Lord of Greenstone, Master of Ships
48 • 176cm • 64kg
Lord Edam Estermont is considered to be somewhat of an eccentric figure among the stormlander nobility. Not one for jousts or archery competitions, he has a natural affinity for water. Ever since he was a child, he always joined supper with matted, salty hair and wrinkly fingers. Even though he was the heir, his tendency to daydream and obsess over trivial activities like cyvasse or shell-gathering earned him the ire of most educators and servants on Greenstone. These patterns were only reinforced when he became the page and squire to Ser Aurane, and, in some ways, he has taken after him in his lifestyle and philosophy - a rather cynical outlook for the common Westerosi ideals of chivalry and honor, one shaped by instances of duplicity and malice he witnessed from knights and nobles alike.
A travelled man, he has met people from all walks of life, and always tried to perceive everything with an open mind, never rooting himself staunchly in one position or view, and instead easily absorbing the best that his aides and friends come with, irrespective of their political leanings. He is a highly perceptive and quick learner, with a very open and tactical mind - his ability to emphasize with high lords and the worst dregs of society has allowed him to make friends in the most unexpected of places; from the alleyways of Flea Bottom to the the highborn villas of Tyrosh.
Edam is a slight man, thin and hard as a bone. With brown eyes and a sharp, angular face weathered by the elements, his beard and thinning brown hair are peppered with gray. He's just got one of those faces that burns itself into your memory. Its sharp lines contort readily into a devilish, toothy smile - though he's aware that such full smiles always give him an air of a madman, and uses this feature of his physionomy sparingly.
He wears soft leather boots, a wide with nuggets of silver, a wool doublet, and a pale green, woolen cloak.
On campaign, Edam wears black oiled ringmail over boiled leather, a round steel halfhelm with a noseguard, and a mail coif. Edam wields a shortspear and a kite shield, with a flanged mace and dirk hanging from his belt and used as secondary weapons.
Lord Alyn Estermont was a prominent nobleman and Stormlander who took part in invading the Stepstones together with Ser Aurane Velaryon in 310, two years after his first wife, Lady Jayna Bywater, was captured and held ransom by pirates. In captivity, she was raped and beaten so severely that she was a shell of a person by the time she came back to Greenstone. Suffering from depression and illness, she died six months later. Having spent a considerable fortune on her release, the aged Lord Estermont saw this as the greatest humiliation his family suffered in decades, and when Ser Aurane gathered an expedition to rid the Stepstones of its' petty bandit-kings, he devoted the entire manpower of Greenstone to help quash the corsairs.
Having met and made friends with Lord Jordayne during the conflict, he later visited their ancestral seat, The Tor, and, after some initial reluctance, arranged a betrothal between him and one of the Jordayne daughters, Alara, a beautiful girl in her teens. When she came of age in 321, Lord Alyn married her in a quiet ceremony off the Sea of Dorne. Stormlanders do not generally mingle with Dornishmen, so the marriage was not held in high esteem by the neighboring nobility or the children from Lord Alyn's first marriage.
In 322, Edam Estermont was born, and was named heir to all of his father's lands and titles. This led to much resentment Edam's eldest sister, Bancey, who's son from a marriage with a Blount stood poised to inherit. Other sisters regarded him with indifference and rarely sent ravens from their husbands' keeps, except Ireyne Estermont, who never married, and became his close friend and supporter throughout his life.
His early upbringing and education were marked by heated arguments between his mother and father. Alara resented her life in Greenstone and never felt herself at home, always trying to bring Edam with her to Dorne and play in the Water Gardens instead of swimming in hazardous waters surrounding the Estermont isle.
Alyn ultimately decided to keep the boy out of the pesky Dornish woman's reach, and sent Edam to page and squire for Ser Aurane Velaryon, a nigh-legendary naval commander and strategician. Alara could never forgive her husband for sending her son away to learn from a weathered soldier and old killer, and when Lord Alyn passed from a chill in 334, she moved back to the Tor immediately.
For the next six years, right up until Ser Aurane's death, Edam learned all he could from his mentor; taking part in negotiations with nobles and sellsails, scuttling corsair ships and arresting smugglers, all while Ireyne governed Greenstone in his absence. Aged eighteen, he was captaining his own ship and increasingly taking on the role of the Narrow Sea's coastguard - even though no one asked him to.
Considered half-mad by his peers for playing with ships and leaving the day-to-day running of his estate to his sister, he undertook longer and riskier voyages hoping to catch bigger fish. When he, along with the aid of Tyroshi sellsails, managed to capture four Summer Islander swanships, he briefly stopped at Sunspear to buy crateloads of incense, fruits and wine, and then sailed up to Stonehelm, the seat of House Swann. Arriving with a gift; a magnificient, swift swanship for, crewed by colorful and cheery Tyroshi, and sharing exotic produce with both smallfolk and nobles alike, Lord Swann already considered him as a son after he asked for his daughter's hand.
Within several months, Lady Sofina Swann and Lord Edam Estermont were wife and husband.
Having wed into another powerful vassal family of the Stormlands, local lords and peasants alike began to respect his name. As the closest to the Stepstones among the Baratheon bannermen, he petitioned his liege lord to assume responsibility and rule in his name over the troubled region, ensuring the king's peace throughout the islands. In exchange for this service, he would take a cut of the tolls from passing merchants, and keep the pirates' loot for himself, with the exception of slaves - who were offered a chance at freedom and serving the Stormlands, either as oarsmen in the Estermont fleet or as men-at-arms on the mainland.
For years he held the post of Warden of the Stepstones, only leaving it to assume the office of master of ships in King Galladon's small council. The title was then bestowed to his eldest son, Aeron, by Lord Baratheon.