The Reid Farmhouse – Outside to Main House
@Atrophy@He Who Walks Behind@Prosaic@FernStone@Mike73
"Remember, not to make too much of a mess. Try to make like we were
never here."
As cliche as it sounded, splitting actually had some merits behind it. First, they're not all jamming themselves into a small building. Secondly (and honestly the most importantly to Britney) she could
maybe delay the ticking powder keg that was about to blow between certain members of the group. Keeping them apart until she could
maybe come up with some way to
maybe get each other off each others throats. And finally... this was a personal thing, but Britney honestly had little clue about a few members of the group (and vice versa). That was something that she should change.
Speaking of which, there was that mousy girl that she heard that Claire didn't like... Rita her name was? Or something. She was probably the most enigmatic to Britney out of the whole group. During the whole support group she was completely quiet, other than one question that kind of annoyed Britney. That put her high on her list of people to watch. So, when she asked a question, Britney was surprised. Though, she was oddly compelled to speak her mind a bit more than she normally would.
"I was actually hoping that you'd join me," Britney said with a smile. "You're too quiet and I get the feeling I need to keep my eye on you." She said, before her eyes went wide. She looked to the left and right then quickly decided to casually play off what she said with laughter.
At this point, Isabella made her approach and Britney was filled with joy (because she was finally able to play off what she just said to Rita). "Isabella, I'm glad you made it," Britney started off, but she was prepared to ask that question when Jazmine walked up and asked if Isabella was in on it. This was another question that got under her skin a little bit because... why wouldn't she be? At this point, why would Britney get normal people involved?
"Yup, I told her everything," Britney said with a smile, "Not just that..." Britney raised her hand a little bit to reveal the sigil on the palm of her hands. "... She's one of us."
She shook her head, and looked up at the sky. It was going to get dark soon, really soon, and the last thing that Britney wanted to be was near the mountain at night. Getting caught by Scott when it was dead at night was also not a great idea either. So the faster she got things moving the better.
"I'll stay out here," Andrea said in a Polish accent, and Britney nodded.
"Alright, let's hurry up and get a move on, we don't have any time to waste." Britney said as she flagged everyone along to come with her. She made it to the porch of the house, and decided there were two possible methods of entry: the front door, or the window. There wasn't any way for her to get in through the door without destroying it, so she had another idea. She mouseyed over to the window that was just to the left and put her hand on it. A light-yellow, near brown, colored light appeared over her hand. A wooden root came out of her hand and traveled through the small gap in the window until it appeared on the other side.
Eventually, with a bit of focus, Britney made the root unhook the lock, and then she grabbed the window and pulled it open. She stepped to the side and looked at the group and said,
"... Can one of you slip through here and open the door?" She pointed at the window, "I'm going to be blunt here and say I'm too big to fit through here."
While everyone was talking, Kimberly was indulging herself in a hobby that she hadn't partaken in in a long time; photography. It was stupid to leave evidence that they were even here, but she wasn't missing the opportunity to take such great shots against the sunset. Merely because she was having a bit of fun here. It was almost as if her little web series came to life. Britney explained everything to her and she couldn't hardly believe it. Magic, Gods, and... eldritch abominations? The last thing took some believing to wrap her head around, but everything else added up. But that left the question as she flicked through the photos and went to one that she had taken of herself with that sigil on her forehead...
... Was she an Awakened?
"Let's split up, gang," Jordan sarcastically said to herself as she crossed her arms. Out of everyone here, she felt she was the least thrilled to be here. Jordan was a crippled girl, and had no agency in this whole nonsense, and felt like she was pulled into it. Still, if she fled, who's to say that whatever was going on here would follow her... especially that Hound. She was reluctant to bring it up, only because out of all the things that was brought up, the Hound wasn't one of them. Maybe it was just... in her head. Or maybe it was targeting her specifically. The thoughts made her anxious. Was she really supposed to die? Then how is she standing here? This was all too confusing.
Billy came up and interrupted both Kimberly and Jordan's train of thought. He urged them to hit up the garage... and while, personally, she would love to hit up the house or the barn, the garage wasn't too bad of an idea. Even if it turns out to have no leads, she could always go to the house herself to investigate. Kimberly nodded her head as she said, "That's a great idea, let's go." Both Nathan and Rien tagged along to zero complaints from Kimberly.
"Ha-ha," Jordan said as she rolled her eyes at the joker. She went along with Kimberly as she went along to the garage. The first thing that she noticed was that one of the garage doors were open. If she was in her home city of Philadelphia she'd note that'd be a great way to get all of your tools stolen by crackheads. But here... in a backwards ass town where everyone knew each other, maybe they had a different idea of what was safe 'round these parts. Still, there were some signs that it was left open in a rush due to the skid marks and dirt trail all the way to the gate.
Kimberly was the first to poke her head into the garage... it was dark as hell, so Kimberly went through her camera and turned on night vision as she looked around. She noticed that there were two other vehicles in there, an old ass pick up truck, and a muscle car that was clearly being worked on. It had no wheels, and it was obvious that there wasn't an engine in there. Kimberly noted all the tools that were around the place. There had to be at least
twelve toolboxes lying around. Really dated tools, though. Probably a good fifth were useless. But if they're looking for a lead on John Reid, and his past as a Guardian.
"Yeah," Jordan crossed her arms as she smirked at all the stuff they have to look through. "Easy mode."
"How about we go check the cars first?" Kimberly said, "If there's something hidden, maybe it'd be in there."
"Hey Mr. Cullen!" Martin heard the voice call out to him before he could even go into the barn, and once he turned, he saw the massive frame of Hagan Rosefey. Whom had resisted the urge to call him a faggot. He was wearing a tank top, and a pair of jeans... and had a baseball bat slung over his shoulder. "Dunno if you got my text; but stop sending me fuckin' paragraphs like a weirdo! Jesus!" He shook his head.
Okay, he hardly understood what was going on. He
meant to attend the support group... but he sleep through it. Which sucked, because according to fagboy he missed a
lot. Gods, magic, Guardians, oh my. And so once fagboy sent him a text explaining everything... he had to scratch his head. First he sent him a text to never send him a paragraph
(who fuckin' does that?), then he had to ask for some clarification. After he got clarification... he decided he was going to come along. At least in some vain attempt to understand what the fuck is going on.
That said, he turned away from Martin, then walked over to Caela. "Hey, squirt," Hagan playfully said to her with a playful smirk. Normally he'd just stay out here, but with his friend here, he decided to tag along with her. "Just comin' along just in case you get spooked by a ghost in there."
He tapped the bat onto his shoulder as he said, "I wonder if ghosts have a weakness to baseball bats... well they'll find out won't they?"
Though, Lynette had her attention on Britney and the mousy girl. Right when the short girl asked that question, her aura began to glow and that caught Lynette's interest. It didn't take a genius to figure out that her abstraction had something to do with her voice, or talking. Because that was just
no way that was a simple Freudian Slip. She smiled a bit, but kept her mouth shut. To be honest here, she didn't trust too many of her compatriots here, powers or not. Penny had a point, and while Lynette was far less.. cynical than her, she still kept her guard up until she got a feel for them.
Now, she would normally see to it that she investigates the house with Britney's group. However, there was a fifty-fifty chance of finding information in the farm. A fifty-fifty chance of something being in the garage, and a fifty-fifty chance of finding something in the house. Lynette wasn't really in it for the group, her own journey brought her here so of course this must be apart of it. She was hoping to find something herself, stash it in her purse, and be out of here without anyone being none the wiser until it was too late. Maybe share it with the group after she got what she wanted, but with less people going there it'd be more likely of finding something herself. If it turns out to be a dead end then she'd slip into the house and figure something out.
Still, she wanted to do something first, she went to Aliana and graced a hand on her shoulder, as she spoke in Spanish,
"Aliana... I'm here for my own reasons, but can I ask you a favor?" She spoke quickly, as she wanted to get to the barn,
"If you find something like Mr. Reid's notes, could you show it to me first before Britney?" She walked off towards the barn with the others, she wasn't sure if Aliana was coming.
The front doors to the barn were kept closed with the usage of a wooden plank, but Hagan walked up and lifted it straight up. Immediately the doors parted, but Hagan reached in and parted the doors... and immediately, they were bombarded with a stench like no other! The place was desolate. There had obviously not been a activity in this barn for ages. The floor was spackled with cowpies that had to have been there for
years. It was incredibly dusty, and the main source of light was from the cracks in the ceiling. There were also old piles of hay, and old farming equipment lying around.
Lynette had pinched her nose, "This smells awful!" She nearly said in spanish because the upscale New Yorker couldn't bare the smell.
"What? Can't take a little stink?" Hagan teasingly said, completely nonplussed by the smell.
However, she came up with an idea because she was reminded of some experimentation she did with her abstraction. It was risky, but this place could use some cleaning. "Somebody grab me a stick or something, I need to
air this place out."
With the group going their separate ways, Justin felt like he finally had some breathing room to talk. He had a cigarette in between his fingers, and was taking puffs of it while he watched the sunset. Claire wasn't too far away, but she wasn't what was on his mind. Tuyen had elected to stay outside and that was a good thing. They needed to have a word. "Hey Tuyen!" He said as he called Tuyen over as put out his cigarette - it was at the end anyway. When she approached he crossed his arms as he leaned up against a tree, "I don't think you've been introduced to my smoking buddy, Claire."
"Hey." Claire said as she weakly waved at Tuyen. She was keeping her eye on Penny and the crippled girl...
"So, I was curious..." Justin trailed off, "What do you think of our group so far...? And be honest here, I won't bite, and neither will Claire."