Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Twins room -> Kitchen/Living Room
Interacting With: Each Other and Practically Everyone Else
Collaboration between : @alexfangtalon & @Peridot

Clothes were strewn all over the floor as two scenes unfolded within the beach house bedroom. Over near the dresser and closet, Mackenzie Pruett was digging through the closet looking for the absolute perfect summer dress, but each one seemed to be an emphatic NO! In one corner beside the messier of the two beds sat Katie Pruett and Belinda Scott, but call her Bill, playing some video game. Finally, Mackie seemed to find the perfect dress to go over her swimsuit. She quickly threw the dress on and turned to her oh so 'captive' audience. "Alright, so. Give your honest opinion. What do you guys think?"

Almost as if rehearsed, Katie just grunted an affirmative response not even sure what had been asked of her. "Bill, you going to that bonfire thing tonight?" In all honesty Katie didn't care to go to the party, but Mackie and a few others had been pestering her to go so she thought might as well get some fun out of it, and Bill being there would make it a lot more interesting.

Shrugging in response to Katie, Bill gave a cursory glance at Mackie and allowed a hand to leave the controller for just a second to give a quick thumbs up. "Lookin' hot, Macks." Her eyes had already darted back to the television screen competitively as she put down an NPC. Grinning in victory, Bill properly answered Katie's query. "Yeah, I'll probably go for the booze. Wanted to head out to the beach soon-ish anyway." There was still just enough sunlight left to not have to worry about sharks in the warm, Florida surf, and Bill was never one to turn down a party.

Making sure not to be outplayed by her co-op partner, Katie took out a conglomerate of NPC's with a needlessly overpowered super move. "If both of Y'all are going, then I might as well join in in the 'fun.'" Meanwhile, Mackie continued digging through the closet despite having picked out her outfit. She wasn't going to let her sister show up in just a t-shirt and shorts. "You say that as if you had a choice. And thanks, Bill." Mackie walked over to the two laying an outfit out for Katie to wear. "I'm not letting you go in your pajamas. Get up and change already."

The more anti-social twin mockingly groaned and stood to look at the outfit laid on her bed. Her party attire consisted of her favorite boots, some lightly faded jeans, and an oversized cropped tee. As Katie finished dressing was when a shrill voice rang throughout the house followed by some horrendously loud rap music. "TURN THAT CRAP OFF!" But no matter how loud she screamed it was unlikely whoever turned the infernal noise on would hear her. So, Katie simply reached over to grab her phone and earbuds. If the area around her were being beaten upon by some disdainful music, she would just flood her own ears with her music.

"No point in changing the masses, dude. You can't educate 'em away from the bad shit until they actually listen to some good shit." Good shit like her own music, but Bill didn't feel the need to boast of her confidence in her musical skills. She enjoyed playing, and that was enough for her. The crowds and attention just made her feel better... especially paid gigs, too. As for Bill herself, she was about as ready as she ever would be in regards to a party. Not anything particularly different from her usual look, Bill was done up in denim shorts, doc martens, and one of her various band tees, this one in particular emblazoned with Eddie the Head. Underneath that laid her bikini, while her wetsuit had been hung up outside for when she needed it next.

Throwing her console controller to one side, Bill rolled from the bed and landed on the floor, springing up with a grin. "C'mon girls. Let's go show these people how to really party."

"Now you're talking my language. Oh, and Katie you will be trying some alcohol tonight." Mackie simply laughed as her sister gave her what basically amounts to a death glare. With that, the trio set off for the location of the pre-party. Once arriving downstairs the girls set about interacting with the rest of the housemates. Katie walked over to the sofa area, "Fireworks sound fun. Just get me a lighter, and we can get the show started."

Mackie made her way towards the kitchen where she knew that the alcohol resided. The first thing she noticed was the numerous shots lined up by Sonny. She grabbed the closest one to her and downed it. "Oh, that is strong. I bet Sonny made these." Mackie looked around to see who stood in the room with her and, other than she who shall not be named, she liked what she saw. "If we're gonna watch some fireworks we need to move the drinks outside. Come on someone help me." She then grabbed a nearby platter putting a few shots on it and took the 'beverages' out to the patio.

Bill had acquired one of the several shots as soon as she had entered the kitchen behind Mackie, downing it and then frowning at the few remaining drops of liquor within the glass. "Who the fuck made these? If this is your attempt at a pre-game, consider me unimpressed." She'd had stronger, but the drink was really okay - the fighting talk was just her usual way of welcoming others, and she shot Sonny a teasing grin as she plucked another one from the tray. In the time it took to move outside with Mackie, a third shot was snaking its way down her throat, and the familiar warmth of harsh alcohol was settling in her belly. Despite the shitty music, it was probably going to be an interesting night.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Location: The Kitchen, Ending In Finns Room.
Interacting With: Finn
Location: The Kitchen

Everyone was walking around, immersed in their own conversations, taking shots as Missys music shuffled on the speaker. Tempted to change it, Sable didn't, not wanting to deal with the argument. At Missys comment about joining her, Peaches, and potentially Dee in her friends room, she simply shook her head, hoping that was response enough. It wasn't that Sable didn't want to see her best friend, she just had other things occupying her mind at the moment. Nimble fingers reaching for the choker on her neck, she began to toy with it. A nervous habit, of course, but there was nothing to be nervous about, right? Well, except for Sonny's reaction to everyone picking on him for the drinks. Thinking silently to herself that she had started it all, she bit down on her bottom lip. Hopefully he wasn't mad at her for that.

Absent mindedly, she made her way into the corner by the fridge while checking her mental list of the houses inhabitants to make sure everyone was either present or had made an appearance. Spice was still in her room, most likely working on her makeup, per usual for events such as these. She'd meet up with the other girl later. Right now, she was dealing with the thought that the one and only Finnley Morrison had yet to make his appearance. From what Sunshine knew, this wasn't out of character for the young man. However, if Sable had it her way everyone was going to this party. This summer was dedicated to fun, and as the Resident Ray Of Sunshine, she had made it her personal mission to make sure that everyone did, indeed, have fun. Even if one of those people were typically a recluse.

Most people had no idea of their small connection, but Sable had always made it her personal mission to include Finn in things. She had seen first hand what high school for him was like - well, seen as much as he allowed. They had English together their Junior and Senior year, and every time that there was a group project, Finn seemed to be one of the people without a partner. So, Sunshine included him in her group. Some people joked with her that he was her charity case, but Sunshine didn't see it that way. Finn was a sweet guy, and from where she stood, they were pretty okay friends.

Up the stairs she went, not bothering to knock before entering. There Finn would be found, head bopping to the beat downstairs. Her eyebrows coming together in a feeling of confused curiosity momentarily, she put a smile on her face before skipping across the room. Once behind the computer chair, she ruffled his hair playfully, her hands coming to rest on either of his shoulders. She didn't have to bend down far to get level with the computer, her face on the rights side of his now. "Come on now, Finny! We've got a party to get to, you and I. Tell your internet buddies you guys can talk about anime tits later. We're on a mission."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finnley Morrison

Location: In his room at the beach house
Interacting With: Sunshine

Finn swayed slightly in his chair, nodding his head to the loud music blaring from downstairs. Although it’s not his personal taste, it’s still music, and it’s still something to focus on, other than the deafening noise in his head. He allowed himself to get lost in the repetitive, pounding beat, drumming his fingers on his thigh along with it, matching deep breathing with the rhythm. This kind of bass heavy music was good for that. He attempted to follow along with the quickly delivered, aggressive lyrics. Again not to his taste, but he can see the appeal. As he started to mumble along to the chorus of the song absently, having picked up the lyrics quickly, he felt the sudden pressure of hands on his shoulders, and a face beside his.

The anxious boy practically jumped out of his skin, jumping forward out of his chair with a frightened yelp, before turning around and being greeted by a familiar, soothing voice, and a friendly, welcome face. Sable, his ray of Sunshine, as he often referred to her as in his thoughts, and songs. He panted softly as he caught his breath from the scare, his bright red face adopting an embarrassed smile. “Y-y-you… You s-scared the heck out of me…” He stuttered softly, his hand reaching down to anxiously fiddle with his headphone cable. He was definitely happy to see her, he just didn’t know exactly how to show that.

Finn’s heart sank when she mentioned the party. He knew there was going to be a bonfire party that night, but he intended to stay right there, in his room, playing WoW, and maybe actually leave his room to eat something while everyone else was gone. But, it was Sunshine. He couldn’t say no to her, even if he wanted to. And she used her nickname for him. The only nickname he had that didn’t stem from teasing, but from seemingly, genuine affection. No one else ever made an effort like she did. She was one of the only people to ever make him feel heard, or wanted. He wish he knew how to express that to her, but his words always came out like gibberish.

He groaned in protest softly, but the word mission intrigued him. “A mission?” He mumbled curiously, looking up at her with a nervous but intrigued face. He hated the idea of leaving his room, but if it was with Sunshine, it would maybe be okay. Probably.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: The Beach House
Interacting With: Missy, Bradley and Spice

”Well you got to remember girl, I don’t take no breaks. Don’t know the meaning of the word” Dee teased his best friend.

The friendship between Dee and Missy was one built on mutual respect. It started as one night of fun at DeShawn’s first Brooklyn party but it evolved far beyond that. They began to cross paths everywhere, the gym, the football field, early morning jogs. The world was throwing them together for a reason; to push each other. Since becoming friends, the two spend most of their time sweating and not in the fun way if you were to ask any sane person. DeShawn and Missy on the other hand had the most fun they could possibly have whilst they were forcing their bodies beyond physical limits. Yet their bond went further than just a love of working out, Dee knew how to settle Missy, to calm the fire that although it made her special, it was also at major risk of burning her up inside. On the flip side, Missy knew how to get past DeShawn’s suit of armour, she knew how to get in his head and knew how to get him to talk, something not a lot of people could manage.

Bradley was the third part of their trifecta of gym rats. He was in no way as close to the dancing man as he was to Missy but they were civil enough. If he was truly honest, Dee doesn’t really know how Brad ended up on their routines. He was just kind of there one morning and hung around for the rest of the school year. Did the Dynamic Duo get drunk and invite him? Neither truly remembers but neither truly cares either. Three isn’t a crowd, the more the merrier when it comes to pushing yourself past your limits. ”Ain’t no thing man, we’re here to have fun. Enjoy your summer” DeShawn lattes the Tiny Dancer on the shoulder before downing another of Sonny’s shots. They didn’t taste great but they’d do the job.

DeShawn glances at the clock and decided it was probably time to put on some clothes and join the others properly in getting ready for the bonfire. Following shortly after Missy up the stairs, he found his friend knocking on the door. He shook his head with a smile and then moved to her side. ”Mind yourself baybay. I got this” Dee rescued into his pocket and took out a key to unlock the door. The benefit of sharing a room with his LA love. The dynamic duo entered into the sun kissed room and DeShawn’s face was soon envelopes in the smile that made him famous. He touched his hand to his chin as he looked upon his girl. ”Ain’t never been a sight that beautiful seen in West Baltimore” he wrapped his huge arms around Stephanie from behind and kissed her neck. ”Hey Mami. You lookin’ damn fine, so fine you done got yourself in trouble” He kisses her again before letting go and walking towards the bathroom. ”Imma shower, don’t pay me no never mind unless you plan on joining me” He laughed before leaving.

Dee laughing was a rare sight. In fact, any emotion on DeShawns face was suspect. He didn’t talk a lot, he didn’t let a lot of people in. The two women on the other room, those were really the only ones who knew DeShawn Marcus. Everyone else knew Dee the Linebacker. Stephanie had been a godsend as far as getting the Baltimore Bad Boy to open yo his heart. There was still a long way to go but she was chipping away at him slowly. They had played a long game, dancing around each other for the better part of a year. It wasn’t until Dee’s Guardian told him that he had to attend the school prom that he decided to finally stop dancing and ask Steph...to the dance? And from that moment it has blossomed. Even to the point where a lot of Spice’s clique has given them the ship name Dice...Dee hates it but he’s falling in love with her so, it’s a thing.

As the piping hot water slightly seared his skin, DeShawn traced his fingers across the huge scar on his left arm. Even just the feel of the raised mark transported him back to Freamont Street and the sound of bullets rattling through his ears. All in the game. It was a phrase he had heard a thousand times before and it wasn’t until that night that it ever truly meant something. He couldn’t go back to that life, he wouldn’t go back to that life. Dee had to do better, he had to be better. He folded his arms around himself and pressed his head against the ceramic tiles, breathing heavily, trying to shake himself free from the horrid memory. It was a world away but it still remained close, always nearby in his head.

After finishing his shower, DeShawn dressed himself in a pair of jeans, a grey short sleeved t, tan boots and a sweet watch Spice got him for his birthday. ”We about ready for this party or what?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Kim, Molly, Addison ; Anyone else

Just as she'd thought, no one had any plans for the party later on. She'd thought that maybe Kimberly might have something planned, but she'd just revealed that she'll wing it just like everyone else. It does make sense after all, considering plenty of the free-spirited folk they had here in the house. Violet's mouth opened slightly agape, mortified in response to Molly comment about Bradley meeting someone to give him the D tonight. She didn't know what she was shocked about. She knew him plenty well enough, but this still seemed to be a natural reaction for her.

She was still quite shy and reserved about explicit matters such as these and was still not used to them being brought up so casually despite having been in the US for several years now. Violet looked from Molly to Kim with an uncertain look before that was broken up by the appearance of the Min siblings. It seems like Addison had brought the party along with him. The black bag he carried contained a whole plethora of explosives, practically every kind she knew and more. She questioned him.

"Where in the world did you find all of these? Do you have a fireworks shop hidden somewhere I don't know of or something? You do, don't you?- Are these all the kinds there are or do you have even more?" Violet was more concerned about learning about the sudden whereabouts of these fireworks than to listen or even response to Kim mentioning about how he should save them for something else later.

Plenty of the group had already started drinking all forms of alcoholic drinks, but Violet had no desire to get started yet. She didn't tend to drink often, but when she did, her favourite type of alcoholic beverage was usually Soju. It has a distinctive taste that reminded her of home, and she loved its clean, slightly sweetish taste that isn't so aggressive on the taste buds like other drinks such as vodka.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by murdoc
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Richie, Kim
@coughsyrup@Silence Sounds
“Fuck, Sonny, did you smoke that blunt at all? Lighten up a bit. It’s just a joke.” Rolling his eyes, Silas heads off in search of another drink he could wash the taste out with. Sunshine said there was something else around here, didn’t she? While vodka was out of the question – he hated that stuff with a passion – tequila was definitely his kind of thing.

And then, out of the corner of his eye, he spots Bradley wandering outside, off in his own world. He’s halfway tempted to follow him outside to you know, see what was up and all that, but this train of thought is interrupted by the mention of fireworks. Addison had produced an absolute arsenal of firecrackers, rockets, sparklers, and many others, seemingly out of thin air. Silas would almost be impressed if it weren’t for the tiny voice at the back of his mind telling him to stay as far away from them as possible, lest he be set ablaze by a stray spark. As anyone with the slightest bit of common sense would know, hairspray and fire was not a happy combination, but who was he to stop a couple of pyromaniacs from having their fun?

After a minute or two of searching, Silas manages to find the stuff Sunshine mentioned, and mixes himself up a highball glass of tequila and grenadine. It wasn’t really a Sunrise since he couldn’t find any orange juice, but hey, he was two-thirds of the way to one, and that was good enough for him. The glass is half-empty by the time he saunters over to where Richie and Kim were. Both of them seemed equally confused by Bradley’s sudden absence, and maybe even a little concerned.

“So, what did you guys say to Bradley? He looks like he’s seen a ghost.” Silas comments in a jesting manner, taking another sip of his drink. Of course, he hadn’t missed the whole exchange between Bradley and Richie; how could he, when they were being obvious enough to alert half the people in the house? Still, he found Bradley’s reaction to be strange, to say the least. He had never been the type to get all flustered over a joke — that is, of course, if it was a joke at all. Truth be told, he’s a little miffed at the prospect of Bradley and Richie becoming an item. Not because he was jealous, mind you. Could you imagine? God forbid he ever sunk down to that level of pettiness, but their clumsy attempts at flirting with each other was something he’d rather avoid.

“There’s some other stuff in the fridge if you want it, Kim.” Gesturing towards the towering, silver monolith, Silas then proceeds to shoot Kim a conspiratorial wink. “For those of us with a more refined palate.”

The rest of his drink goes down easily, and the now-empty glass remains pleasantly cool against his fingers. There’s a slight buzz coursing through his veins, though not enough for Silas to be called any kind of drunk quite just yet. Soon, another drink would be in order, but for now, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigs. In one smooth motion, he has a fresh cigarette between his teeth, lighting the end of it with his trusty zippo. A deep breath fills his lungs with smoke, and it soon escapes from him in a satisfied sigh, swirling through the air in pirouettes.

As if suddenly reminded of the others’ presence, he holds out the carton to Kim and Richie in offering. “Oh wait, did you guys want one, too?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Sunshine & Finn

You've got me more than clumsy
But you're my yellow, lovely

Sunshine had to admit - it was kinda cute the way he blushed when she had surprised him. It was definitely better than the alternative of him getting mad at her. After he said the she had scared him, her smile brightened even more as she backed away, arms folded across her chest as she surveyed Finns room. She wondered if he was even planning to go to tonight's affair. Knowing Finn, probably not. But she figured she would at least extend a persuasive invitation to her friend.

No longer smiling, her face showing just how deep in thought that she was, Sable turned to look at him as he repeated her last word with curiosity. She nodded slowly. ”Yep, a mission. Checks point will include: you getting dressed, getting you to the party, you having a good time and… anything else that comes up.” As she named off her objectives, she held up a finger for each one before putting her hands in her pockets. ”Granted you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I just thought it might be cool if you tagged along.”

Finn’s room was significantly cleaner than most of the other rooms in the house probably were. All his clothes were still neatly in his suitcase which sat beside his bed, aside from a small pile of dirty clothes that sat next to it. There was a keyboard, a guitar amp and two guitars sitting beside his computer desk, and a stack of books, comic books and board games organised on another table. He even brought a bin in there. There was no mess on his desk or on the floor, his bed was even made. Even on vacation, Finn couldn’t stand things being messy or disorganised.

Finn listened to Sable intently, with a hesitant, yet curious look on his face. He twirled a finger into his hair, tugging on it at little as he thought, his eyes gazing absently down at the floor. “I… Uhh… I’ve never been to… A p-party before…” He mumbled softly, shrugging his shoulders. “I’d be so out of place…”

Sunshine shook her head reassuringly. ”Don’t worry about it. I’ve got some experience with these things,” she said, walking over to sit down on the edge of the bed. ”I’d be more than happy to show you the ropes.” She tilted her head slightly to the side as she thought some more. ”Ya know.. For what it’s worth… There’s going to be tons of cute girls there.”

There was something comforting about the way that she spoke, that even though Finn was still incredibly anxious about the thought of going down stairs, let alone to a party, it was no wear near as bad as it would be if she weren’t there. He continued to pull at his hair, pulling a few strands free as he started to blush again at the mention of cute girls. There was only one girl that he thought of like that, and she was already right there in front of him. “I… Ummm…” He stuttered a few times, still staring at the floor. before deciding to attempt to dodge that particular subject. “But… What if someone tries to fight me? Don’t fights happen at parties…?”

Watching his face as he spoke, Sable began to wonder if she was pressuring him, more than merely persuading. He was turning more and more shades of red as she spoke, though it seemed to be more out of nervousness than frustration. She bit her bottom lip, toying with her necklace as she thought once more. Hopefully he didn’t think she was being to pushy. At his comment about the fights, she laughed lightheartedly. ”No one’s gonna fight you, Finn. If they tried, I’d kick their ass. ‘Sides. I’m sure the only one you have to really worry about fighting here is Sam. Not only that, but fights usually happen between drunks. Just because you’re going to a party doesn’t mean you have to get drunk.”

Finn couldn’t help but smile slightly at her words, letting out a quiet giggle, lifting his face to look at her. “O-okay…” His fingers drummed lightly on the desk he leaned against, pulling out a few more strands of hair as he thought. “But… If… If I want to get drunk… J-just… Just to see what it’s like…” He paused for a moment, seemingly thinking hard about his next few words. “Would… Would you… Look out for me…? Like, make sure I don’t hurt myself or anything…?” Alcohol was definitely something he was curious about, but had never had an opportunity to try until this point.

Face lighting up at his response, Sunshine simply nodded her head. ”Consider me your personal protector guider person or whatever,” she responded. Granted, her original plan was to get super drunk herself, but she could limit herself to where she only got slightly tipsy. She had meant what she said, making a sort of mental promise to herself to keep Finn safe tonight. ”Sooo… does that mean you’re going?”

With a few more moments of thought, he stopped playing with his hair, dropping his hands to his side and nodded, with a genuine smile on his face. He was still anxious as hell to face the outside world, but he’d have his ray of Sunshine beside him, so that made it okay. “Okay. Let’s do it.” His smile suddenly dropped into a look of slight panic as realised something. “Wait… I don’t know what to wear… What do people wear to parties??”

Yet another smile made it’s way to the young girls face as she realized her accomplishment, feeling awfully proud of herself. Finley Morrison was going to a party, and she had been the one to convince him to do so. Standing up, putting her hands back in her pockets, she took a deep breath. ”Well, you could wear jeans, but it’s a beach party and we’re in Florida, so not the best idea. Maybe a pair of swim trunks,” Sunshine said slowly, clearly lost in her thoughts as she studied him. ”And either a white or grey t-shirt. It’d look good on ya.”

The topic of clothes heightened his anxiety again, forcing himself to take deep breaths, trying hard not to lose it in front of Sunshine. He clasped his hands together, twirling his fingers around each other nervously as he tried to keep himself calm. “I… Uhhh… I only have long-sleeve shirts… I-is… Is that o-okay…?” His eyes flickered around the room, bouncing between Sable, the floor, his instruments and back, trying to find something to focus on to stop himself from entering a panic attack.

Giving him a reassuring look, Sable nodded her head, though she was curious as to why someone would pack nothing but long sleeves to take a vacation to freaking Florida. ”Of course that’s okay, Finny,” she said, the tone of her voice soothing. Still paying attention to his face, she noticed his eyes darting from place to place. Making her way across the room, she placed her hand on his shoulder comfortingly. ”I’ll step out while you change or whatever. You can let me know when you’re ready, and we can meet the others downstairs or just chill up here. Either way’s cool with me.”

He felt her hand on his shoulder, and his eyes shifted to meet hers. He almost instantly felt a wave of calm wash over him, his breathing starting to steady, and his hands becoming still. He was still visibly nervous, but significantly less than he was a few moments prior. “Okay… Umm… I’ll get changed… And then, umm... I guess we can go down stairs…”

”Awesome,” she responded. ”I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Not bothering to wait on his response, she practically skipped back out of the room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Ostara
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Lady Ostara Bringer of the Dawn

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Beach House.
Interacting with Violet, Molly, Jem and Kim
Texting Tae
@Silence Sounds@Cio@Garden Gnome@Peridot

Blake leaves the duffel bag of fireworks on the patio, and makes her way back into the house just in time to see Molly go upstair looking absolutely drenched in the beer that Addison had spilt on her. Walking to where her brother is, she realized he didn't notice when had bumped into Molly. He caused her to spill beer on herself. She walks up to him, just when Violet finishes her question.

Addison grins as he puts the rest of the fireworks into the duffel, "Dad, got the really badass ones from his friend in K-town! But most of the fireworks Blay and I picked up from fireworks on the way here." He winced has he felt hard pat on the top of his head, tilting his head he found himself looking up at a irritated Blake. He watched as she flashed a cheery smile at Violet, She then lean down to whisper into his ear.

"When you bumped into Molly, You made her spill her beer all over herself" Blake whispered into his ear, She watched as her brother's eyes widen in surprise and concern. She took a step back, when he suddenly popped up and started to walk away. Grabbing his wrist before he got to far, She tilted her head to gesture to the duffel of fireworks he brought down. "Since your going take that one up too" Addison nodded distractedly, quickly putting the fireworks he had taken out back into his duffel, "I'll be back Vi, gotta go take care of something." He said with a smile as he quickly made his way back upstairs. He stopped at Lupe and Blake's room to drop off the duffel bag.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to where he remembered her room to be. He leaned against the wall as he waited for her to come out. When her door finally opened, He unintentionally made puppy dog eyes at her and Jem. "I'm so sorry Molly, I really mean too!" He said really fast, Wincing when he did that. He took another deep breath and slowly said. "I'm really sorry, I hope the beer you were able to get the beer out of your clothes." Addison furrowed his brow as he thought to himself, not realizing he had said what he thinking out loud "Wait did that even make sense.."

Blake signed as she watched her brother rush up the stairs, turning her attention back to Violet. She smiled at her, clapping her hands as she realized something. "I forget, Do you like Chum Churum or Chamisul?" She asked curiously as she walked backwards to the kitchen. "I bought both in variety packs" She grinned, before turning around. She fully expected the other girl to follow into kitchen, upon hearing that she brought soju. She smiled when she noticed Kim in the kitchen already, she skips over and hugs Kim. "Want to join me and Vi for Chamisol or Chum Churum?" She asked curiously before letting go, She walked over to the refrigerator to take out two bottles, one peach Chamisul and one Citron Chum Churum.

She places both bottles on the counter in front of Kim, She takes out her phone to send a quick text to her brother and Tae.
"Hey, Come to the kitchen if you want Chamisul or Chum Churum :)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finnley Morrison

Location: In his room, then in the kitchen.
Interacting With: Sunshine and whoever else is there.

Finn watched as Sunshine left his room, sighing heavily once the door was shut. He just agreed to go to a party… The thought still made his mind race with all the thoughts of what could go wrong, but there was one thought which helped to level them all out. He’d get to spend the night with Sunshine, and that made almost anything okay. She promised to be his “personal protector guider person” which is what gave him the courage to go to his first party. What could go wrong with Sunshine by his side?

The nervous boy tugged lightly at his hair as he walked over to his suitcase, lifting it onto his bed and opening up, staring at its contents for a few moments. It was all pretty samey stuff. Several pairs of jeans and long-sleeved shirts and hoodies, with only two pairs of swimming shorts. Who goes on vacation to Miami with a suitcase packed like that? A boy covered in scars that he’s ashamed of, that’s who. He walked over to his door, locking it, before moving back to his suitcase. He pulled out one of his pairs of shorts and a grey button-up shirt, setting them on his bed before getting undressed. He sighed heavily again, looking down at the left side of his body, which was marred by the memory of his darkest day. The scars ran like a jagged street map up and down his left side, from his thigh up to his shoulder, and down his left arm to his elbow. It’s a miracle the doctors managed to save his limbs, let alone his life. He stared at the scars for several moments, tracing them with a finger. It was a reminder to never let himself get that bad again.

After a few moments of reflection, he got dressed, pulling on the shorts and tieing the draw-string into a knot, and buttoning the shirt. He would probably look a little silly, wearing a button-up shirt to a beach party, but he rathered that over someone seeing his scars. Once he was dressed, he went over to his computer and put on his headset. “Hey guys, I gotta go… I’ll be back on tomorrow.” He said into his mic, before leaving the voice chat and turning off his monitor. He took a few deep breaths as he pulled off his headset, walking over and standing by the door. “Here goes…” He mumbled to himself before unlocking and opening the door, tentatively leaving his room, shutting the door again, and heading down the stairs. He made a beeline for the kitchen, giving a shy smile to anyone who saw him on his way there, trying hard to keep his nerves in check. When he made it to their meeting place, he looked around the room for Sunshine, moving over to her as quickly as he could without actually running. “Hey… Uh… H-how do I look…?” He mumbled with an anxious smile.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
Avatar of Cio

Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

Starring: Molly, Sonny, & Jem
Location: Sonny's room... unfortunately.
Collab with: @Cio@Lovely Complex@coughsyrup

Molly hurried up the stairs, too occupied to check if someone had followed her. The hallway seemed empty enough, so Molly began taking her drenched t-shirt off. She had a navy bra under it, anyway.
Tumbling into what she thought was her own room, Molly finally got the shirt over her head, scrunching up her nose at the smell of it.
Then she noticed she was not alone.
Squeaking in shock while instinctively covering her top half with her arms, Molly found herself staring at an equally surprised, shirtless Sonny.
”What are you doing in my-- w-wait… shit, no, this isn’t my room, is it...” the girl realised, utterly mortified. This wasn’t the first time Molly had mixed up the two rooms, Sonny’s and hers were next to each other after all. Still, this was the first time Molly was practically half naked. At that she blushed so furiously that the redness reached her chest.
”I’ll uh… sod off now, sorry,” Molly added apologetically, beginning to retreat to the door. Before she could leave, however, she noticed the boy looked like something was bothering him, and couldn’t help but ask: “Wait, Sonny, are you alright?”

Something indeed was bothering Sonny. Actually, a variety of things were, but he wasn’t good at expressing those feelings. Moments before Molly, prom queen to his king, had barged in, because he didn’t think he had to lock the door, Sonny had thrown off his black hoodie and Misery (by Stephen King) tee on his bed and unbuttoned his dark denim jeans, revealing his gray boxer briefs. Rather than take off his pants, he threw himself on his bed to stare at the ceiling until he absolutely had to change into ‘proper’ Miami beach party attire. That is until Molly came in, showcasing her nice… bra, yes bra.

Sitting up, embarrassed, but not showing it like Molly was, Sonny’s eyes widened, yet he didn’t say or do anything immediately. His response was on delay from the shock. He just let her go off in a tangent, covering herself, obviously equally embarrassed, and then notice something was amiss With him, not the situation, even if it was a strange situation.

Jem went her way upstairs hoping to catch Molly. Earlier she had taken the hint after Sam revealed himself to the group, she caught Molly’s look. Jem was aware of them sharing a history, Molly shared much of it openly to Jem’s attentive ear. In some way she sees herself caught in between Sam and Molly, ever since she caught Sam in the hallway, they unexpectedly shared a moment, understanding more of what was going on between them.

While she was on her way towards her room, she heard Molly’s voice coming from the room next to hers. Wasn’t this Sonny’s room? She paused by the door for a moment, listening to the muffled conversation.

With all the clothes Sonny usually wears, like his jackets and hoodies, his looks were deceiving. With how covered he dressed, he gave off a ‘scrawny’ musician vibe. But, he wasn’t scrawny at all. Being shirtless in front of Molly revealed his muscular body, which also showed that Sonny kept up with it, like all those jock boys at their school. His expression, which was usually hardened, softened with her concern for him, realizing because he was a brooder, he probably worried a lot of his friends. Where his face might hide, his eyes said it all. His eyes showed the distress and conflict. The storm that never faltered inside of him with his constant raging battle, that was his life and purpose.

Scratching his head with his left hand, his golden band with italian words engraved into it, shining from his pinky finger, Sonny flattered and teased, dodging the ‘you alright?’ question, “Maybe people aren’t wrong about believing we’re an item. Though, they’re definitely mad because you’re way out of my league.”

To this teasing reply, Molly simply let out a laugh, which came out as a tad breathless. ”Whoa there, mate,” Molly grinned with her tongue in her teeth, cheeks rosy from the embarrassment. She was starting to grow increasingly comfortable, however, not really that bothered around the prom king after the initial surprise. Still, kept her eyes firmly on his general face area. ”People can believe what they want, ‘though I’d dare to say they’d be equally as jealous to see a fine package such as yourself taken,” she genuinely responded to her friend, taking a step away from the door. The boy’s deep eyes told a different story from his words, and Molly, understanding it wasn’t polite to pry, took a tentative approach.

”To be frank, I‘m feelin’ a bit out of place. It’s all the people, I s’pose. Half of ‘em I’m not even that familiar with, if you can believe that.” Then she chuckled, squeezing the wet excuse of a shirt closer to her. ”Blimey, I even managed to spill the drink on me somehow. Glad you weren’t there to see that,” Molly talked in her usual manner, aiming to make Sonny feel more comfortable about sharing, if he so wished.

Out of kindness, because that was just the type of boy Sonny was, he stood up and took a clean tee out for her to wear. It was his Pennywise from IT shirt. As you can see, Sonny was a fan of Stephen King. Making his way towards her, breaking the distance, he offered the shirt to her, not taking a ‘no’ for an answer. With a deep breath in, he decided since he already started making big changes this year, he might as well be honest about his feelings. At least try to. “I’m glad you weren’t there to see me either… to see me get jealous.” Awkwardly, he cleared his throat, wondering if he was conveying his messy feelings in a translatable way.

He needed to be honest to someone, might as well be Molly, and maybe, just maybe, he could enjoy himself tonight. Jealousy was the main reason he left the kitchen. “A bunch of people means certain… individuals... are always surrounded.” A risk to open up about his feelings, but he trusted Molly. One thing Sonny didn’t like was people getting touchy with his best friends. He would like to think she wasn’t going to spread his feelings around like wildfire, “Truthfully? I don’t get why we’re all here, a bunch of us not even knowing each other well enough, and we’re just... pretending like we’re not going to see each other after the summer ends.”

Wait, did he say best friends? Lupe was his crush, not Sable!

Taking initiative, he pulled her dirty shirt away from her, out of her grasp, and put his shirt in her arms instead, keeping his eyes focused on her face and not her body. He respected Molly, even if her body was extremely distracting.

The blonde took the shirt with a sheepish yet thankful smile, pulling the short sleeves over her arms. The shirt would be way too big on her, and it showed already. ”...Yeah, it’s weird,” Molly admitted with an understanding smile. Pretending was just the word for what Molly felt. It was insufferable. ”And believe me when I say I know what you mean. I feel so too.” Molly sighed. She laid her hand on Sonny’s shoulder supportively, then realising that he still didn’t have a shirt on. ”You know, I--” Molly began just as the door behind her opened...

Jem moved herself closer and closer to the door to make out the seemingly incoherent words but the next thing she knew, the door swung ajar revealing a surprising picture; Sonny and Molly, and in various states of undress. Automatically there was only one thing that came right into Jem’s mind.

Normally she isnt sensitive about seeing people in their underwear. The issue wasn’t solely on them being naked or doing it at all, it’s the idea of a person she knows or come to care for seeing naked, with someone or with each other, if that actually even makes sense. Right now she wasn’t entirely sure to feel about it, to be honest. But despite trying to be all cool about it, she could not contain the blush on her cheeks.

“Oh, I…uh,” Jem froze, trying to catch herself from the confusion and cleared her throat “I wasn’t aware that both of you are in the middle of um, something.”
Jem paused her eyes at Molly, and in her gorgeous navy bra whom she sees halfway through undressing? If so she just got in at the right moment for it. And then to Sonny, who was shirtless and equally at a loss it seems, gray boxers peeking through his unzipped denims to which Jem’s inquisitive eyes immediately darted away from, as far as she could. “I’m sorry, I probably should just...” Jem was already backing away slowly from the door, embarrassed at herself for disturbing a personal moment between the two. Way to kill the mood for them, Jem thought to herself. After Molly’s recent break up with Sam, Jem was at least happy that Molly was finally moving on.

Molly, startled and at loss for words, just gaped at Jem. Wait… did Jem think that she and Sonny were… Oh, Lord. Of course it would look like that. Molly was in the process of pulling Sonny’s t-shirt on, which must look like she was undressing. And now Jem thought that…
”NO!” Molly exclaimed in a pitchy voice, struggling to pull her curly mess of a hair through the t-shirt’s collar, effectively re-dressing herself. Crikey, no, we uh… We weren’t... It’s not what you think at all, Jem,” she stammered, thoroughly flustered by the implication. Looking at Sonny for support -- she couldn’t let Jem think they had been doing something else than talking -- Molly scratched her head and took the supportive hand off of Sonny’s shoulder as if it had burned her. As she realised the girl was backing away, Molly panicked and lunged forward, grabbing Jem’s hand firmly yet gently. She didn’t want the girl to leave now, not with that idea in her head, and well… Molly really wanted to talk to Jem, anyway. Maybe not with Sonny present -- or in Sonny’s room for that matter -- but still.

Jem was taken aback by Molly’s hand, while trying to explain herself Jem gave her a look “Really Molly, it’s ok.” she said with a gentle smile, her attempt to give her some assurance. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about it.” she chuckled, thinking that Molly was actually embarrassed at the young woman walking into them. Jem then looked back at Sonny, smiling and trying to not look all awkward about what she just saw.

”B-but..! I’m not, ‘s really what… I just… it was an accident,” Molly tried explaining, looking at Sonny for backup.

“Yes, I know, an accident. And I’m so sorry,” She said anxiously, trying her best to make up for the rude intrusion, and still not getting a clue about what Molly was trying to tell her “ I just.. I mean I thought you needed to talk and I was about to come to your room when I heard you in here. I KNOW, I know. I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, or intruded. OR stared. How rude of me, but I really thought you needed me. AND honestly I have no idea you and Sonny were... Anyway, just pretend that I never walked in ok? Though if you need anything, I’m here. I mean , I COULD buy you guys some condoms or whatever so we’re even right? It’s no trouble I swear.” Jem was blabbering on at her attempt to redeem herself which, obviously wasn’t helping. Of course she didn’t want to make the situation awkward as it already is, albeit in her own way. I mean what are the odds of walking into a friend mid ‘doing’,she just didn’t know how to properly respond to it.

Molly became what felt like bright red at the mention of condoms, almost yelling over Jem.
”Sonny and I weren’t doing the sex! Molly all but cried out in desperation to get her friend to understand, even though her words sounded only highly comical when they came out worded like that. Molly was too flustered by the situation to correct herself, however. Yes, she had wanted to talk to Jem and yes, it was all an accident. But all that slipped Molly’s mind that moment. “Please explain to her, Sonny,” Molly asked.

By now, Sonny had zipped up his pants and although he didn’t show his embarrassment as much as Molly did, he was thoroughly dying on the inside. Actually, that’s a lie. The weed was finally going through his system and he was pretty composed. Molly and Jem being frantic was delayed and a lot slower than it was in real time. He scratched his stomach blinking at the girls in silence, thinking about what he should eat after he got dressed. When Molly had looked at him pleading for him to fix the misunderstanding, Sonny shrugged, should be easy enough, “As lovely as Mols is, I like someone else. This is just one of those weird moments… where I’m taking off my pants and she’s taking off her top and then I’m like woah, what are you doing here?” Was Sonny making sense? He had no idea. Hopefully that explained enough, but if it didn’t, man, he had to explain to… someone... that he wasn’t sexually involved with a dynamite blonde.
”Yes, thank you, Sonny,” Molly thanked the man with a nod. “Now… Jem, I really did need to talk to you. Mind comin’ with me?”

When the girls got out of the room and into Molly's, it wasn't long before an apologetic Addison popped in, sorry for the whole beer thing. Molly just smiled, shaking her head and telling the dude it was quite okay. It was really sweet of him to come check them out, however.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Garden Gnome
Avatar of Garden Gnome

Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Location: The Beach House
Interacting with: Blake ; Anyone else

So, it didn't seem that Addison had a secret firework store tucked away somewhere after all. The plethora of fireworks he'd acquired today had simply been picked up from a shop somewhere in Korea Town. That did make sense after all. Of course she'd jump to wild conclusions instead of going through a logical sensible one first. This was why sometimes people called her silly. The fireworks were kept, stuffed back into the duffel bag as soon as they were revealed and he informed her that he would be back as soon as he settled something.

Violet gave him a nod and the guy was away. With the brother out of the picture, Violet turned her attention back to the sister, giving Blake a warm smile as her eyes lit up in delight as Blake asked her about her favourite brand of Soju. She gave her a big wide grin before she replied.

"I do love both of them, but my favourite of all time would have to be Chamisul!"

"You bought them both? In variety packs? How exciting!" The girl exclaimed in surprise. As Blake took out the bottles from the fridge, Violet took the peach Chamisul for herself before giving her a hug. After the obligatory thank you hug, she went over to retrieve a couple of Poktanju shot glasses. Now that they had the shot glasses, they could get ready the mixing game.

And there goes her plans of not drinking before the sun had set. But there was Soju here, and it was just simply too difficult for her to pass up on it without giving it a sip, and honestly who just sips Soju, or any form of alcoholic beverage for that matter? You one-shot it down like a true boss, and that was what she'd done based on what it was normally like the typical Korean drinking culture. Turning to face Blake, Violet asked. "What kind of drinks should we mix? Beer and the Chamisul, or Beer and the Chum Churum? Or do you have something else in mind?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coughsyrup
Avatar of coughsyrup


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jem & Molly

Location: Molly's room
Interacting with: Each other. @Cio@coughsyrup

Jem hadn’t had the chance to say anything further, though it probably was for the best. She switched her gaze between Sonny and Molly as she tugged her hand leading them away from the scene, and catching up a quick “Hey Addie.” to the Addison, who was waiting for them by the door. They finally entered Molly’s room, shutting the door behind them. Jem was now standing by the door, crossing her arms and rubbing her elbows while she looked at Molly “Soo..” she tried to smile, at her attempts to make the mood a little more cheerful.

Molly was feeling under pressure. She didn’t know what to tell her friend, but she had to speak with her, that much she knew.

”Sorry for that,” Molly huffed, frustrated. She let herself fall on her bed, feeling the springs give in under her weight. Molly covered her eyes with her forearms, sighing.
”Dunno what that was about. I… as you know, I’m clumsy, so I mistook Sonny’s room for my own. As you do,” Molly explained.
Then she sat up and tossed her wet t-shirt into the laundry basket. Her mother’s words rang through her head, telling her not to put wet clothes into the laundry, but she couldn’t care less that moment.
Looking at Jem, Molly hesitated, not sure what to say. She had something to say, didn’t she?

”Yeah so. I uh… I wanted to talk to you ‘cause… I’m feeling real shitty about the whole Sam thing. You know what happened, didn’t you? I bet he’s even told you his own side of the story,” Molly said with a shrug. ”I… I don’t think I can take this anymore, not havin’ my best mate. I need to explain to him why I did what I did, but I sure know I don’t have the balls to do so, right? It’s not like I’ve told anyone, that…” Molly trailed off, shutting herself up. She was rambling, wasn’t she.

“I know,” Jem merely said, smiling meekly while walking towards Molly’s bed and taking a seat at the edge next to her, a palm resting on the fabric and eyes looking down to hers. “It must’ve been difficult” she said, “but I think you did the right thing, otherwise it would’ve been unfair to Sam if you kept it on wouldn’t it.” this time trying to pick out the right words, to comfort her friend.

Molly nodded, holding back the urge to cut in and say that she never meant to end their friendship. From Jem's perspective, however, she thought that Molly was hiding the supposed attraction with Sonny. And now, Molly might have been wanting to get back with Sam again, which was kind of clear since it looked like she never really fully gotten over him, aside from losing a best friend.

Jem let out a sigh: “I know you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for Molly.” Her words came out much more genuine “And I know that whatever happens, everything will turn out alright in the end.” She rested her hand on Molly’s, smiling sincerely. “Now if you’re really going to explain things to Sam, face to face, no filter,” Jem pulled Molly upright, taking both her hands on her lap, clasping gently as she clears her throat. “How about we rehearse it. Now pretend I’m Sam.”

“Thanks. And I… uh… okay, I guess… here goes nothing,”
Molly nodded, licking her lips. Sam, we need to talk. I uh… no, this feels so stupid. I can’t do this,” Molly whined, frustrated. ”’s not like we were datin’ or anything, it was just a benefits-sort-of thing,” Molly reminded, fidgeting with Jem’s fingers that were on her lap.

Jem gave her a look, ”Well, is that so?” Letting out a sarcastic tone as if she wasn’t entirely convinced that’s how she really feels, a tone which earned her a look from Molly. Her friend could be reading things in a different way, but the way she saw Sam coping with the ‘break up’ made her believe they cared for each other tremendously, and in a romantic level. Or it's just the dreamer in her that makes her read things in that direction. “Still, he’s still your best friend. Sooner or later you have to talk to him. Do you really want things to be like this forever between you two?” Jem shifted her seat, gently gripping her hands and raising a brow as if to continue their exercise. “Now. Where were we.”

Molly took a deep breath, staring at her own lap as if she were in a trance. Yes, Sam was her best friend. And she had to apologise, no matter how much the things he had said had hurt her. She had said some pretty nasty things too, after all.
“Right. So… Sam,” Molly began, feeling silly with the roleplay, I need to talk to you, privately. Yes, I said some dumb things and I’m sorry for that, but you said hurtful things too. So we’re even, and… Wait, no, I can’t go to him saying that! He’s gonna think I’m there to argue again. Fuck,” Molly cursed miserably. It was hard to admit her own flaws while not trying to drag someone else down.“No,no, that’s a good start.” Jem said trying to ease her.

”Should you start this time?” Molly asked, frustrated. Seeing that her friend was struggling, she took the initiative. Jem cleared her throat, taking a moment to get into character. She may not have been that good of an actor, just ask Richie, but for Molly’s sake, god knows she’d do her best.

Mo She said in her best Sam Costigan swagger, hair brushing, lip biting and all. Also considering the possibility that Sam might still harbor some resentment towards her. “What the heck do you want.”

It kind of intimidated Molly to hear Jem’s last words, whereas the first words she said in such a voice almost made her laugh. “Sam,” Molly acknowledged, even though it wasn’t really Sam at all, but she did imagine greeting him like that when they’d talk. “I’m here to apologise. I was a jerk,” Molly explained, keeping the insisting part of her that wanted to say that Sam had also been a jerk inside of her. “And uh… I missed you. A lot. And yeah. I’m sorry for being a git.” The blonde bowed her head in embarrassment. Only imagining talking to him made her feel ashamed of her behaviour.

Jem was so happy at how Molly handled that well. It must have been difficult for the girl to come up with words under such strong feelings. Jem couldn’t imagine herself, to have someone consider a best friend end up on such terms.

“Aww” she replied and still in her Sam persona, abruptly coming back to the role after realizing she was going out of character. “Okay. Cool.” she said in a deep, Sam-ish voice, also adding some of his signature hand gestures. “I missed you too Mo. And uh, sorry for being a jerk too.” Of course she didn’t know how Sam would really react on the situation but, Jem has faith that things will be ok between them once they talk it out, it may take some time to heal but who knows. She could always talk to Sam if all else fails, for both their sakes.

“Is that really what he’d say?” Molly asked doubtfully, breaking character too. She wasn’t feeling very confident that Sam would just apologise and admit to missing her. I suppose Jem knew that, too, but was just trying to be gentle on her.

Jem rubbed her palms into Molly’s in a kindly gesture “Maybe. Maybe not.” she shrugs. “You have to find out either way. But just remember whatever happens I’ll stay by you. You know, be that airbag that saves you from a violent blow.” she said humorously, giving her the assurance she just might need to get through this.

Getting back into it, Molly felt the oncoming ramble bubbling on her lips.
“There is something else, too, uh… Sam,” she said, looking at Jem from under her brow. Jem immediately channeled her inner Sam. “I feel like I need to explain myself to him… I- I mean to you, so I’m gonna. I really didn’t mean to end our friendship, it was all a misunderstanding. It was the sex- no, I mean like… the sex was good, amazing even, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was, is…” Molly trailed off, swallowing. Was she really going to go through with this? Sam was supposed to be the first to know, but Jem was here too, and… “You can’t tell anyone, ok? Promise you won’t,” Molly insisted with a sudden change into a hushed, vulnerable tone, now talking straight to Jem, not an imaginary Sam.

Now, Jem leaned in a little bit closer to her, curious and a little bit worried at what she was about to say. “What is it?” It came out more Jem like, rather than Sam. “Promise to me,” Molly repeated.

“I promise.”

Happy with that answer, Molly took a deep breath. She was ready to do a leap of faith. “You know, I’m not embarrassed. It’s not that I don’t know who I am - I do, now. I just don’t want the whole world to know, not when I’m still figuring it out. Well. That sounds counterintuitive, but the point is, I’m just comfortable being like I am now. Not everyone needs to know. Annnnd I’m rambling. Again. Bugger,” Molly cursed, inhaling since she was quite out of breath after saying that all in one mouthful. She squeezed Jem’s hands apologetically.

Jem was more confused rather than enlightened at whatever Molly was trying to tell her. “Molly,” she returned her squeeze. “It’s ok. Just say it” she returned her with a warm gaze, as if telling her everything is alright despite whatever she had to say.

“So you know how there are those shows where the protagonist thinks they’re like, normal like everyone else, but then they realise they have this super power or something and they realise they’ve been different all along? Well… I’m kinda like that, but with… but with guys,” Molly ended, knowing full well she probably didn’t make any damn sense. That was the worst metaphor anyone had ever uttered, Molly concluded in her mind. “Not like being normal is bad. Actually, no - I worded that so bad, sorry. What I’m trying to say is that I couldn’t have been having sex with Sonny since, well… I don’t really like him like that. His… ‘species’ as a whole, so to speak.” Well, now she sounded even weirder. Why couldn’t she just say it out loud, goddammit?

“Wait so you’re saying,” Jem paused “you don’t like, Sam, in a way that explains why you couldn't have sex with Sonny, because they're basically...” she processed that info for a good couple of seconds, her expression was, more or less, positively surprised. “Ohhhhh.”

Truth be told, Jem wasn’t expecting that. But looking back, piecing together a convoluted puzzle into one very clear image, it actually made sense. Everything was now making sense. “OH!” she said, but this time just a tad bit enthusiastic.

Molly’s eyes brightened. It felt like a heavy weight being lifted from her chest. “So it’s… okay with you?” she asked anyway, just to make sure. A tentative smile was tugging her lips. She felt more free than she had ever before.

“Okay? Why are you even asking me that, of course!” Jem said in a sunny demeanour, while gently tapping Molly’s arm “Though, honestly I never did consider that possibility, but it surely explains a lot of things.” she winked, “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re still my friend, and that you have to fix things with Sam.”

“...Yeah, yes, you’re right. I still have to do that. But… thanks. This is too bloody weird,” Molly let out a breathless laughter. She looked at her lap, noticing the clothes she was still wearing. “Did you wanna help me pick clothes?” she asked then, changing the subject. “I think after this I can try to sort out things with Sam. Thank you for being my friend, Jem.”

“You know you can always count on me for anything, Molly.” Jem has always been out to help anyone she hold dearest, some may find it overbearing but in the deepest hollows of her imperfect heart she’s always been genuine, in everything she does. “Of course! ”Jem’s nodded at Molly’s request to help her get dressed, her wide eyes glinted as she perked up from her seat excitedly, and gone over to Molly’s closet, searching through Molly’s stuff. “Now let’s see what you have here… Ohh this looks cute. What do you think?”She presented a cute summer dress before her, “How come I never see you wear one of these?”

Molly chuckled, ducking her head. “Oh that one! I don’t ever seem to find the right occasion for it, it’s true… Even now I’m afraid it might get dirty when people party. So maybe something more casual?” the blonde suggested, pulling out a long, faded orange skirt from the wardrobe. Then she pulled out a knotted black t-shirt, holding them up with a smile. This could work!”

Jem a regarding look, at the dress "Hmm are you sure?" she said "Well that certainly looks more you!" Jem threw the dress back in the closet, and helped her friend get dressed. In some way she was glad that Molly trusts her enough to come out to her, and hopes that their talk in some way would help her gain the confidence to face her troubles, with or without her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by dragonbutts

dragonbutts The Wizard and The Prince

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


location: quincy's room ; interactions: each other
collab between @Silence Sounds and @dragonbutts

Quincy had been struggling to sleep ever since they arrived at the beach house. It wasn’t uncommon for him to struggle with sleep, but it’s worse at this new place. Hearing the crashing waves, knowing there’s that big body of water outside the house, seeing it outside the windows… he had only managed two hours of sleep in a span of three days. It made for one very quiet and grumpy Quincy, so he knew he had to take his sleeping pills, or he wouldn’t make it through this summer.

He practiced deep breaths, remembering what his therapist told him. Breath and rationalize. His parents - his real parents - did not know where he was. These sleeping pills would help him. A nightmare was only in his head, and was no longer reality. So, repeating those things to himself every night before he took his sleeping pill, he was getting plenty of sleep. Though, Friday night, he had purposefully stayed up later to sing duets with Violet and attempt to follow Bradley’s fancy dance moves, and he had taken his sleeping pill way later… at such a late time, he shouldn’t had bothered at all.

As a result, he was still buried under his covers in his bed. He could have gotten up a couple hours ago and done just fine, in all honesty, but the bed was so warm and comfortable. He was in that state of wakefulness and sleeping, and he didn’t want to leave it. It was rare he had moments where he could actually be content staying in bed and dozing on and off. Even when he heard the others bustling about, he just simply pulled the cover over his head, and snuggled deeper into the softness. Ah, he decided he’d get up in ten minutes… or twenty… okay, maybe thirty...

It had seemed like the back patio was becoming a little too crowded for the way Bradley felt right about now. He sighed as he attempted to smile at the people present then walked past them and back into the house. He walked past the kitchen though did peek inside of there to eye Silas, briefly. Why was he like this and doing this to himself right now before a party. Bradley really wanted to have fun tonight and seemingly needed a bit of a pick me up, so he noticed that Quincy wasn’t downstairs yet and smirked a little as he sat his drink down on a nearby shelf.

From there, he ran up the stairs and opened his door quietly and peeked inside, seeing Quincy still in bed. Bradley tip-toed inside and snuggled next to Quincy but over the covers and smirked slightly as he let out a little sigh of relief. “If I knew we were going to stay in bed all day. I wouldn’t have gotten dress, Quinny.” Bradley said in a sultry tone and knew that this would make Quincy feel some type of way ___ But a good type of way though.

He had just hoped that Quincy wouldn’t freak out too bad on him or anything.

Quincy let out a little sigh as he felt himself beginning to doze again. Mm, it had been too long since he was this relaxed… then, he felt the bed dip in, and a hard body snuggling up to his. He nearly jumped out of his skin, his eyes shooting open, heart lodging into his throat. But, he heard the little sigh, and the familiar voice. Almost immediately, his body relaxed, all the tension leaving it, but his heart kept pounding. Bradley had almost given him a heart attack, the handsome asshole!

He laughed once Bradley’s words sunk in, and shifted enough to gently nudge his elbow into Bradley’s side. “You asshole, you scared me!” he turned his upper body to look at Bradley, but that put their faces nose-to-nose. “Well, since you’re up now, get dressed for the party. If you’re going, that is.” Bradley responded as they were still laying down together. If he leaned forward, he could run the tip of his nose along Bradley’s. If he leaned forward even more... His cheeks immediately went aflame at the thought, his lips parting some, before he quickly turned his head to the ceiling. He cleared his throat some, hoping his blush wasn’t too noticeable. “This is your fault. You kept me up past my bedtime,” he poorly joked, feeling flustered now.

Part of Bradley might’ve wanted to give Quincy a kiss but he had too many thoughts running through his mind right about now. He also didn’t want to confuse or conflict any other situations, which were kind of more than a couple, that he had going on neither. He sighed softly to himself then chuckled at Quincy’s response. “I told you, if you can’t hang with the big dogs then don’t hang. Dancing takes a lot out of you.” Bradley muttered as he still laid down on his side still, looking at Quincy. “Still want to learn?”“ He’d ask him then a smirk and a raised brow, eager to hear his response.

“But hey!” Bradley said as he rolled over and jumped off the bed. “Maybe you should come to the party with us to show off your moves from last night?” He muttered then leaned in closer to Quincy and mumbled softly. “I might even save you a dance.” Bradley winked then back away as he went over towards Quincy’s closet and started to rummage through it.

“Dude, where’s your sense of style at though? Did you leave it in New York?” Bradley joked as he continued to rummage through his closet.

Quincy would learn something as boring as mailbox photography if Bradley was the one teaching it to him. Quincy couldn’t admit to Bradley that it was his medication that took a lot out of him, not the dancing, but he went along with it. He had a fear that Bradley wouldn’t look at him the same if he knew he had to take medicine just to simply sleep in a new place. “I do still want to learn, thank you. I’ll prove to you I can “hang with the big dogs,” as you put it,” Quincy said, shooting Bradley a slight grin. “Yeah, yeah.” Bradley amused toward Quincy as he still rummaged through his closet, picking up his clothing then throwing them away as if they were pure filth.

Quincy had immediately missed the weight of Bradley beside him once the boy jumped up and left him alone in the bed. He tried to not wish things were different as he leaned up, the cover pooling at his waist, revealing his baggy, long-sleeved sweater that he often wore to bed. He had almost forgotten about the party tonight. The thought made him nervous, yet he was here to change, to get better. He couldn’t just stay inside all the time, right? He flushed at Bradley’s wink, and narrowed his eyes. “You might save me a dance? You mean you will, Bradley Jacobi Copperburn,” Quincy said, then gasped in mock shock. “Oh? Will I now? I guess I could.” Bradley responded with a shrug of his shoulders. “There is nothing wrong with my clothes!” that was a lie, but Quincy still picked up a pillow and threw it at Bradley.

Upon hearing Quincy’s response that nothing was wrong with his clothing, he turned around only to be hit in the mid section by a pillow. “Don’t get insulted at me because you have no swag. I didn’t tell you to buy these clothes.” Bradley said with a chuckle as he picked up the pillow and walked towards Quincy, who was rolling his eyes at Bradley’s response. “I think you should know by now, do not have a pillow fight with me.” He leaned in towards Quincy’s face, whispering those words softly toward him with a smirk forming at the corner of his lips. He then backed away and stood up, walking towards his closet again and pulled out two hangers then handed them to Quincy. “Here put these on with…” He walked back over to his closet and presented him with a pair of shoes, which he sat on the floor. “With these and come down stairs, Quinny.” Bradley said as he walked towards the door, opening it and turning to see if Quincy had any last words.

Quincy wasn’t sure how much more he could handle of Bradley getting so close to him. He was used to it from the other boy, by now, but it didn’t make him any less flush or nervous. He was eyeing the clothes Bradley had handed to him, as a way to distract himself from Bradley’s naturally flirtatious nature, when he realized he was leaving. He blinked, looking over and smirking at Bradley. He had something saucy and flirty to say, right on the tip of his tongue, but nerves swallowed the words whole. Instead, he nodded. “Laters, baby,” he joked, wishing he was a little braver, so he could actually show Bradley he wanted him as more than a dance partner.

Bradley raised a brow at Quincy calling him baby. He shook his head then walked out of Quincy’s room, back leaning against the door as he had a confused look plastered on his face. Bradley shrugged his shoulders then continued to walk toward the stairs, which he went down and waited in the living area. Meanwhile, behind the closed door, Quincy flopped forward on the bed, the clothes getting trapped beneath him. He didn't care as he groaned into the bed's cover, though. You're such an idiot, you used a Fifty Shades of Grey quote on Bradley! Wow! he thought, laying in his sorrow for a few minutes, before realizing he needed to get up and dress in the outfit Bradley chose for him.

So, he did. He got up, cleaned up in the bathroom, and put on the outfit. He eyed himself in the mirror, trying to push his bangs back, but they kept falling over his forehead. He took a deep breath, telling himself the scars on his arms and legs weren't that noticeable. It'd be okay. With a lift of chin, and a square of his shoulders, he left the bathroom, and went downstairs where so many voices were at.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 21 days ago

Oᴜʀ Lᴀsᴛ Sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ

@HaleyTheRandom @Cio @alexfangtalon @Moon Child @Garden Gnome @Lady Ostara @murdoc @Asterialice @BrutalBx @Lovely Complex @Peridot @Zaxter996 @dragonbutts
It was officially that time. The time for the young adults to get out of the house and live it up on the beach, which was literally a two-minute walk from their beach house. The music could be heard from a far distance and the beach was already packed with partygoers and people who just wanted to have a good time and escape reality for a moment. The skies above had finally darkened and the atmosphere surrounding the party was very much alive. Luckily, no one was too drunk yet because the party just started literally ten minutes ago so everyone was practically standing around, some were dancing by the fire and just waiting for some excitement to happen. The young adults were confronted by the people throwing the party as they mentioned to them where the drinks were, do's and don't's of the party and if they wanted to request a song, just go over to the DJ booth and do so but overall, the people told the beach housemates to have loads of fun and to enjoy themselves. 'Bonfire on the Beach' was titled for the party and now that the housemates were there, maybe they can get the party started since it is a bit dull right about now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

It was officially time for the party, and, as usual, no one was happier about it than Sunshine. Making her way across the sand as the group walked to the party, she looked out over the ocean. God how she loved the smell and sound of the sea. How the waves crashed against the rocks, and the sea foam looked like lace upon the dark water. Some people identified themselves with an earthly element. Most of those people always told you that they were fire. If you were to ask Sable which element she identified with, it would be water. Calm, steady and beautiful - yet intimidating, cruel and harsh all the same. Not that anyone as tiny as her could really be intimidating, but still.

Upon arriving, she mixed in with the rest of the crowd that was already there, not bothering to give anyone from the beach house a second thought. Perhaps that was a tad rude, but Sunshine was ready to have fun. Besides, she'd check in on Finn from time to time, and no doubt that she and Spice were going to cause a dancing scene. Making her way over to the table, she would quickly find a bottle of tequila, open it, and pour herself a small sip before drinking it. Tonight was bound to be fun.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: In front of the beach house > The beach
Interacting With: No one

Fumbling the edge of her sunset orange maxi skirt, Molly walked along the others towards the beach, increasingly nervous about what was to come. She was mentally prepared to face Sam, but what if the guy wouldn't even listen her? Molly really missed her best friend, and the thought of him hating her for ever for what was mostly a communication error and one fight felt wrong.
From what she remembered from before, most had already started the drinking party in the beach house. Molly herself was as sober as you could get, which really didn't help with her lack of confidence. She ought to take some liquid courage before approaching Sam - not too much so she wouldn't appear drunk - but not too little to not feel the effects of it. She would have to find something for the job, and it was pretty probable that there would be loads of drinks at the party.

As the party unfolded, Molly caught a glimpse of Sunshine, who was quickly lost to the crowd. No use talking to her, then. Looking around her in a thoughtful manner, Molly weighed her options. She wasn't quite ready to approach Sam yet. Or was she? Would it be better to just get it over with so she wouldn't have to stress about it? But what if it went badly? Then Molly's whole night would be absolutely ruined by the bad encounter. She was definitely overthinking this, wasn't she?
Catching herself from nibbling on her nails, (Gross, stop it Molly, she thought), Molly licked her lips and tried to get to the flow of the party. There were people on the beach, many of which she didn't know. Maybe this night she would try to focus on the people she already knew, Molly decided.
The music's base thumped in Molly's ears because the source was somewhere relatively near. Not a memorable song, but it had a rhythm to it, something which made Molly's heart beat to it and awakened a want for dancing. Maybe she wasn't that drunk yet. Or at all, actually. Heading for the drinks, Molly wiped her curly locks away as to not tickle her nose, deciding to go with a beer despite her earlier, unfortunate encounter with the beverage.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finnley Morrison

Location: The Beach Party.
Interacting With: Party people.

His first party. Finn was terrified, his eyes darting around the place, looking at all the people dancing around and socialising, with one hand pulling at his long hair anxiously, while the other fiddled with the hem of his shirt. He may have been incredibly nervous about the situation, but he was doing well to even be there, and not run off back to the beach house and safety of his room. He made sure to keep an eye on his self-proclaimed “personal protector guider person” Sunshine, and followed her to the drinks table. He’d never drank before, so he didn’t know what to have. He didn’t have anything back at the house during pre-drinks because he decided to be responsible and eat first, so whatever he chose would be his first drink ever. “Umm… Pour me one of those..?” He asked Sunshine tentatively, motioning to the bottle of tequila in her hand. After she pours it for him happily, and gives him the advice not to smell it first, Finn apprehensively takes the shot glass, staring at it for a few moments, before throwing it down the hatch. As the abrasive, alcoholic liquid touched his tongue, Finn recoiled in repulsion, almost spitting it out before bringing his hand to his mouth, forcing his mouth to stay shut, and swallowing. He spluttered and coughed several times reaching for the closest bottle of water and guzzling it down. “People…. Actually drink that?!” He exclaimed in disbelief between coughs, tingling as he felt the warm sensation start to flow down his chest and spread from there. “But it’s so gross!”

After recovering from his first shot, Finn looked around the alcohol table for something else to drink, steering clear from any of the bottles of straight liquor. Again, he had the dilemma of not knowing what to drink. He would have turned to Sunshine to ask for advice, but she had already started to mingle with the others at the party, and he didn’t want to bother her. He was now just standing at the drinks table awkwardly, not knowing what to do with himself, or who to talk to. ‘This is exactly why I don’t go to parties…’ He thought to himself, negative thoughts starting to swirl around in his head.

Raven Carter

Location: The beach party.
Interacting With: Finn, Molly, and others at the party

A cloud of smoke bellowed out of the window of a car that was parked outside the beach house. The cause, was a platinum blonde haired girl who was now wrapping her bong in a hand towel and placing it in the center console of her car, with her mixbowl beside it. Luckily her car had a pretty spacious center console. A stoner’s dream car. Raven grabbed her small backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she got out of her car, locking the door after kicking it shut. “Party time.” She said to herself with a grin. She had been out all day, seeing the sights of Miami and sketching some of the people she saw. But now, it was time to party hard. Most if not all of her schoolmates had already headed to the beach, and that’s exactly where she planned to join them. Luckily it was walking distance.

She smirked as she arrived at the bonfire, taking a moment to look around, observing her surroundings before making a move. There were people dancing around the bonfire, which was no doubt where she was going to end up, and others scattered around the place mingling. She spotted a few of her friends from the beach house, giving them a smile and a wave, but what really intrigued her, was lonely Finn standing awkwardly at the drinks table. Raven bounced over with a grin on her face, grabbing two bottles of hard cider from a cooler beside the table, handing one over to the awkward loner. “Oi Finn, try this. It’s nice, promise.” She said with a soft, kind smile.

“Oh, uh…” Finn was pulled out of his thoughts, looking at Raven with a confused, yet grateful. “Th-thanks, Raven…” He mumbled as he took the bottle of cider. Raven and Finn had never really talked much, but they knew each other, and admired each other’s differences. Finn struggled for a few moments to get the bottle open, blushing brightly as Raven held her hand out to him. “Here, let me.” She offered with a kind smile, taking the bottle and opening it for him and handing it back. She clicked her bottle against his, exclaiming “Cheers!” Before taking a big swig.

“Cheers…” Finn mumbled softly, before taking a sip of his own, but a much smaller one. “Mmm… That’s nice.”
“Told ya.” Raven replied with a soft snicker, nudging him in the arm softly. She smirked, before scanning the party again, and seeing a familiar face approach the drink table. Molly Hartell. Prom Queen and everyone's favourite British girl. Half the school had a crush on her, and Raven was definitely one of those people. Too bad that as far as Raven knew, she was straight. "Hey Molly." Raven called out with a smile, walking over to her after taking another sip of her drink. As she smiled at her, she noticed she seemed a little on edge about something. Raven furrowed her brow with a slightly concerned look. "You doin' okay?" She asked softly, giving her a caring smile.

Finn watched Raven walk over to Molly, giving them both an awkward smile before looking around and finding a nice big rock by the edge of the party to sit on. He climbed on top, sitting with his legs dangling off it, sipping his drink as he watched the people dance. Actually, this wasn’t so bad… He didn’t have to be amongst all the people and the action, he could sit back, and watch. He liked that. It was a nice compromise for his mind. He could still be at the party, and still be trying something new, while also being able to breathe without feeling like he was surrounded by people.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Cio
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Cio dumb of ass, pure of heart

Member Seen 24 days ago

𝑴𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝑯𝓪𝓻𝓽𝒆𝓵𝓵

Location: The beach
Interacting With: Raven @Zaxter996

It's been quiet for a week so I assume it's okay for me to post?

At the drink table, Molly bit her lip and looked at all the different drinks thoughtfully. Maybe she should go for the punch this time. It looked nice and pink, maybe it wouldn't be that bad. The only problem was Molly didn't know at all what it would taste like, let alone how much alcohol it had. Maybe it was too risky.
"Hey Molly."
Hearing a voice call her name, Molly twirled around. A beautiful girl with a bleach blonde hair that Molly vaguely recognised to be one of her school's students and also a guest at the beach house was approaching her. Wiping her confusion away with a bright smile, Molly greeted the girl back. What was her name again...
"Hi! Uh..." Molly trailed off, blushing at her own awkwardness when she realised she wasn't sure of her name. The girl's name was some animal... A bird, maybe? Yeah, that's it, now Molly remembered: "Raven, right?" Raven Carter, that girl Molly had had the same geometry class with. They hadn't sat next to each other, but Molly did remember checking her out back then. Whoops.
In any case, Molly and Raven had barely interacted back in school or the past week so Molly excused her having to dig around her head to remember the girl's name. It didn't make her feel any less embarrassed, though. She didn't want to come off as vain or even worse, disinterested.
"You doin' okay?" Raven asked, apparently noticing something off in Molly's expression or body language. Taken aback by the question, Molly's eyebrows rose in surprise. Something was bothering her, indeed, but she hadn't noticed she was being so obvious about it. Or maybe Raven asked just to be nice and hadn't actually noticed anything.
"Sure! I was just... Trying to decide what to drink. So many options," Molly assured with a light laughter. Then Molly began to rethink her words. "Or well... actually, I've never been a fan of big parties like this. I have a hard time gettin' started," Molly added sheepishly, not sure why she was revealing this to a person who knew her on first name basis at best. "I mean sure, they can be fun, but not just with alcohol as your company, y'know?" Molly said, accompanied with an airy hand motion, already aware she was probably talking too much. She laughed it off with her cheeks flushing slightly.
"So anyway, what about you? Any plans for the night?" Molly bounced the question back, not wanting to end talking to Raven. Then she realised the question sounded very suggestive because of the way she worded it and what she had said before about company. Fuck. "I- I mean, I didn't mean like... Uh, sorry, blahhh..." Molly corrected before Raven could answer, her hands fidgeting randomly, "I meant it like... How are you??" If Molly wasn't red before, she was now. She still flashed a bright smile, though, hoping Raven would find her talkativeness more endearing than weird.
This was Molly's only chance at getting to know some people she had always wanted to get to know, and Raven was definitely one of the people that intrigued Molly. It was a shame she was mucking things up by being awkward... Someone might find her social yet word-wise clumsy personality adorable, but Molly certainly didn't see it that way. Living in the closet was hell... And Raven probably only knew her as that one popular girl from school that had had many boyfriends. Great. Fantastic.
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