Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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@Mae I'd like to put Father C in the Overload mission if possible
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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@rocketrobie2 doone

@CollectorOfMyst at some point I want to be running a proper RP IC though I want to get back in the saddle for this version of the game first :D
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@duskshine749 happy with the placement of Fear on Broken Seals?
@CollectorofMyst will you be making a new guy after these guys hit the end of their level then?
@PrinceAlexus happy with the placement for Pastor Jimmy and Jimbow Dread?
@duthguy Happy with the placement of Dan on Overload?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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@Mae No, actually. I’m happy to stick with these two.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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@Mae Yes I am
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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@Majoras End

Is this Dahlia Willows?

>Yes/No, actually she...
(Note: Please either confirm Dahlia Willow's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about her changed before she is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

Dahlia Willows prepares herself adventure ahead. She decides it is imperitive she bring her BOOT KNIFE along, just to be safe. She looks in his sidebag: What else should she bring?

Dahlia Willows packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to steal herself and those with her against the horrors that await her.
>DYNAMITE, for when she needs to pack a bit more punch.

Dahlia is a REDEMPTIONIST, knowing how to safely wield two handed guns effectively. She also has a few sermons under her belt.

You start with 2 Faith at level 1
Dahlia Willows knows the Blessing: Faith Healing

Pick one other Blessing:
Blessing • Shield
>Shield of Light: requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Choose any Hero. Until the end of the turn, that Hero gains:
Armor 5+ || & || Spirit Armour 5+ in addition to their normal defense/willpower rolls.
Limit: 1 Shield per Hero
Improves at Level 5.
Faith Cost: 1
XP Gained: 20 XP

>Revitalise: requires 6+ on two dice to successfully cast.
Dahlia Williams takes 1 corruption hit when rolling doubles.
Range: 8
You may Heal a number of Wounds equal to the amount the preaching roll built the casting number by, from any Heroes within Range (including yourself)
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 10 XP

Pick one other Judgement:
>Weaken: Requires 7+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Range: 6
Choose any enemy within Range. That enemy has -2 defense until the end of the turn.
Enemies that are immune to critical hits are only reduced by -1 defense.
Faith Cost: 1
XP Gained: 20 XP
Improves at level 3, 6 and 9.

>Smite: Requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Dahlia Willows takes 1 corruption hit when rolling doubles.
Range: 12
Choose any hero or creature in Range to immediately take 1d6 Wounds ignoring Defense.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 10 XP
Improves at level 3, 5, and 9.

(because the Preacher is a little complicated with her bonus spells)
>Confirm/change appearance
>Pick your sidebag item
>Pick your skill - DONE [Redemptionist]
>Pick your blessing
>Pick your judgement

you may also request to change your personal item if you do not think it befits your character. (Though I shall add: Boot Knife is niiice on Pastors & Nuns)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@Darth Shadow Spiky hair on Mariana Lapointe or short/chin length?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Briza
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>They call me Elder Photini
>I am a female
>I look like a short Slavic lady with olive skin and long pepper gray hair, but it's kept under my analavos. I have brown eyes and thankfully, in my old age still do not need glasses. My koukoulion is all black, and my analavos is black, too, but with red inscriptions on it. As well, my other garbs are black, along with my one of my only accessories a black prayer rope. My other accessory is a wooden walking stick.
>I am a Nun
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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@Mae Do horses go under inventory? I’m just wondering because I remember Father C getting a horse at one point and making his name a pun ( it was something like Percy Quick or something)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

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aaaaaaaaaa- she's so cute! Yes definitely!

>Dahlia decides to pack bandages, with the fact that she doesn't drink and doesn't trust herself handling explosives due to accidentally blowing someone into smithereens that one time, but that's a story for another day.

and I choose to give her the Shield of Light blessing, and the Smite Judgement.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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@Mae ya he’s good on broken seals, also gonna hold off on making another character for now
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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@duskshine749 happy with the placement of Fear on Broken Seals?
@CollectorofMyst will you be making a new guy after these guys hit the end of their level then?
@PrinceAlexus happy with the placement for Pastor Jimmy and Jimbow Dread?
@duthguy Happy with the placement of Dan on Overload?

I'm OK with pastor.

Not sure on dread, it might be easier to wait to join a new mission to save you running 3. Unless others want to join etc.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darth Shadow
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@MaeYeah, she has a spiky hair and a small face I guess
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


@rocketrobie2 yeah there's some inventory discrepancies at the moment. I think the most updated inventories might be on Discord, so I'll be moving them over once I've done some more background stuff (and can trust myself not to get horribly distracted when I log on :P) or failing that, going through and double checking old school style <3

@Darth Shadow

Is this Mariana Lapointe?

>Yes/No, actually she...
(Note: Please either confirm Mariana Lapointe's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about her changed before she is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

Mariana Lapointe prepares herself for her next great adventure. She brings her TRUSTY POCKETWATCH with her for the journey, just in case she gets trapped underground without daylight.

Mariana Lapointe packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead.
>WHISKEY, to herself against the horrors that await her.
>DYNAMITE, to hurl in a tight pinch.

Now, Mariana Lapointe's learnt one or two things travelling the wilderness. She's got a signature trick that's served her well as a US Marshal...

>Hardened Resolve: Gain +2 Sanity. At any time you may use 1 determination to heal either 3 Wounds or 3 Sanity from yourself or a hero on your map tile. (Gain 5xp for every Wound or Sanity healed from another hero this way)
>Rolling Thunder: Anytime you kill an enemy, roll a dice. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 gain a determination.
>Cleaning Up the West: Anytime you kill an enemy, you may heal 1 wound or 1 sanity from yourself, and gain 10 XP.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@PrinceAlexus Liekly will be keeping A Few Darkstone More for the newbie characters at the very least :D EDIT: Might be good to have an experienced player with them but don't feel forced to if you don't want to ;D

@Briza Speaking of, would you like to place Elder Photini in Broken Seals, Overload or A Few Darkstone More? I would reccomend A Few Darkstone More since that's the starter mission.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@Briza so while everything in this thread is representative rather then accurate, I'm not shy to admit I knew nothing about Orthodox monasticism going into this. Please let me know if Elder's outfit needs changing in any way.

Is this Elder Phontini?

>Yes/No, actually she...
(Note: Please either confirm Elder Phontini's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about her changed before she is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)

Elder Phontini says a prayer in preperation. She decides to bring her concealed flask with her in case of a medical emergency. She looks in his sidebag: What else should she bring?

Elder Phontini packs...(Pick one)
>BANDAGES, to heal and care for the wounded.
>WHISKEY, to steal herself and those with her against the horrors that await her.
>DYNAMITE, a handy explosive for many situations.

Now, Elder Phontini has learned a thing or two about the world. She's got one thing in particular that sets her apart from other nuns...

>Missionary: Once per turn, when you perform a Blessing sermon, you may reroll once if you fail to cast it successfully.
>Firebrand: Once per turn, when you perform a Judgement sermon, you may reroll once if you fail to cast it successfully.
>Redemptionist: Unlike other nuns, you can use guns (specifically, two handed guns). You get a shotgun when you start instead of a holy book.

But that's not all. As a Nun, Elder Phontini can call on her faith to aid her...
You start with 2 Faith at level 1
Elder Phontini knows the Blessing: Faith Healing

Pick one other Blessing:
Blessing • Shield
>Shield of Light: requires 9+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Choose any Hero. Until the end of the turn, that Hero gains:
Armor 5+ || & || Spirit Armour 5+ in addition to their normal defense/willpower rolls.
Limit: 1 Shield per Hero
Improves at Level 5.
Faith Cost: 1
XP Gained: 20 XP

>Intervention: requires 10+ on two dice to successfully cast.
Elder Phontini takes 1 corruption hit when rolling doubles.
Cancel a Darkness card. You may pay 1 extra faith to cancel a Growing Dread card instead.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 50 XP

Pick one other Judgement:
>Righteous Fury: Requires 8+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Elder Phontini takes 1 corruption hit when rolling doubles.
Range: 6
Choose any Hero (including yourself). until the end of the round, all of that Heroe's hits do +1 Damage each.
Faith Cost: 1
XP Gained: 25 XP
Improves at level 4 and 9.

>Cleansing Fire: Requires 10+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.
Elder Phontini takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.
Range: 8
You may place fire in any spaces within range, so long as they form a continuous chain (all adjacent to at least one other fire)
Fire hits for 2-12 damage to anything in their space.
May only be used if you did not move this turn.
Faith Cost: 2
XP Gained: 30 XP
Does not Level up.

(because the Nun is a little complicated with her bonus spells)
>Confirm/change appearance
>Pick your sidebag item
>Pick your skill
>Pick your blessing
>Pick your judgement
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Mae, I was unsure if you were going to let her wear schemanun garb or not, but I thought, It is Mae-Mae! And lo, you have exceeded my expectations: she. is. beautiful. & will start at A Few Darkstone More.

>Yes to confirm appearance
>Change her name to Eldress Photini
>Shield of Light
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darth Shadow
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

>Yes, it is her
>She packs a dynamite in her bag
>And she learn how to be a badass (pick up Rolling Thunder)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

@Briza awwh thankyou <3!

@Majoras End Delilah's face is looking a little odd to me now but I couldn't seem to get it right so let me know if you're okay with it. I'm happy to give it another go (probably just a face shape issue) but it'll probably end up quite different to the origional picture.

@Darth Shadow Finishing off Mariana now, what colour is her hair and eyes?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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ok, il stick on a few darkstone and help the newbies :)
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