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"Yo, we talking about Wild Dogs?"
"Wild Dogs is my shiiiiiit."
How I read @Star Lord's post.
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
You know who fought them wild dogs, though?
Liam Neesons!
Did someone say Watch_Dogs?
I liked the tech demo!
@Weird Tales. To be honest, if I was playing Wild Dogs, I would say that Jack Wheeler felt inspired by The Punisher's work (since it kept making national news) to create Wild Dogs. He decided to become the mask so nobody else would ever lose their loved ones in his hometown of Chicago. Maybe it could be some organized criminal enterprise or just random gangs that he fights at the nights then he just has a regular job during the day. Chicago has some bad poor neighborhoods that you can have Jack live in and make some of the neighbors know that he's Wild Dogs, but they don't say anything to the authorities because he's doing a good job of cleaning the streets. You could have them be the reason why Jack keeps on being Wild Dogs even if he manages to kill the gang that got his family killed.
I don't know. I have no idea who Wild Dogs is, but everything else in the sheet seems fine to me. You shouldn't feel like that you have to restart with a different character.
EDIT: Hell, you could also change cities from Chicago to Detroit (or another city with terrible crime rates and lots of poor neighborhoods) and say that he's still Wild Dogs is because he wants to see the city doing better. And as a result, people make him into some sort of hero even if he kills.
Also, 420th post... heheheheheheh
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>
How the hell do you think Sep we got through Season 1?
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>
A lot of cocaine.
Well, since there's so many posts in here already I figured I might as well through up a CS for a little street-level hero you may have heard of while I still can. @Master BruceUltimate One Universe: Season Two Application
Character You're Applying For: Daniel Rand | The Iron Fist
Powers And Abilities:
- The Iron Fist: While in one sense a subset of his Chi Manipulation, The Iron Fist’s power comes from the stolen heart of a now dead ancient dragon. While most passers-by wouldn’t believe this story, Daniel Rand makes use of his power to punch through walls, steel, and even a few people. He has yet to test the limits of this punch.
- Enhanced Healing: Another by-product of being The Iron Fist, Daniel Rand can choose to augment his chi into healing his physical form over time. This requires great effort and pain. In theory, he could use this to heal others.
- Martial Arts Master: While training in K’un-Lun, Daniel Rand trained hard to become one of the greatest martial artists of the modern age. When he competed for the title of The Iron Fist, Daniel went undefeated against all in K’un-Lun who stood in his way. With his training in Martial Arts, Daniel Rand developed proficiency with a plethora of weapons.
- Master of Acrobatics: Similarly involved in his raining as a martial artist, Daniel Rand has developed excellent agility and remains rather quick on his feet compared to most combatants. He can augment his chi to make himself quicker than the average human, but doing so requires a lot of focus and prevents him from using his fist.
- Supernatural Sense: An augmentation of his chi allows Daniel Rand to augment his senses, allowing him to enhance his natural senses to the point of the supernatural. This is most readily accessed through meditation.
Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Born to Wendell and Heather Rand, Daniel Rand was born to opulence and wealth. His father was the CEO of Rand Incorporated, a multi-billion dollar company selling insurance and dealing in construction and real-estate under sub-companies. Daniel spent his young life spending time with his close friend, Joy Meachem, the daughter of his father’s CFO. So it was not uncommon or unusual when Daniel and his parents went on a three month trip during Danny’s summer vacation when he was nine. They travelled throughout Europe, briefly visited South Africa, and then were slated to visit China and Japan.
The plane never made it to China. A freak storm crashed the plane in the Himilayas. In the crash, Danny was separated from his father and Harold Meachem for a short while. They seemingly reconnected, but only as Wendell was dangling precariously from a cliff’s edge with Meachem looming over. Meachem stepped on Wendell’s fingers, and the remaining Rand family members ran in horror at the sight. Daniel and Heather attempted to navigate their somewhat frozen environment, but soon found themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves. They ran as fast as they could, finding a rope bridge across a dangerous chasm. Heather told Danny to run across it before cutting the rope, saving Danny but dooming herself.
The bridge Danny had crossed turned out to be the nexus point to K’un-Lun. He was welcomed there as an orphan and an outsider. With no family and no remaining purpose except revenge, the young Daniel Rand trained under Lei-Kung the Thunder. The immortal Martial Arts Master trained all those who wished to fight to become the Iron Fist. For 10 years, Danny Rand trained to gain that title. And on his 20th birthday, the time came for him to fight for that right. He challenged five opponents, one of whom was Lei-Kung’s own son. He won every fight, and was sent to fight Shou-Lao the Undying Serpent. Victory was achieved through Daniel’s mastery of martial arts and his cunning. He was therefore able to absorb the Shou-Loa’s heart and become the next Iron Fist.
Daniel sought revenge, and therefore abandoned K’un-Lun. He returned home to much fanfare only 2 months ago. He developed the lie that he had managed to hide away at a monastery in the area for years before gaining the means of travelling home. Due to his father’s last will and testament, Daniel was able to regain his father’s shares in the company. As majority shareholder and having a role on the board of now Rand-Meachem Inc., Daniel started up a charity arm of the company that began to attempt to set up homeless shelters in undeveloped countries. Daniel has been waiting and planning for his confrontation with Harold Meachem. Blood will have blood.
What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
The character is mostly consistent from his portrayal in the comics, with a few exceptions. While not laudable, the Iron Fist series did something interesting in making the conflict with Davos more personal. This version of Daniel Rand is someone who does not shy away from killing at this point in time, and is heavily focused on revenge rather than peace. Daniel is also an interesting character to have in a world where the more Oriental and Mystical parts of the DC universe are up for grabs as well. Danny is someone who can fit in with magical, street-level, or militaristic heroes as well, making him an interesting fit for a Year One universe.
Supporting Characters:
Colleen Wing: A recent friend of Danny’s, Colleen Wing is the daughter of a professor of Oriental Studies at Columbia University. Their meeting was happenstance at Daniel’s “Welcome Back” party, and Daniel has given her the task of leading Rand-Meachem Inc.’s humanitarian efforts.
Joy Meachem: Childhood friend of Daniel Rand, and member of the Board of Rand-Meachem Inc. She is slated to be the new CEO following the retirement of Ward Meachem, her uncle. She has an electric personality, possessing overflowing charisma and is known for solving conflicts in Board Meetings.
Lei-Kung: Daniel’s mentor. While the two exist currently in separate universes, the two share a powerful connection that can be accessed through deep meditation. Lei-Kung acts as a surrogate father-figure for Daniel.
Davos: He left K’un-Lun with Daniel, and the relationship has remained falsely amicable. In Daniel’s mind, the two are still allies and Davos has started up a dojo in New York called the Thunderer Dojo. It is being funded in part by Daniel personally.
Character Picture:
Sample Post:T H E I R O N F I S TNew York City, New YorkDecember 20th, 2018 | 11:53pm | Harold Meachem's Penthouse
Snow billowed before the picturesque floor-to-ceiling window, the lights of the New York City Skyline shifting in and out as it cascaded upon the Persian rug beneath Harold's feet. On the left arm of his reclined chair was a cup holder with a glass of Scotch resting comfortably inside. Harold's glasses were perched at the tip of his nose as his eyes scanned the book before him: a copy of Macbeth. Harold was one who still found joy in the arts and in literature, and Shakespeare was no exception. He hummed slightly as he picked up the glass to take a sip. He relished in this small, private moment.
It wouldn't last.
Harold missed the brief thuds that came in that private moment. He did hear the crash from behind him, forcing Harold to drop his glass and turn around abruptly as he stood. Standing in the doorway to this private lounge in Harold's penthouse was a man wearing a mask. It covered his nose upward, made of a yellow fabric. The eyes of the intruder were visible and present, and the anger behind them was apparent. On the intruder's chest was the black outline of a dragon, and he wore only pants and a belt made of similar material but green and yellow in color (respectively). Harold stood speechless for a moment, taking in the carnage visible beyond his lounge. The security team, all six of them, lay unconscious on the ground in the living room. Some of his priceless vases had been shattered.
The eyes... they were what was most striking. They seemed familiar... and full of rage. Righteous anger. For the first time in his entire life, Harold felt true fear. So he ran to his left, towards an open set of doors and towards his bedroom. He slammed the doors shut as he entered, locking them and rushing towards his nightstand. He pressed a small button on the underside, and a panel in the wall opened up to reveal a small metal room. Meachem managed to rush inside and press the button for the door to close just as the intruder kicked the bedroom door in. The panel in the wall slid shut just as the intruder's feet had nearly reached the panic room. Harold was shut off and safe, for the time being.
Daniel Rand took a deep breath. He wasn't sure how much longer he had before the authorities arrived. He had been home 2 months, but was still getting used to living with technology. He still wasn't entirely sure how his new phone worked, since the last phone he had was a flip-phone. Regardless, Danny did know a panic room when he saw one, as his family home was installed with one. And this room wouldn't save Harold for long. With another deep breath, Daniel's clenched fist began to glow from the inside. With a swift jab forward, the wall dented. With another, the wall seemed to be caving inward. With a final jab, the panel in the wall flew against the other wall.
The Iron Fist turned his gaze towards the terrified Harold Meachem, who was pissing himself in the corner. "Harold Meachem... your power lies atop the grave of Wendell Rand... My father! Blood will have Blood!" His voice carried weight and anger, and he was practically shouting.
Harold Meachem pleaded for his life, sitting upon his knees before the son of the only man he'd killed. But Daniel's ears were deaf to those pleas, as his clenched fist was raised into the air, ready to strike downward. But the punch wasn't delivered. For but a moment, Danny flinched.
The hesitation wasn't out of pity. There was someone else present now. Daniel heard something being unsheathed and spun around in a defensive stance. A dagger was thrown... but not at The Iron Fist. Instead, the dagger found its sheath in the throat of Harold Meachem. Daniel only caught a glimpse of this figure, an individual in all black with black wrappings covering everything but the eyes. A Ninja? Seriously?
The mysterious assassin dashed away almost immediately, and Danny began his pursuit. The individual was particularly fast, darting into the hallway outside of the apartment just as Danny reached the living room. By the time Danny reached the hallway, there were no signs of anyone else for a moment. The first sound to pierce the air was the "ding" of the elevator at the end of the empty hallway with no doors.
Joy Meachem's father rarely ever wanted to spend time with her before. But ever since Danny came home, he would come see her at least once a day. And of course he wanted to spend time today as well. She was busy dealing with the paperwork regarding Danny's humanitarian efforts. Her heels clopped against the tile hallway leading to her father's penthouse, and Joy was busy reading a text she had just received. It was her assistant asking her yet another question she had answered a million times before. So the response was short, and Joy placed her phone back into her purse to see a horrid sight. She quickly fished into her purse, pulling out a sidearm and kicking off her heels quickly.
Joy knew that the alarm had to have gone off. The guards were all unconscious. There were no sounds audible yet. She kept her gun pointed ahead of her as she made her way to her father's lounge. The Scotch on the ground was a terrifying sight... but the first sounds coming from the bedroom were more terrifying. Joy quickly made her way into the bedroom, and then the saferoom. The gasps for breath were getting louder. There in the saferoom was Harold Meachem, covered in blood and reclining with his back to the wall. Joy rushed in to embrace her father, covering herself in his blood now too. Harold wasn't able to get out any words, but tears fell from his cheeks as he reached his hands to hold her daughter's head still as he gave a dying kiss. His body went limp, and Joy sobbed, barely able to see.
She did see something... strange, on the wall next to her father. Blood in a pattern that was unnatural. A name. And when Joy managed to bat away the tears enough so that she could see... it was clear what was written on the wall. Something she smeared away with her hand in disbelief. Supposedly, the name of who committed the act, in Harold's own handwriting.R A N D
Welp, time to throw my hat in the ring after stalking season 1 for a while. Was thinking of a few different characters but decided to try for Ms Marvel.Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application
Character You're Applying For: Carol Danvers a.k.a. Ms Marvel
Powers And Abilities:Human/Kree physiology: With her genetic makeup changed forever quite a few changes have occurred in her body with a wide variety of effects.
Toxin Immunity: Her Kree biology has made her immune to most forms of toxins and poisons. Only the most exotic and unique of venoms and poisons have any chance at damaging her enhanced cellular structure.
Superhuman Strength/Durability: Her new genetic makeup has enhanced her strength by leaps and bounds. With her power she can roughly lift up the weight of a small space shuttle which is a rather impressive feat. Her new biology greatly strengthened her cellular structure allowing her to tank heavy blows from super powered opponents, as well as a strong resistance to conventional weaponry and the ability to absorb and redirect energy.
Superhuman Stamina: Already in good physical condition from her time in the Air Force, her enhanced body allows her to work for hours straight without a break. This makes long-haul type assignments much more manageable as well easily outlasting most opponents in a fight.
Superhuman Speed/Agility/Reflexes: Her years of service plus her enhanced senses have easily pushed herself to the levels of an Olympian Athlete and this is all without using her power of flight.
Superpowered Flight: The exact method of propulsion is unknown though it is theorized she is manipulating a sort of energy field around her body that is invisible and only affects her unique physiology. While flying she can easily exceed speeds way past the sound barrier and can maneuver as smoothly as a fighter jet through the air. Her top speed is unknown but she has yet to have a need to try and go faster than that.
Seventh-Sense: A unique ability that connects her to the cosmos on a rather mundane level. It basically works was a sort of prediction mechanism that tells her what an opponent is most likely to do; however, it is only a prediction and can therefore be faulty or even useless in snap-decision type moments. Until she can figure out how to effectively make use of it, the sense is better left alone for now.
Energy Absorption: Like a rechargeable battery, Carol Danvers is able to absorb a wide range of energy types which has the effect of supercharging her body. If given enough energy she can reach heights not yet determined. All of her powers can be amplified in this manner and even gives her a few new tricks such as cellular regeneration allowing her to heal from most wounds, and even the ability to molecularize her clothes to change their look and shape.
Photonic Blasts: Perhaps a byproduct of her energy absorption abilities she is able to form and fire photon and stellar energies as powerful blasts. Their power are heavily dependent on how much energy she has absorbed so the more energy you feed her the more powerful the blasts. At normal levels she can easily break apart machinery and so much more.
Military/Pilot Training: She can pilot most aircraft and has the affinity to learn spacecraft rather quickly. Also training in both unarmed and armed combat like every military officer.
Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):Carol Danvers was the oldest child in a rather traditional but poor family. Due to monetary constraints her parents could only pay for some of their kids' college tuition and to give some of her brothers a better chance her father decided to skip her despite her good grades. Wanting to go to college but unable to afford it, Carol Danvers decided to join the military to help pave her way and entered the Air Force. She managed to rise to the rank of Colonel before deciding to join NASA.
During her time at NASA while on assignment she met the enigmatic Walter Larson and the two formed a close bond. Later it is revealed to her that he is actually Captain Mar-vell, a spy of the Kree Empire. Devastated by the revelation, Carol was easily tricked and kidnapped by Colonel Yon-Rogg who uses her to plan Mar-vell’s, ultimate demise by luring him into a trap.
Mar-vell, feeling responsible for the abduction, quickly flied right into the trap for the fight of his life. During that battle and some misdirected fire from Yon-Rogg, an explosion occurs which exposed the Kree Psyche-Megatron’s energies to Carol. Due to its strange powers and abilities, along with the exposure to Kree technology and genetic structure, the strange device proceeded to warp and meld Carol’s body with the surrounding Kree, The result gave birth to the new Ms. Marvel.
After gaining her new abilities S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly learned of the alien conspiracy and the creation of the new human/kree hybrid Carol Danvers. Captain Mar-vell managed to keep his involvement as Walter Larson a secret but now S.H.I.E.L.D knew of a Kree operative on earth. Due to the alien involvement in the incident, S.W.O.R.D., the extraterrestrial off-shoot of S.H.I.E.L.D., became involved and spearheaded by Agent Abigail Brand has been keeping an eye on the new Ms. Marvel as well as any more Kree activity.
What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:This version of Ms. Marvel thankfully does not have to deal with the split personality from the Psyche-Megatron exposure and has had a fairly stable transition. All the power and changes to her body are still quite new to her so she is still getting a handle on her new situation. Due to the incident that created her she has developed some xenophobic tendencies. Despite this her friendship with Mar-vell, while rocky is salvageable because of his willingness to sacrifice himself and his reputation in the Kree Empire, she has somewhat forgiven him but maintains some distrust of him.
Due to a shaky start and her experience, this version of Ms. Marvel has already been semi-recruited by S.W.O.R.D. who is keeping a close eye on her. Trying to make sense of her new circumstances after essentially being expelled from NASA over the incident, she has only been doing the odd job here and there while she tries to figure herself out.
This Carol is someone who is confused about her current role in the world and the current rapid changes are forcing her to adapt quickly. Her identity as a hero hasn’t been defined yet and so this season more focuses on how she creates her new identity and steps into a strange, alien world.
Supporting Characters:Captain Mar-vell/Walter Larson: A Kree spy on earth who took the identity of Walter Larson for his mission. Due to his time on Earth and getting to know earthlings, including Carol, he grew to like the planet and his people which has put him at odds with his mission. Due to his alien revelation to Carol, their relationship is rather strained at the moment.
Colonel Yon-Rogg: An aggressive and greedy member of the Kree Navy, he has always been somewhat of a rival to Captain Mar-vell and is always on the lookout for prestige and recognition. Catching wind of Mar-vell’s leaning allegiances, the Colonel took it as an opportunity to rat out a traitor and boost his own rank in the process. His kidnapping of Carol Danvers to lure Mar-vell into his trap was what started everything.
Abigail Brand: An agent of S.W.O.R.D. who has essentially been positioned as Carol’s new handler do to her expertise in aliens, though that expertise is limited of course. It is her duty to keep tabs on the new human/alien hybrid when she is not busy with her other duties, which is most of the time so mostly she just checks in from time to time. Her hair is a natural green which reveals some alien heritage.
Dr. Minn-Erva: A Kree scientist whose specialty is genetic engineering. Dr. Minerva has taken a special interest in Earth due to its unique genetics which has cause such a wide range of abilities to form. As the Kree have reached peek genetic homogeny where is very little genetic variability as a whole, so her aim is to find a way to adapt the human genome as a way to modify Kree genes and improve her race, or at the very least herself.
Joseph Danvers [Father]: Carol’s father, they don’t speak too much and are not on the best of terms. He can be blunt, crass, and downright disagreeable but he does care, though his sons take up more of his heart than Carol.
Salia Petrie: Carol met the red-headed Salia Petrie at Nasa where they started to work on projects together. Not very many women ended up in their section so they naturally started spending more time together than other co-workers. The two have a close bond and often confide in each other, though Carol now finds she is a bit limited in what she can say.
Character Picture:
Sample Post:There are times in your life when you just want to stare at a wall, just so happened my wall was full of drinks. The inside of this bar was currently my wall.
I let my mind wander as I sat at the bar counter, with a lazy hand touching the top of my glass with just enough force to clink the melting ice around. In the bottom of the glass was a small bit of whisky which I had barely touched, even though I had been in the mood for something a little heavy I guess I just liked beer better. In any case, I wasn’t here to be drop dead drunk, it was more to think about everything that had happened in my life so far.
My life is pretty screwed up at the moment.
My almost official boyfriend, Walter Lawson, had turned out to be a spy from an alien empire. I had been duped and kidnapped by a Kree military officer who considered Walter to be a traitor to the Kree. Used as bait to lure and destroy Walter…no…Captain Mar-vell, and this Colonel Yon-Rogg put me and potentially the entire Earth in jeopardy. Mar-vell was able to stop him but not before an explosion bathed me in the dying breathe of some crazy machine’s particles and rays. Apparently the machine was almost alive and even manipulate the brain directly, perhaps an aftereffect of the explosion it had done so much more than a few changes to my body.
I had been rescued but my life, body, and mind had been changed forever.
S.W.O.R.D. picked me up shortly after and ran a whole assortment of tests. From the results it appears the explosion bonded Kree DNA to my own genetic structure and apparently even downloaded a bunch of alien knowledge directly into my brain. I was taken aback when one of the tests had me reading some out-of-this world text and I could even read the nonsense and translate it for them! Sometimes even my own vocabulary gets mixed up with some language I don’t know yet somehow I know exactly what it means even if I can’t explain it.
Apparently Kree DNA comes with its own set of instructions.
Eventually they let me go and I was put on leave because of the incident, since it was my own damn fault I’m sure they were just being nice to me before my position is terminated. At least it has given me some time to think.
I hear the chime of the small bell by the door, betraying that someone has entered the bar. I turn to see one of my best friends enter, Salia Petrie. She is, or was, a coworker of mine at NASA, we've been through thick and thin together but not being able to work along side her any more will sure change things.
I’m surprised she found the time to come down here.
“Hey there Carol, how are you holding up?” The slender red-head asks as she slides into the seat next to me. I tighten my grip on the glass and bring it up for a quick sip, the whisky slips down by throat with a slight burning sensation. I have to be a bit careful these days as it can be pretty easy to break something as fragile as a glass since the accident.
“Well I won’t sugar coat it Salia, I feel like absolute crap. You would think with the whole world drastically changing these past few months that things couldn’t get any stranger. It was just a little while ago that the whole metahumans thing became common knowledge and next thing you know I’ve been abducted by big blue-men, and they are not members of a band.”
Having someone who actually knows a bit about the real situation certainly allows me to blow off some steam. Quite a few things would just be seen as me going mad if I started ranting to some random barkeep or patron. But even with her, there are still quite a few confidential things I can’t even think of discussing without breaking protocol.
Strange things might be well known now, but the military and intelligence departments still have plenty of secrets to keep, like most of the details of my little abduction and the aftermath. As a NASA member who had been in the area at the time she at least knew about the alien involvement if nothing else. I could at least talk with her a little without going into the specifics.
“Sorry to hear that Carol, and to think that Larson had to leave on official business. He would have been more than happy to help you through this.” I winced a bit on the inside at her mention of Larson, even just hearing his name made me feel the stab in the back I had felt upon learning his true identity, not to mention the pain to my heart. Despite the betrayal I still had not told S.W.O.R.D. about how he was actually a Kree spy, while I had yet to fully forgive him I could at least tell he had been sincere when he apologized after the incident. Of course after apologizing for everything that happened to me he had also mentioned needing to check on something which had gone missing. Of course he gave me no details and had disappeared completely off the grid as he did whatever it was he was doing.
He was definitely still a jerk.
“Ya, I wish he was here too.” I managed to crack a small smile despite my inner thoughts, and downed the rest of the glass before smacking it on the table. I really did wish he had stuck around; partially so I could get the full story straight from his mouth about what was really going on, and also because I really, really wanted to beat his ass down air force style!
“But hey, I’m a tough girl and I’m sure it won’t be too much longer before I’m back in action.” I tried to sound confident as I twirled the remaining ice in my glass.
“Of that I have no doubt Carol. You always did know how to take charge of things!” Salia flashed her pearly whites and signaled for the bartender. “I’ll have a hard lemonade thanks!” With a nod the bartender went about his business and of course I had to poke a little fun at her.
“Oh yes, a hard lemonade, such a daring choice.”
“Well excuse me if I can’t hold my liquor like you army types.”
“It was air force actually.”
“Oh shut up and get another drink. Let’s just forget about our troubles for a bit and talk about stupid things.”
“Sounds good, might be just what I need right now.”
Yes, that certainly did sound like a good plan. Soon came my next round, though I decided it was time to go back to plain old beer. Nothing quite like a cold beer while chatting with friends, almost like I was back in the air force but without the uniform of course.
Soon my troubles started to fade away into the horizon.
I wanna be policeman so nafamboy. Strictly of the class A substances. Everything else is okay though.
Also, for switching characters before the season even started, @Byrd Man has lost his banner privileges for the season. As there are no pictures of Adrian Chase and Misty Knight together, my only choice was to go for replacing Nemesis with someone else. So he gets The Bat-Finger Wag of Shame.
Welcome to the banner, @ErsatzEmperor!