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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Chapter 3


Name: Pycin Cahap.
Rank: [GM] Grand Minister of Quatis.
Gender: Male.
Age: 320 years.

@Doc Doctor

GM Pycin was sitting in his office, alone. His office is aboard the flagship Egress. It’s an octagonal room 10 meters in diameter, each of the eight walls are metallic interactive view screens, each displaying a different image of the GM’s viewing preference. One such screen displays an image of a sector within the Science ship Erud, where Pycin is keeping a close watch on alien fugitive, Donny, as he makes short work of Quatis security officers.

GM Pycin’s authority supersedes all. Unlike all other ranks, he is able to view every inch of every room and corridor on all ten ships of the Quatis Fleet. He is the only one with this authority.

While watching Donny, he sips quaintly on a glass of a Kraken Rum, like a lonely old man might watch a late night talk show before bed. He watched as four Quatis officers were destroyed mercilessly by Donny’s Frag Grenade. He watched as Donny took down the remaining six with six quick shots of his primitive firearm. Yet Pycin’s aging stone features barely portray the slightest note of concern for the carnage and the fugitive’s actions towards his men.

Pycin’s desk was arc shaped, metallic as well, with a range of features including a holographic photo of his late wife and children. While Donny continued his venture, and holding his drink in one hand, Pycin used his free hand to access the security channel on the terminal to his left. Once activated he typed in a specific command of activation. A reading came up on the desks monitor:

Level 21, research floor. All access ports secured.

Pycin then types in another short command and reads the display:

Level 21, Research Floor. Alien convict contained. GM access open.

Pycin now turns his head to speak further commands into an independent terminal, saying:

“Authority GM Pycin. Access Code 770P-QA. Open secured voice channel. Mobile Unit Q116-C17.”

The right-hand terminal’s monitor lights up:

GM PC Secure Channel Open.

On the science vessel, Donny’s wrist device activated. A display lights up in the top right corner of the voice channel interface. A short bleep is heard. A moment later Donny hears a voice speaking to him through the device. The voice is male. For Donny, the voice sounds like that of a man in an unquestionable position of authority. It is coarse. Deep. Defiantly calm. Unemotional. Founded:



“I am Grand Minister Pycin of The Quatis. I am speaking with you on a secure channel.”

Pause. .

“You will find yourself in a helpless situation. You have been confined by my own authority.”


“No further blood of the innocent needs be shed.”


“I wish to speak with you alone. Will you come in peace to discuss matter of terms? This channel is confined. Reply.”


Unknown to Meta, The Quatis have an interface link set up with the Tempest’s internal communications systems. They have overheard every word by way of a mechanical receptor attached to their left ears. Still, they play dumb, no point in rocking the boat without due cause.

Meta leads the supposed elite Quatis engineer team to the Engine room. When Meta addresses them with his explanation, the lead engineer responds with a pompous smile, clearly feeling superior, and saying:

"Your technology is easily manipulated." When he finishes speaking he lifts his arm to speak a command to the Quatis fleet via the device on his wrist:

“Command. Scan the reactors at our corresponding coordinates. Requesting immediate reactivation implements.”

The lead engineer drops his arm, still smiling arrogantly as he addresses Meta once again:

“If you agree to our terms, we can supply you with a quantum replicator. With it you will be in no future need of such demanding delays in the repair of your systems.”

A moment later, the Quatis engineers give each other a jesting look while The Tempest shakes lightly and the engine room is filled with a soft, pink glow. While the light fills the room, almost beyond understanding, the reactor and multiple engines appear to be in a state of self-repair. The incidents lasts less than a minute before all mechanisms in the Engine room are restored in full.

“Is there more?” The lead engineer asked Meta, raising a conceited brow. With a jerk of his head, the other engineers dematerialize, presumably returning to their ship. In their departure they scoff and chuckle, as if to poke fun at Meta. The lead engineer remains, seemingly quite pleased with himself, and adds; “We received an anomalous reading from your vessel prior to our arrival. Let’s call it a surge of energy, for now. We didn’t recognize it.”

The engineer narrows his eyes somewhat suspiciously at Meta….

“Suffice to say, the flux in energy we picked up on was… incredible. We haven’t seen anything like since the destruction of our own home world. It shared the same proton signature.”

The engineers’ eyes then light up. At least, his irises turn a shade of vibrant Jade. It would be clear to Meta in that moment that he wasn't conversing with a biological life form. He was speaking to a machine, maybe a cyborg, maybe some other advanced form of robot.

He finishes his speech in a voice that is broken by the sound of electronic static: “Perhaps you would like to explain this phenomenon? Who are your allies?” He unfastens the gun from his belt and points it at Meta. “Tell me. Now.”

As the artificial life form finishes talking, Meta hears the voice of Fanny in his ear. He is the only one who can hear her. She says:

“Easy does it.”


Fanny smiles obligingly for Jens. She appears pleased with his conduct. As the Vice-Admirable finishes speaking, she lifts one finger as if to note something but doesn’t complete the notion with an announcement of her own. She rises from her seat, takes a quick look at James who receives the words ‘you’re being tested’ in his mind, before she returns her attention back to Jens, saying;

“There is nothing for you to hear at this time. Go and do your job. Thanks again for your hospitality. I’ll try and not make a nuisance of myself during my stay.”

With those words, Fanny May is gone. In the blink of an eyes Jens cannot see her. Those on the Primary Bridge no longer see her. No one does until some time later….

Several minutes pass by and the united Khaganate Fleet enter a wormhole with the intention of arriving at the destination of a solar system that depicts one of life sustaining planets. The wormhole, despite Fanny’s words to the contrary, remains stable for the journey, inexplicably so. It had been some time since they had encountered such smooth wormhole transition.

Upon exiting the wormhole they arrive in a system supported by a small, blue dwarf star. Three of the eleven planets in the system are supporting life. More than this, space between the three consecutive life sustaining planets is riddled with a thick cloud of space constructions, likely space station and artificial establishments of various size and dimensions that number in the tens of thousands. This solar system is notably in an advanced state of existence.

Oddly enough, the scans made of the Khaganate prior to the wormhole jump would not have picked up on energy signatures from the artificial structures, since they gave off none. The only way to establish what these structures actually were, were by closer visual, exterior analyses. The only detailed reading the fleet can pick up on are those from the planets themselves, which decipher magnificent degrees of flora and fauna.

Within less than a minute of the Khaganate’s arrival, they detect a cylindrical object close to their position. Like all artificial structures within the system, it gives off no energy readings. Visually, however, it appears a lot like a stone pillar, ten miles long and a little over one mile wide. The object approaches the fleets leading vessel. As it does so, two more identical cylindrical objects appear and approach the fleet, converging from the left and the right.

No communication from the objects has yet been established.


Rodia, Amid their efforts to elect a new leader, are suddenly struck by an unknown, exterior spatial force. The force of the strike does not upset or damage them in any way, but it does alter their present course. They soon find themselves within communication range of the MASGC. Unfortunately, the change of course has put them in line with Hany’s Ribbon again.

The Rodia is a large ship. The MASCG is in panic mode. Maybe the Rodia can offer assistance….


When Ramrod looks out the crack of the craft, what he sees is a marvelous thing; so many vibrant colors that it is as if he’s looking into a surreal dimension. It’s a jungle, at least which is what it might be. Trees of enumerable colors and shapes fill his eyes. The air is sweet as honey. Flying insects play in the rays of sunlight that reach softly down through the flora. If he didn’t know better, and so long as he hasn’t got his hopes up, this world may be what fantasies are made of…. Could it be true? Has he found himself in a utopia of tantalizing pleasures?

Whether he has or whether he hasn’t, it isn’t long before Ramrod hears the sound of a voice nearby. It isn’t Hank, no, Hank is still seemingly ruined on the floor. This voice is coming from outside. From beyond the tree line, deeper into the forest. The voice sounds female, relatively young, calling out for help.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ernest
Ernest Jr stares at the commander for a short period of time, before leaving without word. It quickly returns to The Ernest, which takes off as soon as Ernest Jr grabs ahold of the ship.



As soon as Ernest has made it far enough away from the MASGC headquarters to safely hyperdrive, he does so. It might not have been a very large distance, but it still saved some time.

Soon after, Ernest enters Iceolia's atmosphere, and assuming everything goes well, lands at a place where he can pick up people. Shortly after he lands, he give this message, very loudly. Loud enough that people can hear him throughout the city he presumably landed in.

"People of Iceolia. I am the Ernest spacecraft. As you might know, there is a giant entity called Hany's Ribbon that is about the colid with and subsequently destroy this entire planet. I have been sent by the Commander of the MASGC to get as many of you off this planet as possible. I have 100 dorms, each of which can hold a single human, and a single human ONLY. I also have a storage bay for sustenance. 100 people are to come onto the ship, and bring food and/or water, preferably something that can keep for a long time, as it is unknown how long you will have to go before you can get ahold of more sustenance. Do not bring luxuries that are too large to fit on your person: We have neither the time to collect these nor the space in my storage. I will be leaving in less than 30 minutes. That is how long you have."

As he finishes, a door opens up for people to board the ship.

As Rodia and Siren
Whichever R-Core was in charge of keeping track of the vote was midway through his announcement that Siren had won when Rodia got caught next to (and presumably by) the MASGC.

Rorod is exasperated. First Ramrod got kidnapped by the Forte, then they were nearly destroyed, then he has his authority completely thrown out the window by Siren, and now Rodia is minutes away from Hany's Ribbon with no real way to deal with that.


Siren shuns him. "Shut up. No need to be so judgemental. I just got into office, after all."

Siren: "I did have a pretty good long-term plan of installing a hyperdrive on Rodia to help deal with future problems like this, but this admittedly caught me off guard. Nobody told me we were heading TOWARDS Hany's Ribbon. But the solution is simple. We can just move out of the way and-"

Rorod: "Move out of the way?! How do you suppose we do that?"

Siren: "...with our engines? This station has engines, right?

Rorod: "They aren't moving engines! THey are orbite maintainers."

Siren: "Orbit maintainters."

Rorod: "Yes."

Siren: "No proper engines."

Rorod: "well... yeah..."

Siren: "So Rodia has no way of moving."

Rorod: "Yeah...."


Rorod simply stares in shock. Siren glares at him for a long time. And then she continues glaring at him for a long time. Finally, she starts talking again.

"Send Lars to communicate with that station we are near." she says, with a lot less angry now. She's still noticeably angry, but not yelling angry. "Make sure we are on good grounds with them just in case we manage to survive this. Maybe we can trade them and get metal to deal with that problem with the unfinished R-Cores you were telling me about."

Rorod goes off to go talk to Lars. As he does, Gamma happens to walk by.

Siren: "Gamma, I'm assuming you know about the situation. You know what we did to save Rodia from the Forte's explosion?"

Gamma: "I know what you are thinking. It won't work this time. When we did it, it burnt out my resistance chip. It's not irreparable, my system is already fixing it. But it won't be ready again for a few days. Even if I could put up another force field, it wouldn't protect us from a direct collision with Hany's Ribbon. If it hit that planet before us, Rodia would still be hit pretty bad from the rubble, probably would kill too many people."

Siren: "Well darn. Worth asking though..."

Siren turns to look outside. "How exactly are we going to deal with this one?"


At this point, we have missed Lars bursting into his office, he is already sending a message to the MASGC. The rather short message:
"Greetings however in over there! I am Lars, Ambassador of the space station Rodia. I send you this message to inform you that we mean you no harm. We just got flung across space from an explosion. We didn't mean to be here. That was an accident."

As Ramrod
Ramrod looks over at the sad state of his new friend. He can't do anything about it right now, unfortunately. Someone else needs help too, maybe Ramrod can help her?

Ramrod hops down to the ground, surprisingly unphased by the wonderland around him. He runs over in the direction where he heard the cries for help.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dartbored Fairy
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Dartbored Fairy Sleepy Fairy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Prima Luce

Mili manages a faint smile as Pirila crouches down in front of her. "O..okay..." She says, exhausted. Today's events had been... well, tiring. Tiring and also quite terrifying, so Mili decides to simply let Pirila do all the thinking and worrying. She'll just nod and follow since she was too tired to really do much thinking.

Then, however, Pirila does something strange. Is she... tasting Mili's blood? Mili frowns, Pirila was acting weird. Why would she taste Mili's blood? That wasn't normal...

But the question Pirila asks really alarms Mili, but before she can really react her vision goes black. Pirila had punched her, and in doing so knocked her unconscious...


Pirila looks away from the windows as the start moving. She really didn't like the fact that she suffered from motion sickness, and she had been avoiding vehicles for quite a while because of it.

So when Shard pulls her away she simply nods, not really paying attention to what's going on until Shard pulls a gun on her. Pirila takes a step back but before she can get away, Shard pulls the trigger...

And Pirila's dizziness fades, Shard asks her a weird a weird question about Cuna without even saying anything about what she just did."

"H-hold on Miss. First of all, I would much prefer it if you didn't pull out a gun on me for no reason. Secondly, are you assuming I am in a relationship with him?"

Pirila simply shakes her head. This woman was... a bit odd.

"To answer your question, yes he is 'available', so go ahead and get to know him better."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After hearing a few words from them, Meta had already concluded that these guys were assholes. Well he'd just deal with it, after all, what kind of galaxy doesn't have at least a hundred assholes in it? He stayed silent at their remarks and watched as the Tempest's engines and reactor were seemingly magically repaired, he was awed by what he saw, since no other galactic faction he knew of had this kind of tech, even the TKR. Although he was amazed, he was careful not to show it, instead replying with a simple:

Meta: Impressive.

He sends Niner back to his housing unit, which also connects to the rest of the ship's systems, in order to run diagnostics and confirm repairs. The lead engineer asked him once more as to what needed repairing as the rest of his party dematerialzed. As they teleported back to the Quatis ship, Meta could hear their arrogant scoffing and chuckling, now very audible. If given the chance, he would be very happy to be able to put a plasma round between their eyes. As the rest dissapeared, the last engineer told him about large amounts of energy emminating from his ship, and how that same energy was found when their planet was destroyed. That would seem impossible, as the Tempest was very well just a heap of floating metal waiting to be blasted for the past several hours. It took him but a few seconds to deduce what had happened, everything he had just witnessed pointed to it being the answer.

It was Fanny May.

Of course a divine being like herself could destroy a planet without much trouble, he then wondered if this is how she would "cleanse" the universe and start over, wiping out each planet and each life form one by one. He then notices the engineer's green, seemingly mechanical eyes and sees him pull out his gun, aiming it at Meta.

So even their droids are pompous assholes... of course.

He does not seem to react to the gun being aimed at him at all, instead he says in a calm and cold voice, staring at the engineer through the void black visor of his helmet:

Meta: You can put that thing down, I don't know anything about a large energy signature or have any allies here so to speak of. Nevertheless, I can see that your faction is currently in control here, so I will comply. I've told you what I know about the energy signature, what other demands do you have?

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


-After searching the dead guards for anything of interest, Donny patiently ejected the spent casings from his revolver and reloaded both guns as Pycin spoke to him. After the Grand Minister finished speaking Donny teleported back down the hall, stopped by the door the guards had come through, and fired his new quantum rifle at it to see if it'd make a hole. He'd do so at an oblique angle just in case, for some science reason, the energy bounced off. He doubted it would, that'd a huge deterrent for the guards to use their own weapons, but if Donny had learned anything over the course of his career it was that there is always a good reason to expect the worst.-

"Whah certainly, mistah Pycin. Ah've got some free tahm on mah hands."

-Regardless of the result, he'd also check out the other functions of the device. Could it access some form of Quatis internet, did it have confidential information files, a blueprint of the ship maybe? He wanted to learn as much as he could. Hell, if it did have internet he'd immediately Wiki GM Pycin.-
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Fuck that." He said simply in response to being told to wait for the transports. "I'm going to leave certainly enough, but not until my job is done." Quite simply, he didn't move to the barricade to wait, instead unslinging his rifle from his back and approaching the edge of the rooftop near where he knew the exit doorway was. He eyed them through his scope as they exited the building, watching their path as a pack of Skitterersf soon spotted them, quickly approaching the recon team.

For Memoriae, the sniper's memories would be crystal clear, as clear as though he was there seeing it himself. The memories would consist of arriving on the planet, dispatching some infected, and making his way up to the top of the building, at which point he encountered, and took out, a Brute. The rest was, of course, history as he made his way back down and met Memoriae, then came up at the sound of the troops. His vision seems... different than a normal persons, sharper. Clearer.

@Dartbored Fairy@Hokum

Cuna takes a moment to recover, barely hearing Shard's innuendo, although soon enough he had recovered from the brief stint of motion sickness. Muttering to himself, he stood back up "Bloody... teleportation..." He sighed and went back over what Shard said, smiling and nodding to himself, opening one door, one neither Dino nor Shard had went into. Lets see here, 50% chance of it being the damn bedchamber...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zyngard @Eviledd1984

One of the troopers stationed on the roof, a squad leader by the looks of him, said to the fortune teller:

Assault Trooper Sergeant: Negative, command told you to stay put, so that's what you'll have to do.

The rest of the troops on the rooftop, were either patrolling the area, manning the plasma repeaters, on lookout duty, or establishing coms with the PATGs and the Endurance. One of them saw the sniper moving towards the edge of the building and equip his rifle, seemingly aiming downwards. The trooper then switched from the TKR private com channel to his helmet's external voice speakers and asked.

Assault Trooper: You there, what are you doing with that rifle?

The trooper then readied his own rifle, not raising it, but ready to shoot, just in case.


Down below, Colt and his team were greeted by a few skitterers immediately upon exiting.

So much for stealth...

Colt was the first to raise his rifle at an alarming speed, followed quickly by his squad, which opened fire on the creatures. Blue bolts of plasma quickly zipped forward and dispatched the skitterers. The power of the weapons, combined with the troopers' intense training and skills, reduced the creatures to little more than roasted corpses. Realizing that their cover's been blown, Colt quickly leads his squad to a nearby abandoned building, in hopes of hiding their presence.


Meanwhile, the HAMs were having quite an uneventful run, the only things they've seen where city debris and the occasional mob of infected, no survivors could be found, and they were nearing the end of their course.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED 7283


Banned Seen 9 mos ago


While approaching the planet he scans a small section of surface area. For some reason, the ship's Universal Positioning System couldn't connect to its database, leaving most of the information of the planet unknown to him.

Planet Name: Unknown
Position: Unknown
Status: Extant
Civilization: Null
No signs of Intelligent Life

"That's kinda Speciesist computer." Magnus muttered to himself. The screen then responded.

I don't care, it's the truth.

"Woah, you can hear me?"

Ya. What did you think? That I was just some calculator? Now who's the Speciesist?

"Do you have some sort of name?" Magnus said, looking for some sort of microphone.

Sentient Automatic Neurological Database Responding to the Autoist

or S.A.N.D.R.A.

"Great. Why can't I ever be alone?" Magnus said while slamming his head into the console.

Now that you asked a question it's my turn. Who are you and why are in my owner's ship? And why was I turned off?

"Your owner's ship? I am your owner!" Magnus yelled, forgetting that he had stolen the ship.

No you're not.

Sandra responded while an ID for a driver named Barclay Barrymore opened on the screen. The date of birth was August 19th 1886.
"Oh no. I think he's dead." Magnus said.

No, you're joking. I was only off for a few minutes. Right?

Sandra said in denial. Magnus had no idea that a computer could possibly go through grief.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." he said while looking through the setting on his desktop. A toolbar titled S.A.N.D.R.A. Settings opened up. For an option called Display, he clicked on the one for a realistic head. Just then a window popped open showing Sandra in tears. He toggled with the display for a while until settling for the first option. Another option was Voice. Again, he messed around with it for a while until stopping on what sounded like a text to speech of a woman's voice. Just then a loud crying noise blasted from two speakers under the console. Magnus could sense that this would happen for quite a while. He then got up from his seat and entered the kitchen. As he opened the fridge he could smell rotting milk. He held his nose and grabbed a slice of permaBread and sat at the table. Across from him was a skeleton with a handlebar mustache wearing a tuxedo and holding a cup of tea.

"Fuck." Magnus said to himself while eating the bread. How had he not noticed the skeleton before? This was probably Barclay Barrymore too. In the other room he could still hear Sandra crying.
"Jeez. Were you guys in a relationship or something?" Magnus said rhetorically to the skeleton.
"As a matter of fact, we were!" Sandra yelled. Magnus held back laughing. Just imagining this old man kissing a computer screen while ragtime music is playing was hilarious to him. But still he died, and Magnus was being a total dick about it. On his planet, death was not something to be sad about.
"Aw man. Sorry." He said.
"I'll just turn myself off and don't even think about turning me on again." She said while closing her own windows.
"Ugh Fuck." Magnus said while slapping himself in the face. "I'll just land this thing and solve this problem later." Magnus landed the ship onto a grassy open area near a river. "So what's going on here?" He said to himself while exiting the ship.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Memoriae was wanting to know more about the sniper, He was wanting to know more about him. But for the time being he would have to keep the sniper alive if he wanted to learn more. Suddenly standing in front of the sniper to try and stop speak with the human to stop him form shooting, "Please hooman their is no need to shot, He is only trying to help you. As i want to help rid of this pesky virus" He said trying to reason with the human.

If he could not reason with the human then he would use his magic, Using his abilities to try change the memories of this solider to make him think they are also solider willing to help them. His voice sounding smoothing and further away then he sounded before, His long strange fingers moving back and forth and even opening and closing. If he failed that then he would have to keep trying to reason with the human.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


[Planet Iceolia]
As the door opened for the MASGC population to notify Ernest's preparation of a small evacuation, everyone are immediately panicking and fleeing towards Ernest like a scurry cats they were. Unfortunately for Ernest, the sizable numbers of MASGC people aren't big enough to hold more than 100 persons for their great exodus away from Hany's Ribbon, and so some of them are beginning to 'fist-fighting' their way in because they don't want to be heroic and sacrifice themselves for better 'alien-kind' as preserving their own life is somewhat more important for them.

Now with a terrible fate of every plan and decision right around the corner, the Ernest had to make a several decisions in whether it can bring more people and cramping everything else. Is the value of females and children was its top priority? Is the working men are important later in reconstruction? What was Ernest alignment in social/political/cultural/ethical groups? Is getting more supplies are necessary right now as the Commander had told? And many, many more to consider, in which overwhelms Ernest calculations for finding its current best case scenario.

[Near MASGC Space Headquarters]

Unauthorized functional object detected! Addresses of starship is unknown! Class Size: Huge.
[@M.A.S.G.C Automaton]

The automated AI had notified the officers in MASGC Space Headquarters for an undefined (Rodia/R-Core) object has entered their sector. Their responses was a little.. triggering.

One of the MASGC Operator had listened to the transmission made by a strange alien in what's to be named Lars after several deciphering communication attempts later in a nick of time.

This is the operator of the MASGC Space Headquarters, Bridge at Command Section A. Your presences as according to your sizable, roundish, fiendish, armored threat, are violating within the territorial space of Iceolia! If you're here for a negotiable conquest, then you're too late for a notable time! This solar system will be blasted to oblivion in within 20 minutes and on. However, if you're really pushes your thing to here by accident, then you'll need to convince us that you're not here for seeing the universe burnt to death.
[@Operator at Command Section A]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m keeping an eye out for that squad of yours, I’m no bloody civilian to be herded into a corner and protected.” The sniper said coldly, without looking away from his scope. Mm, a boomer or whatever it was called seemed to be slowly approaching their position. ...emphasis on slowly, given that things muscle mass, which was low. His rifle hummed as it charged up, and he took a shot after briefly calculating his angle, and hit the boomer right in the torso, taking it out, while in sight of the troopers, far enough to avoid the resulting explosion of spores.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago


While Ramrod moves through the forest towards the sound of the girl crying for help, he would notice many of the plants aren’t quite normal. Several of the shrubs sprout eyes when they see him coming, while others reach out, feeling at the small plush creature with their leaves and branches. When they make contact with him, the plants release small moans, some sounding intrigued by his texture, others sounding pleasured by the touch.

Soon, Ramrod would become aware of a straggly orange shrub with tiny leaves. It had uprooted itself and started following Ramrod, making small grunting noises in its effort to keep up.

Assuming that Ramrod keeps moving he soon arrives at a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a young man with red hair and freckles and wearing a purple woolly pullover. What he’s wearing on his legs isn’t seen, since he is waist deep in a weird type of quicksand. Funnily enough, the young man is the one calling for help. It becomes obvious to Ramrod that the mans state of panic has caused his voice to become high pitched like a girl.

The quicksand is pulsating and bubbling, releasing sounds like that of a grumbling stomach and groans of satisfaction as it slowly consumed the sinking man.

When the man sees Ramron, he stops squealing like a girl. Suddenly his despair is replaced by a look of bizarre confusion for the plush cat.

“Uhh… dude….” He said with a young, masculine tone. “You’re like… a plush toy or something.” Realizing he’s sinking a little deeper into the quicksand, he raises a curios eyebrow. “So, like… help?”


The Android Quatis Mechanic didn't display a look of satisfaction for Meta's reply. He remained suspicious, narrowing his eyes. He wasn't ready to lower his weapon just yet. He was however about to reply, mouth open with the first syllable formed when he got distracted by a third person in the room. He quickly re-aimed his gun at a young man that just kinda blinked into existence a few meters away. Shortly after appearing, the young man vanished, then quickly reappeared, only this time he didn't vanish again.

The stranger had short wavy red hair and small freckles on his cheeks, standing about 6 feet tall with green, bloodshot eyes. He was no older than early twenties, dressed in deep-blue tracksuit pants, purple woolly pullover, and brown slippers on his feet. He wasn't armed at all and didn't actually carry any possessions whatsoever.

Once his arrival was stable, the young man rolled his eyes around the room in amazement while his hands felt the air as if he were a mime lost in his act. It took a moment before he acknowledged the other two people in the room.

"Dudes..." He said in a state of wonder as he lowering his hands; "I'm like so freaked out right now."

The engineer was speechless for a moment, apparently having no idea what was taking place. He then turned his eyes quickly to Meta, his suspicion intensifying as he then turned his look back to the strange redhead, and demanded answers. He raised the line of his gun to the strangers head:

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Whoa, dude!" The man replied, throwing his hands up again as a gesture of surrender. But he didn't really seem to be taking the situation too seriously, sort of laughing while he spoke: "What's with the badass gun, man? I ain't armed, I swear - hell, I don't even know where I am. Can someone fill me in or what?" Then, as if his arms were way too heavy keep held up, he flopped them back down by his side and turned his attention the Meta, saying:

"Duuuude... you are look'n so righteous right now. Nice getup, really, you have my respec." He thumped his fist to his chest as a sign of sincerity then held out his hand to greet Meta; "Names Rufus, man. Ya got a name or what?"

Whether Meta responded or not, the android - who was looking rather panicked at this point - spoke into the device on his wrist: "Command. Two to teleport!" As soon as he finished saying so, he grabbed Meta by the shoulder. Less than a second later the Android and Meta vanished in a flurry of light.

Rufus was a little confused, but not too phased by the two men disappearing in front of him.

"Rude." He said, and with a small shrug started exploring the Tempest.

Meta materialized in a small, square metallic room somewhere on board the Quatis flagship Egress. He is seated in a chair but isn't restrained and appears to have all his items on his person. In front of him is a bare metal table, the legs of which seem to be melded to the floor. The room is fairly dark, but enough light is present to look around comfortably. On the wall to the left is a view screen displaying an image of a space vessel:

On the wall to the right is a terminal with what would appear to be random data readouts. There don't appear to be any doors in the room, but on the far side of the table in front of him is yet another stranger. This man is standing, hands behind his back in a casual yet staunch pose. He looks about middle age, black hair with streaks of violet around the ears, and a long violet and black goatee. He has brown eyes and is wearing a two-piece black uniform, maybe some sort of military issue judging by the four white stripes on the right of his chest and the Quantum rifle hanging from his belt. But he doesn't introduce himself. Instead, he takes a step closer to the table, saying:

"State your full name, occupation, origin, reason for being in this region of space, and..." He glances at the vessel on the view screen; "...everything you know about the ship that just appeared within close proximity of your own."

@Doc Doctor

Fortunately for Donny, and anyone else who decided to take potshots at doors and walls, the energy blast had no real effect. Apparently the walls and doors of the Quatis ship were designed to absorb many types of energy. The absorption technology was so effective that the shot Donny took was practically non-climactic. The energy just dissipated on contact.

Donny's furthering efforts to access inter-Quatis information also fell flat. Moments after replying to the Grand Minister, his wrist devise went off-line. All functions went dark. Nothing responded. Even if he had been able to open up inter-Quatis information, he wouldn’t have found much on Pycin, besides the fact that he was Prime Leader of the Quatis. The Grand Ministers personal files are restricted.

Still, Donny wasn't without achievement, after seeing his wrist device go dead, he would have felt the sensation of crawling skin and butterflies in his stomach as his vision went black –

Donny’s vision returns to find himself standing and facing Pycin from the opposite side of his desk in his office. The office is as previously described. No doors are apparent. If Donny is thinking, as he usually is, and even though he is alone in the room with the Grand Minister, he would likely suspect that the office isn’t without its share of security systems. Furthermore, the devise on Donny’s wrist is still not operational.

Grand Minister Pycin has sky-blue eyes and swept back hair, silver, though a tint on the blue side. No facial hair, but his face was hard as nails. It was clear he wasn’t easily aroused. He’s dressed in a grey full-length robe, obviously a casual attire similar to that of a bath robe, while holding half a glass of Kraken Rum in one hand.

When Donny appears, he makes a small effort to rise from his chair, gives a small nod to greet him, then retakes the seat behind his desk. He then motions with his head towards a small cabinet position next to the empty seat in front his desk. In the glass door cabinet are various bottles of alcohol as well non-alcoholic beverages and several drinking classes.

“Fix yourself a drink, Donny. Take a seat. Relax. We have… business to discuss, you and I.”

@Zyngard@Dartbored Fairy@Prima Luce

“Mine?” Dino Gavon responds to the transmission from the alien vessel and looks at Cas, then back at the reading’s at his station. “Fuck you!” As he told the person on the alien vessel to get fucked, the words ‘fuck you’ seemed to play on his mind, as though he were reminded of something but couldn’t quite figure out what. He gives Cas another odd look and shrugs. “Anyway, No time to waste, we have to get down there and save that little girl now.”

Cas gives Hida a friendly smile as she, Cas and Dino make their way back to center chamber of the ship where Pirila and Shard have recently exited the room they had been in. Cuna was no longer there, but no one really seemed to notice his absence.

“Pirila!” Dino said, “We’ve found your friends bio readings on the planet below. It’s clear by the readings that she is still alive, but she is still in the company of her abductor.”

Dino then gives Pirila a smoldering look as he snaps his fingers. When he does this, a chamber opens out from the wall beside her displaying a range of guns and rifles.

“Take your pick, hot stuff, a fine dame like yourself shouldn’t be landing on an uncharted planet without a means to protect herself, am I right? Of course I’m right!”

Shard then steps aside, seemingly a little confused by something, but says to Dino; “Sir, I’m staying here. I don’t know why exactly, but I just feel like I need to be doing something while you’re gone. I can’t quite explain it, sir, but I’m sure it’s important that I stay here.”

“Very well,” Dino tells her, “stay if you want. In fact, I’d prefer someone was her to guard the ship while I’m gone.”

Whether Pirila had decided to take a gun or not, Cas takes one, but it’s not for him to use. He hands it to Hida like a man presenting a woman a rose, saying; “This is for you. It’s a beautiful piece of machinery… just like you. I’ve also got peanuts if you’re hungry.”

Dino then states a command and the next thing Hida and Pirila know they are standing in the caves of the planet below with Dino and Cas. Dino checks his wrist device and gives a nod to Pirila.

“Follow me. This way. Be as quiet as you can and stay on guard.”

The group of four start heading down the passages of the cave towards Mili’s bio signature.

Back on board the DGS, Cuna had found himself in Dino Gavon’s Bedchamber. It was likely the most elaborately decorated room in the ship. The bed was massive and circular and adorned with velvet cushions of sensual colors. The walls were violet. The ceiling and floor were made of mirrors. Several expensive looking dressers and wardrobes were scattered about the outer perimeter of the room.

A little while after he enters, the door opens and Shard walks in. For a second after seeing Cuna, her expression is blank, but then changes to one of surprising realization.

“Oh – it’s you, you sexy, sexy man!” She declares as a delightful smile scrunches her cute little face. She quickly accesses her wrist device with a few little taps of her finger. Cuna’s clothes then vanish for a moment, then appear neatly folded on the top of a dresser on the far side of the room. At the same time, Shard’s own clothing disappears and reappears in a neat stack beside his own. Her body is nothing short of perfect, the proportions and supple texture of her skin are literally the makings of a supermodel. But then - as her nipples harden, her lips noticeably swell and her pupils dilate - six octopus-like tentacles grow out from her vagina, prodding at the air as if desperately searching for something to hold on to.

“Get on the bed!” She orders, as she catwalks towards him.

@Oh no my soup

The planet is a beautiful sight to see. The flora is vivacious with fanciful coloring. While Magnus is surveying the area, he feels the sensation of fingers walking up the back of his leg. At the same time he feels a tap on his shoulder while the sound of a pleasured moan is heard. If he looks back, he won’t see anyone but a tree standing behind him. It’s a nice looking tree, about the same height as Magnus, with purple plumage and several eyes lining its trunk. Farther down, he might notice the roots of the tree have uprooted themselves. The roots were causing the sensation of fingers walking up his leg, now groping and prodding at Magnus as they approach his upper thigh.

Suddenly, the nearby tree line comes alive as a larger, uglier looking tree steps out and beats its lower limb against the ground with a powerful strike. When it does so, the smaller purple tree squeals like a frightened mouse and starts running away; its roots carrying it as fast as they can across the clearing to hide in another part of the forest.

The large tree looms and growls as it strides towards Magnus, while somewhere nearby a small white flower in the clearing sighs like no good thing was about to happen.


"While the desperate men, women and children of Iceolia turn on each other to save themselves, Ernest is forced to make decisions. He knows that Fanny is watching, though she is no longer present to help, but the deluge of people trying to force themselves on board are likely the only thing on his mind right now. What does one do when faces with such a dire situation?

Meanwhile, those on board the Rodia are also faced with a decisions. The threat of Hany's Ribbon and the transmission from the MASGC Operator will probably cause some conflicting views. Even if those of the Rodia could help with the MASGC evacuate, will they be able to find a way to escape the path of Hany's Ribbon, or would their efforts to help be in vain?

Tune in for the next edition of channel 0 news!"

Trillions of citizen from across the universe watch on as Frank Feelsalot, the chubby pink octopod news broadcaster, shuffles the papers on his desk and the inter-universal breaking news broadcast ends.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


"Ah'll stand, thank yah. Ah don't drink while Ah'm workin' neithah. Sah tell mah, frahnd. What yah got for mah?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Doc Doctor

“I’m getting old, Donny… too old to take care of bullshit for myself anymore. These days I have other people take care of the bullshit.”

Pycin takes a sip of his rum, and continues;

“Thing is, I’d have my own men do this job, but they won’t. No Quatis man, woman or child would even dream of killing an admiral.”

He looks soberly down into the brown liquid of his glass like an old wizard reading the future in a potion he’d made.

“I don’t know where you’re from, Donny. I don’t know how you got out here. What I do know is that this space is far from the likes that you call home. But that’s okay….”

He takes another sip of his drink and looks at Donny again.

“The important thing is you know how to take care of yourself. Your tools may be primitive, but you can somehow manage to put our security to shame. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind seeing how you’d fair against one of our elite soldiers. Would prove quite entertaining, and maybe sort of the reason why I brought you here today.”

Finishing his drink, he leans across and take the bottle, filling his glass once more before easing back in his seat to continue in a lowering tone;

“You’ve met my Admiral, Dino Gavon. The man that shot you in the back and sent you to our medical bay.”

He then nods to the holographic image of the woman and child on his desk for reference.

“This is my wife and little girl, or at least they were until Dino Gavon got them both killed. Don’t get me wrong, Donny, he didn’t kill them outright, but he might as well have. I won’t bore you with too many details, as you probably don’t want to know in any regard. But you see, Dino was fucking my wife for the last year or so before she died. Naturally, Dino didn’t think I knew about it. But that’s not the point at the moment…. Point is, her relationship with the man distracted her at the wrong time, one thing led to another, and as a result both she my daughter were stranded on Quatis when Hany’s Ribbon struck. …They were meant to be safe with me right here on this ship.”

Pycin takes a long, deep breath. Another sip of rum. If one looked hard enough they could see the emotion trying to break his rock hard façade.

“Donny…. No doubt a man even of your own pedigree would understand the need for security in life, without the constant need to be looking over your shoulder, and I’m the man who can make that happen for you, Donny. You can have your past transgressions towards the Quatis removes. You could have free reign among the Quatis fleet, join the ranks of the superior officers if want, live as a civilian, come and go as you please, have your own place to live, all the food and pussy you can eat – and you know how us men just love the taste of those tentacles, am I right? Hell, Donny, I’d even be willing to give you your very own personal space ship… and all I have to do to make that happen is say the word….”

For the first time Pycin shows some real emotion, though only the faintest of grins, as he added;

“And all you have to do is kill Dino Gavon.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Meta stood there, unmoving, with his arms crossed. His helmet's void black T-shaped visor showed no movement, no emotion, no feeling. That was part of the reason he chose that design, both because he liked the design, it masked his own expressions, and that it could unnerve other people if he stared long enough. His attention then snapped to the size as a new being materialized into the ship, which looked like a mostly normal human male, but Meta knew better than that. His instincts told him to reach for his gun, but he forced himself not to due to the current situation, instead silently observing and analyzing both the newcomer and the Quatis droid, who seemed more human than most droids he encountered. He ignored the newcomer's comment and waited to see how the engineer would react, and was intrigued by the panicked state of the engineer. He allowed the droid to grab him, not resisting, as they teleported out of the Tempest.

Soon after, two other ASPs hovered into the scene. One of them stopped in front of Rufus and said in a monotone robotic voice:

ASP: Halt, identify yourself.


Meta soon found himself in a room at an unknown location. Guessing that this was the interior of the large ship he saw earlier, he looked around, analyzing the surroundings. The first thing he saw was the man in the uniform, which he could identify as a general of some sort. The second thing that he noticed was a picture of an unknown starship. The figure then stepped forward and asked him about his personal information, with no other choice he answered.

Meta: Meta, bounty hunter, mercenary, TKR system M414K045, escape from Hany's Ribbon, and I don't know anything about that ship, first time I've seen it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


-Donny removed the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He shook one out, slipped it into the corner of his mouth, and snapped open his lighter. He took a good, long drag, and exhaled loudly, putting the lighter back into his pocket. He seemed to think things over for several seconds.-

"......Take cayah of mahself?"

-He shook another one loose and held it out for the admiral to take.-

"If Ah wanted tah take care of mahself I'd be a hairdressah, not a headhuntah. Securitah comes from peace of mind, and peace ain't somethin' that the thah wicked get much of. Ya sittin' theyah, watchin' it look easeh. But it's a razah. One slip an' yah get cut and fall intah darkness. Sometimes, it can feel dreamlike in its raw puriteh. A man, standin' in the presence of deyath, can feel the historeh bein' made. The end of anothah story. Such a thing, gives me goosepimples. Ah, but yah a polititian. Aesthetics and thah exploration of thah soul ain't exactleh yah forte. Fahget 'bout what Ah jus' said. What's this Hany's Ribbon, and where in thah ship ah we now? Hang awn, lemme give yah a light. Fah that mattah, wheyah's Dino at as well?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Quote5
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Quote5 AS: / Artificial Stupidity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ernest
Perhaps I did not sufficiently think through my speech. Ernest thought to himself. Or maybe these people are just selfish fools. I don't really have any way of knowing.

The ship lets out another message. Again it's very loud, hopefully loud enough to get over the commotion. "I understand that you are very stressed. However, fighting amongst yourselves will only make the situation worse. Cease this chaos and establish an orderly method of boarding my hull immediately, or I will be forced to choose who gets on myself."

As he said that, several repair pods pop out. They have their weapons ready. Ernest has no intention of firing upon the citizens, they aren't even pointed at anyone, he just has those guns ready to get a point across. Miss May, if you can still hear me, I must apologize for this cruel behavior. But I need to get these people to listen... I'd save more if them if I could...

As Rodia
Lars is a bit offended that the MASGC reacted with hostility. His next message: "How rude of you to assume we are hostile! Is this how you react to everyone? Look, you can scan our station if you want. There are no sizable weapons on Rodia itself, nor do we have much control over the station itself. The only thing we can do is maintain orbit, any relocation would have be caused by an outside source, such as the giant space bomb exploding right next to us. So, if that's not enough to convince you that we did not intentionally come here to harm you, I don't know what is. In fact, we were going to try to open up trade with you if we both survived Hany's Ribbon! Although, I don't think our leader, Siren, is going to continue this offer now that she has learned that you threatened us."

And as Siren
Siren and Rorod are in the engine room, trying to see if there is any way to overload the engines and get some extra prepoltion out of them. Siren has decided against electrocuting them with her hair, since those things are probably already using more energy than she can produce anyway. They might be able to redirect energy from other parts of Rodia into the engines, but that won't be enough to get them far enough away from the explosion.

As Ramrod
Ramrod is kinda grossed out by some of the plants. Surprisingly, he is mostly unfazed by the orange one that is following him. The fact that it is orange is probably the most surprising thing about that specific plant.

Ramrod is surprised and mildly amused to find the girl that was screaming for help was actually a guy.

"Mraoh, mraoh mraoh. Mraoh mraoh." (Yes, I am in fact a plush toy. Good observation.) Ramrod said, despite the fact he knows that this guy shouldn't be able to know what his mraohs mean. Of course the Forte understood him, so maybe this guy does too?

"Mraoh, mraoh" (Sure, I can help you) Ramrod then starts producing that weird, sticky, sticky stuff from his paws that I haven't been able to properly use yet. Ramrod is too light to be able to pull a fully ground man out of quicksand so he ties one end ot the material to a nearby rock and throws the other end to the guy so he can pull himself out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zyngard @Eviledd1984

The trooper looked up at Memoriae, a little bit unnerved, before walking around him and stopping beside the sniper. He could see Colt down below with three troopers from his squad and one strange-looking infected moving towards them. As the sniper fired at the boomer, killing it, the trooper felt more relieved, and would stay there for a minute or two before walking back to the main area of the rooftop.


While the squad below were moving towards the abandoned building, they could see one of the infected slowly lumbering towards them. Before they could fire their weapons however, something struck it from above as it collapsed down onto the ground, unmoving. The squad looked up at the building to see the sniper with his rifle aimed towards the corpse of the boomer, indicating that he had been the one who had shot it. They then sprinted into the abandoned building, which was actually a command center of sorts, with a communications tower and a very powerful scanner at its disposal.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Doc Doctor

Pycin accepted the cigarette and pulled back harder than need be when provided the light. He eased back in his chair again, taking another swallow of his rum before exhaling through his nose. He was listening to Donny carefully, noted by the occasional small twitch of his sunken eyes. It wasn’t until Donny had finished saying his piece that he responded; gently twirling the cigarette in his finger and thumb he analysed the smoke drifting off for a moment.

“It’s been a while….”

Drawing back a second toke, another swallow of rum, he tilted his head with a crack of his neck, and said:

“I never thought of myself as the political type. All those faggits….” He gave a short, dismissive snort of one nostril and used his pinkie finger to tap on the desk, saying; “Ash.” The top of the desk opened and a small silver tray popped out before the desk sealed up again beneath it. “Truth be told, I was more of a cigar man.”

Tapping off a head of ash, he grit his teeth as though conjuring a memory better left forgotten. His eyes narrowed at Donny.

“Hany’s Ribbon. Fuck that bitch.” He cleared his throat. “My scientists will tell you it’s a mindless spatial phenomenon. Ask me, there is nothing completely without mind in this God forsaken universe. In any case, her name suits her description. A ribbon of pure light and destructive energy. Over a lightyear in length. All we know with any guarantee is that she’s stable within herself. She appeared at random locations and destroys everything in her path. We can’t damage her, we can’t slow her down. She destroyed our home world. Our solar system. Wiped out the sun. Seven billion citizens. Couldn’t save them all.”

Pycin polishes off yet another glass of rum, pours another and draws back another toke of his cigarette.

“This is my office on the flagship, Donny. My own little sanctuary. From here I have all the control I need to have.” He looks to his right at one of the eight view screens that make up the walls of his office. That one view screen showed an empty Shuttle bay somewhere on the ship. “Dino Gavon isn’t on board at present. That’s his personal bay. In fact he’s left the solar system in search of some …alien girl recently abducted from the planet below. But you see that empty docking bay?” He looks back at Donny. “I hope to be giving that to you, along with the ship that goes with it.”

He takes one last heavy drag of his cigarette and stamps it out in the tray. He takes another swig of his drink before rising slowly from his seat. He shuffles to the far side of the office and stands to stare off into a view of the main mess hall on the ship. The Mess hall is big, no smaller in size than that of a football field with hundreds of Quatis citizens busy eating, preparing food, chatting, going about their everyday lives.

“I find you a man of deeper understanding than most, Donny. It’s a refreshing thing in this life. So I believe you’d understand the need for taking measures to ensure a job is done right. Just business, you see….” Pycin shifts, turning enough to look Donny dead in the eyes to confess: “While you were being operated on by my physicians, I had them attach an MIIT (Macro Ignition Interface Transponder) to the wall of the right Atrium chambers within your heart. Think of it as an interactive explosive tracking device. It relays information of your activities directly to my station and responds to my command, specifically. In the case of my death, MIIT will ignite. Your heart will explode. If I die, you die. If you fail me, you die. But honestly… I have no desire for that to happen, Donny. Not in the least. That’s my security. Nothing personal. Just peace of mind, you understand.”

Pycin begins his shuffled walk back to his seat.

“I’ve hereby rescinded all warrants of activity against you. You are now free to roam my fleet, with the exception of restricted ranking activity. You’re a citizen now. Consider this a…” He takes a seat and consumes a hard swallow of his rum. “…display of good faith between one mortal and another.” He then reaches into the lining of his robe, producing a fat cigar, and places it on the desk for Donny. “Make yourself at home here. No one is after you anymore. You will hereby be treated like any other outstanding citizen of my people. Once the job is done, I’ll give you Dino’s ship, elevate your status to whatever rank or status you desire.”

He takes a deep breath and finally places the the last drop of glassed rum on the desk in front of him, saying;

“Until Admiral Gavon arrives back within easy access, settle in. You Quarters are located on the 5th floor of the Egress. Room 10252. Two doors down from Dino’s personal chambers.” He reaches into a drawer on his left and produces a new wrist device. With it, Donny can access all floors of all vessels within the fleet outside that of military personnel activity. He places the device on the desk next to the cigar and pushes both in Donny’s direction. “Get to know your surroundings, Donny. Have a sleep in your chambers. Fuck a whore. Have a bite to eat in the mess hall. Have some fun while you wait.” He glances at the cigar. “Do yourself a favor and light this up when you’ve finished the job.”

Easing back in his seat, Pycin picks up his rum once more, taking a sip before finishing;

“I’ll let you know when he’s back. Be alert. And don’t underestimate that son of a cunt.”


The officer regards Meta with a stare that notes his intrigue and sliver of optimism. He then grins and takes a seat in the chair on the opposite side of the desk. He places his hand on the empty desk and a holographic terminal projects from the surface of the desk. Typing out a few commands, the display of the alien ship, as well as the display of the data screen go black. In line with given commands, a beverage of brown liquid in a glass and a frosted pastry appears on a silver plate in front of Meta. It is obvious that both are his to consume if he wishes.

“Bounty hunter huh….” He said, raising one brow. This look is one of interest but concern. “Funny how things just fall into place.”

He then regards both empty view screens. Glances down at the four stripes on his chest, and tells;

“I’m First Gamma Rank of the Quatis Military, Naval issue, next in line under Admiral Dino Gavon.” He nods as if any of this would make sense. “My name is Eshten Palin.” Regarding the view screen that previously displayed the image of the alien ship, he adds; “We’ve been unable to establish any reading from that vessel, any aside from a temporal distortion, that is. By our own scanners, that ship isn’t even a sold object. There is no substantial reading. All we get is a temporal displacement. Nothing more. And that’s all we’ve been able to obtain from the individual that’s boarded your own vessel, The Tempest. He doesn’t register as a life form. He doesn’t register as anything aside from a distortion in time. A temporal anomaly. So you can imagine our concern. But I believe what you say…." He pauses to add; "But here’s the thing, bounty hunter, us Quatis don’t believe it prudent to delve into temporal technology. You should be able to understand the danger it presents to life in the universe. Changing the course of history is all fucked up. We did take a shot at the vessel, feeling the need to destroy it. Nothing happened. It was like our Quantum canons were passing through thin air. No effect whatsoever. It didn't even fire back.”

First Gamma Eshten, sighs then tries without success to relax in his chair.

“Thing is, Meta, I didn’t really bring you here to discuss the perils of time technology and just how dangerous it is. I’ve brought you here for another matter at hand. I mentioned Dino Gavon, foremost Admiral of the Quatis, but also the son of a cunt that’s been fucking my wife for the last two years. I fucking hate him. He’s also the one standing in the way of my promotion. I can’t get one of our soldiers to kill him, no one would dream of killing him. They won’t do it. And this is why you’re here. I’m offering you the job to kill him. Take him out.”

Eshten smirks, gives his nose a little scratch and continues.

“This is our own little secret. You and i will be the only ones who know. If you can manage to pull this off, you’ll be made a friend to the Quatis. You’ll be regarded an ally and compensated with whatever other form payment your heart desires. If you fail, I’ll assemble a legion of troops to hunt you down and kill you. Simple as that. And believe me, you will not escape my wrath. If you accept this mission, however, I’ll be sending you back to your ship and, in time, inform you of Admiral Gavon whereabouts. Stay close. If you decline, I’ll kill you here and now.”

Eshten now dusts off some non-existent dirt from his uniform with a quick backhand on his fingers, and concludes;

“So… make your decision. State your terms of accepting this mission.”

Back on board the Tempest, Rufus stops in his tracks to regard the 5 foot hovering mechanical construction with a look a of overwhelmed amazement.

“Woah... machine dude, you’re like something from Star Wars of something. So righteous, my main man.” He extends one hand, tapping on the ASP between its eyes with his index finger, as if giving a light knock on a door. “Name’s Rufus, yo. I don’t mean no harm or nothing. Just checking out the specs, ya know? Those other dudes that were here, man, they just kinda deserted poor Rufus. Can’t blame a man for that, right. Buy say….” Rufus reaches into his tracksuit pocket and produces a clip sealed bag of marijuana, dangling in front of ASP’s face. “Can a righteous dude like yourself get high, man? I reckon we can sit back, play some games and have a few bongs, right?” He looks around expectantly. “Sure there must be something around here we can make a bong out of. Seriously – less you have one stashed away in those walls of yours.” He then pulls out a join from his other pocket, suggesting; “But I got this wicked J as the next option. Am I right or am right, awesome dude?”


The thin redhead man appears pleasantly surprised by the web-like substance the plush cat produces. Taking hold of one end he started pulling himself to safety. As he does this, the rock that Ramrod tied the ohter end of the web to groans, but at the same time it lifts from the ground with an extension of rock legs and starts walking away as if it were fed up with situation, yet no doubt helping with pulling the man from the quicksand.

As the man climbs free and crawls happily onto solid ground, the quicksand releases an ‘aww….’ of obvious disappointment.

Sitting back on the ground and resting against the trunk of a tree that sighs with an odd kind of satisfaction, the young man gives a thankful nod to Ramrod.

“Little dude, never thought I’d see the day where my eyes would witness a righteous stuffed animal like yourself. You saved my life, little dude. Consider me in you debt. Name’s Rufus from planet Earth, by the way…” He adds, extending his hand to the plush cat to greet him. With his other hand he produces a clip seal bag of weed and gives it a little shake. “the honor is mine.”

Meanwhile, the rock continues to make its way deeper into the forest letting out small griping grunts as it goes, while the orange shrub that had followed Ramrod, plants its roots in the soil beside Rufus and Ramrod, leaning curiously as it analyses the bag of weed with the brown eyes that appear on its upper stem.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 12 days ago


-Donny blinked lazily as Pycin mentioned the bomb. His mind grew hollow, distant, no longer emotionally attached to the situation or conversation. He saw things objectively, almost in slow motion as the Grand Minister's mouth silently opened and closed. The room for Donny began darkening, turning monochrome and fading into obscurity, a black void whose only illumination came from the white glow of Pycin's form. A wicked crook of smoke screwed slowly up past Donny's face, the light in the room glinting like the verdant scales of a reptile in his eyes. He moved towards the cigar, reached out... And threw his entire weight into left hook. He put his ass into it, squared his shoulders and let go, the torque of his upper body driving the blow towards Pycin's jaw. It was untelegraphed, out of the blue, executed with no excess motion, no elbow flare or wind up. Clenched in his fist was the zippo to lend his fist some more volume and additional sturdiness, in addition to the weighted lead sewn into his S.A.P glove. He intended to molly-whop Pycin unconscious, give him a few more stiff shots to take the fight out of him, then steal his device and strip him down naked, keep beating him until he couldn't move, only talk. Maybe that alone would break his spirit. Donny took pride in his capacity to not lose control of a situation, to always have another option to take. When again would he be here in this important room with the very instigator of this unacceptable problem sitting so close?
It wasn't worth waiting for another chance. All Donny knew was that he'd have to make this one feel enough regret that they'd instruct him on how to properly disable the explosive. He'd need to check his watch soon and make sure the ordeal didn't last for more than seventy minutes. This one who would hold the tiger by the tail, he may know soon how pain can be an entity in and of itself.-
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