?" Galbrek gave Celestine a cunning grin, one which caused Adam to wrinkle his eyebrows in worry and uncertainty.

"Master, I promise you I will not fail." Adam reassured him.

"Good. I expect you not to. What-?!" Galbrek yelled out all of a sudden as he felt a tingling sensation of his magical energies returning to him.

"One of my servants is no more it would appear." He said in a grim tone. "Push that damn pedal harder!" Galbrek yelled out to Celestine.

"Vittorio is sleeping. Doctor's orders." Celestine gave a shrug to the sheer arrogance of this lord Ravenovich who presented himself. He simply held his tongue, urging the temptation to reach for his blade."And what will decided the factor will be neither. It will be...results. Which is why I am here for." He paused as he closed the door, looking at the half demon. "Oh, now you're yelling? Tut tut. We could've gotten along, you know. As long as you understood the pecking order, junior." He paused as he began to drive off. "You see, I have no actual incentive to aid you in particular. I am just here to see that Clara gets her fighters in top shape." It was then when he began to drive... real slowly. "Uh, I think my magic driving powers are waning. I would do well to get some more oomph in the form of a certain sort...of magic words. You know the ones." Celestine answered mirthfully, his eyes rolling.

Galbrek's expression changed for the worse. "Sleeping? Sleeping?!" Galbrek yelled from the backseat in a combination of unbelief and anger, this was not what he had wanted. Vittorio was needed in the place to distract the rest so he could sneak off with Andras.

If it weren't for those meddling kids I would have gotten away with her. And now Vittorio's fucking caretaker is going to take his place. Tch. What a shame, could have gotten rid of both Vittorio and the other problems at once.

Then came the word that made a vein almost burst at Galbrek's forehead. The slimy driver had the gall to call him junior.

"You don't seem to understand just who you are dealing with care- Don't touch me!" Galbrek slapped away Adam's hand as he was trying to comfort his master with a pat on the shoulder. "Master let's stay focused on the mi-"

Adam frowned as he was so fiercely rejected by his master, but his master looked nearly psychotic for a moment with his one of his eyes twitching. "If you don't get this damn vehicle over there theres not going to be much fighters left for Clara! I can assure you that!" His eyes darted to the side quickly to the vehicle slowing down. "Why are you slowing down? Get a damn move on! Fine! Take this you bloody leech it can buy more dresses for your infernal wardrobe!" Galbrek took out a bundle of cash from the inside of his coat and threw it in the vacant front seat of the car, since both he and Adam sat in the back.

This bastard... why must it be so difficult to simply obey my orders? These wretched mortals... Once I'll have the girl she shall use her powers to serve my interests. I'll relieve Clara of her dear grimoire and then use the girl Andras to open up who knows what doors which has been sealed. A gate to hell? An opening to the realm of the dead? Ressurect a few long dead servants of darkness? I'll become the most powerful half-demon alive. I can even find a way to become a pure demon lord. Galbrek sunk back in his seat after some thoughts. "All you have to do is to get me to the building and make certain none get in my way. Think you can do this?"

"Oh i understand perfectly, little lordling." Celestine said, his mirth fading all of a sudden showing an icy expression. "I understand how assets can become liabilities." The effeminate crossdresser said as the car halted to an stop, and carefully grabbing the lighter of the car... and burning the wad of money, before throwing it out of the window. "It burns well, I'll give you that. It burns very well. Just like your chances right now, half-demon." Celestine added, his eyes steeled as he caressed the sheath of his blade.

"First you do not cooperate. Second, you try to squander someone's else's power at your own benefit. Third, you try to mind control me. And fourth, you threaten the head of this whole operation." He coughed. "I take my assigments seriously, junior, but since you're a bit daft given the fact that you've been arrogantly strutting around surrounding yourself of sycophants, I will spell it clear." He sighed. "Man up, admit you chewed more than you could, and maybe I will consider you again an asset to support." He paused.

"If not...we will be in a rather uncomfortable situation, the both of us. And we don't want that, do we?" He added, now the grip on his sword firm.

He had watched Celestine burn the bunch of money before throwing i out the window, the car had also stopped. Not only that but the tone that came in reply to Galbrek was all but pleasing for his ears and he had enough of it.

"I've heard enough of your petty mortal speech, I, Lord Galbrek don't have time to waste with a buffoon who can't take orders!" He quickly grabbed the door and opened it, jumping out of the car and ordered his doll to do the same. Before slamming the door behind him.

"Then you go and take your damn assignment where the hell you want! You are a uncomfortable situation alltogether! You are clearly not up for this task! Adam! You are going to run there now!" Galbrek grabbed the shirt the taller doll was wearing, like a bully trying to make someone cough up their lunch money.

"M-me master Galbrek? What about you?" Adam blinked and asked with widened eyes.

"I am going to sit on your shoulders. Now kneel!" Galbrek yelled out like a tyrant king. Adam could do little but comply and knelt down on a leg to allow Galbrek to mount his shoulders.

"We let this idiot human be on his way with his useless driving skills... Now run. And if you drop me I'll kill you."
Galbrek said through gritted teeth and abit of spit flew from his mouth, he was obviously not in a very good mood now. Luckily Adam knew that the best way of approach was to not talk

Celestine just shook his head, as he begun to drive again, matching Galbrek's pace. "Look at you. You're not going to save anyone with this." He paused, as he rolled his eyes. Me, taking orders from such a jerk? Hell would freeze over thrice before that thing happened. He then licked his lips. "Adam." He called for the humilliated mount. "where are your peers, right now?"

Galbrek turned his sights on Celestine again, and with clear irritation in his face. "Save? Who said anything about saving? I don't intend to open up my plans to a human." Galbrek placed his gloved hand on Adam's head as the latter was turning to look at Celestine.

"Where they should be... they are...trying to... fulfilling master Galbrek's dream..." Adam said in a somewhat strained way while he was running with Galbrek on his shoulders.

"Be silent, Adam! You should not talk with him. Leave him be to toy with his ghostly and equally useless human friend. Once he'll wake up from his slumber all hell will break lose anyways, have fun with that fool!" Galbrek said in a taunting manner to the man in the car.

Celestine just raised and eyebrow, and swerved his car slightly, just skillfully enough to send the comical duo tumbling on the roadside. "Well, I tried, Clara. I did try." He sighed in resignation. "It's up to me alone. Should've tried not to sedate Vittorio if i knew this idiot would be so unreasonable. Well, hindsight is 20/20, anyway." He added, shifting gears and speeding up. I guess if i enhace my hearing just enough I will know because of the fighting sounds at the tournament

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gilliam DeWitt and Nasaraph Sana

Gilliam hadn't even started to open his mouth when suddenly a raucous battle cry sounded from above, dozens of tiny voices screeching for blood and glory in unison, the pounding of tiny legs across the floor of the level above. The screeches of battle quickly transformed, however, into screeches of surprised. Then they became screeches of fear as the first of the imps, one in a very nice hat, tumble through the hole in the ceiling and landed with a meaty splatter on the debris pile. He was almost instantly followed by dozens more of his kind, falling like the ugliest of autumn leaves from the floor above and impacting the cushionless floor.

In a few moments not a single of the once vicious horde was left alive, obliterated completely only by the forces of gravity. Naseraph gaped at the shocking display as they began to evaporate into ectoplasmic stains on the floor, reflecting on just how easily he could have ended up like that upon his banishment from the mountain.

Gilliam looked only for a moment, then turned back to Samoth and answered his question by extending one finger and pointing straight up.

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