Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Relationship: Ayaka

Personality: Arin is a very helpful person even to those he doesn't know. He loves hanging at the beach for the most part. He is definitely willing to make friends(if possible) with anyone. However, as nice as he is, he does have a temper which you not want to see (or maybe you do :P).
Other: Do not anger him or he will become a gigantic dinosaur.
Name: Price
Nickname: None
Age: 20 (Real age: Unknown)
Gender: Male
Species: Demonic Vampire
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Appearance(s): Normal:
(ignore the glasses)
Personality: Price is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly as well as polite. He cares a great deal about humans, but he just can't be around them. There's a good reason for this. (See history)
Other: There are three ways to trigger his demon form: 1. A human gets too close for comfort. 2. He is surrounded by humans. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood. Due to this, he prefers to drink off animal blood rather than human.
Name: Tyler
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Superhuman. (Does not yet know about his powers)
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Personality: Friendly, Defensive, when he's mad, he gives an earful to the person or he storms off somewhere to take his anger out on inanimate objects.
History: TBR
Other: Works at a bookstore.
Name: Alexander Jarrett
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Still unknown, but experiences changes whenever his shark side is hungry.
Species: Were-Shark
Crush: "I still haven't met anyone yet."
Relationship: Single (Straight).
Personality: Friendly, cautious and anti-social(mostly).
History: ...went to a beach....got attacked by an enormous shark....went to a hospital...lost his memory....got released...started having strange cravings........found out what he was....got sent here.
Other: TBR
Name: Ky Moore
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Able to talk to animals through the mind. He can also control electricity to some extent(he just has to watch that temper of his)
Species: Superhuman
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Personality: Ky is a very sweet guy, very fond of nature and animals and the rest will be revealed.
History: TBR
Other: In order to better control his electricity, he has to keep a calm frame of mind if possible. If he cannot, he may and probably will end up electrocuting something or someone by accident. Also he has a pet bat named Lilly who surprisingly likes being out in the day despite the rest of her kind being nocturnal.
Name: Juno
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Telepathy.
Species: Neko
Crush: Nope, still looking.
Relationship: Single (Gay btw)

Personality: Shy around most people until he gets to know them. However, once he opens up to you, he is very friendly and supportive. He loves to talk, he just can't do it normally.
History: Born into a family of nekos who were very fond of him. He was also born with a common human disability which made him mute and unable to talk out loud. He was later gifted with a power that would help him communicate with others but in different way.
Other: He is friends with Price.
Name: Anna Stone
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers/Skills: Her power is Lava though she has problems controlling it(e.g. Nothing happens, or just ends up creating small puddles).
Species: Superhuman
Crush: "None as of yet."
Relationship: "No."
Personality: She is very shy and insecure especially about her powers. Barely speaks resulting in her giving very short or one word responses. She loves to hang out in the great outdoors, often seeking a nice spot in the shade somewhere. The only time she may talk more than usual is if the question or statement requires an entire explanation or she really likes the person she's talking to. For the most part, she is usually on her own unless she works up the courage to make a friend or two.
History: TBR
Other: Her one goal with her powers is to make Lava sculptures which she has attempted once before, but she just couldn't seem to get it right. When she's not focused on bettering her powers, she loves to read novels of any type, mostly mystery or history.
Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Relationship: Ayaka

Personality: Arin is a very helpful person even to those he doesn't know. He loves hanging at the beach for the most part. He is definitely willing to make friends(if possible) with anyone. However, as nice as he is, he does have a temper which you not want to see (or maybe you do :P).
Other: Do not anger him or he will become a gigantic dinosaur.
Name: Price
Nickname: None
Age: 20 (Real age: Unknown)
Gender: Male
Species: Demonic Vampire
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)
Appearance(s): Normal:


Personality: Price is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly as well as polite. He cares a great deal about humans, but he just can't be around them. There's a good reason for this. (See history)
Other: There are three ways to trigger his demon form: 1. A human gets too close for comfort. 2. He is surrounded by humans. 3. Simply by the smell of human blood. Due to this, he prefers to drink off animal blood rather than human.
Name: Tyler
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Superhuman. (Does not yet know about his powers)
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)

Personality: Friendly, Defensive, when he's mad, he gives an earful to the person or he storms off somewhere to take his anger out on inanimate objects.
History: TBR
Other: Works at a bookstore.
Name: Alexander Jarrett
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Still unknown, but experiences changes whenever his shark side is hungry.
Species: Were-Shark
Crush: "I still haven't met anyone yet."
Relationship: Single (Straight).
Personality: Friendly, cautious and anti-social(mostly).
History: ...went to a beach....got attacked by an enormous shark....went to a hospital...lost his memory....got released...started having strange cravings........found out what he was....got sent here.
Other: TBR
Name: Ky Moore
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Able to talk to animals through the mind. He can also control electricity to some extent(he just has to watch that temper of his)
Species: Superhuman
Crush: None
Relationship: Single (Straight)

Personality: Ky is a very sweet guy, very fond of nature and animals and the rest will be revealed.
History: TBR
Other: In order to better control his electricity, he has to keep a calm frame of mind if possible. If he cannot, he may and probably will end up electrocuting something or someone by accident. Also he has a pet bat named Lilly who surprisingly likes being out in the day despite the rest of her kind being nocturnal.
Name: Juno
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/Skills: Telepathy.
Species: Neko
Crush: Nope, still looking.
Relationship: Single (Gay btw)

Personality: Shy around most people until he gets to know them. However, once he opens up to you, he is very friendly and supportive. He loves to talk, he just can't do it normally.
History: Born into a family of nekos who were very fond of him. He was also born with a common human disability which made him mute and unable to talk out loud. He was later gifted with a power that would help him communicate with others but in different way.
Other: He is friends with Price.
Name: Anna Stone
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers/Skills: Her power is Lava though she has problems controlling it(e.g. Nothing happens, or just ends up creating small puddles).
Species: Superhuman
Crush: "None as of yet."
Relationship: "No."

Personality: She is very shy and insecure especially about her powers. Barely speaks resulting in her giving very short or one word responses. She loves to hang out in the great outdoors, often seeking a nice spot in the shade somewhere. The only time she may talk more than usual is if the question or statement requires an entire explanation or she really likes the person she's talking to. For the most part, she is usually on her own unless she works up the courage to make a friend or two.
History: TBR
Other: Her one goal with her powers is to make Lava sculptures which she has attempted once before, but she just couldn't seem to get it right. When she's not focused on bettering her powers, she loves to read novels of any type, mostly mystery or history.