The Justice League had been active for several years. Their membership included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and Robot Man. Most of them were already in their 40's, Batman was rumored to be in his 50's. The team took down threats such as Brainiac, the rogue General Eiling, Solomon Grundy and an army of the undead, a Thanagarian Cult, and dozens of others. One year ago the Justice League extended its reach and took in several new heroes to form the Justice League Unlimited. Over the course of the first several weeks the League learned about the existence of a similar group, composed of super criminals, calling themselves the Society and brought together by the devious Lex Luthor Jr.

Present day the world is full of heroes. After the death of Superman seven months ago at the hands of the monstrous creature called Doomsday criminal activity has gone up in several countries around the world. After completing an exo-suit to compensate for the beatings his body had taken the last twenty years, Batman worked with the League in training younger metahumans and such. While the League is operated in Metropolis by Wonder Woman and Robotman, Batman trains the group he’s come to call Titans in San Francisco. Green Lantern is on reserve status with a wife pregnant with twins on the way in the next two to three months, living upstate now about an hour away from Gotham in Jump City. There are several active members of the JLU as well as reserve members on call. Dozens of other costumed individuals have made themselves known over the course of the last year outside of the JLU. Central City, Coast City, Jump City, Star City, Hub City, Bludhaven, New York, San Francisco, and Midway City in America as well as Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, and the small country of Khandaq all have had dozens of reports of superhuman criminal activity with few people standing up to fight.

If it isn’t obvious yet this is meant to be more of a sandbox style role-play with smaller groups already somewhat pre-established as well as a little continuity so we have something to go on. The Justice League Unlimited from games past is still somewhat cannon to a degree with Superman still being dead and the JLU only being active for roughly a year. Batman hasn’t been replaced by a shapeshifting alien though, and instead has an exo-suit similar to the Batman Beyond/Batwing suits. He’s also training a team of 16-24 year olds he dubbed the ‘Titans’ in San Fransisco. So similar to a MMORPG we have the more ‘social’ cities with more players in Metropolis and Gotham because of the importance of the two cities, as well as people doing their own thing elsewhere.
Updated roster-
@Omega Man – The Comet – Active JLU – Metropolis
@DocTachyon – Midnighter – Active JLU – Metropolis
@Archmage MC – Willow – Active JLU – Metropolis
@The Angry Goat - the Shade - Active JLU - Metropolis
@Simple Unicycle – The Question – JLU Reserve – Hub City
@Dblade26 – Blue Beetle – JLU Reserve – Hub City
@FiroIV - Madame Xanadu – JLU Reserve – St. Roch
@Tackytaff – Miss Martian – Active Titan – San Francisco
@Avanhelsing – Kid Solomon – Active Titan – San Francisco
@baraquiel – Aquagirl – Active Titan – San Francisco
@Omega Man - Sideways - Active Titan - San Francisco / Gotham / Etc.
@NinaDivine – Red Arrow – Titan Reserve
@Sir Lurksalot – Rookie/Champion – Solo – Halifax
@Ruby – Supergirl – Solo – Metropolis
@clanjos – Booster Gold – Solo – Metropolis
@Ezekiel – The Flash – Solo – Central City
@NecroKnight – The Lizard – Solo – Coast City
@The Angry Goat – The Ghost – Solo – Bludhaven

Generally I try and keep contact and collaborate on posts with other players and the Co-GM’s on piratepads as well as Discord more recently so I'll likely throw up links for the Piratepad once this gets to the starting line [WXer linked you all to the Discord]. If you don't like collaborating with others, have diva like tendencies, or generally are disrespectful on the regular... this isn't the game for you. If you're known for writing up killer character sheets then never doing anything in-game... this isn't the game for you. Serious commitment is what I'm looking for, since currently this is the only RP I'm focusing my time on. I'm not saying nobody else can have a life or be in other RP's, just don't forget about this RP. Respect other players and respect the game and everything will be peachy. Or some other type of fruity awesomeness.
GM Notes 4/30/18 - The IC is up and running! Those on the Accepted list can go ahead and repost your CS's in the character tab. To all potential players looking to get in on this, know that villains aren't currently being accepted into the cast and there's only so much room for anti-heroes. In this universe there are no other Lanterns and there were never any Robins. If you've still got a character you want to pitch here's the link to the iCheck with the CS requirements and additional info.
Also be advised that with a current cast of over 20 players, the other GM's and myself will be very picky on who else makes the cut. Thank you for your continued interest, and let's get ready to rock the socks off the DCU!
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