True Name: Pandarus
Aliases: Prince of Zeleia
Class: Archer
Gender: Male
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 96 kg
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Wish for the Grail: To go back, and not fire the arrow at Menelaus.
Personality: A confident, witty man, though cunning, and a fairly skilled orator. His personality has been seen as a bit of a paradox, though one that makes complete sense to him. Pandarus knows when to be wise-cracking, when the time for jokes has to become to an end. As the Prince of a kingdom, his skill as a politician was paramount, but a warrior doesn't need to constantly be a politician.
In a sense, he reflects the situation he faced into, though everything comes with a bit of a knowing smirk. He has a bit of a weakness for cute girls, but he "refuses" to let that overtake him.
Has a serious hatred of Athena.
Background: Born as the Prince of Zeleia, Pandarus was born for greatness. Even at a young age, he was a skilled hunter, killing a ram and creating a bow from it's horns. His skill as a hunter as a boy caught Apollo's eyes. That, on top of Zeleia being deeply devout to Apollo, led to him training Pandarus himself.
The training lasted for many years, but eventually, his training was complete. As a graduation present, Apollo gave Pandarus his bow and arrows. Thankful for the God's support, Pandarus gave him an offering, and returned to his Kingdom. Upon his return, there was a large celebration. After all, it was incredibly rare for a God to teach any mortal. Legends were already beginning to spread about Pandarus, and he would have more exploits to further his fame.
Now, where did it all go wrong?
As it did for many heroes, The Trojan War was ultimately what stopped this budding young hero. His kingdom was an ally of Troy, and he brought his army in order to assist them. By this time, his legend was already incredibly well known, and he was considered an archer without peer. He led his armies into battle without fear, and it seemed to be going incredibly well.
Until Athena happened.
During a truce where the Achaens, and Trojans could have made peace, and there may have been a peaceful return of Helen, Athena spoke out to Pandarus. Athena wanted nothing more than for Troy to fall, and this peace wouldn't result in that. In an effort to start the fighting once more, she found the greatest Archer on the Trojan side, and told him to shoot Menelaus. She assured him that there would be nothing but honor if he was to kill Menelaus right now, and so, trusting the Goddess, Pandarus fired an arrow into Menelaus. This arrow would have surely killed him...
If it wasn't for Athena.
Instead of an attack that would have killed Menelaus, Athena knocked the arrow a bit, making it severely wound Menelaus, but not something fatal. Just to be sure that he would survive this, Athena healed him.
With the potential peace treaty now completely out of the realm of possibility, the two sides continued to fight. Pandarus would fight as well, at least, until he was pulled aside by Aeneas. He asked for his assistance in dealing with Diomedes, who was causing a mayhem on the battlefield.
Pandarus was hesitant at first, knowing that Diomedes had gained the favor of some God, which is why he was so strong. However, he had Apollo on his side, and it wasn't like Diomedes had Athena backing him.
Well, of course he did.
Diomedes had Athena blocking nearly all of the arrows, though those that hit were nearly fatal. When their chariots got closer, Diomedes threw his spear at Pandarus, and Athena guided it, making sure it would impale Pandarus right through his head.
Thus, this was the end of Pandarus. A hero who should have been greater, but had the unfortunate luck of being hated by Athena.
Strength B
Endurance: C
Agility: A+
Magical Energy: B
Luck: D
Class Skills:
Independent Action: A
It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.
Magic Resistance: B
Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
Personal Skills:
Clairvoyance: C
Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey a town and search for enemies. In addition, Clairvoyance will affect the accuracy of bows. It connotes superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capture, such as to supplement the long-range aiming of projectile weapons.
Eye of the Mind (False): B
A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions
Mana Burst (Flames): A
A version of Mana Burst that infuses weapons with Magical Energy that imparts a flame effect.
A Skill that came attached to his Noble Phantasm that he received from the Sun God Apollo. Jet-like burst of mana is released, not from his body, but as propulsion for his arrows, allowing them to pierce Pandarus' enemies faster than a rifle.
Military Tactics: C+
Tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilized. Bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing against an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.
Was regarded a knowledgeable, and famous general in his homeland of Lycia. When charging headfirst after sending a prayer to Apollo, he gains his modifier.
Combat Capabilities: A true Archer at heart, Pandarus prefers to sit back and fire his arrows from a distance. He can fire arrows at an incredible speed, so he tries his best to end fights before anyone gets too close. In the event that someone does, as he was trained by Apollo, he has some minor skill in melee combat, but he would surely be defeated by an expert.
Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Delphinius: Bow of the Sun
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Description: A Divine Construct forged by Hephaestus himself for Apollo. The young God desired to hunt, and after begging Hephaestus long enough, he was gifted a silver bow of the sun. It was a weapon used by Apollo to slay many beasts, such as the Python at Delphi. After Pandarus' training with Apollo, the God loaned him his bow.
The bow is an inescapable part of Apollo's legend, as well as possessing the bow being the second greatest feat done by Pandarus. As it is a bow of the sun, it grants Pandarus Mana Burst (Flames). On top of that, it comes equipped with Apollo's arrows as well. As they were used to slay many monsters, the arrows themselves come with an Anti-Monster attribute.
The true power of the bow comes when the true name is invoked. As it is one with Apollo, and Apollo is one with the sun, it could be said that the bow itself is the sun at it's peak. Once the name is invoked, a powerful blast, on par with the destructive force of the sun, is released. Even the blast from the Knight of the Sun can't compare with the true power of the sun itself.
Where Phoebus Calamity seeks to kill, this Noble Phantasm only cares for complete destruction.
Name: Phoebus Calamity: A Summoning of Apollo's Wrath
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Description: Despite sharing a similar theme to the Noble Phantasm of another Greek Archer, it takes place from an entirely different legend. Before leading his army into battle against the Achaens, Pandarus fired an arrow into the sky as an offering to Apollo. In response, arrows flew down from the heavens against the enemy army.
Nocking an arrow, an offering for Apollo, he aims them at the sky as they begin to shine, before releasing them at a great enough speed that they pierce through the clouds while leaving behind a glittering trail. Shortly after, there comes a faint light filling the sky and a sound similar to falling rain, but instead of it being a rain of water, it is a rain of arrows of light falling onto the enemies like a downpour. As the malevolent gods seek a sacrifice, they scatter down a "torrential rain under the name of calamity" on the next turn after it is invoked, carrying out an attack on all enemies. It is possible to set the range of the downpour, letting it spread over the battlefield or focusing it all onto a single enemy.
Concentrated targeting to purify a single enemy is much stronger. The option to switch between raining arrows over a wide area or a narrow area makes it a very convenient Noble Phantasm.
Name: Truce Breaker: Arrow That Ends Peace
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Army
Description: Archer's greatest feat, if it can even be called that, was him firing an arrow into Menelaus during a temporary truce, forcing the fighting to start up once more. Of course, this wasn't Pandarus' idea, but the idea of Athena. The Goddess came over to the warrior, and whispered into his ear the renown he would gain if he slayed Menalus. False promises of the war ending, and a Trojan victory all because he fired this arrow. Needless to say, firing his arrow only brought Pandarus heartache.
Instead of an arrow meant to strike and kill, this Noble Phantasm acts a means to cause chaos among those who are caught in it's path. Those caught begin to break into battle, clashing and fighting just as the Trojans and Achaeans did. There is no concept of truce, or peace, or even ally. Hell must break lose upon the battlefield, as it what was the Goddess wished. None are free from this effect, for it is the decree of a Goddess.