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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Laredo Colombia Solidarity Port of Entry
Skills: Deduction, Knowledge of Chemistry, Knowledge of Biology, Knowledge of Toxicology

Two killers? Cecily had a feeling that it wasn't the exact sentence that Natasha was trying to get out. It would have been nice in that moment for the X-Men to be real - for her to be able to just focus and pull the thoughts out of Natasha's head. But then again, her nickname from her partner was Rogue - she likely wouldn't be a telepath. If anything, her superpower would have only made the situation worse. It was her fault anyways in reality. She had been the reason why Natasha left the safety - well, relative safety - of her home. If Natasha died here, it was on her.

"I don't know what you're trying to tell me, Nat," Cecily said as calmly as she could, grabbing the ringing phone with numb hands as she answered the call, putting it on speaker. "Here - it's your fiancé, I think," Cecily explained, setting the phone down next to Natasha's ear. The ambulance was almost here, but Cecily didn't even know how Natasha was managing to hold on. Every scientific instinct in her body told her that Natasha should be dead. Two...killers... Somehow, she doubted that was as simple a message as Natasha was trying to convey. "Just hold on, help is almost here."

Iris Kingston

Location: Secret Airstrip in Grimm
Skills: Photographic Memory

Iris couldn't help but scream as the explosions started, curling into a defensive ball even before Ross told her to get down. She had naively thought that they were out of the woods, having survived the plane crash. She had thought that if she were to die, it'd be on impact. This was just too insane for her to comprehend, her heart beating quickly as she tried to comprehend how this even could have happened. She didn't have any sort of engineering or science background. All she knew was that explosions were happening.

Was someone still trying to kill them? Or was this just the aftermath of the crash, trying to kill the last two survivors? She had a horrifying image of Cynthia's biological mother with a flame thrower, just looking for them and setting anything that looked flammable and explosive aflame, just in an attempt to kill them. And even if it wasn't her, she couldn't help but feel that Grimm Indiana was a bit cursed. Would they end up being just another two unsolved deaths here? And what had caused the pilot to crash the plane in the first place?

"What the 'ell is going on?!" Iris asked Ross, trying not to shake too much.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Scythe

Location: Woods near the Hidden Airstrip, Grimm, Indiana

Debris was the least of their problems. Directly, anyway. The trees, on the other hand, had much to fear. A random chunk of what used to be a skyworthy vehicle tumbled and spun well over their heads, descending earthward in a ballistic arc. The shaggy piece of aircraft aluminum and fiberglass must have been propelled straight up, or nearly so, in the last big detonation, just now properly finding its way back to the earth from whence it came. It clipped the top third off of a white spruce overhead, dropping the chunk of majestic evergreen down to the earth below. Unfortunately, that space of earth was occupied by a Miss Kingston and a Mr. Ross.

The smell of green woodsmoke and fresh sap permeated Iris's nostrils, the only clear piece of sensory input she could detect at first. After what seemed like a hour (but was probably only a few seconds), she became aware that she was laying on the ground and a voice kept calling to her, repeatedly insisting that she wake up. Was she asleep? Yes, she might have been. This could easily have all been some stupid dream, a byproduct of all that "exotic Californian cuisine" to which she had been subjected recently. Honestly, there are some things broccoli shouldn't be a part of. Ever.

Perception became jolted into a much clearer state of awareness as Ross took hold of Iris's arm and gave it a slow, steady pull. The resulting flash of unparalleled agony that erupted from Iris's leg and midsection fully brought her back into the world of the living, a state which she immediately regretted. Sheared branches had impaled her abdomen and the bulk of the trunk's weight pressed down upon her, pinning her to the ground. Though the downed foliage prevented any inspection lower than that, there was grave and sharp suspicion that at least one of her legs were broken, and quite badly. There was a taste of copper in her mouth, faint but quite present. It was unmistakably blood.

Ross let her arm go the instant he realized the state of the young woman and looked around frantically, hoping for some miracle to have occurred or for something he could improvise into a lifesaving apparatus, a lever, something. There was the barest, most desperate chance if he could get Iris out of there immediately. Cut the branches, pull her free, drag her down to the nearest place with antibiotics and surgical equipment. It had been a long while since he had been around this area, but he was pretty sure there was a veterinarian's office somewhere down the hill. They could make it. They had to.

Ross's concentration was snatched away from the emergency at hand by a rustling sound off to his left. Though Iris could not see from her vantage, she could hear a breathy, whuffing sound, loud enough to be detected over the distant sound of fire crackling. The grunting, baying sound that followed unmistakably marked the source of the sound as one of Indiana's slowly rebounding Black Bear population. Even if one had never seen a black bear in person, it could be nothing else. The older mercenary froze in place, one hand drifting to his sidearm. This was not something he needed - that either of them needed - to deal with right then. The damn thing was probably curious about the loud noises in its foraging grounds, and upon coming to inspect the source of them, smelled blood. A hungry bear is a dangerous, unpredictable thing. Ross and Iris didn't have time to wait and see what it was going to do, either. With a steady hand, he raised his gun and took aim at the ursine beast.

In response, the animal sneezed once, made an odd rawrk-ing sound, then began scraping dirt and loose pine needles over a recently deposited pile of "bear leavings". Ross sighed heavily and lowered his weapon. "It's okay... It's okay. Bear shitting in the woods. He doesn't care about us. Alright girl, I'm going to find something to cut these branches, and we're getting out of here. You're going to be just fi-" A sharp metallic sound, like a freeweight clapping onto another cut his sentence short. Ross's eyes went wide for a second. He slumped to his knees, and then fell over to one side. A single, perfectly round hole decorated the back of his head, venting blood and cerebrospinal fluid in a steady stream onto the dirt below.

"No, no, no, no NO." came a voice from behind him. "No, we can't do that at all. Not at all, not at all, not at all. Less fun when they're fully dead - need them to kick a little bit, hmmm... Kicking. Screaming. Squeeeealing. Just... just a little. Just a little ...bit." The voice was oddly feminine, but colored in a way that made it sound grotesquely cartoonish.

The source of the unsettling words stepped around and into Iris's view. Through the haze of pain and shock, she could see something that made her long for the possibility of being food for woodland predators. It was a clown. Mama June on a strict regimen of anabolic steroids and cooking lard, somehow crossed with the neglected diesel engine of a late model garbage barge. She was huge. A kind of morbid obesity common only to hoarders and shut-ins, yet impossibly this one was active. Even agile. The puffy costume common to those in the clowning profession clung tightly to her, plastered down with a horrifying state of unwash to the point that it was semitransparent, showing the disturbing folds of corpulent skin underneath. Ruffles and folds of cloth that once bounced about with light and airy movement now hung limp and soiled, mortifying stains set with indelible permanency underneath her arms and around the neckline, with mildly dissimilar ones radiating from her crotch. The skin of her face seemed to hang off of her skull in a way that suggested, rather than promised, that it was still attached. Filthy blonde hair framed her chunky, sweat streaked features, divided from a ripped bald portion of scalp above and braided into pigtails that slapped the sides of her face as she breathed heaving, labored lungfuls of air. The grease paint that was once thickly applied had mostly rubbed off, though a shadow of what was could be sussed out among the grime and cracked dermis. She held an older model of captive bolt gun, a pneumatic device used for the quick and repetitive knocking of herd animals for slaughter. It dripped tiny blobs of crimson that once belonged to Ross.

The tiniest giggle escaped her. She looked down at the pinned and horribly wounded Iris, and gave her a broad, toothy smile. "Girl time! Yes, girl time, girl time, all the time in the world, time. I've sooooo missed being with the girls. So very, very much. But we must keep them alive this time, yes. Aliiiiive. Your mister didn't stay alive, but that's okay, girly girl. I can have so much fun with them for a while after. After. Yes, after..." She stepped a little closer to Iris, breasts heaving with excitement at meeting a new friend. "And after, plaything, little plaything, make me feel so jolly and gooey and..." She stopped suddenly, sniffing the air. She detected something nearby.

Still at the scene, the black bear raised onto its hind legs and roared loudly, staring down the strange events unfolding in its claimed territory. Clown-Lady began to cackle, a lingering and piercing sound that jarred bones and set teeth to grind. The bear suddenly fell silent and dropped to all fours, giving serious consideration to picking out a new spot on the hill to call home. One could almost hear the bear enunciate "NOPE!" as it turned around and began to exit the area with decided haste.

No! no, no, no... No, it saw us. It saw. SAW US. Little girl, you stay here. Right here. Riiiight... Nanny will be back. Promise. Then we can have our... girl time. Hmm, yes... Talk about television and hairstyles and..." she stomped heavily on Ross's dead skull, screaming, "NO BOYS ALLOWED!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Your turn next. Next, fun... but bear..." The clown turned fully in the direction of the retreating bear and ran, impossibly fast for her ungainly bulk, laughing and promising awful things to the woodland mammal in her wake.

Iris had lost blood. A lot. Too much. Eyes fluttered closed, and considering the circumstances it would be a blessing if it was indeed the last time that they did. But even this last mercy was denied. From nowhere, a heavy slap sounded from her cheek, delivered by a grimy, fetid hand. Clown-Lady was back, covered all down her front with splashes of drying crimson. How much time had past? The fire had gotten closer; the air around them was drier and the small of smoke was almost all encompassing. Almost. The rot and animal smells of the clown seemed unaffected by even this.

"No! Girls stick together. You can't go yet. Not yet, no. Can't go yet. Not until I let you. Girls. Stick. Together." The thing that likely used to be a woman took iron hold upon Iris's shoulders and yanked with unforeseen strength, actually moving her some from underneath the downed tree. The problem was, she was still impaled by several branches. The holes made by them widened and tore unmercifully, apparently away from the notice of the monstrous clown who merely tugged harder and harder. The last thing that Iris heard aside from the ripping of her own flesh and internal organs, was this awful, insane thing scolding her:


Caesar & Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Complex
Skills: N/A
Skills: Stamina

Of all the things that Keystone had done in his life, all of the hurt and damage that he had both inflicted and personally suffered were nothing as compared to the horror that lay before him. It was a baby. His baby, a thing which just yesterday he would have deemed next to impossible, but here he was. More importantly, here lay his diaper, filled to bursting with something vaguely resembling a septic system backup that invaded a Play-Doh factory and tried to run away with the unfinished products therein. Point of fact, the experience made a marked change in the man, altering his respect for the average stay-at-home Mom to something more elevated, even exalted. "Gravy's fonging, piss-weathered sake, Miss Santiago..." He looked up at the mature yet vital woman, nodding. "I understand now." His voice was filled with the certainty of a man that just uncovered a fundamental truth for himself. Grimly, he set to task.

Meanwhile, Caesar was doing as Caesar did, which mostly revolved around reading site reports, asking the occasional technical question, and intimidating the employees in small but meaningful ways. Having made quick rounds in the Hub, he settled on the Tech Crew from Seattle. He hadn't seen them in a long while; not since coming to California. But he recognized them all, and they certainly recognized him. The only person who didn't know anybody here was Thalia. "It has been a long time. Thank you for coming down this way. As you well know, being here constitutes hazard work. You will be compensated accordingly. As you also know, you have been waiting for your team lead. That in a moment."

He took the time to address the deaths on site, but he kept it quick. "Director Keystone has already told me what went happened recently. I need you to know that none of this was your fault. There are things at play in Justice that appear to remove a lot of choice in our actions. It's like we're cursed. And you are adjusting to a very bad situation. As long as you are loyal, as long as you give me your best, you have a place here. Alicia has earned your trust and respect. It's why we are all here. It's why you will always have a place with us. Now," He waved his niece over to join them, which she did with neutral expression. "This is Thalia Carmichael. She comes to us from the Boston branch. Youngest department lead that we have ever had at MSS. You will hear rumors. You remember, she earned her position here. I wouldn't put her on this unless she didn't."

Thalia noted that he left out the part where they were of direct relation. Truly, she could pass as a stranger almost as easily as a member of La Familia; she could thank her mother for that. If one were to look closely, they would see the telltale hazel eyes with the same shape as her cousin and uncle, and the sometimes unruly black hair, but otherwise, she looked mostly Caucasian, if of uncertain complexion under artificial light. A very pale skinned lady of Scottish descent birthed her, and it was her features that warred with those of Benicio Gonzalez, her father by blood. Thalia gave Caesar a sideways look, but turned her slightly narrowed eyes to her new team instead. "Big introductions latah, alright?" she spoke with authority, her New England accent getting the batter of her. Get me up to speed, and someone find me Alicia's machine. That last part's on the now.

"And someone let me know the second my take-out gets here." Priorities.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Funeral Home: David looked over towards Riley and his lips thinned. After a moment of looking down at the paper he had he shook his head. "No, I can if you feel that would be easier. There is no reason you should have to, we can take care of contacting anyone you would like," he said in a kind voice as he looked back up to her and then glanced over towards Priya. "Let me fetch you both a glass of water and you can discuss which you would prefer without prying ears," he said gently as he rose. He was rather understanding about the entire situation but to be fair this was his job and he had done this for years. Turning he stepped out of the room and drew the doors shut partially before heading up the steps and leaving the two women alone for a moment.

A little bit passed and the front door of the funeral home opened. "Hey, anyone here?" a male voice called out with a thick New York accent.

"How can I help you?" David asked as he half jogged down the stairs carrying two glasses of water. One could see the two men standing in the atrium speaking. The man looked to be in his early to mid thirty's.

"Yeah, I got a call, I'm here to make funeral arrangements for my wife," he said as he chewed on a toothpick.

"Oh yes, do you have a death certificate so that we may retrieve the body for you from the morgue?" David asked. He glanced towards the room with Riley and Priya, holding up a finger to motion he would just be a minute.

"Fuck no I don't have any death certificate. You got her body, least that is what the fucker on the phone said."

David looked really confused and stumbled over his words. "I'm sorry sir, you might be mistaken..." he started but the man stepped forward in a rather threatening manner, jabbing his finger into the Davis chest.

"Listen here you pasty fuck. You better not have lost my fucking wife or I will make sure that the next coffin that comes out of here has your body in it. Now where the fuck is my wife? Chloe Ridgeway O'FuckingReily!" the man yelled and David nearly dropped the glasses of water.

"Miss Ridgeway?"

"So you do know what the hell I'm talking about, good," he said as he stepped back and smiled. "So, like I said, I need to plan out her funeral. Oh shit, fuck. I'm Ryan."

The Farm: Zoie looked over to Mali and nodded slightly. "He said he would be here, I mean the limo is," she said. Then she yelped out as the barn caved in on itself. If Marc had been in there, he was gone now. Relic slowly sat down on the edge of the porch and just watched the flame crawl up towards the sky. "Oh god..." she said as she watched. She looked over to Mali as a few tears rolled down her cheek.

The fire truck crested the hill and came barrelling down the road. Within minutes they were on the scene and working to put out the blaze. The only thing Zoie could find the strength to do was sit down next to her brother and watch. At that moment it felt like it was pointless to put it out other than to make sure the fire didn't spread to the grass and go further. Wild fires in California were a bitch but the building was gone, anything in it would be gone as well.

"I'll go try to call him," Relic said as he finally got up and walked inside. Zoie couldn't manage to nod. She just sat there in the dress she had worn the night before and watched the fire fighters work. Had she just lost an old friend?

Queensguard: Maria snorted slightly in jest. "Oh that is nothing to what he can do. I guess he gets it from your side of the family, Alicia never smelt like that as a baby," she said before unbuttoning her coat and sliding it off finally. Laying it over the back of a chair she watched. "You have to get in there like you mean it, other wise he will develop a horrid rash," she said as she pulled out several more baby wipes and held them out to Keystone. She wasn't surprised, changing a diaper was something people had to get accustomed to.

Down at the front gate a man rolled up in an old gremlin and got stopped at the gate. "Listen man, I'm here to make a delivery. Food. To A... Angel Carmichael." Leaning back he waited as he had to hand over his ID and for his car to be searched. "Seriously? The worst thing in my car is the fucking msg on this food."

Texas/Mexico Border: As much as Cecily was trying to help, there was nothing that could be done. Natasha gasped a few more times and then nothing more came from her. She had held on as long as she could. "Nat? Nat baby you there?" a male voice came in over the speaker but there was nothing left in the doctor. The sirens grew louder as the ambulance finally pulled up and stopped about twenty feet from them. "Nat, baby? Come on now, this isn't funny answer me. Why do I hear sirens?" the voice asked, sounding slightly frantic.

The paramedics climbed out of the ambulance and rushed over. "Get back ma'am," one of them said as they came over and started working on Natasha. "No pulse" he said before he started to perform CPR as the other got the defibrillator ready.

"Nat, answer me damn it!" the man yelled through the phone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Funeral Home
Skills: N/A

Priya listened as Riley explained her sister to the man. The girl had never married or had kids, which should make things easier with the burial, but Priya wasn't about to say she knew how all of this worked. The man stood up, saying he would handle things and offered to get them some water. Priya had to admit she was getting thirsty. She glanced at Riley as the man walked away. She couldn't begin to fathom what was going through the girl's mind.

Before she could ask, Priya heard a commotion. It seemed more people were here, or at least one man. Priya looked back to where the funeral director left. Soon, it became apparent the man was more than a little pissed off. Priya stood up, police instincts kicking in as she inched towards the door. The man was getting angrier it seemed at the fact they had his wife here. She was about to go out and calm the man down, showcasing herself as a police officer, when he said his wife's name.

Priya looked back at Riley just as the glass shattered on the floor. Had she heard the man right? "I thought she wasn't married?" Did Riley hear? Surely she did, the man was loud enough. She didn't want to step on toes, but the situation could get worse before it got better, so Priya (hopefully with Riley on her tail) left the room and found the two men. "Hey, sorry we couldn't help but overhear. Mind telling me what this is about?" She said it more to the man, Ryan, than to the director.

Things were about to get interesting again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, Grimm, Indiana
Skills: N/A

Riley looked towards the David and gave him a slight smile and shook her head, as much as she didn't want to talk to them now or never again, she wanted to do it more on her own. But David decided to go and grab them some water which gave Riley a little bit more time to think about things. Riley leaned forward in her seat resting her arms on her knees sighing deeply as she looked towards Pyira for a moment, Riley didn't say anything she was more in deep thought at the moment as Riley wanted to have things back to normal. Riley then could hear the door opening and a man's voice on the other end of the door near the atrium of the funeral home.

Riley ignored it a little bit, but then stopped when she heard the voice mentioning in a really irritated voice she stood up and made her way towards the door. "As far as I know she wasn't married." Riley said, as she looked towards Pyira before leaving the room and opened the door looking directly over towards the man. "How the hell do you know my sister exactly?" Riley asked, she was getting a little bit pissed off now.

"Because I remember her not being married and she isn't straight either." Riley said crossing her arms over her chest she sighed and whipped away a few tears. "If he's got proof or whatever then he can help I guess." Riley said before heading back into the room again and sat back down on the couch, she figured that she could at least get a few answers out of the guy and see how they actually met and get some possible answers for what else was going on in Chloe's life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Zoie's Farm
Skills: N/A

Mali flinched at the barn's sudden collapse. She had been looking away when the event occurred and the noise surprised her, even if she had been thinking about it, would have assumed it was due to happen soon anyways. But she didn't know what to do. She'd barely known Marc, only really exchanged a few sentences with him at most, but it was still very well possible that he had just died. And Zoie was right there in front of her crying, and there was nothing she could do about it. When it came down to it, she didn't really know this woman. She didn't know how to comfort her. There it was again. All she could do was stand there and watch these things happen.

Although Zoie sat down by her brother, it didn't feel right for her to take a seat next to either of them. And she didn't really feel like sitting at all, So she stood in front of the porch, leaning back against the guard rail. If Marc was really in that building, they'd find out soon enough. As dreadful as it would be to have confirmation of his passing, a question occurred to her. If he really wasn't in there, but Relic's phone call produced no results, where the hell was he? Something far worse could have happened to him and none of them would be any the wiser. Or he could have been playing them the whole time and none of them had ever caught on. She quickly squashed the idea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Laredo Colombia Solidarity Port of Entry
Skills: N/A

Cecily nodded, taking a step backwards. She pulled the phone back slightly with her, that way if Nat got better she could talk to him still - though it wasn't looking good - but also so she could explain to the man what was happening. He deserved that much. "I'm..." Cecily hesitated. A friend of Natasha's? Was she a friend? She was beginning to think that maybe, but now.... "A co-worker of Natasha's...Her patient, actually. She collapsed but the EMT's are with her," she explained.

She didn't want to go into a lot of detail as to what exactly was going on - she figured that would scare him. Telling him that Natasha collapsed and was suffering from internal bleeding? That she was giving deathbed confessions? Cecily bit her lip, but she knew that he deserved to know. "It looks like internal bleeding - it started as a cough," she added. Maybe her fiancé had seen something like this happen before and there'd be a simple fix....but she doubted it. They weren't going to be that lucky.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Complex
Skills: N/A
Skills: Stamina

Keystone couldn't say much about what did or did not come from his side of the family. He was a bastard. It's how that worked. Oh, he knew who his father was. Boy did he ever. But if the option was being born with parents out of wedlock or having that man raise him, he'd have gone with bastard every single time. The only things the son of a bitch gave him, ever, was his broad frame (that Keystone turned into something epicly powerful) and a knife scar in his side that came near to killing him. Near. The end of that altercation resulted in some very mixed feelings for Keystone.

Still, the shock and horror of that event paled in comparison to the awful depths of Lovecraftian madness that his own baby boy had let slip onto this Earth. Both rocked the foundations of self worth and dedication to a belief structure in the big man, and both served to shape him into a stronger, better equipped man when dealing with abuse, pressure or danger. The sarcastic sneer that he gave to Maria belied the simultaneous fracturing and resolidification of his psyche, and onward crept his sense of determination until finally, finally the showdown between Man and Diaper came to a conclusion.

Elsewhere, but still nearby in the establishment, Caesar was busy placing phone calls and setting electronic reminders for staff and contractees. Mostly this was to ensure that business as usual kept rolling along, but also for smooth transition from one administration to another. Among them was a request from his company to Queensguard's to set up a meet & greet, now that a new, permanent Director had been chosen. It was labeled as priority business, to be attended at first convenience. He could not order the contract holder to do anything, really, so it took the form of a polite but urgent request for a close and personal sit-down between women of power and influence. And his Associate Director. Hell, he might even get an invite, too. Such was business.

Meanwhile, Angel had slipped a Turtleskin ballistic garment on underneath her usual apparel and altered her equipment slightly to account for the fact that she was now a Tech Director, working for a security company. It was very much like her old job in Boston, made easier by the fact that many of the apps used by the company for ease of technological utilization and general convenience were created by her or were derivations of programming from which she had written initial coding. Life did not suck so far as that was concerned, and before long, with the help of her new Tech Team (ok, Alicia's, but she had inherited a talented group of people) she was good to go within minutes. The moment that she heard the delivery guy was at the gates, getting the business from the ground people there, she gave a tiny cackle and forced herself NOT to go running out that way with guns and/or blade drawn, intent upon scaring the hell out of the poor bastard and trying to score free eats out of the ordeal. She was a professional. Time to act like it. But damnit, she was going to establish an office for herself in this place somehow, hopefully before her living situation was sussed out. Hopefully.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Funeral Home: Ryan looked over towards Priya as she came over and spoke. His brow cocking slightly as he looked her over. "Yeah, none of your business that's what it is," he snarked as David straightened his suit. Trembling he turned and handed one of the glasses of water to Priya with an unspoken thank you in his eyes.

"Actually..." he began but then Riley spoke up. Ryan chuckled and pulled a large yellow folder from his back pocket and thrust it over towards the David. David handed over the other glass of water to Riley before taking the folder and opening it. "Um... Actually, if he wants you to help would be the case here Miss Ridgeway. I'm sorry but he is telling the truth. It seems they were married several years ago. May I?" he asked as he motioned to hand the papers over to Riley.

"Yeah, I don't care. She is my sister-in-law after all," he chuckled. "We're family." In the folder was a copy of a marriage certificate, copy of both Ryans and Chloes birth certificates, and a lot of papers for medical insurance and bills from a rehab center. "She needed help, I gave it to her." Ryan crossed his arms over his chest as he stood there.

The Farm: Relic came back outside. "Goes straight to voicemail," he said. "I'm going to try to locate his phone," he added really faster before going back inside and sitting down at the kitchen table. Taking his laptop out and getting to work. He was going to try to track Marcs phone and see if it was actually on the property the last time it pinged.

Zoie just nodded as the firefighters finished putting out the blaze. Police were showing up now, talking to the firefighters. Investigators showed up next. Zoie slowly stood up as a couple of the men came over to the house and explained that they would need to talk to everyone there. It was time to answer questions. Whose house was it, when did the fire start, was anyone home, who did the limo belong to, and so forth. One of them motioned for Zoie to follow him inside, another asked for Mali to come to the other side of the porch with him, a third went into the kitchen to speak to Relic.

Queensguard: Apparently the man at the gate was finally let in, but he was escorted by one of the extra guards just in case. After everything that had happened, it was not surprising for the added security. This was the first time these people had seen any food delivery men even though he kept swearing he had been there a dozen times before. He was nearly at the point of just throwing the food at them and leaving but he hadn't and was walked into the building and to Thalia. "Would hate to see what a dude would have to do to get in here to deliver a prescription if shit is this tight for a fucking eggroll..." he muttered under his breath.

Maria held out a bag for the diaper and then tied it up and dropped it in the waste basket. "Much better," she said as the baby giggled and smacked his dads hands over and over happily. It seemed that the little one was much better indeed. "I'll get the playpin set up for now, then we have work to do," she said as she stepped away and went to work. It was a simple enough contraption to give the child a place to lay down while they worked. Dark in colors, black, there wasn't any brand names on it. In fact it looked more military than infantile. "Kevlar baby pin, my daughter did make sure to cover bases..." she said quietly as she laid down a blanket in the bottom and spread out a few soft toys and a ring of plastic keys for her grandson.

Texas/Mexico Border: "What...who...you...god...please..." the male voice stammered on the voice. One could hear the sobbing, the worry, the trepidation even though the phone. The paramedics worked as quickly as they could but in the end there was nothing they could do. Slowly they stopped working and shook their heads towards Cecily. Seeing she was on the phone they didn't say anything but they didn't have to.

There was a simple mouthed I'm sorry from one of them before the other got up and walked back to the ambulance. "Is...she... going to be alright?" the an on the phone managed to choke out as the paramedic came back with an all too familiar black item that was folded up. A body bag. It was laid out on the street and the men as quietly as they could moved her body into it and there was a sickening sound of life no more echoing as the zipper was pulled up and the bag closed, covering the doctors face. A heft and the body was on a stretcher and moved into the ambulance. A pool of blood was left behind where Natashas body had once lay.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Funeral Home
Skills: N/A

Priya didn't know the man obviously, but she could already tell she did not like him. And she didn't need police instincts to tell her that. Even the look from the director told her she was doing the right thing. She took out her wallet and held it open, showcasing her police ID. "Actually, this tells me it might probably be my business." She took the water offered and sipped it, placing her wallet back in her pocket.

From the sounds of things, it was about to get messy. "Why don't we all go somewhere more private than the front entrance of the funeral home and talk about this?" Priya had no authority, but she wasn't about to let this man walk all over the director, and probably Riley. It seemed there was more going on.

She glanced at Riley, seeing how the girl was handling this new mess in her lap. "Oh, and we haven't been introduced properly yet. Name's Detective Priya Khurana and I am here helping Miss Ridgeway with all of this." She held out her hand for a shake, but she half expected him to ignore her. He seemed like the type.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, Grimm, Indiana
Skills: N/A

Riley took the offered glass of water from the director and turned to look at Ryan as he started to pull out a yellow folder, letting the man look at it first. Then when it was handed towards her Riley set the glass down, as her eyes scanned the various documents that Ryan had brought with him. Riley really wasn't sure what to think of the guy, aside from his hot temper by the looks of it but then again her sister did die, and it seemed that he cared for her sister. It seemed that he had every right to her sister's body even if she didn't even know the guy at all. Riley did make a note of maybe searching her place whenever she got back to Justice to see if there were any other secrets, which Riley didn't like one bit.

Riley's attention then turned towards Pyira as she pulled out her ID, she had a feeling that Ryan didn't like the police one bit, as Riley looked down at one document the one with the rehab center that she was at. "I guess it looks legit, so you have every right to help out, and make the decisions." Riley said sighing quietly to herself she really did like the idea of being out of the loop of things, while looking over towards the director.

"Lets continue in the other room and continue." Riley said, it at least did beat having to call her parents to have them be dragged over here she shuddered slightly at the thought of talking to them. She was grateful for Pyria to be there as well, she trusted her more than Ryan even if he did help with Chloe getting help for her addictions.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Zoie's Farm
Skills: N/A

There was a growing sense of impending doom that was coming over Mali. It started in the bottom of her stomach and ended somewhere in the depths of Hell. Not only was there the obvious bummers of the barn burning down and the increasing certainty of Marc's disappearance, but now she had to deal with the police for an event that she had no hand in with whatsoever. Again. But this time she had a healthy scoop of paranoia about any and all authority figures, not just from the fact that they had fled a crime scene just the night before, but also that she was still certain that any of them could be linked to Juno. But with this line of questioning she had an advantage.

"I think this farm is owned by Zoie, but I can't be sure. I've only known the other two here for a bit. Few weeks at most. No idea when the fire started. I was driving over here and saw the smoke in the distance. I don't know if anyone was home, but their friend Marc might have been around when it happened. I don't know who owns the limo. For all I know it's a rental." Being the relative stranger she was, she could just answer all the questions honestly. She really didn't know the answers to all the questions. At least not definitively. In the back of her mind she couldn't help but worry that Relic and Zoie might be in some degree of danger, what with everyone being separated. She knew that they did this so that none of them could influence the others' answers, but she didn't have the most rational mindset at the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Funeral Home: Ryan smirked "No that means you are a cop in another state. Doesn't give you jurisdiction here lass and even if it did, doesn't mean I grant you permission to help with this," he said before popping a toothpick back in his mouth. His grin was wide as he looked at her before taking the paper back and shoving them in his back pocket. "Yeah, sis, let's take care of this, mom and pop know, told them to stay home. Wasn't having their asses here," he said towards Riley as he began to walk to the other room.

David seemed a bit less on edge now that things seemed to be calming down. Motioning towards the room and following in step. That was until the door burst open and a very tall broad shouldered blonde came rushing in the front door. "Ryan! Ryan! There's thith scary clown!" he was ragging on about. Ryan stopped in his tracks and ran over to the man, putting an arm around him.

"It's okay, calm down Cyril. Cyril shit, listen, ain't no damn clown out there. I keep telling you, come on," he said, comforting the obviously distraught man. He nodded nervously and glanced over his shoulder as Ryan kicked the door shut. "Come on man, hey, see this pretty lady, this is Chloes sister, Riley."

Cyril looked over and sniffled up his tears, grinning but obviously still scared. "My sister now?"

"Yeah man, your sister now," Ryan chuckled. Cyril got a goofy look and walked straight over to Riley and gave her a loving bear hug from hell, lifting her feet off the ground.

The Farm: "Thank you ma'am, if you remember anything else, please give me a call," the officer said as he handed over his card. The other two were done about the same time and heading out of the house. Zoie and Relic hadn't come out yet. Just kind of standing in the main room by the door as they watched the officers heading down the stairs and back to the scene. It seemed that things were put out and that more was going on.

Turning Zoie headed up the stairs, saying something to Relic about changing. He just nodded and stepped back out on the porch, over to Mali. "Can't locate the phone," he said. Then he grew stone cold as a body bag was brought out of the burned out barn on a stretcher. "Oh shit..." he muttered under his breath before giving a sideways glance over towards Mali. "It could have been someone else, I mean, lot of shit going down, doesn't have to mean it was Marc in that barn..." he said, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Mali as he spoke.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Complex
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

Caesar could always sleep on planes. There were those who were unable to do so, and he did truly sympathize with them, but there was something similar to an understanding that he had with aerial transportation machines. The thought process was, if he was suspended tens of thousands of feet in the air inside of a pressurized metal tube traveling at a few hundred miles per hour, there was nothing that he could realistically do in the event that something unfortunate were to occur. Ergo, he might as well catch a nap. If he absolutely had to get some rest afterwards, he could always take the edge off his wakefulness by perusing his collection of fine (and not so fine) tequilas. To that end, Caesar was raptly alert, and anxious to get to work.

With the request for meeting with Ms. Queensguard already taken care of, there really wasn't much that could be done on a straightforward, purely business level. Caesar recalled that his niece was asking onto Alicia's laptop earlier, and decided that a better use of his time would be to locate said machine and deliver it to her, completely unaware that she had already rallied the people of her new tech team for just this purpose.

Meanwhile, Thalia herself was not in the mood to deal with the delivery guy's shit. She looked the man square in the eyes and held it for a long moment. "I'm new here. You're going to have to bear with me. You delivery guys, you don't like to get tipped in Justice, right? 'Cause that's exactly how you're acting. Like you don't want to get tipped. God forbid there be -" she gave an expression of mock horror and slapped her hands to the sides of her face, "- security protocol with security company, right?" Thalia dug through the multiple bags of food and located the stack of paper napkins provided, continuing, "Here, take these and wipe the bitch off your face. And you know where you can stick the extra chopsticks." The irked young lady counted out the appropriate amount of money for the food provided, rounded to the next dollar up, and gave no more than a 15% gratuity. "That'll change based on how your company acts moving forward. Get me?"

Keystone spent the next bit of time marveling over the bulletproof playpen for little Liam. He'd only been a father for about a half hour, but this seemed to make total sense to him. Plus, in the event of a firefight, he could grab his son with one hand and use the pen to provide ballistic cover. Total sense to him. He took another moment to look down at his baby boy with quiet awe, still coming to grips with the fact that he was responsible for another tiny version of himself mixed with Alicia Gonzalez. Then the thought hit him; this child is going to grow up to kill somebody. Probably more than one. A lot more.

But Maria was right. There was business to attend to, most notably right then the awkward process by which his new boss got registered into all of the little odds and ends of the system. It wasn't difficult, just a little tedious at first. Considering the fact that she had her own ideas at the work that needed to be done, perhaps it would be best to just take the individual issues as they came. This time around. And if it caused an error, well, they could back up and deal.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: Sidewalk across the Border
Skills: N/A

Cecily slowly sank to the ground as Natasha was placed inside of the body bag, the blood on the street leaving behind evidence of the sorry tale. Had it not been someone she knew, she would have been reminded of Locard's Exchange Principle - that everything leaves behind a trace, even death. But all she could do was take shallow breaths, almost sounding like she was about to heave but it was from tears. Natasha had died. Someone she knew for only a few days and had traveled to Mexico just to keep an eye on her bullet wound...had died. Her hands were shaking as Cecily gripped her sides, trying to will herself not to spiral. There was the man on the phone to talk to. He needed to know what had happened.

"I'm so sorry..." Cecily stammered, her arms shifting to be around her knees as she curled into a little ball on the pavement. "Sh-sh-she didn't make it..." What else was she supposed to say? Despite working in forensics, it was never her job to inform a loved one that someone had died. The uniformed officers would do that - the detectives or whoever they passed the job onto. Her hands were shaking and she dug her fingernails into her ankles, whether in an attempt to hurt herself or to focus or just from instinct wasn't clear.

She took another shuddering breath, pulling out her own phone. She could barely hit the correct letters as she typed out a message to Roy: I don't know what to do -Rogue. Natasha had just died in front of her and that was the best she could do, the most she could focus.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Funeral Home
Skills: Profiling

Priya had a sense and she followed through with it. The man walked with a certain air about him. She got a sense he was a criminal, but now he was more than that. He also oozed authority, like a lawyer. And then it hit her. She HAD seen him before. Hell, her precinct ran into him countless times before. Ryan O'Reily. A lawyer who often took on hard cases involving drugs and homelessness. It now made sense how he was connected to Riley's sister.

However, it meant that Ryan did not like her too. He had a reputation as a cop hater and the fact she was outside of her own jurisdiction meant she couldn't do much else. But she did tell the truth. She was here to help Riley and if that meant going toe-to-toe with Ryan, she could do so in a heartbeat.

Before they could go off another man came barging in. He spoke with a lisp and Ryan managed to calm him down enough for the man to look over to Riley and attack her. Priya started to try to put him down until she noticed he was merely hugging her. Who was he now? Her sister? What strange family dynamic was now unfolding here? "Anyway, let's find a better place to sit and talk, yeah? We have many things to discuss, it seems."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, Grimm, Indiana
Skills: N/A

Riley crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed between Ryan and Pyira she still wasn't really sure what to make of the guy who was now related to her by marriage. It was certainly very weird to her, as she shifted slightly but she was grateful for Ryan to actually call her parents and tell them not to come. The last thing she wanted to deal with was them anyway, as Riley looked towards David she was about to head into the next room. That's when she heard the door open and a blonde man came running in, going on about some crazy ass clown which didn't make any sense to her.

Riley looked between Ryan and the man who happened to be his brother, Cyril as she gave him a slight nod she did not expect the strange guy to come over to her and hug her. She winced slightly as she was given a big fucking bear hug and lifted up off of the ground looking over towards Pyria and gave her a very awkward look. "Uhm, nice to meet you to?" Riley said giving Cyril an awkward pat on the back. "Cant really breathe mind putting me down now please..?" Riley asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Zoie's Farm
Skills: N/A

Mali took the card but didn't bother to look at it. She knew that she wasn't going to call it anyways, and the one poking her chest was already enough for her, but she wasn't going to crumple it or trash it while the cops were right there. That'd just be rude. She sighed as she looked from the siblings back to the burned barn. What the hell were they going to do now? Well as far as the big picture went, she didn't really have any clue, but she knew what she needed to do now.

She walked up to Relic and put her good hand on his shoulder. She didn't really know Tinder, so the most she felt from seeing the body bag, at least at the moment was a lump in her chest, an odd relief that at least he wasn't caught up in an even worse situation and the nagging feeling that she should have tried to go into the barn. But even that feeling was shot down by the rest of her saying that if she had, they probably would have had to bring out two body bags, if not three. But the kid needed comforting. Trying to rationalize matters after the point where the conclusion was clear wouldn't help anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 25 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)

Funeral Home: Cyril was slowly calming down and then Ryan stopped ad glanced back towards the door. "Dude, where are they?" he asked with a bit of concern in his voice. Cyril kept looking around nervously. "Fuck..." he said as he walked over to the door and swung it open. "Get yer asses in here!" he yelled and waved inwardly. A young boy came walking in and glanced with bright blue eyes up at Ryan.

"We were indisposed," he said in a voice far beyond his years.

"Sorry papa," a little girl who looked the same age said as she walked through. She gave the creepiest of smiles before walking over to Cyril and taking his hand. "Don't be scared Uncle, the clown was nice."

"You two are going to be the fucking death of me," Ryan said rubbing his face before shutting the door hard.

"No father, we like you," the boy said before walking over to his sister and uncle, taking Cyrils other hand and leading him into the other room.

"Well, shit, sis, meet Lunn and Gunn, twins," he said motioning towards the two creepy looking children who were not sitting down on the couch, one of them on either side of Cyril. "Your niece and nephew."

The Farm: Relic looked over at Mali and sighed. "Why don't you go get changed, that dress has to be annoying at this point," the man said trying to change the subject and lighten the mood a bit. There was a scream and a crashing sound upstairs but Relic didn't move. "Let her vent, it's safer if she is behind closed doors." It was a rather matter-of-fact statement before he turned and headed back into the house. Yanking off the tux coat he had had on since yesterday and throwing it on the couch.

He flopped down on it and rubbed his face as his feet worked to kick off his shoes. It had been a hell of a day and day before. He didn't like being out and about. This shit was why he stayed online instead of getting out into what some people referred to as the real world. "If that is him, Zo's gonna want to take the body back to his home town for his parents. You wanna come?" he asked half heartedly. Sure he had just tried to change the subject but he wanted this shit covered if it was Marc and if it got to that point.

Queensguard: The delivery boy eyed Thalia. "I don't know where you get off lady but hey, keep acting that way. You'll be blacklisted from us and every other delivery place in the city. We don't put up with shit," he said as he ripped up the receipt. "Keep your tip and remember mine. Dinners on me, small price to pay," he said as he left the receipt pieces fly. "Tell Aunty Liz hello for me at the next staff meeting," he said with a chuckle as he walked off. Making his way out of the building he got in his vehicle and left the premises.

The baby seemed content and started to drift off to sleep. There was a knock at the door before it opened. It was Wadsworth, Elizabeths Guy Friday. "Yes, Ms Queensguard has finished her conference call and will see Ms. Santiago now," he said. Maria nodded and headed for the door. She didn't look back. Keystone had a child to tend to now, couldn't just leave him alone.

"Good afternoon Wadsworth, how was Venice?" she asked as she headed for the door and slipped her phone into her jacket pocket.

"Ma'am. It is good to see you again. The trip was very refreshing. How was Rio?" he asked as the door shut.

Texas/Mexico Border: The line went quiet, almost as if the call was dropped but it was still going up on time. He was still there. Then he spoke. His voice was cracking and broken but he was trying to sound as professional as he could. "Is.. is this Cecily?" he asked. He couldn't remember if she had told him her name or not. Right then he couldn't remember a lot, everything was a blur of emotion and Lincoln had never been one to handle things going south with Tasha well.

Her phone went off, it was an incoming text message from Roy.

What's going on?

It was a simple enough message but it might not be so easy to explain.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Complex
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

Meanwhile, back in the offices, Keystone was left with his presently unconscious baby son. It was the first time he was left alone with any baby, let alone his. Hell, it was very near unbelievable that he had a child in the first place. Yet, there he was. He could see the boy's mother in him, mixed with certain other qualities that he could only assume came from him. Eyes, the shape of his jaw, proportionate size of his hands... this boy was going to be massive when he grew up.

The marvel of his son aside, Keystone was mildly surprised to learn that Miss Santiago was familiar with both Elizabeth Queensguard and the older lady's (Butler? Valet? Personal Assistant?) ...helper, Wadsworth. Not just familiar, but familiar enough to have exchanged travel plans. That perked a brow on the Cockney bruiser. Keystone could only hope that He would be read into the situation. Until then, he dare not move until he was absolutely sure that little Liam was fast asleep. Maybe even get a bottle together while the little guy was out cold.

Ballistic rated playpen. That was awesome. All the same, he did have some work to do, and the best way to do that was to get started. The first part of that entailed opening his company email and piecing together all of the stuff that Caesar had sent him into a more coherent, less puzzle-y picture.

But speaking of Caesar, he was rather busy himself in search of something. He looked up and down the office that was supposed to be his, a utilitarian affair that was undefeated, even Spartan in nature, owing to the fact that he was rarely there for 9 - 5 work. He had been lately, but with the passing of his daughter he hadn't felt the desire to give it any homey touches.

Finally, packed away in an unmarked box underneath other unmarked boxes, he located it. In truth, it was probably safer there than someplace in a wall safe, and the tape holding the box together was still intact, even down to the fold he put in it. Caesar carefully lifted the machine from its Bastille of cardboard, bubble wrap, and plastic sheeting, and gave it a long stare. Tears started to form that he quickly blinked away. He didn't have time to cry right then. Deliver the computer to Tech, let Angel get a crack at it, and react accordingly.

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