Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room
Before the two could come up with any concrete plans, Professor X walked in. Or rather, rolled in. He was honestly the last person she wanted to see. As much contempt she could muster for Mary or Folly or Guin or whoever, he was one constant she couldn't force herself to be mad at. So she listened to his words. And she felt...was it relief? Even though he probably would advise against it, he basically told them that they had the right idea. This was bigger than them now. They needed help.
And then another entered the room. It was Folly, and Allison visibly clenched her fist. What did she want now? The girl paused, staring at the professor before she spoke. Her words were heard, but Allison was far too hurt. Whatever their past was didn't matter. She didn't know the girl and she attacked her. Probably would have killed her judging by her lack of medication. So before she could say apology NOT accepted, Folly ran out of the room. "That girl is off her rocker. She's gonna kill someone soon, but hey, let's keep her around huh? Why not?"
Fed up with it all now, she glanced at Charlie and Ayita. "Mary is probably not going to willingly give us the numbers. At least, not to me. Probably not to Ayita. So Sara is our best bet to contact at least one of them. And maybe Jean knows where the others are and how to reach them. It's the best we have right now, so let's go ask her."
Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower
Sara went off to find a phone to call. As she found one, she debated on who to tall first. Her parents were probably worried sick, but she didn't want to face them just yet. She could hear the judgment in their voice. The "we told you so" was likely to come up too. Instead, she wanted to turn to someone she knew would understand and actually listen to her concerns.
So she called Jean Grey.
"Hey Aunt Jean?"
"Sara? We heard about what happened at the mansion... Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. We're okay. I haven't talked to mom and dad yet. Have you heard from them?"
"No, I haven't..."
"I'll call them after then. I just....wanted to hear from you first. I don't know what's going to happen, but it's bad. You know Jakobsen? That guy on tv all the time and his stuck-up British sex doll? They're behind the attack."
"...That does not surprise me, they probably are going to start going after others soon, not just the students."
"We have a plan, of sorts. I'm not too confident about it. I think we're in over our heads. Do you know how to get in touch with the other X-men? I get that there may be strained relationships, but mutants all over are in danger now. We need to band together now more than ever."
"I believe Ororo is in Africa somewhere, so it is usually somewhat hard to be able to get a hold of her, spotty signal at best. I don't think anyone aside from Marygold is in contact with Gambit and Rogue. Hank should be with you, and odds are Logan will probably join in any fighting rather quickly..."
"Something tells me Marygold is not gonna be so ready to start making calls. Okay, I'll try to talk to her then, but can you see about getting Ororo at least then? I'll try to get a hold of the others. And call my parents, of course. I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you..."
" I can try, and I miss you too Sara... I know you need help, but remember, there are other mutants out there, maybe we should see about helping them too... Actually, there is one group who basically would be perfect targets, even more so than the school, for an attack... Maybe Scott and I should go there, and we'd just be a quick call away since the group is in the city limits... Technically anyway..."
"If there is another group, then yes, they'll need help. All right, I guess I'll let you go get ready for that. Love you Aunt Jean."
"I love you too Sara."
She hung up and sat there, contemplating. Jean was right, but Sara didn't have to like it. She dialed her parents next, informing them she was okay and that they should lie low, just in case. To their credit, they didn't say anything other than how they missed her. Once she was done, she stood up and left so the others could talk to their respective support systems.
She found her way to Marygold, walking up to the girl. "Mary? Listen, I am down to work with this plan we have, but we can't do it with just us. If you haven't already, I highly suggest talking to the other X-men. At least the ones out of touch with the others. I talked to my aunt and she and Scott are going to go see about helping another team of mutants in the city, but she's on call if we need it. We can still have the small team go to Jakobsen, but I think we need a back-up plan."