Grand Ridge - Conference Room - ???
When Penny peeled, Justin was reminded of what the vision showed. He remained quiet during the whole thing in awe... but, perhaps he should listen to the weird God-Child Spirit thing (Justin felt that "God-Child" would be a sufficient name for their otherworldly friend). He was no hero - he knew that it was selfish to assume so, but he felt like he had no stakes in this town, if anything, he has less stake - but he felt some need to stop what happened to that person from happening to anyone else. Penny left before they could do any formal planning of movement. Just fuckin' out the door. So, Justin was going to try to coordinate something....
"Claire!" Justin turned to his brown-haired friend, and added on, "I'm going to the Sucre."
The girl pouted in irritation... the last thing that she wanted to do was prove that bitch Penny right, but if ending Scott's rampage could end the worse of it (which was what Claire inferred from the dream or whatever). So, putting Scott's little toothpick where the sun won't shine was on Claire's agenda. "I'm goin' with you - as you can see, Penny will probably need somebody without a head stuck up their ass to help her."
"Sucre, that's the uh - the place, right?" Nate cut in, his thoughts still flickering between what he'd seen, what he'd said and what their childlike visitor had said. "Where the God-Kid was showing?"
"The cafe," Justin answered, "It's not that far away, we can probably run there."
"Run there?" Nate's tone of voice suggested that he was a little daunted by the prospect, not much surprise for a guy of his frame - walking? That was easy enough, he could walk for miles and keep on going, but running? And into
that meatgrinder? What chance did he have -
this was stupid - what was he thinking? There were people about to get cut to pieces here and he was wasting his time thinking on the stupid things, knowing full-well that the
vision or whatever it was that showed Quent and Viv in that sea of corpses and shadowy silhouettes wasn't just a bullshit shroom hallucination. Everything that had happened, the massacre, the dream, the powers- no, abstractions - it was all real. "To this guy?"
"I mean, um," Justin nervously ran a hand through his hair, "Hypothetically."
Britney was still reeling over the vision, trying to make sense of just
what had communicated with them. The sight of all that
realistic gore and violence wasn't going to escape her mind. When Rita spoke to her - unintentionally using her abstraction on her - Britney replied with the first thing that came to mind. Even if it was... a bit rude for the otherwise cordial girl.
"... It means that
perhaps that being is trying to tell us to go there. Obviously."
After the effects of Rita's abraction wore off, and Britney shook her head and replied with, "Sorry about that...."
"So we just
go there, to stop this guy? How?" The God-Kid seemed to have all their answers - he'd (assuming iteven was a he) known all their powers, what was going on, talking like some kind of mystic out of any number of clichés thrown at him by nearly two decades' worth of pop culture. "There's gotta be a way, y'know? We can't just-"
Only then did it click.
Quent! Nate's fears that his uncle would get pulled into this, chewed up and spat out by the walking roid-rage that Reese had shifted into bubbled to the surface of his thoughts, but what if - what if
they were there, too? As a Deputy of the local Sheriff's Department, he'd have a gun, or guns more like - and even though Reese had gone apeshit, maybe there was something that would fuck with the guy's head if he had to go up against a cop, the same people who worked under his old man. On one hand, he didn't want to involve Quent - not least so he could keep his own ass covered and keep people out of this clusterfuck, but on the other he didn't want more people to die if there was something they could do, like this God-Kid had shown them. After a moment's pause, Nate hastily fished his phone out of itsp ocket, swiping through his contacts from A to Q, where he found the right name -
Was he really gonna do this?"Huh?" Claire asked as she peered over to Nate, "What plan are you cookin' up?"
"I uh, shouldn't we try and call the cops?" Self-doubt wasn't something he could easily hide in this instance. The whole situation made him feel turned up on his own head.
"Hmph," Was the sound that Justin made... he didn't have too high of an opinion of the Sheriff department due to them failing him when he needed them the most. "Are you sure those donut-eaters are gonna even get off their asses?" Justin asked with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "We're better off just doing things ourselves.They'd get in the way - if they showed up at all." He stared down Nate.
"They're not all like that, right?" Nate shrugged, "Gotta be at least
one of them who's not an asshole, I mean." And he knew which one, even if these guys didn't.
"Yeah, but we want to risk getting the ones that
are assholes on us?"
"... Let's also keep in mind that the good old Sheriff's son is the one doin' the damage." Claire crossed her arms as she took Justin's side. She never thought of him of that much of a rebel. He may have had some... bad experiences in the past with the cops. Claire herself didn't have a good opinion of them either, but
she wasn't the one who was shooting it down the
second fatboy opened his mouth. Almost made her grin, but she needed to get over there fast as possible. "If there's anyone we should keep outta' this, it's them."
"Fine." Witnessing Claire's recent outburst hadn't helped him in coming to a decision, but on top of that and the point they'd just made, Nate didn't really want to drag the only real family he had in town into this mess. "So.. what do we do?"
I'm gonna go there and punch Scott's lights out," Claire just frankly said with a shrug, "I don't know what you two are gonna do." She peered over to Nate for a moment...
he'd make a great decoy, heh, she thought to herself.
"We go and help, that's what," Justin answered, nearly annoyed. Too much time is wasted on wondering what can and cannot be done instead of doing it. Especially when Scott's on a rampage and people are in danger. "If we're going to do anything, we need to do it now." Justin said as he moved over to the door.
Britney had much faith in Claire and Justin... given that they came out of the last confrontation with Reese scotsfree, she was certain that they'd be able to take him again. Especially with a month of learning how to use their abstractions. Britney wanted to help, but there was much that needed to be done back here... well, she also wanted to be ready in case that Reese was just a distraction. "I'm going to stay here and organize our next move... stay safe."
"Right," Nate shrugged, pressing a palm into his knee as he shifted over towards the doorn "Because you'll be safe
here for sure, right?" Shifting his attention between Claire and Justin, he waved them over, "C'mon then, you know where you're going."
"She'll be safer here than we will be - but let's get a move on already. Bbefore it's too late," Claire sardonically said with crossed arms, as she quickly turned to the door. "I got a truck in the back - it'll just be a lil... cramp." She looked at Nate for a moment before she went out the door and passed two weird kids - Justin was right behind her. They quickly made it to the parking lot, and got into Claire's grandfather's pick up truck - like Claire said, it was crampt, but she made it work. Once everyone was strapped in, Claire hit reverse and was out of there, speeding towards the Sucre as fast as she could.
@Mike73@AtrophyCafe Sucre
The barrage of change hit Scott fairly hard - what would probably shoot through a regular person only left some nasty bruises in his body. He grunted as that hardly did anything to stop him. She tried to dodge, but Scott was still right on top of her. He could crush her with an easy movement... but, he felt his entire body come to a complete stop. He looked confused for a moment, as he just stopped dead in his tracks. He saw Penny dodge, and fire another object at him that he was powerless to stop. However, once it hit him, he felt his ability to move return. He loudly growled in rage, as he realized it may have been the work of his original target. Killing her would render it
easy to eliminate the others...
... However, his master told him that it was finally time to leave. There were more Awakened on the way, ones with abstractions capable of giving him trouble, and right now, his master wanted him killing the strays.
He dropped his weight, as he bent his knees, before he leaped high up into the sky, landing on an opposing building. Far out of reach of both Penny and Jasmine. He quickly broke off into a sprint as he fled fast as he could.
There wasn't much that Kimberly could do other than leave Penny behind. If she wanted to fight Reese, then she could go ahead. She put the keys in the ignition, and right when she was about to peel off, a red truck came up and cut off the car. "Damn it." She hissed to herself - but then she recognized the two getting out as those she saw at camp... They were still in the freaking way.
"What are they doing?!" Jordan frantically asked... before she saw a shape moving upwards in the rearview mirror. She looked up, and saw fuckin' Scott Reese jumping on the roof like he was superman. Jordan raised an eyebrow as she said, "The hell!?"
Claire and Justin ran out the truck, ready for this fight... only for Scott to retreat the second they get there. Claire balled her fist up as she said, "... Run! Run away you coward!" Claire shouted at him as the red aura surrounded her.
Going back to the subject of choosing battles... it seems Scott (ironically) had the trait that both Claire and Penny lacked: He knew when to pick his battles. There was no way for them to chase him feasible (unless by vehicle). Justin shook his head. "Is everyone okay?" Justin asked. As grim as it sounded, Scott
won. He killed two people, and got away without a single scratch on him.
Kimberly and Jordan got out the vehicle, and Jordan immediately knelt over and grabbed her leg in pain. "I'm doin' fine, for the most part." Jordan said.
"Not a scratch on us."
"Yeah, all I need to hear," Claire turned towards Penny, and gave her a look of disgust, not even saying a word to her.
However, Justin was the one that tended to Penny, "Are you okay?" He said, noticing her bruises, "Sorry we couldn't get here faster..."