Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED 7283


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

"WAKE UP" shouted a long pitch black string straight into Magnus' ear. Woken up in a daze, Magnus turned around to find the stringy appendage wriggle its way out through a crack in the door. He didn't remember asking for a wake up call, but he thought it would be best to leave as quickly as possible. He stepped to the door and after a few minutes the elevator arrived at his door. As he was going down Magnus noticed a slight twinge in his index finger. It felt almost like a string of fiberglass but less painful. Energized, he stepped out of the lobby and back inside the store. This morning it was less crowded then usual. If he were to make a getaway the security should be more occupied then they would be. While thinking through his plan again he noticed people staring at him, and he realized that he looked ridiculous standing around a not doing anything so instead he decided to get some food. It's been days since he last had food and a sandwich really sounds good right about now.

Magnus ate a sandwich from a shop with a sign he couldn't read mostly because it was in a different language, stole a phone off of a counter, and finally found the aisle with the Spessusibus containers. The easiest way in order to steal this would just be to put it on an antigravity dolly, used for carrying heavy things, moving the container to the register and just book it to the ship. Hopefully little attention should be brought to it. But how could he divert attention away from him? Then he got it, a bomb! Not real of course, just a weird looking device that beeps and might have a timer on it. The guards would definitely be distracted at that point. But where would he get something like that? Maybe if he taped the phone, that was playing a beeping noise and had the timer open, to a package. After some searching and swiping, Magnus made the device. He placed the container on a dolly, rolled it over to an aisle close to the entrance but not so close that you could see him, and took a deep breath.

He chucked the device over by the front doors. As expected, mass hysteria ensued. Most of the officers, including the infamous Officer O'Brian, huddled around the device. Now was the perfect time. He rolled the dolly over to the counter. By this time the cashiers had been walking towards it out of curiousity. When no one was looking, he sprinted as fast as he could out the door with the container. The syrens went off, but he was already in full swing.

While running he looked back to see if anyone had noticed him. Of course a team of guards were after him. Among them were Officer O'Brian and Officer O'Brain, both expressions still unchanged from the day before. They were gaining on him. Magnus needed a way to trip them up. Ahead of him he saw a man wheeling ten oil barrels. Once he caught to him Magnus knocked the barrels in the direction of the guards. When the barrels fell on them, everyone had been stopped except for the O'Brians. What he assumed was Mrs. O'Brian started to smile even wider, which he thought was practically impossible, and more menacingly. And Mr. O'Brian was almost fuming, veins were popping out of his head and he was grinding his teeth. And they were running faster then Magnus had ever seen before. It almost seemed inhuman. Magnus was sweating. Within each foot closer to the ship they drew an inch closer to him. And then they stopped.

In his confusion, Magnus slowed down to what they would do. The O'Brians both closed their eyes and it seemed as though they entered his psyche.

"Magnus? Hmm. I knew you were trying to hide yourself from us. Seriously? Sungam? You weren't even creative enough to come up with an original name? All you did was reverse your real name." whispered Mrs. O'Brian.
"We'll find you. Somehow. If not today then some other time. But we'll find you. No one EVER gets away from us." whispered Mr. O'Brian.

As they were telepathically stealing all of his personal information as possible, Magnus was able to hold it off for just long enough to switch the tanks and get in the ship. He started the car and pulled out, and pulled out of the parking lot as fast as possible. Magnus set the destination to the nearest habitable planet. The farther away he got from the store, the less he could hear the O'Brians in his brain. Magnus sighed in relief. He had no idea were he was going, but that didn't matter. At least he got what he needed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ernest (This part with be kinda light. Sorry, not much I have for Ernest to do at the moment.)
Ernest is a bit surprised. The last time he heard "Dorsin Ost Halit" was right before he met.... Fanny May. How about that? It's a bit surprising for him hearing it again.

Ernest Jr pipes up: "Miss May? You know about the 'Dorsin ost halit' message? I know this isn't a good time, but I want to ask you about that when you have the time, if that is acceptable."

As Ramrod (Not much for him either.)
Ramrod is freaking out over this situation. Since the ship is spinning, centripetal force is pulling him towards the outer side of the room. (Which... I don't know which side that would be, I don't know where this room is) Ramrod is using his webs to stick to the floor, bareilly.


As Rodia
Lars would be bursting into the office where Rorod is, but he's already in there.

Lars: "Who's politing that ship that destroyed that Gunship?"

Rorod: "Beats me. It kinda looks like Gamma's ship, but he's locked up, so I have no idea."

Lars looks at the readings the Forte's ship is giving off. "Rorod.... you... you should look at this. Something is going on in that massive ship..."

Rorod: "Dude... Oh.. noo.... that... that thing is going to explode! And Rodia is probably going to be caught in it... I don't think we can survive something that big."

Lars: "What are we going to do?"

Rorod: "I dunno, man! We can run away... Rodia's thrusters aren't powerful enough to relocate it, they were just built to keep it in orbit... And wait.... Ramrod! Ramrod is still on the Forte's ship!"

Suddenly, they get a transmission from the same encrypted source: "I know what we could do. It's dangerous, but it's your best shot. Meet me in the prison if you want to know more. I recommend you come, not like you have a choice. You will know who I am when you see me." The message cuts off before Rorod can repsond.

As Siren and Rodia
Siren has already hacked Rodia's security system to let her dock her Wave Blaster, and has already made her way inside the prison. Why the guards or the warned didn't stop her is beyond me. Plot, ok?

When Rorod and Lars arrive, Siren is standing outside one of the cells. Which one, Rorod and Lars can not see yet. Sure enough, Rorod accurately guesses it was her on sight.

"You!" Rorod explaims. "I am Rorod, acting leader of Rodia and I demand some expla-"

"I know who you are." Siren cut him off, and stayed looking into the cell. "I am Siren. I'll explain more later. We don't have any time right now, we need to act quickly. I have a plan that might save Rodia."

Rorod is a bit surprised. Here stands before him an undocumented R-Core with a speaker for a face who seems to know way too much. He is suspicious. "I don't really want to trust you, Siren... but if you have an idea, it's worth hearing, since we are in grave danger."

Siren glances over, and motions them to look at the cell. "This is Gamma. You already know he is extremely powerful. His Resistance chip can make something far more durable, and I have something to boost its large enough to protect Rodia. It's a long shot, people will still get hurt, Rodia will still take damage... but it's a lot better that a guaranteed death."

"ARE YOU INSANE? Do you think I'll go along with this plan?" Rorod yells.

Siren calmly responds, "Do you have a better idea?"

Rorod pauses for a moment... then goes over to the side of Gamma's cell. He opens up a vault. It's filled with the chips R-1 Cores need to cast spells; specifically, It's Gamma's collection, except missing one. Rorod pulls the Resistance chip out, and hands it to Siren. He turns back to the cell, and turns off the forcefield keeping Gamma in. Siren Walks in and looks down at Gamma, who is sitting.

"Do I get a say in this?" Asks the criminal.

Siren, Rorod, and Lars all say "no" in rough, accidental synonization. Siren pulls Gamma up and hands him his chip. While he is looking at it, Siren grabs Gamma by one of of his horns (Gamma is the only R-Core to have horns) and starts dragging him somewhere.

"Ow! Not so rough!" Gamma says, as he carefully pops off his face-plate, revealing a bunch of computery stuff that would look quite gruesome to an R-Core, probably. He then attaches the chip in its place, and puts his face plate on.

Gamma realizes something, as he and Siren are walking towards the centermost part of Rodia they can access. "Isn't Ramrod on that oversized space dart still? How are you going to save him?!"

Siren snaps. "Ramrod?! That lazy idiot couldn't protect his people! He couldn't control his own creation! I have no respect for people like that. I don't care what happens to him. If there is a god that wants Ramrod to live, that god can save Ramrod himself! And if not, so be it."

Gamma thinks to himself. Even I'm not that cruel... why is Rorod trusting this person?

A few minutes later, Siren and Gamma arrive in a room that is as close the the center of Rodia that they can get to easily. All the inhabitants, indulging the unfinished cores, are currently hiding in various safe rooms scattered throughout Rodia, to help protect them from the blast. Also, the soldiers have re-docked.

Gamma: "Alright, we are here, what are you going to do? How are you going to boost my Resistance Chip?"

Siren: "Just activate the chip, then I'll show you."

Gamma reluctantly agrees. he activates the chip, getting ready to protect the station.

Siren thinks to herself. Welp. Here goes nothing. While she has been acting confident this whole time, she is honestly quite nouvras about this plan.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Before the planet was consumed by the plague, its now dead leaders had sent a distress signal to any planet or ship within their communications' range. Fortunately, a patrol fleet stationed on the Republic fringe world of Kirrilik had intercepted the message. The fleet, consisting of one Devastator-class Battlecruiser, one Providence-II star cruiser, and two AV-66 jumped to lightspeed, heading for the infected planet.

The fleet had emerged from hyperspace several kilometres away from the orbiting bio-ship and within its visual range. Admiral Oram Kinsir stood on the bridge of the Devastator-class battlecruiser Endurance and observed the alien craft kilometers away from his fleet.

The admiral then walked over to one of the crew manning a terminal and asked him:

Oram: Crewman, what is the status of the planet down below?

Crewman: 9 of the 10 settlements located on the planet have been destroyed sir, the only one remaining is the largest city on the planet, which still possesses some operational facilities.

Oram: Very well, send down a recon squadron, I want to see what's going on down there.

Crewman: Relaying orders now sir. Should we also move to engage the unknown ship?

Oram: No, let's wait and see, wouldn't want a galactic war on our hands now would we?


Down below on the hangar of the Endurance, several Republic Assault Troopers, along with a handful of HAM Troopers gather near 3 PATGs. A man dressed in an officer's uniform addresses the gathered personnel.

Officer: You will be tasked on recon of the surrounding area, ACA trooper 707, or "Colt" will be joining you as your commanding officer.

As the officer is speaking another figure in yellowish armor approaches the rest of the group, making his way beside the officer.

Officer: The transports will await your evacuation on the ground, be sure to return to the rendezvous point immediately after commands from Colt. Understood?

The troopers yell a unified voice of affirmation, as the officer replies back.

Officer: Good, good luck and godspeed gentlemen

He says as he walks away from the crowd, returning to the bridge.

Colt: You heard the man, troopers. Let's pack up and move out!

Several of the troopers proceed to put their helmets on, before making their way to their assigned gunships. As soon as all personnel are ready for departure, the hangar blast doors open as the craft slowly rise from the ground and fly out, diving downwards towards the planet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


As Fanny picked the coin up, she may or may not notice a teeny irregularity. The barest notion of a glimmer, almost impossible to notice unless you were intentionally looking for it with squinted eyes. Presumably it'd also left a trail of string behind it. Either way, Donny would catch the coin in his left hand with a raised bald brow, by this point doing his best not to look as surprised as he actually felt. Some kind of reality warping, or gravity manipulation? Regardless, soon his attention was drawn to the open door that the guards rushed through. Quick as the demon he was he unzipped his fly (complete with his dick hanging out) and smoothly passed the coin to his other hand before they had a clear line of sight, then slouched back in his chair as Fanny vanished.

"Ayah, don't shoot naow! Ah'm just as confused as-"

-He threw his arms out and up in surrender, crossing them at the wrist above his head and dropping the roll of quarters. They spilled all over the floor, making a fine mess. He then glanced down in dismay only for his expression to further morph, mouth dropping open and eyes bulging, making sure the guards were inclined to follow his line of sight down to his crotch.-

"M-mah weinah's stickin' out! Oh Lawrdy, it's nawt how it looks, Ah swear!!"

-He didn't want them to notice the coin he'd slip from between two fingers into his palm, gripping it tightly so that it wouldn't slip loose when he yanked. He wanted them to consider him the lesser threat as compared to Fanny as well. He'd simultaneously created a humorous situation and acted to draw their attention downwards with both the dropped coins and his wide-open fly. Maybe they'd even infer that he'd been about to pay her for a favor. Anything to even remotely increase his chances of getting out of there. His dynamic surrender had served to upset the room-spread microfilament strand into the air, so that even the guards who'd moved behind and to either side of him would walk through into it, the wire gently draping about the backs of their necks and following them as they took their positions. When Donny had crossed his wrists, his thumb in passing had pushed a button on his watch that'd set the wire to free-reel, giving it the slack it needed to be drawn out by the motion of the guards.-

-A moment after declaring his embarrassment, Donny knew they'd expect a dope like him to cover himself or zip up his fly. They'd expect him to quickly drop his arms. He did. As he did, he uncrossed his wrists, in a blink his thumb again subtly pressing a button on the interface of his watch. This one was meant to reel the wire in. With white-knuckled power he'd thrust his arms down and to either side of his body, leaning his weight forwards, his muscular core wrenching the wire down and in, the death noose closing on the entire guard company. Were it a rope it'd haul them together by the necks. It wasn't a rope. The wire itself wasn't monomolecular, but consisted of several interwoven, multi-walled carbon nanocables made from CNT shells that had been subjected to high-energy electron irradiation. If it were too small the Van Der Waals force would prevent it from cutting limbs off. However, it still had to be able to shear through the collagen fibers in bone, which in a normal human may be severed with 5.5 piconewtons of force. A small child could kill someone with it by accident. Donny was a grown ass man who had served special forces, holding the literal 0.0013 millimeter lifeline of four men in his hands.
Should he successfully drop his arms without being shot, a breathless moment would pass, everyone in the room unmoving. One of the quarters that had been rolling on the floor would jutter onto its side, tinkling to an abrupt stop. Almost in unison there'd be four hearty thuds as the guard's collective heads tumbled off their shoulders and to the floor. Donny exhaled, and eyed the gaping door with the murderous calm of a hungry tiger. A muted spatter of footsteps and a passing shadow. The chair empty. The device on the floor snatched away. The box emptied. One of the deceased guards deprived of their gun and clothing. The suspect gone...-
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED 7283


Banned Seen 9 mos ago


Gillian, surprised by shock, looks at the payment on her desk.
"Weird way to buy a ship, going straight to the CEO, but at least he paid for himself." Gillian said to herself while scooping the bag into a drawer in her desk. Immediately after, two young cops entered the room. They were twins and both had a completely neutral expression, their name tags read Officer O'Brian.
"Mrs. Reed! Are you okay?" said one of the twins very monotony.
"Yes. Sorry about that, I pressed the button by accident." she lied. The O'Brian twins nodded, and walked out of the room. She sat back down and started to investigate the worth of the jewels.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Commander has became more and more bitter by the minute as the time progresses, and so-forth stirring and sipped a glass of red wine from his right hand to ease his anger. Fanny was still unable to see the true Commander appearances as he's still facing away from her and Ernest Jr.

Supposedly, we're trying to establishing a new sector close to our home planet. Honestly, I don't think this is a right area and it's already a long way from home. Communication attempts back at the MASGC headquarters of the home planet hadn't responded for a very long time and so we have no other choices but to settle down and do ensure what we have to survive with everything at best.

The Commander then sipped another of his red wine.

Also, stop stalling my previous important question with little time, Fanny! If Hany's Ribbon was a biggest threat already, then I want to know the next best location to settle a planet so that the legacy will continues for us! Plus, why bothering to ensnaring notorious people, aka us did to the frozen wasteland with little life anyway? Since we're only just started and haven't done anything wrong in the slightest by this moment! Prolonged this conversation if you dare, and you've already done murdering at least a few hundreds of people in Iceolia without prior acknowledgement!

Then the Commander was awaiting Ernest Jr. responding to his previous question.

Well?!. . .
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vice-admiral Knaggs had been insistent that the Kurultai's plan of action would be followed to the letter. Both the Khan and the fleet admiral had not returned yet, so he was still in command of the entire fleet. He had ordered all of the ships to start orbiting a nearby planet. He figured it would be one of the safest yet closest places where they could recuperate from their disastrous wormhole jump that had violently thrown them into another universe. Soon, the titanic ships moved, fusion thrusters lighting up as they pushed the ships towards the planet. Khaganate thruster technology was very advanced, so the journey only took a few hours, and soon the fleet was in orbit. Scanners indicated lots of life on the surface, but the entire civilization only lived in a low-tech medieval society, and would be unable to pose any threat to the Khaganate fleet. Knaggs chuckled. Now that he thought about it, it must've seemed like a new constellation appeared in the night sky of the planet below them, so large was the Khaganate fleet, as well as its ships. In addition to the planet being scanned while they were in polar orbit around it, several probes had been set out to discover where the fleet was exactly positioned.

The results were very concerning. Not only were they in a completely different universe, their location results based on pulsar locations and star-maps were completely different than their location before entering the wormhole. They had no idea what the time or date or age of this universe was either, so at least they could use their own standard dating system without having to change anything. A bit of good news was also there though, as an earth-like planet was found a few hundred lightyears away, a distance that could easily be travelled with a wormhole jump.

Then, more news came in. During their polar orbit over the planet, the fleet's scanners had found a communication signal. One that belonged to the Lanist Khaganate. It must have been one of the missing ships, so they tried to send an away team, but their dropships were ripped apart in a strange gravitational anomaly that seemed to cover a thin layer of the atmosphere between the planet's surface and its exosphere, effectively disabling any attempt to get people on the surface of the world, meaning whoever was there could only come up, effectively trapping whoever was left of the Khaganate's crew down there.

As he was pondering this new information, he got a call from the captain of the Atlas. He told Jens that the person they had rescued wished to speak to him. Luckily for the vice-admiral, the Kurultai was over that exact moment and both the Khan and the fleet admiral returned, so he was no longer needed at that moment, and he went to the shuttle bay.
As the small spacecraft extended its landing gears and its door starts to open, James' task forces raised their rifles and aimed them at the door, ready to shoot anything hostile that might come out. To their surprise however, the only thing that emerges is a young woman, and some of them started to lower their rifles slowly, not seeing any threat the woman could pose. James, as well as several of his colleagues, kept their weapons up however, aiming at the woman's head, and he ordered the rest of the soldiers who had let their guards down to do the same. What confused James most however, was the calmness the women visibly displayed while twelve rifles were pointed at her, and the look of concern on his face was hidden by his Re-Mask helmet (Rebreather gasmask) that covered his entire face.

James turned off the speaker on the outside on his helmet, and talked into his communicator, so that the words would clearly be recorded and saved: "Operation Command, this is PA-1. Subject appears to be a female human who calls herself "Fanny May", as told by herself when she had recorded her distress call. No anomalous activity nor visible hostility has been detected yet of her or of her ship.", telling his commander that Fanny May was probably not very dangerous, and at first glance did not seem to be anomalous to say the least. Subject is apparently pregnant, but you must've heard that already through comms. Fanny May requests to speak to Vice-admiral Jens Knaggs, the man who initially decided to answer her distress call."

"PA-1, request granted. You are to escort her to Containment cell HC-3-2-12. We will try to get Vice-admiral Knaggs there as well. Please make sure to stand guard in the room while Knaggs is in there. Operation command out."

James turned on his speaker again, saying to Fanny May: "Please follow us, and do not try anything stupid. You will be able to the man who decided those things."

The soldier then walked away, expecting her to follow. If Fanny May were to follow, she would be flanked by 6 soldiers at each side, marching in unison. The group reached a small transporting vehicle with a metal rail attached to its floor and another one to its roof. The rails ran through the entire length of the hangar bay. As soon as the group of 13 people had entered the transport, James tapped a few buttons that were next to its door and it moved further into the giant stratocruiser at a breakneck pace. The task force was completely unaffected by the sudden acceleration due to their magnetic boots.

Soon, the vehicle had stopped, before changing direction upwards with the same acceleration that it had earlier. The vehicle stopped again, and a voice came from a speaker in the elevator saying: "Containment bay 3, level 2". After some more walking they had arrived near a containment cell made out of steel. In it, there was a table with two chairs facing eachother. James walked inside, expecting Fanny May to follow, and told her to sit down on the chair while the vice-admiral was coming. James and another member of his task force then stood guard inside the room, flanking the doorway, weapons ready.

Meanwhile, the Atlas had joined the rest of the fleet in orbit, and soon a small shuttle departed from the Genghis and flew towards the Omega Order's stratocruiser. It docked in the hangar, and out stepped vice-admiral Knaggs, he took the same elevator as the group earlier did.

Soon, in containment cell HC-3-2-12, a knock on the door could be heard. A man with gray hair and a friendly face, dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans, walked in and sat down in the chair opposite to Fanny May. He started speaking: "Hello Fanny May. I am Jens Knaggs. I understood you wanted to speak to me."
That same night, someone else, in an entirely different region of the world, was having exactly the same dreams as the stranger many kilometres away did, and she too woke up covered in sweat, her red hair reflecting the moonlight. She went outside, standing on the balcony of her sleeping chambers, looking up towards the night sky. Like the stranger before her, she also saw some strange lights slowly moving towards the south. The woman went back to sleep. After waking up and eating breakfast in the castle's great dining hall, she ordered her servants to make preparations for a voyage...

It was the fifth day of the stranger's journey towards the southern lands in an attempt to explain the strange dreams together with the new constellation in the sky. Everywhere he traveled, he encountered vastly different reactions to the appearance of an entirely new group of stars. Some saw it as an omen from their gods, either good or bad, while many others didn't really care about it, seeing as they were asleep during the night anyway. The stranger was awake that night though, and could see fire raining from the sky, great explosions appearing from very far away. He was slightly distracted as he remembered the events that happened that night, not hearing the low growl in the bushes next to the road. Soon it was too late, and the great wolf-like beast ambushed him, slashing him across his face with its paw with three claws. The stranger was slightly dazed and could not see clearly because of the blood running across his face, but still managed to draw his sword, and he plunged it into the beast's heart, killing it. He had to act quickly, grabbing the few medical supplies he had, and cleaned the wound while checking it. It was not too deep, and he would only need some bandages to stop the bleeding until his blood would coagulate inside the wound. He then continued on his journey.

It was four days later. His wound was starting to heal, and the stranger felt like he no longer needed the bandages. He had always been tougher than most people, after all. The stranger had been walking down the road, continuing to the south, when he heard a horse behind him. The stranger turned around, and saw an attractive woman with long flowing, red hair, sitting on a brown mare. The woman started speaking: "I have heard rumors of your travels stranger, and I know you are good at fighting with a sword. I have an offer for you."

The stranger replied: "I will listen to your offer, but I do not know your name."

The woman chuckled, and said: "My name is Duchess Katie Anderson."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Prima Luce
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Prima Luce

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Dnias was mildly surprised and presented curiosity with an angling of his head when Mili screamed. At that time he attempted to subdue her with a telepathic connection. This subliminal connection is designed to calm a person by way of manipulating dopamine levels and the production of specific peptides in the brain. A procedure that is normally effective unless applied to a person with advanced forms of Telesthesia, Telegnosis, Psychokinetic, or… psychoincarnate abilities. It quickly became clear that this child was gifted with one of these talents, and which one it was became evident in the production of the frail dead that materialized and encroached upon his position.

Dnias is annoyed. He has underestimated his victim. She is not what he thought she was. He wishes only to feast in peace.

Before the dead arrive at his feet he lashes out in rage, slashing the child’s stomach with his knife. Her garment is torn and her stomach has been opened to expose her abdominal lining. As blood spills forth from her wound he turns to his attackers and raises both hands. The knife turns to dust. With a scream of his own the creature’s combust and soon turn to ash.

He turns to the child and pulls back his hood to expose his face. His eyes are dark orbs with a fluid surface like that of black oil.

“Stop!” His deep, gravelly voice is akin to man, yet loud enough to shake the cave, causing dust and fragments of stone to shower down upon them.

Cain does not turn to the officers O’Brian. He does not falter, ignoring them. He keeps his attention on Gillian while she assesses the payment rendered, yet he does not have his vessel.

Following several moments of wait, he places one hand upon her desk. From his point of contact, blackened veins spread out like roots of a tree through the very fabric of the material it is made from. Within seconds the desk and all thereon is consumed and turned to dust. All that remains is Gillian, her seat, and the extravagant payment Cain has provided.

“Where is my vessel?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Just posting to address something I missed in my main post)
As Ernest
Ernest Jr Pipes up. "My apologies, commander. I was distracted by Miss May's use of the phrase 'Dorsin ost Halit.' I did not mean to be rude."

In case I never explained this to Alfieq (or if he never saw my previous posts), Ernest Jr's voice is staticy and slightly distorted, do to the small, low-quality speakers the repair pods got on them. Ernest normally has a deep monotone with little inflection. Ernest Jr's voice is slightly higher, again do to the speakers.

"I am not aware of how I work, Commander" Says the repair pod. "I simply woke up not too long ago, near Hany's Ribbon. I had no memory of before that point, other than knowledge of how to operate myself. As far as I can tell, any previous memories have been corrupted beyond repair, and were deleted to save space on my memory. I have no way of knowing my origin, nor do I have much interest in finding out."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The city, despite having some operational facilities (at least one of which would be a somewhat functional power supply, given some flickering street lights), seems to completely lack any sort of non-plagued life. Herds of cat-sized Reevers skitter along the streets, down back alleys, looking for any possible signs of life, not that there are any to be found, only more infection. The sky is clouded and a sickly green, but not quite thick with spores. Sure, breathing without a ventilator of some kind would be a fatal mistake, but by no means does it impede vision. The ships approach is easily noticed, as the second a Reever notices it, all nearby infected turn to watch the ship, and begin amassing to assault it once it lands, brutes surrounded by masses of normal infected, reevers diverting their course towards the general area, although it seems the other, more advanced types aren’t joining the area quite yet. Of course, they have quite a distance to go, so some simply stay behind to continue searching for any pocket of life. Not every infected would go after a single threat, of course.

Meanwhile, the sniper sprints his way downstairs, his head snapping to one side as he hears the whine of engines nearby. The hell..? There weren’t supposed to be any functional vehicles left, especially airborne by the sounds of it, or he would have taken one himself… he soon made his way out of the vehicle, easily dispatching the lesser infected in his way, which seemed distracted by the approaching vehicles, whatever they were, anyways, almost stepping out on the street, before waiting around a corner, avoiding the various infected grouping along the streets. Wasn’t his type of fight. Open areas, enclosed spaces, bah.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The strange being that was moving between the shadows of the many buildings, The creature moving towards the building where the sniper was. Doing his best to avoid the infected people around the area. And even inside of the building he was careful not to be seen by the infected. Why he wanted to see the sniper was to use him to help him clear out the infected for him to safely travel out of the planet. He was here on the planet before the infestation, He was a fortune teller and to the civilians of the planet he was a strange alien that knew the future of the citizens.

He could somewhat see in the future but it is usually muddled and vague, Now he was trying to find a way to escape or find the cure for the infection. Heading up the flight of stairs slowly going up towards the roof, The noises of his movement could be heard to a keen ear whomever was on the rooftop.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dartbored Fairy
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Dartbored Fairy Sleepy Fairy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Prima Luce

Mili lets out another scream, this time one of pain, as Dnias slashes her with his knife. Her creatures had been destroyed with ease, far before they could really do anything.

As Mili's blood spills on the floor, her eye is already at work bringing something else to this world, but Mili knows that alone wouldn't be enough; she needs to get out of there and fast.

But perhaps this being would be able to buy her the time she so desperately needs.

As Mili glares at Dnias, the cave continues shaking as cracks form in the cavern floor, and part of the ground, covered in Mili's blood, starts moving on it's own.

A large creature, composed entirely of rock and crystals, rises up out of the ground covered with Mili's blood. Mili's eye has awoken an Illearth, a corrupted Earth Elemental. Perhaps it had always been buried there, or maybe Mili had summoned it, but it attacks Dnias regardless while the rocks it is made out take on a more... creature-like form, giving the being arms it needs to attack and a set of eight legs to move around.

While the creature distracts Dnias - it would at least serve as a physical barrier - Mili gets to work trying to find a way out of her binds. She moves around as much as she can as she brings one of the ropes keeping her in place in front of her hand and fires a fireball at it. The blast of said projectile burns through the rope, but it also burns Mili. But despite the pain, Mili grins. She had one hand free now, and could get to work on the others.

But, before she gets to work on freeing herself, her eye brings more beings into this world. After all, the more enemies her assailant had to deal with, the more time she would have to escape.

Soon, the cave begins to be illuminated by the presence of a duo of Fire Elementals. These creatures are nothing more than sentient flames burning without a need for fuel, and they too begin to attack Dnias, throwing what is essentially parts of their own body at him as they launch small fireballs.

Mili, meanwhile, gets to work on dealing with the rest of the ropes holding her in place. First burning each of the ropes keeping her legs in place, and then freeing her other arm. Though she sustains some burns in this process, they are far from her biggest concern.

Now free to move about, Mili covers her injury with one hand as she makes a mad dash towards the exit, under the cover of the creatures she has summoned.


Pirila frowns as Dino offers his assistance. She doesn't trust him, not one bit, but at this point he was her only option if she wanted to get Mili back before things got really bad.

"Thank you." She simply says, sighing as she does so. There were so many things that could go wrong with this whole situation, and there wasn't really anything she could do to prevent that.

As Cuna offers to help out, Pirila manages a smile. "Thanks. Just, no swearing, got it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Eviledd1984 @Zyngard

Gunships A-2, A-6, and A-7 of Nexu Company flew through the green mist of the
planet. As they cruised through the sky, Colt tuned into the squad coms and began speaking.

Colt: Alright boys, sensors indicate heavy containment in the air, so whatever you do, don't take your bucket off, it'll be the end of you.

Trooper: What exactly is in the air sir?

Colt: Seems to be a kind of fungal spore, none I've ever seen before.

As the gunships descended, they could then gain visual of the welcoming committee waiting for them down below. Dozens, maybe hundreds of humanoid creatures were gathering below them, seemingly attracted by the sound of the PATG's engines.

Pilot: You guys might want to see this...

The pilot said as he displayed the video captured by the gunship's sensors on a monitor inside the cabin, as the other pilots do the same.

HAM Trooper: Holy shit...

The troopers gaze at the screen, processing what was happening on the ground. They could see the infected clamouring over each other as the brute released a loud and nerve-wracking roar before knocking away the smaller infected. Something about the things below told the troopers they weren't particularly friendly. Colt regained his focus quickly and tapped into the pilot's com.

Colt: Too many hostiles, better clear them out before landing.

Pilot: Affirmative sir, right away.

The pilot then contacts the pilot of the other two craft.

A-2 Pilot: A-6 and A-7 this is A-2, command is requesting we clear the ground, so let's give'em a show.

A-6 Pilot: On it boss!

A-7 Pilot: Let's rock.

The three gunships immediately split from the single file formation they were previously in and started to form a perimeter around the mob of infected. They suddenly stopped and hovered in place, before their ball turrets started tracking their new targets. After a few seconds the three PATGs opened fire on the mob as blue plasma bolts streaked through the air and seared the zombies, eliminating them. Missiles were also fired from the launcher on top of the craft, that left a cloudy trail behind them as they zipped towards their target, creating an explosion which wiped out infected and buildings alike. After 45 seconds or so of constant plasma and missile fire, most of the infected where wiped out, what few survived retreated and went into hiding.

The gunships then proceeded to land on a large rooftop on a relatively tall building, the three opened their cargo doors as the occupants took up firing positions, ready to clear out the rooftop if necessary. They then slowly disembarked from the ships, making sure the sector was clear and devoid of any potential threats. After the PATGs had unloaded their total cargo of 16 Republic Assault Troopers, 5 HAM Troopers, and one ACA Trooper, they started ascending, closing the cargo bay doors and heading off to their waiting area.

A-2 Pilot: Just call us if you need evac, we'll be ready for you.

Now the platoon was tasked with reconnaissance of the area, looking for any potential survivors and evading any large numbers of infected.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Fanny sighs, turning slightly to extend the arm holding the beer as if to place it down, which is what she did, though there was not a bench within her reach. The bottle did get placed, however; it appeared on a flat surface next to a terminal on the far side of the bridge. She looked back at Meta as her features and voice returned to what they were previously.

“I’ll leave that there for when you’re feeling manly enough to drink it. It holds a surprise for you, more information than you’re likely to get from this mouth.”

She then crossed her arms as well, mimicking his staunch persona, possibly in a joking or even ridiculing manner with a little, pompous swing of her head and raise of her brow.

“Dear Meta,” She states frankly, “you seem very sure of yourself, despite the fact that half your ships systems are down. But I was hoping you were the gaming type. So let’s have some fun, shall we?”

As she finished speaking these words, and what might seem as impossible for a ship in Hyper Drive, The Tempest convulsed. The shake was hard enough to set Meta off balance. The movement was a clear indication that the ship had suddenly altered course. Fanny remained unmoving in the jolt.

“It won’t be long now. We’ll soon be arriving. And there…” She smiled graciously. “…never mind my many names and even more abundant descriptions folks have given me – because that is why I’m here, to see what you’re truly made of. Will you let the seed inside me grow, or will you kill it before it kills you?”

Close to a minute passes, in which time Meta will probably respond, but all the while Fanny will remain unresponsive. At the end of which time the Tempest drops out of Hyper drive with a sudden, unnatural forward sliding-halt force.

The Tempest’s reading will now confirm what can be seen out of any view screen available. they are in orbit of a planet, which by an outward appearance looks like nothing more than an ashen wasteland. However, in orbit of this planet are ten massive ships. The ships are holding an arrowhead formation. Each ship is identical, also similar to being arrow shaped of themselves. Each ship is also heavily armed. Their shielding systems would read off the charts. Each ship is seven miles in length. This is the Quatis Fleet.

Mere seconds pass before the Tempest receives an automated transmission:

“We are the Quatis. We have scanned your vessel. You are at our mercy. For your own good, you will state your designation and intentions.”

@Doc Doctor

Donny was successful in escaping his captivity. Four dead Quatis security lay decapitated on the floor of a prisoner’s interrogation cell. But he hasn’t gone unnoticed. Cameras are a way of the past. Each Quatis vessel is fitted with a sensory array that reads and stores each and every bio signature within its hulls limits. Donny’s specific signature has been recorded. Fortunately for Donny, though he wouldn’t be aware of it yet, the Corridors and Turbo lifts on most sub-primary levels are not fitted with tracking sensors, only personnel function (working class) rooms are. He is not being tracked after leaving the holding room.

If Donny looks at the functions of his wrist device, he will find a map of the science vessel he is on. There are 23 levels; living quarters, mess halls, two Bridges, research levels, shuttle bays, etc, just like Fanny had told him. His location is marked by a small red flashing dot on the page of the 21st floor, which was one of the lower four research levels of the ship.

From the holding room where he retrieved his personal effects from the metal crate, Donny will have entered a corridor of the special containment sector. It doesn’t look like much. The corridor is 3 meters wide and arched with occasion doorways that lead into rooms. Each room is numbered and color coded, not named. The corridor extends for several hundred meters in either direction. Every 30 meters is a turbo lift. The turbo lifts are designed to take personnel to different levels of the ship, much like an elevator except multi-directional. The doors to the turbo lifts look different than the doors to allocated room. The turbo lift doors are a light shade of blue. Aside from the color coded numbers above their doorframe, the other doors are the same color as the metallic walls. Each and every door has a security panel next to it. Each person on board the ship has their own security code they will need to type into these keypad panels to gain access to any room or turbo lift. Rank levels are applicable.

The wrist device Donny took from the floor is limited, though it has many functions. He will not be able to teleport off the ship. He will not be able to teleport into rooms or turbo lifts if the doors are closed. He will only be able to teleport to location open to his any given current location. All devices worn by personnel on the ship are the same. The only personnel with devices of greater range are officers of the highest rank clearances; admirals, captains, level 5 lieutenants and some doctors.

Once Donny has made it a small distance down the corridor, a group of ten armed security personnel exit a turbo lift, all dressed in much the same fashion as the four he just killed. They are also carrying the same weapons. Upon exiting the turbo lift in a rush, they had almost run into Donny, halting just a short distance from him. They instantly take a firing squad formation, three in each row, and one in the front. These are the backup personnel that were called for. The man squatting low in the front, only two meters from Donny, speaks into his wrist device, saying; “Command, we are at hands with unfamiliar personnel. Stand By.” The same officer lowers his device to hold his rifle steady on Donny like the others, and then addresses Donny:

“State your name and rank!”

@Zyngard@Dartbored Fairy

Dino Squints with a smouldering look at Cuna; “Fuck You. I’m sure you mean well, and perhaps you’ll be important one day. That said, you are welcome to come along.”

“And of course, you’re welcome for the help.” Dino then replies to Pirila. “I think you’ll find me and my people quite useful.”

When he finishes saying so, Lietenent Shart gives Cuna a flirtatious smile and twinkling wave of her fingers. “Haiii!”

“Don’t be such a whore, Lieutenant!” Dino snaps at her. “You don’t know what sort of diseases these barbarians carry. Keep your lobes tucked in and behave like an officer for a change.”

“Of course, sir. As you wish, sir.” Replies Shard, “But I’ve never slept with an alien before.” She can’t help but give Cuna another flirting look.

At that time Dino’s wrist device receives an update from Science officer Cas:

“Admiral, requested report advisable.”

Dino twitches his nose in a disturbed manner, apparently the way Cas reopened communication was suspicious. “What is it, Nerd?” He replies into the device.

“The readings of the area don’t make a full amount of sense.” Cas said. “Our records show the bio signature of a female alien life form that departed the premises within the last five minutes. But she wasn’t alone, sir. She was accompanied by a second bio signature. This other life form was of a different species, it was… odd, sir, unlike anything I’ve ever prepared for in all my studies. But there’s something else…..”

“Stop with the suspenseful pauses, Nerd!” Dino raised his voice a little at Cas and rolled his eyes at his present company; “Just spit it out, son.”

“Of course, Admirable.” Cas continues; “The entity that vanished with the female was using some type of technology to make the teleport. I believe it to be a biological technology in nature, but I can’t be sure. In any case, the technology the entity used left a very distinct signature, like a residue on the atmosphere in the area. Think of it like a sort of wet hand touching a surface, sir, it won’t be long before the signature is gone... before the wet print left behind evaporates, so to speak. We need to move fast if we want any hope of finding the pairs current location. I’ve already conducted scans of the planet down to one mile beneath the surface. Neither the females nor her abductors bio signature can be found. They are no longer on the planet. We are currently searching nearby systems for any sign of their signature or the signature of the teleportation technology the abductor was using.”

“Well done, Nerd!” Dino tells him, sincerely proud of his science officer. “Keep me informed and do it fast! In the meantime, send down my own private vessel, no need to involve the entire fleet for this. And Nerd… make sure you’re on it.”

“Understood, Admiral. Myself and your private vessel are dispatching momentarily.”

“Dino out.” Dino Gavon lowers his arm to give a narrow stare to each member of the group and announces; “We’re heading out. Make sure you all have what you need. Follow me.”

That said, Dino turns and exits the building, presumably with the rest of the group. As they step outside the hall a vessel the shape of an arrowhead, dark-gray in color and roughly 40 meters in length, descends quietly from the sky and lands on the road in front of the Station Hall. It would be quite a sight for anyone who hasn’t seen space age technology before.

Once landed, each member of Dino's group feel a queer sensation as the particles of their body come apart. They become slightly dizzy at the same time, their vision blackens, and the next thing they know they are standing in a circular metallic room within the ship. The room is 4 meters in diameter, four equally spaced doors around its perimeter. Nothing else is in the room.

Without saying a word, Dino heads out through one of the doors that slides open on his approach and enters the Bridge.

Dino takes his seat in the captains chair. Cas is seated beside him at the helm as well. There are only two more seats on the bridge, located directly behind Dino and Cas.

Cas turns to whoever may have followed Dino onto the bridge and give a congenial nod.

“Hey guys. Welcome aboard The DGS. Make yourselves at home.”

Meanwhile, Dino Gavon is already lifting off. The ashen world outside is quickly falling from sight.


Fanny followed orders and walked without aid with the escort as if she were taking a leisurely stroll on a Sunday picnic. Every now and then she provides a member of personnel a warm smile. In one instance she gingerly plucked a little fluff from the shoulder of the officer to her right.

“Not even.” Were Fanny’s exact words when she refused support from the men on the railed transport vehicle. Of course, the men wore magnetic boot to prevent them from losing balance when the vehicle accelerated, and Fanny had nothing but sandals on her feet, yet she stood unmoving from her position when the vehicle took off at breakneck speed. During this part of the journey she analysed the surroundings like a woman browsing an open field for the best flower to pick.

When they finally arrived at Containment Cell HC-3-2-12, Fanny followed James inside and took a seat as requested, thanking the man as she did so. She was silent, her posture was neat, legs together and hands folded on her knees in a ladylike manner, patient until Jens Knaggs finally arrived to meet with her.

Fanny then waited until Jens finished his introduction before she raised from her seat. There were no sudden moves. She was smooth and eloquent, both palms of her hands open and outward and wearing a gracious smile as she stepped toward the man, saying;

“Accept a customary greeting.” She paused for a moment. “I am Fanny May.” She then leans forward, hands on the man’s shoulders as she places a kiss on both his cheeks, his nose then forehead, before taking the needed steps back in order to return to her seat.

“You are correct, Vice-Admiral Knaggs.” She said, reverting to her previous ladylike posture. “I did wish to meet the man whose decision it was to spare my life, mine and the seed inside me.”

“Kind sir,” She continued frankly, “I have chosen to speak with you alone for various reasons. The first being a more immediate matter. That is to say that I advise against your people attempting to repair my craft. As of this very moment, any attempt to do so will result in their lives.” She paused to smile kindly, and adds; “My craft will repair itself in time, but I am thankful, sir, for your temporary hospitality.

Secondly, I would like to be the one to welcome you all, as it is clear that you’re not from around here. But if I’m not mistaken, your arrival here was a little on the bumpy side, was it not? Perhaps it is a sign of things to come.

Thirdly, I would like to offer you a word of kind advice, maybe pass it on to your superior officer….”

She stops speaking, blinks twice, lifts her eyes up to one side as if to consider the matter for a moment, but says no more for now. She returns her look to the admiral and awaits his initial reply.


Fortunately for Ramrod and Hank, the Forte Vessel was spinning for very good reason. The spin helped in the dispersal of sections from its main body. One of these sections was the area of the ship that Ramrod and Hank were in. along with other sections, it was launched at great speed from the spinning ship, and since there was nothing in space to slow it down it will continue on its present course indefinitely. Most importantly, it would be well clear of Hany’s Ribbons when it arrives. Unfortunately, the triangular shaped section was not equipped with its own propulsion system; those inside will have no way of navigating beyond their present course unless by an outside influence.

Inside the section, or let’s just call it a craft, Hank starts screaming like crazy, overly happy about their escape. “Ramrod, you plush-plush, brilliant, brilliant person!!”

A short while later, the reluctant efforts of Gamma, Siren and the members of Rodia pay off. Their sacrifice wasn’t in vain. The remaining section of the Forte vessel explodes. The explosion is massive, damaging and cracking certain areas of The Rodia’s hull, but the force of the explosion also sends Rodia clear from the path of Hany’s ribbon. The spherical vessel spins like a ball as it moves through space in the opposite direction from Ramrod and Hank’s Craft.


Fanny waits, though visibly a little impatient, until Junior states his case to the Commander.

“Now, Commander.” She says, “If you don’t mind paying attention to the more important matter at hand. You have a lightyear-long space entity converging on your position. If you want to find a safe place for the people you want to save, than anywhere outside the path of Hany’s Ribbon will do! You can always think about finding a location for another home afterwards. But why only save some of your people when you could possibly save them all??”

Fanny is now sounding a little annoyed. Her eyes are filled with a tint like the flames of a fire as the beer disappears from her hand.

“So allow me to approach my previous point another way, Commander. Hany’s Ribbon will be decimating this station and the planet below within thirty minutes. You’re the ones who are about to be destroyed, not me, and not this little bot beside me. So make it very clear to me - stop playing with your wine and answer this question; Who are you going to save? Tell me! Which of your people will you spare??”

In her finishing words, Fanny’s irritated voice has reached decibels that are causing the room to quake.

@Oh no my soup

Magnus set the destination to the nearest habitable planet, but as most people and even Magnus should know, habitable doesn’t necessarily mean hospitable.

As the planet came into view, Magnus receives a transmission from an unknown source. The monitor display lights up with the words:

I miss you so much, my dear Magnus. I should have never let you go… I long to feel you against my skin again.

The planet, now much closer, could be seen as a giant green and blue marble. If Magnus conducted detailed scans, he would discover the flora of the planet was abundant with life, as too was the fauna both on land and in the oceans. There is no sign of modernized civilizations though; no cities, not industrialized complexes, no real evidence of sentient life.

Approaching the outer atmosphere of the planet, the small ship encounters an unnatural amount of turbulence that ultimately reflects the ship away with minimal damage. If Magnus further studies the barrier, he will find that the outer atmosphere is composed of a volatile gas-like substance that condenses upon contact from an outer force. He will need to find a way through the shield without damaging his ship, that is, if he wants to visit the surface below.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dartbored Fairy@Hokum

Cuna nodded to Pirila. Fucking.... "Fine. No f-swearing." Well whatever. He snickered slightly at Dino talking to him, then frowned. Important eventually? He was important dammit!
He eyed Shard as she winks at him, and gives her a wink and grin in return. His eyes widened as he stepped outside and suddenly kinda stopped existing, simply sliding to sit down on the floor, looking around the spaceship or whatever he's in now.


The strange fortune teller would pass the sniper on his way in, who was simply leaning on a wall nearby the door, out of sight from the street. Said sniper would calmly unsling his rifle from his back, quietly unclip the… well, clip from it, and check his ammo, before reclipping it back in and nodding to himself. Now then, how did that one escape the spores…? He knew his own method, but he couldn’t see any respirator or breathing filter on that one, and he highly doubted that it used his method as well.

The sniper shifted slightly towards the window to watch the ships, managing to somehow see the pilot of one even from the distance he was at, noting the strange body armor worn. He watched them fly up towards the rooftop of.. The building he just came down from. He gave a quiet sigh, and reslung the rifle over his back, before breaking into a light jog up the stairs (passing the fortune teller on his way and not saying a word), slowing down not for an instant, and opening the door to the roof only about half a minute after the troops would have landed. Presumably they were here for the same reason he was. Not that he cared, he got paid one way or another as long as he could prove he was involved in the plague’s destruction. He calmly raised his voice towards the troops, knowing silence was no longer a priority given the damnable noise of those engines. “You got lucky, this buildings one of the few clear ones. I cleared it myself on my way down. That said, if you’re looking for anything I’d move fast, they’ll be on their way in.” Hmm, was there anything else..? Oh yes, he had seen something… odd once or twice since his entrance, infected climbing the buildings with ease “And watch the buildings sides, there’s a variant with spider legs or some shit.” ...Oh yeah. It was probably suspicious of his lack of helmet or whatever with these spores around. Too late now, anyways.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED 7283


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

@Prima Luce


"I didn't call it in yet because I wanted to make sure the payment was real. It's not like I'm that foolish to hand you a ship and your payment was nothing but plastic. And since my phone now disappeared I'll have to go straight to my secretary and ask for a ship." Gillian said angrily. She then got up from her seat, exit her office and talk to a woman at a desk. The secretary nodded and called someone on her phone. Gillian stepped back into her office and close the door.
"One should be here in a minute." She said while looking out of her window, waiting for the ship.
"You're very impulsive. May I ask why you're in such a rush?" As she said this a Solon 3000, carried by a small drone, hovered by a wall sized window that could be opened.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The tall creature at first did not noticed the sniper thinking he was already on the roof, However he was incorrect and just noticed him passing by him. This of course surprised him as the sniper had ran passed him up the stairs. The strange creature himself was at the doorway when the sniper and a hovering vehicle came down onto the roof, Listening to their conversation and the outfit they were wearing. He wondered if they were killing the survivors, But he thought that would be silly as the sniper would have killed him already on his way up.Regardless he wanted off of his planet and he would have to make his presences known to them, Taking a deep breath behind his mask and opening the door.

Walking slowly out of the door and having his hands to his side so he does not seem threatening, However his appearance may seem menacing when that would usually not be the case. "Hello hoomans, are you here to rid of the infestation? And here to take survivors to safety?" He asked them speaking softly and slowly for them. It would seem he would have to use these humans to help him escape form this planet. And if it had to come down to it he would use his abilities to make these human's take him with them to safety.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Commander calm and sips peacefully with his glass of wine.

... Interesting... The not-so-minding on how can you do everything it takes to adapt and be efficient without losing too much or possibly everything you had. Keen of knowledge that some of your operating and governing skills isn't your strongest taste as a sauerkraut, Fanny. Of course we can't bring every people back to the Space Headquarters for a very good reason! . . . Now that you're questioning on what was my motive for not bringing everything back safe and sound? . . . Sadly... I'm afraid that you'll need to figure it out yourself by that matter, with a modest hints. One, something to power the craft, and one focuses on the most basic survival instincts.


The Commander was acting a little suspicious after Ernest had said "near Hany's Ribbon".

Hmmmmmm.... Really..?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prima Luce
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Prima Luce

Member Seen 7 mos ago

With a look of nostalgia that would not be viewed while Gillian’s attention is focused elsewhere, Cain replies solemnly.

"Impulsive… No. Hurried… Yes.” Perhaps he was impressed by Gillian’s lack of panic in the face of his power, and therefore wished to share details of his life with her. Probably not. But perhaps he felt obligated to reply, which is also doubtful. Or, perhaps and most likely, he simply cherishes this rare moment wherein someone was willing to listen.

"I have a date...” He tells her, walking towards the wall size window as it inexplicably opens for him, “…with death.”

Stopping at the threshold, Cain moves his eyes to Gillian who can now see him with a turn of her own eyes if she wishes.

He speaks yet again in a voice cryptic as the words that are chosen: “Your son. He knows your love…. So it is with mankind.”

It is a surprise to Dnias, how this youth can manage to think of the perfect means by which to attempt an escape. He is quickly irate.

Mili will no doubt take the nearest passage out from the cave. This passage is a natural formation that shows the underground cavity’s age. Colloid mineral formations make the floor of the passage not easy to navigate. Stone-like Stalactite’s hang from the roof. In her hasty escape, Mili can hear the sound of crumbling stone behind her, undoubtedly the noise derived from Dnias obliterating the stone monster she had summoned. The sound of fizzling is also heard, that pertaining to the destruction of the fire entities she had also summoned.

Nevertheless, in the wake made of silence, she will not hear Dnias in pursuit. This may fill Mili with a sense of relief. But… had she in fact managed to escape? Was there something she did not count on? Why wasn’t he chasing her? Is there something he knew that she didn’t? Was she simply just heading for greater danger? Danger even he did not wish to face, perhaps? This is an unknown world, after all. These questions would have been natural for any person in her position to consider. All she had now was hope….

It was a hope fulfilled. Up ahead she sees Pirila. Her beloved friend and guardian. The sight of her will, without doubt in Mili’s frantic frame of mind, fill her with a sense relief and salvation. She can see Pirila’s face: What is first an expression of angst desperation and despair, is suddenly overcome with overwhelming relief when she lays her eyes upon Mili.

Calling out in relieved joy, Pirila rushes toward the beloved child with arms outstretched. She clearly cannot wait to arrive, each fraction of a second in anticipation of embrace is expressed with an agonizing longing to once again hold her friend in her arms.

At last, if only after seconds, she embraces Mili, coveting the child in her arms as tears of joy stream down her face.

“I have found you!” She claims, her voice assured, warm and soothing. “I was so worried….” After a moment she releases Mili from her embrace and takes her by the hand to lead her farther down the Passage.

“Come,” She tells her, "I’ve brought some friends. They are waiting for us up ahead. They will take us to safety.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ernest
Ernest Jr is surprisingly not startled by Fanny May's room-shaking voice. Probably because Ernest Jr is being controlled by the real Ernest, who is nowhere close to that room. He did, however, notice that she is darn angry. He wouldn't have said anything if the Commander hadn't asked him a question.

The drone cautiously pipes up. "Yes, Commander. I woke up near Hany's Ribbon. Although, when I woke up, it wasn't close to hear. It was near another system... Quatis was is? It doesn't matter, that system was destroyed with the Ribbon plunged itself into the star, causing said star to explode."

Do to interference from Hany's Ribbon, Ernest wasn't able to detect the explosion of the Forte's ship.

As Ramrod
Ramrod is freaking out, very confused on what is going on. He can't get a good look at Hank's display, so he doesn't know what's going on.


He has no way of knowing what direction he was just flung in. Is it near Ernest and the MASGC? The Tempest? Something else I don't know about? It's up to Hokem. Perhaps Ramrod shouldn't have denounced him.

As Rodia and Siren
Siren wakes up before Gamma does. Apparently, they were both knocked unconscious by the stress putting up that shield. She looks over to him. He took a bit of damage from the overload, but surprisingly, it doesn't look like he took any irreversible damage. She gets up, and pops his face plate back on for him.

Heh... we survived. She thought to herself. Siren was pretty happy with herself. And you can't blame her. She just saved a lot of lives, including her own.

Rorod bursts into the room the two were in. "Siren! Gamma! You did it! We took some damage, and we're still in danger, but we are alive! We didn't even have any deaths. Some casualties, yes, but no deaths!"

Rorod bursting in woke Gamma up. "R-really? That's good. Now excuse me, I'm going to just lay down here and wait for my systems to recover a little..." Gamma fails to make any effort to relocate himself.

Siren would be glaring at Gamma if she has propper eyes.

"Ok, look Rorod, I'm taking charge of this situation. Tell me, what danger are we in. I'm going to fix it, and you are going to help me." She said with a very authoritative tone.

Rorod: "What? You can't do that. Without Ramrod here, I'm in charge!"

Siren: "You are in charge? Hah! Neither Ramrod nor you could protect this station, but I did! Yes, With Gamma's help, but it was my idea, and it wouldn't have worked without me."

Rorod: "That doesn't mean you can just take charge."

Siren: "Let's see if the inhabitants agree with you. Rodia is a democracy, right? Let's organize a quick election."

Rorod: "What? No! We can't do that! Not without Ramrod! He is still our leader. And our scanners detected the part of the Forte's ship that was keeping him actually managed to escape, so he's alive!"

Siren: "Good for him. He's still an idiot that couldn't protect his people."

Rorod is speechless. Siren walks past him, and goes over to the capitol to start organizing the election herself. Rorod realizes this, and starts chasing after her.

Rodia's about to undergo a lot of changes, one way or another.
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