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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

No way in hell we'd let someone else play him over you. Stop being an insecure fuckboi.

That's my job!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You knocked it out the park with Thor last season. No way in hell we'd let someone else play him over you. Stop being an insecure fuckboi.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre PƔjaro

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

You're all insecure, self-deprecatingly-joking-but-not-really-oh-god fuckbois in my book.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

You're all insecure, self-deprecatingly-joking-but-not-really-oh-god fuckbois in my book.

This took an honest turn far faster than last time.

I'm going to need Bourbon.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago

So what about that new Titans Trailer huh?

Ducks for cover
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Sep What's up with all the Netflix logos? Did the DC streaming service flop already?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre PƔjaro

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

@Sep What's up with all the Netflix logos? Did the DC streaming service flop already?

It might be airing on Netflix internationally?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

It might be airing on Netflix internationally?


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

It might be airing on Netflix internationally?

Just confirmed through Google that's exactly what's happening.

Outside of the U.S. and China, Titans will be available on Netflix.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago


Iris West as

Character You're Playing: Iris West - The Flash

Powers And Abilities:
Connection to the Speedforce - Iris West is the main conduit of the Speedforce in our world but she is not the source of it. This connection grants her many different abilities, the main one is her Superhuman Speed. So far she can break the soundbarrier though Barry Allen, her confidant, believes that she can surpass that if she tries harder. Most of her abilities relate to her being able to travel at high speeds. From her body being more durable, to increased reflexes.

Journalist - She's an investigative Journalist, and good at what she does. Sure, Superspeed helps that. Though even before she became The Flash she was the best reporter in Central City (in her opinion).

Season One Recap:

Iris started Season One with the Revelation that in some future timeline she wasnā€™t the Flash. Despite being haunted by the ease at which Professor Zoom dispatched her and the news that this maybe wasnā€™t her destiny, she continued to be the hero that Central City needed her to be. Fighting multiple metahumans the first true test of strength for her was in the Silver Surfers arrival. Claiming to be on Earth to ā€˜testā€™ the mettle of Earths Heroes Surfer almost completely destroyed Iris. It took all of her skills and survival instincts to stay alive. Supermans arrival tipped the scales, and when the Surfer teleported Iris away she dug deep, going far faster than she had ever been before she punched the Surfer and the threat ended.

While Iris underwent some other minor adventures the biggest was the revelation that the man she had fought to be released from prison, Henry Allen, was the Reverse Flash, a.k.a Professor Zoom a.k.a Eobard Thawne. He had used his speed to kill Barry Allens mother and get away with it, with sufficient evidence he had planted. Try and she might Iris could not beat the Reverse Flash, who stole the speed of Jay Garrick - A speedster from World War Two. Giving the speed to Barry, Iris saw a flash of a life that could have been. As soon as she saw it however, it vanished. Barry killed Henry to save her, before turning to dust before her very eyes. Leaving her alone, the sole heir to the mantle of The Flash.

Heatwaves return, and the subsequent fight with the Surfer took its toll on Iris. She realises the necessity of the heroes having some form of cohesion, but at the same time. With her vision of Jay in an unknown place, she has more questions than answers. As Heatwave is broken out of a prison transport. Chaos is about to reign on Central City, and thereā€™s only one who can stop it.


Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Season one for me was really a proving ground. I wanted to take forth the idea of Iris as the Flash and run with it. I went with a storyline (Eobard Thawne) where I could have Iris fight my own, and other people's, misgivings about her holding the mantle of Flash. With her being deemed unworthy, she wasnā€™t meant to be the Flashā€¦ etc. As Iris moves past this, I want to go on to building Central City into a very real place. Like everywhere else there is crime, there are criminal elements that the Flash canā€™t deal with. At least not while also maintaining some form of normal life.

Iris in this season, now that she accepts her responsibility of the Flash is going to be struggling with what that really means. What it entails, how she has to be one of Central Cities finest reporters, and report on her alter ego without letting anyone know about it. Not only that but how it affects her personal life. All this is going to be going on when a very real and present threat is going to be lurking around the corner. Leonard Snart, the renowned criminal mastermind is back to claim his turf. Central City is his, and he has a plan on how to deal with the Flash.

Supporting Characters:

Jay Garrick: Until recently Jay Garrick was an old Speedster also known as the Flash - at least back in his hayday. Robbed of his speed Jay has resolved himself to helping Iris as a mentor, even going as far as renting an old office space to use as their ā€˜HQā€™.

Joan Garrick: Jays wife.

Phillip J. Coulson: Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Somewhat ally of The Flash. The two have had brief encounters in the past, with Iris assuming that he (and subsequently S.H.I.E.L.D) knows her secret identity.

William West: Her father, and rolemodel. William is a police officer in CCPD, and was formerly in the Army until his wife passed away from a drug overdose.

Harrison Wells: Harrison Wells was the first to learn about Iris' identity as the Flash. Known as the 'smartest man in central city' Iris' father brought him in to help her when she was hit by lightning. He disappeared when Iris needed him, going to help the Fantastic Four and since returning has been strangely obsessed with her speed. With his vocal disapproval of her use of her abilities Iris has seen less and less of him over the past three months, seeking more the help of Jay Garrick.

Heatwave/Mick Rory: Mick Rory is an arsonist, criminal and a danger to society. Most recently he was imbued with the power cosmic in a way that allowed him to generate flames at will. This left him with serious burns over most of his body. This hasnā€™t halted his love for fire, if anything itā€™s renewed his desire to be brought back to the flame.

Captain Cold/Leonard Snart: As of yet Leonards true motives are unknown. His skills, unknown. All thatā€™s known is that Mick Rory owes him, and heā€™s after the city.

Weather Wizard/Mark Mardon: Weather Wizard was the first foe she faced. He used a piece of technology in order to rob banks and other establishments, the device was capable of controlling the weather. Currently residing in Iron Heights penitentiary.

Trickster/Unknown: The Trickster is actually the second iteration, and despite foiling his plans at destroying much of the city in what would be a 'trick' Iris has been unable to catch the Trickster and put him away for good.

Hydro-man/Morris Bench: Hydro-Man was the first Metahuman Iris ever faced. Currently serving in a glass box in Iron Heights he awaits relocation to the newly refurbished Raft outside of New York City.

Atom Smasher/Manfred Mota: Manfred Mota is an older villain, recently released from prison for serving his prison time he has been seeking out the one who put him away. The Original Flash - Jay Garrick. Iris faced him once, however was unable to defeat him. Heā€™s still out there, somewhere.

Post Catalogue:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You're all insecure, self-deprecatingly-joking-but-not-really-oh-god fuckbois in my book.

We're birds of a feather.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago

Sheets fixed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 3 days ago

I wanted to take forth the idea of Iris as the Flash and run with it.

Reject this man's sheet right the fuck now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Iā€™ll have my sheet up tonight
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Reject this man's sheet right the fuck now.

Accidental punnage is accidental.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Accidental punnage is accidental.

It's criminal negligence then. Either way you're going away for a long time, buster. You should be ashamed
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre PƔjaro

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Character You're Playing: Batman/Bruce Wayne


Iris West as

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 40 min ago


Disclaimer: Grant Gustin will not be appearing, nor affiliated with my season as the Flash. Probably.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

| M O R D R E D |
"Whatever else I am, I am your son - your most wretched son. If you do not hate me, try to love me a little, Mother; it is lonely never to have been loved, only devoured."

| Character You're Applying For |
Mordred Pendragon

| Powers And Abilities |
Mordred is a homo magi, having an innate talent for accessing and manipulating the mystical energies which pass through the multiverse. These energies can be formed into spells through the application of will, or focus. More powerful magics may inhabit objects or words, but in both cases those merely serve as foci to off-set the physical toll on the body caused by channeling the mystica arcana. Mordred is both the wielder and the victim of magic, being under a spell cast by Morgan le Fey which grants him both eternal youth and eternal life.

| Origin And Backstory |
Mordred is the illegitimate son of King Arthur Pendragon, conceived by means of a liaison with his half-sister, Morgaine. Like Arthur, himself, Mordred's conception was the product of both magic and deception, as Morgaine wielded Merlin's own tricks against him in escalating political schemes aimed at ousting the magician from Camelot. Merlin saw the coming of a bastard born on May Day and convinced Arthur to put to death all infants who were born at that time. Morgaine knew that this royal command would seed division among the Knights of the Round Table, but safeguarded Mordred by entrusting him to Sir Brian of Kent, the Silent Knight. As he grew into a boy, Mordred served as page to Sir Brian and, for a brief period of time, Camelot was everything that people today believe it to have been.

Then it all went wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Lancelot's betrayal of Arthur's trust shattered the unity of the Knights of the Round Table. The knights turned on one another, as Lancelot fled the kingdom and Arthur's rage set forth in a warpath that promised no peace for so long as either Lancelot or Arthur yet lived. It was at Camlann that all was revealed. Sir Brian's betrayal of his king's command. Mordred's true parentage. Morgaine's role in the fall of Camelot and Merlin's massacre of Sir Jason's family. Arthur moved to kill the bastard, but Sir Brian intervened. In the subsequent fight between them, Arthur slew the Silent Knight - the only father that Mordred had ever known - in front of the young squire's eyes. Taking up his knight's arming sword, Mordred dealt Arthur a mortal wound before being slain by the dying Arthur. Mordred died at the hands of his father, his body lying beside the Silent Knight, the man that he had loved as his dad.

But Mordred's story didn't end there. Instead, it had only begun. Morgaine made a deal with Morpheus, the primordial "Elder God" of the Dreaming, which enabled Mordred's spirit to retake corporeal form as his story was told and re-told. As part of Morgaine's plan, with each re-telling, the story changed with subtle nuance that shifted the roles of the people involved. Morgaine's duplicity was obfuscated as her character became confused, even divided into separate roles -- Morgause and Morgan -- while blame for Arthur's dead cast Mordred as the penultimate villain. Compared to Mordred, the villain who never was, Arthur became the magnanimous man, the once and future king. From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Cretien de Troyes to Thomas Mallory and E.B. White, the story of Sir Mordred became the story of Mordred the Evil, and Morgaine's role that of no more than a minor witch.

A thousand years later, a book is stolen from out of the House of Mystery. The Libellus Sanguinis, a tome of forbidden knowledge said to have been authored by Mary, Queen of Blood. As people start to go missing across Europe, it becomes clear that the Cult of the Blood Red Moon may be rising once more. The quest to recover it brings Mordred back to a reality that has forsaken him for the memory of a great king who never was.

| What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'? |
This version combines aspects of both the DCAU Mordred and Marvel Comics' Mordred, leveraging the varied storytelling of the Arthurian Legend to return to the heroic Sir Mordred of the earliest known accounts. This version of Mordred also combines magical elements of both Marvel's "Masters of the Mystical Arts" and DC's "Justice League Dark" in order to arrive at a narrative that combines aspects of both to create a story of British superheroes both old and new.

Nina Skorzeny (Scream Queen)
A young Romanian girl kidnapped and turned into a vampire by the Tenth Circle.

Squire (Cyril Sheldrake)
A boy whose father was killed by Springheeled Jack. The Black Knight's squire.

Dane Whitman (Black Knight)
A descendant of Arthur Pendragon and the current champion of the Lady of the Lake. Wields the Sword of Light and the Shield of Night.

Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo)
A member of the Masters of the Mystical Arts, the protector of the London Sanctum.

Lord Crucifer
A powerful and ancient vampire, Crucifer leads the sect of the vampire nation that has come to be known as the Tenth Circle.

One of Vlad Dracul's children and Crucifer's lieutenant.

Springheeled Jack
A lesser demon from Limbo who has plagued London since at least 1837.

Klarion the Witch-Boy
A resident of Limbo Town.

Morgan le Fey
A mother's work is never done.

Thomas Cassidy (Black Tom)
A modern Irish highwayman, currently working with Morgan le Fey.

| Locations |
Jordan Tower (The London Sanctum)
Built upon the ruins of an ancient keep dating back to Roman London, the Jordan Tower lies at the intersection of ley lines crossing the Earth. Home to Brother Voodoo.

Limbo Town
A city on the edge of forever, founded by witches from Roanoke, and gateway to Limbo. Located underneath the city of New York.

The House of Mystery
A convergence where the physical realm and the Dreaming cross over.

| Sample Post |
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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