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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya


Interacting with:@Spiffy

Feya remained quiet throughout the exchanges between the two crews. The friendships between men were peculiar. Thought the feelings were probably cordial, they did seem like to curse on each other a lot. Feya blinked a few times, her eyes had to keep adjusting to the talking badger. It seemed like every pirate crew had to have a non-human character. Red Rum has a pint-size skeleton kid and they have a literal badger. This is essentially what's to come from now on in the Grand Line.

Feya folded her bottom lip over the top on. She heard the suggestion about teaming up. She wasn't really certain what that implied. Was this temporary or would the two crews officially join together? She did not expect a merger so quickly into her new-found pirate life. Fortunately, having more allies will prove useful against all threats.

Feya sucked air through her teeth when she noticed Cedric become disappointed by the absence of alcohol. The fitness woman clapped her hands together. "Why are you sulking? You don't need alcohol to celebrate. One beer bottle is basically eating six slices of bread. We can celebrate by feasting on some fruits and veggies!" She suggested.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Meeting the New Crew IV

Bonekid's bottom jaw dropped as he saw his favorite pal and his closest ally, the Shroomblade, being used as a toothpick by this drunkard! He had observed it after he heard Boone's rather unfriendly response to his first mate. He was honestly confused at what to be more appalled at, the treatment he had just been received by his own captain, or the drunk picking his teeth with the strongest weapon Bonekid had ever held.

Bonekid walked over to the Runch Crew's doctor with his hands fumbling around in front of his chest. He didn't know what to say at the moment, so he just went for what he needed to ask. "G-good doctor, I would like to have my sword back, please..." As he asked, Bonekid gave a dark glower to Dirk as the former-slave continued to cause his own trademarked brand of ruckus. He had enough of Dirk's craziness for one day, and he was incredibly tempted to ask Feya to get Dirk back onto the Runner.

Speaking of the Runner, after he got his sword and made a few notes on Runch's Bori-Bori-no-Mi in the encyclopedia he had, he was tempted to just head back to the ship and check on his mom. Wait... his mom wasn't on the Runner. She was in the Guppy because Boone had carried her here, how could he forget? It was probably meeting the great captain of this ship, but despite meeting Runch, Bonekid wanted to make sure his mom was alright. Before anything, though, he needed his sword back.

So he waited patiently for his sword, his foot tapping against the ground eagerly as he waited.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Runch listened as Boone spoke of a "rare log" he had never heard of before. Apparently normal compasses weren't going to work in the Grand Line? He had no idea! Then again, none of them had checked since arriving. What with the excitement of nearly crashing into one another, then celebrating their meeting, Runch hadn't even given it a thought! He glanced to Hachirou, faithful navigator, and tilted his head quizzically. The muscular man gave pause in his squats long enough to read his captain's expression perfectly. He pulled out a compass, raised an eyebrow at the needle spinning around uncontrollably, then nodded back to Runch as he put the compass away.

"It seems you are right; our compass isn't working here. Well then, I'd say our meeting was a stroke of fate! Omnomnom!" The Cereal Killer's laughter bellowed across the galley. That's when Bonesword demanded his sword back from Dr. Ken, and Dirk even tried to swipe the gourd full of alcohol!

The drunken doctor gave no indication that he had even heard Dirk's approach, and in fact didn't react in any way whatsoever as the drink had been snatched up from his hand. Boone clumsily attempted to stop his helmsman, but it was for naught: Dirk successfully disposed of the beverage. Boone was quite upset, but Ken still gave no indication he had even noticed. Then, a full ten seconds later, he finally reacted. "Hm? Oh shorry, here'sh yer-hic-toothpick." He handed the Shroomblade over tothe Bonesword on the left, completely missing the hand of the Bonesword in the middle who was the real one. Still the doctor gave no indicator his drink had been lifted right out of his hand.

Feya suggested that they celebrate not with alcohol, but with fruits and vegetables. At this notion the Krunch Krew's doctor became... Agitated. He tumbled out of his chair, accidentally tossing a number of bowls and spoons with him, all landing right on his face. Despite now having several very large lumps, he felt no pain. "Uh-uh, nosh, I alwaysh carry me-hic-grog!" And with that he produced a second gourd full of highly potent, potentially lethal, alcohol from... Uh... Where exactly did that stuff come from? Well, wherever he got it, he had it out now and was in the process of toasting. "To new-hic-friends! Glugluglugluglugluglug!" Even the man's laughter sounded suspiciously like the gulping of drinks!

"Friggin' stowaway," Smith muttered in a half-joking tone.

"Omnomnomnom! Well I don't see any reason why we can't all get what we want! Our unofficial doctor here is always happy to share his sin with anybody who likes! Don't ask me where it comes from, though." The captain gave a mighty shrug, stronger than any shrug to come before it. It practically caused a ripple of confusion in and of itself. "And if fruits and veggies are your thing, I have eight different incredibly healthy recipes ready to go any time! Omnomnomnomnom!" Runch threw out his hands and a stream of multi-colored cereal pellets spewed forth in every direction. Trickshot Jo yelled at him from up in her hammock, but her derisions went largely ignored and unnoticed.

The celebration went on for another two hours. In that time the two crews were able to learn a great deal about one another, or at least their personalities. Despite being a ninja, Smith was not the quietest of the crew. In fact once he opened up, it was difficult to get the guy to shut the hell up! Everything out of his mouth was some sort of joke or wisecrack, often at the expense of someone else. He really had a sarcastic sense of humor. Hachirou definitely spoke the least of everyone. The whole time they celebrated he must have said less than ten words, and when addressed directly always answered in the most efficient, shortest way possible. Sometimes even a gesture was all he mustered in response. Yet the entire time the navigator of the Krunch Krew never stopped exercising, whether it be squats, push ups, sit ups, chin ups, and any other manner of activity. He kept this up even when it came to the karaoke portion of the party! Joanne on the other hand, she was a puzzle. She kept participating and interacting with everyone, but every time she was addressed the badger took to flinging insults and names and using a strange form of language nobody was quite sure how to understand, with heavy use of alien words like "honky" and "sass," as well as "bust a cap in yo ass." Whatever any of that meant. As for the ship's doctor, Wutong Ken, he was a complete and utter mess. He wreaked a foul stench at the best of times, and had a far worse odor he would regular expel from within his body, usually in the form of highly inappropriate burps and farts. He seemed to mishear every other word and in general was very delusional, but apart from all that the guy seemed to be really nice and friendly.

Then of course there was the ship's captain. Bartholomew K. Runch, "The Cereal Killer" was his wanted poster read. An older man, probably in his mid-forties, with the spirit and enthusiasm of a child under ten. He was the life of the party to be sure, eager to please, try new things, and have as much fun as he could. When others were feeling hesitant in any way, he was the first in line to give a little push of encouragement. The man seemed physically incapable of going more than two sentences without his signature laugh, almost as though a lack of joy would kill him or something. Yet he was also a gracious and rational host, listening to any concerns his guests had with genuine concern, and when it was time to wrap the party up, he was the one to call it all off.

Two ships sailed along the Grand Line on a beautiful sunny day. Leading the way was the Rum Runner, with the Guppy not too far behind. Just as the clockmaker had promised to Captain Boone, the log pose pointed in a single direction which decidedly was not north. Whenever the ship drifted slightly off course, the needle adjusted so that it remained pointing at the same exact location. Yet his regular compass just kept spinning circles in an endless loop. The Grand Line, it truly was remarkable.

The journey to the Rum Runner's first stop didn't take too long. A short hour and a half marked the sighting of the first land they would see in this miraculous ocean. A somewhat small island sat in their path, a large castle dominating the majority of the landmass. From so far out it didn't appear to have much going on, at least not in terms of smaller local sailing vessels. However as they approached, a single object became more and more clear. A flag hung prominently at the top of every tower in the castle. A black flag with the image of a cannon going off, which for some reason had two bulky and strong arms flexing. A Jolly Roger.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 14 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Cannon Castle I

Captain Boone eyed the new island with a wide grin on his face. Would this be the start of their exciting journey in the Grand Line? One could only imagine what kind it would turn out to be. Whoever flew this jolly roger would be their next encounter. Who could it be? How strong were they really? He'd never seen that flag flown before, and he was certain his crew hadn't either. Perhaps Runch had seen it before?

Cedric called behind him to the following ship, "Captain Runch! Have you seen that flag before?!" He spoke loud enough that they would be able to hear him. If anyone knew amongst their group, the tasty cereal maker K. Runch would.

He then called out the standard orders his crew would undergo before setting anchor off of a new island. The repairs were mostly done, but there still was some superficial damage to the deck. When they got even closer Cedric used his eyeglass to scout ahead for anything of note. People, cannons and possible pathways for their ship or crew to travel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The sailing had been surprisingly smooth, and surprising short, but Caesar looked up lazily from his seat against the mast.

The island in front of them wasn't necessarily large, but the Jolly Rodger was certainly interesting. Cannons with arms? That was...odd, yeah. Maybe this would be someone who trained a lot? Or maybe they were like Boone and had a thing for cannons?

What was it with people and weird obsessions? Must have something to do with them being so short....

Why was everyone so short, for that matter? Was it something in the water that these constant boat people breathed? Would he get short one day too?

He growled at the thought. No. He would stay tall and strong. Yeah....

Now about this island...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Tickets to the Gun Show!

After everything was settled with Runch's crew and everyone was back on their ships, Bonekid pulled Dirk aside for a minute to reprimand him. Now, Bonekid had liked Dirk. He saw him as an effective cousin (despite his mom pushing for him to see the two as brothers), and they kind of were in the figurative sense. That still didn't mean that Bonekid had to turn a blind eye to the deeds of Dirk. This wasn't a first offense, either, as Bonekid had remembered when the crew met Caesar that Dirk threw Bonekid at the furry human in a very similar fashion, but that was a good few weeks ago.

The first mate informed Mister Messir that this would be the second strike on Bonekid's new strike system. If he got a third, he'd be sleeping in a barrel in Slick's room for a few nights. That's the best punishment Bonekid could've thought up at the current moment, he was still on the fence about being near Slick. All he imagined would happen is a few sleepless nights of insane warmth. Might actually be good training exercise, to be honest. Feya should probably learn about that idea.

For the remainder of the trip to the next island from Reverse Mountain, Bonekid had stayed with his mom. She took a bit of a beating from the voyage up the mountain, so Bonekid had been incredibly cautious and protective of her. The only person who could actually see her on the voyage while Bonekid was around her was Boone, and even then it was only because of superiority and rank. Now that a few hours of napping had passed, Bonekid finally stepped outside her room and took a long look at the horizon.

He noticed the mighty Jolly Roger in front of the ship before he noticed the island. The cannon with massive arms did not mean anything pleasant, that's for sure. Drawing the Shroomblade, Bonekid stepped forward on the deck as he glanced around. "I don't like the look of this, bud. Be on guard," the skeleton child said to his sword. Of course, the blade didn't respond, but a soft chuckle was prompted out of Bonekid.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir - Top Tier Sad

It hadn't occurred to Dirk at the time that Bonesword had issues with being tossed. Dirk is trying to help, after all. Help is good. But, after they talked to the new fellows who would now follow them, and Krank had a cool appearance and nice personality, he then gets reprimanded later, when they left. He. He doesn't like to be thrown. But. Then. How.

Oh no, looks like you're gonna get your ass kicked. You deserve it, you low-life trash.

Dirk has a mild fit about it, and does the apologisation profusely to Bonesword. He doesn't want to upset a better person. He likes not making his friends sad, and liked not making his superiors angry. He kept continuing to apologise anyway, though, instead of striking about the bush whilst there were strikes happened. Apparently, he would have to sleep in barrels.

They'll be full of spikes Jerk! Or oil that's been set on fire Failure!

He'd slept in less conditions than a barrel. It was fine. But he didn't want to make Boneking sad again, so he prome you, as a lover and a freind, I will looooooove you. In an appropriate way though. Which means not bonethrowing the boneman. He had his own bones to toss.

Anyway, they were going to the location now, and he went there with on the steers the ship, Which he had fine with because it was the time when he got to be talked to himself about being the coolest guy. The Divine Purposes guided his way. And then he went to the right location, and it had cannons. Hell yeah, cannons with arms. HELL YEAH, CANNONS WITH ARMS.

Hell Yeah, Cannons With Arms!

That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and you are stupid for liking it.

Yeah but shut up Derek, cannons with arms!

Anyway, they reached an island, and it was an island with cannons with arms, probably, and they'll be on a fortress. So that will be cool. He was also going to offer Boneswig hugs for avoid sad times again later, he hoped. But Captain Cedric needed him to steer right now, and the Divine Purpose agreed, so that was is will that is it, that's the whole scenario, this is the spot. The top spot. He'll go there.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oilburn" Slick Drake

Boom flag boom flag boom flag boom flag, the floating castle has a boom flag meaning the castle was made of explosions, explosions smell so beautiful they taste like the perfect steak they feel like the softest pillow, explosions are the true symphony of fire. Slick wandered over to the giant flammable puppy with a large smile on his face, practically bouncing in place as he asked his question. "Puppy dog man. Tell me of the explosion castle. You have the big arms just like the explosion on the wavey cloth, so you must know all about the explosion castle. It is simple logic."

Whatever the giant flammable puppy said would be promptly ignored as Slick suddenly turned all his attention to Tibulachild who was talking to his sword like a crazy person. Maybe the sword talked back to him in his head? Drik talks to people in his head, they had lots of interesting stuff to say whenever he talked to Drik. One of the voices was really scared of Slick, he had no idea why. Something about being "an insane pyromaniac who is on the brink of burning everyone to a crisp at any moment" or something. Slick just really liked art. Drik was fun to talk to when Slick wasn't cooking. Why is he staring at Femuradolescent again? Oh yeah, talk time.

A sticky whip of oil emerged from Slick's sleeve and tried to grab onto the boney child, pulling him over to the explosion puppy and Slick so everyone could have the talking talk. In a rare moment of clarity Slick actually remembered Bonesword's name just so he could talk to him properly for a minute. "Bonekid! What do you think of the explosion castle? Do you think I will get to make lots of beautiful art?" Slick's eyes were practically sparkling as he thought of the wonderful art he could make in a land of explosions. It would be beautiful. "It is decided Skullteen! You shall be my assistant as I make art in the explosion castle!" And there goes the clarity. If one could translate through Slick's insanity they could probably figure out he wanted Bonekid to hang out with him during this castle. He probably should just so to ensure Slick doesn't set the entire island on fire. "Can I make an entire island into art? Maybe if it's an explosion island... Slick muttered under his breath as he stared intently at the flags adorning the castle. Today was going to be a beautiful day. For Slick at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

She had a dream that there was a big clock and the clock was made of tons of gears all of different sizes. Some of the gears had circuits running through them. Some of the gears were made of still living bone. Strangely, some of them smelled of cereal, and others of putrid, far too strong, alcohol. There was one made entirely of weirdly stiff black cloth...it reminded her of something scruffy. There were furry gears and talking gears, and gears that danced and sang or swam or ran. So many gears, they were all amazing and beautiful, but...but the clock didn't work.

The clock didn't work.

Lilliana woke up, shooting up out of bed like some kind of rocket propelled lady. B-MO reacted just as fast, wrapping her body in metal before she struck the wall of her cannon at high speed. Eyes wide in the utter darkness of B-MO's embrace, Lilliana oriented herself. Though unaware there had been a party, she had slept through one. She was glad she'd gabbed herself with one of her special syringes. She was glad that she was waking up, because it meant they'd made it through Reverse Mountain okay.

That was a relief.

She relaxed, B-MO retracting, and stood up after having fallen to the ground in a ball of bio-metal. There was a bowl of cereal at her table and boy was she hungry. Swiftly she took it up, poured some milk that she could tell her son had left her, and then ate happily. It tasted like the success of a good invention and the unraveling of an amazingly intricate and beautiful mystery.

She loved it and she finished eating it far too soon. Minutes later she threw open the door of her room with gusto--B-MO having grabbed her two packs and looped them over her--before dashing through the boat's lower deck and ascending into the sky of the open sea. She pulled in the smell of the sea and stretched with a big smile.

"The Grandline!" She exclaimed with excitement, before her eyes settled on the approaching island. She tilted her head and then a fey gleam entered her gaze. B-MO shuddered, its current form that of two segmented metallic wings. She was wondering if there was anything fun to take apart in that big Jolly Roger'd castle. Tearing her eyes a way she took stock of the crew. Everyone seemed well. Good. However, as she looked about she noticed something strange.

There was a ship following them. OH, it was the ship from Reverse Mountain, the one they'd almost collided with. Huh. Well that was interesting, especially since it was clearly another pirate crew. Lilliana was suddenly very curious as to what had happened while she was out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Boone's question was answered with a great bellow of, "Never seen it before!" Well that wasn't very helpful, was it? Regardless, according to the information Boone had learned, they would need to spend an unknown amount of time on this island for the special compass to log its magnetic field, then move on to the next one. Despite the apparent danger, they would have to brave the unknown and risk a fight with whoever owned this fortress. After all, they didn't have anywhere else to go.

As they brought the ship in, spotting a convenient dock, Kite was just finishing up with the last of the repairs needed to get the Rum Runner back in tip top shape. The Guppy pulled in on the opposite side of the dock, dropped anchor, and her crew disembarked along with the Red Rums. The dock only had a single path they could follow, an uphill walk that would turn out of sight. On either side of the path was sheer cliff that, with intense effort, could be climbed, but not easily. Either way, the only place they could go was to the castle nestled atop the island.

BOOM! The sound of cannon fire cried through the air.Those with particular keen senses would see a cannonball flying overhead, landing safely in the ocean a few hundred meters behind them, too far out to have even been at risk of hitting the ships. "They know we're here," Smith spoke in a hushed tone, instantly readying himself for a fight. Hachirou nodded and thumbed his nose, not taking a stance but tensing up all the same. "Washat? Hic! We ushing fireworksh? I thought the party wash ov-hic!-er?" Dr. Ken took another swig from his gourd. Trickshot Jo' just muttered something unfriendly beneath her breath.

"Do you hear that?" Hachirou asked, wiggling his ears. "People are coming. A lot of them."

Sure enough it was true. Those with good hearing naturally noticed first, the cries of voices and charging of footsteps. Gradually it grew louder and louder. Once everyone could hear the proverbially stampede, the crowd had shown itself. A huge number of people numbering at least a hundred rounded the corner, heading down the path. They were pirates, brandishing swords and pistols, cheering for action. Yet something was peculiar about these pirates. A good amount of them, maybe about half, wore marine jackets. Those who did had the marine logo on it struck out and painted over with the same Jolly Roger on the flags flown by the castle.

The crowd stopped their marching forward about fifty meters away from the docks where both crews had been standing. What a motley group they came across today! Oh, but they didn't stop out of fear or bewilderment of these newcomers, oh no. They stopped because their captain gave the order. The crowd parted for a man to pass and take lead at the front of the pack. A man who was not only fairly tall at 6 feet, but also very stout and with great girth. His legs looked like toothpicks compared to the rest of his body, in particular his highly muscled arms. On his left arm he had a tattoo of the marine flag crossed out in a big X, while on the right arm he had another tattoo that read "AR-36" in big bold lettering. A marine jacket hung from his shoulders like a cape.

"Well howdy boys! I see we got two crews of pirates visiting our island today! Boomboomboomboomboomboom!" His laughter was deep and traveled well. The man needn't speak very loud to ensure he was well heard. "I'm the master of this island, captain of this crew, and the owner of the fortress. Pleased to meet you. The name is-"

"-And you'll be my guests, on account of how ya got no choice. Boomboomboomboom!" The captain snapped his fingers, and as soon as he did two more cannonshots were heard, these ones much closer. The cannonballs hit the water on either side of the Guppy and the Rum Runner, very close to the ships. And after all those repairs Kite had just finished... Tracing the angle of the shot revealed that at some point two dozen cannons had been wheeled up on top of both sides of the cliff. The cannons were pointed not at the crews, but directly at their ships...

"I like to call this little island of mine the Chokehold. You see, me an' the boys have taken up residence right here at the mouth of the Grand Line, capturing new entries, taking their booty, and tossing them back out into the ocean on driftwood! That is..." The captain took a second to flex his left bicep. "Y'all think that you can best me crew in a contest of strength and skill. So you've got three choices. Hand over all yer valuables and yer ships, fight me officers in a tournament to win yer right to passage, or try something now and we blow yer ships to kingdom come, leaving ya stranded, outnumbered, and outgunned. What's it gonna be?"

A raucous cheer of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" errupted from the Buccaneers. It was clear which option they wanted.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya


Interacting with:@floodtalon@Gardevoiran

Feya rolled her pupils to the left and right on the regard of the man's bizarre behavior. The mention of fruits and vegetables resulted in the Krunch's doctor stumbling over. The fitness woman kept her eyes to a thin squint. She continued to the doubt the medical prowess of the drunken doctor. The cereal captain seemed fine with his doctor. He announced the drunk's sharing personality on his inventory of alcoholic beverages.

Feya then listened when she heard about the supposed eight healthy recipes. She was a little unimpressed with the quantity. Eight did not seem like a fair amount considering the average person eats three meals a day. Nodding her head, she accepted the offer. Although, not long she didn't realize she was about to be roped into a long celebration. She knew her crewmates and suspected the party was going to last for a while. And of course, it did, for two hours.

After the celebration died down, she found herself in total disbelief. The two ships came across an island with a huge structure taking most of it. A nice castle loomed over and touched the sky. Her eyes dazzled when she spotted an amazing symbol in the distance. "Now that's what you call a jolly roger!"

Feya was referring to the image of a cannon with flexing arms. If she had commandeered her own ship, she would've definitely added some dumbells or muscular arms in a flexed position. She acknowledged that the crew associated with that flag must be real fit nuts like her. Clapping her hands together, she couldn't hold her excitement.

Feya listened to the noises directed by the Krunch's Hachirou. Her ears picked up several faint footsteps. Progressively, it turned into a march and thunderous noise. The fitness woman's eyes lit up when she could hear the cracks of hundred men nearing the shoreline. This might have been the first time since she noticed over a hundred pirates in a single location. The overall scene of this army appeared dangerous. She would have suggested the captains of the ship retreat or start moving in another direction, but she kept quiet.

She witnessed all the men stop their tracks due to the call of their captain. Feya truly wanted to see the owner of the jolly roger. There must've been a lot of fitness knowledge coming from this one individual. In a minute, the supposed guy made his debut. He had broadening arms with ink on his biceps. The fitness woman distorted her face to demonstrate confusion. "...This guy skipped leg day. That's kind of obvious."

Feya shook her head and understood that she couldn't become too picky. It looked like the guy might have some tips regarding upper body strength. "They haven't attacked yet so maybe they're frie..." The physician became interrupted as two cannon balls splashed against the water near them. It occurred right after the man introduced himself and snapped his fingers together. "Never mind. It looks like they want to fight."

Feya sighed, she began to kneel down to the floor. She abrubtly started her workout regimen. Her first set was 200 crunches. "5...6...7...8." The fitness woman continued to count in order to get ready for the possible fight. Throughout her breathing and grunting, she could still hear the short fellow with his threats and backstory. Feya pursued her training, but stopped when her ears picked up something.

She stood back up and peered her head over the railing. "Wait, what?"

"That is y'all think that you can best me crew in a contest of strength and skill."
"-best me crew in a contest of strength and skill."

"-crew in a contest of strength and skill."

"-contest of strength and skill."

Pumping her arms up and down, adrenline began to overide her emotions and actions. "Yes!" She grabbed the shoulders of one of her nearby crewmates, Slick Drake. Feya squeezed roughly on the bone. "Did you hear that?" Shaking the shoulder uncontrollably, she let go after a few seconds. Directing her attention, she cupped her hands over her mouth and leaned over the railing. "I accept! You had me going there for a second!"

She then slapped Bonesword on the back. "This is amazing news! We can't keep them waiting for too long!" Feya basically sang that last sentence off-key. Like how she usually she does, she acted out without thinking. She jumped over the railing and dove into the water to swim to the shore.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 14 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Cannon Castle II

Cedric looked on as a single cannon flew overhead landing in the ocean behind them. That was very troublesome.

When they docked, Boone quietly told his crew, "Careful, we don't know how many there are here." Soon after, a crowd of men arrived touting pirate gear and many with altered marine jackets. The most interesting thing was their leader who challenged the group to a test of skill...that or being promptly destroyed right here and now.

"You push a hard bargain!" Boone yelled out toward the muscled man. He paused for a moment to think it over as everyone waited attentively. There was only one appropriate response, "WE ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE, SIR!" Come hell or high water they would get through this together. Along with their newly acquired allies it felt like anything was possible. Provided they didn't have another more sneaky plan in mind.

Cedric turned toward Runch with a confident grin, "Are you with us captain cereal maker?" Whatever contests they would undergo, Cedric knew they had the skill set need to overcome them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oilburn" Slick Drake

They landed upon the docks and the two crews set foot on land, not long after the sweet music began to play and Slick's blood began to boil. The invisible man remarked that the boom boom people knew they were there already, Slick's perpetual grin growing wider as he gripped onto his flamethrower tightly. The boom boom people arrived shortly, including a man who's legs looked as thin as matchsticks! Maybe his legs were matchsticks. Slick was going to have to take this man's legs to be sure. He greeted the combined crews, with a laugh that imitated the sweet orchestra that Slick specialized in. Maybe he wants to be art?

As the man talked at them, he snapped his fingers and another verse in the orchestra played. This time the results landed much closer to the ships, rocking the boats slightly and exciting Slick even further as his gaze grew cloudy. If someone looked at him they would see just how ready Slick was to begin his art. It will be so beautiful and bright. The crowd roared at him to fight and he was happy to oblige the matchstick man right now, the muscles in his legs tensing up as he prepared to leap at the man and turn him into a masterpiece never before seen by-

"Yes!" Then someone grabbed him and began shaking him very roughly, Slick barely being able to put up any resistance thanks to his lanky stature and the assailant's superior strength. This shaking also served to distract Slick as he focused in on the features of the pale doctor who constantly yelled at him about dangerous food triangles. She squeezed even harder and Slick let loose a minor groan of discomfort. "Did you hear that?" She shook him even harder before letting go, Slick collapsing to the ground with swirls of dizziness in his eyes as he struggled to comprehend what was going on.

Slick just lay on the hard ground of the island and groaned, his insides wanted to come outside. "My inner Bonekid hurts..." He moaned pitifully as the world spun around him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar touched ground, moving to the front of the groups and looking up at the large cliff faces near them. He blew a stream of O's from his special cigar, looking around as a cannonball flew overhead and nearly struck there ships.

Mhmmm. This was....

He heard the song of beating feet and shouting voices pricked at his ears, just as Hachirou and the odd Ninja man had stated.

The crowd was varied, full of pirates following this strange man. But they were all short, the poor little things.

Boone was willing to accept the offer, which Caesar nodded in agreement before flicking his nearly gone cigar into the crowd.

"Aye, let's get this hassle over with already, eh?" He spoke around a yawn, smoke snaking out from his open mouth. "Oh, yeah, Bonekid.... I'm gonna need more of that herb after this. It's almost gone."

What kind of fights would this be? Maybe there would be tests of skills? Ugh, such a burden. And against such surely pathetic beings...

He frowned, sitting on the edge of the dock and letting his foot sit lazily in the water as he lit up another cigar with the last of his stash.

"What do we get when we win?" he called across no-man's-land between the two groups.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Performing for the Gun Show?!
(hugging @yoshua171's leg)

Bonekid listened to the pirate as he stood with his crewmates, sword tightly clenched in his hand. They were given a deal, and the deal was simple. They fought to keep their goods, or they lost their goods fighting. There was clearly one option here, which was to - "I accept! You had me going there for a second!"

With an abrupt smack on his back, Feya had answered the question for the crew already. Before Bonekid could even speak his own mind, Boone shot in and agreed with Feya, sealing the deal since he was the captain. Bonekid wasn't opposed with the decision, it was what he was going to make initially. There wasn't any other option that would be sane to take. The crew had to fight, it was the only way that they'd survive this ordeal and keep their clothes (and other things).

Bonekid unsheathed his sword and hugged it tightly as he realized the severity of the situation at hand. If the Rums lost here, it was incredibly likely that the Rum Runner wouldn't be the only thing that Bonekid would be losing here. His sword was being offered on the table, and Bonekid couldn't let that be lost to these ruffians! They can't wield it properly, only he can! Out of pure anxiety, Bonekid drifted to his mother's leg as he hugged her, keeping his sword close to the two.

Caesar said something about his herbs, and it went over Bonekid's head. He was too focused on another detail. Slick was also raving about Bonekid helping him create his special brand of art, and it flew over Bonekid as well. He couldn't think about that when his sword was on the line.

He wouldn't lose. He couldn't afford it.

Wherever Bonekid's sword touched his body, the bones that once made up Bonekid began to cover up in layers of foliage and vines, acting as some sort of quasi-skin for him. Whether it was him doing it himself, nobody could tell, not even him, but he was too caught up with anxiety to notice it at the time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir - A Bunch of Fricking Fricks

They landed! And it was great, for like three seconds before cannons fired and enemies attacked. Oh noooo. He didn't even get to hugpologise to Hugsword.

Good. Maybe they'll finish what Reverse Mountain started, you son of a bitch.

Now is not the time, Derek. I need to drama. With my cool new coat and knives, I can drama my way into drama. It's a good time. First then all, they made deals that said "either be losers, do a combat, or be losers without ships". If they lost, they'd lose all their things. He had to coat more! His coat was the top tier beer coat! No. Alcohol bad.

Now, I could have said somewhat before anyone else does, but I don't do this, so instead, there are the matters that happen first. Freyr the Strangk was the said "YES" with empathy, and also so did Captain Cedric, and also so did- Slither didn't say anything. He got hurt or something. Quasar mentioned herbs and also said yes, and finally Bonesword says Yes too. Wait, no he am doesn't. On ho, too many people didn't say yes yet!

Dirk, Say Something, Quick! You Look Too Cool To Lose Your Coat! And Also Devil Fruit!

Oh right the fruit too. Divine Purpose says that's importent.

'YOU FOOOOOOOLS,' Dirk cried, but actually said 'You fools' quietly. 'You can't fight me. I'll kick you in the kick area. I have the number one ability to kill. Kill ability. Killbility. Akillity. Yes. You'll lose in any contest is what I mean.'

They don't hear your rambling Loser! Only idiots talk like you Dumbass!

Too cool to failed.

Too pathetic to win.

You shut your suck up, Derek and Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle. I'll win, and then they'll lose. And I can coat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lilliana Merrycure

As they made their approach to the now not-so-far-off island, Lilli glanced over the work on the ship and checked up with the crew. Everyone seemed mostly fine, which was great because who knew what was gonna be on that isl---CANNONS!! Her eyes going absolutely huge as she saw the fort, the scientist ran to the prow and leaned over the edge, pushing herself forwards. She almost forgot herself and plunged overboard in her excitement. Dancing away from the prow she jumped and clapped her hands in glee. B-MO mirrored the action.

"Cannons!" she squealed excitedly. It looked like a marine fort, which was good, because the marines got stuff from Dr. Vegapunk and she wanted that stuff! Of course, things became less good as cannonballs found their way to the water. Just before the natives arrived she let B-MO's form shrank and hid itself beneath her clothes and in her body in an armor of sorts. There was no telling what they would face, but this time she wanted to hide her biggest advantage.

As the island's strange inhabitants greeted them, Lilli narrowed her eyes slightly and tilted her head--though her eyes still smiled. She managed to pick up on the fact that the crew of the other ship appeared to be their allies. It also became swiftly apparent that they were in dire straits. As Bonii-chan sidled closer to her she put her hand on his bony head and smiled down at him, her eyes all a glitter with wonder.

She was finally in the Grandline and even with this new challenge, she had NO intention of being stopped here.

"Well, we may as well join this contest of strength and skill," she said following Feya, Boone, and Caesar. they didn't have much choice. What she wondered was how unfairly skewed these tests would be...and whether the islanders would cheat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Amidst all the ruckus of the other pirates cheering for a fight, the captain of the Krunch Krew merely gave a shrug and nodded to Boone. "You're the one with the special compass, so I guess we're following your lead. Omnomnom! Bullet Bill, on behalf of my crew, I accept your terms as well!" His declaration led to the cheering of the Buccaneers even louder.

"Good! Good! Truth be told I'd hate to have to scrap yer ships and bust yer skulls here and now. Wouldn't be hospitable of me, eh?" The enemy captain gave a wink. "Then let us return to the fortress, so the games can commence! If ye lose, yer ships and all yer booty become our property! But if ye win, ye get ta stay here until yer log pose registers my island, unaccosted by me mates, and then ye can leave freely! In case ye were wond'rin, the Chokehold takes about forty hours t'record on yer log pose. Now, follow us!" Bullet Bill made an emphatic wave with one arm, turned to leave, and parted through the crowd. The mass of pirates didn't follow their captain, not until both the Red Rums and the Krunch Krew had already moved reached them.

The walk up the island hill was actually quite pretty and pleasant, if one ignored the constant threat of attack and death surrounding them. The Krunches seemed to be taking the situation in stride. Their captain found the situation to be quite humorous, expressing joy that Bullet Bill had some measure of honor to offer the contest to begin with. After all, they had no need to do so, as the two crews literally had nowhere else to go unless they were to brave the Grand Line blindly. Hachirou remained stoic as ever, his face as blank and gruff as it had always been. He took the opportunity to get his cardio going by jogging. Trickshot Jo was actively shooting glares at the island's inhabitants, her body language clearly saying, "I'll slap you all silly without a care in the world." Ken... Hadn't even registered what was going on. As far as anybody could tell, the doctor was totally unaware that they had been surrounded by the enemy, much less that they were to be fighting some sort of contest. As for Smith... Wait, where did Smith go?

Dirk felt a tap on his shoulder, but nobody was around... Suddenly the Red Rum's helmsman was being moved through the crowd, just below eye line and swiftly between them all. When Dirk came to a stop, he had rounded a corner completely out of sight of the marching crowd, and the cause of his sudden movement was revealed: Smith was standing directly in front of him, but the ninja had removed his beard, hat, and eyepatch. Wait, was he harder to see now? Yes. Yes he was, for some reason. Despite wearing an all black outfit against a green and brown rocky background, losing those accessories somehow made him nearly impossible to see. Weird.

"I've measured your movements. You're used to being sneaky. I think that while our crews are fighting the enemy, we should perform some espionage and learn about these foes, find their weak points, and sabotage their operation here. Are you up for it?"

Meanwhile, the rest of the crews had been marched to the front doors of the fortress. Two large, burly pirates wearing marine coats were standing guard. Bullet Bill gave the order, and the guards opened up the doors to a grand entrance hall. Two sets of spiral stairs led to an observation balcony, which had many stands of seating placed along with a concessions booth. A single Buccaneer pirate stood at the top of the viewing balcony holding a try of popcorn and peanuts which read "50 Belli Each." The main area of the hall had been cleared of most obstacles, including the carpet. The walls were lined with targets, practice dummies, and a number of weapons. The center of the floor had a wide circle drawn around it in black paint. But perhaps the most concerning detail of all were the cannons... They had been setup all around the walls! No matter where anybody went in this room it seemed that a cannon was still pointing directly at them, what the hell?!

Bullet Bill strode with pride into the hall, his crew following and still escorting our heroes, keeping a close eye on those that remained. Nobody had picked up yet that two had gone missing. "Officers! Assemble!" One by one a group of quirky and odd characters emerged from the crowd, or around the hall. A red haired woman in a bikini, a dapper man with a cane, coat, and top hat, a tan skinned man, bare-chested, with long ears, a muscular black haired man with a clock tattooed on his back, a man clad in full armor with a face-obscuring gas mask and a marine coat, a cigar chomping man, and a pale skinned woman in fanciful leather with two swords on her side made up the entirety of the officers Bullet Bill had called to assemble, with the captain himself taking center stage between them all.

"The process is simple," began Bill. "I decide which one o'me officers is up to issue their challenge, then you decide who goes against them. When someone loses, they're out. First side to lose all their men forfeits the contest. Sound simple enough?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 14 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Cannon Castle III

Cedric followed Bullet Bill with as much confidence he could muster. Could they be leading them all to a swift execution? When they arrived inside the entrance hall Boone couldn't help but marvel at the grand design. The cannons lining the walls were a little concerning however..

He also noticed Dirk was not among them. He hoped beyond hope that he didnt do something spectacularly stupid. But other then a nervous twitch, Cedric did not show any signs of something being wrong. In response to Bullet Bill Cedric replied, "It is as simple as any elimination match I've ever seen. But tell me, what is with all the cannons aiming at the center here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir - Smooth Fish Partying

It looked like all the boys were back in town now then now. It was all the best. They'd battol the minions of Minion Master, and he will be defeated in rapid speed timings, with the Divine Purpose said to do it now, immediately, do it.

You aren't going fast enough Idiot! Stop going backwards Slowpoke!

But he's going forwards. The Divine Purpose told him so.

...no wait. I am moving in the wrong direction. I guess this is what's the thing is now. Oh, it's that Ninjask who has the face beard, but not any more, since he looks without seeing being there's no seeing him tonight. He's very difficult to see, you see.

How are you always barely coherent, you utter reject?

'No shush Derek, the nice man is saying the words,' Dirk said, his head tilting as the lad said- oh wait his name is Smiff. Smift said that they wanted to do sneaking around. But then Dirk couldn't get to the fight.

You'd fail anyway Moron! You're so pathetically weak Loser!

'No, Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle, that's you,' he murmured, still headtiltthinking to himstilt. Stilts are nice. He could have time for stilts if he did the best thing. And the Divine Purpose had there was it said he would heave sad go to the chin, and do that with Taylor Smith. But a problem said itself.

'I actually don't into the hide,' I pronounce in quiet. 'It's what has there's me, okay. And the Divine Purpose tells me to do the thing. Which I do. Which is a good yes.' He untilted to retilt the other way, then fully untilted properly that time the there. 'Yes, okay. We can steal their coats.' He needed coats. He never had a coat before the guy who Slick was at Click Town with took there coat, and Dirk liked it, so he needed to get more coat. It was nice. So they had to go then. Where to go? Not into the fight area, probelly.
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