Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard
Interactions: @KatKook
Drake released a plume of smoke out of his mouth before setting his eyes upon Khloe. He looked her up and down for a moment, trying to assess her physical and mental state after the ordeal. She appeared unharmed, but there was definitely a look of uncertainty behind her eyes. Whether that was in regards to him or for herself was anyone's guess.
I don't suppose you smoke," he asked, not necessarily trying to push his bad habit onto someone else, but as a means of offering. Before she could answer, Drake's eyes fell upon the cherry of his cigarette. Though only a second had passed, he was processing several thoughts through his own mind. Most of that processing was of the situation he chose to walk away from, while a sliver of it was of his defective lighter and how it managed to go ape a just a bit ago.
There was suddenly a rumbling that could be felt under Drake's feet. It was short, but impactful. In a split second of panic, Drake pushed himself off the wall he was leaning and looked up at the building behind him. The tremor had ceased, but Drake still found himself giving a broad inspection of the building to make sure nothing was going to fall on the two of them.
As Khloe looked up at a man who was significantly taller than her, it was clear that they were both a bit on edge from what happened earlier. That was pretty clear since Khloe's face was still half-hidden by her cap. She must have realized that since she stumbled to even just take it off.
No, not into that, and it's kind of the best Korean culture to not smoke, so, you know." Khloe replied, she wasn't fully keen to smoking it was quite obvious.
Though with the sudden ground shake, Khloe's stance lowered to make sure she didn't fall over, and to keep her balance. She looked back up at Drake and saw him move away from the building. His instinct must have told him that the building might come down on them, but maybe and most likely not.
Satisfied that they were safe and feeling an unfamiliar disinterest in what the hell just happened to make the grounds tremor, Drake took another puff and looked at Khloe with a stern face, but with genuine interest. "How long have you been around this?" he asked with an upward, circular nod. "
People that command reality in ways most can't imagine," he clarified. It was jarring to him. Imagine yourself in a school where everyone had a loaded gun. He found himself in an institution where everyone had a method for directing supernatural forces against anyone they wished, at will. "
How did you find out you could do what you can do?"
Khloe stilled herself after the tremors had gone away, and Drake already asked like two questions, "
2 Questions after the ground shook? Alright, you're straight forward." Khloe replied as she shrugged off her jacket and patted down her pants. "
I've been around this about.... Like... Just when I got here, mutants tend to stay quiet where I'm from, and they're usually transferred here if they make a ruckus there." Khloe stated, South Korea wasn't heavy on mutants which was quite obvious since there were barely any reports of mutants there disturbing the peace, "
And I found out, on stage, in front of a hundred people while I was trying to become an idol." Khloe added, that all his questions and now Khloe is probably going to ask the same thin- "
How about you, you want to answer those questions but from your point of view?" She asked, wasting no time at all.
Drake grinned. "
An idol, eh?" There was certainly a spark within Khloe that was infectious. Finding out that she raised the spirits of potentially hundreds of thousands of people was impressive, but not terribly surprising. "
I totally hear the call for anonymity, though," he said, referring to the mutants keeping quiet about what they can do. As she mentioned it more, he found within himself a growing interest in South Korea. He took a puff.
A cultural phenom that can freeze the hearts of everyone around her," he declared playfully. She was interesting. "
I wish I had a grandiose story to tell. Had an accident, found out I couldn't burn," he said with a dismissive shrug. "
Things happened and here I am." He took one last puff and flicked the cig. "
I think I'm more calm," he said before holding his hand out in front on him, looking to see if it had a shake to it. Still as a board. "Maybe we should get back there," he said with a sideways nod. "
Hopefully the quake didn't do too much damage."