The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. One year ago the Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existence of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr.
Present day the world is full of heroes. After the death of Superman seven months ago at the hands of the monstrous creature called Doomsday criminal activity has gone up in several countries around the world. After completing an exo-suit to compensate for the beatings his body had taken the last twenty years, Batman worked with the League in training younger metahumans and such. While the League is operated in Metropolis by Wonder Woman and Robotman, Batman trains the group he’s come to call Titans in San Francisco. Green Lantern is on reserve status with a wife pregnant with twins on the way in the next two to three months, living upstate now about an hour away from Gotham in Jump City. There are several active members of the JLU as well as reserve members on call. Dozens of other costumed individuals have made themselves known over the course of the last year outside of the JLU. Central City, Coast City, Jump City, Star City, Hub City, Bludhaven, New York, San Francisco, and Midway City in America as well as Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, and the small country of Khandaq all have had dozens of reports of superhuman criminal activity with few people standing up to fight.

1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GMs controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8. (I actually took this non-rule from an old Lord Wraith RP LOL)
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM @Sir Lurksalot and @WXer will take control and THEIR word will then be law.

A New Night: Bruce Wayne is hosting a charity gala and a villain holds the party hostage. Luckily, the entire city was watching and prompts a new breed of heroes to answer the call of action
The Hunt for the Bat: The Bat-signal is lit once more after years of being out of commission. Will this draw the Batman out of hiding?
Moving Day: The Titans move out of Gotham. Can they handle the responsibility of living under the same roof, and will they need to hire movers?!
Apokolips How?: In this universe Superman and the League have never encountered Darksied or his minions. Until now. What happens when the ruler of the dark planet's son Kalibak is accidentally Boom Tubed to Earth? And who will show up to escort him home?
Jump City Starro's: Alan Scott contacts the JLU when Starros invade Jump City. When the League arrives they're over taken and enslaved by dozens of civilians with Starros on their faces, including Alan Scott! Can the League survive? And how does Luthor Jr.'s Society play into things?
Last Week's Fish: When rumors of Black Manta resurfacing after a long hiatus, Amanda Waller and her newly-formed Suicide Squad has been sent to apprehend Manta regardless of his side on the law. Manta now faces against the original Manta's former ally and friend, King Shark along with other members. Good thing the Justice League's around...

Remember that EACH and EVERY POST needs to have the formatted header I'm giving you guys the coding for. If the story arcs, team-ups, or team missions involve other players I also highly suggest using @ tags as this RP will likely be busier than what some are used to. Happy gaming, here's the code.
E X A M P L E O F C O D E:
C I T Y / C O U N T R Y:
Month DaySuffix, Year - Time (24hr or 12hr Clock) | Specific Location - Suburb/District/Borough
E X A M P L E W I T H C O D E:
[Color=CHARACTER COLOR][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C I T Y / C O U N T R Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Month Day[SUP]Suffix[/SUP], Year - Time (24hr or 12hr Clock) | Specific Location - Suburb/District/Borough[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR]* Remember to remove the space from [h r] to create the 'Horizontal Line'.
E X A M P L E O F C O D E:
[PRE][Color=CHARACTER COLOR][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C I T Y / C O U N T R Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Month Day[SUP]Suffix[/SUP], Year - Time (24hr or 12hr Clock) | Specific Location - Suburb/District/Borough[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR][/PRE][sub]* [COLOR=SILVER][I]Remember to remove the space from [h r] to create the 'Horizontal Line'.[/I][/COLOR][/sub]
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