"That's going to happen in a town like this, sweetheart," Claire said in response to the "clashing personalities" statement. She put a hand on her hip as she spoke, looking Tuyen up and down. She looked like she was holding up, but definitely out of her depth when it came to this supernatural nonsense. Well, who wasn't, but Claire was keeping it together better than her. "Farmer Hill's just... too small to hold some of the people in it."
"And what do you mean by that?" Justin asked.
"I mean, all the ego, pride, anger, sadness, lust..." Claire trailed off as she took a puff and looked off to the side. Blowing out the smoke, and then finishing, "... It'd be great in a place like LA, where everyone has their own space - but in a place like Farmer Hill where everyone's heard of each other and word travels fast... It goes without saying." She shrugged.
"I guess I get what you mean." Justin did get what Claire was saying - but he just didn't think of Farmer Hill being "that small." In a way, it was much larger than anyone thought of it being. This whole supernatural nonsense is prime evidence of that. "But, my grandmother always taught me that you can learn a lot from people you dislike - more than people you like."
"Thing is," Claire started off, "Here, people ain't the learning type. They're set in their ways because that's what worked for them. Or that's what they think is working." She thought of Penny, but chose to keep her lips sealed about her.
"... personally, if it wasn't for that vision from the "God-Child," this group would failed before we could even have even started." Claire just said.
"I mean... that wouldn't be the best outcome." Justin said, thinking of Scott and his rampage. The group at the Sucre would have been massacred if they hadn't come. He shrugged, "We'll just have to make the best out of-" Justin was cut off suddenly when a glowing white ghostly tendril wrapped itself around his neck. He choked for a moment, as he reached for his neck as he was hoisted up into the air.
"Justin!?" Claire dropped her cigarette as she went towards Justin... and a being approached them from behind the house. It was the one whom had the tentacle. It was hard to describe. It was like a tall, shape-less blob, that was a glowing white color. It was almost like it was wearing a cloak, along the lines of someone wearing a sheet over themselves - but almost like it was an actual ghost. It had various black symbols floating around it in a halo-like fashion. It had various tendrils at the base of it's strange body.
It hoisted Justin over towards it, and held him above it's own body. "... Where is Reid?" The apparition asked.
Claire had already ran over to the being, and balled her fists as she walked over to it. Her aura had activated as she marched to it. "... Six feet fuckin' under," She taunted, "Now put my friend down if you don't want to join him... whatever the fuck you are."
"As if you could pose any threat to me - Awakened or not, I am above you," The being scuffed off, mocking Claire, "But Reid cannot possibly be dead - we spoke the other day."
The being moved closer to Claire, as they continued, "I have no time for your prattle; tell me where that bastard is, or I'll kill all of you - we have much to discuss, and far too much at stake here."
"Tuyen," Claire said as her blue aura started turning red over time. "Get out of here, and find the others... I'm not sure how messy this will get." She warned her, but she could feel her voice trembling a bit. Even though she figured that she has super strength or something, she wasn't super sure about it. She didn't get the nuances of it, or how it worked.
"Well, it seems you made your choi-" The being didn't give her any other option.
"... I made my choice alright!" Claire shouted as she charged the tentacle monster, "To fuck you up one way or another!" She moved surprisingly fast, even for the monster. She had her fist cocked, and punched the spirit hard as she could in it's center of mass and sent it flying. It collided with the wall, and made one hell of a boom.
"Not so above me, ain't ya!?" Claire taunted as she moved in, but the being whipped her across the cheek with a tendril - her aura absorbed most of the blow, but it was still enough to make her turn her head. Which it tried to take advantage of when it sent another tentacle to spear her through the chest - but she caught it with one hand. She was grinning like a madman as she used her other arm to yank it to her at astonishing speeds. When it got close, hunched her head as she rammed it with her shoulder.
It was forced to drop Justin, and he fell onto the ground unconscious. She saw his aura... but she didn't have any time to marvel at the sight. The beast now had a free arm. It was moving backwards as it wildly whipped at her. She threw her arms up to take some blows, but she continued to push towards it. Where the hell was everyone?!
It had range, and she saw that her red aura - despite all of it's strength, was starting to form some cracks. Damn it. She just let out a vociferous battle cry as she charged it with her arms guarding her face - she noticed that it was going for a sweep before she jumped high up into the air and used that momentum to punch it square into the ground, sliding.
When it used all of it's limbs to pick itself back up - Claire was right on top of it. A wide arced right hook sent it to the side, before she moved in and punched it with a left. She punched it upwards with an uppercut, before she grabbed it mid-air with both hands and slammed it into the ground. She noticed cracks forming on it, so she was getting close to killing it. Or something, she just wanted to be rid of it - whatever it was. Still, this thing was more than just a monster... it had some capability of thought going off of what it said. So, she was going to give it an option to think.
"Fuck off while you can!" Claire said, as she grinded her heel on it, "And don't ever show yourself to us again! Don't think I won't finish you off here and now!" She loudly shouted... she had qualms about killing, but she just wanted to intimidate this thing into going away. It had the same end, didn't it?
"Well..." The being said, as they tried to sneak a tendril over to Justin, "... I'm not leaving without what I came for." That tentacle hit Justin square in the gut, and Claire loudly shouted,
"... Justin!"
It felt everything happened in a few seconds, but the tendrils quickly wrapped around her legs, and before she knew it, she was in the air. "Fuuuuuuuuc-" She shouted as she was slammed into the ground. Now she could see the cracks forming in her aura. She was dazed, tired, and before she could even collect herself, she was swung around like a ragdoll and thrown right towards the gates. She was loudly yelling the whole time.
She didn't even realize that she had flown right into someone's car - but definitely not one from her group. It was a relatively modern minivan, and her aura had been shattered completely on impact with the windshield. She noticed that she was covered in scrapes. She also noticed that she was in someone's car seat. After sitting herself up, she looked to the side and noticed that there was someone in the car seat. A pretty young thing with red hair tied up into a pretty little ponytail, and had a face full of freckles.
She looked scared out of her mind with her eyes widened, and her mouth gaping.
"What the fuck?!" The girl shouted as she quickly dove out of the car and Claire quickly did the same.
"Alright sweetheart, I know it's a lot to take in," Claire said as she put her hand up, "But calm down..." She turned her head to see the tentacle monster lunging towards them.
"... You!" The thing shouted as it slingshotted itself towards her, and before anyone could react, it wrapped it's tentacle around her arm and then there was the horrifying sound of her arm being broken. Claire cringed at the sound as the girl loudly screamed at the top of her lungs in pain. "We have to have a very long talk."
"... She can't do much of that right now." Claire dryly noted, as she grabbed her aching sides. She could see the gal's aura shining brightly... not that she could much, because she lost her own abstraction.
"Shut up!" The aberration shouted as it swung a tentacle at Claire that surely would have knocked her out... if the being didn't fade away into a thousand little pieces. Then out of existence completely. Claire turned her head, and saw that a massive wooden spear had pierced through it's body, and Britney was standing behind with both of her hands out. Claire was happy that somebody dealt the finishing blow.
Still, she had to tend to the girl... Claire walked over to Britney and Sharon.
... but she couldn't help but ignore that buzzing in the distance.

The Reid Farmhouse – Main House
@Atrophy@He Who Walks Behind@Prosaic@FernStone@Mike73
The group split up... which was rather concerning because she couldn't stand over and supervise the group if they found anything useful. However... she was certain that they'd share anything they'd find. "Come with me, Isabella," Britney said, "Let's check out the basement."
She said as she went to the kitchen, before she found the door into the basement. She pulled it open, and it looked a bit ominous for an instant. The light stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and there was nothing but pitch black darkness... nothing that Britney couldn't fix with a flip of the lightswitch. Letting out a sigh, Britney descended down the stairs and noticed that the basement was going to be a bitch to go through. There was a ton of boxes lying around, then there was also the washing machine, dryer, sink, and John's workbench... she briefly considered getting everyone to come down here and help search through all this crap.
First thing's first, she would do a quick look over for anything obvious, then... try to find something in here. John was too clever to just leave a box full of everything they needed lying around. Out of irritation, Britney kicked a box, and noticed something odd on the ground. Scrape marks. Old and worn, but they were there. They were in front of the shelf, and it was odd, because it was almost like the shelf was moved. John had no reason to move this shelf... but Britney now does.
However, the colossal shock that ruptured through the building and Britney was honestly startled. "What the hell was that?" She asked as she quickly ran upstairs and towards the source to investigate. She went to the kitchen, and her eyes went wide. Aberration. Claire was fighting some kind of ghost monster... and Justin was knocked out. She almost swore, but she knew that she had to help.
She ran towards the front door, and shouted through the house, "Everyone stay inside!" She ordered the group... for their own safety. Right now, she didn't need anyone playing hero and getting in the way while she tried to help Claire. She sprinted out the door, and unfortunately by the time she got there, Claire was sent flying. "Goodness gracious!" Britney hissed to herself as she ran over to Claire...
... A familiar red minivan with a familiar red haired girl made Britney freeze for a minute. "S-Sharon?!"
The aberration went straight for the girl, and Britney couldn't waste a second as the beast broke Sharon's arm. Shouting about how they had to talk... she didn't have time to question what was going on. The minute she got in range, she stuck her hands out and spawned that energy. She created a massive spike out of wood and impaled the beast through the body - and killed it. For now at least, it wasn't their problem. What was her problem was Sharon. The girl was shaking in pain, breathing heavily... and was clearly out of her fucking mind.
"Sharon, sweetie," Britney said as she knelt down, and gently graced her with her soft hands, "Breathe." Okay, things weren't going as planned already. They needed to search John Reid's house, but they also needed to get Sharon some help. She was about to suggest that somebody goes to take her to the doctor, but....
"Um, what's that?" Claire asked as she looked off in the distance... only for her eyes to widen. There was an absolutely massive cloud of insects flying right towards them - with flying ones carrying the slower ones. They almost blocked out the sun. Claire's eyes were absolutely wide. "... Holy shit."
Then Britney turned to see the hellish swarm of insects heading towards them, and saw the light glowing from underneath Sharon's clothes. "No, no, no, no, no..." She immediately pulled up her shirt and noticed the sigil of a hercules beetle. That was glowing. Oh no. This... Britney knew they needed to get to cover.
"... She Awakened! She's sending a swarm towards us unconsciously!"
"No shit," Claire said as she staggered back.
"Grab Justin and get inside! Hurry!" Britney said as she got up and broke off into a sprint towards the house. Because the last place she wanted to be was out here.
"On it!" Claire beelined straight for Justin, and she got there in great time. Adrenaline does that to ya', eh? Claire dryly thought to herself as her aura kicked in and she smiled as she grabbed Justin and lifted him up near effortlessly. She immediately ran inside the house.
Britney wasn't as fast as Claire was due to her having an extra fifty pounds on her. Britney made it to the stairs, but turned around when she heard a scream. It was her friend, Andrea, tripped on a tree root that she didn't notice. She stuck her hand out for help, but the swarm was right on top of her.
"... Andrea!" Britney screamed as the insects attacked her. It was too late, she was surrounded from head to toe in seconds. The girl violently thrashed as bees, hornets, and more, stung her relentlessly, while other insects crawled into her orifices. She was fortunate to suffocate to death before the stinging had killed her. Britney didn't get a good sight of this, because she had slammed the door shut.
She panted as she looked up at Claire,
"... Holy shit!" Britney said, "I- what?!"
"Breathe for fucks sake!" Claire said as she held Justin in her arms like a cradle. "We need to figure out just what the fuck we're gonna do." She hissed.
Britney did just as instructed before the idea hit her,
"Everyone! We need to keep them out! Close all the windows! And barricade them good!" Britney shouted the order through the house. That was the first thing they needed to do.
Second thing was getting out of this mess.
"It's a good chance," Kimberly said in response to Rien and Nate's theory. What Kimberly wanted to know was what exactly happened to these people. Or who they were. "But we also have to keep in mind that there's an equal chance that this could be someone's hitlist." Which wasn't any better, because who was killing them, and why?
"These photos are so old, that Reese wasn't even a thought when they were taken," Jordan said to Nate, seemingly agreeing with his point. "He probably wasn't even swimming in his daddy's nutsack." She snorted.
"Jordan..." Kimberly scolded her friend for her... crass language. Even if it was true.
"Maybe there was another person like Scott back then..." Jordan just pondered with a shrug, before she added on, "But, why would John have this? This shit looks like some real stalker-level shit."
That gave Kimberly an idea, "... What if John was the one doing the killing?"
The boom that was in the direction of the house put a stop to their conversation. Peaking out, and it seemed like a fight out of a movie. Claire was slugging it with some ghost monster, and Kimberly couldn't believe her eyes. She took her glasses off, wiped them, and put them back on.
"... I'm staying out of that one," Jordan said... eventually, some girl got attacked by it, and Britney came out and killed it. Jordan briefly considered asking if she was okay, but then she noticed the massive swarm of insects coming towards the barn....
Something caused her to freeze. Something that she really didn't expect. Across from the barn, in the fields, was a sight that almost made her piss herself. The Hound. Sitting, and staring right at her, before it faded away when the swarm of insects appeared.
"... Close the doors!" Jordan screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran far back into the garage as she could.
"Or a monster," Hagan said to Paige as she implied that he was afraid. Afraid of what? Big boss ain't afraid of anything - fear and common sense just aren't synonymous. Though, everyone else seems to be okay with jumping inside of a weird dark tunnel, so he might as well follow them.
"You know what they say," Lynette looked at Caeala and smiled, "Team work makes the dream work." Before she chuckled.
However, that boom caught Hagan's attention, and made him hesitant to just blindly jump down. "Hold up, lemme investigate." Hagan walked over to the doors, and saw Claire flying around. She flew right into someone's minivan! That thing got fucked up! Hagan was about to jump into the fight, before the Williams girl dealt the finishing blow. That was when the bugs started coming. Hagan was never an insectphobe... but he knew that this was too many damn bugs.
Too many for him to handle.
"Holy shit!" Hagan shouted as he ran into the entrance and grabbed the hatch. He closed the hatch as he hopped inside, and was panting.
"... What is going on up there?" Lynette asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't fuckin' know..." Hagan said in between pants, "I saw Claire sluggin' this tentacle monster, and then bugs started coming."
Lynette could hear the huge buzzing... and then she noticed that a significant amount of insects were slipping through the cracks. "Holy shit!" Lynette said, "Run!"
She quickly broke off into a sprint down the tunnel, and Hagan followed.