Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Goblin Barth

Day Five: Early Morning

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

Vivid colors danced throughout his dreams in the form of the various plants he had seen during his exploration yesterday. Even when he had been following/assisting his fellow Goblin he couldn’t his gaze off of the flora for long. He wanted to know what purpose they served, especially the ones that he could get a sense for. Both the beneficial and negative, for if he knew what they did he would be able to make use of them.

His dreams were cut short when he was woken by a nudge from Nyma. He took a moment to blink the remaining sleep from his eyes before stretching out and standing. Glancing around in search for his makeshift weapon he found it where he had left it after passing out against the wall as he suspected he would. Grabbing ahold of the staff he made his way over to Nyma who had set herself up to begin the task of creating weapons for them. While he was more than happy to use his walking stick there would be no harm in having an additional weapon.

Setting the staff back down he sat beside it, directly across from Nyma so they both would have plenty of room to work. Taking up one of the jagged rocks and a sapling he began to mimic her actions, carving away at one end of it to sharpen it to a deadly point. As he worked he let his mind wonder a bit towards future ideas. If he could fashion a way to strap one of the spears to his body he could use his staff to stun and then switch to the spear for the killing blow. It would make for a cleaner kill than repeatedly bashing in the head of whatever he happened to be against.

Rather than a nudge it was Nyma’s questions toward the elder goblin that brought Barth back to reality this time. He was interested to hear the answers to her questions, more information was never a bad thing. Everything they learned while in safety was one less thing they would have to discover while out exploring. Especially if the goblins that came before them asked any important questions. With this in mind he decided to pose his own as well, once Nyma had finished.

”Do you know where I could find more information about the local plants? I get certain vibes off of some of them and it would be nice to know how to put them to use.”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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@Crusader Lord@Kheliop

Grandpa had been sleeping at the edge of the cave like he always did and especially since so many of his young ones haven't returned home last night he was worried that something horrible might have happened. He didn't wake up until he heard a voice call out to him and he groaned as he woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked outside to see that it was morning. He turned to see the two late ones start to build their weapons for their hunt no doubt. He heard the young one known as Nyma ask about general information that he has already told the others. He smirked and started to explain about the three gods that rule this world and about how the beasts are laid out with the wolves to the west and so on. The answer that was most interesting was when she asked about spirits and he laughed a bit as he said "Of course little one. I myself have not been lucky enough to see a spirit in the forest but I do know that they exist. There are spirits known and nymphs that embody the virtues of nature from water to fire and even the grass and everything in between. They have minds of their own however there are also creatures known as the fairies which are no bigger than your little palm and are endlessly playful and happy. They only reveal themselves to those with pure hearts. he explained with a smile not expecting one of the young ones to ask such an innocent question. Then he turned to the other young one as he asked about the flowers and plants around him and he said "Oh make no mistake there are many different kinds of plants out their and the farther south you go the more exotic and dangerous they are. There are even those that can eat you if your not careful

both Goblins gain knowledge of the three and Fairy knowledge: They both now know of the fairies that inhabit the forest around them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Prepping for the next one >>>> A whole new world /// Day 5 // Morning

The night was long but in the end the rag tag group of goblins proved victorious. The pile of bones at the door was a good sign. Although suffering from minor scrapes and bruises himself, Girds tactic to get in close and pull the skeletons down seemed to have worked well enough. The others all seemed to be completely worn out after the fight. He did help the others barricade the door before finding a nice corner and promptly falling asleep. Before he went to sleep he was met with a strange notice, “do you wish to Evolve?” mentally checking yes Gird did not remember anything else.

His dreams were strange and a bit unsettling. He hadn't had dreams before, not like this anyway. It was black and white and devoid of sound. He had found himself at the base of the large tree where he killed the alpha rabbit with Luz. He remembered reaching out to the tree only for it and the surrounding forest to wither away and turn to dust.

Left in an open field of dead trees and dirt, the goblin watched as hundreds of skeletons began to emerge from the ground around him and surround him. The skeletons were of different creatures, some wore armor while others wore nothing at all. Their cold red eyes stared at the goblin and with a blood chilling scream all charged at him. Right before they reached the goblin he woke up.

Gird woke up with a start and was immediately on his feet. “Skeletons!” he shouted getting himself in a fighting position. He thought he would be ready for anything. Yet, as his eyes adjusted to the morning light he found himself surrounded by strangers. And when he looked at himself he did not recognize who he was.

What strange pale white skin and black sharp claws. He could feel his teeth where a bit sharper, and he felt stronger. He felt like he could do anything, and the claws did seem to fold up into his hands nicely, so he didn't have to worry about hurting himself when he punched things. Gird noticed that the others had changed as well, one of them was already at the altar, but he couldn't hear what he was saying if anything at all.

“Wow” was all he could muster to say as he looked himself over. His scar was still on his side, a bit less noticeable. The others were still sleeping or at least didn't want to get up yet. Gird struck out at the air a few times before being satisfied. He did find himself picking up a few of his things. The vine wrap was now almost to small to carry his things and the Alpha rabbit pelt was almost choking him now.

The hobgoblin spent the next few minutes readjusting everything he had on him and making the simple loin cloth he had a bit roomier with the alphas pelt. Gird walked over to the now dried but untouched alpha rabbit meat and took a leg off of it before consuming it. looking to the Hobgoblin at the altar he smiled, “I uh, I don't know which one you are but I'm still Gird. Anyways I'm going to go outside for a moment.” with that he rushed to the door and moved a few of the barricades that were very heavy last night but now seemed like nothing.

Opening the door and getting outside, he stopped smelling the fresh air and enjoying the sunlight on his pale skin. He was quick to gather some mud to help conceal him before trying his luck with climbing several trees. He was both testing out how well his claws did with climbing and to gather more vines and vegetation for his camouflage. Gird stayed around the stone structure but would otherwise continue to do this until someone would interrupt him.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 5: Early Morning

Nyma listened with eager intent as she finished sharpening her second spear and set it to the side of her along with the first one she had completed. It was a rudimentary weapon, but...it would make do. She would leave at least one of the last two she had collected to her compatriot, so he had a backup as well. Though for having grabbed most of the sticks here herself, she felt better to keep charge of the majority. Just in case she, or Barth here, needed one later if they ran out of others they were making.

However, the information from Grandpa was most interesting, as the knowledge about these nymphs and faeries seemed to tug at that same "cut rope" inside of her she felt earlier. As if it was a sign these where what that "connection" wanted to be like. Or with. This feeling made the female young goblin give serious and somber pause, before looking out the entrance of the cavern and back to grandpa and Barth, before looking down again at her pile of two spears and one young tree/stick left to sharpen. Would seeking a deity, or perhaps one of the spirits of the forest, help settle this feeling and give her genuine insight into its nature for certain? It was a thought that somewhat interrupted her other plans, though....she was not one who felt it good to pass up a chance to learn about these things.

"....Hey, Barth. Stay here and try to finish up your sticks, i need to go think for a second about something. I'll be right back no worries," the female goblin said before looking over to Grandpa and giving an appreciative nod, "Thanks for the information. I mean it. Honestly, i wander to understand this forest as best as i can, so i think i'll go out for a minute and think before coming back."

With that being said, Nyma grabbed a spear and swiftly but calmly moved to go outside, moving a little ways away from the cave and into the woods proper before sitting down. As soon as she came to a small, safe clearing after investigating it, she set the sharpened wood spear next to her as she sat on a pile of grass and some leaves, legs crossed in some kind of meditative manner. What she was about to do she felt was worth a shot. Well, these two things she was about to do.

As Nyma closed her eyes, she took a few breaths to put her into a relaxed, calm state. Though at the same time, she decided to pray. Perhaps her gift would help her, or perhaps it might not. She did not know for sure. Perhaps one of these two things would help, or both. To her it was also worth a try, to take a little time to do this before returning to go on the hunt. Then she could seek for faeries and nymphs along the way with her gift. Unless this was a bad idea. Truthfully, she did not know at the moment. And though prayer to the eternal mother herself was easily tempting, another name gave her a sense of curiosity as well.

Duvelna. A goddess to be feared, but was she cruel or evil? Was she not necessary for this world to function? Her curiosity got the better of her, and after making sure she was alone she began to utter the words of a prayer.

"Duvelna, great goddess of night and the very powers of death. Yeah, even she who brings the gentle moon and blanket of darkness upon the world that it may rest. I know not if thou listeneth to a mere goblin such as i, though i do try at this time with all my heart. I desirest to understand thee, to commune with thee, to worship thee and receive of thine blessings," the young female goblin said in sincere, genuine, and fervent prayer, voice not lifted up too much but kept to a respectful and reverent tone, "Death is part of life, night necessary to have the day. So too do i fervently seek at this time to understand thee moving forward, that through thine great power i might better understand and connect to the world around me. So if thou art listening.....please, grant me thine presence, or thine blessings, or whatever else thou willst that i may begin to truly know thee in my heart. That i shall continue to pray to thee in gratitude and thanks for thee....even if perhaps others do not see the value of thine great role in this world."

As the last words left her lips, so to did come up a hope in Nyma that the goddess would hear her. Answer her. Give her audience. Anything that she may begin to commune with this goddess.

As much as she thought to be smart, she felt....empathy for this goddess. One who was feared, yet with respect she felt that such powers were needed in the world. Not evil by nature, simply necessary for life, for even this forest to function. Animals died for them to eat. New life being born took significance due to the presence of death. It was loathed by some, but to her was deserving of respect. Of worship. Not a thing to only ever be called evil names or be feared, not that such was not understandable, but to accept its reality and use this to better appreciate this world proper she felt was a honorable cause.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

After finishing off all of the skeletons, Gina was exhausted her eyes closing and her conscious failing her as she collapses to the ground. She didn’t know how many they had taken down but, all she knew was her shield was broken and she had scratches and bruises in her arms as some of them proved too problematic then the others.

Her mind was in a state of dismay as she experiences her very first night mare in the world. As her dream continues on where she had left with the rest of them tired and their weapons showing signs of wear. As the remaining skeletons bash through the large door. Cutting down her allies one by one until she was dragged to the altar where they destroyed the very last statue of Shirila destroying the everything she said she would defend with her life before they turn to her and started clawing into her flesh drawing away pieces of her flesh tearing her flesh.

”NO!” She screams out as she jerks forward not, sweating furiously as she looks around still seeing the church was intact and the doors still close. She didn’t notice her new body until she saw the others thinking that they really did die and now resurrected into a new clan of goblins. But she dismissed it until one of her vine hair landed on her face.

She tried to throw it away until she pulled on it making her scream in pain. She stands up trying to get a better view of things trying to find Zat and the others. Only to discovered by a completely new looking brothers and sisters but, aside from that it was odd she didn’t normally stand this tall before and see farther than before. Seeing an oddly muscular version of Zat which made her heartstrings tug a little before she snaps out of it remembering the real him which was basically the sneaky but, cute boy from before.

Then she looks down only to a lump of flesh with a perky nipples sticking out. She was annoyed at them so she tried to push them back to the way they were before but, only to get hurt in the process making her stop in defeat. She sighs as she knew that there was something odd and it seems that they survived the whole ordeal but, somehow change as a result.

Like her front being heavier then last time. She started to examine herself through touch fiddling with her body wanting to see if she changed in other ways determining that they were no more other changes other than the darker skin she had and added fat in her front failing to see what happened to her hair. She was surprised but, she was filled with an burning desire to get rid of them before she continues.

She approached the shrine as she wanted to start the day with a prayer positioning herself to the Zat looking goblin to her sides clapping her hands together as she begins her morning prayers. “Dear Shirila, I have brought you the victory that I promised you. I hope that I have proven myself in your service and I have earned you’re favor to carry your name with me and become your loyal apostles, keeping the balance in the world and to spread your faith to the others… Also if I may ask for an favor, a tiny bit if be, I wish that you remove these things on my chest if it isn’t too much trouble, they are very heavy and useless to me.” She reports to her as she gets up.

Smiling and waving at the new goblin, before she heads to the library section to pick up a book hoping that her understanding with the language gives her a better time understanding the book.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Can the goddess of grass give love advice?-

Zats soon woke up to his new form and was baffled at the new faces he saw. When he went to the alter first and asked his question he could hear the light giggle of the goddess at how cute and innocent he sounded. Such young love was always heartwarming to her. She was happy that her disciples were already trying to get together. When he asked his question a small vine grew from the floor and went to his hand and created a heart made from green vines and she whispered to him "Take every chance. In this world love is rare, fight for it" the goddess whispered to her giving him silent praise and encouragement letting him know to take every chance to be happy.


a goddess's praise-

The goddess then noticed that his apostle woke up as well and it seemed that she wanted to speak to her so she smiled giving a small breeze against Gina face as if in approval before she heard that Gina wanted a favor and asked for her breasts to be removed making her giggle once again. Then a small whisper went through to her as she said "Sorry my dear Gina but you must adjust to them. They are known as breasts by the way. I can't change your appearance little one but trust in your goddess when she says they will be very useful in the future" The goddess said making a vine grow and gently pet her leg since she was still weak in power.


a worthy follower-

Soon he felt the cold chill of the air flowing around him once again however this time the cold air seemed to be creating path. When he moved in a certain direction he would feel the air progressivly getting colder and colder. Soon he would end up in the cemetary again however this time the area around them seemed to get darker until he thought he was seeing the night in the middle of the way though in reality the shadow from the church simply extended to give the being some shade since it couldn't be in broad daylight.

Soon he was treated to the site of a figure clad in a dark heavy cloak. The being was sitting on top of a tombstone and the only indication that it was feminine was the figure it struck as the curvy frame and the clear indication of breasts were seen from wearing the cloak. The hood, of course, covered the face as the goddess soon revealed herself to the goblin. The figure then moved its skeleton hand and said "Kneel little one." the goddess ordered as she soon stood up and said "Clearly you wish to follow me, if you haven't figured it out I am Duvelna the one you keep praising above my weak sister Shirila. You have fought my creatures here admirably and I can see that some of your fellow goblins want to follow me as well however in order to follow me they need an apostle. Someone to sing my praises and be their priest, my go-between. If you promise to follow me and give me your soul when you finally pass I will grant you the abilities to be my apostle. You will earn great power and become the apostle of death. Make your choice cause once you do there is no going back" The goddess warned looking down at him
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Nɪɢʜᴛ


It was a hard fight. After defeating his first goblin, he retreated again. Before the end of the night however, he had already gone off to help knocking down skeletons countless times. He was tired and thus, he simply went to a darker corner as the others barricaded the door. He knew that soon, sleep would come.

[Do you wish to evolve?]
[Yes] [No]

Of course he wanted to. Why would he live if he didn't want that? His night was calm as always, but this time he had a dream of running freely through the forest without any worries in mind. Happily finding a rabbit whenever hungry and never feeling tired. It was a lovely feeling.

Dᴀʏ 5 - Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

In the next morning as he woke up, he felt full of energy and slightly taller. At first, he thought it'd be harder to even properly move his body after it changed... only to find that it was nimbler than before after a few stretches. He glanced at those still asleep, those that were not and lastly at [i]Shirila's[\i] statue. Everyone was fine and had evolved. That meant he could just proceed as he hoped plus some previously uninvited guests. It isn't that bad, he thought to himself before looking at the bracelet in his wrist. It was as verdant as when he had recieved it. He gently stroked it before smiling and standing up.

Without leaving words for his commarades, the hobgoblin left the church smiling. He took a look at the broken bones and the more complete ones as he walked away from the church, only stopping for a moment to pick up a skull by the eyes before keeping on walking. He had to deal with those bones later if no one did anything about that. They were giving off a rather strange feeling.

Not something for him to worry there and then though, for as soon as he was out of the clearing, he started to run. Slowly at first, to get used to his body and then as fast as his legs would allow him. Even drawing strength from the skull as he ran to his best speed towards the cave entrance. There was something he had to do in commemoration of his evolution, of the victory against the skeletons, of everything.

His legs only started slowing down once he saw the bushes he knew were not too far from the cave. If it was here, it'd be possible for a goblin to pass by.

Arch settled the skull down near the bushes before starting to walk around collecting fallen branches from nearby trees and even yaking ones that he felt had the appropriate lengths and looks. The branches slowly began to make a small pile besides the skull. Finally, he grabbed a few vines, still green, that were hanging on a nearby tree. This would be almost everything he needed, enough for now at least.

He dug a bit into the ground with his hand before stabbing the sturdies and straighter of the branches into it. He pushed the dirt back into the hole and patter it with his foot to make sure the stick stood straight. He then began lying sticks against it and tying them down together by the upper end of the stick.

It wasn't on par with what he had in mind, but... he knew it was the best he could do with the materials he had in hand.

He took a pair of dry sticks that had been lying around before scraping one against the other, again and again and again, until it was lit. Certainly not enough to make a fire, but... it was what he was looking for. He planted a thick stick inside the small hut, its upper end burning slightly and letting off small bits off smoke before he sat down crosslegged before the shrine clasping his hand as he thoughtfully looked at the stick.

It was a proper makeshift shrine like that at least.

"Eternal Mother, Shirila... thank you for watching over us as we fought last night. We have successfully defended the church, no one was gravely hurt." He paused for a few moments, before saying very excitedly, "And we evolved too." He nods a few times as he watches the stick, "Thank you for providing the oportunities I needed to get here... and your gift." His eyes briefly moved to the bracelet before sighing.

"I know that when you gave it to me you have already given much to... us, but... I don't know whether it was given to me due to me requiring nothing beyond knowing you are there with me... or because I'd need more help than them. But I am glad to know you've gifted me something that will always remind me that you are there with me."

"I know that this shrine is far from what is worthy of you, but given my abilities. I am still unable to do something beyond, I hope that the effort that went into it is pleasing to you. I also know that the others should soon start bringing goblins to the church, and will try to get as many as they can to worship you... but I still hoped that this one little shrine can at least bring you another follower by the end of the day."

"If there is anything else I can do to help you regain your strength, please, allow me to know."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Zats was relieved that Shirila not only didn't seem to mind that he bothered her over a personal problem but answered him. Gently plucking the heart from the vine he returned to the sleeping Hobgoblins, but didn't see Gina's new, yet easily recognizable form anywhere.

Not wanting to lose his nerve he started looking for her. His first guess that she had gone outside was either wrong or she had left to go explore the forest. Since he had no desire of damaging the heart due to a fight he decided to check out the rest of the church first.

Eventually he found her in the library and nervously approached her only to find himself unable to think of the perfect words to say. Part of him wanted to leave and try later, though he knew that if he left he would likely spend hours trying to think of something. "I talked to Shirila this morning and I was wondering if maybe..." With a red face and no idea how to finish his sentence he handed her the vine heart and waited for a response.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 5: Early Morning

The young female Goblin almost swore she could feel something within her, though perhaps this was just her mind playing tricks on her after this fervent and devout prayer she had made. Regardless, she did not want to risk ramifications of spurring against said prayer by praying to another god because she hadn't been listened to just because there was not some immediate effect of this one. No, trying one of the other two deities might not go so well after this prayer, at least depending on how the gods treated each other or felt about each other. By the gods that could be anything from awkward to fatal potentially, and was a matter she was at the moment unwilling to prod at since she was only interested in Duvelna most of all.

Not that her prayer was ingenuine, as it wasn't at all by any means, though choosing that deity to pray to was definitely something she had to take seriously after this. Especially if the goddess showed her favor, blessings, and anything else of the like however she willed to do so. But she still felt empathy for the goddess, respect for the role she played in the world, and such things as she had said. It would also be a stepping stone into this world more as she herself grew and, hopefully, changed in important ways over time.

As the young goblin opened her eyes and stood again, picking up her spear in hand, she began to walk back towards the cave to fetch her associate and go out to hunt. She felt an itch to get out to hunt and test out this "connection" that this "cut rope" inside seemed to desire, and this was all overcoming a bit of her desire to sharpen all the sticks and such before they would leave. However, the remaining things would be good to keep back at the cave as a base of operations for now.

Mentally to herself she also mulled over the next part of her day's plans as she walked back at a good pace. Said plans being to explore and hunt alongside Barth, who seemed to be listening to her for the time being. A group would surely benefit them both better, especially at the level they were both at. And for her it would be a chance to lead them into this wilderness, keeping in mind where the wolves and such animals were as well. In particular, they could hunt as they went along in her mind, and there was one area not too far from the cave where she was becoming rather curious.

The spiders. Poisonous like the vipers, but if she could get close enough to observe them and maybe collect some webbing, it could be to her advantage. If they were too much of a threat or that much stronger than the two of them with wooden spears, she and Barth could flee back to the cave if need be. But silk, and potentially spider venom, such things could be....useful in the future, yes. For various reasons.

As she would finally arrive back at the cave, she stood in the entrance with a look of being pleased on her face. This hunt would be nice, and if nothing else they could get some food. Haha. Perhaps she was being too confident, but at the same time she had to be confident to make her plans work and go through with them, right?

"Hey, Barth. If you've got at least one spear, let's head out. I want to go to the northeast, see if we can find some game there and maybe observe something. After that i thought we'd head to where we heard those sounds the other night, since it's daytime now and all. Let's go,", Nymna said, being straightforward in her intentions to hunt game and maybe observe what they both knew was in the northeast at this point. She then turned and began to sprint from the cave in the chosen direction, after having gestured to Barth to follow.

As she began to move out an away towards the northeast, she kept a close and very careful eye on her surroundings. She did not want to get caught in a web and die so soon, but until they got closer to the destination she felt this would suffice for now until they needed to move more slowly. As she ran she also decided to try to "reach out" using that "rope" she felt within her, the one which felt cut and seeking to make a "connection". She had no idea of if the faeries would even think her pure of heart enough to be suitable to communicate with, so reaching to the trees and earth below and similar things to see if any nymphs were willing to communicate with her and make a "connection" was a thing she could at least try until they came across some game.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
Discovering /// Early Mourning // Day 5

As the goblins fought skeleton after skeleton, the world around Ren began to blur, until finally, darkness..... Peering into the inky void around him, the goblin could barely make out the shape of sloping walls, as heat began to build up around him. As the chamber around him grew hotter and hotter, Ren's body began to melt, his screams of agony failing to leave his mouth as his form turned to mush.

The chamber began moving, lifted into the air, and before being carried over to what appeared to be a vat of molten steel. As Ren was emptied into the vat, an unseen hand mixed the contents thoroughly, before pouring the mixture into a mold. Mere moments passed before the mold was broken, revealing a red hot steel ingot.

From the darkness a hammer swung down on the burning metal, each strike shaping the metal, the sound reverberating throughout the void. Strike after strike, a body took shape, and as it did, the ringing echos became a song. As the metal's song met it's crescendo, a pair of tongs shoved the form into a black liquid before Ren suddenly snapped awake.

Sitting up as the world came into focus, Ren quickly realized that his body was not his own. The form he saw before him was much larger, covered in stone grey skin, and filled with incredible strength. Was what he saw before truly just a dream? Or had something changed him? As he rose to his feet, Ren felt heavier, as if everything, down to his very bones had thickened (whilst failing to realize all of his clothing had been destroyed).

Looking about, he saw that the others had changed in miraculous ways as well. Though some of his friends immediately ran out of the church, two of them seemed to kneel and start talking to... a statue? After they walked away, Ren briefly studied the sculpture, not finding it to be anything special. Intending to ask about it, he followed them into what appeared to be a library. Right before asking, he hesitated, something deep inside him was hesitant to let them know how intelligent he was. However, there was an easy workaround, "Why talk to rock?" he asked as he approached the two.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin Barth

Day Five: Early Morning

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

Barth listened along to the Elder Goblin’s words with his full attention, temporarily halting his work on the spear to ensure he didn’t end up injuring himself or messing up. He found the information fascinating, particularly the answers that had been provided for the questions asked by Nyma. The answer offered for his own inquiry was interesting as well, but gave him little more to go on than he had originally. Save for the fact that the further south he went the more exotic the plant life would become.

As the older goblin finished addressing their questions up to this point, Barth began to shift his focus back to the weapon in his hand. However before he could resume his work he was interrupted by a pensive Nyma, announcing that she would be leaving temporarily. While he was momentarily concerned about her exiting the cave on her own but this was soon dismissed as she assured them that she would return soon. With the knowledge that this likely meant she wouldn’t be going that far.

With all distractions removed with Nyma exiting the cave he finally had the time to finish the spear he had been working on. It was already nearly finished prior to his break from it so it only took a few moment to finish it. Setting it aside and next to his staff he wondered what to do next. The most obvious answer would be to question the Elder some more. The old goblin clearly had experienced much of the area in his life.

Now that he had a plan he turned his attention back towards his elder, wondering what questions he should ask while waiting for the return of Nyma. However he didn’t get the chance to think of any as his companion ended up returning before any could come to mind. She seemed to be in a bit of a rush so he didn’t question her, not that he would have anyway. In saw her as more of a leader than himself and had no qualms about following her.

Barth took a moment to decide between which weapon to bring along. While he preferred the staff he decided that for this excursion he would bring the spear as Nyma suggested. If he was lucky they would find something that could be used to strap a secondary weapon to his back.

After snatching up the spear he took off after Nyma, easily keeping pace with her while he dedicated his focus to their surroundings. Since they were actively searching out game and could head into dangerous territory he wanted to limit the chance of them being caught off guard.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Gird
A whole new world >>>> Hot dam its a god /// Day 5 // Morning

Gird had been enjoying his time running and climbing through the trees. With these new claws it was much easier and faster to do so. his new stronger frame also helped in this endeavor. The added strength allowed him to dig his claws into the tree with both his hands and feet and nearly lunge up some of these trees without much effort. Of course, he would still need to work on the stealth part of this as his next hunt stayed in the trees during the day.

He was content on repeating this again and again until Luz woke up until he felt it. a cold distant beckoning that chilled his spine and made his hair stand up on his neck. Something powerful called out to him and chilled the very wind that caressed him. Curious, the hobgoblin followed the increasingly colder breeze toward the graveyard until he was met with the shadow of the church upon the gravestones. The ground was still dug up from the skeletons from the night before, but what caught his gaze was a sleek feminine figure sitting atop a headstone.

Subconsciously he approached the being with wonder but not fear. The soothing voice told him to kneel, and so he did for a moment bowing slightly. Hearing out the specter before him. He could feel his heart skip a beat and go cold as she spoke her name and what she asked of him. When she stopped talking Gird stood and looked up to his goddess. He pondered what she said for some time before speaking. “I accept your offer and will become your apostle. I will spread your influence and take up this mantel of responsibility so that one day when I die I will be a worthy soul for you. And that I may one day make you smile.”

His pledge of loyalty and worship was simple, but he was not finished. “However I will not accept any gift or power that I have not earned. I am not a crusader, I will not force others to worship you but I will guide those that prove to be worthy of your time.” he was perfectly aware that he was in no place to make these demands but who would he be if he could not face the things that strike fear in the hearts of others. “And one last thing. I ask that you also grant Luz a gift or ability. We have been equals up to this point. I would not have made it this far without her, she is strong, loyal, cunning, and also worships you. There is strength in numbers and I do believe she has earned that at least.” again Gird bowed his head but did not kneel as he waited for his goddesses reply.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Goddesses blessing-

The goddess listened as the little hobgoblin said that he would worship her and she was about to bestow her gift when he said not to give it to him. Instead, he asked that it be given to the one that follows him and the goddess couldn't help but give an amused laugh at the request. It has been ages since someone has seen her form and not feared it even longer since someone actually made a demand to HER! She soon stopped laughing and said "My you are an interesting one. You may yet prove worth my time if you keep speaking like that. I will not give your follower the gift but I will give you something" She said before she leaned down and she used her skeletal like hand and slashed his chest hard drawing blood! However, it only took moments for the wounds to close and grow black as if it with necrosis but with no pain to speak of, he now had 4 claw marks stretching from the top of his right shoulder to his lower left abdomen. She then said "Wear that with pride for it is the mark of my apostle. I am not a gentle goddess but you seem more than worth the effort. Give these to your followers, one for your Luz and another belongs to a goblin that just gave me a fervent prayer that clearly means she wants to follow as well. Her name is Nyma if I'm not mistaken" She said as she reached into her cloak with an invisible pocket and pulled out two bracelets made from bones with a small red skull attached. She then turned away and said "Remeber, become worthy and earn that scar She warned before she walked towards the shadows and vanished.

Goblin Gird gained Blessings of the dead: This goblin has been blessed by the goddess of death herself he and whoever follows him now gain the ability to earn double XP. With each kill they gain, they make an offering to the goddess and it is as if her deathly presence approves of each kill. Each offering of a dead kill now offers double XP

@Kheliop@Crusader Lord

As they kept moving forward they soon found themselves going deeper and deeper into the northeast of the dangerous forest. It wouldn't take long before Nyma felt the rustling and see the nearly invisible strings nearby thanks to the light. If not for daylight she would have already been caught in the spider's webs. As they traveled they soon saw the webs get thicker and more closely together to prevent unwanted attackers but in the distance, they saw one. A Giant spider as big as they were sitting still waiting for the prey to get caught in its webs before it sprung into action and killed them. For the moment it was stationary but even the goblins knew that one wrong move and they would face poisoned fangs and death in almost an instance...

(In terms of how it looks not in its size)


pure faith-

The goblin soon evolved and was able to create a maskshift shrine for his goddess. The shrine wasn't much but it would prove that his faith was strong. When he was finished speaking the goddess gave him a sign "I am always with you young one. Your faith means more then you know don't forget that. If you truly want to help me regain strength then please live. So long as one of you survives to show love to my name then I will regain my strength" The goddess said in a kind voice. Then a vine appeared and wrapped around his arm comfortingly. The goddess then said "If you truly wish to regain my strength faster then find my children and protect them. The beasts I have blessed with my strength, go and find them" The goddess whispered before the vines went still. Now the goblin seemed to have been given a quest. Maybe it was because the goddess knew he was faster on his own or maybe it was because his bracelet gave him a constant connection to her but she trusted him to find the beasts that were her children.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

As she flips through the pages of her book she couldn’t get the hang of the extra weight on her chest while she contemplates hos she would get used to the things that eternal mother called “breasts.” While she called them to be very useful in the future, she still hasn’t figured out in what way they can be of use. But, as she flips through pages of the old book reading more of the language. That these books all contain wanting to learn more of it so that she can converse people with it.

Soon, she felt a familiar brush from her legs as she drops her book siding it aside as she grabs and lifts up a familiar little creature. ”You haven’t changed Nene.” She said before giving her a hug and afterwards giving her a small kiss onto her lips before she lets it go letting it hope out and to get some exercise before she turns back to her books. “Hello, I’m Gina.” She tried to say in the language only to get some of it right.

That is until someone started to talk with her which caught her off guard as she was quite intent with reading and learning the book. She yelps as he started talking, his red as red as blood and seems to be intent in trying to ask her something but loses the will to continue on. But, he seems to be very familiar as she steps up and inspects him even further pinching his cheeks and feeling his body.

”You remind me of someone special.” She says as she inspects his body. ”I’m Gina by the way and I am a follower of Shirila.” She said as she gestures to him to sit right next to her. While her pet continues to hop away. ” So what do you want to ask me again?” She asks before another comes in and steals her attention, asking her about something about talking to stones.

“I wasn’t talking to a stone, I was talking to my goddess.” She replies with a smile and chuckling treating it as an joke. “I’m Gina and I am the follower of Shirila.” She says like with the last goblin that seems familiar, not knowing that they were once her comrades in arms a few moments ago.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hobgoblin Luz


That Night Luz fought the skeletons like a Viking in the spotlight of the Valkyries, knowing that she had a promise to keep with a goddess and prove herself capable, as soon as she saw a sword available she claimed it and start using it right away to fight off skeletons until there was none left to fight. Then she rested on a bench breathing heavily before catching her breath and turning the statue. "I hope *gasp* that was to your *gasp* liking." She told the goddess before she begins to relax and close her heavy eyelids.

Do you Wish to evolve?

Luz mentally said yes before blacking out. Through the night and morning, she slept like a rock after finally getting a chance to get some proper rest, hence Luz would be one of the last of the goblins to wake up before finally noting that the people that the ones around her looked a lot different, there were even two people she didn't recognize right away and that was Gina and Ren due two there strange evolutions. She then got up and held out her arms in front of her and looked down at her body and notice that her body looked curvier, bigger, and more developed. "Wow! So this is evolution." She said it out loud disbelieve. She then looked around for Gird to see what he looked like only to notice he was no here. She then looked at the group. "Pardon me, but i want to get a look at Gird as soon as possible." She told the group politely bowing before heading in a rush, readjusting what she had on as she walked out the front door.

Once she was outside she began running around the church, noting how much faster she had gotten as she did thanks to evolution. She then saw something pale white as she did along with a cloaked figure sitting on a tombstone, but it disappeared in a second before she focuses her eyes on it. She then held the sword tightly in her hand as she slowly moved a bit closer to get a good looked at it but she soon as it turns around she froze for a second and held up her sword and should no fear as if she was ready to fight. However, a few seconds after it turn around glares it as if she was just now realizing what it was. "Wait, Goblin Gird?" She asked it sounding confused now noticing that whatever this thing as was a hobgoblin of a different color. She then dropped her combat prose to get a closer look at him without a hint of fear.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

For the most part his confession seemed to be going okay, at least in Zats' mind, but it all came crumbling down with one single comment from Gina. ”You remind me of someone special.” It seemed that while Gina's new form thanks to the obvious connection to both trees and Shirirla was instantly recognized by him, the opposite couldn't be said about her and his current appearance.

Just as he was about to introduce himself someone interrupted their private talk. At first he was rather angry at the newcomer but their question about talking to rocks proved that the guy wasn't exactly the smartest and probably wouldn't even realize what he was upset about. Instead he moved to face the newcomer, still with some anger showing, and did his best to explain things to him after taking a few deep breaths. "Not just that she is the priestess, ie the highest ranked follower. I meanwhile was given this shield." He was confident that the comment about his shield would be enough to clue Gina in on his identity.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

At first while she was increasing suspicions that he was indeed Zat, her heart begun to race as her face became to grow ever redder with every second that pass by once he shown him the shield. In a way she just told him that he was special to him making her hide her face with her book trying to hide her face from him as he leans onto his shoulders. As she continues to snuggle up to him still not knowing this feeling that’s been welling inside of her as she continues to get closer to him.

Completely ignoring the newcomer as she sneaks up to him as she continues to hide her face from him to the point where they are basically hugging one another. Cuddling in the library as someone watches them. “I blame you for this feeling so you have to take responsibility.” She replies as she distances the book from him as she reads a sentence which he could never understand. “I love you.” She reads out from the book making sure that the two cannot understand what she just said.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hᴏʙɢᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 5 - Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

"I will not forget that." The hobgoblin nodded as he quietly listenned to the goddess, "And I will live..." He seriouly spoke a soft sigh coming from his mouth as he felt comforted by the vine wrapped around his arm. He did his best to refrain from touching he vines with the hand that was free and succeeded until the vines went still.

"I will go find them, Eternal Mother." He nodded seriously. The quest to find and protect those she blessed felt incredibly important to him... as for, why him? It did not matter for he was the one chosen for this task, he would not disappoint her. He would find them and protect them.

He took a deep breath to himself moving his hands to his knees as he thought deeply on how to proceed. There were too many things he should do. In the very least tell Goblin Grandpa they are all fine and alive at the building they found, find a rabbit or some other food that will keep him filled until the night and lastly, find Shirila's blessed children. The other minor things such as reading the books and burying the bones for later. If possible, he would do those at night.

After a few long moments of thoughtfulness he focused at the burning stick inside the little shrine and nodded before standing up. Since he was already close to the cave, he should go in and speak with Goblin Grandpa as soon as he could.

He stood up before grabbing the skull by the eyes and running to the cave.

After getting there, he briefly reported to Goblin Grandpa, whom he hopefully wasn't interrupting, though given his own haste, Arch wouldn't notice even if he was interrupting anything, "Goblin Grandpa, me and other 5 goblins have survived yesterday night outside the cave, including the one I delivered that medicine too. We have evolved. Some of them might come here later to tell you of the building, but given they may... leave that for another day. I thought it would be good to tell you now." He nodded after his brief report, "From now on, I may not be returning at night, but I will come during the days if you chose to remain here."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hobgoblin Ren
Discovering Religion /// Early Mourning // Day 5

Clearly Ren had come at a bad time, as the Male's expression was clearly hostile. However, since he had a facade to keep, Ren just stood there, slightly slouched, and slack jawed, responding with "Oh." before sauntering away from the couple. Once out of sight, Ren stood straight once more and moved with a purpose; he needed to commune with his god.

Rushing about the church, Ren quickly snatched up all of the remaining weapons before hurrying out the door, and finding a reasonably well-hidden spot near the church. Picking up a rock, he began to carefully clean the rust off of each armament, taking great lengths to avoid damaging the steel. Once finished, he arranged the now clean weapons into a small shrine and knelt before it.

"God of steel," he whispered in prayer, "I thank you for the strength that you have given me. Though this shrine before me is far from worthy of your grace, I only ask to know thy name, that I may be your humble servant."

With bated breath, he awaited his god's reply...

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hobgoblin Gird
Hot dam its a god >>>> A friend approaches /// Day 5 // Morning

All gird could do was watch and listen as his goddess spoke. He did however make her laugh, it was almost peaceful. Then came the pain as she slashed his chest, it didn’t hurt for long and left four claw marks across his torso. The black marks where a sharp contrast against his pale dirty skin. She said and did what she needed to, handed him two bone bracelets, and left after telling him what he had to do first. Now all he had to do was find this other goblin she spoke of, “Nyma” he whispered.

As he watched Duvelna fade into the shadows, he could hear something behind him. His left ear twitched and rotated towards the sound, “Wait, Goblin Gird?” A familiar voice that made him turn his head toward her before turning around with a smile. Luz had clearly grown in more places than one as he looked her over. “I was wondering if you would ever wake up, your new form is definitely complementing… Did you see her? The goddess?” by the look on her face she seemed more interested in him.

For a moment he was quite trying to figure out how to talk to her. “I have received a blessing from Duvelna. She has granted me the position of her priest or apostle and has given me a blessing. So when ever you’re with me, whenever you follow me, and we kill something. We will grow stronger if we sacrifice its soul to Duvelna.” He paused for a moment as he looked back to the two bracelets he held in his hand. Putting one on for safe keeping while they found this other goblin he held the bracelet out to her. “I tried to tell her to give you the blessing as I did not believe I deserved it as much as you. Instead, she gave me these. One for you and one for another goblin named Nyma who also seeks to worship the goddess.”

While still holding out the bracelet towards her his smile never faded, “so will you take this bracelet and join me as a fellow harbinger of death, so that we may keep the balance of life and death? So that we can prove together that we are worthy of Duvelna’s time? Will you grow mighty with me, at my side as equals?” his proposal was simple, and he was trying to make it clear that this did not change their standing between each other. He just had a job to do now.


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