Brash ♦ Bold ♦ Sarcastic ♦ Selfless ♦ Aloof ♦ Dishonest
NameBo Ophelious
Physical Details- Height - 5'10''
- Weight - 175 lbs
- Hair color - Red/Orange
- Eye color - Green
- Other details - Missing right eye, Has a crude tattoo of a dolphin on the back of his hand.
PersonalityBo sits somewhere between lovable idiot and total jackass. For a fisherman who spends so much time braving the seas, he cannot take anything seriously for the life of him. Considering his demeanor, it's pretty difficult to find Bo with anything other than a stupid smile smeared across his dumb face. But don't let that fool you, this guy's main prerogative in life is to be in control of everything. That's just the way he likes it. Fortunately for him most things end up going his way. For a loudmouthed ass hat, he's pretty good at baiting others into his pace, whether it's through conversation or some exotic spear-play.
Though Bo doesn't seem to care about anyone other than himself, he's quite kind to people who don't give him any reason not to be. It's a special type of kindness though, wherein he treats everyone like a child and maintains a very subtle aura of command. If somebody has to look out for the 'little people' it's definitely going to be the infamous fish-boy with a heart of copper and a tongue sharp enough to cut through paper. He's always looking out for others before looking out for himself.
What bothers Bo more than anything else is when people act like they're on top of the world. He's terrible at following orders, especially when those orders are stupid. This is pretty hypocritical of him and he knows it, but it doesn't stop the guy from dousing arrogant twats in a swathe of sarcasm and belittlement, all while wearing a smug little grin. On the opposite end of the spectrum, he is terrible at taking compliments, however rarely they might come his way. Rather than pump up his ego even more, getting complimented actually makes him doubt himself and stumble over his own words like there's a wad of cotton lodged in his mouth. The more sincere and personal the compliment, the worse it is. Bo is especially bad at dealing with women who don't hate him. He's no stranger to rejection or negativity - It's almost like he sustains himself on it - but when it comes to flirting, he might as well be an Oyster. Even if that's the case, he's always fantasized about being somebody's prince charming. Of course, he'd never admit it.
ClassStrengthsBo has exceptional balance and excels at activities like acrobatics, climbing, handling large weapons, and swimming. With his lithe body frame and ability to handle pressure without much trouble, this fisherman keeps himself in one piece by shifting the tides of life in his favor. While he can't create water on his own, Bo can freely control liquids around himself as long as their volume is roughly 90% H2O or more. This doesn't work on water in the human body, or that of any living thing. Of course, his real claim to fame is his proficiency with Pole-arms, spears, harpoons, and other elongated weapons. Even when he's not on duty, he carries a long harpoon-like spear on his back at a 45 degree angle. He's awfully apt with the thing, even if it does trip people walking past him occasionally. Combining his attributes together, Bo's a tricky son of a bitch on his own, even more so if he's anywhere near a lake.
WeaknessesDespite his inherent agility and quick wit, Bo is built like a toothpick and has almost no pain tolerance. He cannot take a hit to save his life and lacks the fortitude to keep moving efficiently if any part of his body is in pain. Although he puts on a brave face, this makes him terrified of little knives and projectiles, considering how quickly they move. The last thing he wants to put up with is a hole in his stomach. If that wasn't terrible enough, Bo does not like blood in the slightest. Even though it's mostly a liquid substance, he can't use his magic to drain corpses like a psychotic vampire, and if he ends up covered in too much of the stuff, he'll start to panic like crazy. He's also too carefree for his own good, but it usually doesn't matter too much.
What were you doing when the princess was kidnapped?As a fishermen who practically supports his entire family by capturing uh, fish, Bo was present near Gardenia's annual festival with his cart full of various sea creatures. The people of this royal city couldn't get enough of his pristine product, especially since he brought them into the city live and fresh. Do you know how much a sea-food connoisseur will pay for a mussel if you polish the shell a little and say it's magical? Enough. With his occupation keeping him close to the castle at the time of the princess' unfortunate kidnapping, Bo was one of the first people to respond! He just wasn't... All that effective at doing anything productive to save her.