Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Hu- huh? Titania spent a moment of confusion trying to figure out what happened. Someone had managed to sneak into the middle of all of them, disable Reina, and start running away before any of them could react, while carrying her! It only took Titania a few reflexive steps of chasing after to realize he was far too fast for her to catch. Isolde however might have more luck, and she, predictably enough, immediately chased after. Titania looked back at Marwood for a moment, "Come on let's go!" she said and hurried after Isolde. It was very likely that this could be a trap and Isolde would have to deal with it by herself if she got too far ahead of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chapter 1 - In Times of Need

@Crimson Raven, @PlatinumSkink

After several long minutes, Servus and his newfound group finally approached Grado Keep. When they got there, he can see the enemy soldiers scurrying below them, their weapons high and their sights forward in completing the invasion. Some were marching towards other sections of the kingdom, while several squads can be seen snuffing out the last bits of resistance. Jehenna's strike was both quick and ruthless, taking Grado completely off guard and ill-prepared. They didn't stand much of a chance it seems. And it was both weird and rather shameful for the Jehennian born gone rogue to see his old faction attack his current residence. Do they even know that Servus still exists? Or perhaps that maybe he died?

Either way, Servus knew that for the sake of his passengers on board, he had to hide. Swooping down below the gates, the wyvern swiftly descended behind Grado's tall walls and behind a large fortification of shrubbery. It could almost represent a make-shift moat, one not of water and man-eating crocodiles, but rather of thick foliage that prevents enemy forces from scaling her walls easily and slowing them down. Once they landed, Servus cautiously had Ambolli approach the entrance as close as they can before letting off the two passengers off. If they get anymore closer than this, they can risk getting caught. He carefully peaks out of the wall to take note of the surrounding area.

"Good lord there's a lotta troops." he whispers to himself as he peaks from the corner.

From where he's standing, he can see three guards guarding the entrance closest to them, and a little farther off Servus notices two soldiers guarding what seem to be prisoners. Looks like they didn't kill everyone here after all. Yet still, amongst them, he can see other soldiers patrolling the area and no doubt more located on his blind side to the east. It'll be extremely tough for them to get in.

"Alright..." Servus says while lightly clasping his hands, "We need to make up some sorta plan to get past these blokes. Some of em are even holding prisoners hostage. It's gonna be hard getting past them just by our lonesomes. What say you guys?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Chapter 1 - In Times of Need

Kara woke not long before they landed. Hevel felt her shift as she sat up and glanced around. Consciousness came back to her in a rush as she remembered the strange series of events that lead her here. She surreptitiously wiped a smear of undignified drool from the corner of her mouth and glared at Hevel's back as if checking to make sure he hadn't seen anything. But a soft growl from her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten since before that scuffle...a few hours ago? It felt like it had been longer.

Eventually the small group landed within sight of the keep to eat, drink, and refresh before stealthily making their way closer. And now here they were, peaking over the imposing wall that surrounded the keep and discussing their next move. She made a sound of disgust at Servus' immediate urge to fight. "I say we sit tight and wait. That is an army down there, if you haven't noticed and one that I don't particularly feel like tangling with at the moment." She winged down to the base of the wall, then folded her wings a sat with her back pressed against it, her tail curling around her feet. "My only objective is to see to the Fire Emblem's, and by extension, the world's safety. What do I care if humans are having another one of their wars? It will pass as all wars do." Her gaze grew distant as she spoke, her words a reminder that despite her looks, she was far older then any of them and not even slightly human. She pressed a hand to the ground. "I sense...the Emblem is underground, probably in a tunnel of some kind and moving fast. I shall wait here and follow where it goes. Whomever is carrying it will most likely head above ground eventually, or at the very least, lead me to a passage down." She said. "Until then, I wait. Feel free to go kill yourself fighting if you you wish." She said dismissively, trying to convince herself that she didn't care.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Marwood turned seeing the new person join the fray he growled as the thief grabbed Reina before he could run Marwood was clicking his tongue and Fiona was off. "You will release my friend or I'll run you though damned scoundrel!" The princeling added as he rushed after the man, trying to get around him and block his exit trap him between Isolde and himself.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Isolde took the reigns of Kergin and flew after the Rogue who had claimed her friend, intend on chasing him down. In a straight line, Kergin was faster than the fast-running Rogue, despite the Swiftsoles… But not by much, and then the Rogue ran into the tunnel. Marwood had Fiona chase after as well, but he couldn’t catch up before the Rogue fled through the tight corridors either. He didn’t reply to Marwood’s shout after him.

The tunnel was not straight, and it was dark due to the absence of lit torches. It was not built for a wyvern to fly through with wings spread. It was perhaps possible for a wyvern to run in here, but that wouldn’t be as fast as flying. A horse trying to gallop in her would find that the ground was uneven, unhealthy to attempt crossing at considerable speed. If either of Isolde or Marwood tried to force their way through the tunnel at top speed… they’d crash. Kergin couldn’t flap his wings and as such couldn’t turn when the tunnel suddenly twisted, same with Fiona trying to turn rapidly only to find her grip on the tunnel’s floor being insufficient and she’d continue into the wall, and that wasn’t even counting how dark it’d be. None of the crashes would cause any lasting injuries…

But the Rogue, far more suited and talented at crossing such rough terrain at high speed, was getting away.

Titania and Aldo could but hurry after on their feet, slower than their mounted companions.


The Rogue ran as fast as he could down the rocky tunnel. It wasn’t well-maintained, being a secret and all, and there weren’t any lights. Still, the Rogue had excellent night-vision, holding Reina to himself as he ran, and he had pursuers. There was no option not to dash at full speed. However, he was putting a significant distance to those who followed him, and it was looking like he had gotten away. The tunnel curved, and the Rogue curved with it, he knew he was leaving his pursuers behind. He only had to take a couple more turns, and-


He tripped. A small rock stood out among the rest and caught his foot in the dark. His legs fumbled and he found himself falling over, crashing to the rocky floor along with the girl he was carrying. Cursing to himself, the Rogue rolled over and tried to shake this off him.

On the floor, lying on her stomach, Reina blinked to life from the sudden pain. She felt pain to her head, and pain from landing on her stomach. She silently confirmed she had, in fact, been captured. Doing the first thing she could think of, she carefully pulled out the pouch that she had stored the Fire Emblem in, and-

‘Can’t do that,’ the words of the Rogue scared her half to death before she realized he had in fact talked to himself. ‘Can’t fail now, so don’t make foolish mistakes. Can’t fail now…’

With that, the Rogue grabbed around Reina and lifted her again, missing the fact the pouch that contained the Fire Emblem still lay on the floor in the dark cavern. He dashed, leaving it behind. Reina kept her eyes closed, letting herself be taken away lest she might rouse suspicion with the Rogue…


@Lmpkio@Crimson Raven

Hevel, still slightly red in his face after having had a girl/dragon sleeping on him the whole journey, was most certainly looking anywhere but behind him as Kara stirred, sitting straight and keeping his wits about. Nope. Nothing behind him. Nothing interesting whatsoever. Oh, look, a butterfly- no, wait, that was just one of the usual butterflies. Huh.

So, then they arrived, watching the mustering Jehannan troops and the small pockets of resistance that were quickly being decimated on the inside, and the guards that stood on the outside. Hevel stood and looked back and forth as Servus asked for opinions on how to get past, while Kara told that she intended to wait. Hevel looked a little apprehensive, before he spoke.

‘If… if you want me to, I could distract the guards at the gate. Give them a false lead outside the town that they’ll go off chasing, or just steal their things so they chase me. I’m, uh, a fairly accomplished practitioner of those arts. I could do it, if you wish me to, in order to give you an opening to slip in. Or, if you want me to slip in undetected and do something, I can probably do that, too. Yeah. I’m good at those things,’ he told, before looking down into the ground and starting to mutter to himself.

‘That is, if you for some reason feel you trust me to the degree you think I won’t immediately sell you out, that’d be pretty bad. You just grabbed me off the wayside, what proof do you have you can trust me to that degree? I mean, I know I won’t, but you don’t, why would you? But, anyway, I thought I’d say that I can do it. Just don’t use me to make a living with these skills, you know? If you do that, I’m gone, heh. Been there, done that, and all that…’

Up to the other two what they decide to do now.

… Kara felt the Fire Emblem coming to a sudden stop underground, not far from the buildings on the right side of the map…



… So. If Isolde, Marwood and Titania kept going, they’d eventually pass a pouch that blended into the bottom of the dark, unlit tunnel. The Rogue got away with Reina, but perhaps they’d notice the piece of cloth with something slightly brighter than the surroundings within, a rock on dark fire. Even if they missed it, Titania would most certainly sense it when she got too close, the power within it becoming apparent to the magic-user from this close. … And if she didn’t pick it up, Aldo would. Anyways.

What would they do? Carry on through the tunnel eventually, probably, but at what speed and with what level of desperation?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Ugh, come on, faster!

Isolde urged her mount to move faster, the wyvern growling lightly in mild complaint but complied with the request. She was gaining ground, slowly but surely, yet she couldn't catch him in time. The thief bolted into the tunnels, causing Isolde to have to slow Kergin even slightly just to prevent injury. Not good, not good at all. By the time she forced Kergin to move at a reasonable pace through the tunnel, the thief was already long gone. She couldn't loose Reina! Not here! She couldn't!

Try as she might though, she couldn't catch the Rogue as she continued through the tunnel, not noticing the pouch on the ground. She was just focused on getting through the tunnel. Once outside, if she could maybe just not loose sight of him maybe she could hunt him down then. She just had to get out without giving him time to hide.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Manakete responds with a disgusted tone.

"I say we sit tight and wait. That is an army down there, if you haven't noticed and one that I don't particularly feel like tangling with at the moment."

Servus sighs as he waves his hands around while elaborating.

"I didn' say we'll fight em, did I?" the ex-Jehenan responds with an already frustrated sigh, "We jus' need to get pass em or somethin'. I say maybe we~"

"My only objective is to see to the Fire Emblem's," Kara blurts out apathetically, "And by extension, the world's safety. What do I care if humans are having another one of their wars? It will pass as all wars do."

The rider could only give out another frustrated sigh while rolling his eyes.

"Naught' till they have the bright idea to purge yer kind..." he mutters quietly to himself as he continues watching the Jehannan activity going on within the walls.

Just then, Kara would begin to sense something as she touches the ground.

"I sense...the Emblem is underground, probably in a tunnel of some kind and moving fast. I shall wait here and follow where it goes. Whomever is carrying it will most likely head above ground eventually, or at the very least, lead me to a passage down. Until then, I wait. Feel free to go kill yourself fighting if you you wish."

Servus tried to ignore that last comment, however it still irked him significantly. He almost wanted to curse her out, but he was able to take a deep breath and simply doesn't bother.

No more than a minute later, little Hevel brought in his own suggestion on what they should do. He volunteers to provide as a distraction and act as a false lead, allowing them to take an advantage at the opening he'd hopefully create. The rider began to ponder on the idea briefly. He had another idea that they can do, maybe steal the clothes of any of the passing soldiers and disguise themselves as them. Well, at least for the boy anyways, Servus could just need a few more added accessories just so he won't look like the traitor that left those years ago. Heh, maybe even bring Kara as a prisoner, but obviously that won't fly. Even if Kara did agree to it, the possibility of a soldier coming this way and having the same exact armor size for Hevel is nearly impossible. They'll need Naga's divine blessing in order for such a thing to be pulled off.

Servus would turn and nod at his idea.

"Ya know, I think that..."

He then notices Hevel muttering to himself whilist looking at the ground. Not bothering to hear what he was saying, he simply grasps his shoulder and shakes him lightly to grab his attention.

"Oi!" he calls out, "Pay attention, ya dit! I said it's a good idea."

Servus takes a brief minute to look out at the available surroundings, especially towards the three guardsman in the front, before looking back.

"Tell ya how I think it can work." he begins to explain while pointing towards the guards, "See those guards? Ya, distract those buggers somehow to come out here. I'll be hiding in de bushes 'ere and once they're out there I'll sneak myself in."

He glances back to see a seemingly sad Ambolli whimper softly.

"Can't take ya with me Ambolli, I'm sorry." he reluctantly sighs at her whilist rubbing her beak, "Yer too big to sneaky sneak. Jus' stay here. If I need ya, I'll whistle."

The rider then glances back at Servus.

"Got all this?" he asks curiously to make sure he gets everything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Titania went after Isolode, although since she knew she couldn't match the mounted women so she instead went a little bit slower and checked for any side passages and the like the rogue might have slipped away through. She didn't find anything right away, however her more cautious approach led to her finding a small pouch on the ground, even in the darkness, partially because she sensed some sort of very familiar magic. Titania picked up the pouch and looked inside, what she saw made her gasp. Reina must have managed to get rid of the Fire Emblem without her kidnapper noticing. She would tell Marwood when she had the chance, for now she decided it would be best to pocket the Fire Emblem and keep moving after Isolode.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Chapter 1 - In Times of Need

The Fire Emblem had stopped moving. That wasn't good. Kara wondered if she had been mistaken in her assumption of the purpose of whomever held the Gem. Were they hiding it? Stashing it somewhere? There was too much she didn't know. The best she could tell, it was located roughly below several of the buildings just north of where they hid. If the invading army got hold of the Emblem, who knows what they would do with it? She shuddered as she recalled what happed the last time history took a turn like this. That thought was making the normally patient and calm manakete anxious.

She sat and listened in silence as the nervous and easy-to-overlook Hevel spoke up, offering to make a distraction. The little thief might be useful to have around, come to think of it. Servus seemed to like the idea, and considering his Jehennan looks and gear, he just might be able to slip in and look around without suspicion. It was a risky bet, and not much of a plan either, but if the Emblem wasn't moving then waiting suddenly didn't seem like a good option either...

She rolled her eyes. "Go on." She told Servus. "I won't be able to go with you as I stand out too much." She reached back her scaled hand to brush her hair to the side, lightly touching one of her horns too. "But you should be able to blend in. You even smell like them. Should you get the chance, there are some buildings almost directly in front of thus that you should investigate. I feel the Emblem's presence from somewhere underneath them. Grab it and get out." She hesitated. "And...should you get into trouble, I'll come with Ambroli when you whisle to bail your ass out." She glared at him. "But only because Ambroli like you, got it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Lmpkio@Crimson Raven

Hevel blinked in surprise when he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder and shook, a couple butterflies lifting from him before resettling. Then, okay, he was told to go do that. He looked somewhat towards Kara as if for confirmation, and he got said confirmation. He nodded, and said his piece.

‘Okay. Here goes nothing, then,’ Hevel said, taking a deep breath and bouncing up and down a bit as he was focusing… and then his eyes opened wide in the most terrified expression one could possibly imagine on his face before he ran out to the guards, like in a panic. They noticed, and gathered to block the thief from entering… when he said something to them with panic in his voice. The guards threw momentary distressed glances at one another, before Hevel dashed off. They looked hesitant for a moment, then ran to catch up to him, right by the bushes which the other two were hiding in without noticing anything.

Kara could eventually feel the Fire Emblem moving again… and it was moving up to the surface.



Isolde was first through the tunnels, however she was not fast enough to catch up to the Rogue. By the time she finally came to the end of the tunnel… there was an incline, the path upwards. Then, there was an open hatch, the Rogue had left it open behind him. She’d be first to emerge through the hatch into the humble home of a couple civilians who had long since evacuated. Much of their belongings still remained, flowers, tables and tableware, shelves and whatever else, it was a pleasant home. The door stood open, the Rogue had escaped.

Come outside, and she’d be greeted by the sight of being outside in the castle town of Grado, outside the palace. It was possible that when the passage was built the town wasn’t here, but now it was like this. The Tactician’s Stone gave her an overview of the area. There was no sign of the Rogue… but there was other things of note. Jehannan troops, if nothing else.

[Assumed Marwood action: Give chase]

Marwood came second, mounted on Fiona. He was greeted by much the same as Isolde. Later, having taken the time to pick up the Fire Emblem, Titania arrived alongside Aldo. The four of them were now inside a house in the Grado castle town…

In the below map, note that they are inside the building.

… A couple visions could potentially be viewed by the holders of the Tactician’s Stones…


In the lower right of the map, a pretty big Grado Knight had been attempting to guide a pair of siblings home, when a couple Soldiers came across them. However, while most of the Soldiers intended to attack the Knight, one of the Jehannan Soldiers turned to face back at her countrymen. The argument quickly became heated.

‘These are children, are we really going to stoop to the level of killing children!?’ Viridia asked, glaring back at her fellow guild-members.

‘Sir Zane has commanded us to kill anyone found outside their homes or with weapons,’ the soldier simply replied, lance ready to battle.

‘I know that, but I also can’t accept that!’ Viridia announced, her lance lowered to indicate she did not want to battle. ‘We’re here for the Fire Emblem, not the people of Grado! Can’t we simply let them take cover in a building, and-’

‘So you’re betraying us?’ the soldier asked.

‘I have betrayed nobody! Don’t jump to conclusions!’ Viridia called, anger in her tone. ‘I’m simply saying that our mission here does not call for unnecessary bloodshed-’

‘Then you stand against us. Too bad, your father is such a hero to us all. You’d surely have grown into a fine warrior. … Still, no matter. You’re just one of the rabble, surely you won’t be missed.’ So the soldier said, before the troops prepared their weapons, obviously intent on killing her for this transgression.

‘… My father,’ Viridia spoke in a tone of regret, ‘told me that my assignment to this guild would teach me a lot. He was right, I have. I have learned that not all of Jehanna upholds the ideals that he taught me! When I get back to him, I will tell him what I’ve learned, because he too would denounce the actions we’ve committed to in this war!’ So she said. The reply of the Soldiers was simply to approach to attack with their lances.

‘Tsk,’ Viridia made a noise with her tongue and jumped back to stand alongside the huge Grado Knight, who also stood ready to fight, trusting this former enemy Soldier without hesitation.

‘Thank you, young miss,’ Osmund said to her, holding his lance ready as they made ready to protect the two shivering kids behind them.

‘Sorry. I hope you don’t mind fighting alongside a Jehannan like me…’ Viridia said, sounding defeated.

‘Nonsense!’ Osmund told proudly. ‘As far as I am concerned, you’re an honorary knight of Grado!’

The two exchanged small smiles, Osmund growling towards the Jehannan soldiers who were looking like they were considering just exactly how to attack this giant Knight who was standing before them, looking exceptionally strong and capable. There was a flash of hope in Viridia’s expression.

‘So, uh, you wouldn’t happen to be some legendary warrior of Grado, or something?’ Viridia asked, hopefully.

‘I AM…!’ Osmund announced loudly and intimidatingly, before continuing in whispers only Viridia (and eavesdroppers) could hear. ‘… merely a regular countryside Knight, conscripted out of necessecity, called to arms by the call of war. I’m normally a cook. I’m pretty proud of my stew.’

‘Oh,’ Viridia replied in realization. ‘Oh, we’re going to die.’


‘WHY ISN’T THE COLOSSEUM OPEN!?’ Zane demanded, glaring at the “we’re closed” sign hanging in front of the large building.

‘S-sir, might I suggest it is because Grado is currently being invaded and they don’t have time for activities of entertainment at this moment…?’ a hesitant Mercenary proposed next to him.

‘BAH! WEAK GRADOS!’ Zane grunted angrily as he spun around, glaring angrily around him. ‘I left the Grado knighthood behind to join Jehanna, simply and only because I wanted to fight more and become stronger, fight against monsters… and I was THRILLED to know we were going to war! Yet we come here, and Grado has nothing to match us with!? Disappointment! Pain and disappointment!’ So he shouted, the Mercenaries powerless to do anything but listen.

‘No matter! Point me in the direction of SOMEONE I can fight! Anyone from Grado!’ Zane announced, looking around with bloodthirsty eyes.

‘But sir, we’re just about routing the last of them. All the most capable warriors are in the castle fighting off Sion’s main force, we’re just dealing with the town militia here! There’s just civilians and children left…’

‘FINE!’ Zane roared. ‘Put some armour and weapons on a civilian, tell him we’ll kill him if he surrenders, then make him fight me!’

‘But sir, that’s insane!’ the Mercenary started looking desperate…

‘INZANE!?’ Zane expressed, and suddenly started spinning around looking for something. ‘WHERE IS HE!? I’VE BEEN MISTAKEN FOR HIM MORE TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT! I’M ZANE, NOT “IN”-ZANE! WHERE’S INZANE!? I’LL HAVE HIS HEAD!’ so screamed Zane before the two suddenly very perplexed Mercenaries who were just now starting to grasp what kind of commander they currently had…


In the bottom left of the map, a Fighter walked inside a house…

‘Oh, what have we here? So many weapons, and Sir Zane told us to kill people with weapons…’ the crook said as he came into the house, seeing all the weapons hanging around.

‘Oh, darn it, I’m a shopkeep! I can have weapons! I sell weapons! I’m not gonna fight you with them!’ the man inside complained in a mildly angered tone.

‘Oh, right, yeah. I’ll just settle for taking all the weapons, then!’ the Fighter told, looking proud.

‘Nah-nah-nah. I made a special deal with Jehanna, I’ll be selling these to the guilds now, you’d be stealing from your superiors,’ the shopkeep said, smirking.

‘Uuuh. I’m not sure that’s, uh…’ the Fighter frowned, thinking too hard.

‘You can check with your leaders, if you like. No? Then let me sweeten the deal for you,’ With that, the shopkeep suddenly reached and picked down a great axe. The Fighter’s eyes went wide, seeing it. It was as if the axe glowed with power, the sides looking so very sharp, the shine of the axe unparallelled. What was this axe…?

‘This… is Stormbellows!’ the shopkeep announced, holding the epic axe high. ‘This mighty axe, crafted between the work of a master smith while a Sage was imbuing intense Lightning magic into it, this weapon was wielded by the great hero Grado himself before he obtained Garm from the gods. It holds such strength, it will blast right through virtually anything we have today! Do you feel its power? C’mon, hold it! Hold it!’ the shopkeep said as he handed over the axe. The amazed Fighter took the axe, feeling the weight, a smile spreading on his lips.

‘Yeah, I most certainly feel it…’ he said, admiring the axe.

‘Right!? And if you let this slip, I’ll let you have this for the low-low price of 1,900 gold! It’s a bargain, is it not? Usually, this artifact is priceless…! I can see it now, you, holding this axe, conquering all your enemies and being hailed as a hero across the lands…!’

The Fighter swallowed, but his eyes had drowned into the axe…

‘Yeah… yeah, I can see it!’ the Fighter grinned, picking up his money-pouch and handing it over.

‘It’s the last of my savings, but with this axe, I can easily earn it back ten times over…!’ the Fighter boosted.

‘Great! Here you go, then! May your glory days be long and many!’ the shopkeep called, smiling so happily to the Fighter.

‘Yeah! I’ll find you and pay you back when I’m a general, I promise! For now, to battle! For Stormbellows! Yaaaaah…!’ the fighter spun around and dashed out of the house, Stormbellows in hand, while the shopkeep stood there smiling. A woman, the shopkeep’s wife, approached on the side…

‘Silvio, honey, what was that?’

‘That was an ordinary Iron Axe given a paint-job and dipped in some of that glowing powder we bought in Jehanna, Drina dear. Now grab your things, we’re leaving on the double.’

And with that, the two quickly started to prepare to leave, post-haste.


‘-and that about covers it.’ A woman of dark skin-colour sat with an axe on a seat by the entrance to Grado Keep, just finishing telling what was going on to the man standing beside her by his wyvern.

‘Alright. Thank you for telling me, miss Nurit,’ the man by the wyvern told her, bowing gently, ponytail swinging just a little.

‘What’ya being so formal for, Nadir? Kahaha! Ah, oooouuugh…’ Nurit started laughing at the comrade, but then ended with a sound of not being pleased with something.

‘Does the scenery not agree to you?’ Nadir asked, looking curiously at the woman.

‘Land doesn’t agree with me. I wanna be out at sea. And I wanna fight, not just watch some opening…’ Nurit complained, looking about for something interesting to do.

‘I’m sorry that’s the case, but we are in a state of war. Now, excuse me, I need to ferry this message back to miss Eira. I suppose I’ll fly over town and make sure everything is as it should before I go…’ Nadir said, intending to get up on his wyvern and flying off.

‘Waaaaaaaaaaaaait. Don’t goooooooooooo…’ Nurit called for him silently, sitting lazily in the seat, waving a hand in his direction. Nadir smirked back at her, amused.

‘Oh? I’m happy you find my presence desirable, miss Nurit.’

‘That’s not it, I just don’t wanna be alone…’ Nurit replied, before looking to him… and grinning.

‘Ah, that’s not a good grin,’ Nadir stated with a tinge of worry, before suddenly dodging down and striking up with his spear to deflect the massive axe that came swinging for his head, his wyvern jumping back a bit to avoid the sudden strike as metal clashed towards metal.

‘C’mon, C’MON! Let’s spar! Kahahaha!’ Nurit laughed out loud as she brought the axe around for a slice at Nadir’s mid-section that definitely looked aimed to kill.

‘Miss Nurit, we don’t usually- woah -spar using killer weapons!’ Nadir warned with a scared little smirk, a bit of sweat dropping as he was systematically dodging each of Nurit’s axe-slices just barely, lifting his disadvantageous spear in self-defense.

‘Eh, it’s no worries! You’re not gonna let me actually HIT, are ya!?’ Nurit called out as she did a powerful overhead slice, which Nadir just barely dodged under. Despite everything, Nadir found himself smiling.

‘Well, that does it. If that’s your style of flirting…!’ Nadir dived out of the way and then, with an acrobatic leap, he thrust himself up into the air by his hands on the floor and twisted in mid-air to land in the saddle of his wyvern. ‘Then I better flirt seriously. En garde!’ he called, as his wyvern stood tall and ready to battle.

‘Hah, flirting. As if you have eyes for anyone but your dear pretty miss Eira,’ Nurit replied, grinning as she watched Nadir on top his wyvern.

‘I would have said the same about you and your most manly boss Rhodri?’ Nadir replied with raised eyebrows, smiling teasingly right back at Nurit.

‘Heh, don’t go assuming things.’

‘Then I’ll ask the same of you.’

Both of them met each other’s glares with dangerous smirks, before they both took off against one another, Warrior against Wyvern Knight in a deadly-looking play-fight…


… All this aside. What would they do now?

Enemy Base Level: 2
Enemy Base Weapon Mastery: E
Enemy Equipment Quality: Iron
Notable Deviations: Fighter in lower-left wields the STORMBELLOWS! Functionally an Iron Axe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Barreling out of the home, Isolde immediately observed the surrounding area. No sign of the rogue. Isolde gripped Kergin's reigns tightly. The initial adrenaline and worry began fading, leaving only panic. Quickly, Isolde ordered Kergin to the skies, trying to get a birds eye view to try and see something anything that might look like a path the Rogue took.


"....Damn it! Isolde you...useless...!" She grit her teeth, grinding them together in frustration. Everything was just going horribly wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Not only could she not protect Lord Rioga, she couldn't even protect Reina! Landing Kergin back on the ground, the Wyvern made a heavy thud as its talons landed on the ground. Kergin swiveled his neck back, giving Isolde a mildly concerned expression.

"...haa..." Ugh damn, it. She didn't entirely know what she was feeling right now? Irritated? Depressed? Sad? Frustrated? All of them? Slapping the sides of her face, she shook her head. Couldn't let it get to her. She had to make sure at least, she wasn't a total failure. But what to do? What to do? Leave? Try and find the Emblem? But what of everyone else? She couldn't in good conscious just flee, but they couldn't handle an entire army by themselves. What would her dad or Lord Rioga do in this situation?

"Uhm..." Turning to her companions once they exited, she spoke quietly in a mildly unsure and shaky manner. "We should...try and rally the soldiers?" Taking a brief look at the tacticians stone she had been given, she was shocked to see...children? Children were being targeted? "I-I'll head south! There are some troops there that uhm, look like they need help!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 days ago


Marwood cursed quietly as the party traveled through the tunnels, he'd failed already to protect the person Lord Rioga had entrusted him with... The family screw up at it again, he was never prince his brother was or a leader like his mother. Fiona nipped his shoulder leaned her head against his as if telling him it would be alright. "Thanks, girl... You always know how to make me feel better even without a word." He added stroke her mane before pausing to look at Isolde, no doubt it hurt her too... She was a knight and this had been her task as much as his.

Marwood tapped Fiona's side as climbed on to her back and moved towards Isolde placing a hand on her shoulder. "You aren't useless. We were surprised... We will find her but this isn't a one-man mission... It takes a team we need start to working like one rather than blindly rushing off alone." He added trying to reassure Isolde. "Rallying anyone we can sounds like a good plan." He added using his own tactician's stone, seeing the kids in trouble.

"Were outnumbered by a lot here we should stick together." He looked to the rest of the group, while he did have battle experience so he decided to try and take charge. "Isolde out in front I'll be right behind you with my lance, try to engage the ones with axes for me. I can handle swords and lances." He answered clicking his tongue as he drew his lance giving it a spin. "We are going to win the day. We're going to get away and prove we can do this... It's our duty." Marwood answered looking at the others, before Fiona shook out her mane and dug her hooves in. She was as eager for battle as her rider.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As soon as Hevel was able to lure the guards away from the front gate, Servus quickly snuck out of the bushes and adjusted his attire. But before he was able to go, the manakete had a few words for him.

"Go on." She told Servus. "I won't be able to go with you as I stand out too much."

The rideless rider nodded.

"I mean~" he started, until pausing a second to adjust his wording, [color=9a0410d]"Yeh, unfortunately it appears so."[/color]

He's not going to tell her a thing about his initial plan about having her prisoner, for that would be utter suicide. His reward for keeping his mouth shut was a few words of advice.

"But you should be able to blend in. You even smell like them. Should you get the chance, there are some buildings almost directly in front of thus that you should investigate. I feel the Emblem's presence from somewhere underneath them. Grab it and get out."

Servus would glance briefly past the gate, noting the nearest buildings towards him. If the Emblem is indeed in those houses, he'll need to be quick and sneaky in order to safely nab it and get out as soon as he can without getting spotted. He'd nod again in acknowledgement.

"Yeh." he says rather confidently, although a hint of doubt did vaguely escape his mouth before shaking it out of his system, "Yeh, will do."

And there was just one more thing the Manakete had to say.

"And...should you get into trouble, I'll come with Ambroli when you whistle to bail your ass out."

"Oh?" Servus hesitated for a second before Kara would glare at him sternly.

"But only because Ambroli likes you, got it?"

The desert-wyvern issued a soft chuckling noise as she rustled her feathers. The rider, for the last time, nods confirmingly.

"Well," he shrugged as he takes off, "Alright then. Wish meh luck by Naga's grace."

As he reached the exposed portion of the castle, his brisk walk turned suddenly into an ordinary walk as he puts over his hood to make his identity less noticable. He'd enter the castle and briefly glance at his surroundings. To his right, he notes a group of Jehannan guarding a group of what could only be the remaining few Grado forces that had surrendered. It's unlikely he'll be able to free them on his own, for unless help arrives, there's simply nothing he can do right now.

To his left, Servus notes two lone houses, each guarded by at least one guardsman. The first one only had a single axeman guarding its doors, however the one father has two guarding an armored knight.

And dead ahead he can see the coliseum peaking out of the woods, with the castle walls looming in the distance. Logically it only makes sense to start inspecting the homes and hopefully find the emblem there. If it's not anywhere underneath the houses closest to him, his next goal would be to investigate the castle... although it wouldn't be an easy task in the slightest. Whilst looking in that direct, he takes one more peak at the small woodland bushes and saw for a brief moment what appeared to be someone hiding in the bushes. Servus couldn't tell who he/she was, but indeed he must be wary whilst deep in enemy territory.

Servus begins walking northwards towards the castle and inspects the four rows of houses to his right. He wouldn't imagine the Emblem to be closest to where the guards were guarding the last of Grado's forces. Perhaps they would be at the last row closest to the castle walls? He might as well check from top to bottom and see if he can find a way underneath the homes. Yet as he turns to the next aisle, he spots someone barreling out of the third house farthest from him, nearly startling him.

"The Hell?" he asks quietly beneath his hood as he quickly scuttles behind the nearest house at the third row.

He peaks out of the corner to see what's going on. By the gods... is that another wyvern raider? Just bursted out of a home just like that with the mount? What's it doing here? And shortly after he notices another person coming out of the home. This time it was a... cavalier? How were they able to get into the house unseen...?

Unless they're confirming that there are actually underground tunnels within the homes?

If that's the case, then surely the Emblem was going to be somewhere underneath. Servus could try and ally with them, but his attire definitely makes him look like he's part of the enemy. They probably wouldn't believe him, or even if they did, he'll draw way too much attention. He needs to get inside a house quickly to confirm this. The house he's behind is guarded by an armored knight, and now with four making their presence known, no way he'll be able to get inside this one.

But what about the home above on the fourth aisle? He looks ahead of him to see a single axeman walking or guarding behind it. It would make sense for him to be alerted to the action happening nearby and leave his post to investigate. Servus waited until the axeman was out of his way and after checking everywhere else for any other enemy troops, he makes a dash towards the house and would begin to inspect it as soon as he got in.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Titania, along with everyone else, looked at her tactician's stone as soon as she saw the house they were in wasn't in any immediate danger. Unfortunately there was no sign of the princess. Hadn't Rioga told them to protec Just a lot of enemies, and a few friendlies that were drastically outnumbered. How had the princess's kidnapper managed to get so far away so quickly? Or was he somehow shielded from the visions these stones offered? Either way, Titania felt haunted by the fact that they hadn't been able to save her. Hadn't Rioga told them to protect her? To think they had let him down so soon. They had to move on though, at least they still had the Fire Emblem."Marwood is right, we need to stick together, and be careful in these tight alleys so we don't get cut off from each other. Let's help who we can and escape as fast as possible. Remember our objective is to live." Titania advised, ready to follow after the two mounted warriors as fast as she could. Hopefully they wouldn't attract too much trouble amidst all the commotion, because being collapsed upon in between these houses would be catastrophic.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 18 days ago

A wyvern flew up over the houses of Grado. The sight of its soar was enough to draw many a gaze. However, from a distance, it was difficult to determine what nationality it belonged to, and it could simply be a member of the Sky Guild, and Nadir from the Storm Guild was known to be nearby and that he would survey the battle. Quite a few were unsure if they were supposed to rally onto the Wyvern Rider or not, but ultimately it all fell on the commander…

‘Wyvern Rider!?’ Zane looked over towards the Wyvern Rider flying up into the air and scouting about. ‘That’s not one of mine…’ Zane peered in the direction of the houses that Isolde eventually landed in, considering.

‘We should have eliminated all Grado Wyvern Riders this far out. We’d have noticed if they kept a wyvern in one of the buildings. It could be Nadir, or one of the Sky Guild? But, the Sky Guild is stationed much further out…’ the Mercenary considered.

‘Hmpf, nothing else to it. We need to examine it. The wyvern might have come through an underground passage escaping with the Fire Emblem from the palace and emerged from a hatch within the wooden floor and then fit through the door to then fly up into the sky without thinking of if it’d call attention to it…’ Zane recounted an unlikely sequence of events.

‘Sir, that’s insane,’ the Mercenary declared. He realized what he had just said a second too late.

‘THAT’S INZANE!?’ Zane spun on the spot and positively glowed in the direction of the Wyvern Rider. ‘INZANE IS THE WYVERN RIDER! INZANE, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU! I HAVE BEEN MISTAKEN FOR YOU FOR THE LAST TIME! TODAY, YOU WILL MEET YOUR MAKER!’ Zane called, blossoming with a fiery passion. ‘CALL ALL OF OUR FORCES! BLOCK HIS ESCAPE! DON’T LET INZANE GET AWAY…!’

The two mercenaries exchanged a look, wondering if they should explain their commander’s mistake…

‘… Yes, sir!’

Opting not to, they each took off in two separate directions to call commands to home in on that wyvern, while Zane himself thundered off in the direction where he’d seen the wyvern set down.

Quirk: Everyone is more likely to say the word “insane” in the vicinity of Zane, even if aware of Zane’s quirk.



Now, as Isolde flew up to scout…

She saw the town of Grado, how small pockets of resistance was being taken out, how the Jehannan Guilds were overrunning. There were more flying beings in the distance, probably belonging to the Jehannan Sky Guild, threatening if she tried to fly too far too high. Nothing that looked like it might be the Rogue that had taken Reina…

Nothing except one figure, past the walls, that may have marginally looked like a hooded thief. A small form was running past the boundaries that the Tactician’s Stone was showing, followed by a trio of Jehannan soldiers. It was a distance south, over the walls and the mentioned conflict involving children. Entirely up to Isolde what she does with this information before else, but she’d probably need to set down anyway.


When Isolde set down, they exchanged a brief conversation without moving. Assuming Isolde didn’t head back inside the building, Marwood likely headed out with them, for now placing Titania in the doorway and Aldo behind her. Aldo spoke.

‘We have the Fire Emblem. Good work, Titania, keep it safe. Even without Reina, we need to get it to safety. We need to get out of town. Fortunately, the heaviest fortification is behind us, and the gate is strangely unguarded…’ Aldo frowned a bit at that, staring at the image which was presented. Wasn’t there a few things on it that did not connect? …

‘Enemies have started moving in on our position,’ Aldo stated, as a clue to getting moving. Fortunately for them, the units at the castle behind them were strictly ordered to never leave their posts…



Now, Servus moved through town relatively unopposed, however at that particular corner he did not, in fact, get the axe-fighter moving when he thought he would. Said axe-fighter was more preoccupied watching the Soldiers a bit north disposing of a final Grado Soldier, before turning around and freezing up seeing Servus approaching. Servus promptly had an axe pointed in his direction.

‘You! You’re… not of our Guild. Uh. … This section of town is the property of the Zane Guild! We’re not sharing! Go back to your own!’ … So, while he wasn’t recognized as an enemy, he was recognized as not a part of the Guild. That said, he didn’t have time to respond before suddenly a tank of armour came shouting orders with armour clanking.


‘Er, yes, sir Zane!’ the Fighter confirmed, before turning around to the two Soldiers behind him. ‘You two! Clog up the northern path out the building-streets!’ Then he spun to Servus. ‘You, hang on with me! If you’re helpful I’ll ask Commander Zane of something nice for you! Let’s go!’ So he said, heading in among the buildings to the right…

Not entirely what Servus was intending. Now, what would he do from here?

Without his wyvern, Servus will now be represented by a Journeyman sprite, because axe-guy that doesn’t qualify for any of the other more capable axe-fighter sprites. Now, the Tactician’s Stone noted Servus looking like a Jehannan and being given orders by the Jehannan Commander, so it totally thinks Servus is a bad guy! Servus has been coloured red!


@Crimson Raven

The Fire Emblem has reached the surface.

Other than that, there wasn’t a lot going on outside for Kara. There was rustling of troops moving on the inside of the town, nobody yet had noticed Kara where she was hiding…

Now, while a protagonist to her own adventure, Kara is an unknown to the Tactician’s Stone. Hence, she has been coloured green for now.

Enemy Base Level: 2
Enemy Base Weapon Mastery: E
Enemy Equipment Quality: Iron
Notable Deviations: Fighter in lower-left wields the STORMBELLOWS! Functionally an Iron Axe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Marwood's words only made her feel marginally better. She was supposed to protect Reina. She was supposed to protect everyone here, that's what she was trained for! That's why she pushed herself! To make sure everyone was safe. If she couldn't protect her best friend, then how could she protect anyone else?

"...Right, sorry." Isolde laughed lightly, hefting her halberd. "First things first. Making sure we help everyone here we can." She couldn't let such thoughts distract her right now. She had to stay focused, help those she could. Her father always told her if real war ever happened, to be prepared for times like this, but...urgh, it hurt more than she thought it would. She just had to focus on the good - believe that everything would turn out alright, in the end.

"I thought I saw a thief running south." She commented, patting Kergin on the neck. "We'll chase after we clean up here." Kicking Kergin into motion, she twirled her Halberd. Barreling down the streets, Kergin made a beeline for the axe wielding fighters. Kergin's heavier steps thudded down the street, roaring menacingly as he made intentions clear.

"Ack! Kergin wait no don't-!" Isolde Did her best to slow down her mount, but the irritable Wyvern wouldn't have it. He slammed his entire body into the first Fighter, causing Isolde to nearly fall out of her saddle at the sudden stop. "Gah, slow down next time!" Not that she seemed to have any problem with Kergin trying to trample both of the fighters. Pulling her Halberd back, she followed through with a wide horizontal swing, hopefully catching him if he was still standing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


A thief? Perhaps it was the same person that had kidnapped Reina. But still, could they possibly hope to catch him while escaping from the town? Aldo was right, they had to keep the Fire Emblem safe. [color=Darkturquoise]"We can try to look at chasing the thief if we can get out of here, which is our top priority. Isolode, as usual, wasted no timing charging directly at the enemy across from them; though it was hard to tell if it had actually been her objective given her somewhat panicked cries, they still had to react accordingly. Titania would wait for Marwood to move forward, she didn't want to get in the way of his horse very much in these alleyways. She would move up to the intersection so she could keep an eye out for trouble as well as move up to help anyone in trouble.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 days ago


Marwood took position following Isolde, they had their orders and he knew what needed to be done. He kept his lance ready, he wanted to get through and speak with the soldiers that were protecting the children down this way. The princeling readied himself for combat lance tightly gripped as Fiona followed Kergin forward.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As soon as he turned the next corner leading to the house of interest, an enemy axe-fighter ahead of him turned around and noticed his presence.

‘You! You’re… not of our Guild.’

Uh oh, has Servus been spotted already? Or did the axe-person recognize who he was? Either way, it didn't look too good from the journeyman's viewpoint.

‘Uh. … This section of town is the property of the Zane Guild! We’re not sharing! Go back to your own!’

Servus was somewhat confused with the situation in question. He wasn't identified as an enemy, but neither was he part of the guildsman. It was an awkward position to be in. Wanted, but also not wanted. He has to quickly fill the air in with some excuse.

"I beg your pard~?"

Before he could finish, he notices an armored unit screaming down the road as he barks out order to his men.


Servus' heart sank slightly at the notion. Was he talking about Amboli? Or was he talking about ~ oh right, of course he's talking about that wyvern who emerged from a bloody building. His wyvern meanwhile was still in hiding, hopefully not causing any trouble. He over hears him being named "Zane", who Servus kind of knew from his days in Jehenna, but didn't talk to him much. He's still obnoxious as usual.

The axe-man then turned to several soldiers behind him, giving the journeyman a possible minute to consider making a run for cover. However before he could make up his mind in such a position, the axe-man spun around and called for his attention.

‘You, hang on with me! If you’re helpful I’ll ask Commander Zane of something nice for you! Let’s go!’ he barks as he heads to the right.

Servus raised his hand towards him in an attempt to clear the air, but by that time he had already ran off. He gave an exasperated sigh as his right eye twitches violently. He's going to have to be with this lot for a while. Sure he can just run off the other way, but that will possibly make him a person of interest. And he's already been given some attention judging at how his attire didn't seem to match the guild's. However if he can just be a competent soldier for Zane's guild and relive his past for just a moment, perhaps he might be able to survive and get some useful information before deserting.

If he can survive the rag-tag group of Gradonians coming their way that is. It'll be unlikely for them to recognize who he is and that he's secretly trying to help them.

He cocks his head to the side as he reluctantly follows the axe-man in pursuit. Things are going to get more awkward from here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 18 days ago

‘Kah!’ Viridia jumped back as her opponent’s lance lightly hit her side, enough to draw blood and she had to pull back. Her left arm held over the wound while her right still held her lance against her enemy…

‘This is all you got?’ the opposing Soldier asked. ‘I was a bit afraid of fighting the hero’s daughter, but you’re nothing special.’

‘I-I’m working on it! One day, I’ll be something special! I just need a little time to get there…’ Viridia defended, clearly frustrated.

‘Really? Well, pity you’ll die today, then.’

‘Kh!’ Viridia frowned, holding out her lance to continue the battle, knowing the situation looked grim.

‘Young miss! Get behind me!’ Osmund called, his voice bellowing. ‘My armour shall defend us both from their attacks-’

‘HIYA!’ An axe-fighter took advantage of Osmund being distracted to chop at him with his axe, going right past the Knight’s guard to hit him square on… and the axe bounced back with a heavy clang of metal meeting metal. The Fighter bounced back, because it seemed Osmund had taken no damage whatsoever.

‘I-I don’t get it…’ the Fighter told, frowning hard. ‘Other Knights of Grado go down to chops like that. This one is so much slower and so terrible at actually fighting than the others, hitting him is a piece of cake, but I can’t seem to hurt him…!?’

‘Ho-ho!’ Osmund claimed proudly, waving in the hurt Viridia behind him. ‘Indeed, your flimsy weaponry is no match for the magnificent armour of Knight Osmund! How, you ask? Well, it’s quite simple! The secret is-’ Osmund was shouting proudly, when his speech was interrupted by Kergin’s roar from across the street, and the two Fighters suddenly had something extremely worrying to think about.


The Fighter spun around just in time to see Kergin charging into him. He struck back with his axe, though the swing was badly aimed and only slightly graced Kergin’s side before the Fighter was blown back and into the wall. The Soldier at the side tried to The remaining Fighter aimed to strike at Kergin’s head, but failed to take into account the fact that Isolde existed and was deftly struck down by her horizontal swing. The downed Fighter was then struck before he could get down by Osmund.

‘Ha-ha! Even I can hit when my enemy is downed!’ Osmund called. … Then he realized something. ‘… That doesn’t sound very honourable. Hm.’ A puzzling matter, indeed.

Meanwhile, Viridia broke a window open in the adjacent building with her lance, thoroughly terrifying the inhabitants before she gripped the children and started lifting them through.

‘Get in, and stay inside. They won’t hurt you as long as you’re indoors. Stay in, stay safe, find your parents when this all blows over…!’ she told them, before lifting the other child over as well.

The Soldiers in front as well as to the side threw a single look at the new reinforcements before deciding it was best to double back, turning around and dashing to rejoin the rest of the incoming group.

‘It seems we’ve been saved. Thank you,’ Osmund said in the direction of the party, Viridia walking a bit awkwardly to stand at his side, her expression unsure. Osmund is a large man in heavy armour and an intimidating visage, yet clearly doesn’t entirely know how to even properly hold that lance of his. Viridia was an average young girl in stature, with armour that wasn’t of Grado but looked a bit too fancy to be Jehannan, honestly. She was bleeding from her side.

They could take the time to discuss things, but honestly-

‘Enemies approaching from behind!’ Aldo called from behind Titania, as behind them in the alleys, getting terribly close all of a sudden as they were hurrying to get behind the two mounted units on their side but slightly lagging behind due to lower movement speed. It was getting crowded here.

Isolde/Marwood -> 1



So, Servus ran along after the Fighter, and, within a couple of steps…

‘There they are! A group of stragglers, ready for the picking!’ the Fighter announced. Quite right, over there was a Shaman and a Cleric, albeit the Cleric wasn’t wearing the typical white clothing of Clerics, and further away was a Cavalier and a Wyvern Rider… And it appeared the Zane Guild was moving to surround the lot.

What would Servus do now?


@Crimson Raven

The Fire Emblem was above ground and moving towards her. It was in the gathering of buildings Kara might remember. However, it sounded like Jehannan troops were starting to surround its position…

Current Injuries: Kergin got a grazing blow from the Fighter he tackled, though nothing serious.
Viridia has taken a light stab to her side and is currently bleeding and clutching the wound.

Enemy Base Level: 2
Enemy Base Weapon Mastery: E
Enemy Equipment Quality: Iron
Notable Deviations: Fighter at the bottom wields the STORMBELLOWS! Functionally an Iron Axe.
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