Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Harlequ
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Harlequ glockenspiel noises

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nora had been pretty surprised at how diverse everyone’s powers were. From web shooting to a smokey mouth. She assumed that these were all just starting powers. If they weren’t, her ability seemed a lot more useless. She noticed everyone getting up to leave for the park, where something should be waiting for them. Most left the normal way, though there was that one kid who jumped out the window. She walked over, noting that there was a tree near the wall outside. The day’s events had been pretty surreal already, so she figured she might as well try this way out.
Stepping out onto the ledge, the shuffled over to the nearest branch. It was pretty small, but then again, so was she. Grabbing on to it, she swung herself on, nearly stabbing her eye out in the process. She continued down for a while, until her foot slipped off a wet branch. The rest of the journey down was finished quite quickly. Luckily, she had already been close to the ground before she fell.

Nova quickly stood, brushing herself off. Strolling over to the sidewalk, she realized she must’ve taken longer then she had thought. None of the other club members were visible to her. She sighed, a bit relieved. She had been hoping to walk by herself for now. If not anything else, it would help her get her thoughts in order. There was also the fact that she hadn’t had any actual food yet, and that would mean her soon growing irritable. She checked to make sure she still had her bag - she did - before making her way over to the nearest convenience store. She could grab a map there, as well as something to eat. If she found anything useful, she might as well grab that too. Heading in, she took the first sandwich she saw, as well as some water and a road map. She also tossed in a pack of superglue and a lighter, because you never know.
Finishing that up, she followed the directions on the map to Yume Park, which wasn’t too far of a walk. Granted, she could have used the bus, but she figured she could do with some exercise.

The park itself didn’t seem very strange, which Nova decided was fine. Not everything to do with the supernatural had to be over the top and fancy. Noticing one of the kids from the club, who she remembered having introduced himself as Akio, she determined she was in the correct place. That, and the sign to her right. She settled herself down on a bench somewhat near Akio, pulling out a novel she was reading to pass the time while she waited for the others.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raging Fenrir
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Raging Fenrir Not chosen, but still the one.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Saito Ryuuji

Yume Park wasn't a particularly bustling location. It was popular among joggers, or people looking for romantic walks alone; people went there for the peace, quiet, and natural serenity that the place offered. The entrance of the park had a fountain and a few benches, but the majority was comprised of paths leading into the woods. The paths were occasionally adorned with lucky statues or bits of flowers, but for the most part, nature was given free reign.

Saito arrived at the park, bag slung over his shoulder, newspaper folded beneath his arm, and smiled when he saw that two club members had already arrived. Their flame manipulator, Nova, was reading a book, presumably waiting for everyone else to arrive, but Saito was particularly happy to see Akio practicing his telekinesis. The boy was concentrating very hard on his task, so much so that he didn't seem to notice Saito walking up to him. Saito was about to chastise him for losing his sense of awareness, but then he saw the task he was working on. The intricate knots, the fine control... it was exactly the kind of training newbies hated doing, and yet here he was doing such a strenuous task of his own accord.

Saito watched Akio practice for a few more minutes before finally speaking up. "You're doing good," he said in a soft voice, hoping not to startle the boy. "I know it doesn't seem like much right now, but refined control like that is the foundation of real power." He smiled and gave Akio a pat on the back. "Stay diligent and you may even save the world one day." He laughed and started heading over to the bench to wait for the others. Akio seemed like a shy kid, so he didn't wanna disturb him too much.

Ayame Masahiro

Ayame listened to Sora's explanation and then shook her head. Things were a bit different for me. Apparently I don't have yokai blood or anything like that. I've just got one inside me... or something. I'm still not completely sure how possession works. But, the weird things didn't start until I met this dying fox. I started having strange dreams and seeing things out of the corner of my eye. I felt like the people around me knew what was going on more than I did. People would just avoid me, but now I guess it was really the fox that they were scared of. I guess it's kind of a relief." It felt strange talking so openly about these things. If she told anyone else, they would just look at her like she was crazy, but apparently people like Sora thought everyone else was crazy for not believing.

Ayame then looked over at Alice who seemed to be following them blindly as she didn't know where the park was. "I know where it is. My mom made me practically memorize the city map before I walked to school. She didn't want me getting lost. You can follow me." And so, Ayame led the others to Yume park, a smile forming on her lips as the four of them slowly became friends. When they finally got there, it seemed they were not the first to arrive. Two of the club members, as well as the president, were already there.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As everyone was gathering at the park Akira decided to make his entrance, the Akira way a.k.a the most over the top fashion possible. ”Watch the hell out ya bastards, I seem to be doing a lot of falling today!” From the air was the delinquent riding a beat up old metal sign that seemed to have ripped out from it’s base and was currently being used as a snowboard.

Akira and his board flew over head as he crashed into the grass and stuck the landing as piece of the ground flew around him. ”Oh, I’m here.” Arika states in a matter of fact tone before walking over to a red colored vending machine and took the time to contemplate what to get from the machine, though he didn’t seem to give much of a glance towards conventional drinks, before slamming down on one of the oval buttons right under “Pancake Drink.”

Akira took the orange and white beverage and popped it open, taking a sip before walking back to the hunter’s club and squatting down like the punk he was. ”What’s up? Oh, and nice cradle, psychic man. Akira asked the group, having no intentions to explain his over the top entrance or even acknowledge it. Though it would seem that his list of nicknames increased.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Haaa, so tired." Flopping down onto her bed, Suzue hugged the pillow and yawned tiredly. Getting home was easy. Dealing with her siblings were not. She had to deal with Seiko who was being bullied by Keiko. The twins never seemed to get along so she was always being mediator. One of her younger brothers had failed one of their school exams and she had to scold him a little. Another got into trouble for fighting at school. Not to mention she had to immediately cook for them when she got home. All in all, it was a tiring day, and it wasn't even over yet. She had to go to the Park for that Club. Honestly, she just wanted to not go. Curl up, put on some american metal and just watch people beat the snot out of each other on a sports channel.

Ah, why couldn't she have someone doting on her like she doted on her siblings?

Rolling over and sitting up, she walked over to her closet. Well, might as well get dressed, but what should she wear? Dress? Her Leather jacket and jeans? Hmm, no, don't want to shock her club mates too soon. Something simple, yet elegant. Hmm...a light blue blouse with some boots and a skirt should be fine. Quickly tossing off her clothes, she began to get dressed when she noticed she had someone watching her from her doorway.

"...Hmm, watching people get dressed is a bad habit, Keiko." Suzue smiled, turning her head in the direction of the door.

"Ah..." Being discovered, she poked her head fully through the door. "Sis is getting dressed! You goin' out?"

"Yes," Suzue replied, pulling on her blouse. "I'll probably be out late, so make sure your brothers and sisters behave, alright?"

"Where you goin?"

"Oh, just to the park. The club I mentioned is meeting there."

"...you got a boyfriend, didn't ya?"

"...huh? Whatever makes you think I got one of those?" While a nice thought, Suzue wasn't particularly interested in such a relationship.

"So you got a girlfriend then!?" Seiko seemed a little more upset at that thought than the previous one.

"What makes you think your sister even swings that way? Better yet, where did you even learn of such relationships. I don't need to go through your internet history, do I?" Suzue sighed, but the suggestion caused Keiko to visibly recoil. Keiko was going to start trouble again, wasn't she? Fufu, perhaps she could have her fun here as well. "...but if I did, you know what's going to happen right?" A smile crept across her face as she walked out the door to her room. "They'll take me from you, and you'll never see me again~" She gave Keiko a brief flick on the nose, causing the smaller kid do let out a cry of surprise and a brief yelp.

"W-what hey that's no fair! Suzue is my big sister!"

"Fufu, better hope I don't then, right?"

"I'm telling everyone else!" Before Suzue could stop her, Keiko ran off down the hallway "SUZUE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND AND THEY'RE GONNA TAKE HER FROM US!" Laughing quietly, Suzue left her home and headed for the park. Hmm, maybe she should invite the club over for a study session or just hanging out later. Watching them play with her siblings would be indeed, quite fun.

Arriving at the park, it seemed like she was one of the last ones there this time. Understandable, since she had take quite some time to get ready in the first place. It seemed like a few were already practicing their abilities. Hm. She hadn't had much time to get better with her thread weaving since she had been so busy, but she should probably find some time to do that. More importantly, it seemed Akira had just made a rather dangerous and quite ridiculous entrance. Bag slung over her shoulder, she gave him a concerned frowned.

"Akira, that's dangerous. Please don't do something so foolish. You might hurt yourself." walking over to the president, she smiled. "Sorry for the lateness." Suzue apologized "My siblings were quite the handful...Keiko insisted I take her so she could 'protect me from this vicious individual who was obviously dating me'." Suzue laughed lightly, standing next to the sitting president.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Akio Nagasawa

Involved in making his cat’s cradle with the help of telekinesis, Akio felt his fingers starting to get sore – there were already red rope imprints running along all ten of them – due to the improper type of a rope he was using and was even aware of sweat beginning to accumulate on his forehead. He thought of making just three more shapes or so before quitting for the time being but was interrupted by a quiet masculine voice speaking up right next to him. Akio startled slightly and looked up at Saito in surprise. Oh, how could he have not noticed the teen standing right next to him? That- that was just so rude and…and extremely embarrassing. Thankfully, if quite unexpectedly, the president just complimented him. And encouraged him. “Oh. Oh, thank you. I’ll keep that in mind,” Akio replied in just as low of a tone as Saito had used.

Before he could begin disentangling his intricate rope creation still settled on his fingers, however, the blonde delinquent, Akira, once again made a memorable entrance. And once again, Akio gaped at him in horrified astonishment. But he could probably honestly say that at least this time, he clicked his mouth shut faster than on the previous similar occasion. The blonde decided to compliment him as well, and Akio blinked once, slowly, as he contemplated how unlikely it was that he had just been subjected to two subsequent interactions that he hadn’t even imagine could or would happen. “Thank you, Akira,” Akio replied nevertheless – politely, because he definitely didn’t want to find himself on the bad side of this particular boy.

Akio then finally untangled the cat’s cradle, stored the rope back into his bag, and rubbed his fingers to get the blood there back to circulating properly. He shouldered his bad, and went to hover besides Saito to wait for his instructions, standing at a polite distance both from the club president and the girl standing next to him. And gods, did he wish that he at least knew the brownie girl’s name! The name of a person who was willing to share such treats freely was worth knowing, but unfortunately, he did not. He was just contemplating whether to simply ask or not, when he heard part of what she had said to Saito. “You have siblings?” Akio asked curiously, not having much (or any) experience interacting with younger children. “Ah, sorry,” he smiled somewhat weakly at her, his mind insistently screaming at him that this was a good opportunity and that he shouldn’t let it pass by. “I’m Akio, as you may already know. I’m afraid I hadn’t caught your name earlier, however.” He gave her what he hoped was a polite and earnest look, though he had the niggling suspicion that his neutral expression would, as it often did, come across as cold.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 3 days ago

When she arrived at the park, she felt both the excitement of the new people, environment and powers and the fear if she would be able to control her powers and be useful to anybody. Quickly she shove that fear away though and became her happy, usual self. Looking around she noticed that the president was sitting on a bench and immediatly she decided to go and talk to him, so she walked up to where he was and went to sit beside him.

"Sooooo... How old are you that you know all that stuff? I mean.. How long have you known? You're pretty smart you know, or you look smart because you are good with your powers. Where is that animal we have to catch? Catching it would be a nice first task for someone with control over some wind! I mean... If I can control it at least... But I'm pretty excited for all of this! Am I talking too much?"

@Raging Fenrir
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raging Fenrir
Avatar of Raging Fenrir

Raging Fenrir Not chosen, but still the one.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Saito Ryuuji

Saito cringed and rubbed the bridge of his nose when Akira made his entrance. His profile described him as a delinquent, but Saito was beginning to dread just how much collateral damage this boy was going to cause. He debated going over and chastising him for vandalizing whoever's property that sign was and for throwing the notion of discreet out the window, but Suzue beat him to it. Though she was more worried about his well-being than the damage he was causing, it was at least good to see him getting chastised a bit. He would have to knock the cockiness out of the boy before he caused some real trouble though...

Saito was so lost in his thoughts, that he barely noticed Alice approach him. "Oh, hello there," he said, giving a small chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Glad to see you're still in high spirits after all of that. Me? I'm seventeen, but I've been trained to do this stuff since I was a little kid. Family business and all that. My first adversary was actually the little fella you'll be hunting today." He smirked, but didn't want to reveal too much right off the bat.

It seemed everyone had shown up so he stood up and cleared his throat. "Alright everyone, listen up. Your first assignment as members of the Hunters Club is to enter the woods and capture the creature that's living there. For the record, I know exactly what it is you're dealing with, but we don't always know exactly what we're hunting, so I'm gonna keep you in the dark for now. Oh, and before I forget, there will be one special rule." Saito pointed to his throat. "If you get ink here, you're out. Come meet me back here and wait for the others. Now, let's see..." Saito rubbed his chin and looked all the club members over. "Suzue, you're the captain of this mission. I want you all to work together, but Suzue will have the final say on all strategic decisions, so make sure you listen to her. Happy hunting." With that, Saito sat back down on the bench and took out his newspaper, waiting to see how they would do.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Raging Fenrir

"Indeed," Suzue replied to Akio. "Seven of them. The little dears are quite the handful, but they're good children when they're not being mischievous little rascals." She laughed lightly, bowing lightly. "Apologies if I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Suzue Yamazaki, and I suppose I'm part spider now." She smiled, as if finding the thought funny. "Pleasure to meet you, Akio." Before she could converse further though, it seemed like their boss, Saito was getting things underway.

So they were hunting something. Suzue held a hand to her cheek, thinking as the President spoke. Seemed dangerous. More dangerous that she'd like, even if this was supervised danger. Hm. Ink on the throat meant they were out, huh? Some sort of...squid-based thing? Land squid? That seemed like a silly idea. What Youkai could squirt Ink at someone?

"Eh? Me in charge?" Suzue pointed to herself. "W-well, I suppose if you want, Saito." Suzue exhaled, obviously not too thrilled about being given the leading role here. Ah, she was hoping she could just do whatever or at least let someone order her around for a change. Tsk.

"Okay, so...what exactly are all of you capable of?" Suzue asked. Might as well first take an assessment of their skills and see what strategy she could come up with. "I myself feel like I will not be too helpful in hunting something something." Not now at least. Perhaps once she developed better skill with her webs, that would help. "But first things first is we should decide on how we're going to do this. We're hunting an unknown monster with mostly unknown abilities so we need to be careful."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The fact that they were out if they got ink on them made her think of their first mission as some kind of game, it made her grow even more enthusiastic. She stood up and walked to Suzue. As Suzue was the leader of the mission, she wanted to stay close so she could hear everything that anyone said. When she heard that they were asked about their abilities, she immediatly raised her hand with a bright smile on her face. "I am able to control the weather based on contracts with the spirits! But currently, I can only make some wind... if it is going to listen to me... But I am sure that it's going to be alright!"

She thought about what they could do, but it wouldn't be something easy. "We should trap it, so it can't go anywhere! The only problem is that we don't know if and how it can attack us... that means that we can't just corner it. Above that all we can't just sacrifice someone to get to know its powers, there should be another way", she said in a way that sounded smarter then anyone would expect from her, but then she herself ruined it by adding a 'right?' that sounded a little childish like usual.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FurFox
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aiden Cross

Aiden listened intently as Saito explained their task. Apparently they were meant to capture a creature that was possibly related to ink? Aiden’s youkai knowledge is rusty to say the least and he doesn’t recall hearing about some sort of ink spirit ever. He didn’t worry too much about it though, Saito had previously stated that it was supposedly harmless so they shouldn’t end up fighting some sort of giant killer calligraphy pen of doom.

When Suzue was chosen as the leader of the mission, Aiden focused his attention on her “So what’ll it be, captain?” He asked with a playful cock of his brow.

He nodded as Suzue delivered her instructions. I can sort of change the way something looks and behaves I guess?” Being bad at words, he touched his clothes with his left hand to give an example instead. As the energy surged through his hand one thought was in his head. Red, red, red. His clothes turned into a loud hot pink colour. Embarrassing. He quickly tapped his clothes with his right hand and the color drained away. “I uhh don’t have much control over it yet so I don’t know how helpful that’d be” He said with a dust of blush on his cheeks. He was going to be completey useless wasn’t he? If only he had something more helpful like Akira’s strength. He could try helping out in planning though. “I agree with Alice” He said “Trapping it seems like the best option. If it isn’t going to hurt us I don’t think we should beat it up until it’s immobile. That’d be kinda rude. Instead of cornering it, we could try to get it stuck somewhere? Like in a tight place or with something sticky perhaps?”

@Rune_Alchemist @Squirrel98
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Akio Nagasawa

“Oh, wow,” Akio said, thinking only Seven? in an almost horrified disbelief. “It’s alright,” he reassured Suzue. “Hmmm, so you make webs? Or venom…?” he wondered. “Same, Suzue,” he replied, in a rather self-satisfied manner.

Akio nodded to show he understood Saito’s rules. So, woods, capture an unknown, don’t get ink on the neck, Suzue’s boss. He then listened to some other’s abilities and tried his best to remember them and match them to his club member’s faces, since, well, they were teammates.

“Right now, I can kind of levitate things. We’re all obviously beginners, so…Have to figure it out as we go, I guess,” he shrugged. “Oh, and I bought some rope earlier. Though if it’s intangible,” he trailed off, and shrugged again.

“Um, we should probably think about the forest too,” Akio tried adding to other people’s suggestion. “We don’t know the thing we’re supposed to catch, and we don’t really know anything about the location, besides that it’s a forest. Unless anyone has been here already? Hmm, so, uh, the trees and bushes could maybe be an alright cover,” he said, somewhat uncomfortable to be speaking to more than one person. It almost felt like one of those school presentations, only less intense. Akio rolled his shoulders in the hopes of dispersing the tension he felt, and peered cautiously towards the forest they were to go into.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shiyonichi
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Shiyonichi The Edgelord

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Akira looked at Suzue in more of a curious intrigue than anything, though he didn’t seem to really mind being called out by Suzue or her being selected as captain, though he didn’t join the discussion. Something he learned in street fighting is that anything could be used to your advantage. He walked over to Saito and the delinquent’s hand would become a blur, as he snagged Saito’s newspaper right out of his hands. Before the president could complain, Akira rolled it up and flattened it and wrap the newspaper around his neck and zipping up the collar of his jacket to keep it into place, making it so that ink couldn’t easily get on his throat. Akira gave a small smug “thanks” as he walked back towards the group.

”I doubt it’s intangible, since I doubt Mr. Electric Eel would be that cheap. Though he did gave us a bit of a clue in that, it’s going to be using ink in some way. Akira took another sip from his pancake drink. ”Now either he equipped it with a paint brush and trained it to use it like a psycho slasher or it just has naturally has it. Akira seemed to have fully drank all of his pancake drink as he turned it over only for it to spill droplets. ”Well either way trying to create a complex plan against something you have so little info about is stupid. Let’s just go and see what it is first. Akira walked over vending machines and pulling out a handful of coins he bought a half a dozen sodas before putting them into his bag. Whatever for was anyone’s guess.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raging Fenrir
Avatar of Raging Fenrir

Raging Fenrir Not chosen, but still the one.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ayame Masahiro

Ayame pursed her lips as everyone began to explain what their abilities could do. She knew that little fox had something to do with it, but aside from causing a ruckus in the classroom, she wasn't sure what it could do, or even how to control it. Great, first mission and I'm already useless... she thought, but then she took a deep breath. Saito wouldn't have scouted her if she was useless. She just needed to focus and think about that fox. She imagined it standing next to her, tried calling it with a mental dog whistle. Suddenly, she felt a fluttering in her chest, and she looked down to see the fox sitting in front of her with a somewhat cocky expression."Ah, I did it!" she cried, glad that she was able to repeat the effects of her powers, but now what? Everyone was already strategizing with Suzue and she didn't even know how her powers could help.

"So..." she began, wondering if the fox could even understand her. "There's something in those woods that we need to catch. Do you think you can help us?" The fox gave a wide yawn, stood up and started sniffing the ground. It walked several feet towards the woods, and then paused, looking back at Ayame as if to say, "You coming or what?" "Suzue!" She said excitedly, glad she was finally able to figure something out. "I think my fox can help us track whatever we're looking for. That should be a good start, right?"


Saito Ryuuji

Saito gave Akira a mildly annoyed expression when he snatched the newspaper, but it quickly turned to an amused one when he saw what the boy was doing with it. "Careful," Saito said. "If it thinks you're trying to be clever, you'll just piss it off. Also," Once Akira turned his back, Saito flicked his fingers, sending a tiny spark to the back of the delinquent's head. It might have been painful for the other students, but to him, it would just feel like a really bad static shock. "I wasn't done reading that. Ask next time." With that, Saito crossed his legs on the bench and took out his phone, pulling up the same news story he was in the middle of.

Elsewhere in the woods...

The creature could hear voices coming from the beginning of the path. He wondered what kind of recruits Saito had sent for him to play with. "Let's see how brave these lads and lasses are," it muttered, giving a toothy grin as it went to work. It assembled a pile of sticks, twigs and leaves, then made a seal with its furry little hands. The pile of foliage rippled and warped before forming a human. skeleton sprawled out on the ground. "Hmm... we can make it more convincing yet, I think..." He whipped out a calligraphy brush and splashed some ink onto the skeleton. Again it rippled, and bits of flesh and blood hung from the bones. It looked like it had been picked clean by some forest animal. One more fleck of the brush and some flies appeared, buzzing over the corpse, complete with the faint smell of rot. With a chuckle, the creature swiftly leaped into a tree branch, waiting for them to stumble across his little surprise.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clicking the lock into place Sora stepped away from the bike rack and admired his handiwork, giving the bike a quick pull to make sure it was secure. Walking through the front gate of the park and following the path he was soon able to find and catch-up to the others, arriving just in time to catch the last of what Saito said about ink and Suzue being in charge.

“I can breathe smoke.” At least that was all he knew he could do right now. In all honesty it wasn’t the most useful ability unless he was trying to pacify a bee hive or summon the fire department; in his opinion, none of their powers were particularly useful when it came to tracking down a Yokai in the middle of the woods, though a few of them might be useful once it came to subduing whatever it was. If nothing else they could just throw Akira at it and have the boy wrestle the thing to the ground.

Aside from the issue of finding the creature however, there was another factor about this whole exercise that came to mind that might make things more difficult. “One thing we need to keep in mind; whatever this thing is knows we’re coming. It was brought here specifically so we could try to capture it. We’re not going to be able to sneak up on it.”

Sora turned to their club captain. He couldn’t help but wonder what Saito’s motivation was in setting up this little exercise; it was too early to call this training, when they had only just gotten their abilities and most of them were still trying to come to grips with all of this. So was this a test to see how well they could perform under pressure and without guidance? Why did it feel like they were being thrown into the fire?

Maybe he was just being paranoid, but something told him that they weren’t expected to actually succeed here today.

It could be that Sora was just overreacting though. Truth was he was still angry about the method by which their captain had brought them here and the letter than had shaken up his life unnecessarily; things would have been a lot less tense and nerve wracking over the past few weeks had Saito been a little more upfront in approaching him. It might be unfair but the whole ordeal had given Sora a bad impression of their captain and he couldn’t help but mistrust him.

“This thing knows the area better than we do. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few surprises waiting for us.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Suzue held a hand to her chin, mulling over their options. They had quite the...wide range of skills, didn't she? She did agree though, trapping it certainly would likely be their best course of action. She could perhaps use her webs to create an elaborate trap with her webs, but that would all require some quick thinking and complex coordination...one of them which, didn't seem intent on helping that. Sighing lightly as she watched Akira harass the President and head off into the woods himself. She had to refrain from snickering as Saito delivered swift punishment.

"Akira, please." Suzue called out. "I you are right in that we should explore, but we should be cautious. We have no idea what this thing is." She voiced her concerns quickly, doing her best to keep them short and to the point. Pausing for a moment, she frowned. Well, she couldn't really reign in a single delinquent so easily. Those kinds of people only responded to one type of thing.

Well, she'd resort to that only if needed.

"Alright," Turning back to the group, Suzue smiled. "Here's what I want everyone to do. Ayame, Sora, Alice, team up. See if you can track the creature using the fox. Sora and Alice, your job is to see if you can use your smoke to drive the creature towards us. If you have trouble locating us, use your fox to do it." Smoke and wind could make for a quite formidable ability, if used right, couldn't it? That seemed like a good idea. Turning to Akio and Aiden. "Akio, Akira, Aiden, and I shall work on setting up a few traps. We'll find a good place near here and set them up. My threads are perfect for the job, and Aiden could help potentially camouflage them with his abilities." She was having a difficult time thinking of a direct use for levitation, honestly, so she'd keep him with her for now until needed. "Akira will be a bodyguard of sorts. If we happen to get ambushed we can use your physical expertise to try and subdue the creature."

Letting the proposed planned sink in for a moment, Suzue continued.

"Is that agreeable with everyone?" She questioned. "And remember...please, don't do anything reckless. I'd rather not anyone get hurt, even if this is just practice."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Harlequ
Avatar of Harlequ

Harlequ glockenspiel noises

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nova listened to the plan from her perch on the bench. She wasn’t too sure about what she could do to help, though she would try to the best of her ability. Placing a bookmark where she had left off, she placed her book in her bag, exchanging it for the glue and lighter. Tucking the two items into her pocket, she walked over to the group.

“I can help with the tracking if that’s alright with you all. I can make flames, though they don’t seem to be very warm. They can help light up darker areas however, and if the smoke thing doesn’t work, I could try to send up a flare.”

Turning towards the woods, Nova furrowed her brows. A faint smell seemed to be coming from the path they were supposed to take. Hoping it didn’t have anything to do with their path, she looked back towards the group.

“We ready to go now?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FurFox
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aiden Cross

As Suzue announced her plans Aiden couldn’t help but notice her obvious leadership skills. Something about her charisma and the way she carried herself made her easy to trust and follow. It was an admirable trait and Aiden wondered where she got it from and how he could obtain it as well. When she was finished talking, Aiden gave a firm nod at the plan “Aye, aye Captain” he mused with a small playful salute. The plan was solid, simple to follow and gave almost everyone an obvious job to do.

When the raven haired girl, Nova, asked the group if they were ready to go, Aiden hummed in agreement and spun on his heel to face the other people he’d been assigned to work with, Akira and Akio. It was hard to miss Akira, his presence was hard to ignore given his delinquent aura; he was definitely someone you wanted to stay on the good side of. From what he could remember of Akio, he liked to talk a lot and seemed to be really curious about this situation (or maybe he was always like that?). He seemed a lot nicer than the aforementioned boy. Aiden smiled at his teammates then glanced back at Suzue “Let’s head out” He said beckoning the traps team to follow him as he started making his way deeper into the park.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Ok, sounds like as good a plan as any. Let’s get going.” The late additional of a phantasmal fox to their list of abilities made the prospect of finding these creature in the woods a lot less daunting; assuming it had abilities similar to that of a real fox it should be able to sniff out anything unusual, or maybe as a spiritual power it simply had the ability to sense Yokai? Either way, locating the creature would likely be the easiest part of what they were about to do.

The hard part was going to be driving it out of the woods and into their little trap and judging by their current line-up it looked like most of that burden would fall on him. His abilities made him the perfect choice to try and literally smoke this thing out of hiding but how effective that would be would depend on how much he could produce as well as how much this thing disliked the smell of barbeque; his main concern was that the range of his smoke seemed to be limited to how hard he could exhale and whether or not he could produce smoke fast enough to fill the air before it dissipated.

Well, the entire point of this exercise was to test their limits, probably, so he might as well see what his inner Enenra could do when he was put on the spot. Turning towards Ayame, Sora gestured towards the path leading into the woods. “I’ll follow your lead; the fox can show us the way and I’ll go in after it.”

@Raging Fenrir
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Yes, let us be off then." Suzue smiled pleasantly, taking the lead of her little group, heading into the woods. They should likely set up somewhere near the president, but also far enough away not to cause a disturbance to the other people. Leading her group away from the main park, it didn't take her long to try and find a good place to set up. A dense nest of trees where one could easily put together a few of her threads.

"Alright!" Turning on her heels and facing the others, Suzue began. "I'll set up a few threads to start with." She frowned. "...I should be able to use my threads to 'feel' whatever runs into them." In theory, that was how that should work. All she'd have to do is then just pull it tight around the target and capture it. Easy in theory. "But we can't rely solely on that since I am unsure how much thread or even how well I can control it. Any of you have any ideas?"

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