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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room

Before the two could come up with any concrete plans, Professor X walked in. Or rather, rolled in. He was honestly the last person she wanted to see. As much contempt she could muster for Mary or Folly or Guin or whoever, he was one constant she couldn't force herself to be mad at. So she listened to his words. And she felt...was it relief? Even though he probably would advise against it, he basically told them that they had the right idea. This was bigger than them now. They needed help.

And then another entered the room. It was Folly, and Allison visibly clenched her fist. What did she want now? The girl paused, staring at the professor before she spoke. Her words were heard, but Allison was far too hurt. Whatever their past was didn't matter. She didn't know the girl and she attacked her. Probably would have killed her judging by her lack of medication. So before she could say apology NOT accepted, Folly ran out of the room. "That girl is off her rocker. She's gonna kill someone soon, but hey, let's keep her around huh? Why not?"

Fed up with it all now, she glanced at Charlie and Ayita. "Mary is probably not going to willingly give us the numbers. At least, not to me. Probably not to Ayita. So Sara is our best bet to contact at least one of them. And maybe Jean knows where the others are and how to reach them. It's the best we have right now, so let's go ask her."

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower

Sara went off to find a phone to call. As she found one, she debated on who to tall first. Her parents were probably worried sick, but she didn't want to face them just yet. She could hear the judgment in their voice. The "we told you so" was likely to come up too. Instead, she wanted to turn to someone she knew would understand and actually listen to her concerns.

So she called Jean Grey.

"Hey Aunt Jean?"

"Sara? We heard about what happened at the mansion... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. We're okay. I haven't talked to mom and dad yet. Have you heard from them?"

"No, I haven't..."

"I'll call them after then. I just....wanted to hear from you first. I don't know what's going to happen, but it's bad. You know Jakobsen? That guy on tv all the time and his stuck-up British sex doll? They're behind the attack."

"...That does not surprise me, they probably are going to start going after others soon, not just the students."

"We have a plan, of sorts. I'm not too confident about it. I think we're in over our heads. Do you know how to get in touch with the other X-men? I get that there may be strained relationships, but mutants all over are in danger now. We need to band together now more than ever."

"I believe Ororo is in Africa somewhere, so it is usually somewhat hard to be able to get a hold of her, spotty signal at best. I don't think anyone aside from Marygold is in contact with Gambit and Rogue. Hank should be with you, and odds are Logan will probably join in any fighting rather quickly..."

"Something tells me Marygold is not gonna be so ready to start making calls. Okay, I'll try to talk to her then, but can you see about getting Ororo at least then? I'll try to get a hold of the others. And call my parents, of course. I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you..."

" I can try, and I miss you too Sara... I know you need help, but remember, there are other mutants out there, maybe we should see about helping them too... Actually, there is one group who basically would be perfect targets, even more so than the school, for an attack... Maybe Scott and I should go there, and we'd just be a quick call away since the group is in the city limits... Technically anyway..."

"If there is another group, then yes, they'll need help. All right, I guess I'll let you go get ready for that. Love you Aunt Jean."

"I love you too Sara."

She hung up and sat there, contemplating. Jean was right, but Sara didn't have to like it. She dialed her parents next, informing them she was okay and that they should lie low, just in case. To their credit, they didn't say anything other than how they missed her. Once she was done, she stood up and left so the others could talk to their respective support systems.

She found her way to Marygold, walking up to the girl. "Mary? Listen, I am down to work with this plan we have, but we can't do it with just us. If you haven't already, I highly suggest talking to the other X-men. At least the ones out of touch with the others. I talked to my aunt and she and Scott are going to go see about helping another team of mutants in the city, but she's on call if we need it. We can still have the small team go to Jakobsen, but I think we need a back-up plan."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Future Carolina Reed

Bethany Bell

Cassandra Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Carolina had spent the last hour working on getting some of the kid's numbers and then contacting their parents, the ones that were old enough she let them talk to their own parents and guardians as well. She also would occasionally get onto her phone and started to post out warnings to other mutants around Reddit to let them know what had happened at the mansion and that they were all alright still. Once she was finished Carolina would sit on the couch and turned on the news and leaned forward as she watched the news play as it continued to go on about what had happened at the mansion among other stories as well.

She sighed slightly as she ran a hand through her hair as she would occasionally look over her shoulder at everyone else in the main room, she watched Lance, Guin and Pietro over on a corner of the room, she wasn't sure what they were actually talking about at the moment as she leaned back on the couch and continued to watch the news as things continued to play. Eventually Tony came back a few minutes later saying that they would have a meeting with him in forty-five minutes. Which was probably enough time to get their mission ready, at least what the ones that are going on anyway.

Then Sara came out saying she had made a call with her aunt, Carolina stared between Mary and the others she wasn't sure how will Marygold would actually treat the news. Since it was a sort of behind her back thing, at least she did tell her Carolina did agree that they did need a backup plan incase the other group's mission did fail. And she didn't want to be the one to stand around and do nothing either.

Future Carolina sort of just stayed silent while Folly had calmed down she leaned herself up against the wall and watched as Folly finally did calm down. And started to follow along until they were in the theater room seeing Professor X having a few words to Allison and her small group. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at them for a moment, when Folly saw Professor X and then quickly turned around and left the room after she tried to apologize to her. Future Carolina decided to turn around and followed shortly after her to make sure she was alright.

And in case she did end up attacking someone it would be her at least as she quickly went over to try and catch up to her and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. Future Carolina did remember them saying something had happened between them in the past but she wasn't really sure what it was exactly. "Hey you okay?" Future Carolina said towards her, before letting go and took a step back

Bethany decided to hang back for the moment and just sat in a seat as she watched Carolina turn on the news and watched as well for any new information going on. She would occasionally look over her shoulder at those in the room as they talked about what else to do and so on, she lightly played with her hair and sighed slightly and leaned back in the seat. She would look over in the corner where Lance was at as Guin and Pietro talked amongst themselves as well, she wasn't sure what they were all talking about really at the moment either as she remained pretty quiet.

Cassandra was working on a tablet she had spent the last hour working on trying to find a weakness on the Sentinels and so far she really hadn't found anything. Aside from conventional weapons, she couldn't find anything yet really aside from that and using some kind of line to trip them like AT-AT's like Marygold had done at the mansion. When she turned to see Tony coming back saying that they had forty-five minutes to get their meeting with Jakobson. Then a few seconds later Sara came out to Mary saying she had contact with her aunt, Cassandra would look over at Mary to see what she would do.

But they could use a backup plan just in case their mission did end up failing, Cassandra wasn't sure how exactly their mission would turn out. Or if Jakobson had some kind of plan of his own. Cassandra got up and decided to follow Tony, she did want to make herself useful as well. "If you don't mind i'd like to help."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 25 days ago

Ayita Dyrkin & Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower

Richard stoo, suppressing the words he wanted to snap at the 'oh-so-capable' leader. She was young and doing her best in a bad situation, yet reason did not stand against his worry for the sister he had sought for over a decade. Now this politician- a sociopath if he had ever seen one- was threatening to tear her away from. Ayita was not wrong is wondering if it was not best to kill the man, but there were political issues with killing a politician. If it was found out a mutant did it, or even if there was suspicion a mutant or human who held ties to the mutants did it, then public opinion would get worse. Puffing like a maniac train and leaving such a trail of smoke behind him, Richard replaced the used up cigarette with a new one as he trailed from the room.

Ayita watched as Folly appeared to try and apologize to Allison. Her amber eyes narrowed in case the woman offered offense, but it seem genuine to the shifter. Allison's words however struck a nerve deep with Ayita. If Folly was on some medication to prevent those outbursts? Then she was trying to control it, and the woman felt envy. For while Ayita would not wish away the clashing sense of those that roamed earth, sea and sky it would be nice to be alone in her own head for a time. Gripping Allison's shoulder with a gentle hand, Ayita brushed her telepathic thoughts agaist her friend's. "If she is off her rocker, then am I not also?" The sense of wolf, ,the flight of hawk, and the overwhelming tide of the orca underlinded her words. It was like Ayita was being pulled in different directions. Each instinct- including her humanity- struggling for dominance in her blood and mind. "Perhaps we have both misjudged her- or judged her too harshly? She came to the defense of another, just I came to yours. You are the one I follow- aside from Brother when he isn't being an ass." The woman's loyalty to Allison was there was it was unwavering. Though there was a twinge of humor from Ayita as she noted her afore mentioned brother appearing in the doorway and looking rather surprised that Folly was merely leaving and there wasn't a room full of blood. Okay, so maybe she had been a bit hard on her brother as of late! But Richard had been extremely aggravating, just like now with the narrowed gaze he was casting Charlie. "Why does Brother look like he is about to maim Charlie? He's been doing that often with several people." There was honest confusion in Ayita's mind as she sent the question to Allison. Yes, for Allison was far more clever in the ways of humans.

Richard huffed and put out the cigar on the sole of his boot before stowing the left over butt into the pack which vanished into his coat. While he was concerned about Folly, he was more concerned about his sister. He was also concerned about leaving her alone with any men. Boys, men. Annoying creatures that could easily take advantage of her. But he had a feeling he had scared Charlie out of that idea long ago. The slow smirk that developed across the Adder's face did nothing but heighten Ayita's confusion, as the younger Lain approached. The plan to recruit the other mutants slipping from her mind to his in a brief thought. Ayita winced slightly, a small headache forming. Richard's flick that had smacked her right in the middle of said area partly to blame for it. "Use words, Sister." The snake eyed man criticized.

[color-ForestGreen]"I will bite you."[/color] The younger snarled rubbing her forehead- perhaps she had ever reason to want to rip his throat out.

The older bother, the assassin tucked away for now, raised a brow. "And I can bite back. Difference is, Sister, mine is poisonous." A hand patting the woman on top of her auburn head, watching with growing amusement as fangs grew. Turning that deadly smirk towards Charlie, the assassin gave a 'oh-so-charming' wink."Since you're going to do this, take care of my sister. And I doubt I have any contacts that can help. A few army buddies who probably hate me for deserting and a whole crime world. Though I do know one... Though she needs to really work on that uppercut-!"

The said punch was all that Ayita was allowing herself. Her usually internal temper frizzling as Richard aggravated her to rile her blood. While the Professor had not overly effected her opinion on their actions. Richard's had cemented it as the right thing to do."I can take care of myself quite well! Overbearing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

After coming up short with information on the old X-men and any unknown ones in the area, attention fell to Sara, their one definite attachment to an X-Men or two. Barring Marygold of course, but the stick currently shoved up her ass would prevent her from spilling the beans on any info about outside help, so asking her was bound to be pointless. As for potentially stealing her phone or other underhanded techniques to get the information out of her, Charlie was neither brave or sneaky enough to embark on that idea. Especially with that psycho Folly roaming free once again. Charlie couldn't judge her for running out of her meds, but surely it would just help everyone to keep her locked up until more could be made? Who knew what could set her off again. As for Richard, he unfortunately couldn't help out by way of contacts... and the way he was staring at Charlie was beginning to ramp up his nervousness.

Just as Charlie began thinking of asking Professor X for any contacts or information, the man himself rolled into the room and gave them his speech, which didn't help in the slightest. He couldn't quite believe that Xavier didn't hold one contact for any of the older members - surely their falling out hadn't been that bad? Either way, he still wasn't helping by admitting Marygold was messing up badly and that they were on their own. All it really did was make Charlie unsure as to whether or not this was a good idea or not. It also made him wonder as to whether Mary should even still be leading the team at this point.

Watching as the Professor trundled out of the room, Charlie got to his feet, hands tirelessly fidgeting with his hoodie zipper as he often did when he was agitated. "I'm gonna go find Sara. Hopefully she'll be able to help us." He muttered to the others, ducking out of the room.

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

In the past hour, Nina had been going over water and electric tunnel schematics with JARVIS, the pair of them searching for a viable way to get the students to safety. Unfortunately the underground was not quite as expansive as Nina had hoped it to be. With most of Stark Tower's power being supplied from a self-made, sustainable energy resource, any electric tunnels had been rendered defunct and filled in, or were just far too small to begin with to even be useful. The sewers were no good either - even if the kids managed to make their way through, most of the exits points were still within the city limits, and the chances of OMEN waiting on the other side was far too great. With that, Nina wasn't left with many escape strategies.

Except of course, the option of hunkering down and remaining where they were. JARVIS had pointed out Stark Tower's amazing security system and nearly guaranteed safety for everyone within the building. What exactly was the reason that the kids had to be evacuated? Moving them now, in any method, would be far riskier than just staying put. Sure, OMEN knew where they were, but they'd made it clear that they weren't about to attack potential civilians any time soon.

"Most of the ways back out of the city are far too risky, unless we can find someone with teleportation or invisibility to help us out in doing so. Wouldn't it be best for the kids to stay here for now?" Nina had suggested to Marygold once Sara had finished talking - who herself had made some fairly good points. "It's either that or have Pietro race each and every kid out to safety, in the hopes that the Sentinels haven't adapted to his powers too."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Damon was helping the best he could in the hour that past. Anyone that required help from pushing the buttons and handing it over to just being there during the phone calls he offered his assistance for. Though, this entire thing wasn’t helping him not think about the lack of calls he himself but had made. There was no one to call. No one waiting for it.

Eventually he found himself silently sitting and just zoning out. His thoughts wandering off to the pain that was how he had ended up at the institute. He was isolated and more then ever did he feel it. He was in a team sure, but he did not interact enough. And now....what if it was too late. He shook his head free of the thoughts and just sat waiting for his next set of orders or for someone ask for help. That’s what he could do now. The best he could do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LadyRunic@Peridot@FantasyChic Xavier nodded at them, but he had watched the interaction with Folly. "She was unstable, even when she was at the mansion, we did our best to help her, however, I learned eventually that she was not one to be able to be helped. Folly had a breakdown and nearly killed someone, which is why she was sent to a mental hospital," he said simply, giving the really short version of what probably had gone through Folly's head when she walked in and saw him. "Her stomping on your foot is probably the least she could have done, she has a regenerative healing factor, very similar to Wolverine's in strength, that would prevent you from easily harming her. It also causes problems with any normal anti-psychotic medications, as they do not effect her."

Lance Banner, Marygold Isley, and Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower

Mary let out a sigh, before she looked at Sara. "There was a reason I was a little hesitant to contact the others, though Scott and Jean were the only ones I would have contacted if needed. I can guess where they went, after all, the Morlocks are a much easier target... Their mutations aren't really powers, they just have different appearances... And Remy already called me, offering to come up, but... The only way he and Rogue would be able to get here in a few hours would be if they flew, and the Sentinels could easily shoot them out of the sky, same with Ororo, since our powers don't very much work on them."

Pietro let out a sigh, staring at Guin, "Not my fault you are probably one of the most blind people here... I mean seriously, it's way too obvious. But fine, I'll leave him alone."

"Well, if we're going to meet up with Jakobsen, we should probably see about leaving pretty soon, after all, it might take us a little while to find the place," Mary said, still thinking about everything that had happened in the last few hours, though she doubted she was the only one thinking about that. She headed to the elevator, pushing the button, and motioning for those who were going to head downstairs to the street level.

Mira was thinking, before like Cass she decided to do something useful. She knew technology, much like Guin did, and it made sense in her mind to see if she could help as well. She followed after Cassandra to where Tony was. "If you don't mind Mr. Stark, I'd like to see about helping out as well," she said softly, looking at him.

"Well, currently JARVIS is still going over the data he pulled from the Blackbird's computer, but Agent Reed, you mentioned using EMP grenades that seemed to be effective against them, so, we should see about making more of them, or maybe even a larger weapon, an EMP pulse gun or something like that in order to slow them down. That's just my take so far based on the conversations we've been having with everyone else."

"It makes sense to me, we'd need to be able to shrink down an EMP generator in order to do that though, at least to put it in a handheld weapon as opposed to just a one time use grenade..."

Lance was glad that Pietro had decided not to try and beat him up or something, but he didn't say anything more, just staring out the window. He wanted whatever was going on to be over quickly, and there wasn't much they could do in their situation, nothing to really improve it. There was the fact that he didn't want to be at Stark Tower, but that problem was at a minimum compared to the massive problems they had right then.

He let out a sigh, before he wandered back towards where the others, and like Carolina went back to watching the news, seeing if anything new popped up. So far, there wasn't anything else mentioned about the mansion, nothing more. It made him think that maybe OMEN was covering things up, making it so that they only showed the public, what they wanted them to see, basically controlling the media. If that was true, then it meant that the odds of them getting any sort of public favor on their side was really slim. Since OMEN could just make it so that everything supported what they were saying, as opposed to the truth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Folly Valeska

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Folly lifted her head, looking up at Future Carolina. Normally, Carolina had kept her distance from her - especially when her grip on reality was beginning to fade. She didn't understand why her attitude had suddenly changed, just with the temporal relocation. Maybe she was trying to be a better and kinder person - or maybe seeing Coventry had caused Carolina to remember exactly why Folly's brain was the way it was. Either way, it didn't change the fact that Folly didn't feel close with Carolina, nor did she feel comfortable discussing her illness with her.

"...I'm fine..." Folly whispered. Her eyes flickered over towards Charlie as he left the room, seeing the look of rage on his face. She wrung her hands some more, her thoughts going back towards the incident with Remy LeBeau. Of all of the acts of violence she had committed in her life, that was the one that Folly regretted the most. The people that she killed - she felt guilty for those acts, for the red she had accumulated in her ledger. But attacking Gambit and nearly killing him - that haunted her and kept her up at night. He was someone she had known, rather than a faceless stranger.

"Nu fi la fel de prost cum te uiți," Folly whispered under her breath.

Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

Since he had finished with all of his calls, Dean wandered back over to the main area, just in time to catch some pieces of the conversation. Nina seemed to want to revisit the topic of what to do with all of the kids, which confused Dean slightly. Hadn't they already covered that and decided to keep them at Stark Tower for now? Were they just talking their way in circles? It reminded him of trying to negotiate things with his baby sister, Carrie - okay, she wasn't actually a baby but she had a habit of circling back to the start of a negotiation, as if the entire thing hadn't happened. And he wasn't crazy, he was fairly certain of that. He remembered Mary and the others saying to keep the kids at Stark Tower.

Not wanting to participate in a cyclic conversation, Dean gave Mary an encouraging smile - she had been a member of the original X-Men team and while she was stressed, he was certain that she'd be able to get them out - he went over to where the others were watching the news. Sitting down next to Carolina, he noticed that the Hulk's son was over here as well. "Nothing helpful seems to be on," he observed, frowning a bit. But then again, the news was hardly ever news these days, in his opinion. Just endless echo chambers.

"How many mutants do you guys think are in the country?" he couldn't help but ask. He had to imagine they were all scattered, comprising too small a number in any given state to actually get a decent voting block in. It didn't matter if they had a million mutants, if they were all scattered. Region mattered more than people in the United States' voting system. The only other thing he could think of doing would be to call every Senator and Representative currently in Congress and ask them to shut down O.M.E.N., to shoot down the MRA. But with the current political climate, he knew it'd be an uphill battle at best.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)

"I'm not blind," Guin snapped, hardly enjoying being called that. She was also starting to get a bit nervous and stressed about the prospect of meeting with Jakobsen. It seemed like extinction of an entire race was the name of the game when it came to missions. The last one she had been on, it was about preventing humanity's extinction. And now, it was mutants they had to worry about. She wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't just about mutants - but about anyone that wasn't seen as normal. They'd come for the Avengers eventually, she was certain of it.

She bit her lip, looking over as Mary headed over to the elevator. She had never felt so stressed to see the elevator come when called for. There were so many unknowns at play and while she was impulsive by nature, she couldn't help but feel afraid. They were changing the future, yes - but that didn't mean that it would be a better outcome. For all they knew, they could easily be making things worse. "...I guess I should be going then..." she told Pietro quietly.

"Yeah..." Pietro said, before pulling Guin in for a kiss.

Guin returned his kiss softly, thankful that she didn't switch with him by accident. Her powers were connected to her emotions and she still didn't have the best control over them. She pulled away and glanced around the room for a moment, seeing that her father had gone already. "I love you...And if something goes wrong and I don't come back, tell my dad I love him too?" Guin whispered to Pietro, looking him in the eye.

"Nothing will go wrong, you'll be fine Guina, don't worry."

"We can't really know that," she whispered, before she gave Pietro a hug. She knew that she ought to hurry up and run on over to Mary and the others that were leaving, but her fear was getting the better of her. What if this was her giant wormhole in the sky? What if this was her Battle of New York?

"Get going Guina, don't worry, pretty sure the speedster can get you out of there rather quickly if you need to, sounds like he's been outrunning Sentinels for years."

"...Yeah, Muscles seems pretty fast," Guin said, before she kissed Pietro softly again. She had to stand up on her toes in order to do it and she looked at his gorgeous blue eyes for another second, before she went and joined Mary and the others in the elevator. "I've got a bad feeling about this," she muttered under her breath. The Star Wars reference was indeed intentional.

Future Pietro raced over in a gust of wind, and was standing next to Guin. "...Don't tell me the odds," he said in response to Guin's Star Wars reference. She couldn't help but smile at that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Carolina turned her head slightly when she saw that Dean had approached and sat down next to her and gave him a slight smile and nod towards him. She looked over her shoulder at Marygold as she started to talk about Scott and Jean, she wasn't sure how far or close they were right now. But it sounded like that they were going to be helping out the Morlocks she didn't know much about them aside from their more physical looking mutations. Carolina also listened in a bit on the conversation between Pietro the present one at least and Guin as they talked. He did seem to be a bit of the jealous type, as Carolina leaned back in the couch as the ones that were going on the mission were getting ready and made they way towards the elevator.

Carolina did wish that she was going on the mission, but at least they were bringing the future people with them, and her sister was going with them as well. "Stay safe okay?" Carolina said as she turned over and looked at them as Guin, Future Pietro and well her future self heading to the elevator. Carolina leaned back as she looked over at Dean as he started to speak up, and eyed Lance and waved at him and smiled slightly. "I think theres probably a couple thousand of us out there, maybe more?" Carolina said giving a slight shrug she wasn't really good with numbers.

Future Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Future Carolina looked at Folly and took a step back and nodded slightly, she wasn't even sure why she approached Folly either she wasn't particularly close to the girl either. Carolina decided to just leave it at that and started to make her way towards the main room where just about everyone else was at. Future Carolina looked over at Nina for a moment as she spoke and shook her head slightly they had already discussed that they were keeping the kids here until further notice. "They are staying here for now, which was what was discussed." Future Carolina said, as she eyed her sister and headed over to assist Tony on some weapons against the Sentinels, then over towards the others and Marygold and started to follow the others towards the elevators.

Future Carolina stood in the back of the elevator and stuffed her hands into her pocket and leaned back slightly as she looked at the others. "So whats the plan if things go south at the meeting for us anyway in case we get captured or whatever?" Future Carolina asked, figuring that Jakobson would have a trap in case they were all mutants at the meeting. She looked over at Guin and Future Pietro as the two made some Star Wars references, and shook her head slightly. "You two are super nerds." Carolina said jokingly.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower

Bethany flopped herself down on the couch and looked at everyone else in the room for a moment as they all started to talk, she felt pretty much useless but it was probably the best for now. She looked over at Lance as he finally came over and then nudged him slightly and gave him a slight wave. "You okay?" Beth asked softly as she looked at Marygold and the others that were going on the mission and headed for the elevator. Then Mirembe following along with Cassandra and Tony to get a weapon ready to go against the Sentinels, she had no clue what would work against them.

She looked over at Dean as he asked how many mutants were in America and gave a slight shrug, when she was younger she had lost her family due to some people hating her family for being mutants. "I dunno a lot I guess." Bethany said as she leaned back in the seat as she started to wonder exactly what they could actually be doing now instead of just sitting in Stark Tower.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Stark Tower

Cassandra started to pull out her phone and started to search through some of her pictures as she followed Tony towards his lab and then pulled out some pictures of the designs that she had made. Both hand written notes and some mathematics in it, along with the computer designs that she made for the grenades. "Good thing I kept some backup designs on my phone." Cassandra said as she handed them over towards Tony figuring that he could quickly whip something up. Cassandra looked over her shoulder as Mirembe approached them, and smiled slightly, figuring that they could make something that would be useful.

She then took out her phone and then handed it over towards Tony which had all the pictures and designs that she had made for the grenades back at the mansion. "Here you can use that to hopefully make something." Cass said as she then started to turn around and made her way over towards the elevator with the others before heading down to the ground level with them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room

Allison didn't quite frankly care about Folly's backstory. If anything, it solidified her opinion that the girl was a danger to herself and those around her and it was best that she be put away so as to not to potentially kill someone else. Really, the girl is resistant to medication so any help that can be offered is nil! Ayita's thoughts entered her own, which meant Ayita didn't want to share with the others in the room. So Allison thought back to her, "With all due respect Ayita, you are nowhere near the level she is. I can get behind defending friends, but I also believe in letting friends know when they screw up. And Marygold continues to screw up."

Allison exited the thought as Charlie mentioned Sara again. The others would be leaving soon anyway, so it may be too late. "The others might be gone already, so we need to do something else. I cannot sit idly by as she sends another team to their deaths. Is there a way to track them?" If Allison couldn't go with, she could at least make sure she knew where they were to jump into action when things inevitably went wrong.

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower

Sara didn't care really about what Mary thought. They were not in a position to turn down help when it came, especially given the magnitude of what they were dealing with. "We need help. It's time to face that fact. We are going in with a small team and going to see a man who very much wants us dead. If I hadn't contacted Aunt Jean, you should have." It wasn't ill-intentioned, because Sara could understand the pressure Mary was facing, but at some point one needed to know when they couldn't handle things on their own.

But it seemed the time had come for them to leave, so she followed the others into the elevator. She didn't like this one bit, but she would do whatever is in her power to make sure they got out alive. She hated leaving the others behind, but she didn't have a choice in that either. She rolled her eyes as Guin continued to flirt with her bae. Then again, she wished she had someone there wishing her well and seeing her off. She barely knew anyone here other than Charlie, who was off with Allison and Ayita.

"Let's just get this over with. Is there a back-up plan in case things go south?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Ayita Dyrkin & Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower

The assassin sighed in a forlorn manner. Giving the professor a tired look as the man explained Folly's actions. His arm locked about Ayita's shoulders. "Glad she's on our side. However, I can understand the mentality. Too often kids that enter those places don't come out the better. Adults either." The man sighed, passing his free hand over his face. Hadn't he fled just that when he left he army? But that was neither here nor there. Giving the Seer-brat a stern look he flicked her nose. "Take care each other. Stay alive, stay safe. If I get the chance..." The Adder didn't bother to finish the thought. He couldn't. What would he do? Kill the bastard? Tempting but there would be more trouble? He was going as a hired gun. That was all. Plus... Ayita was capable. Even if she was young- she was capable. Giving the shorter Laine- even if she gave up the name, she was still one to him- a side hug. The man lowered his lips to her ear.

Ayita's eyes widened as she listened to her brother. To the words said. "Your forms are many. More than I. They can exist with wing or fur. You look at the present. Look to the past. Where the great ruled and man was but a pawn in the eyes of nature." Richard had been mussing over the different forms she could take. Those far more dangerous were the ancients that dwelt before the modern day. Before humans tainted the earth. There was no reason for the younger not to be able to take the form of those creatures from the caveman days. He had been doing some extra research there, but he had been saving it. Waiting for her birthday to urge her to shift into the greater forms. Or at least an attempt. The amber eyes turned thoughtful. It was feasible, but it was also dangerous. Not to mention the work it could take. In lieu of Allison's words, however, the woman nodded slightly. Her eyes distant.
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Damon continued to zone out. Part of him wanted to run from person to person but what would he do? He couldn’t really be helpful and everything had already passed. Feelings of uselessness grew as he sat there. He hoped he would be of use soon.

Damon sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair before sitting back more. He looked from person to person then looked at his hand before removing the glove revealing the spider tattoo. He was a host...couldn’t he do something more useful then just be that. He rubbed his face and looked at his hand seeing one of the legs move. He couldn’t approach anyone now they were busy. Damn he really needed to stop being introverted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

Unfortunately by the time Charlie had made it back to the main group, those that had been chosen for the mission had already left - including Sara. Huffing quietly in defeat, Charlie slunk back to the corridor, backtracking to the theatre room where he had come from and hearing the end of Professor Xavier's speech about Folly, and ignoring the look the woman had given him.

Charlie found himself sympathetic to Folly's mental situation, but not enough to forgive her presence in the tower. If she was so unstable, why was she not being locked up for the time being? Yes, he could understand why she was brought from the future, being one of the sole survivor, but now, she was nothing but a liability. There was no way they could properly keep her in check for a possibly delicate situation that may arise at some point.

Sitting in the same seat he had vacated earlier, Charlie looked towards Allison.

"They already left." He said dully, fingers playing once more with his hoodie strings. "Should we start thinking about something to do if they mess up? The Avengers are pretty awesome, but I doubt two of them can protect this tower alone." In all honesty, with Marygold in charge of the group, a mess-up seemed pretty likely to occur.

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

Nina couldn't lie - she was nervous about the mission ahead. It had a high likelihood of things going wrong, and she wasn't sure this was the best way to go about things diplomatically. Marygold was approaching Jakobsen packing heat by way of several powerful mutants, including Nina. A better way would have been to make the meeting a public spectacle; let the media and the world know that it was taking place, and was doing so peacefully. Yes, deaths may still occur in that instance, but at least the world would catch on that Jakobsen was no where near as sincere as he appeared. Unfortunately, it seemed Marygold was on a warpath, and she wouldn't be deterred. Certainly not by a S.H.I.E.L.D agent like Nina, even if it meant putting others at risk.

Others like Sara. Nina had noticed the youngest of the group, and felt a pang in her heart as she talked with Marygold. She was young, new to the group, and it was totally unfair expecting her to fight alongside them all. She certainly made valid points too.

"Sara is right." Nina echoed as she entered the elevator behind everyone else. "Are there any contingency plans in place for those still stuck here? Or, god forbid, if things are to go wrong with Jackobsen and there are any survivors?" The former point was particularly important. The kids at Stark Tower would be safe for time being, but if they failed in an attack against Jakobsen, that safety would only last so long against the Sentinels and the full might of OMEN. The tower could only cope for so long. It certainly didn't cope very well against Loki and his handful of brainwashed human minions several years ago.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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@FantasyChic@LadyRunic A voice interjected, having been listening in, it was JARVIS. "Excuse me Ms. Andrews, however must I remind you that you do not have access to any portion of Stark Tower's computer system, and I have been authorized by Mr. Stark to use any amount of force necessary to stop you from doing anything that could put everyone in this tower at risk."

Marygold Isley

Location: Stark Tower: Bottom Floor - Outside

Mary stepped out of the elevator, leading the way out of the building. "Well, if things go south, I trust Stark to get them out of the building..." she said, before she pulled out her phone and shot a message off to someone, "And just messaged someone some instructions if they don't here back from me in about 2 hours, so that is a little back up plan," she added, though she didn't say who it was. Mary was wanting to try and keep quiet about it, though there weren't many people she trusted with important information.

The person she had messaged was Rogue, since she was off in New Orleans with Remy, she figured she wouldn't instantly race up north right away, unlike Gambit. She gave her a few bits of info to her, and told her what to do if she didn't send a message back to her in the allotted time span. It wasn't the best plan, but it was enough for her, and it was a back up plan at least. There wasn't much else she could do, since she was fairly certain things were going to go majorly south for them if this talk with Jakobsen didn't work.

"Alright, shouldn't be too far to Jakobsen's office, though with New York traffic it might take a little while to get there," she said, walking on the sidewalk. Stark kept sports cars around, not any sort of vehicle that could carry a lot of people in it. Not to mention they had come in the Blackbird, not the van, so they basically were stuck walking. Mary wasn't even too sure what to do once they got there.

"Well, kind of wish I could just whisk us all over there, but that would probably draw some attention, and I can't carry everyone, so yay, walking, being slowish, this is going to be so much fun," he said, and with the words he was saying, Mary now could fully see this guy as being an older version of Pietro, who still constantly complained about everyone moving too slowly.

(What the hell is going on?)

(Oh dear, not again, GO AWAY WADE!!!!)

"Yup, nope. You can't get rid of me that easily. Besides, I need to say a few things to everyone here. Looking at this group, almost like they couldn't afford the old X-Men team to appear, not too surprising. After all, most of the budget for this went to silver hair dye for Evan Peters, not to mention the amount of money to make it so that he did appear! I mean just listen to all these big names that are in this, Willa Holland, Evan Peters, Kaley Cuoco, Tom Ellis, I mean seriously, you've got some big names here. Do you really think they had enough in the budget for the X-Men? I mean they barely had enough for a few cameos, why do you think Beast isn't doing much, reason we had him stabbed and injured right off the bat, so he didn't have to do anything! And Willa Holland's character got a power that you can't actually see because of the CGI budget! Not to mention all of the Guest Stars this season, it is not cheap to get Chris Pine and Krysten Ritter not only to reprise their roles, but to be major players in this! Just look at the facts, too much money spent on everyone else, and silver hair dye and Twinkies mainly.

I personally had to make coffee runs for Hugh Jackman to make it so he did his cameo cheap. And what about me! I don't do this for free, I'm not Ryan Reynolds or anything! That isn't even everyone who takes up the budget! What about Patrick Stewart? Robert Downey Jr.? Mark Ruffalo? Like I said, this whole thing here, this whole operation, it ain't cheap! So look, thought I'd just state the facts for everyone, since some people don't pay attention to what they are told. So just go about on your merry way, I heard we've got a bigger budget next time around and they'll pop up then. Also, another thing, you do realize that you have the one who is actually literally the strongest Avenger on your side right? The Hulk literally has gone toe to toe with some of the biggest baddies in the universe, and you basically are calling him weak. Don't let him hear you say that, or you might end up dead. This has been your friendly neighborhood pool guy. Ooh, do I see Ian McKellan coming now?"
he said, before he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

(Damn it Wade, just go back to being the dragon's hallucination and stay there! Now, where was I...)

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower: Lab

"Thank you Agent Reed," Tony responded as he set to work trying to create an EMP field generator for a smaller weapon. Mira looked at what he was doing, not sure if she should make a comment about what he was doing or not, but he looked up at her, "What is it kid?" he asked her.

"...I think you are going about this the wrong way... You are basically trying to make an EMP blaster of some kind, but you are starting with trying to create the generator first, as opposed to the weapon itself... If you made at least the outer casing of it, wouldn't you have an idea of how small you would need to make the generator so it could fit in a weapon that someone could hold?" she asked softly, looking at him.

Tony looked at her for a moment, before he thought about the idea, and realized that she did have a point. What exactly was the purpose of making a handheld weapon that not just anyone could hold? "You've got a point there..." he said, before another question popped into his mind. "So, what is your super power? The ability to know how computers and stuff works?"

"...No, it isn't that... Well, um... I've got a super sonic scream..." she muttered looking down at the ground as she grabbed a few things and handed them to him so he could start building the weapon. He chuckled slightly at her words.

"Wow, now that's ironic considering the fact that you've been rather quiet ever since you got here, and turns out you've got the loudest power of the lot. Based on your accent, I'm going to guess you're from Wakanda? Don't worry, the secret about what you people really do is safe with me, but still, would explain why you would know so much about weaponry and computers."

"...I have already been told how ironic my power is... And yes, I am from there Stark, does it really matter? What matters right now is creating this thing so that we have something to help us against those robots..."

"Yeah yeah, I get it, no need to get an attitude problem or something. Anyway, shouldn't take too long to figure this out..."

"It is true what they say, Starks are known to be cocky and arrogant, however that is besides the point, let's just build this thing..." she said, getting to work helping him.

Lance Banner

Location: Stark Tower - Main Area

Lance looked up at Bethany when she walked over to talk to him, "I'm fine, don't worry..." he said, giving her a small smile. There was nothing else to really say about it. He was back, at Stark Tower, where he didn't want to be, hiding from robots that wanted to kill them, not the best day at all, but he could deal with it, for the most part. He was just glad that his dad was no longer in the room.

There was a slight rattling sound, and Pietro jolted slightly, staring at the window, his face turning pale. A moment later he vaulted over the couch and seemed to be trying to hide from view of the window. Lance was confused for a moment, before the window opened, and in came three people. Now Lance could figure out why Pietro was trying to hide from view, since it was his father and twin sister who had just walked into the room. Along with a third guy he didn't know.

"Oh Pietro, there is no need to hide, I already know that you are there my son," Magneto said, and Pietro peeked over the couch at them. "We come in peace, and to offer assistance, since we have heard about your predicament..."

"How did you know where to go?" Lance said softly, before he covered his mouth after hearing the words he had just said. Magneto chuckled softly, before looking at Pietro again. "It wasn't very hard, was it Wanda?" he said, turning to look at her.

"No, it wasn't. You may have been able to block me out from being able to eavesdrop on conversations, but you aren't quite strong enough to stop me from knowing where you are," she said with a smirk, tapping the side of her head slightly. Pietro's face was as white as a ghost right now, even paler than it usually was.

"Then why did you never come or whatever before... I mean, you got out of prison or more of broke out before all this craziness, why are you just now showing up."

"Because I didn't exactly want to see you, but that cannot be helped as we are all having to deal with the same problems, we are here to help, fight against a common enemy if you will."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Dean Kesseli

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)
Personality Traits: Protective * Petty * Loyal * Sensitive * Brave * Stubborn

Dean nodded, taking in the information from Carolina and Bethany. With numbers like that, it wasn't at all surprising that it was so easy for mutants to be discriminated against. Political change only happened in this country because of money or numbers - of which mutants sadly didn't really have either. Sure, a few of them were rich but it wasn't enough to just beg Tony Stark's kid to hire a bunch of lobbyists. Maybe they'd be better off, going to the president and trying to get an executive order - but he doubted that there'd be much use with this administration.

He caught Pietro's impressive vaulting maneuver out of the corner of his eye, and a split second later, Dean was standing in front of Carolina and Bethany protectively. He figured that Lance would be able to handle himself, since he had the Hulk for a father. Dean just sort of assumed that it was required for Avengers kids to be good at fighting. His eyes widened as the circumstances under which Magneto had tracked them came out - though he also supposed they could have just checked Twitter, he was certain there'd be plenty of Tweets about the Blackbird coming in for a hard landing at Stark Tower.

"Are you really here to help?" Dean asked, prepared to whisk Bethany and Carolina to safety at a moment's notice. "Or are you just going to take advantage of the chaos to push your own agenda...? I'm Dean, by the way. It's really cool and terrifying to meet you."

Folly Valeska

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93) ---> Sidewalk
Personality Traits: Creative * Quiet

Folly had to go at a bit of a run to catch up with the others. She couldn't help but wonder if it was a good idea for her to be with the group going to talk to Jakobsen, but she had known him before all of this. He met her when she was lost and confused, dealing with the trauma of losing both her parents in the span of a few months. And since her mutation kept her from really aging, she'd still look incredibly like her younger self. Perhaps he'd take pity on them, realizing what he'd be putting someone that could potentially be considered a friend through.

Of course, she was also aware of probably the truer reason why she was going - only Future Pietro could keep her under control and he was going on the mission. If they left her at Stark Tower outside of containment, they'd be putting everyone else at risk. She was likely destined to spend the majority of her life incarcerated in one form or another. "I'm glad you're not dead," Folly whispered to Mary as they walked. It had been a while since she had seen a bustling and busy city. In many ways, this day felt more like a dream than something that was real.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93) ---> Sidewalk
Personality Traits: Decisive * Obsessive * Geeky * Impulsive * Clever * Stubborn

"Yeah, my dad shouldn't have any issues keeping the students safe," Guin chimed in. She wasn't going to mention the time he had taken her and Lance to Universal, she pointed out a suspicious character, and he walked off to call Banner - which resulted in the two of them being kidnapped and in a long chain of events, gave her a beautiful scar on her midsection. She doubted that would inspire any confidence in her father, but he was an Avenger. Stark Tower doubled as Avengers Headquarters. And if any team was able to protect the kids, it was them. Besides, with even just Tony and Banner there, they'd have more than enough strength. "And Muscles should be able to keep us from getting captured...However, I do have a small trick up my sleeve."

She didn't show it, but Guin had brought a small device with her. It was identical to the one her father had used to install J.A.R.V.I.S. in the S.H.I.E.L.D. server, back when the Avengers were first assembled to fight Loki. It'd be easy enough to use it in order to read all of Jakobsen's files, in order to get any dirt on him - and it'd double as a way for her father to track them down in case they were captured, as it'd give him camera footage, personnel plans, prison schedules - everything O.M.E.N. wouldn't want them to see. "Do you still carry me around everywhere in the future?" Guin asked Muscles, hearing him complain about being slow. Her Pietro always picked her up and ran off places whenever they had a date or something. "Also...I know it's a horrible future but I have to ask - do we ever learn who Rey's parents are? Because I don't buy the current explanation."

"No, not really... Uh, we don't ever watch movies, or go online, so I have no idea."

"...That sounds horrible. You don't watch movies, ever? No breaks? What do you do in your free time?"

"...Nothing really, we don't generally have free time."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower
Personality Traits: Caring * Stubborn * Loving * Hardheaded * Protective * Shy
Skills: N/A

Carolina started to switch to the other news channels, but so far there wasn't any real new news on what happened at the mansion which was also getting a bit worrying as well. Then she started to hear some rattling which caused Carolina to stand up behind Dean, blushing slightly when he did that. She started to look around, she also noticed that Pietro had hidden behind the couch. Then the window started to slide open which made her wonder who exactly it was, then Carolina watched the window easily slide open and three people came in. And it was non other than Magneto, Scarlet Witch and some other person that she didn't even know or even recognize.

"Yeah you guys came here out of your caring hearts to come and help us out after we put you in prison." Carolina said, remembering the mission rather clearly. Magneto obviously wanted to kill off the human race with a virus the last time that they all had met, Carolina looked towards Dean for a moment. And then over towards the three members of the Brotherhood, Carolina absolutely didn't like the idea of working with them at all. And they were also pretty much wanted by OMEN and the government, after what happened at the mansion she wasn't sure if they would be trustful allies.

"And if we did want to work with you it would just make things worse after what you tried to do the last time we met." It would do more harm than good if they worked together OMEN was cracking down on mutants and other people that werent considered human in their eyes. And with the MRA also being a very hot issue it would just make things even more complicated as well and may even make the situation even worse than it already was now.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower
Personality Traits: Adaptable * Brooding * Daring * Cold * Insightful * CalculatingSkills: N/A

Bethany looked at Lance for a moment and nodded slightly as she leaned back on the couch and ran a hand through her hair, things seemed to be fairly quiet now. The others were all off on the mission just leaving the rest of them all at Stark Tower, as she adjusted her hair for a moment. Beth then heard the nearby window rattling for a moment as Dean quickly got up and stood in front of her and Carolina then the window opened revealing Magneto Scarlet Witch and someone else Beth wasn't even sure of. Pietro came running to hide behind the couch which made her raise an eyebrow slightly when Magneto easily found out he was there.

Bethany wasn't sure exactly why they had decided to even show up in the first place, the X-Men easily locked them up and they actually came and offer aid to them. Bethany could understand easily why they would they did have the common enemy after all with OMEN and Jakobson trying to attack them and all. Bethany looked at Carolina who quickly started to speak she remained fairly quiet for now as she listened to them speak. Scarlet Witch tracked them through mind reading or something like that or at least read Pietro's thoughts which did sound a bit creepy.

"Well what did you propose on doing then?" Bethany finally asked, she was very curious as to what they had in mind they were enemies after all, but OMEN was the common one that they both were going up against now. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of deal it felt like, and they could possibly use the help in case things did end up going south with the meeting with Jakobson. And the Brotherhood would be fairly powerful as well. "And how did you get here without OMEN noticing you?" Bethany was curious as well since they were easily recognizable faces after being on the news and all when the broke out of the Raft.

Future Carolina Reed

Location: New York Streets
Personality Traits: Protective* Distant
Skills: N/A

"Well we do the best Speedster with us, so if shit ends up hitting the fan we have our escape route." Future Carolina said as she stuffed her hands into her pocket and looked towards Marygold noticing her texting, she wasn't sure who was texting her. But she had a feeling that it was most likely another member of the former X-Men, someone that she was close to. "And he could get us out of there quickly, your younger self is a bit on the chubby side anyway." Future Carolina said jokingly as she looked around the streets, it was certainly a whole lot different than it was in the future.

Future Carolina closed her eyes as she stretched slightly and continued to look around for a bit longer, she of course did want to kill the man. But that would end up making things worse for them anyway if it was caught on camera, then the MRA would easily be pushed through if the X-Men or some random mutant ended up attacking and killing the presidential candidate, but she did want to really kill some OMEN agents since they did try and kill her and succeeded in killing her best friend many years ago. Future Carolina looked at Pietro and smirked slightly complaining about walking.

But she couldn't blame him he was always used to going really fast anyway, and walking was fairly slow and probably boring for him as they continued to walk along the sidewalk. Future Carolina gave Sara a friendly nod seeing her behind them, she was getting a little bit antsy as well with the walking she wasn't sure how far the office was at.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York Streets
Personality Traits: Friendly * Curious * Caring * Stubborn * Loving * Hard headed
Skills: N/A

Cassandra noticed Mary texting someone on her phone, and wondered who but she thought of it being apart of her plan if they did end up getting captured by OMEN for whatever reason it would be a bit harder to find out what the plan was. "She has a backup plan of course." Cassandra said softly as she continued to walk down the sidewalk. She would occasionally look over her shoulder towards the older version of her sister and gave her a slight nod. Cassandra was glad that Mary did allow her she did want to personally talk to Jakobson and see if he did order the agents that tried to kill her sister or not.

And Cassandra was also pretty annoyed and angry that he sent Sentinels most likely it was him to the mansion and attack them, Cassandra crossed her arms over her chest for a moment, she did feel a bit exposed under in the streets. Cassandra wasn't sure if they had any cameras tracking them. She listened to Guin and Future Pietro talk to one another about the future, Cass was still a bit troubled that she was killed then.

"It's just a meeting, and we attack if we are attacked first." Cassandra said, if OMEN attacked first then it would make OMEN look bad at least in her eyes as they walked. Cassandra wasn't used to walking in the streets of New York she usually did end up driving if she was in the city but it was also a bit nice to get out as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room
Personality: Steadfast - Strong-Willed - Personable - Troublesome - Protective - Impulsive

As Charlie returned and said what she was already sure of, that the group had just left for their mission, Allison was struck with a vision. It was something she had been hoping for ever since she heard the team would be visiting Jakobsen. She had yearned to help the team, knowing Marygold was going to be leading them into the wolf's den. If they couldn't bring the old team to them, then surely knowing what the future held would be an important asset.

In it, she saw Jakobsen, alone. That was already strange enough, but the man stood up and walked over to her line of sight. As he did, he spoke "I know why you've come, though I do not believe there is much of a point in this conversation, I am intrigued by what you have to say on the matter. This whole situation isn't the best for you, I know that, but that isn't avoidable."

She was struck back into the present, fully aware of what she saw. The man that targeted them with Sentinels was now alone in his office, admitting them inside. Not only that, he knew why they were there. A few things came to mind and her instinct kicked in. She needed to help, plan be damned. "Just had a vision and I think the team is going to be in danger. I need to find Tony." She didn't wait for the others, instead bounding out of the room and into the lab, where she saw him with Mira. She charged up to him, "Sir, Mr. Iron Man, whatever. I just had a vision of the team with Jakobsen. He's alone without his Sentinels. Either they are in storage or already deployed elsewhere. Not only that, I think they are walking into a trap. We need to do something."

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower
Personality: Clever - Disorganized - Intelligent - Impulsive - Relaxed - Assertive

Sara understood, to an extent, the troubles of being one out of many. She had only just joined the team and it was easy to see that she may be the odd one looking in. Still, she wanted to help and to prove herself a capable member of the team, not only for herself, but to show her parents, Aunt Jean, even Professor X and Mary, that she was meant to be here. She didn't want to step on toes, but every synapse in her brain was telling her this may not be the best plan.

That thought was only compounded by the fact they had to walk there. "You mean to tell me one of the richest men in the wolrd has no means of transporting a large number of people on the road? Fair enough, I could use the exercise anyway." She followed the others, lagging somewhat behind so she could clear her thoughts. She wanted to come up with a back-up plan of her own. She tried to remember what each person's powers were that she was with, in case she needed to quickly copy someone.

Most of the others seemed sure they were okay, and it was hard for Sara not to agree. They were mutants, after all. Capable people with targets on their backs. What could go wrong?
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 25 days ago

Richard Laine

Location Stark Tower
Personality Traits: Clever * Ruthless * Self-Confident * Sarcastic * Charismatic * Predatory

Richard ran a hand through his hair as Charlie informed the rest of their small group that the others had gone on ahead. It irked the Adder that he could not be there, and damn Marygold for that! He was by far more experienced in dealing with risky meetings, one of the perks of being an assassin. Your drop could be covered by a cop, or the target could get suspicious. There were numerous ways for things to go wrong. "Do not count Stark and the Hulk out of the fight just because they lack in numbers." Richard admonished the younger man. "But of course you control fire, so I presume you'd have no probably aiding a handful of people in defeating an entire army. Not to mentioning trying to take down Stark in an assassination being a mightier in that regard than I?" His words were not harsh, but they carried the fact the assassin was heavily amused. After all, he had never even considered taking on the Starks. It was far to risky and dangerous because of their connections and what they were capable of.

As Allison stood in a panic, proclaiming there was danger and that she needed to find Tony. A wise move, he had to admit. Though he would like to know what they were going on about, Richard gave a small chuckle as the red fox of his sister followed after the 'Seer' as Ayita referred to Allison as. "JARVIS, you there?" Picking at some invisible lint under his nail the man considered sauntering after the duo. "Inform Stark the Elder and proficient that Allison and Ayita are looking for him with dire news." Looking to the fire based mutant, the man sighed in reluctance as he stood and made his way after the two. "Come along, boy. Might as well see what the girls got going on." The long legs of the assassin carrying him easily after the others.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Stark Tower -Movie Theater / Following Allison
Personality Traits: Clever * Cynical * Loyal * Distant * Disciplined * Predatory

Ayita sighed as she considered the ideas her elder brother had place before her. To look to the past for the creatures? It was plausible, if worrying. She would need to research a lot of information, even then she felt the knowledge that theses were beings who would not fear man. Who would see only the monkeys man had once been and nothing more. A dangerous thing, especially if she lost control of their primal instincts. Giving Charlie a slightly irritated look, with such similarity a older wolf would give a bumbling young pup it was almost comical. The shifter felt the man counted out the Avengers far too easily. They were not mere anything, and Ayita would not want to fight them when they had something to protect or 'avenge' at their back. Situations like that made one's opponent all the more deadly.

When Allison jerked as if brought back to her sense- which she had been Ayita realized a minute later- the woman moved instantly to her friends side. Listening carefully to the rushed words. Shifting in a blur as the closest of her friends lunged from her seat, Ayita took the form of a red fox. Scurrying after the running Allison nimbly. "Stark. Stark. Stark! Trouble! Stark Trouble!" The mental telepathic thoughts stretched ahead of the two woman reaching for any sentient life as Ayita kept pace with Allison for all the world acting as a siren to herald the Seer's vision. Spying Mira with the Iron Man, the fox gave a flick her ears in recognition as she sat out of the way of human feet, daintily licking one soot black paw. "Trap." Ayita agreed with that notion. Leaving her mental 'microphone' on for any mind who could or would hear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Damon Fawkes

Location: stark tower top floor
Personality: Loyal * Bottles emotions * Listener * Sarcastic * Empathetic sometimes * Very closed off

Damon was silent letting others do as they do and then the speedster was vaulting over a couch and looking terrified. That made him tense and start to stand. Someone looking terrified like that was not a good sign....then lo and behold magneto and scarlet witch. Definitely not a good sign. So in a matter of seconds he was up and standing with his bow and a knocked arrow aimed at them. Could he hit them...probably not but it was better then not being armed.

As he stood there listening yet armed his body was a mass of noises. Growling from his chest as the wolves pushed against the skin and snarling from the panther as it did the same...however as always the dragon was silent merely pushing against the skin on his arm causing the scales to become more real as the slid about. “how do we know you aren’t going to just team up with that common enemy? Not exactly like you’re the most trustworthy....no offense” he meant offense that was clear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 17th Day
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17th Day The Number is 17

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bellamy Hughes

Location: Stark Tower - Top Level (Floor 93)
Personality Traits: Fearless · Zealous · Loyal · Unpredictable · Idealistic · Forceful

Bellamy was more than fine with Magneto and Wanda do all the talking, though he would never admit it out loud he carried himself with quite some caution; he had never met so many mutants in one area. Joining the Brotherhood was... enlightening at the very least, at no point did he ever have any delusions of grandeur about being the 'strongest' but it was another thing to be humbled in front of real power from the likes of the Master of Magnetism. He'd do just fine by not taking any of the X-Men at face value here, case in point is Quicksilver, easily picked out to be one of the more formidable potential adversaries out of the gathering, despite the speedster having just taken cover behind the sofa. Wonder what would stealing his speed be like? He mused on his train of thoughts having lost interest in the exhange of dialogue fast.

All of a sudden, his attention shifts right back as one of the X-Men had jumped up to his feet and trained a bow-and-arrow at them, all sorts of wild noises being let off from the olive toned mutant. What a foolhardy reaction to having just arrived here to offer assistance. Preach peace, offer violence much? Bellamy leaps in front of the archer's line of sight, hand stretched out cautiously. "Mate, just first hear out what we have to say before you poke someone's eye out with that, alright?" He would advise the other mutant, the accent thick out of the Australian bushlands, "And might as well stow the bloody, handy menagerie away for now, ay?" Glancing back at his two comrades, or rather just Magneto, trying to find some level of approval after his actions.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peridot
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Peridot Clods!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Charlie Farrier

Location: Stark Tower

The fact that Allison had received the vision now and not ten minutes ago seemed pretty typical of how shitty things were going right now, but it didn't stop Charlie from feeling frustrated. Especially because her vision pretty much affirmed that they were correct over how idiotic Marygold's plan was. They were walking into a trap, with no protection, and no knowledge of a back up plan. Or, at the very least, said back-up plan hadn't been shared with anyone in the tower from what Charlie knew.

Charlie darted a vaguely irritated look at Richard as he spoke up. "I'm not discounting anyone." He answered grimly. "I'm just not stupid enough to think we're all so big and bad that we can handle it ourselves. It may be possible, sure, but I'm pretty certain that more people helping out means less innocents dying." If the Avengers themselves had had more numbers, perhaps not so many would have died in New York following Loki's rampage. Hypothetical situations, but important ones to consider. Especially if you were a so called 'leader'. Ignoring Richard's remarks about his own powers and how useful they'd be in killing people - though failing to hide a fairly creeped out look on his face (He wasn't wrong, but jeez, there's a time and a place man.) - Charlie followed Allison out of the room.

Following the commotion, Charlie couldn't even find himself surprised anymore to see Magneto and two members of the brotherhood. He threw his arms up in the air, as if to say "Of course, you guys are here!". He looked dryly to the ceiling, wondering where JARVIS's threats about "not putting the tower at risk" had gone. Were AI's frightened of evil mutants?

Nina van Essenhout

Location: Stark Tower

Once again, Nina found herself disapproving of Marygold's choices as leader. She wasn't sharing the information about the back-up plan, which would only lead to confusion in the future should they need to use it. She'd elected to have everyone walk to their destination in broad daylight despite the fact OMEN or the Sentinels could descend on them at any given moment, and the entire meeting could be a way of getting them out of their hiding place. Finally, the plan itself was just entirely too dangerous. If this were truly about talking their way out of this mess, then why take so many people? If the diplomatic route was important to Marygold, surely she could have gone alone? Not to mention the fact that Folly had come along as well, and considering her mental break down earlier, was just another threat in the situation. She should have been left at the tower to be monitored, especially if Bruce was in the middle of making up more of her medication... which she had left without.

Nina simply shook her head lightly as Cassandra added her two cents. If OMEN attack first, they attack back? They shouldn't even be allowing the former to take place, particularly while dragging younger kids into this mess. Falling back a step so that she was side by side with Sara, Nina regarded the young mutant carefully. She seemed confident, and she no doubt had an extremely useful power. Still, she was young, and in this case, inexperienced.

"How are you feeling?" She asked her softly, not bothering to pursue the problems she had with Marygold. She had a distinct feeling the redhead wouldn't listen to her anyway.
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