Name: Chaud von Rozenkruetz
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Weight: 65kg
Height: 175cm
Elemental Affinity: Physical
Alignment: Neutral
Magic Circuits
Chaud uses physical augmentation magic, increasing his speed, strength, and durability, with speed being his specialty. He is capable of using up to Double Accel for brief periods, doubling his speed to inhuman amounts, and his strength can be enhanced to allow him to bent metal with a single blow. While enhancing the toughness of his skin helps against bladed weapons, it will only slightly lessen the damage from bullets and do nothing against a Noble Phantasm of any kind.
Other Abilities:
Chaud is skilled in the use of firearms, hand-to-hand combat, and medicine.
Mystic Codes/ Magical Items:
Scythe: Chaud's scythe is his Mystic Code, allowing him to store mana to use for his spells incase of a prolonged fight. I also acts as a weapon for combat and is collapsible.
Weapons/ Other Belongings:
Chaud carries several, small, semi-automatic weapons, a 1935 Beretta pistol, and grenades on his person for combat purposes. (no homing finger bullets or poison heart grenades though)
A locket with a picture of his wife and child.
Chaud is a soldier. He is serious, taciturn, and at times, completely cold-blooded. The sight of blood and violence do not bother him and he will not flinch at even the most violent of situations. To his enemies, he shows no mercy short of a quick death, especially to those who otherwise might die more slowly and painfully or even survive if left alone. To many, he is a cold and ruthless killing machine.
However, Chaud's humanity is far from lost. He is married and the father of a single child. He cares very much for his child and fights to make sure the world they grow up in is not as violent and war torn as the current one. His family is ever present in his thoughts and they are his primary motivation in this War. He is kind to bystanders of a conflict and will go out of his way to help those in need, especially women and children. Even will even spare what resources he can to help them out of a tough situation and will escort them to safety in the middle of a fight if he believes they will all make it out alive.
Chaud was born into a family of magical soldiers, mercenaries for hire who worked for the Mages Association. on numerous occasions. the fourth generation of his family, Chaud displayed above average magical talents from a young age and was quickly expected to excel in his families business. His training began at the age of four and by the time he was fifteen, he had killed his first man. He was taught how to maintain and repair his weapons, how to take care of himself on the battlefield, how to follow orders, and other thing typical of a soldier. Unlike other soldiers, he learned magecraft, which his specialties in physical enhancements making him a versatile and deadly combatant, and how to fight other mages.
When he was 18, Chaud met his wife to be, Annamaria. The young woman saw something many didn't see in the young soldier and pursued him much to his chagrin at the time. Over the course of three years, she worked her way into his heart and got him to soften considerably, at least while outside the battlefield. His father disapproved of this development, saying it dulled Chaud's senses and made him more vulnerable in battle, but Chaud ignored him and eventually became engaged to Anna. His father, take exception to this, tried to have the young woman killed, but Chaud's mother, who enjoyed Anna's company and influence on her son, managed to warn him in time to save his beloved. Enraged by this, Chaud set out and killed his own father, proving himself the better mage and soldier.
Now a husband and recent father, Chaud fights in the War to secure his daughters future. He knows the odds of survival are slim and he has demanded a heft payment upfront to secure his family's future, as well as transport to America. He will give it his all to make sure his child has a better life then he did. And if God deems it, he will survive to see them grow up and live a happier life then he ever could.
Wish/Reason for Being in the War: For the world to be a more peaceful place, so that his child can grow up safely.