(Collab, part 5)
"Oh Andras? Oh right! That's the one we chased through the forest with her pink haired friend! Quite the powerful little girl that one! I see why the masterino wants her. Oops! My bad , my bad. Ignore what I just said, bad habit of mine to tell too much of a tale, ohoh." He put his hand before his mouth and chuckled. "How can you help anyone else if you don't help yourself first boyo? You just become a burden or screw up!" The jester replied before he saw William drawing his card, causing the jesters hands and feet to be bound even as he tried to jump up into the air for a backflip. "Oho?! What's this?! That's not fair! Not fair at all! How rude! Attacking me without declaring a duel, you sir lack honor!" He was now bound by magic, thus leaving William a great chance to flee.
"I apologize, even though you won't forgive me!" William said as he ran off.
The house creaked as he made it out into the street, somewhere ahead on the street he saw two figures in the distance heading down the street. Something very foreboding about those two in which speed they walked, one being hooded and the other taller figure albeit hunched over. Either he could evade them or he could approach them.
Ascot took the third option: Take cover behind a nearby car, fence, dumpster or mailbox; that way, he can get a closer look or even eavesdrop a few snatches of words.
The two individuals approaching would make their way forwards, the shorter of the pair sporting a dark hood and cloak, walking with firm and determined steps with tightened fists. As if he was in a hurry. The taller person would walk behind him, clutching his chest area with one hand. William could easily recognize the tall one as Adam, meaning the one with the hood could possibly be Galbrek himself. Some words uttered would remove any doubt. "Keep up Adam. I shall send Fegin to the meeting place as soon as... why is the fucking door open?! I am going to strangle that bastard!"
Galbrek. William thought.
The answer to my prayers.He laid down the diary, books, and photograph on the floor, before walking out from behind the dumpster and directly approaching Galbrek.
Focusing on his anger and loathing, anger directed not at Galbrek, but at himself and at fate, he conjured up Wolf's Warhammer, finding it lightened to the level of a plastic toy. Perfect.
William pursed his lips as he waited for Galbrek and Adam to notice his presence, before saying: "I know. And the Cycle of Revenge ends here. Somehow."
Galbrek's teeth shut together and he looked over his shoulder, his expression changing from irritated and angry to psychotic, his eyes beginning to twitch and a wide sinister grin would form on his lips and he would chuckle through his teeth. Madly even. Adam's expression would be of slight surprise and annoyance at not spotting this obvious intruder, it was a intruder right? But outside of the building? Either way he had to do something but he was out of power and wounded. Galbrek fixated his twitching eyes on William. "Such arrogance! You who have gotten in the way of my plans but now you appear right in front of me like a sacrifice! How very amusing indeed..." His expression changed to look more darker as he looked over William's warhammer. "Revenge? Mortal fool... there's more to this than revenge. I happen to take plenty of pleasure in it. And the best part about it is that I have plans for you too. You and your power will be used to serve me....heh...heheh..." Galbrek raised his both hands in retaliation to William, whilst telling Adam to go and find Fegin, which the tall doll attempted to do. He rushed into the building while Galbrek sent out his marionette strings to try latch and grab hold of William's body.
William held his warhammer with his right; light as it had become, while he drew his mundane but very sharp sword wth his left, trying to slice through the marionette strings or at least divert them long enough for the boy to continue his advance. As he charged, William's strategy became clear: Slice through Galbrek's strings with the mundane sword so that he can reach him with his warhammer.
Note that if there was time, William would say, "I don't doubt that you do; you hold humanity in contempt. But you had friends and true family once, people who were killed by the humanity you hate. You never wanted to be alone; that's why you made your dolls."
Galbrek's strings were being cut on the side which William swung his sword. He was getting closer, but the half-demon swiftly created new strings to latch unto a nearby metal trashbin to fling it from the side straight towards William. He also jumped back abit, avoiding the slam of the hammer coming down shattering a piece of the street, but his string on the hand pointed to the hammer would try to wrap around it and get up to William's arm, trying to seize control of his arm muscles by sliding under his skin, most painfully. "Be silent! You lowly purebreed! I shall make you my puppet!"
"Fegin! Where are you?!" Adam yelled as he ran into the building and was answered in the furthest part of the building. "I'm a tad bit tied up at the moment Adam! Can you come back later?"
William wasn't blind, and he was extra-lucky. Not merely that, but he had also imitated Vengeful Firebrand, which further increased his haste. So he rolled sideways to avoid the trash bin, and drew back his hammer arm just in time to avoid the strings speeding towards it, which were cut by his mundane sword.
The boy nevertheless jumped back, noticing that his imitated warhammer had grown heavy to the point of uselessness. Dispelling that weapon and sheathing his mundane sword; he noticed that his self-loathing rage had become sorrow. Sorrow for the enemy that now confronted him.
A profound sadness filling him, he conjured up Wolf's net and trident, a flash of the three kids in the photograph going through his mind: "You were happy once. Truly happy..."
Galbrek grinded his teeth together. "Tchhh... persistant fool..." He slowly walked backwards trying to gain a little distance between himself and William. Then he would look surprised as the boy before him sheathed his sword and dispelled his hammer. What was he planning now? Galbrek didn't lower his guard and was ready to use his strings again. He had called forth new weaponry, a trident and net. The weapon was favored by many demons, but this was a human and he was likely seeking to capture him using that and the net. The arrogance. You cannot capture me. Not now. Not ever. "I will be happy soon again when I wipe out the human race and rule this world, don't worry I'll give you a front row seat to watch it unfold! The past is just the past, there is no going back ever!" He chuckled before raising his left hand to send five strings towards William, seeking to entangle him. "Your destiny has always been and will always be, to fall into my hands!"
In the building Adam had found his fellow doll tied up by magical means, which he attempted to undo but found himself unable to do so. "This isn't good." He said out loud. "...and I'm the one stuck." Fegin replied. You best get out of here... well... or rather from the sounds of it stay in here. Our master might come up shorthanded."
Adam's eyes widened. "Master Galbrek..." He rushed towards the door.
William darted towards a line of potted plants, using the latter as momentary cover against the strings, before leaping at Galbrek, left hand already whirling to throw the net. Mid-leap, he launched it at the Half-Demon, before landing on the ground and saying lightly but firmly, "That won't make you happy. It never will."
If Galbrek avoided the net, William would launch five imitated strings at the Half-Demon, then try and grab the thrown net from where it lay on the ground...
Alexander should be coming soon.Galbrek followed William with his menacing gaze as he darted away to get cover, as the net came flying Galbrek was however ready with his other hand. As if he. A half-demon would ever allow himself to be caught like a mere fish. He horizontally slashed with his hand, creating five lines of strings which cut through the net as it came flying. The half-demon smirked seeing it get cut to pieces. "What do you know?! You don't know anything at all! And they think me evil?! Hah! You are far worse!" Galbrek then saw to his horror the strings being shot out towards him. "Wha-!" He held out the hand he had just used to cut apart the net, his eyes widening.
How's this possible?!As the net was cut apart, a sign that Ascot's sorrow wasn't profound enough, the boy would take advantage of Galbrek's shock to order the strings to catch him by the limbs, hopefully tying the Half-Demon's arms behind his back and his legs and feet together. If he did so successfully, the young man would make sure to run up to Galbrek in order to further restrain the other boy.
And if Adam came out to help his master, well, William can fake threatening said master's life...
One of his arms had been caught by the incoming strings and was trying to restrain him, he instinctively in a fierce manner shot strings out to do the very same to William using his other hand. Possibly causing both of them to end up rolling on the ground ultimately from being entangled in strings. "Hnghnnn! Why you-" At that moment Adam came out from the building and he ran directly towards William, grabbing a nearby potted plant urn along the way to slam at William. "Get him Adam! Where the hell is Fegin?! Get unfucked right now and aid me!"
William and Galbrek were now entangled in a cocoon of each others' strings, the former trying to dodge Adam's attempts at bludgeoning him unconcious.
It was then that sirens sounded; Alexander had finally arrived.
Across the skies of the city, a different sort of presence slid through. For Meredith herself, able to trace the soft thrumming of the demonic taint, tracking demonic presence was fairly easy (suffice to say her games of tag with her siblings were often rather boring). Her hair was dishevelled, and dried blood clung to her side. She was carrying a sword with her, almost as big as she was, and yet like her father, she had little trouble using it one handed. The kind gestures of the once bumbling half-demon girl were contorted with rage.
"There you are..." She snarled, as she hoisted the sword in midair. She...let it go. The flow, the power. Dark crackling energies enveloped the sword, creating a column of dark light enveloping the blade, imitating a certain heroine of a certain kind of media. Except her sword was not a sword of light. It was a sword of hurting really bad. She inhaled.... and then bombarded Galbrek's shelter with an oversized blast of energy as she swung the blade, cutting through the wall as if it were butter and cleaving a large space between the two figures, as she roared. "GALBREK!"
William would, upon seeing Meredith, try and roll himself and Galbrek away from her sword and its blast, both to save the latter's life and to avoid being collateral damage.
Alexander, meanwhile, would come out of his police car, clad in his magic-resistant helmet and special forces armor, and carrying a magic-resistant riot shield and a
riot police control baton that resisted magic and powers as well.
Note that it was not electrified; that was inhumane and forbidden and Alexander was not the type of person to use it anyway.
"Quit yapping and cut me loose damn it!" Galbrek yelled to Meredith as she appeared, he had gotten pulled along towards William. Avoiding the incoming slam of Adam, the tall doll turned to the officer arriving on the scene and threw the potted plant straight towards Alexander. Out of the building also now came the jesterlike doll, appearantly he had gotten himself freed, either on his own or from the blast Meredith had caused, severing the magic keeping him held. That or the duration of the power ran out. Fegin did not waste any time, he rushed over to slice using his hula hoop ring at the strings constraining his master, using his imbued power to cut them through. He threw a look of disapproval towards William. "I appologize, even though you won't forgive me." The jester did mimic William's words to him earlier in a mocking tone accompanied with a wink and smirk.
Meredith eyed the scene, the sword smoldering and twisted due to the great release of energies. A normal sword couldn't have withstood her powers. Deep inside her, she still felt the fire burning. The dark self that lurked in the corners of her mind was ecstatic, seeing how she was letting go of all restraints and inhibitions. It...felt good. Intoxicating. Meredith wanted to hear Galbrek screaming from the affront she had made to her. Police sirens were heard.
"OUT OF THE WAY." She screeched, not unlike a demonic creature, as she swung her sword once more, now turned little into more than a smoldering wreck, and tossed it against Alexander in an airborne surprise attack, that she capitalized by dashing past the haphazard attempts at blocking her way and diving deep inside the wall crack, with a mighty swoop that would make an eagle proud.
Claws outstretched, her objective being the main accumulation of demonic energy. She would pluck him out in the skies. He was hers to take. The police would not do.
Alexander sidestepped the thrown pot and blocked Meredith's sword with his baton, even as William, getting up to confront Fegin, realized he still held his imitated trident. But Will was in no mood to further escalate the situation, in no mood to allow further death and destruction. He just wanted this to stop, wanted this all to end.
His older brother was made up of much sterner stuff. Dropping his Riot Shield and taking out his sticky foam sprayer gun, he shot out globs of magic-absorbing foam first at Fegin, then at Adam, before saying to William: "If you're not up to fighting, get in the car!"
William would respond, "Galbrek's the way he is because of a lynching incident when he was younger! If you catch him, remember that!"
As the younger brother nevertheless entered the Rhean Government Car, Alexander's reply was, "I'll use the padded cuffs, then!"
Galbrek's reaction to the blast caused by Meredith didn't have the effect some would think, he being entangled in strings and in a bad situation he saw her arrival as a good thing. Despite her blowing things up most violently. "Hah! Serves you right! Repent William! You and all of your wretched kind- ouch! Not that fucking rough! This coat cost a fortune!" Galbrek screamed in complaint to the demon girl having sunk her claws into him as she lifted him up into the air. He looked at the figures becoming smaller below them. "Torch the place and head to outpost Delta!" Fegin caught the words caught in the air by his master, but he also had his sights ahead on the officer arriving. He flipped up into the air, spinning in an acrobatic move, barely managing to avoid the foam passing him by fired by Alexander, he threw his magically empowered hula hoop ring into the trajectory of the gun, obstructing the firing line towards Adam and at the same time trying to disarm Alexander of his weapon. The foam would ofcourse remove any magical force left in it, but hopefully it's physical nature could interupt the officer. Adam reacted but not as fast as Fegin, he began to run towards a nearby alleyway in order to escape from Alexander's shots, while Fegin rushed into the building belonging to his master. "Sheeeesh!" He quickly darted across the floor, accompanied by the beeping sound his shoes were making. He quickly found his way into the cooking area, grabbing hold of the line of gas which was used to power the oven. Letting the gas fill the house gradually and grabbing his master's zippo lighter, which he used for his illegally smuggled cigars. "This is going to be quite the blast..." He said in a low voice.
Meredith gritted her teeth, as she made away with her prey, shooting upwards outside the shelter, dragging her prey into the sky. She eyed her prey in his eyes, as she kept flying away. "You...made my friend suffer." She said, in a snarl bereft of her usual sweetness, as her claws clutched him. "Your puppets also made him suffer." She added squeezing even further. "Even if mother told me not to attack kin in their domains, you've also attacked someone who made a contract with me." She added, her rage twisting the circumstances of Andras being at her home.
Somewhere, inside her mind, there was a voice that was screaming that it wasn't right. She wasn't like this. But said voice felt numb, and deadened. Right now, there was very little that mattered. Meredith grinned. "Time to pay the collateral, like a good demon." She added, as she lunged towards Galbrek's neck, and sunk her fangs in it.
"What fucking friend?! Are you in league with that conceited human?!" Galbrek screamed as he felt the claws clutch into his flesh. "Arrggh... you damn bitch! How dare you- I'll- "I don't give a rats ass about who you made contact with, this is a matter of racial eradication!" He moved his arms and legs trying to break free from the strings wrapped around him, his hands were pointing inwards towards his own torso and legs. No matter how hard he tried to force them to part, he was stuck. Even if Fegin had severed the line keeping him and William attached. Now he heard Meredith speaking and then sinking her teeth into his neck. This was something Galbrek did not expect, nor did he approve the slightest. "Don't touch me!!" He screamed a gurgling kind and then used his marionette strings through his fingertips of his hands at full force, penetrating through his own body, a desperate last effort, with the intent to pierce Meredith's body, reaching to try wrap the strings around her aswell, entangling her wings,to cause both of the demonkin to crash down.. "TRAITOR! I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN WITH MEEE!!! GAAAAAH" The screamed at the top of his lungs with blood seeping out of his neck and mouth.
Alexander parried the Hula Hoop Ring with his Control Baton, before rushing at Fegin, firing another series of shots not just at the doll, but at the house itself. He still had a few volleys of sticky foam left, enough to dispose of the dolls, before he held Galbrek's scream.
William was trying to run out of the car, only to find it remotely locked. But the boy needn't have bothered; his brother knew the duties of an officer. Running towards where Galbrek and Meredith were, Alexander strapped his control baton behind his back, before running towards where the two were hopefully falling down, his other hand taking out a Rhean First Aid Kit with medi-gel and stimpaks.
He was not going to allow children to kill children on his watch.
Meredith let out a screech as the wires dug deep in her flesh and wings, binding him to her target and making her plummet to death alongside Galbrek. A skyscraper rooftop was coming in close. She needed to do something, anything. Despite the pain, she braced herself and concentrated all the inner force she had, in an attempt to break free. The subsequent blast freed her from Galbrek and sent them in opposite directions, while also tearing the vast majority of Galbrek's binds. She hit ground first, her bones making awful breaking sounds as she rolled on the skyscraper's top. Due to some fluke, Galbrek Ravenovich's tatters had been snagged in the lightning rod of the building, thus sparing him of the fall. Meredith spewed some blood as she attempted to get up. She needed to get back up, as pain flared up. Then she realized. Her energy and regeneration were spent, and she was rather battered.
"Meredith is a good girl." She said pitifully. "Meredith will get that meanie... so Wolf can be happy"
Adam looked to the sky where he heard his master's scream. "Master Galbrek..." He said in a shocked voice and ran towards where the scream had come from. Master... I will not fail you... for certain. While Alexander seemed to be occupied with Fegin, who finally got hit by the foam. "Oho? I've been hit. Just my luck... eh... What the- Gwaaah! Aaaaaaah!" He screamed in agony as the magic holding his soul in the doll body began to tear itself apart with his soul itself starting to try leave it. Normally the dolls were not subject to pain, but this was something he had not expected to be hit by. In his desperation and knowing his end was coming, he lit the lighter and the gas leaking from the oven enlightened and the entire building went up in flame along with the doll inside. Adam stopped in his tracks hearing the explosion, but shook his head and ran faster towards where his master was last seen. Galbrek found himself hanging by a conviniently placed lightning rod on the top of the building. He felt ill. The taste of blood in his mouth was as bad as he could recall from the time Mrs Ascot punched his tooth out.
He has been freed from most of the strings but there were still some within his body and he tried to pull them out, writhing in pain as he did. Every move he'd made caused the piece of cloth he hung by with to get torn up further and further. "Fuck... to die in a place like this?" One of his eyes almost popped out of his skull as he considered the idea. "Heheh...screw you... asshole gods... where the hell is justice..." He then saw Meredith a distance away from him, he widened his eyes and began to chuckle to himself, gritting his teeth together , reaching out with his bloodied hand towards her. "You crazy bitch.. I'm gonna..." He shot five of his strings towards Meredith's body, not knowing if they would reach, but he was seeking to cause them to slide in and under her skin to make her a living puppet under his control, painful as it most surely would be. Someone had to pay, and he was bleeding a lot. His coat ruined. There was hell to pay. And this girl was on the top of the menu now.
Alexander, realizing the very big mistake that he made, went back to his car; thankfully, Government cars with sirens were permitted to violate the speed limit. But as soon as he opened the door, William said: "Let me out, Alex! I can imitate a power that can allow us to fly, trust me!"
Despite his best interests, Alexander opened the door to the car's passenger compartment quickly, and William ran out, conjuring up his imitation of Andras' Predator Airship.
"Get on!" he said to his brother as he got to the airship's steering wheel, "Enough people have died already!"
I have smartphone photos of the book pages - the relevant ones - and the photograph. The books, diary, and photograph have also been taken out to behind the dumpster. All evidence isn't lost.He thought this as the airship flew, flew as fast as possible towards Galbrek, Adam, and Meredith!
Meredith could barely see, but an inkling on an idea began to form in her mind. Her power was spent, but she still had blood of one demon for another spell. She just needed to dab a little circle and...
That was when the agony started, causing her to jolt and spasm. At the most critical moment, she drew the rune successfully, but the jolts made her aim the healing energy at Galbrek as if some sort of perverse justice was acting at hand. She screamed out of the top of her lungs as the wires kept digging in her flesh.
He was getting enjoyment out of sending his marionette strings on the girl, she had to pay dearly for biting him. She had however saved him from ending up with those pesky humans, but she was seflishly wanting the glory and now she was going to pay for it. "Does it hurt? Does it hurt? Tell me that it does... hahah... I am going cut you into pieces!" His manic laughter was cut off by him feeling alot better.
What? What now? My wounds... are closing? "The allmighty dark gods have bestowed a gift to their most favored child time to make good use of it. How about some little walk over the edge... yes.. that's going to be just perfect." He grabbed hold of the lightning rod and slid down to get closer to Meredith, while also standing on something more reliable. He had torn up his coat completely on the way down, while his strings had tortured Meredith. He felt abit bad for a moment, and decided that.
No. Just five strings is too good for you. Five more will do. He tried to attach more strings into her and force her up on her feet, to have her walk closer to the edge of the roof. "Time to learn ...to fly little pigeon shit. Hahahah..." His laughter came to a halt as he saw something approaching.
A god damned airship?As the airship sped towards the skyscraper rooftop, the passengers - William and Alexander - can be clearly seen, with the former steering the airship and the latter, upon seeing that Galbrek had been healed, visibly drawing his control baton once more.
William then turned to Galbrek, and howled: "THE CYCLE OF REVENGE ENDS HERE!"
And ice would gather around Galbrek's feet and legs, freezing them to the ground!
Meredith's voice gave out, as she could only manage whimpers as the wires mercilessly tore at her flesh, making her broken bones stay upright once more as she staggered against her will towards the border. She could die. She had overexerted herself to the point of not even being able to answer Galbrek's attack anymore. And then the wails and the ice rained upon her. "Make it stop..." she said to herself. This had been her predicament. It had been her fault. She was weak, powerless. She couldn't help anyone. And the darkness of the corners of her mind kept telling her that... she should have expected as much. Still, beating that little shit of Galbrek... had felt good. Something ... finally gave in the insides of her mind, due to the insane pain. She gathered her own thoughts. She usually employed her own body and blood to power up. But she had plenty of something else... Dark lightning began to crackle around her, sending jolts of energy back through the wires into Galbrek's own hands, breaking the strings, as she raised her hands towards the airship. Here and there, an awful smell of burning fat could be seen, as smoke came out from the half-demon. A wicked grin appeared in her face, a ghastly cadaveric smile full of vindictiveness. They were too loud. They were idiots who could never reach the right places and ask the right questions. "Yes, yes it ends here."
And the blast of crackling energy was sent through the broadside of the airship, while Meredith, now having lost her former figure into trimmed down version of herself was laughing.
Galbrek screamed as he felt his legs freeze to the ground, it was cold. Too cold. "Ahhh! Damn you.... The only thing that ends here is your luck!" He felt how Meredith began to move on her own and his strings melted off her. He gritted his teeth.
Seems she still has some power left... I will deal with her later- His pattern of thoughts were interrupted as he saw Meredith targeting the airship and unleashing a blast of crackling energy towards what appeared to be the steering wheel. Galbrek was uncertain what to make of this.
She's a damn traitor to them as well... how very timely The half demon relentlessly reached out with his hands and targetted the airship balloon part with his both hands, seeking to stab it violently using the sharp tips of each string to make the air go out of it, or possibly cause it to steer into a building and crash. "Goodbye William! Too bad the one you should have planned to ressurect was none other than yourself! Hah hah hah!" He twitched every now and then as the cold on his feet and legs were getting to him, his legs were going more numb by the moment. He needed to do something about it, but what? He had to get away... somehow.
Alexander leapt to the Skyscraper's deck, his eyes firmly set in determination, icy in gaze. Drawing his control baton, and this time, activating the electricity, he would rush at Galbrek as he was the easiest target. Once he had beaten the half-demon into submission, he would turn to Meredith and begin trying to avenge William.
The Cycle of Revenge continues, it seems.William, meanwhile, was trapped inside a falling airship, but due to having time to prepare, had the Maze of Ith card he imitated from Andras; he was going to use just before the airship hit the ground...
"Hngnnn.. damn officer, you look just like him! A brother?" Galbrek tilted his head. "You humans took my brother, now I've taken yours! And there's nothing you can do to change it! Nothing! Humankind shall be devoured and everything you hold dear will burn! Perhaps not today! But someday!" Galbrek yelled to Alexander, as he targeted with his strings ahead towards the officer, seeking to grab unto him aswell, but the half-demon was tired. Very much so. He had used a lot of his powers in such a short time, even if he had been mended by some godly power. He thought for a moment he could hear a voice calling to him, as a familiar and pleasant breeze. 'Brother, what kind of future do you want? The humans are not evil, give them a chance okay? Give them a chance. ' He narrowed his eyes to the officer and had already fired off his strings, each one of them sliding just past him as if his aim was off. He clenched his teeth and readied to be hit by something which would surely knock him unconscious. Boy could he need a rest.
"Aaah." Meredith stood for a second meditating in bliss. Such a powerful move had left her somewhat light-headed. She eyed the airship damages she had caused. One part was proud of herself. The other one was screaming in terror. But that part of herself had been ignored and sent to the dark recesses of her mind. Still adjusting to her new lighter body, she staggered for a couple of steps, as she noticed the officer attempting to wail on Galbrek. That wouldn't do it. She still had something to deal with the demon. He had attacked her. She needed compensation. But no compensation could come from him being sent to jail with human laws. She moved swiftly, like a cat as she snuck on Alex's back while he was too busy dealing with Galbrek, her arms sliding under the armored arms of the enforcing officer. "Hey gorgeous. That man is mine to take <3" She added, while taking him in a lock, and with the remainder of her demonic strength attempting to suplex him in the ground.
Two things happened at that time, just as Meredith managed to cause Alexander some internal bleeding with her suplex, and probably also caused a fracture or two; it would have been broken bones if not for his armor.
One, the burning airship was suddenly wrapped up in magically-conjured giant intestines, smothering the flames and softening the fall until all damage to William was nullified; Maze of Ith was a powerful spell. Guess that removed another asset for the 'Final Battle'.
Two, the Police other than Alexander finally arrived in force, with cars, ambulances, a flipping'
tank, and of course, gunships. Helicopters that were coated in magic-resistant resin...

The Police, actually trying to act smart and not be regular TV show mooks, surrounded the airship's landing zone, but one gunship went to the building's roof anyway, followed by a SWAT Team with jetpacks, sticky foam rifles, control batons, and riot shields...
The blow never came, and Galbrek opened his eyes, hearing and seeing the approaching law enforcements. A chance, an opportunity to get away. The officer had been flung by Meredith, the dumb girl had the audacity to claim him. He ignored it for now and aimed with his hands to the freezing at his feet, using his strings to cut himself loose, even if it meant ruining those perfectly looking boots and pants, leaving Galbrek in a bloodied white shirt, remnants of his coat and the ruffle by his neck. Aswell as torn up pants, which were shredded just above the knee area. He ran for the door leading down into the building, opening it and darting down the stairs, stumbling slightly on the way. He had to get out of there somehow, all manner of ideas popped up into his head and the one most plausible was to disguise himself by breaking into one of the apartments of the building, or whatever they were. Once there he would take some new clothes to disguise his way past the cops as a victim, just long enough to get eye contact with one of them to escort him discreetly out of there. He spotted a fire alarm on the way down, he smashed the glass of the button which caused an alarm to be sounded through the entire building. If the people inside the building were not panicked enough already from the crash, they would be now. He could easily slip out during the ensuing chaos. He grinned in admiration of his improvised plan as he made his way a bit further down, throwing a thrash bin in the way of the stairs to hinder anyone else moving down from the higher floors. At least for a few seconds.
Meredith eyed the display with an expression half between debased gluttony and half awe. Skipping a few steps, she let out a whistle before deciding to make the wise choice. Run away from so many opponents. She decided to follow through the stairs, but found those to be blocked by an awfully inconvenient trash bin. Maybe Galbrek? She could feel him nearby. She decided then for a more risque approach, as she clawed open the lift door controls and managed to unlock the shaft doors. The lift was above her. Excellent. Her wings were still tattered, but her claws were still useful. She jumped into the shaft, using her sharp claws to get a good hold to descend fast, but not bone-breaking fast. It was when she realized. "Second floor... lingerie!" She said to herself. Well her clothes were ruined, and after her ordeal, the tatters were loose all over, so she kicked the lift doors open, before assaulting a few mannequins from a nearby shop. Yes, new clothes were good. And with her sharp change in features, she wasn't easily recognizable, as soon as she hid her demonic traits.
Of course, the fire alarm was a godsend, as it increased the chaos. But even amidst it, she could find him, his prey. She tugged his arm with decision, her grin wide as she pretended to be the demon's girlfriend. "Lovely evening, darling." She said to Galbrek.
William survived. Alexander lived, but needed medical attention.
But neither of them, nor the police, had any way of detecting Meredith and Galbrek as the two got away with everything.
Adam, however, would be much more detectable, due to his 'doll form' and the puppet's tattered clothing and 'demonic' magical signature. So the Police, if they saw him, would bring him over for questioning.
The Next DaySeveral assets being saved for the final battle, lost. The initiative, lost. A potential ally (Meredith Blackgate), lost and turned into an enemy. Alexander, minorly injured and in need of magical healing to nullify the need for some days of bed rest (thankfuly, magical healing was to be had). The only saving grace was that police investigating the arson of 'hideout Charlie' had found the books, diary, and photograph William had found; Galduric's face had been matched with Rhean missing/death records and an investigation was ongoing to his apperance and potential death.
Nevertheless, this was the bitterest taste of defeat William had suffered so far. At least he had a name,
Galduric Ravenovich.(edited)
Galduric, Galbrek's brother, Charlotte, Vittorio's lost love. If I ressurect them both, with Andras' help, I can end the danger those two pose to the Defense of Rhea. But first, I have to convince Andras to lift a finger to help Galbrek; which would be hard as for all her merits, she won't care about Rhea's defense. It might also be the same for my Biggest Critic, Vera.Five Days LaterA young man would walk over to the Vigilantes' Base, a young man who had brought so much trouble and profit (in Rhean Dollars) to the Vigilantes themselves. This young man, his black hair and eyes shining with renewed determination, would speak to the first person who asked him what his business with the Vigilantes was this time: "I seek one Galliere. I have news of her brother
A blue haired boy would motion for William to follow him, after having looked him over and spoken to a few others. Getting the permission to guide a non-vigilante on their territory, leading William down to the basement of an old church, entering a large chamber decorated with shields and swords and at the end of the large room was a white and golden clothed person, with short bright blonde hair. It was hard to tell if it was a young man or a woman, the person was armored in a black and yellow colored armor and she was practicing swordplay, twirling her sword and making slashes and thrusts at a couple of dummies. "Best not get on her bad side outsider." The blue haired boy nodded William forward towards the person training ahead before quickly leaving up the stairs to the floors above.
illiam would walk towards Galliere, before clearing his throat.
His next words were, "A moment, Milady Knight?"
A pause to let her register his words. "Greetings, my name is William Chekhova Ascot, and I seek to clear up some doubts and slanders no doubt spread by...a certain mutual acquaintance, as well as to seek an agreement for the good of Rhea as a whole."