Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Goblin Barth

Examining plantlife>>>Interacting with Nyma//Day 4//Afternoon

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

Green fingers wandered over various berries and leaves, Barth’s eyes following the trail left behind as he leaned in towards the plants. While many of them he simply admired, a couple he could...feel that the greenery beneath his fingertips would be beneficial. In what way he didn’t have any idea, he just knew deep within that they could be used in a positive manner. Since he did not yet know enough about what the plants did when used properly he left them alone, turning his attention once more to simply admiring.

After a few more moments of messing around with the flora his focus was forced to shift as he heard the sound of steps coming from the cave. Lifting himself off of the ground he turned around just in time to watch the back of another goblin move into the bush directly opposite the area he had been searching. For a moment he looked back down at the ground he had been exploring before lifting his shoulders in a bit of a shrug. He would have time to continue examining the plantlife later on.

With a choice made he quickly made his way over to where he had seen the other goblin go. He did his best to make his approach obvious as he didn’t want to risk startling Nyma. Once he discovered her location, which wasn’t all that difficult since she hadn’t gone very far, he stopped walking.

”Hi there, I’m Barth. Guessing you just woke up too?” His head tilted to the side as he questioned the female goblin.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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All of the goblins went through their plan of attack and tried to work out a way that they could defeat them all and essentially make this place their new home. The goblins then went about trying to teach each other skills that they each learned on their own however the sad fact was that since they were newly acquired skills they were unable to teach anything to each other save for goblin Gina telling them how to kill the lesser skeletons. As the sun started to set in the distance they could feel the area around them start to get darker, more so then it should be. Gina knew this feeling well and understood that they didn't have much time before the skeletons would wake once more. As before the sculpture of the goddess of death was giving off a dark and evil aura indicating that it was truly the work of the goddess of death that caused these skeletons to rise in the first place.

Gina's bunny Nene started to shake again getting the eyrie feeling of something coming However instead of panicking this time the little rabbit got brave. She hoped over to the spot at the end of the benches and got ready to charge. She was in the same spot that Gina used last night to attack the skeleton from the night before. It was clear she was intent on helping this time even if she didn't like the other goblins that were with her master.

@Kheliop@Crusader Lord

Soon both goblins had left the sanctuary of their cave as goblin grandpa watch as they both left for the first time. Sadly they were late births and as such needed to catch up if they were still going to be regarded as brothers and sisters to their elders. Weakness is something that cant be allowed in this world for they would die that much faster. To both goblins as they left Grandpa smiled at them and said "Stay safe young ones" he had to admit that their were many goblins in this clutch and he was interested to see which one would eventually become the leader. It was only getting darker so he hoped to see them all again fairly soon.


Each goblin enjoyed the fruits of their labor in killing the alphas and each one became creative in using the corpses. No doubt the actual items they made would rot in the literal sense but for the moment they made effective pouches. The goblins Gird and Luz were soon greeted by another brother who they soon realize was one of the late births. If they were awake for the second day they would have noticed goblin grandpa brining in more young ones like them though they looked freshly born. Now they were together as the newb and their more experienced brethren. The goblins would soon take notice of how it was starting to become sunset and if they didn't hurry they wouldn't be able to provide the meals they had intended for Gina and the others who followed the eternal mother.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 4: Afternoon

The sun seemed to be dipping in a distinct manner, indicative of the latter part of the day rolling right on along. Indeed, time did not seem to stop for anyone, herself and the other apparent new awoken Goblin included. It had been nice, hearing that old Goblin calling out to them a bit in wishing them safety, albeit wishes alone were not perhaps a guarantee in any manner of their safety. It was actually rather rash to rush out like this as she was, but from foggy memories of when her eyes first cracked open and unknown time ago, she had suspicions that she and this one were not the only awoken goblins. Or perhaps this was just a gut feeling since the cave had been so empty of activity in her initial looking over of the place.

Though as the other goblin who had seemingly been admiring plants just outside of the cave seemed to try to approach her, Nyma rolled her eyes where he couldn't see. She slowed her pace to allow the other goblin to keep up with her. It was a slight annoyance that she couldn't continue off in a chosen direction alone for the moment at least, but she figured that having another body around might be worth it with what daylight she had to wander about. Stopping finally in a rather small grouping of smaller, very young trees, Nyma began to feel which were still strong, still healthy, but might have some use as a bushwhacker of sorts for the time being due to their thickness.

"Pretty much. I'm Nyma, by the way. Wanna explore a bit, get the lay of the land around here before it gets dark. Lucky for us it seems it just hit the afternoon," Nyma said, responding in kind and essentially giving out her plans in hopes the other 'newborn' would be willing to tag along perhaps. It was an idea, at least.

Nyma then went back to checking, until finally among the newer growths she found a good specimen. Thick enough on the base to act like a small club, strong and healthy shaft with only a few tiny twigs growing out of it. Also gave her more reach to boot beyond her goblin arms. Useful for a bushwhacker, and perhaps small game to some extent. Maybe could be fashioned into a spear of sorts if she or another got their hands on something to sharpen this with. Though it seemed to have enough flexibility to it that...hmm, maybe once she got back, if she survived this little outing, she could think of if it had "that" potential. She was no weapons master, but it was an idea at the least.

Grinning to herself for just a brief moment, Nyma then pulled up the small and young tree, breaking off the smaller twig parts on the main shaft of it to make it look more like a smooth shaft of wood. Or rather, as smooth as a naturally=plucked straight enough shaft of wood could be. But the now ground-deprived new tree would have a purpose, yes. She gave it a few small swings, trying to get a brief feel of the very simple handheld weapon of sorts, before looking back around behind herself to the other young goblin again. Barth, he said his name was?

"You can come along if you want, could give us both a better idea of how the forest is laid out," she said in an inviting manner, gesturing to Barth before turning to the right, and beginning to dart off again in a direction that (unknown to her) was best described as 'directly northwards'.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Waiting for what's coming next >>>> Running for the church /// Day 4 // Afternoon > Late Afternoon

The creature that was running at them seemed to be coming closer and closer. Perhaps it was the smell of the fresh blood or the sound perhaps that drew it towards them. Gird would be unable to tell until it passed the tree he was hiding behind. He could tell however, that as the footsteps drew closer they sounded like it ran on two legs. That realization alone canceled out a number of possibility’s and entered many more unknowns. That was until the shape of a goblin burst forth from some brush and yelling about friends.

Gird was curious for a moment, he was unsure of how the goblin saw him or how he found them in the first place. Other than one very loud crunch from Luz’s alpha kill they didn’t make much more noise. For now gird would simply say it was blind luck. This new goblin was rather loud and smelled like the cave they were born at. Clearly a fresh goblin spawn. He did wear a back pack of sorts and had figured out to at least sharpen his stick. However, Gird soon noticed that the sun was rather low in the sky now and it would be getting dark soon.

“Luz we have to go” his voice sounded a bit urgent and for the time he ignored her question and the other goblin. “I don’t want to get caught out here in the dark with the wolves running around. That and we need to get this food back to the others for the night ahead.” Gird made sure that he wasn’t leaving anything behind and began to retrace his steps in his head, so he could figure out the best way back to the Stone place.

“Hey new guy, you have a choice. Follow us back to the stone place, Gina can probably use your help more than we can. Or, go back to the cave. If you get caught out here in the dark your dead, if you fall behind, you get left behind.” He knew he was being rather harsh but this was no place to baby others. “Luz ill lead, we can do introductions later.” With that Gird would wait for a moment to make sure Luz was ready and would only glance at the newcomer for a moment before running as fast as he could back toward the Stone place where everyone else was. Gird would however be sure to announce their presence before going into the stone structure. He only hoped the other's reinforced it so the wolves couldn’t get in.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
Chasing after Gird /// Afternoon > Late Afternoon // Day 4

“Hey new guy, you have a choice. Follow us back to the stone place, Gina can probably use your help more than we can. Or, go back to the cave. If you get caught out here in the dark your dead, if you fall behind, you get left behind.”

Ren could tell from the new friend's tone that he was not kidding, something out here posed a serious threat. Either from curiosity, or just sheer stupidity, Ren was almost tempted to wait and see what was so dangerous, however, the prospect of even more friends was too much to pass up. As the other goblin began to run off, Ren quickly followed suit, his mind however, was on other things. His fight against the rabbit earlier had caused Ren to consider something, how would he deal with creatures that are both bigger, and faster? He had an idea, maybe, he could make some sort of stringy-thing, yes-yes, that would do nicely, wrap up the legs, easy to kill, but how to get it to wrap around? It would need weights! Of course! Now the only thing he needed was something stringy, but strong, but that could wait, first he had to meet all the other friends!

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


“I don’t want to get caught out here in the dark with the wolves running around. That and we need to get this food back to the others for the night ahead.”

It seems that Luz question would have to wait, For just as Gird pointed out the sun was indeed close to dropping from view. "Yea hear that." Luz agreed with him. Luz maybe brave but there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. So with that in mind, she picked up the carcass of the rabbit she killed and made sure everything she earned on her person before turning to one of her younger clansmen.

"I would take his advice if i were you. Those Wolves are not to laugh at, stay out in the open after dark and a group of them will come rip you apart." She warned him with a warm smile. "I should know, i had the chance we see one last night." She pointed out before turning to leave with the rabbit she killed under her arm. As she walked back to the stone place she turns back and saw him following them which made her smile proudly to herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin Barth

Arming himself>>>Following After Nyma//Day 4//Afternoon

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

While waiting for a response from the female goblin, Barth took time to get used to his immediate surroundings. He was standing a few feet away from Nyma, wanting to give her a reasonable amount of space in the event she told him to scram, and as such was just outside of the circle of younger trees she was examining. Leaving her to her activity for the time being he moved off towards her side, his fingers trailing along the bark of a particularly large tree. He tilted his head back, straining to see the very top of it. While gazing up he noticed that the sun had begun to make its descent.

Barth’s head snapped back down once Nyma addressed him directly. He turned around to face her, leaning against the tree which he found surprisingly comfortable. At her inquiry he took a moment to ponder on it before he nodded in agreement.

”That sounds like a great idea! Besides it is probably safer for us to stick together anyway. We have no idea what may live out here. So it’s nice to have someone to explore with.” Barth gave her a friendly smile as he spoke, glad to see that he and Nyma seemed to be getting off to a good start.

When she returned her focus to the small trees he couldn’t help but tilt his head in confusion, wondering what she could be doing. It became apparent soon enough when she yanked one out of the soil and began swinging it around. Barth dropped his head as the thought of arming himself had never even crossed his mind until she had done so for herself.

He knew that moping around about his lapse in judgement wouldn’t help him in the slightest, so instead he turned his attention to finding a suitable weapon. He saw a few rocks laying around near the tree he had been resting against but decided they wouldn’t suit him. Continuing his search he quickly stumbled upon a fallen branch. It was about six inches shorter than he was tall and mostly straight save a couple of curves along its length.

Bending down he picked it up and once he stood he took a moment to hold it horizontal while lifting it up and down a few times. It wasn’t so heavy that he would have trouble wielding it but seemed to be sturdy enough. Adjusting his grip so that he was holding it with both hands he spun towards a nearby tree and swung the branch against it. He could feel the vibration of the hit through both of his arms but he was satisfied as his new weapon had survived the impact. He placed one end on the ground as he decided that he may as well use it as a walking stick.

”Let’s just hope that our travels are rather uneventful!” Once again a big smile came to his face before he followed after her.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

After trying to prepare the others for the fight and the place of battle as best as she can. She quickly claps both her hands and kneeling on the cold hard stone floor as her wound has mend and unlike before stopped hurting. Beginning a small prayer to the eternal mother for wisdom and strength in the coming battle. ”Shirila I pray to you to guide us give us strength and power to protect your faith and to prove ourselves worthy and belonging to wield your power.” She starts off clear and overflowing with devotion as Nene stands on the ready guarding her master.

“I will not ask for victory for I will deliver it to you all I ask is for your guidance that will help us endure against those that oppose or seek to destroy you and to have faith in us as we have faith in you. ” She ends separating her hands as she grabs her stick and the shield as she goes to the doors and starting to close it leaving a small gap that will allow them to see if the lesser skeletons have risen.

Soon, the goddess of death vase begins to ooze with negative energy proving that she was the mastermind of the rise of the death here that was keeping Shirila in place. And for a long time without any followers weakening overtime while her siblings rose in power.

It was soon that the skeletons would rise so for the last time she checked the barricades making sure that they were in top shape and she looked to the two to make sure that they were ready for what would be the strongest and most powerful opponent since their birth.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Goblin Zats

After they had each shown of their skills and went their own for some final preparations Zats noticed that Gina went to pray to the Eternal Mother. Part of him wanted to join her, though only to be close to her. He quickly decided that doing something like would be hypocritical and insulting to Shirila, though he was grateful for the boons she had bestowed upon the three Goblins. So he silently decided that if they made it through the night he would thank her.

For now he decided to follow his own suggestion from the planning stage and headed outside to check out any possible escape routes and memorize the shortest path to them from every possible location in the graveyard.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Church Of Darkness, Begin Purification

The goblins had gotten ready they had done all they can for one day and were about to see themselves in a fight that would determine their lives and if they would find themselves in a new home or join the skeletons walking the church for the rest of eternity. As the sun started to set the goblins that were bringing the food ran and did so with all they had so that they wouldn't be caught outside before dark. They were lucky and were able to find themselves at the door but they would also be the first to see what Gina feared and had fought the night before.

The graves nearby started to ooze with dark energy and like before they began to rumble before bony hands punched through the dirt and started to claw themselves out of the dirt to wander once more. The skeletons soon gave a deafening howl as their skulls came out of the ground as they started to get out of the dirt to walk once more. The skeletons soon got themselves out of the grave once more as they started to wander and for the moment they didn't notice the goblins at the door but they soon would if the door wasn't immediately opened for them.

@Kheliop@Crusader Lord

Danger over yonder

The goblin soon started to walk towards one direction and soon they noticed the sky starting to darken in the distance. Despite the distance they soon heard the loud howl of the skeletons at the church. They of course had no knowledge of what it was that made that terrifying noise but if they were smart they would head back to the cave to have a safe night and sleep. If they were lucky they would meet their other brothers and sisters in due time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[This was an unfinished post, delete this plz]
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(This is the finished post!)


Day 4: Late Afternoon -> -> -> Night

Crap. As Nyma noticed the sky begin to darken, she scowled to herself at the thought her chances to do something were not likely to happen. At least for today. The temptation to sit about and hide for the night to observe things was also there, see what sorts of creatures lurked in the night, but without a properly refined weapon that too might be a bad idea without proper protection and all. It was all frustrating the more Nyma thought about it, but....perhaps she could put a spin on this. In fact, as she thought of the idea her face began to light up with the signs of an excited plan. Heh, if she couldn't get the lay of the land tonight, then perhaps she could manage to work on something else and ask a few questions of that older Goblin she'd heard earlier. Aha.

Nyma would stop in her tracks as the terrifying howl from an unknown source went through the air, the young female goblin merely held her ground and stared in the northeast direction the sound had come from. Seemed like something big was going on, something she and Barth here probably didn't need to deal with right now. Not whilst they were unprepared. However, she seemed unphased in the face of the howls, head keeping cool under the circumstances.

"Barth, lets head back for tonight. Seems we can't explore more safely, but i do have a plan. On our way back, collect some sharper rocks and more of the sticks like we managed to pick up on the way. Since we haven't gone too far from the cave at least, we can probably collect enough of this stuff and get back before it gets actually dark," Nyma said, turning as she spoke to the other Goblin, giving a nod before taking off again back in the direction of the cave as she noted where the sounds had come from, "We can try to make weapons for when we head out tomorrow."

As she would begin to move back to go to the cave, Nyma would keep an eye out for more of the same type of young tree she had picked up earlier. It would at least be something to work with, and on the way she would also grab up a few "sharper" rocks she could spot on the way sticking out of or sitting on the ground. Enough to try to sharpen things, though normal rocks she could use to crack and make "sharp edges" on other rocks would be potentially useful as well. Not that she had much she could carry right now, so if Barth helped then she and he might be able to work things out between what both of them could carry in their hands on the way back.

Nyma is trying to collect, on the way back to the cave if possible: 3 more young trees like the one she grabbed earlier. They would be held in one of her hands and/or under either of her arms (in the armpits) for carrying (however it best works out), and 3 stones [1 of them having sharper edges] being carried in her other hand.

During this time, her main young tree "weapon" is held under one arm for maximum carrying capacity in this instance.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


During the trip back Luz notices that the sky above was getting darker and dark Luz would point out to the group is going to have to haul ass quicker if they didn't want to meet Duvelna embassingly early. Thankfully The group manages to get front of the church door before the wolves begin moving on their trail. Luz then heard the sounds of the howling...She then took a minute to reflex on it. "Hmmm...that doesn't sound like the wolves i heard the other day..." Luz pointed out sounding confused rather than scared.

Luz then turn the handle and tried to push the door open, however, the door wouldn't move from the place. "Wait am i doing this right?" Luz asked out before letting someone else try with the door.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

As her crew finally we're as ready as they could for the cleansing. She and her pet at this point was at the ready, waiting for the banging to come. She waits her eyes glued on the door, and at one point she couldn't hear her two companions voices or see their actions. So when the banging happened she sprints into action raising her hastily made shield and her weapon of choice as she moves the left side door open alittle which just as plan would only let one of them inside.

Until it spoke, a familiar voice answers, asking if she was doing it right which made Gina sighed in response and opened the door for the couple to enter. "Get inside before they start coming." She says pulling the female inside and eagerly gestures the other two man to enter with what might be a crazy and paranoid attitude of course the two would be full of answers but, after getting the three inside the safety of the church she closes the door quickly making a loud and powerful bang after.

And after the event she knees down and claps her as she starts a new prayer seeing that there was enough time for one. "Shirila, please guide us for the trial we were to go through. Please give me the power to guide them to victory and give honor to your name. Please give us the strenght to endure and live another day to follow through your word. Please clear and prepare our minds to fight again't all of your enemies." She prays loud enough for her companions and the new two to hear clearly full of worry but, in the same time a hint of calmness as time goes by.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13
Goblin Zats

Zats wasn't as confident about his memorization of all the escape routes as he'd liked, but he spotted movements across the graveyard and thus headed straight to the church to grab his shield. On the way there he could hear Gina pray and and knew where he would once he had it. He had no intention of abandoning Arch but he also knew who he would help if he had to choose.

As soon as he had the Everoak Shield he rushed to where he heard Gina's voice come from earlier, unaware that others had joined her. "Get ready, they seem to be awake!" He shouted as hard as he could hoping that Arch would hear him as well and that the skeletons couldn't.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Running for the church >>>> preparing for the fight ahead /// Day 4 // Late Afternoon > Evening

Again his instincts were blaring at him. Not only to run but a strong feeling of dread to run the other way and away from the stone place. Something was there. He could feel it. It wasn’t something he felt in his gut like he would feel with his instincts. This time he felt it in his chest. A strange cold beckoning that called out for him to go closer. As they ran through the trees, with the sun setting at their backs. The orange glow of dusk filling the sky and the forest slowly dimming to black and Grey.

Gird struggled at times to find the right path. Branches and bushes snagged and grabbed at him leaving small cuts and scratches in their wake. Whenever he would stumble he would pick himself up and keep going glancing back now and then to make sure the others were keeping up with him. Until they finally broke from the tree line and headed for the main door. A howl caught him off guard when they got to the door.

The goblin looked around the corner towards the grave yard and could see what was howling. The strange creatures crawled out from the graves. Bony figures held together by mere tendons, no skin or organs just a glaring red stare from the black eye sockets. These skeletons wore no armor and only held what appeared to be old and rusty weapons of some sort. They didn’t seem entirely mindless but did seem to want to wander the area with no real hurry to their movements.

Gird could hear Luz as she tries to open the door but it seemed stuck in some way. Gird kept a watchful eye on these creatures. Although breathing heavily, he was ready to turn and get the others moving if they got spotted. Movement from inside the stone place filled the eerie silence as someone beckoned the three of them inside. The goblin would be sure to be the last of the three to go inside.

Once inside, Gird still spoke at a low whisper being careful of the imminent danger that lurked outside. “We got food for all of you” he spoke. There wasn’t a lot of light in this place, but he would manage. Setting the carcass of the rabbit on the wooden chairs near the back of the church he began to examine what he could see. He could tell the others had prepared for what he could only assume was a fight. “So what’s your plan…” The goblin trailed off as his eyes slowly settled on a small statue.

The small black statue emanated a dark energy that one could nearly see. The dark silhouette of a woman sitting atop a throne of skulls and bones. This image of the woman seemed to stare out with a wicked smile and a glare of superiority. He knew her name but did he dare speak it? “Duvelna” he whispered while Gina began her prayer. Slowly he could feel the room grow dark around him, everything else slowly faded away as he stared at the statue. Even Gina’s voice slowly drifted away until there was nothing but him and the Statue in the same darkness he recalled from his birth. The goblin was completely focused and concentrated on the statue now.

Fear. A very real Fear permeated his very being. Nothing would get through to him, no sound or touch. The goblin was thinking, wondering if he made the right choice. He began to speak, he began to prey. “Duvelna, Goddess of Death, the night, and Fear. Queen of the underworld and gatherer of the lost souls. Hear my prayer.” A pause as he pulled the sharp stone from its place and placed it on top of his left arm. Slowly and deliberately Gird cut into his arm until he began to bleed.

Putting the stone back at his side he gripped the cut with his right hand and grimaced. Holding out his hand toward the statue letting a few drops of blood drip over the statue then placing his open hand over the center of his chest he speaks again. “This one knows he is not worthy of your time, this one simply wants to give you many gifts, this one will seek out your challenges, and this one will make you smile.”

Then suddenly everything came back to him, and he was there again in the stone place. Everyone was still here, and he had come to a near instant conclusion. The skeletons are a challenge, a challenge to prove your worth. Duvelna doesn’t need more followers, she needs worthy ones. At that moment Gird made a promise to himself before his goddess and the others. “I will be mighty, I will be worthy. For my Goddess and for all of you. I will protect you.” he spoke aloud as blood dripped from his hand and his bloody scarlet red hand print across his chest. He turned to face the door and whatever danger might loom on the other side.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


As soon as Gina open the door Luz told the newcomer. "You go first!" she ordered him before waiting for him to go inside before her, then after Gird came inside and the door was closed back up she then help barricade the front door like it was. Afterward, she then broke off one of the dead rabbit's horn. "I'll be taking the horn and fur as payment by the way, as for everything else is yours." She informed the group happyfully before she begins calmly skinning the rabbit in front of them and claiming it's fur. Luz then placed what left of the rabbit right next to where Gird placed the other dead rabbit and then sat on one of the benches and took an exhausted sigh of relief.

“So what’s your plan…” The goblin trailed off as his eyes slowly settled on a small statue.
Luz simply agreed before laying her back on the bench. "That a good question...you do seem crazy prepare to do something." Luz pointed out calmly, not noticing what Gird was doing before she overheard Gird was saying some strange stuff. She then looked back and saw Gird dripping blood on a sinister looking statue of what seems to be Duvelna. At that pointed Luz sighed in disappointment and said "Damn!" under her breath after Gird beat her to another punch. She then yawned with bags under her eyes. After such a long time with no sleep, thankfully what little sleep she had to lighten up her sleep deprivation up until the two made they're the last kill. So she simply submitted and let Gird finish his ritual before going next.

She then carefully moved in front of the Duvelna. "Excuse me, Miss Goddess Duvelna, may i ask a moment of your time. i came here not to beg...for but to simply ask a moment of your time." Luz carefully the chose her words before holding her hands infront of her and bowing again. "I'm sorry if this seems disrespect but i'm not sure how you feel about random strangler kissing up to you in a moment of what seems to be..." Luz then took a look at the front door of the church and then back at the statue. "Rather questionable circumstances." She completed her sentence. Though Luz didn't understand why she felt she must explain that she felt it was best to help keep her from misunderstanding Luz motives just incase she wasn't all-knowing.

She then looked at Gird and then back at the statue. "And either is he...or at least i don't...think he is." She told the statue while scratching behind her next awkwardly. "Anyway i simply ask that you...well watch and judge my worth...i mean if you're looking for worshipers at the moment. I swear will do my best to complete this challenge." Luz assured her before holding her hand in front of her and bowing again.

Hmm, Yea...Luz wasn't a good worshipper in her past life.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
The Church /// Late Afternoon // Day 4

Ren's new friends quickly led him to a large stone building, and ushered him inside. The building, though clearly decrepit, was holding up quite well, "Perhaps I should try making a similar construction back at the cave some time...." Ren thought. However, he very quickly took notice of the others arung him, they were preparing for something; something big... Seeing a goblin with some form of shield, Ren pressed himself against the new goblin's back, Resting his spear on the top edge of the shield, he took a ready stance, preparing |Defensive Strike|.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Church Of Darkness, Begin Purification

The goblins were then pushed into the church and were set at defending themselves properly. Thankfully the two goblins fetching food and their tag-along got in the church before the skeletons noticed them so they still had a few brief moments before the true fight began. They had 11 skeletons to still deal with if the graves in the cemetery were anything to go by. They had prepared the best they could and they could eat the rabbits that Gird and Luz brought along.

The goblins soon gave a prayer to the goddess of death and while she didn't respond immediately like Shirila did they did get an unnatural chill go down both their spines as if death herself was putting a hand on both their shoulders as if to silently urge them forward into proving themselves. She would recognize them until they proved their worth but she saw the devotion of the male cutting their own hand in prayer.

It only took moments until they heard the shuffling and moaning get closer and louder to them. Then like last night banging came onto the door. They needed to do this right or they would be the next corpses to walk the earth without end.

Goblin Zats and goblin Ren learned Military Strategy Centurian position: The goblins have unknowingly used a formation of perfect defense and defensive strikes. This position when used in a funnel or with a group can wreak devastation to the enemy forces

@Crusader Lord

The goblin was smart in gaining supplies on the way back and it didn't take long for them to head back to the cave where goblin grandpa greeted them. Now the goblin had the supplies necessary to make better weapons in the future but now that it was night all they could was go to sleep and hope to see their brothers and sisters the next day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

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Goblin Luz


Luz was beside Goblin Gird looking at them when all of a sudden she felt a chill down her spine that felt...unnatural, so unnatural in fact that it made Luz look a bit concerned(A rare sight for Gird) as she looked back behind her shoulder to see if anything was behind her and saw nothing but the statues of the Three. Then she looked at her hands in confusion seemly wondering what that feeling was.

"Did you feel that?" Luz asked him trying to seem calm. Afterword she then asked him a follow-up question. "Do you think that was Duvelna?" Luz asked him. "Just incase we better give this fight our A game." Luz points out before smiling at him. "I got a promise to uphold." She told him before she loosens the ivy wrap around her body so she can get the branch off her back to use as a club before she places the spear on her back before wrapping it on her with her ivy.

Afterword Luz then moved beside the group to prepare for one hell of a fight with both a fierce look in her eyes and a smile on her face. She then took in Gina direction. "So Gina was it? Do you know how tough these things are?" She asked her

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