Name: Hyperion | God Of Light | Lord Primarch | His Royal Majesty
Domain: The Light
Appearance: Standing at an imposing 3 meters tall (9'10") and covered in divine golden armor, Hyperion is nothing short in being an incredibly daunting figure even in his human form. Behind his radiating helmet and his voice of order, two glowing white eyes are all what can be seen of his face with the rest concealed within its shade. A bright halo can be seen hovering above his head and has two massive wings jetting from his back to cast shade on those unworthy to see the light that shines behind him. In fact, wherever he goes, he projects a rather bright light from his body, reminding everyone who he comes in contact with who he is.
Realm: Terratoria, The Radiant KingdomKnown by many as simply "The Radiant Kingdom", Terratoria is located on the highest peak of Serphrates, the island left of the main continent. Hyperion's kingdom is built around it's tallest mountain, Mt. Peratubo, covering it almost entirely with her pure-white adamantium buildings and bellowing a golden hue. It is divided into roughly twelve levels, each divided by a massive hundred foot tall wall, with the streets curving upwards towards the next level.
The lower levels (1-5) are mostly comprised of houses and farmland, as well as where the main gate is located. The mid-levels (6-8), is where most of the industrial businesses are located, with blacksmiths, coalminers, and so forth are located. Levels (9-11) is where the exceptionally wealthy are located, as well as the locations of the Senate, Military Base, and other major governmental buildings. The Final Level, (12) is where a giant citadel is located, along with "The Shining Throne" where Hyperion overlooks nearly the entire eastern portion of the island. More homes and workplaces can also be found deep within the mountain, eventually leading to it's core, where lies a massive power core that powers the entire fortress. Guard towers line across the fortified walls on nearly all levels, as well as others scattered around the surrounding mountain ranges, ever watching for invaders. All in all, it's a massive monarchal city fortress, where the light shines evermore.
In fact, any form of alienating darkness that steps foot on the island would be bombarded with a volley of radiant light, that could deter most evils and beings of dark from even stepping onto such holy and divine soils.
Biography: Darkness. The pitch black of the unknown is a mysterious entity. So dark, so cold, so... foreboding. Most mortals are afraid of it, for it's anyone's guess at what might jump out of it. Only light can possibly peel away through the bleak shadows, providing a path for everyone to traverse safely and without fear. Yet without darkness, there can be no light, no good without evil, no happiness amongst grief, for nothing can exist if it's direct opposite does not also exist. This is what the God Of Light, Hyperion, struggles to understand as he tries to strive a balance between both he and his greatest nemesis, all whilst attempting to satiate his inner desire to bathe the entire realm in light. It's a hard thing to manage for someone with such great responsibilities to hold.
When the world first began, and when the first ray of sunlight shined upon the newly virgin lands of Tabrasa, Hyperion was born into existence. As one of the first gods to be born, his role would be to shine his divine light to every corner of the realm and to vanquish all darkness and evil from it. And for a significant portion of his life, that's exactly what he attempted to do. For it was all that he was ever told and that he only knew upon his creation. Having ordered a holy fortress to be constructed over Mt. Peratubo on the island of Serphrates, left to the main continent, he assembled a vast army of angels and other holy entities to help him on his crusade against this vile enemy. Darkness lead to evil and, according to him, it must be purged to save the world from complete corruption. Their source, Sister Oao - the goddess of darkness - will be exterminated.
But as he lead his army all around Tabrasa, the years ticking by, Hyperion's goal continued to stray farther and farther from his iron grasp. No matter what he did, how he did it, and when he did it, the darkness never completely shunned from his vision. It was always one step ahead. Whenever he would purge a dark portion with his divine light, would the shadows engulf another portion of the land. For the longest time he tried to beat the odds but eventually he had to come to terms with his predicament. His divine conquest - his quest to bring light to every portion of the realm - will never be achieved. What he had learned instead was that it all revolved around balance. Without darkness, there can be no light. And the collateral damaged that had been unintentionally caused in his wake is simply unacceptable. This was the painful truth he had to deal with. Yet even then, he was still conflicted about his duty. He still desired the world to be bathed in this holy light, one that mortals looked up too with praise, as they abhorred the darkness. They believed in his cause. The majority wanted Hyperion to win. And somehow, with their praise, there is still hope in that happening... someway... somehow...
Reluctantly suppressing his desire to purge his arch-nemesis for the meantime, he was forced to humble himself and rather than spending his time on the frontlines, he ought to tend back to his kingdom of Terratoria and establish it further. He headed home and began to focus on the problems it was suffering, tending more to the needs of the people, creating more space for homes and crops, amongst others. He made it that his kingdom would come first before anything else, for it was his duty to keep his home safe. He became more pragmatic as a result. Even then, he also attempt to make amends to the other gods around him, establishing secure relationships with his allies. Yet despite his attempts to distract himself, he never did forget about his encoded orders. Whilst he does promote the balance of light and darkness, he still wants to purge what he proclaims as "chaos" and achieve his initial goals as a whole. While the wrath his old persona is currently more akin to a slumbering beast, with notable exceptions, when it awakes, all will feel his divine judgement upon the world of Tabrasa.
Notes: N/A
Misc: - Hyperion's voice is based on Doctor Fate's from Injustice: 2.
"Put this on thy holy tabula."