Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Arsenal Walker Pilot/Second Lieutenant

Standing at about a meter seventy, though rarely reaches that as a result of less than ideal posture. Her build is slight enough to be somewhat obscured under her pilot’s uniform, moderately toned from an active lifestyle rather than any specific focus on form. Her features are angled, though smooth enough to prevent a sharp, gaunt look to them. Inky eyes peer out from her russet complexion, with dark freckles spreading out across her nose and cheeks. A mess of thick chin-length hair frames her face, stark white and silvery

A thin, pale scar traces down from her hairline to just above her left eye, and a similar scar runs along the underside of her forearm on the same side.

Laconic, though more quiet as a result of being more content to listen and watch than any sort of shy or antisocial tendencies. Quite the opposite, she prefers the company of others and tends to get antsy if left up to her own devices for too long. Enjoys testing herself, something which translates into a mild streak of competitiveness from time to time. Avid stargazer, prefers nighttime on Earth.

Intelligent and adaptive, great when thinking on her feet and works well under pressure; all traits which warranted her selection as a Walker pilot. As long as something’s got engines and a throttle, she can get it flying. While mechs the size of buildings aren’t exactly her forte, she’s catching on quick. Trained in combat

L7-S pistol. Federation Navy standard sidearm. Designed for use in zero-g and low gravity environments, works perfectly well in standard atmo at 1 g. Pilot’s kit and survival gear. A few extra personal tools.

Nova was born in the Lunar city of Tycho, one of the larger settlements on the Moon which had grown around a Federation naval base established in the location. Initially little more than a drydock and R&D facility, by the time her parents had arrived it was a thriving city in its own right, with a permanent population of nearly a million. Her father was an officer in the Navy, and her mother an engineer. Both extremely dedicated to their work, up to, and even after, her birth. This lead to a somewhat distant relationship with her folks from a young age, which they viewed as necessity rather than a disservice, and her early life was spent around all but strangers. Not that she minded all too much at that point, being fiercely independent.

Her father had retired from the service in her early teens, fostering a love of anything and everything that flew that she had inherited from both her parents. A combination of hard work for exemplary marks and a few strings pulled by her father got her accepted to the military academy a year early. She graduated with a degree in aerospace design, following in her still-absent mother’s footsteps, and was nearly completed training to be a navy pilot, specializing in deep space combat fighters, the same kind being developed at the military installation right in her home city. Her combination of qualifications on building and flying spacecraft landed her a position as a test pilot on the R&D department there, where she spent four years designing and flying the next generation of combat craft.

It was, of course, no surprise that she lept at the chance to pilot one of the Federation’s flagship pieces of technology. While her time in the cockpit of an Arsenal Walker, both real and simulated, was limited, the Raptor offered her a new challenge. She was only recently brought into the program, and transferred to the Earth-side city of Horizon, which has its own unique challenges for the Lunar-native.

Having lived nearly her entire life in the artificial and microgravity environments offworld, she can tend to be a bit clumsy on Earth. Has more experience flying in a vacuum than atmosphere, and the lack of freedom of motion leads to her alternating between piloting too cautiously, or forgetting and nearly ripping wings off of things.



Sleek, lithe, and very much the mechanical incarnate of the birds of prey the class of Arsenal Walkers were named after. In walker mode the Carinae has the same form as other Raptors, though the exterior plating has been slightly altered. The armor is comprised of flat plates that give it a faceted appearance. This, in addition to the saw-tooth pattern which some of the plates terminate to, greatly reduces the sensor signature of the vehicle, while still maintaining a comparable level of protection, however this comes at the cost of increased weight. The cranial unit has also been modified, the front end tapering to a trapezoidal end with a single blue sensor directly front. A secondary sensor sits above the first, further back. The while in its bipedal form the Raptor’s wings run in two pairs along its back, flanked by rows of thrusters, the engine ports inlaid with the surface of the paneling.

The craft has a broader, flatter silhouette than most Raptors while in fighter mode, with larger wing and control surfaces facilitating better maneuverability at dogfighting speeds, though at the expense of maximum achievable velocity.

The Arsenal Walker is an unpainted matte gray, with the blocky lettering and printed codes still visible from assembly.

Twin barrel 60 mm caseless autocannon, equivalent to a mech-sized rifle. Fires high velocity, low-caliber tungsten carbide rounds that are specialized in armor piercing via a detachable belt feed mechanism. In mech form this takes the shape of a compact bullpup rifle, the feed and ammo store located in the same arm. In jet mode it runs the bottom length of the fuselage, partially covered by body paneling, barrels located to the right of centerline.

Two 20 mm gatling guns, firing HE rounds for use in antipersonnel and point defense roles. They’re mounted on either side of the mech’s cranial unit in walker form, and just behind the canopy when in flight.

Able to carry up to eight long range air-to-air or air-to-ground missiles in covered munitions bays on the lower left and right of the hull, though the bays can fit nearly twice as many if smaller, short range missiles are used. Heavier missiles can be mounted to the underside of the wings, though this dramatically decreases the craft’s stealth capabilities and speed, in addition to preventing transformation to Walker mode until the warheads are fired.

A pared-down version of a Warrior’s standard heat blade is the Carinae’s only melee weapon.

As with all Raptors, it is lightly armored compared to most Arsenal Walkers, and has to rely on speed and agility to avoid damage. This, on top of its pilot’s relatively unfamiliarity to piloting anything with more than 0 legs can make life difficult for the mech and its pilot.

Nova Marcus
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 16 days ago

Not addressing these completely in order, as some are easier to handle than others. Any verdicts rendered are also pending discussion with my Co-GM, in the event that he sees something I do not, but they're probably about 80% final.

@Caasicam has already talked to me, so barring any changes, you're good to go.

So this is my draft (and possibly final) sheet. I've taken a custom mech, so hopefully I've filled out that section to the GMs satisfaction.

If there's anything that's unclear, don't hesitate to let me know (really). I wrote the majority of this at about 3:00 am, and finished it at 1:40 am the next day, so it's absolutely going to have some things wrong.

Yeah, I know the RP official thread isn't up, but I just wanted to put this to the community as well

Looks good! Nothing I need you to change, just a couple of things to bear in mind. As, presumably, a civilian contractor for the Federation a bunch of what he touches will be buried under a mountain of nondisclosure agreements. And at fifty five, he's pushing the upper end of who you might see on a battlefield even with humanity's longer lifespan.

I like the MedMech. Just bear in mind that at that size its two reactors, while more then sufficient for it, are probably significantly smaller than what's in use on a Walker. As he developed it himself, it bears more similarity to civilian-use machines than Walkers. Which also means there aren't any issues with how it fits in the dev timeline, so you should be good to go.

A WIP, I know, but I don't have any issues so far.

No issues with the Hound, and just a couple of things with Liam. Bear in mind that the Federation has been at peace for nearly a hundred years. Small skirmishes with nations that refuse to join, of which there are a few, but nothing large scale. Anything undertaken while he was a mercenary would mostly be in those sorts of areas, and almost certainly of the extremely illegal variety.

Unless he went to college, he'd be enlisted or an NCO. Yuna's a good example, or depending upon duration of service he may have made it up to NCO as a Warrant Officer.

Tweak that a little bit, remember to bear in mind the political climate for his history, and you should be good to go.

Looks good, my man. Only thing to tell you is a reminder that as infantry, he would've mostly handled some skirmishes if he was assigned to a more contentious area. As a Walker pilot, there haven't been any Walker-to-Walker combat scenarios yet. For real. Plenty of sims and practice skirmishes, just nothing that has seen real world application yet.

Looks fine. Same reminder as everyone else, Walker-to-Walker hasn't happened for real just yet.

I tried to be soft-touch with this, and if that resulted in a lack of clarity that's on me. But to be perfectly honest, it feels as though you had a character concept in mind that you tried to tweak for the setting without necessarily checking the details of the setting. Taking it from the top, at sixty Eun would be far from the front lines. Even with the increased life expectancy, someone at sixty just isn't keeping up with the rigors necessary for piloting. She would have hit either a desk job or mandatory retirement by now. Mandatory retirement age in the modern USAF is 62, and no one at that age would still be piloting a fighter jet. And that's a pretty solid comparison for the physical requirements of piloting a Walker. On the same point or order, managing to appear twenty at sixty is... A bit much. Health care will no doubt have advanced, but I'm not quite sure it's something that would have gone that far.

Personality and skills are both fields a little lighter on details than I'd really like them to be, but that's a small matter. The real meat of the issue comes when we start to get into History. In the simplest terms possible, you're treating criminal organizations like paramilitary forces. Smugglers exist, yes. Criminal organizations, as well. Both of these are innately human, and aren't likely to go anywhere. But that doesn't make them military powers. Criminal organizations in developed areas project their influence through soft power; remaining in the shadows, using influence to help remain hidden. Information, not firepower. They would never be allowed to get to the point where a single organization needed to be on the military's radar, and not the police's. Not when keeping the peace has been the primary focus for decades. A gathering of ships along those lines would be exceptionally conspicuous. Nor would the Federation have any reason to require another criminal organization's help to crack down on a separate one.

Nor, unfortunately, would they need a mercenary organization for cracking down on criminal organizations. Again, this is where I think you overestimate the extent of criminality in the setting. Such PMCs especially would not be used in the place of regular Federation forces, nor is it standard anywhere for such an entity to operate autonomously from the chain of command.

And this is where the last major issue comes into play; Federation Walker frames are not accessible to entities outside of the Federation military. The Ark Union farmed out development, but even so they're not letting private organizations just have military grade Walkers. At the very least not legally, and such things would be cracked down on hard if they were known. The Raptor, especially, is very new; there are no variants, let alone anything developed anywhere but Federation R&D. The Raptor Program is only just starting to actually roll out full production models, and was completing field testing of the unit up until recently. A private entity never would have laid hands on the technology.

I don't have any suggestions on how to tweak to fit the setting, yet. I've been giving it some thought, and will continue to give it some thought.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Krayzikk Updated Arno's sheet. He's now only missing Equipment.

Also, the following are appearances for Dorian and Krim (brother and father respectively).

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by UltimoScorp
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UltimoScorp Pink Trans Catgirl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ruby Cloutier

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Occupation: Walker pilot: Private

Appearance: Tall at 5'11"(180cm), Ruby stands heads over some of her fellows. Dirty blond hair drapes comfortably down her back almost exclusively in a neat ponytail, and her eyes are a dull green color. Her french heritage shows in her large nose and puffy cheeks.

Equipment: standard sidearm, mobile phone, class ring from high school, uniform, Miss Direction.

Skills: Markmanship, playing simulation games,

Personality: Generally upbeat and pleasant, Ruby finds her way through life fairly easily, and never hesitates to speak her mind, be that a kind word, or critisism about her CO's orders. She's thrilled about having her own giant robot. She's a bit of a slacker when it come to the day to day duties, but she's always on when it counts.

Bio: Young and seeking employment before getting fed up with the job market and joining the military, Ruby's life has been fairly uneventful, with a supportive family and a gender transition when she was 16. She doesn't talk much about that time as she doesn't see the point. She doesn't avoid the topic if brought up. her military life has been short, but she jumped at the chance to pilot an AW and couldn't be happier now to be a military woman.

Weaknesses: Her general inexperience often puts her at a disadvantage in combat, and her easy going nature does occasionally land her in trouble. Her noted apathy for basic day to day responsibilities has also impeded her progress.

Base Model: Gunner FAW-016

Designation: Miss Direction

Appearance: Unpainted, Miss Direction is an angular, tanky Walker with thick, boxy legs and a broad torso. Her joints are twice the strength of other walkers of her class, due to the heavy redundant armor plating on her torso and the massive shield. Her sensory head is something out of a scifi military game, sporting a broad, orange visor


Upgraded joints, these double strength joints allow for Miss Direction to actually stand under the weight of her arms and armor.

Head: 2x 60mm Vulcan rotary guns, for AA.

Shoulders: 1x FAW-15 Railgun, requires stop and brace. Essentially a single, larger version of the now standard double Railguns, this older model packs twice the punch, but also is bulky, locked in a forward position, and nigh impossible to use in close combat, not to mention it's slow firing speed. Able to be detached to improve agility slightly in emergency situations.

Chest: 2x racks of 6 255mm missiles each. Carries 12 additional missiles, can be loaded with variable payload as mission dictates, but typically carries HEAT, but can be fitted with spreading micromunitions at the cost of not being able to lock onto a target. Requires one minute to fully reload after depletion.
1x Bulwark redundant armor system. This additional armor plating is an ablative type that fits over the existing standard armor of the Walker, significantly increasing it's survivability in combat.

Arm left: 1x Phalanx-class deployable cover shield, planted in ground, expands to cover a roughly 45 degree angle. Heavy.

Arm right: 1x Ares-class 100mm heavy machine gun, 130 round drum with attached vibro-bayonet for close quarters defense.

Weaknesses: SLOW. Even by Gunner standards, Miss Direction is painfully slow, due to heavy payload and increased armor. Can be quickly overwhelmed due to single pilot controls of Gunners being notoriously complex. Armor has weakpoints on the securing hardpoints of the detachable Railgun.

Pilot: Ruby Cloutier
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ArmorPlated
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@KrayzikkNo mention on JumpJets? I can drop a video if you need one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 16 days ago

<Snipped quote by Krayzikk>

JumpJets are intense short-burn thrusters that allow Battlemechs to "jump" through the air while inheriting horizontal momentum. sometimes they're able to vector thrust to aim for a landing spot, other times it's a blind leap and if you overshoot, that's it.

other uses are to slow falls to within safe(er) speeds, and to "poptart", or jump into the air to scout the surrounding area and/or to fire weapons from unexpected angles. the latter part is likely an unintended side-effect of making a glorified tank-combat game out of Battletech, but what can you do?

Sorry, got sidetracked yesterday.

It might be feasible on something Scout sized, but for the most part Walkers are just too heavy for that sort of thing. Not a whole lot of air you're going to be able to catch in something Warrior or up. Even on a Scout you're not going to get a whole lot of verticality. A Raptor might be able to manage it, but they're also the lightest and most thruster-laden frame.

It'd be a lot of tuning for not a whole lot of result.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ArmorPlated
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by ArmorPlated>

Sorry, got sidetracked yesterday.

It might be feasible on something Scout sized, but for the most part Walkers are just too heavy for that sort of thing. Not a whole lot of air you're going to be able to catch in something Warrior or up. Even on a Scout you're not going to get a whole lot of verticality. A Raptor might be able to manage it, but they're also the lightest and most thruster-laden frame.

It'd be a lot of tuning for not a whole lot of result.

You'd be surprised what you can do with "a little" in terms of movement you didn't have before. I also figured it wouldn't be viable past Scouts. JumpJets are rare outside of the Light classification, and even on heavier mechs, they're only really used to soften landings, so I can definitely see Raptors as the Lights and Scouts as Mediums.

Now that that's sorted, I'm going to continue working on my sheet. anyone got a list of common weapons for FAWs? kinda feel like everyone having their own version of an Assault Rifle would be sorta weird.

EDIT: Quick question, does the Federation have any colonies in it's sphere of influence, or no?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norik
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Norik mutualist mecha pilot

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

sign me up fam
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raider Dog
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Raider Dog

Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Krayzikk Tweaked it with a bit more history. Is it all good now?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Selvariabell
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Selvariabell More Filipino than some actual Filipinos

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thanks for the feedback @Krayzikk, I am new here, matter fact, this is my first RP in RP Guild. I'm pretty sure I have a lot to learn.

Here's a revision based from your review.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norik
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Norik mutualist mecha pilot

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Hassan Bin Ahmad

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Occupation: AW Pilot, Captain, resident kebab chef

Appearance: Usually seen with a smile on his face, Hassan stands at an average six feet tall. Hassan's black hair is usually cropped short due to regulation standards. Regular exercise has given him a slightly muscular frame, and his light brown eyes compliment his darker skin.

Equipment: FAW-007[G] Unit V-2, pilot suit, kebab recipes

Skills: AW Pilot, Kebab-making(and the many variations thereof)

Personality: Friendly and easy-going, Hassan is always willing to help younger pilots, make new friends or cook up some food if the situation calls for it.

Bio: The eldest sibling of Levantine migrants, Hassan was born in Cairo. His father, and his father before him, made a living selling Kebabs at the roadside. Through a combination of friendliness and their secret recipe, the family made enough money to move to the tourist-heavy parts of the city and rent a storefront.

Hassan, despite inheriting his father's joviality, did not inherit his disinterest in the outside world. On the contrary, Hassan wanted to travel the world, maybe even visit one of the space colonies one day. Knowing that neither his family nor his lack of lucrative prospects could afford such a lifestyle, he resolved to enlist in the Federation military, which was a respectable occupation given the Federation's success in its efforts to protect the hard-won stability in his homeland and the region.

Thus, Hassan became an AW Pilot after graduating from Basic and made a tour of duty, serving in hotspots across the planet(and picking up recipes of local variants of kebabs). After several tours of duty, Hassan was wounded in battle and pulled from the front. Although he has healed from his wounds, his back muscles occasionally seize up if too much strain is put on them.

Hassan was then transferred to Horizon, a strategically-valuable location that was nonetheless far from any hotspots, as a reward for years of faithful service. Accompanied as ever by his guardian Genie, Hassan is ready to kick back and enjoy garrison duty, far from all the fighting...

Weakness: Hassan is not always able to take things seriously, even when he should. He also has a bad back that can strike at the worst of times.


Designation: V-2 Jinn (sometimes affectionately called the Genie)

Appearance: The bronze and russet Jinn looks similar to the base FAW-007, with its notable differences being its head. It is equipped with an old head and sensor package, replacing the faceplates of a base FAW-007 with a rounded mask appearance, including a sensor module that emits light from the centre of the face, giving the Jinn a cyclopean visage. In addition, the new head is equipped with a transmitter in the shape of a "fin" extending backwards. The transmitter is used to send targeting data to other friendly Arsenal Walkers to aid in combat. In addition, the back thrusters of the Jinn is shaped in the form of wings with a narrower exhaust outlet.

Armaments: The Genie is armed and armoured like a typical Warrior, with slight variations in its weapons and targeting systems.

- 2x General Engineering M79 65mm Pisces Cannons- Two head-mounted autocannons provide the Ifrit with close-range defence against missiles, infantry and fighter craft.

- Federation Ballistics K3(p)- Double-edged vibroblade, the K3(p) is heavier than most vibroblades and relies on that to crush armour and stop targets dead in their tracks.

- Tajcorp iS-2 Ballistics Shield- Standard AW-sized shield mounted on the Jinn's shoulder. If pointed to the front, the shield covers the head, arm and chest of the Walker. Can br detached in combat to fit on either shoulder.

- United Armaments XB-20 100mm Assault Rifle- The Jinn's main weapon is its arm-mounted Assault Rifle. Its ammunition is internally stored in the rifle, which removes the need for reloading. This, however, makes the XB-20 more vulnerable to jamming and overheat, hence, its standard operating rate of fire is lower than that of other comparable magazine-fed Rifles. It is also directly connected and interfaced with the AW, granting it increased accuracy.

- Robco M-5x 123mm Sidearm- A standard AW sidearm.

- Pratt Corp. C12 Missile Launcher- Missiles are arranged in a 2 by 2 square and can be toggled to fire all at once as suppression fire or one at a time with greater accuracy. The missiles are standard Pratt Corp. ML-17 missiles. A fast reload system allows for the Jinn to carry 4 extra missiles in battle.

Weaknesses: While the Jinn has a shield equipped, it is usually arm-mounted, and not built for hand held blocking. The Jinn is thus forced to rely mostly on parries and blocks with its heavy vibroblade to ward off mêlée attacks. In addition, its weapons configuration and technical specifications is entirely average and unspecialised, leaving the Jinn behind in performance in certain fields versus specialist Mecha.

Pilot: Hassan bin Ahmad


Name: Natalie Adelaide Martell

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Occupation: AW Pilot, Lieutenant, engineer

Appearance: Petite and mousy, Natalie tops out at five and a half feet, which makes the cockpit of an AW rather comfortable to move in. Her caramel hair is kept short for regulation reasons, and her stormy grey eyes give off the impression of a rather hard personality, which isn't entirely accurate.

Equipment: FAW-007[G] Unit G-8, AW Pilot suit and helmet, standard sidearm and knife.

Skills: AW Pilot, trained engineer

Personality: Cold and reserved, Natalie tends to keep to herself and her research on modern machinery, reading up and honing her understanding the Federation's enemies so that none may have to go through what she did

Bio: Born into a poor family on the fringes of the Western European DMZ, Natalie had admired Arsenal Walkers and their pilots since a young age. Living in a small town near the unstable border, the sight of the gigantic sentinels that guarded, and occasionally entered battle for, the Federation against bellicose rogue states and warlords filled Natalie with a desire to join these knights of metal and protect the poor and huddled masses still under the thumb of those who would not let the past go.

To that end, she worked hard in school and managed to obtain entry into university, before joining up in the Federation Armed Forces, her engineering degree opening up an AW career. Following a rather average career for an AW pilot, she was promoted to E-3 and given her AW certification.

Her first posting was back home near the border and she saw little action, simply patrolling the border and occasionally being attached to the rear echelons of a counter-attack in a wider battle. It seemed that garrison duty would constitute the rest of her career, a fact she resented.

However, a year into her tour of duty her home village was caught in one of these border skirmishes, and although most of her village survived the attack, her family was not among them.

Finding it too painful to stay with the memories, she requested a transfer to a unit that was anywhere else but home. Natalie was transferred across the globe to another 'hot' zone and distinguished herself in battle with her zeal, bravery and willingness to charge into battle, drawing on her hate of the enemies of the Federation.

Despite her acts of bravery and skill, her CO noted her almost self-destructive tendencies and, once the region was pacified, put in a transfer request for her to a safe and quiet garrison: Horizon.

Although resistant at first, it has been a year since then, and Natalie has managed to settle into her new, more peaceful life. Time will tell if that situation will continue.

Weakness: Although a trained soldier, Natalie is far from being proficient in hand-to-hand combat, nor is she particularly physically resilient. In addition, she is not the best in communication and is not proactive in communicating vital information in battle, usually focusing only on the fight she is in.


Base Model: FAW-007[G]

Designation: G-8 Valkyrie

Appearance: Painted in teal and grey, it is the job of the Valkyrie to charge into the thick of battle as quickly as possible and stay in it for as long as possible, being more focussed on mêlée combat. As a result, it is more heavily-armoured than the standard Warrior, with additional armour plates layered over the areas most likely to get hit in battle and weak spots.

In addition, the rear thrusters can be boosted to vastly increase the speed of the Valkyrie in order to be the first to engage hostiles. This is why the rear thrusters take on the shape of extended 'wings' or 'fins' in order to increase forward propulsion by narrowing the exit area of exiting gas.


-2x General Engineering AS76 80mm Libera Cannons- Two head-mounted autocannons provide the Valkyrie with small but not insignificant close-range capability, carrying shells larger than the average autocannon calibre.

-Shoulder-mounted Kreuller Weapons Systems 155mm Schreiber Cannon- Mounted on the Valkyrie's right shoulder is a cannon for long and medium range attacks and suppression. While not as powerful as a Gunner's main armament, it is sufficient in laying down suppressive fire and damaging enemy assets before the Valkyrie closes in. After it does so, the cannon can retract into the mainframe to prevent it being an obstruction in close combat.

-Tajcorp S-4b Ballistics Shield- Armed with a Federation Ballistics battle shield capable of stopping and deflecting the majority of small arms fire or average Arsenal Walker projectiles.

-Federation Ballistics xK8(s)- The Valkyrie is also armed with a long, experimental vibroblade is the shape of a longsword. The sword can be activated for a short period of time in order to shift the vibrational frequencies of the molecules along the edge. This effect allows electrons to be excited along the edge and travel along it. In this mode, the blade's electric current shorts out any electronic system it touches and can cause mild to major shutdowns in the case of Arsenal Walkers. A side effect of the excitation of electrons is that light is emitted when they de-excite, hence the blade glows when in this mode.

-Krueller Weapons Systems MA-37 130mm Shotgun- Perfect for close-quarters combat, the MA-37 can be stashed on the hip of the AW when not in use.

Due to the Valkyrie's heavy armour, it is more heavy than the average Warrior and moves less nimbly than one. In addition, its standard operating speed is lower than that of other Mechs, except when boosting.

The vibroblade consumes a lot of energy from the AWs power cells when activated, and so can only be used in that mode for short periods of time.

Pilot: Natalie Adelaide Martell
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 16 days ago

We have an OOC. I believe everyone from the Interest Check has moved over, but just in case posting it here.
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